[Pomp-commits] r982 - in pkg/pomp: R tests

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Jun 25 19:39:12 CEST 2014

Author: kingaa
Date: 2014-06-25 19:39:11 +0200 (Wed, 25 Jun 2014)
New Revision: 982

- fix bug in 'conv.rec' for 'abc' and 'pmcmc' lists
- rename 'tests/abc.R' -> 'tests/ou2-abc.R'
- add some tests for thinning and windowing 'conv.rec' output

Modified: pkg/pomp/R/abc-methods.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/abc-methods.R	2014-06-25 17:38:58 UTC (rev 981)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/abc-methods.R	2014-06-25 17:39:11 UTC (rev 982)
@@ -1,32 +1,5 @@
 ## this file contains short definitions of methods for the 'abc' class
-## extract the convergence record as an 'mcmc' object
-          'conv.rec',
-          'abc',
-          function (object, pars, ...) {
-            if (missing(pars)) pars <- colnames(object at conv.rec)
-            coda::mcmc(object at conv.rec[,pars,drop=FALSE],...)
-          }
-          )
-## plot abc object
-          "plot",
-          "abc",
-          function (x, y, pars, scatter = FALSE, ...) {
-            ## if (missing(pars)) pars <- x at pars
-            ## if (scatter) {
-            ##   pairs(as.matrix(conv.rec(x,pars)))
-            ## } else {
-            ##   plot.ts(conv.rec(x,pars),xlab="iteration",...)
-            ## }
-            if (!missing(y))
-              warning(sQuote("y")," is ignored")
-            abc.diagnostics(c(x),pars=pars,scatter=scatter,...)
-          }
-          )
 ## abcList class
@@ -100,21 +73,47 @@
+## extract the convergence record as an 'mcmc' object
+          'conv.rec',
+          'abc',
+          function (object, pars, ...) {
+            if (missing(pars)) pars <- colnames(object at conv.rec)
+            coda::mcmc(object at conv.rec[,pars,drop=FALSE],...)
+          }
+          )
 ## extract the convergence record as an 'mcmc.list' object
           definition=function (object, ...) {
-            coda::mcmc.list(lapply(object,conv.rec,...))
+            f <- selectMethod("conv.rec","abc")
+            coda::mcmc.list(lapply(object,f,...))
+## plot abc object
+          "abc",
+          function (x, y, pars, scatter = FALSE, ...) {
+            if (!missing(y)) {
+              y <- substitute(y)
+              warning(sQuote(y)," is ignored")
+            }
+            abc.diagnostics(c(x),pars=pars,scatter=scatter,...)
+          }
+          )
+          "plot",
           definition=function (x, y, ...) {
-            if (!missing(y))
-              warning(sQuote("y")," is ignored")
+            if (!missing(y)) {
+              y <- substitute(y)
+              warning(sQuote(y)," is ignored")
+            }

Modified: pkg/pomp/R/pmcmc-methods.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/pmcmc-methods.R	2014-06-25 17:38:58 UTC (rev 981)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/pmcmc-methods.R	2014-06-25 17:39:11 UTC (rev 982)
@@ -3,28 +3,6 @@
 ## extract the estimated log likelihood
 setMethod('logLik','pmcmc',function(object,...)object at loglik)
-## extract the convergence record as a coda::mcmc object
-          'conv.rec',
-          signature=signature(object='pmcmc'),
-          function (object, pars, ...) {
-            if (missing(pars)) pars <- colnames(object at conv.rec)
-            coda::mcmc(object at conv.rec[,pars,drop=FALSE],...)
-          }
-          )
-## plot pmcmc object
-          "plot",
-          signature=signature(x='pmcmc'),
-          function (x, y, ...) {
-            if (!missing(y))
-              warning(sQuote("y")," is ignored")
-            pmcmc.diagnostics(list(x))
-          }
-          )
 ## pmcmcList class
@@ -98,21 +76,48 @@
+## extract the convergence record as a coda::mcmc object
+          'conv.rec',
+          signature=signature(object='pmcmc'),
+          function (object, pars, ...) {
+            if (missing(pars)) pars <- colnames(object at conv.rec)
+            coda::mcmc(object at conv.rec[,pars,drop=FALSE],...)
+          }
+          )
 ## extract the convergence records as a coda::mcmc.list object
           definition=function (object, ...) {
-            coda::mcmc.list(lapply(object,conv.rec,...))
+            f <- selectMethod("conv.rec","pmcmc")
+            coda::mcmc.list(lapply(object,f,...))
+## plot pmcmc object
+          signature=signature(x='pmcmc'),
+          function (x, y, ...) {
+            if (!missing(y)) {
+              y <- substitute(y)
+              warning(sQuote(y)," is ignored")
+            }
+            pmcmc.diagnostics(list(x))
+          }
+          )
+          "plot",
           definition=function (x, y, ...) {
-            if (!missing(y))
-              warning(sQuote("y")," is ignored")
+            if (!missing(y)) {
+              y <- substitute(y)
+              warning(sQuote(y)," is ignored")
+            }

Deleted: pkg/pomp/tests/abc.R
--- pkg/pomp/tests/abc.R	2014-06-25 17:38:58 UTC (rev 981)
+++ pkg/pomp/tests/abc.R	2014-06-25 17:39:11 UTC (rev 982)
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-### OU2 test of abc for pomp
-probes.good <- list(
-                    y1.mean=probe.mean(var="y1"),
-                    y2.mean=probe.mean(var="y2"),
-                    probe.acf(var="y1",lags=c(0,5)),
-                    probe.acf(var="y2",lags=c(0,5)),
-                    probe.ccf(vars=c("y1","y2"),lags=0)
-                    )
-psim <- probe(ou2,probes=probes.good,nsim=200)
-## why do simulations sometimes seem extreme with respect to these probes?
-scale.dat <- apply(psim$simvals,2,sd)
-po <- ou2
-abc1 <- abc(po,
-            Nabc=10000,
-            start=coef(ou2),
-            pars=c("alpha.1","alpha.2"),
-            probes=probes.good,
-            scale=scale.dat,
-            epsilon=1.7,
-            rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
-            )
-## check how sticky the chain is:
-runs <- rle(as.vector(conv.rec(abc1)[, "alpha.1"]))
-abc2 <- abc(po,
-            Nabc=2000,
-            pars=c("alpha.1","alpha.2"),
-            probes=probes.good,
-            scale=scale.dat,
-            epsilon=1,
-            rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
-            )
-abc3 <- abc(po,
-            Nabc=2000,
-            probes=probes.good,
-            scale=scale.dat,
-            epsilon=2,
-            rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
-            )
-abc3 <- continue(abc3,Nabc=3000)
-abc4 <- abc(probe(po,probes=probes.good,nsim=200),
-            Nabc=2000,
-            scale=scale.dat,
-            epsilon=2,
-            rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
-            )
-abc5 <- abc(abc4,Nabc=1000)
-dprior6 <- function (params, log, ...) {
-  ll <- sum(
-            dnorm(
-                  x=params[c("alpha.1","alpha.2","alpha.3","alpha.4")],
-                  mean=c(0.8,-0.5,0.3,0.9),
-                  sd=5,
-                  log=TRUE
-                  )
-            )
-  if (log) ll else exp(ll)
-abc6 <- abc(pomp(po,dprior=dprior6),
-            Nabc=2000,
-            pars=c("alpha.1","alpha.2"),
-            probes=probes.good,
-            scale=scale.dat,
-            epsilon=1,
-            rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
-            )
-try(abc7 <- c(abc2,abc3))
-plot(abc7 <- c(abc2,abc4))

Deleted: pkg/pomp/tests/abc.Rout.save
--- pkg/pomp/tests/abc.Rout.save	2014-06-25 17:38:58 UTC (rev 981)
+++ pkg/pomp/tests/abc.Rout.save	2014-06-25 17:39:11 UTC (rev 982)
@@ -1,137 +0,0 @@
-R version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10) -- "Spring Dance"
-Copyright (C) 2014 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
-Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
-R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
-You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
-Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
-R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
-Type 'contributors()' for more information and
-'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
-Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
-'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
-Type 'q()' to quit R.
-> ### OU2 test of abc for pomp
-> library(pomp) 
-Loading required package: mvtnorm
-Loading required package: subplex
-Loading required package: nloptr
-Loading required package: deSolve
-Loading required package: coda
-Loading required package: lattice
-> pompExample(ou2)
-newly created pomp object(s):
- ou2 
-> pdf(file='abc.pdf')
-> set.seed(2079015564L)
-> probes.good <- list(
-+                     y1.mean=probe.mean(var="y1"),
-+                     y2.mean=probe.mean(var="y2"),
-+                     probe.acf(var="y1",lags=c(0,5)),
-+                     probe.acf(var="y2",lags=c(0,5)),
-+                     probe.ccf(vars=c("y1","y2"),lags=0)
-+                     )
-> psim <- probe(ou2,probes=probes.good,nsim=200)
-> plot(psim)
-> ## why do simulations sometimes seem extreme with respect to these probes?
-> scale.dat <- apply(psim$simvals,2,sd)
-> po <- ou2
-> abc1 <- abc(po,
-+             Nabc=10000,
-+             start=coef(ou2),
-+             pars=c("alpha.1","alpha.2"),
-+             probes=probes.good,
-+             scale=scale.dat,
-+             epsilon=1.7,
-+             rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
-+             )
-> plot(abc1,scatter=TRUE)
-> plot(abc1)
-> ## check how sticky the chain is:
-> runs <- rle(as.vector(conv.rec(abc1)[, "alpha.1"]))
-> hist(runs$lengths)
-> mean(runs$length)
-[1] 6.949965
-> abc2 <- abc(po,
-+             Nabc=2000,
-+             pars=c("alpha.1","alpha.2"),
-+             probes=probes.good,
-+             scale=scale.dat,
-+             epsilon=1,
-+             rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
-+             )
-> plot(abc2)
-> abc3 <- abc(po,
-+             Nabc=2000,
-+             probes=probes.good,
-+             scale=scale.dat,
-+             epsilon=2,
-+             rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
-+             )
-> abc3 <- continue(abc3,Nabc=3000)
-> plot(abc3)
-> abc4 <- abc(probe(po,probes=probes.good,nsim=200),
-+             Nabc=2000,
-+             scale=scale.dat,
-+             epsilon=2,
-+             rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
-+             )
-> plot(abc4)
-> abc5 <- abc(abc4,Nabc=1000)
-> plot(abc5)
-> dprior6 <- function (params, log, ...) {
-+   ll <- sum(
-+             dnorm(
-+                   x=params[c("alpha.1","alpha.2","alpha.3","alpha.4")],
-+                   mean=c(0.8,-0.5,0.3,0.9),
-+                   sd=5,
-+                   log=TRUE
-+                   )
-+             )
-+   if (log) ll else exp(ll)
-+ }
-> abc6 <- abc(pomp(po,dprior=dprior6),
-+             Nabc=2000,
-+             pars=c("alpha.1","alpha.2"),
-+             probes=probes.good,
-+             scale=scale.dat,
-+             epsilon=1,
-+             rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
-+             )
-> plot(abc6)
-> try(abc7 <- c(abc2,abc3))
-Error in validObject(.Object) : 
-  invalid class "abcList" object: error in 'c': to be combined, 'abc' objects must have chains of equal length
-> plot(abc7 <- c(abc2,abc4))
-> plot(abc7,scatter=TRUE)
-> plot(conv.rec(c(abc2,abc4)))
-> plot(conv.rec(c(abc7,abc6)))
-> dev.off()
-null device 
-          1 
-> proc.time()
-   user  system elapsed 
- 11.122   0.067  11.192 

Copied: pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-abc.R (from rev 981, pkg/pomp/tests/abc.R)
--- pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-abc.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-abc.R	2014-06-25 17:39:11 UTC (rev 982)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+### OU2 test of abc for pomp
+probes.good <- list(
+                    y1.mean=probe.mean(var="y1"),
+                    y2.mean=probe.mean(var="y2"),
+                    probe.acf(var="y1",lags=c(0,5)),
+                    probe.acf(var="y2",lags=c(0,5)),
+                    probe.ccf(vars=c("y1","y2"),lags=0)
+                    )
+psim <- probe(ou2,probes=probes.good,nsim=200)
+## why do simulations sometimes seem extreme with respect to these probes?
+scale.dat <- apply(psim$simvals,2,sd)
+po <- ou2
+abc1 <- abc(po,
+            Nabc=10000,
+            start=coef(ou2),
+            pars=c("alpha.1","alpha.2"),
+            probes=probes.good,
+            scale=scale.dat,
+            epsilon=1.7,
+            rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
+            )
+## check how sticky the chain is:
+runs <- rle(as.vector(conv.rec(abc1)[, "alpha.1"]))
+abc2 <- abc(po,
+            Nabc=2000,
+            pars=c("alpha.1","alpha.2"),
+            probes=probes.good,
+            scale=scale.dat,
+            epsilon=1,
+            rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
+            )
+abc3 <- abc(po,
+            Nabc=2000,
+            probes=probes.good,
+            scale=scale.dat,
+            epsilon=2,
+            rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
+            )
+abc3 <- continue(abc3,Nabc=3000)
+abc4 <- abc(probe(po,probes=probes.good,nsim=200),
+            Nabc=2000,
+            scale=scale.dat,
+            epsilon=2,
+            rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
+            )
+abc5 <- abc(abc4,Nabc=1000)
+dprior6 <- function (params, log, ...) {
+  ll <- sum(
+            dnorm(
+                  x=params[c("alpha.1","alpha.2","alpha.3","alpha.4")],
+                  mean=c(0.8,-0.5,0.3,0.9),
+                  sd=5,
+                  log=TRUE
+                  )
+            )
+  if (log) ll else exp(ll)
+abc6 <- abc(pomp(po,dprior=dprior6),
+            Nabc=2000,
+            pars=c("alpha.1","alpha.2"),
+            probes=probes.good,
+            scale=scale.dat,
+            epsilon=1,
+            rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
+            )
+try(abc7 <- c(abc2,abc3))
+plot(abc7 <- c(abc2,abc4))

Copied: pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-abc.Rout.save (from rev 981, pkg/pomp/tests/abc.Rout.save)
--- pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-abc.Rout.save	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-abc.Rout.save	2014-06-25 17:39:11 UTC (rev 982)
@@ -0,0 +1,137 @@
+R version 3.1.0 (2014-04-10) -- "Spring Dance"
+Copyright (C) 2014 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
+Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
+R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
+Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
+R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
+Type 'contributors()' for more information and
+'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
+Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
+'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
+Type 'q()' to quit R.
+> ### OU2 test of abc for pomp
+> library(pomp) 
+Loading required package: mvtnorm
+Loading required package: subplex
+Loading required package: nloptr
+Loading required package: deSolve
+Loading required package: coda
+Loading required package: lattice
+> pompExample(ou2)
+newly created pomp object(s):
+ ou2 
+> pdf(file='abc.pdf')
+> set.seed(2079015564L)
+> probes.good <- list(
++                     y1.mean=probe.mean(var="y1"),
++                     y2.mean=probe.mean(var="y2"),
++                     probe.acf(var="y1",lags=c(0,5)),
++                     probe.acf(var="y2",lags=c(0,5)),
++                     probe.ccf(vars=c("y1","y2"),lags=0)
++                     )
+> psim <- probe(ou2,probes=probes.good,nsim=200)
+> plot(psim)
+> ## why do simulations sometimes seem extreme with respect to these probes?
+> scale.dat <- apply(psim$simvals,2,sd)
+> po <- ou2
+> abc1 <- abc(po,
++             Nabc=10000,
++             start=coef(ou2),
++             pars=c("alpha.1","alpha.2"),
++             probes=probes.good,
++             scale=scale.dat,
++             epsilon=1.7,
++             rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
++             )
+> plot(abc1,scatter=TRUE)
+> plot(abc1)
+> ## check how sticky the chain is:
+> runs <- rle(as.vector(conv.rec(abc1)[, "alpha.1"]))
+> hist(runs$lengths)
+> mean(runs$length)
+[1] 6.949965
+> abc2 <- abc(po,
++             Nabc=2000,
++             pars=c("alpha.1","alpha.2"),
++             probes=probes.good,
++             scale=scale.dat,
++             epsilon=1,
++             rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
++             )
+> plot(abc2)
+> abc3 <- abc(po,
++             Nabc=2000,
++             probes=probes.good,
++             scale=scale.dat,
++             epsilon=2,
++             rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
++             )
+> abc3 <- continue(abc3,Nabc=3000)
+> plot(abc3)
+> abc4 <- abc(probe(po,probes=probes.good,nsim=200),
++             Nabc=2000,
++             scale=scale.dat,
++             epsilon=2,
++             rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
++             )
+> plot(abc4)
+> abc5 <- abc(abc4,Nabc=1000)
+> plot(abc5)
+> dprior6 <- function (params, log, ...) {
++   ll <- sum(
++             dnorm(
++                   x=params[c("alpha.1","alpha.2","alpha.3","alpha.4")],
++                   mean=c(0.8,-0.5,0.3,0.9),
++                   sd=5,
++                   log=TRUE
++                   )
++             )
++   if (log) ll else exp(ll)
++ }
+> abc6 <- abc(pomp(po,dprior=dprior6),
++             Nabc=2000,
++             pars=c("alpha.1","alpha.2"),
++             probes=probes.good,
++             scale=scale.dat,
++             epsilon=1,
++             rw.sd= c(alpha.1=0.01,alpha.2=0.01)
++             )
+> plot(abc6)
+> try(abc7 <- c(abc2,abc3))
+Error in validObject(.Object) : 
+  invalid class "abcList" object: error in 'c': to be combined, 'abc' objects must have chains of equal length
+> plot(abc7 <- c(abc2,abc4))
+> plot(abc7,scatter=TRUE)
+> plot(conv.rec(c(abc2,abc4)))
+> plot(conv.rec(c(abc7,abc6),thin=10,start=5000))
+> dev.off()
+null device 
+          1 
+> proc.time()
+   user  system elapsed 
+  9.980   0.064  10.288 

Modified: pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-pmcmc.R
--- pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-pmcmc.R	2014-06-25 17:38:58 UTC (rev 981)
+++ pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-pmcmc.R	2014-06-25 17:39:11 UTC (rev 982)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
 plot(ff <- c(ff,f5))

Modified: pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-pmcmc.Rout.save
--- pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-pmcmc.Rout.save	2014-06-25 17:38:58 UTC (rev 981)
+++ pkg/pomp/tests/ou2-pmcmc.Rout.save	2014-06-25 17:39:11 UTC (rev 982)
@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
 > plot(ff <- c(ff,f5))
 > plot(conv.rec(c(f2,ff),c("alpha.2","alpha.3")))
 > plot(conv.rec(ff[2],c("alpha.2")))
-> plot(conv.rec(ff[2:3],c("alpha.3")))
+> plot(conv.rec(ff[2:3],c("alpha.3"),thin=3,start=2))
 > plot(conv.rec(ff[[3]],c("alpha.3")))
 > dev.off()
@@ -117,4 +117,4 @@
 > proc.time()
    user  system elapsed 
- 23.369   0.040  23.847 
+ 23.325   0.088  23.646 

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