[Rcpp-devel] Announcement: New package using Rcpp orQA

Florian Klinglmueller float at lefant.net
Mon Dec 20 15:17:54 CET 2010

Dear list,

I'd like to announce our new R-package orQA (
http://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/orQA/index.html) to you. orQA
provides order restricted methods for testing and estimation in high
dimensional data for which an order restriction can be assumed. In
particular our methods aim at microarray titration experiments (a certain
form of benchmark setup). Such experiments aim at creating measurements that
should follow a monotonic trend which can be tested and used to improve
estimates of certain variance components.

The package accompanies our upcoming article which is currently under

We use Rcpp very basically to move looping over the large number of
dimensions in the measurements to C which speeds up computation by several
orders of magnitude.

At this point I'd like to thank Romain and Dirk once again for their
fantastic support in moving our code to the  new API.

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