[Raster-commits] r237 - in pkg/raster: . R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Feb 3 03:08:51 CET 2009

Author: rhijmans
Date: 2009-02-03 03:08:51 +0100 (Tue, 03 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 237


Modified: pkg/raster/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/raster/DESCRIPTION	2009-02-02 14:52:39 UTC (rev 236)
+++ pkg/raster/DESCRIPTION	2009-02-03 02:08:51 UTC (rev 237)
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Package: raster
 Type: Package
 Title: Raster data handling for geographic data analysis and modeling
-Version: 0.8.7-8
-Date: 2-Feb-2009
+Version: 0.8.7-9
+Date: 3-Feb-2009
 Depends: methods, sp, rgdal (>= 0.5-33), R (>= 2.8.0)
 Author: Robert J. Hijmans & Jacob van Etten
 Maintainer: Robert J. Hijmans <r.hijmans at gmail.com> 

Added: pkg/raster/R/coercion.R
--- pkg/raster/R/coercion.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/raster/R/coercion.R	2009-02-03 02:08:51 UTC (rev 237)
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+# R code for changing rasters (spatial data)
+# Authors: Robert J. Hijmans
+# International Rice Research Institute
+#contact: r.hijmans at gmail.com
+# Date : October 2008
+# Version 0.8
+# Licence GPL v3
+.asSpGrid <- function(object, type='grid', dataframe=TRUE)  {
+	bb <- .toSpBbox(object)
+	cs <- resolution(object)
+	cc <- bb[,1] + (cs/2)
+	cd <- ceiling(diff(t(bb))/cs)
+	grd <- GridTopology(cellcentre.offset=cc, cellsize=cs, cells.dim=cd)
+	if (dataframe) {
+		if (dataContent(object) != 'all') { 
+			object <- readAll(object) 
+		}
+		data <- values(object)
+		data <- as.data.frame(data)
+	}
+	if (type=='pixel') {
+		object <- makeSparse(object)
+		pts <- SpatialPoints(xyFromCell(object,  dataIndices(object)))
+		if (dataframe) {
+			sp <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(points=pts, data=data, proj4string=projection(object, FALSE)) 	
+		} else {
+			sp <- SpatialPixels(points=pts, proj4string=projection(object, FALSE))
+		}
+	} else if (type=='grid') {
+		if (dataframe) {
+			sp <- SpatialGridDataFrame(grd, proj4string=projection(object, FALSE), data=data)
+		} else { 
+			sp  <- SpatialGrid(grd, proj4string=projection(object, FALSE))
+		}	
+	}
+	return(sp)
+setAs('RasterLayer', 'SpatialPixels', 
+	function(from) { return(.asSpGrid(from, type='pixel', FALSE)) }
+setAs('RasterLayer', 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame', 
+	function(from) { return(.asSpGrid(from, type='pixel', TRUE)) }
+setAs('RasterLayer', 'SpatialGrid', 
+	function(from) { return(.asSpGrid(from, type='grid', FALSE)) }
+setAs('RasterLayer', 'SpatialGridDataFrame', 
+	function(from) { return(.asSpGrid(from, type='grid', TRUE)) }
+setAs('RasterStack', 'SpatialGridDataFrame', 
+	function(from) { return(.asSpGrid(from, type='grid', TRUE)) }
+setAs('RasterStack', 'RasterLayer', 
+	function(from){ return(asRasterLayer (from)) }
+setAs('SpatialGridDataFrame', 'RasterLayer', 
+	function(from){ return(asRasterLayer (from)) }
+setAs('SpatialPixelsDataFrame', 'RasterLayer', 
+	function(from){ return(asRasterLayer (from)) }
+setAs('SpatialGrid', 'RasterLayer', 
+	function(from){ return(asRasterLayer (from)) }
+setAs('SpatialPixels', 'RasterLayer', 
+	function(from){ return(asRasterLayer (from)) }
+setAs('SpatialGrid', 'RasterStack',
+	function(from){ return(.asRasterStack (from)) }
+setAs('SpatialGridDataFrame', 'RasterStack',
+	function(from){ return(.asRasterStack (from)) }
+setAs('SpatialPixels', 'RasterStack', 
+	function(from){ return(.asRasterStack (from)) }
+setAs('SpatialPixelsDataFrame', 'RasterStack', 
+	function(from){ return(.asRasterStack (from)) }
+if (!isGeneric("asRasterLayer")) {
+	setGeneric("asRasterLayer", function(object, index)
+		standardGeneric("asRasterLayer"))
+setMethod('asRasterLayer', signature(object='RasterStack'), 
+	function(object, index=1){
+		if (nlayers(object) > 0) {
+			dindex <- max(1, min(nlayers(object), index))
+			if (dindex != index) { warning(paste("index was changed to", dindex))}
+			rs <- object at layers[[dindex]]
+			if (dataContent(object) == 'all') {
+				rs <- setValues(rs, values(object)[,dindex])
+			}
+		} else {
+			rs <- new("RasterLayer")
+			rs <- setBbox(rs, getBbox(object))
+			rs <- setRowCol(rs, nrow(object), ncol(object))
+		}
+		return(rs)
+	}
+setMethod('asRasterLayer', signature(object='SpatialPixelsDataFrame'), 
+	function(object, index=1){
+		r <- raster()
+		r <- setBbox(r, getBbox(object))
+		r <- setProjection(r, object at proj4string)
+		r <- setRowCol(r, object at grid@cells.dim[2], object at grid@cells.dim[1])
+		dindex <- max(1, min(dim(object at data)[2], index))
+		if (dindex != index) { warning(paste("index was changed to", dindex))}
+# to become an option, but currently support for sparse is too .....  sparse	
+		sparse <- FALSE
+		if (!sparse) {
+				object <- as(object, 'SpatialGridDataFrame')
+				r <- setValues(r, object at data[[dindex]])
+		} else {
+				cells <- object at grid.index
+				if (length(cells)==0) {
+					cells <- cellFromXY(r, object at coords)
+				}
+				r <- setValuesSparse(r, cells, object at data[[dindex]])
+		}
+		return(r)
+	}
+setMethod('asRasterLayer', signature(object='SpatialGridDataFrame'), 
+	function(object, index=1){
+		r <- raster()
+		r <- setBbox(r, getBbox(object))
+		r <- setProjection(r, object at proj4string)
+		r <- setRowCol(r, object at grid@cells.dim[2], object at grid@cells.dim[1])
+		dindex <- max(1, min(dim(object at data)[2], index))
+		if (dindex != index) { warning(paste("index was changed to", dindex))}
+		r <- setValues(r, object at data[[dindex]])
+		return(r)
+	}	
+.asRasterStack <- function(spgrid) {
+	stk <- new("RasterStack")
+	stk <- setBbox(stk, getBbox(spgrid))
+	stk <- setProjection(stk, spgrid at proj4string)
+	stk <- setRowCol(stk, spgrid at grid@cells.dim[2], spgrid at grid@cells.dim[1])
+	if (class(spgrid)=='SpatialPixelsDataFrame') {
+		spgrid <- as(spgrid, 'SpatialGridDataFrame')
+	}
+	if (class(spgrid)=='SpatialGridDataFrame' ) {
+		stk <- setValues(stk, as.matrix(spgrid at data))
+		rs <- as(stk, 'RasterLayer')
+		stk <- setValues(stk, as.matrix(spgrid at data))
+		for (i in 1:ncol(spgrid at data)) {
+			stk at layers[i] <- rs
+		}		
+	}
+	return(stk)
+.toSpBbox <- function(object) {
+	b <- getBbox(object)
+	bb <- matrix(NA, 2, 2)
+	bb[1,1] <- b at xmin
+	bb[1,2] <- b at xmax
+	bb[2,1] <- b at ymin
+	bb[2,2] <- b at ymax
+	return(bb)

Deleted: pkg/raster/R/conversion.R
--- pkg/raster/R/conversion.R	2009-02-02 14:52:39 UTC (rev 236)
+++ pkg/raster/R/conversion.R	2009-02-03 02:08:51 UTC (rev 237)
@@ -1,217 +0,0 @@
-# R code for changing rasters (spatial data)
-# Authors: Robert J. Hijmans
-# International Rice Research Institute
-#contact: r.hijmans at gmail.com
-# Date : October 2008
-# Version 0.8
-# Licence GPL v3
-setAs('SpatialGridDataFrame', 'RasterLayer', 
-	function(from){ return(asRasterLayer (from)) }
-setAs('SpatialGrid', 'RasterLayer', 
-	function(from){ return(asRasterLayer (from)) }
-setAs('SpatialPixelsDataFrame', 'RasterLayer', 
-	function(from){ return(asRasterLayer (from)) }
-setAs('SpatialPixels', 'RasterLayer', 
-	function(from){ return(asRasterLayer (from)) }
-setAs('RasterLayer', 'SpatialGridDataFrame', 
-	function(from){ return(asSpGrid (from)) }
-setAs('RasterStack', 'RasterLayer', 
-	function(from){ return(asRasterLayer (from)) }
-if (!isGeneric("asRasterLayer")) {
-	setGeneric("asRasterLayer", function(object,index)
-		standardGeneric("asRasterLayer"))
-setMethod('asRasterLayer', signature(object='missing',index='missing'), 
-	function(object){
-		return(raster())
-	}
-setMethod('asRasterLayer', signature(object='character',index='missing'), 
-	function(object){
-		r <- raster()
-		if (object == 'runif') {
-			r <- setValues(r, runif(ncell(r)))
-		} else if (object == 'seq') {
-			r <- setValues(r, 1:ncell(r))
-		}
-		return(r)
-	}
-setMethod('asRasterLayer', signature(object='Raster',index='missing'), 
-	function(object){
-		return(asRasterLayer(object, 1))
-	}
-setMethod('asRasterLayer', signature(object='SpatialPixels',index='missing'), 
-	function(object){
-		return(asRasterLayer(object, 1))
-	}
-setMethod('asRasterLayer', signature(object='RasterLayer', index='numeric'), 
-	function(object, index){
-		return(object)
-	}
-setMethod('asRasterLayer', signature(object='RasterStack', index='numeric'), 
-	function(object, index){
-		if (nlayers(object) > 0) {
-			dindex <- max(1, min(nlayers(object), index))
-			if (dindex != index) { warning(paste("index was changed to", dindex))}
-			rs <- object at layers[[dindex]]
-			if (dataContent(object) == 'all') {
-				rs <- setValues(rs, values(object)[,dindex])
-			}
-		} else {
-			rs <- new("RasterLayer")
-			rs <- setBbox(rs, getBbox(object))
-			rs <- setRowCol(rs, nrow(object), ncol(object))
-		}
-		return(rs)
-	}
-setMethod('asRasterLayer', signature(object='SpatialPixels', index='numeric'), 
-	function(object, index){
-		r <- raster()
-		r <- setBbox(r, getBbox(object))
-		r <- setProjection(r, object at proj4string)
-		r <- setRowCol(r, object at grid@cells.dim[2], object at grid@cells.dim[1])
-		return(r)
-	}
-setMethod('asRasterLayer', signature(object='SpatialPixelsDataFrame', index='numeric'), 
-	function(object, index){
-		raster <- asRasterLayer(as(object, "SpatialPixels"))
-		dindex <- max(1, min(dim(object at data)[2], index))
-		if (dindex != index) { warning(paste("index was changed to", dindex))}
-		sparse <- FALSE
-		if (!sparse) {
-			object <- as(object, 'SpatialGridDataFrame')
-			raster <- setValues(raster, object at data[[dindex]])
-		} else {
-			cells <- object at grid.index
-			if (length(cells)==0) {
-				cells <- cellFromXY(raster, object at coords)
-			}
-			raster <- setValuesSparse(raster, cells, object at data[[dindex]])
-		}
-		return(raster)
-	}
-setMethod('asRasterLayer', signature(object='SpatialGridDataFrame', index='numeric'), 
-	function(object, index){
-		raster <- asRasterLayer(as(object, "SpatialPixels"))
-		dindex <- max(1, min(dim(object at data)[2], index))
-		if (dindex != index) { warning(paste("index was changed to", dindex))}
-		raster <- setValues(raster, object at data[[dindex]])
-		return(raster)
-	}	
-setAs('SpatialGrid', 'RasterStack',
-	function(from){ return(asRasterStack (from)) }
-setAs('SpatialGridDataFrame', 'RasterStack',
-	function(from){ return(asRasterStack (from)) }
-setAs('SpatialPixelsDataFrame', 'RasterStack', 
-	function(from){ return(asRasterStack (from)) }
-setAs('SpatialPixels', 'RasterStack', 
-	function(from){ return(asRasterStack (from)) }
-.asRasterStack <- function(spgrid) {
-	stk <- new("RasterStack")
-	stk <- setBbox(stk, getBbox(spgrid))
-	stk <- setProjection(stk, spgrid at proj4string)
-	stk <- setRowCol(stk, spgrid at grid@cells.dim[2], spgrid at grid@cells.dim[1])
-	if (class(spgrid)=='SpatialPixelsDataFrame') {
-		spgrid <- as(spgrid, 'SpatialGridDataFrame')
-	}
-	if (class(spgrid)=='SpatialGridDataFrame' ) {
-		stk <- setValues(stk, as.matrix(spgrid at data))
-		rs <- as(stk, 'RasterLayer')
-		stk <- setValues(stk, as.matrix(spgrid at data))
-		for (i in 1:ncol(spgrid at data)) {
-			stk at layers[i] <- rs
-		}		
-	}
-	return(stk)
-.toSpBbox <- function(object) {
-	b <- getBbox(object)
-	bb <- matrix(NA, 2, 2)
-	bb[1,1] <- b at xmin
-	bb[1,2] <- b at xmax
-	bb[2,1] <- b at ymin
-	bb[2,2] <- b at ymax
-	return(bb)
-asSpGrid <- function(object, type='grid')  {
-	bb <- .toSpBbox(object)
-	cs <- resolution(object)
-	cc <- bb[,1] + (cs/2)
-	cd <- ceiling(diff(t(bb))/cs)
-	grd <- GridTopology(cellcentre.offset=cc, cellsize=cs, cells.dim=cd)
-	if (type=='pixel') {
-		object <- makeSparse(object)
-		pts <- SpatialPoints(xyFromCell(object,  dataIndices(object)))
-		data <- values(object)
-		data <- as.data.frame(data)
-		sp <- SpatialPixelsDataFrame(points=pts, data=data, proj4string=projection(object, FALSE)) 	
-	} else if (type=='grid') {
-		if ( dataContent(object) == 'all') {
-			data <- values(object)
-			data <- as.data.frame(data)
-			sp <- SpatialGridDataFrame(grd, proj4string=projection(object, FALSE), data=data)
-		} else { 
-			sp  <- SpatialGrid(grd, proj4string=projection(object, FALSE))
-		}	
-	}
-	return(sp)

Modified: pkg/raster/R/set.values.R
--- pkg/raster/R/set.values.R	2009-02-02 14:52:39 UTC (rev 236)
+++ pkg/raster/R/set.values.R	2009-02-03 02:08:51 UTC (rev 237)
@@ -145,7 +145,7 @@
 		if ( dataContent(raster) == 'all') {
 			vals <- seq(1:ncell(raster))
 			vals <- cbind(vals, values(raster))
-			vals <- as.vector(na.omit(vals))
+			vals <- na.omit(vals)
 			raster <- setValuesSparse(raster, sparsevalues=vals[,2], cellnumbers=vals[,1])
 		} else { 

Modified: pkg/raster/R/stack.R
--- pkg/raster/R/stack.R	2009-02-02 14:52:39 UTC (rev 236)
+++ pkg/raster/R/stack.R	2009-02-03 02:08:51 UTC (rev 237)
@@ -35,7 +35,29 @@
+#if (!isGeneric("stack")) {
+#	setGeneric("stack", function(x, ...)
+#		standardGeneric("stack"))
+#setMethod("stack", signature(x='RasterLayer'), 
+#function(x, ...) {
+#	rlist <- c(x, list(...))
+#	for (i in 1:length(rlist)) {
+#		if (is.character(rlist[[i]])) {
+#			rlist[i] <- rasterFromFile(rlist[[i]])
+#		} else {
+#			if (class(rlist[[i]]) != "RasterLayer") {
+#				stop("Arguments should be RasterLayer objects or filenames")
+#			}
+#		}	
+#	}
+#	return(addRasters(new("RasterStack"), rlist))
+#} )
 if (!isGeneric("makeStack")) {
 	setGeneric("makeStack", function(x, ...)

Modified: pkg/raster/man/classes.Rd
--- pkg/raster/man/classes.Rd	2009-02-02 14:52:39 UTC (rev 236)
+++ pkg/raster/man/classes.Rd	2009-02-03 02:08:51 UTC (rev 237)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@

Modified: pkg/raster/man/coerce.Rd
--- pkg/raster/man/coerce.Rd	2009-02-02 14:52:39 UTC (rev 236)
+++ pkg/raster/man/coerce.Rd	2009-02-03 02:08:51 UTC (rev 237)
@@ -1,33 +1,24 @@
-\title{ Coercion of Raster*, SpatialGrid and SpatialPixels* objects. }
+\title{ Coercion of SpatialGridDataFrame and SpatialPixelsDataFrame objects to a RasterLayer. }
-Functions to coerce a Raster* objects into an sp SpatialGridDataFrame object and 
-to coerce a RasterLayer or RasterStack object from a sp SpatialPixels* or SpatialGrid* object
+Functions to coerce a SpatialGridDataFrame, SpatialPixelsDataFrame, and RasterStack objects to a RasterLayer object. 
+You can use as( , ) for these coercions (see examples), and for many other coercions between sp and raster objects, but asRasterLayer allows for indicating which variable should be passed to the RasterLayer object.
+RasterLayer objects only have a single variable, whereas a RasterStack and the Spatial* objects can have multiple variables.
-asRasterLayer(object, index) 
-asSpGrid(object, type='grid') 
+asRasterLayer(object, index=1) 
   \item{object}{ a Raster* type object (SpatialPixel, SpatialPixelDataFrame , SpatialGrid, or SpatialGridDataFrame }
-  \item{spgrid}{ a sp raster type object (SpatialPixel, SpatialPixelDataFrame , SpatialGrid, or SpatialGridDataFrame }
-  \item{index}{integer values >= 1 indicating the layer in the RasterStack, or the column in the sp object dataframe to take the values from}
-  \item{type}{character. Indicating what type of sp object to return. Should be 'pixel' or 'grid'.}
+  \item{index}{integer >= 1 indicating the layer in the RasterStack, or the column in the sp object dataframe to take the values from}
@@ -36,22 +27,28 @@
  In most cases you can also coerce objects using setAs, except that you cannot change the default 'index' (variable) and the first variable (column of the data frame of a Spatial* object) is used.
- e.g.: setAs(aSpatialPixelsDataFrame, "RasterStack") or setAs(aRasterLayer, "SpatialGridDataFrame")
+ e.g.: as(aSpatialPixelsDataFrame, "RasterStack") or as(aRasterLayer, "SpatialGridDataFrame")
-	a Raster or a sp object
+a RasterLayer object
-\author{ Robert J. Hijmans \email{r.hijmans at gmail.com} }
+\author{ Robert J. Hijmans}
+\seealso{ \code{\link[raster]{RasterLayer-class}}, \code{\link[sp]{SpatialGridDataFrame-class}}, \code{\link[methods]{as}}}
-	rs <- raster()
-	rs <- setValues(rs, 1:ncell(rs))
-	sp <- asSpGrid(rs)
-	rs2 <- asRasterLayer(sp) 
+r1 <- raster(ncols=90, nrows=45)
+r1 <- setValues(r1, 1:ncell(r1))
+r2 <- setValues(r1, 1:ncell(r1))
+stk <- makeStack(r1, r2)
+sp <- as(stk, 'SpatialGridDataFrame')
+r3 <- asRasterLayer(sp, 2) 
+as(r2, 'BasicRaster') == as(r3, 'BasicRaster')
+sum(values(r2) == values(r3)) == ncell(r2)
+r4 <- asRasterLayer(stk, 1)
+sp <- as(r4, 'SpatialPixels')
+sp <- as(r4, 'SpatialGridDataFrame')
 \keyword{ spatial }

Modified: pkg/raster/man/create.stack.Rd
--- pkg/raster/man/create.stack.Rd	2009-02-02 14:52:39 UTC (rev 236)
+++ pkg/raster/man/create.stack.Rd	2009-02-03 02:08:51 UTC (rev 237)
@@ -7,9 +7,9 @@
-\title{ Create or change a new stack }
+\title{ Create or change a new RasterStack }
-  A raster stack is a collection of rasters with the same spatial extent and resolution. They can be crated from RasterLayer objects, or from raster files.
+  A RasterStack is a collection of rasters with the same spatial extent and resolution. They can be crated from RasterLayer objects, or from raster files.
   You can add raster to or remove raster from a rasterstack. 
@@ -31,16 +31,17 @@
   \item{indices}{ the indices of the raster(s) to remove from a RasterStack }
-  When a  stack is saved to a file, only pointers (filenames) to raster datasets are saved, not the data. If the name or location of a raster file changes, the stack becomes invalid.
+  When a  RasterStack is saved to a file, only pointers (filenames) to raster datasets are saved, not the data. If the name or location of a raster file changes, the RasterStack becomes invalid.
   In stackFromFiles, use index=-1 to add all bands of a single file to the RasterStack
-  a stack object
+  a RasterStack object
-\author{Robert J. Hijmans  \email{r.hijmans at gmail.com}}
+\author{Robert J. Hijmans}
-\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+\seealso{ \code{\link[raster]{raster}}, \code{\link[raster]{rasterFromFile}}}
   rasterfile <- system.file("external/test.ag", package="sp")
   st <- stackFromFiles(rasterfile)

Modified: pkg/raster/man/pointToRaster.Rd
--- pkg/raster/man/pointToRaster.Rd	2009-02-02 14:52:39 UTC (rev 236)
+++ pkg/raster/man/pointToRaster.Rd	2009-02-03 02:08:51 UTC (rev 237)
@@ -29,6 +29,8 @@
 \author{Robert J. Hijmans}
+\seealso{ \code{\link[raster]{linesToRaster}}, \code{\link[raster]{polygonsToRaster}}}
 r <- raster(ncols=36, nrows=18)
 n <- 1000

Modified: pkg/raster/man/saveStack.Rd
--- pkg/raster/man/saveStack.Rd	2009-02-02 14:52:39 UTC (rev 236)
+++ pkg/raster/man/saveStack.Rd	2009-02-03 02:08:51 UTC (rev 237)
@@ -1,11 +1,11 @@
-\title{ Create or change a new stack }
+\title{ Save or open a RasterStack file }
-  A raster stack is a collection of rasters with the same spatial extent and resolution. They can be crated from RasterLayer objects, or from raster files.
-  These two functions allow you to save the references to raster files and recreate a rasterStack object later. 
+  A RasterStack is a collection of rasters with the same spatial extent and resolution. They can be crated from RasterLayer objects, or from raster files.
+  These two functions allow you to save the references to raster files and recreate a rasterStack object later. The values are not saved, only the references to the files.
@@ -14,20 +14,21 @@
-  \item{stackfile}{ Filename for the stack (to save it on disk) }
+  \item{stackfile}{ Filename for the RasterStack (to save it on disk) }
   \item{rstack}{ a RasterStack object }
-  When a  stack is saved to a file, only pointers (filenames) to raster datasets are saved, not the data. If the name or location of a raster file changes, the stack becomes invalid.
+  When a RasterStack is saved to a file, only pointers (filenames) to raster datasets are saved, not the data. If the name or location of a raster file changes, the RasterStack becomes invalid.
   In stackFromFiles, use index=-1 to add all bands of a single file to the RasterStack
-  a stack object
+  a RasterStack object
 \author{Robert J. Hijmans  \email{r.hijmans at gmail.com}}
-\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+\seealso{ \code{\link[raster]{raster}}, \code{\link[raster]{rasterFromFile}}}
   rasterfile <- system.file("external/test.ag", package="sp")
   st <- stackFromFiles(c(rasterfile, rasterfile))

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