[Rcpp-devel] experimental operators code

romain at r-enthusiasts.com romain at r-enthusiasts.com
Fri Jun 11 15:39:34 CEST 2010


Somewhat motivated from Doug's recent question: 

I added some experimental code in Rcpp to allow this: 

code <- '
	NumericVector xx(x) ;
	NumericVector ll(lowerBd) ;
	return any( xx < ll ) ;
chkfun4 <- cxxfunction( signature( x = "numeric", lowerBd = "numeric" ), 
	code, plugin = "Rcpp" )

chkfun4(1, 0)
chkfun4(c(1, 0, 1), c(0, -Inf, 0))

This uses lazy evaluation so that   "xx < ll " is not evaluated at this point, but each xx[i] < ll[i] is evaluated later (if and when they are needed). So for example : 

xx <- c( 1, rep( 0, 100000 ) )
yy <- c( 2, rep( 0, 100000 ) )
chkfun4( xx, yy )

only has to compare 1 and 2. This should be as fast as Dirk's version,  but it takes care of missing values. so 

> chkfun4( NA, 1 )
[1] NA

Obviously, this will need some more abstraction so that we can have more operators (>, >=, <=, ==) and more functions (all, etc ...), but you get the idea.


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