[Pomp-commits] r1182 - in pkg/pomp: . R man tests

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Fri Jun 5 01:29:30 CEST 2015

Author: kingaa
Date: 2015-06-05 01:29:29 +0200 (Fri, 05 Jun 2015)
New Revision: 1182

- improve documentation

Modified: pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION	2015-06-04 23:29:13 UTC (rev 1181)
+++ pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION	2015-06-04 23:29:29 UTC (rev 1182)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: pomp
 Type: Package
 Title: Statistical Inference for Partially Observed Markov Processes
-Version: 0.66-3
+Version: 0.66-4
 Date: 2015-06-04
 Authors at R: c(person(given=c("Aaron","A."),family="King",
 		role=c("aut","cre"),email="kingaa at umich.edu"),
@@ -34,7 +34,7 @@
 	 simulate-pomp.R trajectory-pomp.R plot-pomp.R
 	 pfilter.R pfilter-methods.R minim.R traj-match.R
 	 bsmc.R bsmc2.R
-	 mif.R mif-methods.R mif2.R
+	 mif.R mif-methods.R mif2.R mif2-methods.R
 	 proposals.R pmcmc.R pmcmc-methods.R
  	 nlf-funcs.R nlf-guts.R nlf-objfun.R nlf.R
 	 probe.R probe-match.R basic-probes.R spect.R spect-match.R

Modified: pkg/pomp/R/generics.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/generics.R	2015-06-04 23:29:13 UTC (rev 1181)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/generics.R	2015-06-04 23:29:29 UTC (rev 1182)
@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@
 ## iterated filtering
 ## generate new particles

Modified: pkg/pomp/R/mif-methods.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/mif-methods.R	2015-06-04 23:29:13 UTC (rev 1181)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/mif-methods.R	2015-06-04 23:29:29 UTC (rev 1182)
@@ -40,10 +40,6 @@
-## extract the estimated log likelihood
-setMethod('logLik','mif',function(object,...)object at loglik)
 ## extract the convergence record
 conv.rec.internal <- function (object, pars, transform = FALSE, ...) {
   if (transform) {

Added: pkg/pomp/R/mif2-methods.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/mif2-methods.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/mif2-methods.R	2015-06-04 23:29:29 UTC (rev 1182)
@@ -0,0 +1,209 @@
+## ancillary methods for working with 'mif2d.pomp' objects
+          function (object, pars, transform = FALSE, ...) {
+            conv.rec.internal(object=object,pars=pars,transform=transform,...)
+          }
+          )
+## mif2List class
+         'mif2List',
+         contains='list',
+         validity=function (object) {
+           if (!all(sapply(object,is,'mif2d.pomp'))) {
+             retval <- paste0(
+                              "error in ",sQuote("c"),
+                              ": dissimilar objects cannot be combined"
+                              )
+             return(retval)
+           }
+           d <- sapply(object,function(x)dim(x at conv.rec))
+           if (!all(apply(d,1,diff)==0)) {
+             retval <- paste0(
+                              "error in ",sQuote("c"),
+                              ": to be combined, ",sQuote("mif2d.pomp"),
+                              " objects must equal numbers of iterations"
+                              )
+             return(retval)
+           }
+           TRUE
+         }
+         )
+          'c',
+          signature=signature(x='mif2d.pomp'),
+          definition=function (x, ...) {
+            y <- list(...)
+            if (length(y)==0) {
+              new("mif2List",list(x))
+            } else {
+              p <- sapply(y,is,'mif2d.pomp')
+              pl <- sapply(y,is,'mif2List')
+              if (any(!(p||pl)))
+                stop("cannot mix ",sQuote("mif2d.pomp"),
+                     " and non-",sQuote("mif2d.pomp")," objects")
+              y[p] <- lapply(y[p],list)
+              y[pl] <- lapply(y[pl],as,"list")
+              new("mif2List",c(list(x),y,recursive=TRUE))
+            }
+          }
+          )
+          'c',
+          signature=signature(x='mif2List'),
+          definition=function (x, ...) {
+            y <- list(...)
+            if (length(y)==0) {
+              x
+            } else {
+              p <- sapply(y,is,'mif2d.pomp')
+              pl <- sapply(y,is,'mif2List')
+              if (any(!(p||pl)))
+                stop("cannot mix ",sQuote("mif2d.pomp"),
+                     " and non-",sQuote("mif2d.pomp")," objects")
+              y[p] <- lapply(y[p],list)
+              y[pl] <- lapply(y[pl],as,"list")
+              new("mif2List",c(as(x,"list"),y,recursive=TRUE))
+            }
+          }
+          )
+          "[",
+          signature=signature(x="mif2List"),
+          definition=function(x, i, ...) {
+            new('mif2List',as(x,"list")[i])
+          }
+          )
+          'conv.rec',
+          signature=signature(object='mif2List'),
+          definition=function (object, ...) {
+            lapply(object,conv.rec,...)
+          }
+          )
+mif2.diagnostics <- function (z) {
+  ## assumes that z is a list of mif2d.pomps with identical structure
+  mar.multi <- c(0,5.1,0,2.1)
+  oma.multi <- c(6,0,5,0)
+  xx <- z[[1]]
+  parnames <- names(coef(xx,transform=xx at transform))
+  estnames <- parnames
+  ## plot filter means
+  filt.diag <- rbind("eff. sample size"=xx at eff.sample.size,filter.mean(xx))
+  filtnames <- rownames(filt.diag)
+  plotnames <- filtnames
+  lognames <- filtnames[1] # eff. sample size
+  nplots <- length(plotnames)
+  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
+  if(n.per.page<=4) nc <- 1 else nc <- 2
+  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
+  oldpar <- par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc),ask=dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE))
+  on.exit(par(oldpar))
+  low <- 1
+  hi <- 0
+  time <- time(xx)
+  while (hi<nplots) {
+    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
+    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
+      n <- i-low+1
+      logplot <- if (plotnames[i]%in%lognames) "y" else ""
+      dat <- sapply(
+                    z,
+                    function(po, label) {
+                      if (label=="eff. sample size")
+                        po at eff.sample.size
+                      else
+                        filter.mean(po,label)
+                    },
+                    label=plotnames[i]
+                    )
+      matplot(
+              y=dat,
+              x=time,
+              axes = FALSE,
+              xlab = "",
+              log=logplot,
+              ylab = "",
+              type = "l"
+              )
+      box()
+      y.side <- 2
+      axis(y.side, xpd = NA)
+      mtext(plotnames[i], y.side, line = 3)
+      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
+      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
+      if (do.xax) mtext("time",side=1,line=3)
+    }
+    low <- hi+1
+    mtext("Filter diagnostics (last iteration)",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
+  }
+  ## plot mif convergence diagnostics
+  other.diagnostics <- c("loglik", "nfail")
+  plotnames <- c(other.diagnostics,estnames)
+  nplots <- length(plotnames)
+  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
+  nc <- if (n.per.page<=4) 1 else 2
+  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
+  par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc))
+  ## on.exit(par(oldpar))
+  low <- 1
+  hi <- 0
+  iteration <- seq(0,xx at Nmif)
+  while (hi<nplots) {
+    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
+    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
+      n <- i-low+1
+      dat <- sapply(z,function(po,label) conv.rec(po,label),label=plotnames[i])
+      matplot(
+              y=dat,
+              x=iteration,
+              axes = FALSE,
+              xlab = "",
+              ylab = "",
+              type = "l"
+              )
+      box()
+      y.side <- 2
+      axis(y.side,xpd=NA)
+      mtext(plotnames[i],y.side,line=3)
+      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
+      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
+      if (do.xax) mtext("MIF iteration",side=1,line=3)
+    }
+    low <- hi+1
+    mtext("MIF2 convergence diagnostics",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
+  }
+  invisible(NULL)
+          "plot",
+          "mif2d.pomp",
+          function (x, y, ...) {
+            if (!missing(y)) {
+              y <- substitute(y)
+              warning(sQuote(y)," is ignored")
+            }
+            mif2.diagnostics(list(x))
+          }
+          )
+          "plot",
+          signature=signature(x='mif2List'),
+          definition=function (x, y, ...) {
+            if (!missing(y)) {
+              y <- substitute(y)
+              warning(sQuote(y)," is ignored")
+            }
+            mif2.diagnostics(x)
+          }
+          )

Modified: pkg/pomp/R/mif2.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/mif2.R	2015-06-04 23:29:13 UTC (rev 1181)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/mif2.R	2015-06-04 23:29:29 UTC (rev 1182)
@@ -284,8 +284,6 @@
@@ -423,215 +421,3 @@
-## extract the estimated log likelihood
-setMethod('logLik','mif2d.pomp',function(object,...)object at loglik)
-          function (object, pars, transform = FALSE, ...) {
-            conv.rec.internal(object=object,pars=pars,transform=transform,...)
-          }
-          )
-## mif2List class
-         'mif2List',
-         contains='list',
-         validity=function (object) {
-           if (!all(sapply(object,is,'mif2d.pomp'))) {
-             retval <- paste0(
-                              "error in ",sQuote("c"),
-                              ": dissimilar objects cannot be combined"
-                              )
-             return(retval)
-           }
-           d <- sapply(object,function(x)dim(x at conv.rec))
-           if (!all(apply(d,1,diff)==0)) {
-             retval <- paste0(
-                              "error in ",sQuote("c"),
-                              ": to be combined, ",sQuote("mif2d.pomp"),
-                              " objects must equal numbers of iterations"
-                              )
-             return(retval)
-           }
-           TRUE
-         }
-         )
-          'c',
-          signature=signature(x='mif2d.pomp'),
-          definition=function (x, ...) {
-            y <- list(...)
-            if (length(y)==0) {
-              new("mif2List",list(x))
-            } else {
-              p <- sapply(y,is,'mif2d.pomp')
-              pl <- sapply(y,is,'mif2List')
-              if (any(!(p||pl)))
-                stop("cannot mix ",sQuote("mif2d.pomp"),
-                     " and non-",sQuote("mif2d.pomp")," objects")
-              y[p] <- lapply(y[p],list)
-              y[pl] <- lapply(y[pl],as,"list")
-              new("mif2List",c(list(x),y,recursive=TRUE))
-            }
-          }
-          )
-          'c',
-          signature=signature(x='mif2List'),
-          definition=function (x, ...) {
-            y <- list(...)
-            if (length(y)==0) {
-              x
-            } else {
-              p <- sapply(y,is,'mif2d.pomp')
-              pl <- sapply(y,is,'mif2List')
-              if (any(!(p||pl)))
-                stop("cannot mix ",sQuote("mif2d.pomp"),
-                     " and non-",sQuote("mif2d.pomp")," objects")
-              y[p] <- lapply(y[p],list)
-              y[pl] <- lapply(y[pl],as,"list")
-              new("mif2List",c(as(x,"list"),y,recursive=TRUE))
-            }
-          }
-          )
-          "[",
-          signature=signature(x="mif2List"),
-          definition=function(x, i, ...) {
-            new('mif2List',as(x,"list")[i])
-          }
-          )
-          'conv.rec',
-          signature=signature(object='mif2List'),
-          definition=function (object, ...) {
-            lapply(object,conv.rec,...)
-          }
-          )
-mif2.diagnostics <- function (z) {
-  ## assumes that z is a list of mif2d.pomps with identical structure
-  mar.multi <- c(0,5.1,0,2.1)
-  oma.multi <- c(6,0,5,0)
-  xx <- z[[1]]
-  parnames <- names(coef(xx,transform=xx at transform))
-  estnames <- parnames
-  ## plot filter means
-  filt.diag <- rbind("eff. sample size"=xx at eff.sample.size,filter.mean(xx))
-  filtnames <- rownames(filt.diag)
-  plotnames <- filtnames
-  lognames <- filtnames[1] # eff. sample size
-  nplots <- length(plotnames)
-  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
-  if(n.per.page<=4) nc <- 1 else nc <- 2
-  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
-  oldpar <- par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc),ask=dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE))
-  on.exit(par(oldpar))
-  low <- 1
-  hi <- 0
-  time <- time(xx)
-  while (hi<nplots) {
-    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
-    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
-      n <- i-low+1
-      logplot <- if (plotnames[i]%in%lognames) "y" else ""
-      dat <- sapply(
-                    z,
-                    function(po, label) {
-                      if (label=="eff. sample size")
-                        po at eff.sample.size
-                      else
-                        filter.mean(po,label)
-                    },
-                    label=plotnames[i]
-                    )
-      matplot(
-              y=dat,
-              x=time,
-              axes = FALSE,
-              xlab = "",
-              log=logplot,
-              ylab = "",
-              type = "l"
-              )
-      box()
-      y.side <- 2
-      axis(y.side, xpd = NA)
-      mtext(plotnames[i], y.side, line = 3)
-      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
-      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
-      if (do.xax) mtext("time",side=1,line=3)
-    }
-    low <- hi+1
-    mtext("Filter diagnostics (last iteration)",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
-  }
-  ## plot mif convergence diagnostics
-  other.diagnostics <- c("loglik", "nfail")
-  plotnames <- c(other.diagnostics,estnames)
-  nplots <- length(plotnames)
-  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
-  nc <- if (n.per.page<=4) 1 else 2
-  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
-  par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc))
-  ## on.exit(par(oldpar))
-  low <- 1
-  hi <- 0
-  iteration <- seq(0,xx at Nmif)
-  while (hi<nplots) {
-    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
-    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
-      n <- i-low+1
-      dat <- sapply(z,function(po,label) conv.rec(po,label),label=plotnames[i])
-      matplot(
-              y=dat,
-              x=iteration,
-              axes = FALSE,
-              xlab = "",
-              ylab = "",
-              type = "l"
-              )
-      box()
-      y.side <- 2
-      axis(y.side,xpd=NA)
-      mtext(plotnames[i],y.side,line=3)
-      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
-      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
-      if (do.xax) mtext("MIF iteration",side=1,line=3)
-    }
-    low <- hi+1
-    mtext("MIF convergence diagnostics",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
-  }
-  invisible(NULL)
-          "plot",
-          "mif2d.pomp",
-          function (x, y, ...) {
-            if (!missing(y)) {
-              y <- substitute(y)
-              warning(sQuote(y)," is ignored")
-            }
-            mif2.diagnostics(list(x))
-          }
-          )
-          "plot",
-          signature=signature(x='mif2List'),
-          definition=function (x, y, ...) {
-            if (!missing(y)) {
-              y <- substitute(y)
-              warning(sQuote(y)," is ignored")
-            }
-            mif2.diagnostics(x)
-          }
-          )

Modified: pkg/pomp/man/mif.Rd
--- pkg/pomp/man/mif.Rd	2015-06-04 23:29:13 UTC (rev 1181)
+++ pkg/pomp/man/mif.Rd	2015-06-04 23:29:29 UTC (rev 1182)
@@ -13,8 +13,6 @@
@@ -31,10 +29,14 @@
   Iterated filtering algorithms for estimating the parameters of a partially-observed Markov process.
   Running \code{mif} causes the iterated filtering algorithm to run for a specified number of iterations.
+  At each iteration, the particle filter is performed on a perturbed version of the model.
+  Specifically, parameters to be estimated are subjected to random perturbations at each observation.
+  This extra variability effectively smooths the likelihood surface and combats particle depletion by introducing diversity into the population of particles.
+  At the iterations progress, the magnitude of the perturbations is diminished according to a user-specified cooling schedule.
+  For most purposes, \code{mif} has been superseded by \code{\link{mif2}}.
 \S4method{mif}{pomp}(object, Nmif = 1, start, ivps = character(0),
@@ -49,7 +51,6 @@
     cooling.type, cooling.fraction.50,
     method, tol, transform, \dots)
 \S4method{continue}{mif}(object, Nmif = 1, \dots)
-\S4method{logLik}{mif}(object, \dots)
 \S4method{conv.rec}{mif}(object, pars, transform = FALSE, \dots)
 \S4method{conv.rec}{mifList}(object, \dots)
@@ -141,9 +142,16 @@
   \item{pars}{names of parameters.}
+  Upon successful completion, \code{mif} returns an object of class \code{mif}.
+  The latter inherits from the \code{\link{pfilterd.pomp}} and \code{\link{pomp}} classes.
+  A more full-featured version of the improved iterated filtering algorithm (IF2) is implemented as \code{\link{mif2}}.
 \section{Re-running \code{mif} Iterations}{
   To re-run a sequence of \code{mif} iterations, one can use the \code{mif} method on a \code{mif} object.
-  By default, the same parameters used for the original \code{mif} run are re-used (except for \code{weighted}, \code{tol}, \code{max.fail}, and \code{verbose}, the defaults of which are shown above).
+  By default, the same parameters used for the original \code{mif} run are re-used (except for \code{tol}, \code{max.fail}, and \code{verbose}, the defaults of which are shown above).
   If one does specify additional arguments, these will override the defaults.
 \section{Continuing \code{mif} Iterations}{
@@ -171,7 +179,7 @@
       NB: this is \emph{not} the same as the likelihood of the model at the MLE!
-      Concatenates \code{mif} objects into an \code{mifList}.
+      Concatenates \code{mif} objects into a \code{mifList}.
       Plots a series of diagnostic plots when applied to a \code{mif} or \code{mifList} object.
@@ -215,7 +223,7 @@
 \author{Aaron A. King \email{kingaa at umich dot edu}}
-  \code{\link{pomp}}, \code{\link{pfilter}}
+  \code{\link{pomp}}, \code{\link{pfilter}}, \code{\link{mif2}}

Added: pkg/pomp/man/mif2.Rd
--- pkg/pomp/man/mif2.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/pomp/man/mif2.Rd	2015-06-04 23:29:29 UTC (rev 1182)
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+\name{Iterated filtering 2}
+\title{IF2: Maximum likelihood by iterated, perturbed Bayes maps}
+  An iterated filtering algorithm for estimating the parameters of a partially-observed Markov process.
+  Running \code{mif2} causes the improved iterated filtering algorithm (IF2) to run for a specified number of particle-filter iterations.
+  At each iteration, the particle filter is performed on a perturbed version of the model.
+  Specifically, parameters to be estimated are subjected to random perturbations at each observation.
+  This extra variability effectively smooths the likelihood surface and introduces diversity into the population of particles to combat depletion.
+  At the iterations progress, the magnitude of the perturbations is diminished according to a user-specified cooling schedule.
+  The algorithm is presented and justified in Ionides et al. (2015).
+\S4method{mif2}{pomp}(object, Nmif = 1, start, Np, rw.sd, transform = FALSE,
+    cooling.type = c("hyperbolic", "geometric"),
+    cooling.fraction.50, tol = 1e-17, max.fail = Inf,
+    verbose = getOption("verbose"), \dots)
+\S4method{mif2}{pfilterd.pomp}(object, Nmif = 1, Np, tol, \dots)
+\S4method{mif2}{mif2d.pomp}(object, Nmif, start, Np, rw.sd,
+    transform, cooling.type, cooling.fraction.50, tol, \dots)
+\S4method{continue}{mif2d.pomp}(object, Nmif = 1, \dots)
+\S4method{conv.rec}{mif2d.pomp}(object, pars, transform = FALSE, \dots)
+\S4method{conv.rec}{mif2List}(object, \dots)
+  \item{object}{
+    An object of class \code{pomp}.
+  }
+  \item{Nmif}{
+    The number of filtering iterations to perform.
+  }
+  \item{start}{
+    named numerical vector;
+    the starting guess of the parameters.
+    By default, \code{start=coef(object)}.
+  }
+  \item{Np}{
+    the number of particles to use in filtering.
+    This may be specified as a single positive integer, in which case the same number of particles will be used at each timestep.
+    Alternatively, if one wishes the number of particles to vary across timestep, one may specify \code{Np} either as a vector of positive integers (of length \code{length(time(object,t0=TRUE))}) or as a function taking a positive integer argument.
+    In the latter case, \code{Np(k)} must be a single positive integer, representing the number of particles to be used at the \code{k}-th timestep:
+    \code{Np(0)} is the number of particles to use going from \code{timezero(object)} to \code{time(object)[1]},
+    \code{Np(1)}, from \code{timezero(object)} to \code{time(object)[1]},
+    and so on, while when \code{T=length(time(object,t0=TRUE))},
+    \code{Np(T)} is the number of particles to sample at the end of the time-series.
+  }
+  \item{rw.sd}{
+    specification of the magnitude of the random-walk perturbations that will be applied to some or all model parameters.
+    Parameters that are to be estimated should have positive perturbations specified here.
+    The specification is given using the \code{rw.sd} function (see below), which creates a list of unevaluated expressions.
+    The latter are evaluated in a context where the model time variable is defined (as \code{time}).
+    The expression \code{ivp(s)} can be used in this context as shorthand for \preformatted{ifelse(time==time[1],s,0).}
+    Likewise, \code{ivp(s,lag)} is equivalent to \preformatted{ifelse(time==time[lag],s,0).}
+    See below for some examples.
+  }
+  \item{transform}{
+    logical;
+    if \code{TRUE}, optimization is performed on the estimation scale, as defined by the user-supplied parameter transformations (see \code{\link{pomp}}).
+  }
+  \item{cooling.type, cooling.fraction.50}{
+    specifications for the cooling schedule, i.e., the manner in which the intensity of the parameter perturbations is reduced with successive filtering iterations.
+    \code{cooling.type} specifies the nature of the cooling schedule.
+    When \code{cooling.type="geometric"}, on the n-th \code{mif} iteration, the relative perturbation intensity is \code{cooling.fraction.50^(n/50)}.
+    When \code{cooling.type="hyperbolic"}, on the n-th \code{mif} iteration, the relative perturbation intensity is \code{(s+1)/(s+n)}, where \code{(s+1)/(s+50)=cooling.fraction.50}.
+    \code{cooling.fraction.50} is the relative magnitude of the parameter perturbations after 50 \code{mif} iterations.
+  }
+  \item{tol, max.fail}{
+    passed to the particle filter.
+    See the descriptions under \code{\link{pfilter}}.
+  }
+  \item{verbose}{
+    logical; if TRUE, print progress reports.
+  }
+  \item{\dots}{
+    additional arguments that override the defaults.
+  }
+  \item{pars}{names of parameters.}
+  Upon successful completion, \code{mif2} returns an object of class \code{mif2d.pomp}.
+  This class inherits from the \code{\link{pfilterd.pomp}} and \code{\link{pomp}} classes.
+\section{The \code{rw.sd} function}{
+  This function simply returns a list containing its arguments as unevaluated expressions.
+  These are then evaluated in a context containing the model \code{time} variable.
+  This allows for easy specification of the structure of the perturbations that are to be applied.
+\section{Re-running \code{mif2} Iterations}{
+  To re-run a sequence of \code{mif2} iterations, one can use the \code{mif2} method on a \code{mif2d.pomp} object.
+  By default, the same parameters used for the original \code{mif2} run are re-used (except for \code{tol}, \code{max.fail}, and \code{verbose}, the defaults of which are shown above).
+  If one does specify additional arguments, these will override the defaults.
+\section{Continuing \code{mif2} Iterations}{
+  One can resume a series of \code{mif2} iterations from where one left off using the \code{continue} method.
+  A call to \code{mif2} to perform \code{Nmif=m} iterations followed by a call to \code{continue} to perform \code{Nmif=n} iterations will produce precisely the same effect as a single call to \code{mif2} to perform \code{Nmif=m+n} iterations.
+  By default, all the algorithmic parameters are the same as used in the original call to \code{mif2}.
+  Additional arguments will override these defaults.
+  Methods that can be used to manipulate, display, or extract information from a \code{mif2d.pomp} object:
+  \describe{
+    \item{conv.rec}{
+      \code{conv.rec(object, pars = NULL)} returns the columns of the convergence-record matrix corresponding to the names in \code{pars}.
+      By default, all rows are returned.
+    }
+    \item{logLik}{
+      Returns the value in the \code{loglik} slot.
+      NB: this is \emph{not} the same as the likelihood of the model at the MLE!
+    }
+    \item{c}{
+      Concatenates \code{mif2d.pomp} objects into a \code{mif2List}.
+    }
+    \item{plot}{
+      Plots a series of diagnostic plots when applied to a \code{mif2d.pomp} or \code{mif2List} object.
+    }
+  }
+  If \code{particles} is not specified, the default behavior is to draw the particles from a multivariate normal distribution.
+  \strong{It is the user's responsibility to ensure that, if the optional \code{particles} argument is given, that the \code{particles} function satisfies the following conditions:}
+  \code{particles} has at least the following arguments:
+  \code{Np}, \code{center}, \code{sd}, and \code{\dots}.
+  \code{Np} may be assumed to be a positive integer;
+  \code{center} and \code{sd} will be named vectors of the same length.
+  Additional arguments may be specified;
+  these will be filled with the elements of the \code{userdata} slot of the underlying \code{pomp} object (see \code{\link{pomp}}).
+  \code{particles} returns a \code{length(center)} x \code{Np} matrix with rownames matching the names of \code{center} and \code{sd}.
+  Each column represents a distinct particle.
+  The center of the particle distribution returned by \code{particles} should be \code{center}.
+  The width of the particle distribution should vary monotonically with \code{sd}.
+  In particular, when \code{sd=0}, the \code{particles} should return matrices with \code{Np} identical columns, each given by the parameters specified in \code{center}.
+guess1 <- guess2 <- coef(ou2)
+guess1[c('x1.0','x2.0','alpha.2','alpha.3')] <- 0.5*guess1[c('x1.0','x2.0','alpha.2','alpha.3')]
+guess2[c('x1.0','x2.0','alpha.2','alpha.3')] <- 1.5*guess1[c('x1.0','x2.0','alpha.2','alpha.3')]
+m1 <- mif2(ou2,Nmif=100,start=guess1,Np=1000,
+           cooling.type="hyperbolic",cooling.fraction.50=0.05,
+           rw.sd=rw.sd(x1.0=ivp(0.5),x2.0=ivp(0.5),
+             alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1))
+m2 <- mif2(ou2,Nmif=100,start=guess2,Np=1000,
+           cooling.type="hyperbolic",cooling.fraction.50=0.05,
+           rw.sd=rw.sd(x1.0=ivp(0.5),x2.0=ivp(0.5),
+             alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1))
+      mle2=c(coef(m2),loglik=logLik(pfilter(m1,Np=1000))),
+      truth=c(coef(ou2),loglik=logLik(pfilter(m1,Np=1000))))
+  E. L. Ionides, D. Nguyen, Y. Atchad{\\'e}, S. Stoev, and A. A. King. 
+  Inference for dynamic and latent variable models via iterated, perturbed Bayes maps.
+  Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 112:719--724, 2015.
+\author{Aaron A. King \email{kingaa at umich dot edu}, Edward L. Ionides, and Dao Nguyen}
+  \code{\link{pomp}}, \code{\link{pfilter}}, \code{\link{mif}}, and the tutorials on the \href{http://pomp.r-forge.r-project.org}{package website}.

Modified: pkg/pomp/man/pfilter.Rd
--- pkg/pomp/man/pfilter.Rd	2015-06-04 23:29:13 UTC (rev 1181)
+++ pkg/pomp/man/pfilter.Rd	2015-06-04 23:29:29 UTC (rev 1182)
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@

Modified: pkg/pomp/man/pmcmc.Rd
--- pkg/pomp/man/pmcmc.Rd	2015-06-04 23:29:13 UTC (rev 1181)
+++ pkg/pomp/man/pmcmc.Rd	2015-06-04 23:29:29 UTC (rev 1182)
@@ -32,7 +32,6 @@
   The Particle MCMC algorithm for estimating the parameters of a partially-observed Markov process.
   Running \code{pmcmc} causes a particle random-walk Metropolis-Hastings Markov chain algorithm to run for the specified number of proposals.
 \S4method{pmcmc}{pomp}(object, Nmcmc = 1, start, proposal, pars, rw.sd, Np,

Modified: pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-mif2.R
--- pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-mif2.R	2015-06-04 23:29:13 UTC (rev 1181)
+++ pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-mif2.R	2015-06-04 23:29:29 UTC (rev 1182)
@@ -113,11 +113,12 @@
-m2 <- mif2(ou2,Nmif=100,start=guess2,Np=1000,
+m2 <- mif2(ou2,Nmif=50,start=guess2,Np=1000,
+m2 <- continue(m2,Nmif=50)

Modified: pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-mif2.Rout.save
--- pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-mif2.Rout.save	2015-06-04 23:29:13 UTC (rev 1181)
+++ pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-mif2.Rout.save	2015-06-04 23:29:29 UTC (rev 1182)
@@ -144,11 +144,12 @@
 +              x1.0=ivp(0.5),x2.0=ivp(0.5),
 +              alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1))
-> m2 <- mif2(ou2,Nmif=100,start=guess2,Np=1000,
+> m2 <- mif2(ou2,Nmif=50,start=guess2,Np=1000,
 +            cooling.type="hyperbolic",cooling.fraction.50=0.05,
 +            rw.sd=rw.sd(
 +              x1.0=ivp(0.5),x2.0=ivp(0.5),
 +              alpha.2=0.1,alpha.3=0.1))
+> m2 <- continue(m2,Nmif=50)
 > plot(c(m1,m2))
@@ -181,4 +182,4 @@
 > proc.time()
    user  system elapsed 
- 69.328   0.052  69.748 
+ 68.756   0.088  69.231 

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