[Rcpp-devel] RInside under Windows

Dirk Eddelbuettel edd at debian.org
Tue Feb 14 21:42:07 CET 2012

On 14 February 2012 at 14:14, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
| | *)  The next problem is two instances each of:
| | 
| | there is no package called [Rcpp, RInside]
| | 
| | This is because .libPaths() is only finding
| | the main library and not the one where the
| | installed packages go.
| | 
| | This is diagnosed by adding a line to Makefile.win:
| | 
| | Rlibpaths := 		$(shell echo '.libPaths()' | $(R_HOME)/bin/R $(R_ARCH) 
| | --vanilla --slave)
| I would recommend using ~/.Rprofile which strikes me as easier.

Actually even easier may be to set R_LIBS_USER in the Makefile.win.  Let me
commit a comment-ed out stanza right now.


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