[Rcpp-devel] performance profile from Rcpp or RcppArmadillo code? Matrix subviews, etc

Paul Johnson pauljohn32 at gmail.com
Sun Jan 6 23:17:10 CET 2013

Hi Mario:

On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 9:09 PM, Mario Bourgoin <m.bourgoin at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hadley's guide to high performance computing using Rcpp was recommended on
> R-bloggers last November:
> https://github.com/hadley/devtools/wiki/Rcpp
> Should you say whether you're read it or whether it was useful for your
> purpose?

I agree, that writeup is a nice survey.

I'm stuck at a more fine-grained situation, where I really want a
profile of a large function using Armadillo and am as frustrated as
hell trying to get one.

Following R Writing Extensions, I am trying sprof and oprofile.

sprof seems to run, but never generates the profile output. I follow
this approach (http://greg-n-blog.blogspot.com/2010/01/profiling-shared-library-on-linux-using.html)
for sprof.  It makes the R test job run slower, I just can't find the
output file. There are no error messages.

$ export LD_PROFILE=/home/pauljohn/.../Amelia.so
$ export LD_PROFILE_OUTPUT=`pwd`

$ R -f testCode.R

But, for whatever reason, no profile file appears.  I'm still checking
into it. I've tried the advice in Writing R Extensions about writing
the profile into /var/tmp/... after creating a directory as root,
still same outcome. I feel sure I'm missing something very obvious.

oprofile looks exciting, if you have the newer edition (0.9.8).

In Debian, we don't have a pre-built package for oprofile-0.9.8, so
I've compiled that and it is interesting, but very complicated. It
gives a nice general overview that says the program is spending most
of its time in BLAS and LAPACK, but it doesn't help me very much. I
need to know which parts of the CPP code are causing all that access

In case you have not seen oprofile...

oprofile-0.9.8 has a new function "operf" that can run WITHOUT ROOT
ACCESS and it generates a large-ish folder of profiler output:

$ operf --callgraph R -f profile-AmeliaSpeedup-4.R

After that, however, is where I'm frustrated because I can't manage
the output. In case  you've never seen this output, here's a quick
paste. Perhaps other list readers will have pointers for me on how to
more wisely use opreport to trim down the time spent in the functions
inside the package shared library that I'm studying right now, which
is Amelia.so.

$ opreport --callgraph  | more
Using /home/pauljohn/sync/work/R-Amelia-Armadillo/oprofile_data/samples/
for samples directory.
warning: /no-vmlinux could not be found.
CPU: Intel Sandy Bridge microarchitecture, speed 2.701e+06 MHz (estimated)
Counted CPU_CLK_UNHALTED events (Clock cycles when not halted) with a
unit mask of 0x00 (No unit mask) count 90000
warning: dropping hyperspace sample at offset 21e4c8 >= 221d8 for
binary /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.13.so
warning: dropping hyperspace sample at offset 21e4c8 >= 221d8 for
binary /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ld-2.13.so
warning: dropping hyperspace sample at offset 10fd0 >= fb7e for binary
warning: dropping hyperspace sample at offset 1100 >= 1048 for binary
warning: dropping hyperspace sample at offset 11a0 >= 1048 for binary
samples  %        image name               app name                 symbol name
  11       100.000  libc-2.13.so             R                        malloc
31109    31.5168  libblas.so.3.0           R
  31109    100.000  libblas.so.3.0           R
/usr/lib/atlas-base/atlas/libblas.so.3.0 [self]
  7        100.000  libRcpp.so               R
virtual thunk to Rcpp::Rostream<true>::~Rostream()
18613    18.8570  libR.so                  R
  18613    100.000  libR.so                  R
/usr/lib/R/lib/libR.so [self]
  37       100.000  libc-2.13.so             R                        malloc
17443    17.6717  liblapack.so.3.0         R
  17443    100.000  liblapack.so.3.0         R
/usr/lib/lapack/liblapack.so.3.0 [self]
  4521     100.000  libc-2.13.so             R
4521      4.5803  libc-2.13.so             R                        _int_malloc
  4521     48.4306  libc-2.13.so             R
  4521     48.4306  libc-2.13.so             R
_int_malloc [self]
  293       3.1387  no-vmlinux               R
  2789     100.000  Amelia.so                R
arma::subview_elem2<double, arma::Mat<unsigned int>,
 arma::Mat<unsigned int> >::extract(arma::Mat<double>&,
arma::subview_elem2<double, arma::Mat<unsigned int>, arma::Mat<uns
igned int> > const&)
  2789     49.9105  Amelia.so                R
arma::subview_elem2<double, arma::Mat<unsigned int>,
 arma::Mat<unsigned int> >::extract(arma::Mat<double>&,
arma::subview_elem2<double, arma::Mat<unsigned int>, arma::Mat<uns
igned int> > const&)
  2789     49.9105  Amelia.so                R
arma::subview_elem2<double, arma::Mat<unsigned int>,
 arma::Mat<unsigned int> >::extract(arma::Mat<double>&,
arma::subview_elem2<double, arma::Mat<unsigned int>, arma::Mat<uns
igned int> > const&) [self]
  10        0.1790  no-vmlinux               R


THe output has a bunch of stanzas like this, and I have trouble
understanding what the output means.  The top line says there are 621
calls to line in the shared library that uses arma::subview_elem2.
What do the lines after that mean, where it has 0.6291 on line 2 and
49.9568 (repeated on 2 lines in a row)

  621      100.000  Amelia.so                R
void arma::subview_elem2<double, arma::Mat<unsigned
int>, arma::Mat<unsigned int> >::inplace_op<arma::op_subview_elem_equ,
arma::Op<arma::Mat<double>, arma::op_inv_sympd> >(a
rma::Base<double, arma::Op<arma::Mat<double>, arma::op_inv_sympd> > const&)
621       0.6291  Amelia.so                R
void arma::subview_elem2<double, arma::Mat<unsigned in
t>, arma::Mat<unsigned int> >::inplace_op<arma::op_subview_elem_equ,
arma::Op<arma::Mat<double>, arma::op_inv_sympd> >(arm
a::Base<double, arma::Op<arma::Mat<double>, arma::op_inv_sympd> > const&)
  621      49.9598  Amelia.so                R
void arma::subview_elem2<double, arma::Mat<unsigned
int>, arma::Mat<unsigned int> >::inplace_op<arma::op_subview_elem_equ,
arma::Op<arma::Mat<double>, arma::op_inv_sympd> >(a
rma::Base<double, arma::Op<arma::Mat<double>, arma::op_inv_sympd> > const&)
  621      49.9598  Amelia.so                R
void arma::subview_elem2<double, arma::Mat<unsigned
int>, arma::Mat<unsigned int> >::inplace_op<arma::op_subview_elem_equ,
arma::Op<arma::Mat<double>, arma::op_inv_sympd> >(a
rma::Base<double, arma::Op<arma::Mat<double>, arma::op_inv_sympd> >
const&) [self]
  1         0.0805  no-vmlinux               R

Oh,well.  It is fun when little glimmers of insight flash bye :)


> Best,
> Mario
> On Sat, Jan 5, 2013 at 9:50 PM, Paul Johnson <pauljohn32 at gmail.com> wrote:
>> I received a big pile of Rcpp code from some folks and am using it as
>> a way to learn about Armadillo and Rcpp.
>> From gazing at the code, and guessing about style and usage, I some
>> ways to make a program run faster.  But it is all by guessing and
>> testing.
>> I wish I could get a profile (via gcc) to find out where the Rcpp part
>> is spending its time.
>> Has anybody made a list of "dos and don'ts" for making faster
>> RcppArmadillo code?
>> So far, I'm absolutely sure that RcppArmadillo follows many of the
>> usual rules about fast code. Don't allocate huge matrices over and
>> over for no good reason, for example. Armadillo has the delayed
>> processing feature that automatically accelerates some calculations.
>> That's quite amazing to me.
>> But some of the practical details of writing code are uncertain. In
>> particular, I wonder about the slowdown in making calculations on
>> submatrices and the relative penalty you pay for re-calculating things
>> versus allocating space to store them. (I once saw a demonstration
>> that it is faster to recalculate multiplication problems than it is to
>> store the results in some cases....)
>> Here are some of the things I would like to read about. I have noticed
>> in R that accessing subsections of a matrix is slow, compared to
>> analyzing the whole thing. For example. It is SLOWER to repeatedly
>> work on a subsection of a matrix x than it is to extract that piece
>> one time and work on the copy. I'm pasting in the R code to
>> demonstrate this at the end of this message.
>> Does Armadillo follow that same logic, so that repeatedly accessing a
>> subview of a matrix is slower than creating a new copy of the
>> submatrix and then working on it?
>> Along those lines, has the performance of the Armadillo non-contiguous
>> matrix access been assessed? Are we well advised to just allocate new
>> matrices and access the non-contiguous subviews one time, than to
>> access them over and over?
>> Given a matrix g and vectors k1 and k2 that contain row numbers, we
>> want to do math on these sub matrices.
>> g(k1, k1)
>> g(k1, k2)
>> g(k2, k2)
>> I am *guessing* that repeated access to a non-contiguous matrix
>> subview is slower than accessing a contiguous block out of the matrix.
>> And accessing a whole matrix would be faster still. So maybe a person
>> ought to allocate.
>> arma::mat g11 = g(k1, k1);
>> rather than grabbing g(k1, k1) over and over. Know what I mean?
>> Oh, well. here's the example about R submatrix access
>> ## fasterR-matrix-1.R
>> ## Paul Johnson
>> ## 2012-12-23
>> nReps <- 5000
>> nVars <- 100
>> nRows <- 200
>> ## fn1 with elements is the fastest case scenario
>> ##
>> fn1 <- function(x){
>>     solve(x)
>> }
>> ## extract 2:(nVars+1) rows and columns, returns "anonymously"
>> fn2 <- function(x){
>>     y <- x[2:(nVars+1), 2:(nVars+1)]
>>     solve(y)
>> }
>> ## names new matrix to return
>> fn3 <- function(x){
>>     y <- x[2:(nVars+1), 2:(nVars+1)]
>>     yinv <- solve(y)
>> }
>> ## manufacture new matrix, copy results to it
>> fn4 <- function(x){
>>     y <- x[2:(nVars+1), 2:(nVars+1)]
>>     yinv <- solve(y)
>>     z <- matrix(0, nVars, nVars)
>>     z <- yinv
>> }
>> ## manufacuture bigger matrix, copy results into part of it
>> fn5 <- function(x){
>>     y <- x[2:(nVars+1), 2:(nVars+1)]
>>     yinv <- solve(y)
>>     z <- matrix(0, (nVars+1), (nVars+1))
>>     z[2:(nVars+1), 2:(nVars+1)] <- yinv
>> }
>> ## Now make up test data.
>> ## Manufacture symmetric matrices
>> Xlist1 <- vector("list", nReps)
>> for(i in 1:nReps){
>>     x <- matrix(rnorm(nRows * nVars), nRows, nVars)
>>     Xlist1[[i]] <- crossprod(x)
>> }
>> ## create padded theta-like matrix
>> Xlist2 <- vector("list", nReps)
>> for(i in 1:nReps){
>>     y <- Xlist1[[i]]
>>     y <- rbind(c(rep(1, nVars)), y)
>>     y <- cbind(c(-1, rep(1,nVars)), y)
>>     Xlist2[[i]] <- y
>> }
>> system.time(
>>     fn1l <- lapply(Xlist1, fn1)
>>     )
>> system.time(
>>     fn2l <- lapply(Xlist2, fn2)
>>     )
>> system.time(
>>     fn3l <- lapply(Xlist2, fn3)
>>     )
>> system.time(
>>     fn4l <- lapply(Xlist2, fn4)
>>     )
>> system.time(
>>     fn5l <- lapply(Xlist2, fn5)
>>     )
>> ## Conclusion. It IS slower to repeatedly extract rows & columns
>> 2:(nVars+1)
>> ## than to just work with a whole matrix of nVars x nVars values.
>> --
>> Paul E. Johnson
>> Professor, Political Science      Assoc. Director
>> 1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504      Center for Research Methods
>> University of Kansas                 University of Kansas
>> http://pj.freefaculty.org               http://quant.ku.edu
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Paul E. Johnson
Professor, Political Science      Assoc. Director
1541 Lilac Lane, Room 504      Center for Research Methods
University of Kansas                 University of Kansas
http://pj.freefaculty.org               http://quant.ku.edu

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