[RQt-devel] Crash with qrepl()

Ben Goodrich bgokgm at googlemail.com
Wed Dec 2 06:51:02 CET 2009


I just started looking into this project. I have an R package that
currently does some GUI stuff with RGtk2, and in my development
version I am switching to tcltk, but at some point down the line, I
would like to use Qt.

I found one crash with qrepl() that seems to be different from the
crashes you have been discussing the last couple of days. If you just
call qrepl(), input a line of R code into the widget, and press
Control-Return to execute it, you get the crash below.

Ben Goodrich

> library(qtutils); qrepl()
Loading required package: qtbase
Cannot handle Moc type 'qreal'

 *** caught segfault ***
address 0x4, cause 'memory not mapped'

 1: .Call(qt_qenums, x)
 2: qenums(cl)
 3: qsmokeClass(lib, className)
 4: function () {    class <- qsmokeClass(lib, className)    rm(list =
className, envir = lib)    assign(className, class, lib)
lockBinding(className, lib)    class}()
 5: qinvoke(<environment>, "moveCursor", ...)
 6: outed$moveCursor(Qt$QTextCursor$End)
 7: executeCode(ined1$plainText, mode = "input")
 8: function (checked) {    executeCode(ined1$plainText, mode = "input")}()

Possible actions:
1: abort (with core dump, if enabled)
2: normal R exit
3: exit R without saving workspace
4: exit R saving workspace

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