[Pomp-commits] r899 - www/vignettes

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Thu Mar 20 22:51:17 CET 2014

Author: kingaa
Date: 2014-03-20 22:51:17 +0100 (Thu, 20 Mar 2014)
New Revision: 899

- edited demo/sir.R and pompBuilder section in Advanced Topics vignette to agree with one another
- update vignettes

Modified: www/vignettes/advanced_topics_in_pomp.R
--- www/vignettes/advanced_topics_in_pomp.R	2014-03-20 18:52:08 UTC (rev 898)
+++ www/vignettes/advanced_topics_in_pomp.R	2014-03-20 21:51:17 UTC (rev 899)
@@ -305,316 +305,42 @@
-### code chunk number 20: sir-def
+### code chunk number 20: pomp-builder-measmod
-  pomp(
-       data=data.frame(
-         time=seq(from=1/52,to=4,by=1/52),
-         reports=NA
-         ),
-       times="time",
-       t0=0,
-       ## native routine for the process simulator:
-       rprocess=euler.sim(
-         step.fun="_sir_euler_simulator",
-         delta.t=1/52/20,
-         PACKAGE="pomp"
-         ),
-       ## native routine for the skeleton:
-       skeleton.type="vectorfield",
-       skeleton="_sir_ODE",
-       ## native measurement-model routines:
-       rmeasure="_sir_binom_rmeasure",
-       dmeasure="_sir_binom_dmeasure",
-       ## name of the shared-object library containing the 
-       PACKAGE="pomp",
-       ## the order of the observable assumed in the native routines:
-       obsnames = c("reports"),
-       ## the order of the state variables assumed in the native routines:
-       statenames=c("S","I","R","cases","W"),
-       ## the order of the parameters assumed in the native routines:
-       paramnames=c(
-         "gamma","mu","iota",
-         "beta1","beta.sd","pop","rho",
-         "S.0","I.0","R.0"
-         ),
-       nbasis=3L,                       # three seasonal basis functions
-       degree=3L,                       # use cubic B-splines
-       period=1.0,                      # seasonality has period 1yr
-       ## designate 'cases' as an accumulator variable
-       ## i.e., set it to zero after each observation
-       zeronames=c("cases"),
-       ## parameter transformations in native routines:
-       parameter.transform="_sir_par_trans",
-       parameter.inv.transform="_sir_par_untrans",
-       ## some variables to be used in the initializer
-       comp.names=c("S","I","R"),
-       ic.names=c("S.0","I.0","R.0"),
-       ## parameterization of the initial conditions:
-       initializer=function(params, t0, comp.names, ic.names, ...) {
-         snames <- c("S","I","R","cases","W")
-         fracs <- params[ic.names]
-         x0 <- numeric(length(snames))
-         names(x0) <- snames
-         x0[comp.names] <- round(params['pop']*fracs/sum(fracs))
-         x0
-       }
-       ) -> sir
+## negative binomial measurement model
+## E[cases|incid] = rho*incid
+## Var[cases|incid] = rho*incid*(1+rho*incid/theta)
+rmeas <- '
+  cases = rnbinom_mu(theta,rho*incid);
-### code chunk number 21: view-sir-source (eval = FALSE)
-## file.show(file=system.file("examples/sir.c",package="pomp"))
+dmeas <- '
+  lik = dnbinom_mu(cases,theta,rho*incid,give_log);
-### code chunk number 22: sir-sim (eval = FALSE)
-## params <- c(
-##             gamma=26,mu=0.02,iota=0.01,
-##             beta1=400,beta2=480,beta3=320,
-##             beta.sd=1e-3,                      
-##             pop=2.1e6,
-##             rho=0.6,
-##             S.0=26/400,I.0=0.001,R.0=1-0.001-26/400
-##             )                                                     
-## sir <- simulate(sir,params=c(params,nbasis=3,degree=3,period=1),seed=3493885L)
-## sims <- simulate(sir,nsim=10,obs=T)
-## traj <- trajectory(sir,hmax=1/52)
-### code chunk number 23: sir-sim-eval
+### code chunk number 21: pomp-builder-stepfn
-binary.file <- "sim-sim.rda"
-if (file.exists(binary.file)) {
-  load(binary.file)
-} else {
-params <- c(
-            gamma=26,mu=0.02,iota=0.01,
-            beta1=400,beta2=480,beta3=320,
-            beta.sd=1e-3,                      
-            pop=2.1e6,
-            rho=0.6,
-            S.0=26/400,I.0=0.001,R.0=1-0.001-26/400
-            )                                                     
-sir <- simulate(sir,params=c(params,nbasis=3,degree=3,period=1),seed=3493885L)
-sims <- simulate(sir,nsim=10,obs=T)
-traj <- trajectory(sir,hmax=1/52)
-  save(sir,sims,traj,file=binary.file,compress='xz')
-### code chunk number 24: advanced_topics_in_pomp.Rnw:490-497
-true.p <- coef(ou2)
-x0 <- init.state(ou2)
-new.p <- cbind(true.p,true.p,true.p)
-new.p["x1.0",] <- 1:3
-### code chunk number 25: advanced_topics_in_pomp.Rnw:506-509
-x <- rprocess(ou2,xstart=x0,times=time(ou2,t0=T),params=true.p)
-### code chunk number 26: advanced_topics_in_pomp.Rnw:517-521
-x <- x[,,-1,drop=F]
-y <- rmeasure(ou2,x=x,times=time(ou2),params=true.p)
-### code chunk number 27: advanced_topics_in_pomp.Rnw:527-530
-fp <- dprocess(ou2,x=x,times=time(ou2),params=true.p)
-### code chunk number 28: advanced_topics_in_pomp.Rnw:532-535
-fm <- dmeasure(ou2,y=y[,1,],x=x,times=time(ou2),params=true.p)
-### code chunk number 29: all-examples (eval = FALSE)
-## pompExample()
-### code chunk number 30: pomp-builder (eval = FALSE)
-## rmeas <- "
-##   double size = 1.0/sigma/sigma;
-##   double prob = 1.0/(1.0+rho*cases/size);
-##   reports = rnbinom(size,prob);
-## "
-## dmeas <- "
-##   double size = 1.0/sigma/sigma;
-##   double prob = 1.0/(1.0+rho*cases/size);
-##   lik = dnbinom(reports,size,prob,give_log);
-## "
-## stepfn <- "
-##   int nrate = 6;
-##   int nbasis = 3;
-##   int degree = 3;
-##   double period = 1.0;
-##   double rate[nrate];		// transition rates
-##   double trans[nrate];		// transition numbers
-##   double dW;
-##   double seasonality[nbasis];
-##   double beta;
-##   int k;
-##   dW = rgammawn(beta_sd,dt); // gamma noise, mean=dt, variance=(beta_sd^2 dt)
-##   periodic_bspline_basis_eval(t,period,degree,nbasis,seasonality);
-##   beta = beta1*seasonality[0]+beta2*seasonality[1]+beta3*seasonality[2];
-##   // compute the transition rates
-##   rate[0] = mu*popsize;		// birth into susceptible class
-##   rate[1] = (iota+beta*I*dW/dt)/popsize; // force of infection
-##   rate[2] = mu;			// death from susceptible class
-##   rate[3] = gamma;		// recovery
-##   rate[4] = mu;			// death from infectious class
-##   rate[5] = mu; 		// death from recovered class
-##   // compute the transition numbers
-##   trans[0] = rpois(rate[0]*dt);	// births are Poisson
-##   reulermultinom(2,S,&rate[1],dt,&trans[1]);
-##   reulermultinom(2,I,&rate[3],dt,&trans[3]);
-##   reulermultinom(1,R,&rate[5],dt,&trans[5]);
-##   // balance the equations
-##   S += trans[0]-trans[1]-trans[2];
-##   I += trans[1]-trans[3]-trans[4];
-##   R += trans[3]-trans[5];
-##   cases += trans[3];		// cases are cumulative recoveries
-##   if (beta_sd > 0.0)  W += (dW-dt)/beta_sd; // mean = 0, variance = dt
-## "
-## skel <- "
-##   int nrate = 6;
-##   int nbasis = 3;
-##   int degree = 3;	// degree of seasonal basis functions
-##   double period = 1.0;
-##   double rate[nrate];		// transition rates
-##   double term[nrate];		// terms in the equations
-##   double beta;
-##   double seasonality[nbasis];
-##   // compute transmission rate from seasonality
-##   periodic_bspline_basis_eval(t,period,degree,nbasis,seasonality);
-##   beta = exp(log(beta1)*seasonality[0]+log(beta2)*seasonality[1]+log(beta3)*seasonality[2]);
-##   // compute the transition rates
-##   rate[0] = mu*popsize;		// birth into susceptible class
-##   rate[1] = (iota+beta*I)/popsize; // force of infection
-##   rate[2] = mu;			// death from susceptible class
-##   rate[3] = gamma;		// recovery
-##   rate[4] = mu;			// death from infectious class
-##   rate[5] = mu; 		// death from recovered class
-##   // compute the several terms
-##   term[0] = rate[0];
-##   term[1] = rate[1]*S;
-##   term[2] = rate[2]*S;
-##   term[3] = rate[3]*I;
-##   term[4] = rate[4]*I;
-##   term[5] = rate[5]*R;
-##   // assemble the differential equations
-##   DS = term[0]-term[1]-term[2];
-##   DI = term[1]-term[3]-term[4];
-##   DR = term[3]-term[5];
-##   Dcases = term[3];		// accumulate the new I->R transitions
-##   DW = 0;
-## "
-## pompBuilder(
-##             data=data.frame(
-##               reports=NA,
-##               time=seq(0,10,by=1/52)
-##               ),
-##             times="time",
-##             t0=-1/52,
-##             name="SIR",
-##             step.fn.delta.t=1/52/20,
-##             paramnames=c(
-##               "beta1","beta2","beta3","gamma","mu",
-##               "beta.sd","rho","popsize","iota","sigma"
-##               ),
-##             statenames=c("S","I","R","W","cases"),
-##             zeronames="cases",
-##             rmeasure=rmeas,
-##             dmeasure=dmeas,
-##             step.fn=stepfn,
-##             skeleton=skel,
-##             skeleton.type="vectorfield"
-##             ) -> sir
-## simulate(
-##          sir,
-##          params=c(gamma=26,mu=0.05,beta.sd=0.1,
-##            rho=0.6,sigma=0.1,popsize=1e5,iota=10,
-##            beta1=100,beta2=120,beta3=80,
-##            S.0=26000,I.0=0,R.0=74000,W.0=0,cases.0=0
-##            )
-##          ) -> sir
-### code chunk number 31: pomp-builder-eval
-if (Sys.getenv("POMP_BUILD_VIGNETTES")=="yes") {
-  require(pomp)
-rmeas <- "
-  double size = 1.0/sigma/sigma;
-  double prob = 1.0/(1.0+rho*cases/size);
-  reports = rnbinom(size,prob);
-dmeas <- "
-  double size = 1.0/sigma/sigma;
-  double prob = 1.0/(1.0+rho*cases/size);
-  lik = dnbinom(reports,size,prob,give_log);
-stepfn <- "
+## SIR process model with extra-demographic stochasticity
+## and seasonal transmission
+step.fn <- '
   int nrate = 6;
-  int nbasis = 3;
-  int degree = 3;
-  double period = 1.0;
   double rate[nrate];		// transition rates
   double trans[nrate];		// transition numbers
-  double dW;
-  double seasonality[nbasis];
-  double beta;
+  double beta;			// transmission rate
+  double dW;			// white noise increment
   int k;
-  dW = rgammawn(beta_sd,dt); // gamma noise, mean=dt, variance=(beta_sd^2 dt)
-  periodic_bspline_basis_eval(t,period,degree,nbasis,seasonality);
-  beta = beta1*seasonality[0]+beta2*seasonality[1]+beta3*seasonality[2];
+  // seasonality in transmission
+  beta = beta1*seas1+beta2*seas2+beta3*seas3;
+  // compute the environmental stochasticity
+  dW = rgammawn(beta_sd,dt);
   // compute the transition rates
   rate[0] = mu*popsize;		// birth into susceptible class
   rate[1] = (iota+beta*I*dW/dt)/popsize; // force of infection
@@ -633,23 +359,25 @@
   S += trans[0]-trans[1]-trans[2];
   I += trans[1]-trans[3]-trans[4];
   R += trans[3]-trans[5];
-  cases += trans[3];		// cases are cumulative recoveries
-  if (beta_sd > 0.0)  W += (dW-dt)/beta_sd; // mean = 0, variance = dt
+  incid += trans[3];		// incidence is cumulative recoveries
+  if (beta_sd > 0.0) W += (dW-dt)/beta_sd; // increment has mean = 0, variance = dt
-skel <- "
+### code chunk number 22: pomp-builder-skel
+skel <- '
   int nrate = 6;
-  int nbasis = 3;
-  int degree = 3;	// degree of seasonal basis functions
-  double period = 1.0;
   double rate[nrate];		// transition rates
-  double term[nrate];		// terms in the equations
-  double beta;
-  double seasonality[nbasis];
+  double term[nrate];		// transition numbers
+  double beta;			// transmission rate
+  double dW;			// white noise increment
+  int k;
-  // compute transmission rate from seasonality
-  periodic_bspline_basis_eval(t,period,degree,nbasis,seasonality);
-  beta = exp(log(beta1)*seasonality[0]+log(beta2)*seasonality[1]+log(beta3)*seasonality[2]);
+  beta = beta1*seas1+beta2*seas2+beta3*seas3;
   // compute the transition rates
   rate[0] = mu*popsize;		// birth into susceptible class
@@ -671,49 +399,256 @@
   DS = term[0]-term[1]-term[2];
   DI = term[1]-term[3]-term[4];
   DR = term[3]-term[5];
-  Dcases = term[3];		// accumulate the new I->R transitions
+  Dincid = term[3];		// accumulate the new I->R transitions
   DW = 0;
+### code chunk number 23: pomp-builder-partrans
+## parameter transformations
+## note we use barycentric coordinates for the initial conditions
+## the success of this depends on S0, I0, R0 being in
+## adjacent memory locations, in that order
+partrans <- "
+  Tgamma = exp(gamma);
+  Tmu = exp(mu);
+  Tiota = exp(iota);
+  Tbeta1 = exp(beta1);
+  Tbeta2 = exp(beta2);
+  Tbeta3 = exp(beta3);
+  Tbeta_sd = exp(beta_sd);
+  Trho = expit(rho);
+  Ttheta = exp(theta);
+  from_log_barycentric(&TS_0,&S_0,3);
+paruntrans <- "
+  Tgamma = log(gamma);
+  Tmu = log(mu);
+  Tiota = log(iota);
+  Tbeta1 = log(beta1);
+  Tbeta2 = log(beta2);
+  Tbeta3 = log(beta3);
+  Tbeta_sd = log(beta_sd);
+  Trho = logit(rho);
+  Ttheta = log(theta);
+  to_log_barycentric(&TS_0,&S_0,3);
+### code chunk number 24: pomp-builder-covar
+covartab <- data.frame(
+                       time=seq(from=-1/52,to=10+1/52,by=1/26)
+                       )
+covartab <- cbind(
+                  covartab,
+                  with(covartab,
+                       periodic.bspline.basis(
+                                              x=time,
+                                              nbasis=3,
+                                              degree=3,
+                                              period=1,
+                                              names="seas%d"
+                                              )
+                       )
+                  )
+### code chunk number 25: pomp-builder (eval = FALSE)
+## pompBuilder(
+##             name="SIR",
+##             data=data.frame(
+##               cases=NA,
+##               time=seq(0,10,by=1/52)
+##               ),
+##             times="time",
+##             t0=-1/52,
+##             dmeasure=dmeas,
+##             rmeasure=rmeas,
+##             step.fn=step.fn,
+##             step.fn.delta.t=1/52/20,
+##             skeleton.type="vectorfield",
+##             skeleton=skel,
+##             covar=covartab,
+##             tcovar="time",
+##             parameter.transform=partrans,
+##             parameter.inv.transform=paruntrans,
+##             statenames=c("S","I","R","incid","W"),
+##             paramnames=c(
+##               "gamma","mu","iota",
+##               "beta1","beta2","beta3","beta.sd",
+##               "popsize","rho","theta",
+##               "S.0","I.0","R.0"
+##               ), 
+##             zeronames=c("incid","W"),
+##             initializer=function(params, t0, ...) {
+##               x0 <- setNames(numeric(5),c("S","I","R","incid","W"))
+##               fracs <- params[c("S.0","I.0","R.0")]
+##               x0[1:3] <- round(params['popsize']*fracs/sum(fracs))
+##               x0
+##             }
+##             ) -> sir
+### code chunk number 26: pomp-builder-eval
+if (Sys.getenv("POMP_BUILD_VIGNETTES")=="yes") {
+  require(pomp)
+            name="SIR",
-              reports=NA,
+              cases=NA,
-            name="SIR",
-            step.fn.delta.t=1/52/20,
-            paramnames=c(
-              "beta1","beta2","beta3","gamma","mu",
-              "beta.sd","rho","popsize","iota","sigma"
-              ),
-            statenames=c("S","I","R","W","cases"),
-            zeronames="cases",
-            rmeasure=rmeas,
-            step.fn=stepfn,
+            rmeasure=rmeas,
+            step.fn=step.fn,
+            step.fn.delta.t=1/52/20,
+            skeleton.type="vectorfield",
-            skeleton.type="vectorfield"
+            covar=covartab,
+            tcovar="time",
+            parameter.transform=partrans,
+            parameter.inv.transform=paruntrans,
+            statenames=c("S","I","R","incid","W"),
+            paramnames=c(
+              "gamma","mu","iota",
+              "beta1","beta2","beta3","beta.sd",
+              "popsize","rho","theta",
+              "S.0","I.0","R.0"
+              ), 
+            zeronames=c("incid","W"),
+            initializer=function(params, t0, ...) {
+              x0 <- setNames(numeric(5),c("S","I","R","incid","W"))
+              fracs <- params[c("S.0","I.0","R.0")]
+              x0[1:3] <- round(params['popsize']*fracs/sum(fracs))
+              x0
+            }
             ) -> sir
-         sir,
-         params=c(gamma=26,mu=0.05,beta.sd=0.1,
-           rho=0.6,sigma=0.1,popsize=1e5,iota=10,
-           beta1=100,beta2=120,beta3=80,
-           S.0=26000,I.0=0,R.0=74000,W.0=0,cases.0=0
-           )
-         ) -> sir
-  simulate(sir) -> x
-  pfilter(sir,Np=500) -> pf
-  print(logLik(pf))
-### code chunk number 32: restore-opts
+### code chunk number 27: sir-sim (eval = FALSE)
+## coef(sir) <- c(
+##                gamma=26,mu=0.02,iota=0.01,
+##                beta1=400,beta2=480,beta3=320,
+##                beta.sd=0.001,
+##                popsize=2.1e6,
+##                rho=0.6,theta=10,
+##                S.0=26/400,I.0=0.001,R.0=1
+##                )
+## sir <- simulate(sir,seed=3493885L)
+## traj <- trajectory(sir,hmax=1/52)
+### code chunk number 28: sir-sim-eval
+binary.file <- "sim-sim.rda"
+if (file.exists(binary.file)) {
+  load(binary.file)
+} else {
+coef(sir) <- c(
+               gamma=26,mu=0.02,iota=0.01,
+               beta1=400,beta2=480,beta3=320,
+               beta.sd=0.001,
+               popsize=2.1e6,
+               rho=0.6,theta=10,
+               S.0=26/400,I.0=0.001,R.0=1
+               )
+sir <- simulate(sir,seed=3493885L)
+traj <- trajectory(sir,hmax=1/52)
+  save(sir,traj,file=binary.file,compress='xz')
+### code chunk number 29: sir-plot
+### code chunk number 30: advanced_topics_in_pomp.Rnw:631-638
+true.p <- coef(ou2)
+x0 <- init.state(ou2)
+new.p <- cbind(true.p,true.p,true.p)
+new.p["x1.0",] <- 1:3
+### code chunk number 31: advanced_topics_in_pomp.Rnw:647-650
+x <- rprocess(ou2,xstart=x0,times=time(ou2,t0=T),params=true.p)
+### code chunk number 32: advanced_topics_in_pomp.Rnw:658-662
+x <- x[,,-1,drop=F]
+y <- rmeasure(ou2,x=x,times=time(ou2),params=true.p)
+### code chunk number 33: advanced_topics_in_pomp.Rnw:668-671
+fp <- dprocess(ou2,x=x,times=time(ou2),params=true.p)
+### code chunk number 34: advanced_topics_in_pomp.Rnw:673-676
+fm <- dmeasure(ou2,y=y[,1,],x=x,times=time(ou2),params=true.p)
+### code chunk number 35: all-examples (eval = FALSE)
+## pompExample()
+### code chunk number 36: restore-opts

Modified: www/vignettes/advanced_topics_in_pomp.Rnw
--- www/vignettes/advanced_topics_in_pomp.Rnw	2014-03-20 18:52:08 UTC (rev 898)
+++ www/vignettes/advanced_topics_in_pomp.Rnw	2014-03-20 21:51:17 UTC (rev 899)
@@ -338,115 +338,6 @@
 Doing \Sexpr{n.Cvect} simulations of \code{ou2.Cvect} took \Sexpr{round(etime.Cvect,2)}~\Sexpr{units(etime.Cvect)}, a \Sexpr{round(speedup)}-fold speed-up relative to \code{ou2.Rplug}.
-\subsection{More on native codes and plug-ins}
-It's possible to use native codes for \code{dprocess} and for the measurement model portions of the \code{pomp} as well.
-In the ``Introduction to pomp'' vignette, we looked at the SIR model, which we implemented using an Euler-multinomial approximation to the continuous-time Markov process.
-Here is the same model implemented using native C codes:
-  pomp(
-       data=data.frame(
-         time=seq(from=1/52,to=4,by=1/52),
-         reports=NA
-         ),
-       times="time",
-       t0=0,
-       ## native routine for the process simulator:
-       rprocess=euler.sim(
-         step.fun="_sir_euler_simulator",
-         delta.t=1/52/20,
-         PACKAGE="pomp"
-         ),
-       ## native routine for the skeleton:
-       skeleton.type="vectorfield",
-       skeleton="_sir_ODE",
-       ## native measurement-model routines:
-       rmeasure="_sir_binom_rmeasure",
-       dmeasure="_sir_binom_dmeasure",
-       ## name of the shared-object library containing the 
-       PACKAGE="pomp",
-       ## the order of the observable assumed in the native routines:
-       obsnames = c("reports"),
-       ## the order of the state variables assumed in the native routines:
-       statenames=c("S","I","R","cases","W"),
-       ## the order of the parameters assumed in the native routines:
-       paramnames=c(
-         "gamma","mu","iota",
-         "beta1","beta.sd","pop","rho",
-         "S.0","I.0","R.0"
-         ),
-       nbasis=3L,                       # three seasonal basis functions
-       degree=3L,                       # use cubic B-splines
-       period=1.0,                      # seasonality has period 1yr
-       ## designate 'cases' as an accumulator variable
-       ## i.e., set it to zero after each observation
-       zeronames=c("cases"),
-       ## parameter transformations in native routines:
-       parameter.transform="_sir_par_trans",
-       parameter.inv.transform="_sir_par_untrans",
-       ## some variables to be used in the initializer
-       comp.names=c("S","I","R"),
-       ic.names=c("S.0","I.0","R.0"),
-       ## parameterization of the initial conditions:
-       initializer=function(params, t0, comp.names, ic.names, ...) {
-         snames <- c("S","I","R","cases","W")
-         fracs <- params[ic.names]
-         x0 <- numeric(length(snames))
-         names(x0) <- snames
-         x0[comp.names] <- round(params['pop']*fracs/sum(fracs))
-         x0
-       }
-       ) -> sir
-The source code for the native routines \verb+_sir_euler_simulator+, \verb+_sir_ODE+, \verb+_sir_binom_rmeasure+, and \verb+_sir_binom_dmeasure+ is provided with the package (in the \code{examples} directory).
-To see the source code, do
-In the \code{demo} directory is an \R\ script that shows how to compile \verb+sir.c+ into a shared-object library and link it with \R.
-Do \code{demo(sir)} to run and view this script.
-Note that the native routines for this model are included in the package, which is why we give the \verb+PACKAGE="pomp"+ argument to \code{pomp}.
-When you write your own model using native routines, you'll compile them into a dynamically-loadable library.
-In this case, you'll want to specify the name of that library using the \code{PACKAGE} argument.
-Again, refer to the SIR example included in the \code{examples} directory to see how this is done.
-You can also use the R package \pkg{inline} to put C or FORTRAN codes directly into your R functions.
-There is an important issue that arises when using native codes.
-This has to do with the order in which parameters, states, and observables are passed to these codes.
-\pkg{pomp} relies on the names (also row-names and column-names) attributes to identify variables in vectors and arrays.
-When you write a C or FORTRAN version of \code{rprocess} or \code{dmeasure} for example, you write a routine that takes parameters, state variables, and/or observables in the form of a vector.
-However, you have no control over the order in which these are given to you.
-Without some means of knowing which element of each vector corresponds to which variable, you cannot write the codes correctly.
-This is where the \code{paramnames}, \code{statenames}, \code{covarnames}, and \code{obsnames} arguments to \code{pomp} come in: use these arguments to specify the order in which your C code expects to see the parameters, state variables, covariates, and observables (data variables).
-\code{pomp} will match these names against the corresponding names attributes of vectors.
-It will then pass to your native routines index vectors you can use to locate the correct variables.
-See the source code to see how this is done.
-Let's specify some parameters, simulate, and compute a deterministic trajectory:
-params <- c(
-            gamma=26,mu=0.02,iota=0.01,
-            beta1=400,beta2=480,beta3=320,
-            beta.sd=1e-3,                      
-            pop=2.1e6,
-            rho=0.6,
-            S.0=26/400,I.0=0.001,R.0=1-0.001-26/400
-            )                                                     
-sir <- simulate(sir,params=c(params,nbasis=3,degree=3,period=1),seed=3493885L)
-sims <- simulate(sir,nsim=10,obs=T)
-traj <- trajectory(sir,hmax=1/52)
-binary.file <- "sim-sim.rda"
-if (file.exists(binary.file)) {
-  load(binary.file)
-} else {
-  save(sir,sims,traj,file=binary.file,compress='xz')
 \section{Accumulator variables}
 Recall the SIR example discussed in the ``Introduction to \pkg{pomp}'' vignette.
@@ -477,106 +368,49 @@
 setting \code{zeronames} will have no effect on custom \code{rprocess} codes.
-\section{The low-level interface}
+\section{Incorporating native codes using \code{pompBuilder}}
-There is a low-level interface to \code{pomp} objects, primarily designed for package developers.
-Ordinary users should have little reason to use this interface.
-In this section, each of the methods that make up this interface will be introduced.
+It's possible to use native codes for \code{dprocess} and for the measurement model portions of the \code{pomp} as well.
+In the ``Introduction to pomp'' vignette, we looked at the SIR model, which we implemented using an Euler-multinomial approximation to the continuous-time Markov process.
+Here, we implement a similar model using native C codes.
+The new, and still experimental, \code{pompBuilder} function helps us do this.
-\subsection{Getting initial states}
+We'll start by writing snippets of C code to implement each of the important parts of our model.
+First, we encode a negative binomial measurement model.
-The \code{init.state} method is called to initialize the state (unobserved) process.
-It takes a vector or matrix of parameters and returns a matrix of initial states.
-true.p <- coef(ou2)
-x0 <- init.state(ou2)
-new.p <- cbind(true.p,true.p,true.p)
-new.p["x1.0",] <- 1:3
+## negative binomial measurement model
+## E[cases|incid] = rho*incid
+## Var[cases|incid] = rho*incid*(1+rho*incid/theta)
+rmeas <- '
+  cases = rnbinom_mu(theta,rho*incid);
-\subsection{Simulating the process model}
+dmeas <- '
+  lik = dnbinom_mu(cases,theta,rho*incid,give_log);
-The \code{rprocess} method gives access to the process model simulator.
-It takes initial conditions (which need not correspond to the zero-time \code{t0} specified when the \code{pomp} object was constructed), a set of times, and a set of parameters.
-The initial states and parameters must be matrices, and they are checked for commensurability.
-The method returns a rank-3 array containing simulated state trajectories, sampled at the times specified.
-x <- rprocess(ou2,xstart=x0,times=time(ou2,t0=T),params=true.p)
-Note that the dimensions of \code{x} are \verb+nvars x nreps x ntimes+, where \code{nvars} is the number of state variables, \code{nreps} is the number of simulated trajectories (which is the number of columns in the \code{params} and \code{xstart} matrices), and \code{ntimes} is the length of the \code{times} argument.
-Note also that \verb+x[,,1]+ is identical to \verb+xstart+.
-\subsection{Simulating the measurement model}
+Next the function that takes one Euler step.
-The \code{rmeasure} method gives access to the measurement model simulator:
-x <- x[,,-1,drop=F]
-y <- rmeasure(ou2,x=x,times=time(ou2),params=true.p)
-\subsection{Process and measurement model densities}
-The \code{dmeasure} and \code{dprocess} methods give access to the measurement and process model densities, respectively.
-fp <- dprocess(ou2,x=x,times=time(ou2),params=true.p)
-fm <- dmeasure(ou2,y=y[,1,],x=x,times=time(ou2),params=true.p)
-All of these are to be preferred to direct access to the slots of the \code{pomp} object, because they do error checking on the inputs and outputs.
-\section{Other examples}
-There are a number of example \code{pomp} objects included with the package.
-These can be found by running
-The \R\ scripts that generated these are included in the \code{examples} directory of the installed package.
-The majority of these use compiled code, which can be found in the package source.
-\section{Pomp Builder}
-rmeas <- "
-  double size = 1.0/sigma/sigma;
-  double prob = 1.0/(1.0+rho*cases/size);
-  reports = rnbinom(size,prob);
-dmeas <- "
-  double size = 1.0/sigma/sigma;
-  double prob = 1.0/(1.0+rho*cases/size);
-  lik = dnbinom(reports,size,prob,give_log);
-stepfn <- "
+## SIR process model with extra-demographic stochasticity
+## and seasonal transmission
+step.fn <- '
   int nrate = 6;
-  int nbasis = 3;
-  int degree = 3;
-  double period = 1.0;
   double rate[nrate];		// transition rates
   double trans[nrate];		// transition numbers
-  double dW;
-  double seasonality[nbasis];
-  double beta;
+  double beta;			// transmission rate
+  double dW;			// white noise increment
   int k;
-  dW = rgammawn(beta_sd,dt); // gamma noise, mean=dt, variance=(beta_sd^2 dt)
-  periodic_bspline_basis_eval(t,period,degree,nbasis,seasonality);
-  beta = beta1*seasonality[0]+beta2*seasonality[1]+beta3*seasonality[2];
+  // seasonality in transmission
+  beta = beta1*seas1+beta2*seas2+beta3*seas3;
+  // compute the environmental stochasticity
+  dW = rgammawn(beta_sd,dt);
   // compute the transition rates
   rate[0] = mu*popsize;		// birth into susceptible class
   rate[1] = (iota+beta*I*dW/dt)/popsize; // force of infection
@@ -595,23 +429,25 @@
   S += trans[0]-trans[1]-trans[2];
   I += trans[1]-trans[3]-trans[4];
   R += trans[3]-trans[5];
-  cases += trans[3];		// cases are cumulative recoveries
-  if (beta_sd > 0.0)  W += (dW-dt)/beta_sd; // mean = 0, variance = dt
+  incid += trans[3];		// incidence is cumulative recoveries
+  if (beta_sd > 0.0) W += (dW-dt)/beta_sd; // increment has mean = 0, variance = dt
-skel <- "
+Now the deterministic skeleton.
+The ``D'' prepended to each state variable indicates the derivative of the state variable.

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    svnlook diff /svnroot/pomp -r 899

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