[Pomp-commits] r1204 - in pkg/mif2: . R inst man tests

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Mon Jun 15 15:13:10 CEST 2015

Author: kingaa
Date: 2015-06-15 15:13:10 +0200 (Mon, 15 Jun 2015)
New Revision: 1204

- remove mif2 as separate package

Deleted: pkg/mif2/.Rbuildignore
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Deleted: pkg/mif2/.Rinstignore
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Deleted: pkg/mif2/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/mif2/DESCRIPTION	2015-06-12 12:27:56 UTC (rev 1203)
+++ pkg/mif2/DESCRIPTION	2015-06-15 13:13:10 UTC (rev 1204)
@@ -1,18 +0,0 @@
-Package: mif2
-Type: Package
-Title: MIF2 algorithm development package
-Version: 1.0-4
-Date: 2014-07-15
-Authors at R: c(person(given=c("Aaron","A."),family="King",
-		role=c("aut","cre"),email="kingaa at umich.edu"),
-	  person(given=c("Edward","L."),family="Ionides",role=c("aut")),
-	  person(given="Dao",family="Nguyen",role=c("ctb"))
-	  )
-URL: http://pomp.r-forge.r-project.org
-Description: MIF2 algorithm: for eventual integration into pomp
-Depends: R(>= 3.0.0), pomp(>= 0.53-1)
-Imports: methods
-License: GPL(>= 2)
-LazyData: true
-BuildVignettes: true
-Collate: generics.R mif2.R mif2-methods.R

Deleted: pkg/mif2/NAMESPACE
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Deleted: pkg/mif2/R/generics.R
--- pkg/mif2/R/generics.R	2015-06-12 12:27:56 UTC (rev 1203)
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Deleted: pkg/mif2/R/mif2-methods.R
--- pkg/mif2/R/mif2-methods.R	2015-06-12 12:27:56 UTC (rev 1203)
+++ pkg/mif2/R/mif2-methods.R	2015-06-15 13:13:10 UTC (rev 1204)
@@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
-## this file contains short definitions of methods for the 'mif2d.pomp' class
-setMethod('logLik','mif2d.pomp',function(object,...)object at loglik)
-          function (object, pars, transform = FALSE, ...) {
-            conv.rec.internal(object=object,pars=pars,transform=transform,...)
-          }
-          )
-          "plot",
-          "mif2d.pomp",
-          function (x, y = NULL, ...) {
-            compare.mif(x)
-          }
-          )

Deleted: pkg/mif2/R/mif2.R
--- pkg/mif2/R/mif2.R	2015-06-12 12:27:56 UTC (rev 1203)
+++ pkg/mif2/R/mif2.R	2015-06-15 13:13:10 UTC (rev 1204)
@@ -1,466 +0,0 @@
-## MIF algorithm functions
-## define the mif class
-         'mif2d.pomp',
-         contains='pfilterd.pomp',
-         representation=representation(
-           transform = "logical",
-           Nmif = 'integer',
-           perturb.fn = 'function',
-           conv.rec = 'matrix'
-           )
-         )
-mif2.pfilter <- function (object, params, Np,
-                          tol, max.fail,
-                          pred.mean, pred.var, filter.mean,
-                          mifiter, perturb.fn,
-                          transform, verbose,
-                          .getnativesymbolinfo = TRUE) {
-  ptsi.inv <- ptsi.for <- gnsi.rproc <- gnsi.dmeas <- as.logical(.getnativesymbolinfo)
-  transform <- as.logical(transform)
-  mifiter <- as.integer(mifiter)
-  Np <- as.integer(Np)
-  Np <- c(Np,Np[1])
-  times <- time(object,t0=TRUE)
-  ntimes <- length(times)-1
-  paramnames <- rownames(params)
-  npars <- nrow(params)
-  ## perturb parameters
-  params <- apply(params,2L,perturb.fn,mifiter=mifiter,timeno=1L)
-  ## transform parameters if necessary
-  if (transform) {
-    tparams <- partrans(object,params,dir="forward",
-                        .getnativesymbolinfo=ptsi.for)
-    ptsi.for <- FALSE
-  }
-  ## get initial states
-  x <- init.state(
-                  object,
-                  params=if (transform) tparams else params,
-                  )
-  statenames <- rownames(x)
-  nvars <- nrow(x)
-  loglik <- rep(NA,ntimes)
-  eff.sample.size <- numeric(ntimes)
-  nfail <- 0
-  ## set up storage for prediction means, variances, etc.
-  if (pred.mean)
-    pred.m <- matrix(
-                     data=0,
-                     nrow=nvars+npars,
-                     ncol=ntimes,
-                     dimnames=list(c(statenames,paramnames),NULL)
-                     )
-  else
-    pred.m <- array(data=numeric(0),dim=c(0,0))
-  if (pred.var)
-    pred.v <- matrix(
-                     data=0,
-                     nrow=nvars+npars,
-                     ncol=ntimes,
-                     dimnames=list(c(statenames,paramnames),NULL)
-                     )
-  else
-    pred.v <- array(data=numeric(0),dim=c(0,0))
-  if (filter.mean)
-    filt.m <- matrix(
-                     data=0,
-                     nrow=nvars+length(paramnames),
-                     ncol=ntimes,
-                     dimnames=list(c(statenames,paramnames),NULL)
-                     )
-  else
-    filt.m <- array(data=numeric(0),dim=c(0,0))
-  for (nt in seq_len(ntimes)) {
-    if (nt > 1) {
-      ## perturb parameters
-      params <- apply(params,2L,perturb.fn,mifiter=mifiter,timeno=nt)
-      ## transform parameters if necessary
-      if (transform) {
-        tparams <- partrans(object,params,dir="forward",
-                            .getnativesymbolinfo=ptsi.for)
-      }
-    }
-    ## advance the state variables according to the process model
-    X <- try(
-             rprocess(
-                      object,
-                      xstart=x,
-                      times=times[c(nt,nt+1)],
-                      params=if (transform) tparams else params,
-                      offset=1,
-                      .getnativesymbolinfo=gnsi.rproc
-                      ),
-             silent=FALSE
-             )
-    if (inherits(X,'try-error'))
-      stop(sQuote("mif2.pfilter")," error: process simulation error")
-    gnsi.rproc <- FALSE
-    ## determine the weights
-    weights <- try(
-                   dmeasure(
-                            object,
-                            y=object at data[,nt,drop=FALSE],
-                            x=X,
-                            times=times[nt+1],
-                            params=if (transform) tparams else params,
-                            log=FALSE,
-                            .getnativesymbolinfo=gnsi.dmeas
-                            ),
-                   silent=FALSE
-                   )
-    if (inherits(weights,'try-error'))
-      stop(sQuote("mif2.pfilter")," error: error in calculation of weights")
-    if (any(!is.finite(weights))) {
-      stop(sQuote("mif2.pfilter")," error: ",sQuote("dmeasure"),
-           " returns non-finite value")
-    }
-    gnsi.dmeas <- FALSE
-    ## compute prediction mean, prediction variance, filtering mean,
-    ## effective sample size, log-likelihood
-    ## also do resampling if filtering has not failed
-    xx <- try(
-              .Call(
-                    pomp:::pfilter_computations,
-                    X,params,Np[nt+1],
-                    FALSE,numeric(0),
-                    pred.mean,pred.var,filter.mean,
-                    FALSE,weights,tol
-                    ),
-              silent=FALSE
-              )
-    if (inherits(xx,'try-error')) {
-      stop(sQuote("mif2.pfilter")," error",call.=FALSE)
-    }
-    all.fail <- xx$fail
-    loglik[nt] <- xx$loglik
-    eff.sample.size[nt] <- xx$ess
-    x <- xx$states
-    params <- xx$params
-    if (pred.mean)
-      pred.m[,nt] <- xx$pm
-    if (pred.var)
-      pred.v[,nt] <- xx$pv
-    if (filter.mean)
-      filt.m[,nt] <- xx$fm
-    if (all.fail) { ## all particles are lost
-      nfail <- nfail+1
-      if (verbose)
-        message("filtering failure at time t = ",times[nt+1])
-      if (nfail>max.fail)
-        stop(sQuote("mif2.pfilter")," error: too many filtering failures",call.=FALSE)
-    }
-    if (verbose && (nt%%5==0))
-      cat("mif2 pfilter timestep",nt,"of",ntimes,"finished\n")
-  }
-  if (nfail>0)
-    warning(sprintf(ngettext(nfail,msg1="%d filtering failure occurred in ",
-                             msg2="%d filtering failures occurred in "),nfail),
-            sQuote("mif2.pfilter"),call.=FALSE)
-  new(
-      "pfilterd.pomp",
-      object,
-      pred.mean=pred.m,
-      pred.var=pred.v,
-      filter.mean=filt.m,
-      paramMatrix=params,
-      eff.sample.size=eff.sample.size,
-      cond.loglik=loglik,
-      saved.states=list(),
-      saved.params=list(),
-      seed=as.integer(NULL),
-      Np=as.integer(head(Np,-1)),
-      tol=tol,
-      nfail=as.integer(nfail),
-      loglik=sum(loglik)
-      )
-mif2.internal <- function (object, Nmif,
-                           start, Np, perturb.fn,
-                           tol, max.fail,
-                           verbose, transform, .ndone = 0L,
-                           .getnativesymbolinfo = TRUE,
-                           ...) {
-  gnsi <- as.logical(.getnativesymbolinfo)
-  transform <- as.logical(transform)
-  Nmif <- as.integer(Nmif)
-  if (Nmif<0)
-    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("Nmif")," must be a positive integer",call.=FALSE)
-  if (transform)
-    start <- partrans(object,start,dir="inverse")
-  ntimes <- length(time(object))
-  start.names <- names(start)
-  if (is.null(start.names))
-    stop("mif2 error: ",sQuote("start")," must be a named vector")
-  if (!is.function(perturb.fn))
-    stop("mif2 error: ",sQuote("perturb.fn")," must be a function")
-  if (is.function(Np)) {
-    Np <- try(
-              vapply(seq.int(from=1,to=ntimes,by=1),Np,numeric(1)),
-              silent=FALSE
-              )
-    if (inherits(Np,"try-error"))
-      stop("if ",sQuote("Np")," is a function, it must return a single positive integer")
-  }
-  if (length(Np)==1)
-    Np <- rep(Np,times=ntimes)
-  else if (length(Np)!=ntimes)
-    stop(sQuote("Np")," must have length 1 or length ",ntimes)
-  if (any(Np<=0))
-    stop("number of particles, ",sQuote("Np"),", must always be positive")
-  if (!is.numeric(Np))
-    stop(sQuote("Np")," must be a number, a vector of numbers, or a function")
-  Np <- as.integer(Np)
-  conv.rec <- matrix(
-                     data=NA,
-                     nrow=Nmif+1,
-                     ncol=length(start)+2,
-                     dimnames=list(
-                       seq(.ndone,.ndone+Nmif),
-                       c('loglik','nfail',names(start))
-                       )
-                     )
-  conv.rec[1L,] <- c(NA,NA,start)
-  if (.ndone > 0) {                     # call is from 'continue'
-    paramMatrix <- object at paramMatrix
-  } else if (Nmif > 0) {                # initial call
-    paramMatrix <- array(data=start,dim=c(length(start),Np[1L]),
-                         dimnames=list(names(start),NULL))
-  } else {                              # no work to do
-    paramMatrix <- array(data=numeric(0),dim=c(0,0))
-  }
-  object <- as(object,"pomp")
-  for (n in seq_len(Nmif)) { ## iterate the filtering
-    pfp <- try(
-               mif2.pfilter(
-                            object=object,
-                            params=paramMatrix,
-                            Np=Np,
-                            tol=tol,
-                            max.fail=max.fail,
-                            pred.mean=(n==Nmif),
-                            pred.var=(n==Nmif),
-                            filter.mean=(n==Nmif),
-                            mifiter=.ndone+n,
-                            perturb.fn=perturb.fn,
-                            transform=transform,
-                            verbose=verbose,
-                            .getnativesymbolinfo=gnsi
-                            ),
-               silent=FALSE
-               )
-    if (inherits(pfp,"try-error")) 
-      stop("mif2 particle-filter error")
-    gnsi <- FALSE
-    theta <- rowMeans(pfp at paramMatrix[,,drop=FALSE])
-    conv.rec[n+1,-c(1,2)] <- theta
-    conv.rec[n,c(1,2)] <- c(pfp at loglik,pfp at nfail)
-    if (verbose) cat("MIF2 iteration ",n," of ",Nmif," completed\n")
-  } ### end of main loop
-  ## back transform the parameter estimate if necessary
-  if (transform) theta <- partrans(pfp,theta,dir="forward")
-  new(
-      "mif2d.pomp",
-      pfp,
-      params=theta,
-      paramMatrix=pfp at paramMatrix,
-      transform=transform,
-      Nmif=Nmif,
-      perturb.fn=perturb.fn,
-      conv.rec=conv.rec,
-      tol=tol
-      )
-          "mif2",
-          signature=signature(object="pomp"),
-          function (object, Nmif = 1,
-                    start, Np, perturb.fn,
-                    tol = 1e-17, max.fail = Inf,
-                    verbose = getOption("verbose"),
-                    transform = FALSE,
-                    ...) {
-            if (missing(start)) start <- coef(object)
-            if (length(start)==0)
-              stop(
-                   "mif2 error: ",sQuote("start")," must be specified if ",
-                   sQuote("coef(object)")," is NULL",
-                   call.=FALSE
-                   )
-            if (missing(Np))
-              stop("mif2 error: ",sQuote("Np")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-            if (missing(perturb.fn))
-              stop("mif2 error: ",sQuote("perturb.fn")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-            perturb.fn <- match.fun(perturb.fn)
-            if (!all(c('params','mifiter','timeno','...')%in%names(formals(perturb.fn)))) {
-              stop(
-                   "mif2 error: ",
-                   sQuote("perturb.fn"),
-                   " must be a function of prototype ",
-                   sQuote("perturb.fn(params,mifiter,timeno,...)"),
-                   call.=FALSE
-                   )
-            }
-            mif2.internal(
-                          object=object,
-                          Nmif=Nmif,
-                          start=start,
-                          Np=Np,
-                          perturb.fn=perturb.fn,
-                          tol=tol,
-                          max.fail=max.fail,
-                          transform=transform,
-                          verbose=verbose,
-                          ...
-                          )
-          }
-          )
-          "mif2",
-          signature=signature(object="pfilterd.pomp"),
-          function (object, Nmif = 1, Np, tol, ...) {
-            if (missing(Np)) Np <- object at Np
-            if (missing(tol)) tol <- object at tol
-            mif2(
-                 object=as(object,"pomp"),
-                 Nmif=Nmif,
-                 Np=Np,
-                 tol=tol,
-                 ...
-                 )
-          }
-          )
-          "mif2",
-          signature=signature(object="mif2d.pomp"),
-          function (object, Nmif, start,
-                    Np, perturb.fn,
-                    tol, transform,
-                    ...) {
-            if (missing(Nmif)) Nmif <- object at Nmif
-            if (missing(start)) start <- coef(object)
-            if (missing(perturb.fn)) perturb.fn <- object at perturb.fn
-            if (missing(transform)) transform <- object at transform
-            if (missing(Np)) Np <- object at Np
-            if (missing(tol)) tol <- object at tol
-            mif2(
-                 object=as(object,"pomp"),
-                 Nmif=Nmif,
-                 start=start,
-                 Np=Np,
-                 perturb.fn=perturb.fn,
-                 tol=tol,
-                 transform=transform,
-                 ...
-                 )
-          }
-          )
-          'continue',
-          signature=signature(object='mif2d.pomp'),
-          function (object, Nmif = 1,
-                    ...) {
-            ndone <- object at Nmif
-            obj <- mif2(
-                        object=object,
-                        Nmif=Nmif,
-                        .ndone=ndone,
-                        ...
-                        )
-            object at conv.rec[ndone+1,c('loglik','nfail')] <- obj at conv.rec[1L,c('loglik','nfail')]
-            obj at conv.rec <- rbind(
-                                  object at conv.rec,
-                                  obj at conv.rec[-1L,colnames(object at conv.rec)]
-                                  )
-            obj at Nmif <- as.integer(ndone+Nmif)
-            obj
-          }
-          )
-default.cooling <- function (object, fraction, par.sd, ic.sd) {
-  nT <- length(time(object))
-  theta <- (1-fraction)/fraction/(50*nT-1)
-  function (params, mifiter, timeno, ...) {
-    pert <- params
-    sigma <- 1/(1+theta*((mifiter-1)*nT+timeno-1))
-    if (timeno==1) {
-      pert[names(ic.sd)] <- rnorm(
-                                  n=length(ic.sd),
-                                  mean=pert[names(ic.sd)],
-                                  sd=ic.sd*sigma
-                                  )
-    }
-    pert[names(par.sd)] <- rnorm(
-                                 n=length(par.sd),
-                                 mean=pert[names(par.sd)],
-                                 sd=par.sd*sigma
-                                 )
-    pert
-  }

Deleted: pkg/mif2/inst/NEWS
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-_N_e_w_s _f_o_r _p_a_c_k_a_g_e '_m_i_f_2'
-_C_h_a_n_g_e_s _i_n '_m_i_f_2' _v_e_r_s_i_o_n _0._5_0-_1:
-        • ‘mif2’ is now an add-on to ‘pomp’.

Deleted: pkg/mif2/inst/NEWS.Rd
--- pkg/mif2/inst/NEWS.Rd	2015-06-12 12:27:56 UTC (rev 1203)
+++ pkg/mif2/inst/NEWS.Rd	2015-06-15 13:13:10 UTC (rev 1204)
@@ -1,7 +0,0 @@
-\title{News for package `mif2'}
-\section{Changes in \pkg{mif2} version 0.50-1}{
-  \itemize{
-    \item \pkg{mif2} is now an add-on to \pkg{pomp}.
-  }

Deleted: pkg/mif2/man/mif2-methods.Rd
--- pkg/mif2/man/mif2-methods.Rd	2015-06-12 12:27:56 UTC (rev 1203)
+++ pkg/mif2/man/mif2-methods.Rd	2015-06-15 13:13:10 UTC (rev 1204)
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-\title{Methods of the "mif2d.class" class}
-\description{Methods of the \code{mif2d.class} class.}
-\S4method{logLik}{mif2d.pomp}(object, \dots)
-\S4method{conv.rec}{mif2d.pomp}(object, pars, transform = FALSE, \dots)
-\S4method{plot}{mif2d.pomp}(x, y = NULL, \dots)
-  \item{object, x}{The \code{mif2d.pomp} object.}
-  \item{pars}{Names of parameters.}
-  \item{y}{Ignored.}
-  \item{transform}{
-    optional logical;
-    should the parameter transformations be applied?
-    See \code{\link[=coef-pomp]{coef}} for details.
-  }
-  \item{\dots}{
-    Further arguments (either ignored or passed to underlying functions).
-  }
-  \describe{
-    \item{conv.rec}{
-      \code{conv.rec(object, pars = NULL)} returns the columns of the convergence-record matrix corresponding to the names in \code{pars}.
-      By default, all rows are returned.
-    }
-    \item{logLik}{
-      Returns the value in the \code{loglik} slot.
-    }
-    \item{plot}{
-      Plots a series of diagnostic plots.
-    }
-  }
-  E. L. Ionides, C. Bret\\'o, & A. A. King,
-  Inference for nonlinear dynamical systems,
-  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 103:18438--18443, 2006.
-  A. A. King, E. L. Ionides, M. Pascual, and M. J. Bouma,
-  Inapparent infections and cholera dynamics,
-  Nature, 454:877--880, 2008.
-\author{Aaron A. King \email{kingaa at umich dot edu}}
-\seealso{\code{\link{mif}}, \code{\link{pomp}}, \code{\link{pomp-class}}, \code{\link{pfilter}}}

Deleted: pkg/mif2/man/mif2.Rd
--- pkg/mif2/man/mif2.Rd	2015-06-12 12:27:56 UTC (rev 1203)
+++ pkg/mif2/man/mif2.Rd	2015-06-15 13:13:10 UTC (rev 1204)
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-\title{The MIF2 algorithm}
-  The MIF2 algorithm for estimating the parameters of a partially-observed Markov process.
-\S4method{mif2}{pomp}(object, Nmif = 1, start, Np, perturb.fn,
-    tol = 1e-17, max.fail = Inf, verbose = getOption("verbose"),
-    transform = FALSE, \dots)
-\S4method{mif2}{pfilterd.pomp}(object, Nmif = 1, Np, tol, \dots)
-\S4method{mif2}{mif2d.pomp}(object, Nmif, start, Np, perturb.fn,
-    tol, transform, \dots)
-\S4method{continue}{mif2d.pomp}(object, Nmif = 1, \dots)
-  \item{object}{
-    An object of class \code{pomp}.
-  }
-  \item{Nmif}{
-    The number of MIF iterations to perform.
-  }
-  \item{start}{
-    named numerical vector;
-    the starting guess of the parameters.
-  }
-  \item{Np}{
-    the number of particles to use in filtering.
-    This may be specified as a single positive integer, in which case the same number of particles will be used at each timestep.
-    Alternatively, if one wishes the number of particles to vary across timestep, one may specify \code{Np} either as a vector of positive integers (of length \code{length(time(object,t0=TRUE))}) or as a function taking a positive integer argument.
-    In the latter case, \code{Np(k)} must be a single positive integer, representing the number of particles to be used at the \code{k}-th timestep:
-    \code{Np(0)} is the number of particles to use going from \code{timezero(object)} to \code{time(object)[1]},
-    \code{Np(1)}, from \code{timezero(object)} to \code{time(object)[1]},
-    and so on, while when \code{T=length(time(object,t0=TRUE))},
-    \code{Np(T)} is the number of particles to sample at the end of the time-series.
-  }
-  \item{perturb.fn}{
-    \code{perturb.fn(params,mifiter,timeno,\dots)}
-  }
-  \item{tol}{
-    See the description under \code{\link{pfilter}}.
-  }
-  \item{max.fail}{
-    See the description under \code{\link{pfilter}}.
-  }
-  \item{verbose}{
-    logical; if TRUE, print progress reports.
-  }
-  \item{transform}{
-    logical;
-    if \code{TRUE}, optimization is performed on the transformed scale.
-  }
-  \item{\dots}{
-    additional arguments that override the defaults.
-  }
-  E. L. Ionides, A. Bhadra, Y. Atchad{\\'e}, & A. A. King,
-  Iterated filtering,
-  Annals of Statistics, 39:1776--1802, 2011.
-\author{Aaron A. King \email{kingaa at umich dot edu}}
-  \code{\link{pomp}}, \code{\link{pomp-class}}, \code{\link{pfilter}}.

Deleted: pkg/mif2/tests/ou2-mif2.R
--- pkg/mif2/tests/ou2-mif2.R	2015-06-12 12:27:56 UTC (rev 1203)
+++ pkg/mif2/tests/ou2-mif2.R	2015-06-15 13:13:10 UTC (rev 1204)
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-p.truth <- coef(ou2)
-guess2 <- guess1 <- p.truth
-guess1[c('x1.0','x2.0','alpha.2','alpha.3')] <- 0.9*guess1[c('x1.0','x2.0','alpha.2','alpha.3')]
-guess2[c('x1.0','x2.0','alpha.2','alpha.3')] <- 1.2*guess1[c('x1.0','x2.0','alpha.2','alpha.3')]
-mif1a <- mif(
-             ou2,
-             Nmif=100,
-             start=guess1,
-             pars=c('alpha.2','alpha.3'),ivps=c('x1.0','x2.0'),
-             rw.sd=c(
-               x1.0=0.5,x2.0=0.5,
-               alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1),
-             transform=F,
-             Np=1000,
-             var.factor=1,
-             ic.lag=10,
-             cooling.type="hyperbolic",
-             cooling.fraction=0.05,
-             method="mif2",
-             tol=1e-8
-             )
-mif2a <- mif(ou2,Nmif=100,start=guess1,
-             pars=c('alpha.2','alpha.3'),ivps=c('x1.0','x2.0'),
-             rw.sd=c(
-               x1.0=0.5,x2.0=0.5,
-               alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1),
-             transform=F,
-             Np=1000,
-             var.factor=1,
-             ic.lag=10,
-             cooling.type="geometric",
-             cooling.fraction=0.95^50,
-             max.fail=100,
-             method="mif",
-             tol=1e-8
-             )  
-mif1b <- mif(
-             ou2,
-             Nmif=50,
-             start=guess1,
-             pars=c('alpha.2','alpha.3'),
-             ivps=c('x1.0','x2.0'),
-             rw.sd=c(
-               x1.0=0.5,x2.0=0.5,
-               alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1),
-             transform=F,
-             Np=1000,
-             var.factor=1,
-             ic.lag=10,
-             cooling.type="hyperbolic",
-             cooling.fraction=0.05,
-             method="mif2"
-             )
-mif1b <- continue(mif1b,Nmif=50)
-mif2b <- mif(
-             ou2,
-             Nmif=50,
-             start=guess1,
-             pars=c('alpha.2','alpha.3'),
-             ivps=c('x1.0','x2.0'),
-             rw.sd=c(
-               x1.0=0.5,x2.0=0.5,
-               alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1),
-             transform=F,
-             Np=1000,
-             var.factor=1,
-             ic.lag=10,
-             cooling.whatsit=200,
-             cooling.type="geometric",
-             cooling.factor=0.95,
-             max.fail=100,
-             method="mif"
-             )  
-mif2b <- continue(mif2b,Nmif=50)
-mif2c <- mif(
-             ou2,
-             Nmif=50,
-             start=guess1,
-             pars=c('alpha.2','alpha.3'),
-             ivps=c('x1.0','x2.0'),
-             rw.sd=c(
-               x1.0=0.5,x2.0=0.5,
-               alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1),
-             transform=F,
-             Np=1000,
-             var.factor=1,
-             cooling.type="hyperbolic",
-             cooling.fraction=0.05,
-             max.fail=100,
-             method="mif2"
-             )  
-mif2c <- continue(mif2c,Nmif=50)
-mif3a <- mif2(
-              ou2,
-              Nmif=50,
-              start=guess1,
-              perturb.fn=function(params,mifiter,timeno,...){
-                pert <- params
-                ic.sd <- c(x1.0=0.5,x2.0=0.5)
-                par.sd <- c(alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1)
-                frac <- 0.05
-                nT <- length(time(ou2))
-                theta <- (1-frac)/frac/(50*nT-1)
-                sigma <- 1/(1+theta*((mifiter-1)*nT+timeno-1))
-                if (timeno==1) {
-                  pert[names(ic.sd)] <- rnorm(
-                                              n=length(ic.sd),
-                                              mean=pert[names(ic.sd)],
-                                              sd=ic.sd*sigma
-                                              )
-                }
-                pert[names(par.sd)] <- rnorm(
-                                            n=length(par.sd),
-                                            mean=pert[names(par.sd)],
-                                            sd=par.sd*sigma
-                                            )
-                pert
-              },
-              transform=FALSE,
-              Np=1000
-              )  

Deleted: pkg/mif2/tests/ou2-mif2.Rout.save
--- pkg/mif2/tests/ou2-mif2.Rout.save	2015-06-12 12:27:56 UTC (rev 1203)
+++ pkg/mif2/tests/ou2-mif2.Rout.save	2015-06-15 13:13:10 UTC (rev 1204)
@@ -1,179 +0,0 @@
-R version 3.1.1 (2014-07-10) -- "Sock it to Me"
-Copyright (C) 2014 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
-Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
-R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
-You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
-Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
-R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
-Type 'contributors()' for more information and
-'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
-Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
-'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
-Type 'q()' to quit R.
-> library(mif2)
-Loading required package: pomp
-Loading required package: mvtnorm
-Loading required package: subplex
-Loading required package: nloptr
-Loading required package: deSolve
-Loading required package: coda
-Loading required package: lattice
-> pompExample(ou2)
-newly created pomp object(s):
- ou2 
-> pdf(file="ou2-mif2.pdf")
-> p.truth <- coef(ou2)
-> guess2 <- guess1 <- p.truth
-> guess1[c('x1.0','x2.0','alpha.2','alpha.3')] <- 0.9*guess1[c('x1.0','x2.0','alpha.2','alpha.3')]
-> guess2[c('x1.0','x2.0','alpha.2','alpha.3')] <- 1.2*guess1[c('x1.0','x2.0','alpha.2','alpha.3')]
-> set.seed(64857673L)
-> mif1a <- mif(
-+              ou2,
-+              Nmif=100,
-+              start=guess1,
-+              pars=c('alpha.2','alpha.3'),ivps=c('x1.0','x2.0'),
-+              rw.sd=c(
-+                x1.0=0.5,x2.0=0.5,
-+                alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1),
-+              transform=F,
-+              Np=1000,
-+              var.factor=1,
-+              ic.lag=10,
-+              cooling.type="hyperbolic",
-+              cooling.fraction=0.05,
-+              method="mif2",
-+              tol=1e-8
-+              )
-> mif2a <- mif(ou2,Nmif=100,start=guess1,
-+              pars=c('alpha.2','alpha.3'),ivps=c('x1.0','x2.0'),
-+              rw.sd=c(
-+                x1.0=0.5,x2.0=0.5,
-+                alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1),
-+              transform=F,
-+              Np=1000,
-+              var.factor=1,
-+              ic.lag=10,
-+              cooling.type="geometric",
-+              cooling.fraction=0.95^50,
-+              max.fail=100,
-+              method="mif",
-+              tol=1e-8
-+              )  
-> plot(c(mif1a,mif2a))
-> set.seed(64857673L)
-> mif1b <- mif(
-+              ou2,
-+              Nmif=50,
-+              start=guess1,
-+              pars=c('alpha.2','alpha.3'),
-+              ivps=c('x1.0','x2.0'),
-+              rw.sd=c(
-+                x1.0=0.5,x2.0=0.5,
-+                alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1),
-+              transform=F,
-+              Np=1000,
-+              var.factor=1,
-+              ic.lag=10,
-+              cooling.type="hyperbolic",
-+              cooling.fraction=0.05,
-+              method="mif2"
-+              )
-> mif1b <- continue(mif1b,Nmif=50)
-> mif2b <- mif(
-+              ou2,
-+              Nmif=50,
-+              start=guess1,
-+              pars=c('alpha.2','alpha.3'),
-+              ivps=c('x1.0','x2.0'),
-+              rw.sd=c(
-+                x1.0=0.5,x2.0=0.5,
-+                alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1),
-+              transform=F,
-+              Np=1000,
-+              var.factor=1,
-+              ic.lag=10,
-+              cooling.whatsit=200,
-+              cooling.type="geometric",
-+              cooling.factor=0.95,
-+              max.fail=100,
-+              method="mif"
-+              )  
-Warning message:
-'cooling.factor' is deprecated.
-See '?mif' for instructions on specifying the cooling schedule. 
-> mif2b <- continue(mif2b,Nmif=50)
-> mif2c <- mif(
-+              ou2,
-+              Nmif=50,
-+              start=guess1,
-+              pars=c('alpha.2','alpha.3'),
-+              ivps=c('x1.0','x2.0'),
-+              rw.sd=c(
-+                x1.0=0.5,x2.0=0.5,
-+                alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1),
-+              transform=F,
-+              Np=1000,
-+              var.factor=1,
-+              cooling.type="hyperbolic",
-+              cooling.fraction=0.05,
-+              max.fail=100,
-+              method="mif2"
-+              )  
-> mif2c <- continue(mif2c,Nmif=50)
-> plot(c(mif1b,mif2b))
-> plot(c(mif1a,mif1b))
-> plot(c(mif2a,mif2b))
-> plot(c(mif1b,mif2c))
-> mif3a <- mif2(
-+               ou2,
-+               Nmif=50,
-+               start=guess1,
-+               perturb.fn=function(params,mifiter,timeno,...){
-+                 pert <- params
-+                 ic.sd <- c(x1.0=0.5,x2.0=0.5)
-+                 par.sd <- c(alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1)
-+                 frac <- 0.05
-+                 nT <- length(time(ou2))
-+                 theta <- (1-frac)/frac/(50*nT-1)
-+                 sigma <- 1/(1+theta*((mifiter-1)*nT+timeno-1))
-+                 if (timeno==1) {
-+                   pert[names(ic.sd)] <- rnorm(

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/pomp -r 1204

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