[Pomp-commits] r957 - in pkg/pomp: . R inst man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat May 17 23:23:27 CEST 2014

Author: kingaa
Date: 2014-05-17 23:23:27 +0200 (Sat, 17 May 2014)
New Revision: 957

- add compare.abc and compare.pmcmc methods

Modified: pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION	2014-05-17 15:51:26 UTC (rev 956)
+++ pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION	2014-05-17 21:23:27 UTC (rev 957)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: pomp
 Type: Package
 Title: Statistical inference for partially observed Markov processes
-Version: 0.50-7
+Version: 0.50-8
 Date: 2014-05-17
 Authors at R: c(person(given=c("Aaron","A."),family="King",
 		role=c("aut","cre"),email="kingaa at umich.edu"),
@@ -35,8 +35,8 @@
 	 dprior-pomp.R rprior-pomp.R
 	 simulate-pomp.R trajectory-pomp.R plot-pomp.R 
 	 pfilter.R pfilter-methods.R minim.R traj-match.R bsmc.R
-	 mif.R mif-methods.R compare-mif.R
- 	 pmcmc.R pmcmc-methods.R compare-pmcmc.R
+	 mif.R mif-methods.R
+ 	 pmcmc.R pmcmc-methods.R
  	 nlf-funcs.R nlf-guts.R nlf-objfun.R nlf.R 
 	 probe.R probe-match.R basic-probes.R spect.R spect-match.R
 	 abc.R abc-methods.R

Modified: pkg/pomp/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/pomp/NAMESPACE	2014-05-17 15:51:26 UTC (rev 956)
+++ pkg/pomp/NAMESPACE	2014-05-17 21:23:27 UTC (rev 957)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
-       compare.mif,
+       compare.mif,compare.pmcmc,compare.abc,

Modified: pkg/pomp/R/abc-methods.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/abc-methods.R	2014-05-17 15:51:26 UTC (rev 956)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/abc-methods.R	2014-05-17 21:23:27 UTC (rev 957)
@@ -23,3 +23,56 @@
+compare.abc <- function (z) {
+  ## assumes that z is a list of abcs with identical structure
+  if (!is.list(z)) z <- list(z)
+  if (!all(sapply(z,function(x)is(x,'abc'))))
+    stop("compare.abc error: ",
+         sQuote("z"),
+         " must be a pmcmc object or a list of pmcmc objects",call.=FALSE)
+  mar.multi <- c(0,5.1,0,2.1)
+  oma.multi <- c(6,0,5,0)
+  xx <- z[[1]]
+  estnames <- xx at pars
+  parnames <- names(coef(xx))
+  unestnames <- parnames[-match(estnames,parnames)]
+  ## plot pmcmc convergence diagnostics
+  other.diagnostics <- c()
+  plotnames <- c(other.diagnostics,estnames)
+  nplots <- length(plotnames)
+  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
+  nc <- if (n.per.page<=4) 1 else 2
+  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
+  oldpar <- par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc))
+  on.exit(par(oldpar)) 
+  low <- 1
+  hi <- 0
+  iteration <- seq(0,xx at Nabc)
+  while (hi<nplots) {
+    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
+    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
+      n <- i-low+1
+      dat <- sapply(z,function(po,label) conv.rec(po,label),label=plotnames[i])
+      matplot(
+              y=dat, 
+              x=iteration,
+              axes = FALSE,
+              xlab = "",
+              ylab = "",
+              type = "l"
+              )
+      box()
+      y.side <- 2
+      axis(y.side,xpd=NA)
+      mtext(plotnames[i],y.side,line=3)
+      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
+      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
+      if (do.xax) mtext("ABC iteration",side=1,line=3)
+    }  
+    low <- hi+1
+    mtext("ABC convergence diagnostics",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
+  }
+  invisible(NULL)

Deleted: pkg/pomp/R/compare-mif.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/compare-mif.R	2014-05-17 15:51:26 UTC (rev 956)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/compare-mif.R	2014-05-17 21:23:27 UTC (rev 957)
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-compare.mif <- function (z) {
-  ## assumes that x is a list of mifs with identical structure
-  if (!is.list(z)) z <- list(z)
-  if (!all(sapply(z,function(x)is(x,'mif'))))
-    stop("compare.mif error: ",sQuote("z")," must be a mif object or a list of mif objects",call.=FALSE)
-  mar.multi <- c(0,5.1,0,2.1)
-  oma.multi <- c(6,0,5,0)
-  xx <- z[[1]]
-  ivpnames <- xx at ivps
-  estnames <- c(xx at pars,ivpnames)
-  parnames <- names(coef(xx,transform=xx at transform))
-  unestnames <- parnames[-match(estnames,parnames)]
-  ## plot filter means
-  filt.diag <- rbind("eff. sample size"=xx at eff.sample.size,filter.mean(xx))
-  filtnames <- rownames(filt.diag)
-  plotnames <- if(length(unestnames)>0) filtnames[-match(unestnames,filtnames)] else filtnames
-  lognames <- filtnames[1] # eff. sample size
-  nplots <- length(plotnames)
-  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
-  if(n.per.page<=4) nc <- 1 else nc <- 2
-  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
-  oldpar <- par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc),ask=dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE))
-  on.exit(par(oldpar)) 
-  low <- 1
-  hi <- 0
-  time <- time(xx)
-  while (hi<nplots) {
-    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
-    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
-      n <- i-low+1
-      logplot <- if (plotnames[i]%in%lognames) "y" else ""
-      dat <- sapply(
-                    z,
-                    function(po, label) {
-                      if (label=="eff. sample size") 
-                        po at eff.sample.size
-                      else
-                        filter.mean(po,label)
-                    },
-                    label=plotnames[i]
-                    )
-      matplot(
-              y=dat, 
-              x=time,
-              axes = FALSE,
-              xlab = "",
-              log=logplot,
-              ylab = "",
-              type = "l"
-              )
-      box()
-      y.side <- 2
-      axis(y.side, xpd = NA)
-      mtext(plotnames[i], y.side, line = 3)
-      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
-      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
-      if (do.xax) mtext("time",side=1,line=3)
-    }  
-    low <- hi+1
-    mtext("Filter diagnostics (last iteration)",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
-  } 
-  ## plot mif convergence diagnostics
-  other.diagnostics <- c("loglik", "nfail")
-  plotnames <- c(other.diagnostics,estnames)
-  nplots <- length(plotnames)
-  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
-  nc <- if (n.per.page<=4) 1 else 2
-  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
-  par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc))
-  ## on.exit(par(oldpar)) 
-  low <- 1
-  hi <- 0
-  iteration <- seq(0,xx at Nmif)
-  while (hi<nplots) {
-    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
-    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
-      n <- i-low+1
-      dat <- sapply(z,function(po,label) conv.rec(po,label),label=plotnames[i])
-      matplot(
-              y=dat, 
-              x=iteration,
-              axes = FALSE,
-              xlab = "",
-              ylab = "",
-              type = "l"
-              )
-      box()
-      y.side <- 2
-      axis(y.side,xpd=NA)
-      mtext(plotnames[i],y.side,line=3)
-      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
-      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
-      if (do.xax) mtext("MIF iteration",side=1,line=3)
-    }  
-    low <- hi+1
-    mtext("MIF convergence diagnostics",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
-  }
-  invisible(NULL)

Deleted: pkg/pomp/R/compare-pmcmc.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/compare-pmcmc.R	2014-05-17 15:51:26 UTC (rev 956)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/compare-pmcmc.R	2014-05-17 21:23:27 UTC (rev 957)
@@ -1,101 +0,0 @@
-compare.pmcmc <- function (z) {
-  ## assumes that x is a list of pmcmcs with identical structure
-  if (!is.list(z)) z <- list(z)
-  if (!all(sapply(z,function(x)is(x,'pmcmc'))))
-    stop("compare.pmcmc error: ",sQuote("z")," must be a pmcmc object or a list of pmcmc objects",call.=FALSE)
-  mar.multi <- c(0,5.1,0,2.1)
-  oma.multi <- c(6,0,5,0)
-  xx <- z[[1]]
-  estnames <- xx at pars
-  parnames <- names(coef(xx))
-  unestnames <- parnames[-match(estnames,parnames)]
-  ## plot filter means
-  filt.diag <- rbind("eff. sample size"=xx at eff.sample.size,filter.mean(xx))
-  filtnames <- rownames(filt.diag)
-#  plotnames <- if(length(unestnames)>0) filtnames[-match(unestnames,filtnames)] else filtnames
-  plotnames <- filtnames
-  lognames <- filtnames[1] # eff. sample size
-  nplots <- length(plotnames)
-  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
-  if(n.per.page<=4) nc <- 1 else nc <- 2
-  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
-  oldpar <- par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc),ask=dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE))
-  on.exit(par(oldpar)) 
-  low <- 1
-  hi <- 0
-  time <- time(xx)
-  while (hi<nplots) {
-    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
-    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
-      n <- i-low+1
-      logplot <- if (plotnames[i]%in%lognames) "y" else ""
-      dat <- sapply(
-                    z,
-                    function(po, label) {
-                      if (label=="eff. sample size") 
-                        po at eff.sample.size
-                      else
-                        filter.mean(po,label)
-                    },
-                    label=plotnames[i]
-                    )
-      matplot(
-              y=dat, 
-              x=time,
-              axes = FALSE,
-              xlab = "",
-              log=logplot,
-              ylab = "",
-              type = "l"
-              )
-      box()
-      y.side <- 2
-      axis(y.side, xpd = NA)
-      mtext(plotnames[i], y.side, line = 3)
-      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
-      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
-      if (do.xax) mtext("time",side=1,line=3)
-    }  
-    low <- hi+1
-    mtext("Filter diagnostics (last iteration)",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
-  } 
-  ## plot pmcmc convergence diagnostics
-  other.diagnostics <- c("loglik", "log.prior","nfail")
-  plotnames <- c(other.diagnostics,estnames)
-  nplots <- length(plotnames)
-  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
-  nc <- if (n.per.page<=4) 1 else 2
-  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
-  par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc))
-  ## on.exit(par(oldpar)) 
-  low <- 1
-  hi <- 0
-  iteration <- seq(0,xx at Nmcmc)
-  while (hi<nplots) {
-    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
-    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
-      n <- i-low+1
-      dat <- sapply(z,function(po,label) conv.rec(po,label),label=plotnames[i])
-      matplot(
-              y=dat, 
-              x=iteration,
-              axes = FALSE,
-              xlab = "",
-              ylab = "",
-              type = "l"
-              )
-      box()
-      y.side <- 2
-      axis(y.side,xpd=NA)
-      mtext(plotnames[i],y.side,line=3)
-      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
-      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
-      if (do.xax) mtext("PMCMC iteration",side=1,line=3)
-    }  
-    low <- hi+1
-    mtext("PMCMC convergence diagnostics",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
-  }
-  invisible(NULL)

Modified: pkg/pomp/R/mif-methods.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/mif-methods.R	2014-05-17 15:51:26 UTC (rev 956)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/mif-methods.R	2014-05-17 21:23:27 UTC (rev 957)
@@ -110,3 +110,105 @@
     plot(time(object),npv,type=type,ylab='prediction variance',xlab='time',...)
+compare.mif <- function (z) {
+  ## assumes that x is a list of mifs with identical structure
+  if (!is.list(z)) z <- list(z)
+  if (!all(sapply(z,function(x)is(x,'mif'))))
+    stop("compare.mif error: ",sQuote("z")," must be a mif object or a list of mif objects",call.=FALSE)
+  mar.multi <- c(0,5.1,0,2.1)
+  oma.multi <- c(6,0,5,0)
+  xx <- z[[1]]
+  ivpnames <- xx at ivps
+  estnames <- c(xx at pars,ivpnames)
+  parnames <- names(coef(xx,transform=xx at transform))
+  unestnames <- parnames[-match(estnames,parnames)]
+  ## plot filter means
+  filt.diag <- rbind("eff. sample size"=xx at eff.sample.size,filter.mean(xx))
+  filtnames <- rownames(filt.diag)
+  plotnames <- if(length(unestnames)>0) filtnames[-match(unestnames,filtnames)] else filtnames
+  lognames <- filtnames[1] # eff. sample size
+  nplots <- length(plotnames)
+  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
+  if(n.per.page<=4) nc <- 1 else nc <- 2
+  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
+  oldpar <- par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc),ask=dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE))
+  on.exit(par(oldpar)) 
+  low <- 1
+  hi <- 0
+  time <- time(xx)
+  while (hi<nplots) {
+    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
+    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
+      n <- i-low+1
+      logplot <- if (plotnames[i]%in%lognames) "y" else ""
+      dat <- sapply(
+                    z,
+                    function(po, label) {
+                      if (label=="eff. sample size") 
+                        po at eff.sample.size
+                      else
+                        filter.mean(po,label)
+                    },
+                    label=plotnames[i]
+                    )
+      matplot(
+              y=dat, 
+              x=time,
+              axes = FALSE,
+              xlab = "",
+              log=logplot,
+              ylab = "",
+              type = "l"
+              )
+      box()
+      y.side <- 2
+      axis(y.side, xpd = NA)
+      mtext(plotnames[i], y.side, line = 3)
+      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
+      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
+      if (do.xax) mtext("time",side=1,line=3)
+    }  
+    low <- hi+1
+    mtext("Filter diagnostics (last iteration)",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
+  } 
+  ## plot mif convergence diagnostics
+  other.diagnostics <- c("loglik", "nfail")
+  plotnames <- c(other.diagnostics,estnames)
+  nplots <- length(plotnames)
+  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
+  nc <- if (n.per.page<=4) 1 else 2
+  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
+  par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc))
+  ## on.exit(par(oldpar)) 
+  low <- 1
+  hi <- 0
+  iteration <- seq(0,xx at Nmif)
+  while (hi<nplots) {
+    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
+    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
+      n <- i-low+1
+      dat <- sapply(z,function(po,label) conv.rec(po,label),label=plotnames[i])
+      matplot(
+              y=dat, 
+              x=iteration,
+              axes = FALSE,
+              xlab = "",
+              ylab = "",
+              type = "l"
+              )
+      box()
+      y.side <- 2
+      axis(y.side,xpd=NA)
+      mtext(plotnames[i],y.side,line=3)
+      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
+      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
+      if (do.xax) mtext("MIF iteration",side=1,line=3)
+    }  
+    low <- hi+1
+    mtext("MIF convergence diagnostics",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
+  }
+  invisible(NULL)

Modified: pkg/pomp/R/pmcmc-methods.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/pmcmc-methods.R	2014-05-17 15:51:26 UTC (rev 956)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/pmcmc-methods.R	2014-05-17 21:23:27 UTC (rev 957)
@@ -31,3 +31,105 @@
+compare.pmcmc <- function (z) {
+  ## assumes that x is a list of pmcmcs with identical structure
+  if (!is.list(z)) z <- list(z)
+  if (!all(sapply(z,function(x)is(x,'pmcmc'))))
+    stop("compare.pmcmc error: ",sQuote("z")," must be a pmcmc object or a list of pmcmc objects",call.=FALSE)
+  mar.multi <- c(0,5.1,0,2.1)
+  oma.multi <- c(6,0,5,0)
+  xx <- z[[1]]
+  estnames <- xx at pars
+  parnames <- names(coef(xx))
+  unestnames <- parnames[-match(estnames,parnames)]
+  ## plot filter means
+  filt.diag <- rbind("eff. sample size"=xx at eff.sample.size,filter.mean(xx))
+  filtnames <- rownames(filt.diag)
+#  plotnames <- if(length(unestnames)>0) filtnames[-match(unestnames,filtnames)] else filtnames
+  plotnames <- filtnames
+  lognames <- filtnames[1] # eff. sample size
+  nplots <- length(plotnames)
+  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
+  if(n.per.page<=4) nc <- 1 else nc <- 2
+  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
+  oldpar <- par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc),ask=dev.interactive(orNone=TRUE))
+  on.exit(par(oldpar)) 
+  low <- 1
+  hi <- 0
+  time <- time(xx)
+  while (hi<nplots) {
+    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
+    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
+      n <- i-low+1
+      logplot <- if (plotnames[i]%in%lognames) "y" else ""
+      dat <- sapply(
+                    z,
+                    function(po, label) {
+                      if (label=="eff. sample size") 
+                        po at eff.sample.size
+                      else
+                        filter.mean(po,label)
+                    },
+                    label=plotnames[i]
+                    )
+      matplot(
+              y=dat, 
+              x=time,
+              axes = FALSE,
+              xlab = "",
+              log=logplot,
+              ylab = "",
+              type = "l"
+              )
+      box()
+      y.side <- 2
+      axis(y.side, xpd = NA)
+      mtext(plotnames[i], y.side, line = 3)
+      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
+      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
+      if (do.xax) mtext("time",side=1,line=3)
+    }  
+    low <- hi+1
+    mtext("Filter diagnostics (last iteration)",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
+  } 
+  ## plot pmcmc convergence diagnostics
+  other.diagnostics <- c("loglik", "log.prior","nfail")
+  plotnames <- c(other.diagnostics,estnames)
+  nplots <- length(plotnames)
+  n.per.page <- min(nplots,10)
+  nc <- if (n.per.page<=4) 1 else 2
+  nr <- ceiling(n.per.page/nc)
+  par(mar=mar.multi,oma=oma.multi,mfcol=c(nr,nc))
+  ## on.exit(par(oldpar)) 
+  low <- 1
+  hi <- 0
+  iteration <- seq(0,xx at Nmcmc)
+  while (hi<nplots) {
+    hi <- min(low+n.per.page-1,nplots)
+    for (i in seq(from=low,to=hi,by=1)) {
+      n <- i-low+1
+      dat <- sapply(z,function(po,label) conv.rec(po,label),label=plotnames[i])
+      matplot(
+              y=dat, 
+              x=iteration,
+              axes = FALSE,
+              xlab = "",
+              ylab = "",
+              type = "l"
+              )
+      box()
+      y.side <- 2
+      axis(y.side,xpd=NA)
+      mtext(plotnames[i],y.side,line=3)
+      do.xax <- (n%%nr==0||n==n.per.page)
+      if (do.xax) axis(1,xpd=NA)
+      if (do.xax) mtext("PMCMC iteration",side=1,line=3)
+    }  
+    low <- hi+1
+    mtext("PMCMC convergence diagnostics",3,line=2,outer=TRUE)
+  }
+  invisible(NULL)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/NEWS
--- pkg/pomp/inst/NEWS	2014-05-17 15:51:26 UTC (rev 956)
+++ pkg/pomp/inst/NEWS	2014-05-17 21:23:27 UTC (rev 957)
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 _N_e_w_s _f_o_r _p_a_c_k_a_g_e '_p_o_m_p'
+_C_h_a_n_g_e_s _i_n '_p_o_m_p' _v_e_r_s_i_o_n _0._5_0-_8:
+        • Introduced new ‘compare.pmcmc’ and ‘compare.abc’ functions,
+          comparable to ‘compare.mif’.
 _C_h_a_n_g_e_s _i_n '_p_o_m_p' _v_e_r_s_i_o_n _0._5_0-_6:
         • The package manual and tutorials are no longer included with

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/NEWS.Rd
--- pkg/pomp/inst/NEWS.Rd	2014-05-17 15:51:26 UTC (rev 956)
+++ pkg/pomp/inst/NEWS.Rd	2014-05-17 21:23:27 UTC (rev 957)
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 \title{News for package `pomp'}
+\section{Changes in \pkg{pomp} version 0.50-8}{
+  \itemize{
+    \item Introduced new \code{compare.pmcmc} and \code{compare.abc} functions, comparable to \code{compare.mif}.
+  }
 \section{Changes in \pkg{pomp} version 0.50-6}{
     \item The package manual and tutorials are no longer included with the package source.

Modified: pkg/pomp/man/abc-methods.Rd
--- pkg/pomp/man/abc-methods.Rd	2014-05-17 15:51:26 UTC (rev 956)
+++ pkg/pomp/man/abc-methods.Rd	2014-05-17 21:23:27 UTC (rev 957)
@@ -5,16 +5,19 @@
 \title{Methods of the "abc" class}
 \description{Methods of the "abc" class.}
 \S4method{conv.rec}{abc}(object, pars, \dots)
 \S4method{plot}{abc}(x, y, pars, scatter = FALSE, \dots)
   \item{object, x}{The \code{abc} object.}
   \item{pars}{Names of parameters.}
+  \item{z}{An \code{abc} object or list of \code{abc} objects.}
     optional logical;
     If \code{TRUE}, draw scatterplots.
@@ -30,7 +33,7 @@
       \code{conv.rec(object, pars)} returns the columns of the convergence-record matrix corresponding to the names in \code{pars}.
       By default, all rows are returned.
-    \item{plot}{
+    \item{plot, compare.abc}{
       Plots a series of diagnostic plots.

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