[Pomp-commits] r760 - branches/mif2/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Aug 7 16:40:18 CEST 2012

Author: nxdao2000
Date: 2012-08-07 16:40:18 +0200 (Tue, 07 Aug 2012)
New Revision: 760

new update

Modified: branches/mif2/R/pfilter.R
--- branches/mif2/R/pfilter.R	2012-08-07 14:38:18 UTC (rev 759)
+++ branches/mif2/R/pfilter.R	2012-08-07 14:40:18 UTC (rev 760)
@@ -1,400 +1,401 @@
 ## particle filtering codes
-         "pfilterd.pomp",
-         contains="pomp",
-         representation=representation(
-           pred.mean="array",
-           pred.var="array",
-           filter.mean="array",
-		   paramMatrix = "array",
-           eff.sample.size="numeric",
-           cond.loglik="numeric",
-           saved.states="list",
-           saved.params="list",
-           seed="integer",
-           Np="integer",
-           tol="numeric",
-           nfail="integer",
-           loglik="numeric"
-           )
-         )
+		"pfilterd.pomp",
+		contains="pomp",
+		representation=representation(
+				pred.mean="array",
+				pred.var="array",
+				filter.mean="array",
+				paramMatrix = "array",
+				eff.sample.size="numeric",
+				cond.loglik="numeric",
+				saved.states="list",
+				saved.params="list",
+				seed="integer",
+				Np="integer",
+				tol="numeric",
+				nfail="integer",
+				loglik="numeric"
+		)
 ## question: when pfilter.internal is called by mif, do we need to compute the prediction means and variances of the state variables each time, or only at the end?
 pfilter.internal <- function (object, params, Np,
-                              tol, max.fail,
-                              pred.mean, pred.var, filter.mean, paramMatrix, cooling.scalar,cooling.m,option,
-                              .rw.sd, seed, verbose,
-                              save.states, save.params,
-                              transform) {
-  transform <- as.logical(transform)
-  if (missing(seed)) seed <- NULL
-  if (!is.null(seed)) {
-    if (!exists(".Random.seed",where=.GlobalEnv)) { # need to initialize the RNG
-      runif(1)
-    }
-    save.seed <- get(".Random.seed",pos=.GlobalEnv)
-    set.seed(seed)
-  }
-  if (length(params)==0)
-    stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: ",sQuote("params")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-  if (missing(tol))
-    stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: ",sQuote("tol")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-  one.par <- FALSE
-  times <- time(object,t0=TRUE)
-  ntimes <- length(times)-1
-  if (missing(Np))
-    Np <- NCOL(params)
-  if (is.function(Np)) {
-    Np <- try(
-              vapply(seq.int(from=0,to=ntimes,by=1),Np,numeric(1)),
-              silent=FALSE
-              )
-    if (inherits(Np,"try-error"))
-      stop("if ",sQuote("Np")," is a function, it must return a single positive integer")
-  }
-  if (length(Np)==1)
-    Np <- rep(Np,times=ntimes+1)
-  else if (length(Np)!=(ntimes+1))
-    stop(sQuote("Np")," must have length 1 or length ",ntimes+1)
-  if (any(Np<=0))
-    stop("number of particles, ",sQuote("Np"),", must always be positive")
-  if (!is.numeric(Np))
-    stop(sQuote("Np")," must be a number, a vector of numbers, or a function")
-  Np <- as.integer(Np)
-  if (is.null(dim(params))) {
-    one.par <- TRUE               # there is only one parameter vector
-    coef(object) <- params        # set params slot to the parameters
-    params <- matrix(
-                     params,
-                     nrow=length(params),
-                     ncol=Np[1],
-                     dimnames=list(
-                       names(params),
-                       NULL
-                       )
-                     )
-  }
-  paramnames <- rownames(params)
-  if (is.null(paramnames))
-    stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: ",sQuote("params")," must have rownames",call.=FALSE)
-  x <- init.state(
-                  object,
-                  params=if (transform) {
-                    partrans(object,params,dir="forward")
-                  } else {
-                    params
-                  }
-                  )
-  statenames <- rownames(x)
-  nvars <- nrow(x)
-  ## set up storage for saving samples from filtering distributions
-  if (save.states)
-    xparticles <- vector(mode="list",length=ntimes)
-  else
-    xparticles <- list()
-  if (save.params)
-    pparticles <- vector(mode="list",length=ntimes)
-  else
-    pparticles <- list()
-  random.walk <- !missing(.rw.sd)
-  if (random.walk) {
-    rw.names <- names(.rw.sd)
-    if (is.null(rw.names)||!is.numeric(.rw.sd))
-      stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: ",sQuote(".rw.sd")," must be a named vector",call.=FALSE)
-    if (any(!(rw.names%in%paramnames)))
-      stop(
-           sQuote("pfilter")," error: the rownames of ",
-           sQuote("params")," must include all of the names of ",
-           sQuote(".rw.sd"),"",call.=FALSE
-           )
-    sigma <- .rw.sd
-  } else {
-    rw.names <- character(0)
-    sigma <- NULL
-  }
-  loglik <- rep(NA,ntimes)
-  eff.sample.size <- numeric(ntimes)
-  nfail <- 0
-  npars <- length(rw.names)
-  ## set up storage for prediction means, variances, etc.
-  if (pred.mean)
-    pred.m <- matrix(
-                     data=0,
-                     nrow=nvars+npars,
-                     ncol=ntimes,
-                     dimnames=list(c(statenames,rw.names),NULL)
-                     )
-  else
-    pred.m <- array(dim=c(0,0))
-  if (pred.var)
-    pred.v <- matrix(
-                     data=0,
-                     nrow=nvars+npars,
-                     ncol=ntimes,
-                     dimnames=list(c(statenames,rw.names),NULL)
-                     )
-  else
-    pred.v <- array(dim=c(0,0))
-  if (filter.mean)
-    if (random.walk)
-      filt.m <- matrix(
-                       data=0,
-                       nrow=nvars+length(paramnames),
-                       ncol=ntimes,
-                       dimnames=list(c(statenames,paramnames),NULL)
-                       )
-    else
-      filt.m <- matrix(
-                       data=0,
-                       nrow=nvars,
-                       ncol=ntimes,
-                       dimnames=list(statenames,NULL)
-                       )
-  else
-    filt.m <- array(dim=c(0,0))
-  if (paramMatrix)
-  {	   paramMatrix<-matrix(
-			  data=0,
-			  nrow=length(paramnames),
-			  ncol=ntimes,
-			  dimnames=list(paramnames,NULL)
-	  )
-  }	
-  else
-	  paramMatrix <- array(dim=c(0,0))
+		tol, max.fail,
+		pred.mean, pred.var, filter.mean, paramMatrix, cooling.scalar,cooling.m, option,
+		.rw.sd, seed, verbose,
+		save.states, save.params,
+		transform) {
-  for (nt in seq_len(ntimes)) {
-	  if (option=="mif2")
-	  {	  cool.sched <- try(mif.cooling2(cooling.scalar, nt , cooling.m, ntimes), silent = FALSE)
-	      if (inherits(cool.sched, "try-error")) 
-		       stop("pfilter error: cooling schedule error", call. = FALSE)
-		   sigma1=sigma*cool.sched$alpha
-	  }	  
-	  else
-	  {
-		  sigma1=sigma
-	  }
-    ## transform the parameters if necessary
-    if (transform) tparams <- partrans(object,params,dir="forward")
-    ## advance the state variables according to the process model
-    X <- try(
-             rprocess(
-                      object,
-                      xstart=x,
-                      times=times[c(nt,nt+1)],
-                      params=if (transform) tparams else params,
-                      offset=1
-                      ),
-             silent=FALSE
-             )
-    if (inherits(X,'try-error'))
-      stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: process simulation error",call.=FALSE)
-    if (pred.var) { ## check for nonfinite state variables and parameters
-      problem.indices <- unique(which(!is.finite(X),arr.ind=TRUE)[,1])
-      if (length(problem.indices)>0) {  # state variables
-        stop(
-             sQuote("pfilter")," error: non-finite state variable(s): ",
-             paste(rownames(X)[problem.indices],collapse=', '),
-             call.=FALSE
-             )
-      }
-      if (random.walk) { # parameters (need to be checked only if 'random.walk=TRUE')
-        problem.indices <- unique(which(!is.finite(params[rw.names,,drop=FALSE]),arr.ind=TRUE)[,1])
-        if (length(problem.indices)>0) {
-          stop(
-               sQuote("pfilter")," error: non-finite parameter(s): ",
-               paste(rw.names[problem.indices],collapse=', '),
-               call.=FALSE
-               )
-        }
-      }
-    }
-    ## determine the weights
-    weights <- try(
-                   dmeasure(
-                            object,
-                            y=object at data[,nt,drop=FALSE],
-                            x=X,
-                            times=times[nt+1],
-                            params=if (transform) tparams else params,
-                            log=FALSE
-                            ),
-                   silent=FALSE
-                   )
-    if (inherits(weights,'try-error'))
-      stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: error in calculation of weights",call.=FALSE)
-    if (any(!is.finite(weights))) {
-      stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: ",sQuote("dmeasure")," returns non-finite value",call.=FALSE)
-    }
-    ## compute prediction mean, prediction variance, filtering mean,
-    ## effective sample size, log-likelihood
-    ## also do resampling if filtering has not failed
-    xx <- try(
-              .Call(
-                    pfilter_computations,
-                    X,params,Np[nt+1],
-                    random.walk,sigma1,
-                    pred.mean,pred.var,
-                    filter.mean,one.par,
-                    weights,tol
-                    ),
-              silent=FALSE
-              )
-    if (inherits(xx,'try-error')) {
-      stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error",call.=FALSE)
-    }
-    all.fail <- xx$fail
-    loglik[nt] <- xx$loglik
-    eff.sample.size[nt] <- xx$ess
-    x <- xx$states
-    params <- xx$params
-    if (pred.mean)
-      pred.m[,nt] <- xx$pm
-    if (pred.var)
-      pred.v[,nt] <- xx$pv
-    if (filter.mean)
-      filt.m[,nt] <- xx$fm
-    if (all.fail) { ## all particles are lost
-      nfail <- nfail+1
-      if (verbose)
-        message("filtering failure at time t = ",times[nt+1])
-      if (nfail>max.fail)
-        stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: too many filtering failures",call.=FALSE)
-    }
-    if (save.states) {
-      xparticles[[nt]] <- x
-    }
-    if (save.params) {
-      pparticles[[nt]] <- params
-    }
-    if (verbose && (nt%%5==0))
-      cat("pfilter timestep",nt,"of",ntimes,"finished\n")
-  }
-  if (!is.null(seed)) {
-    assign(".Random.seed",save.seed,pos=.GlobalEnv)
-    seed <- save.seed
-  }
-  if(length(paramMatrix)!=0)
-  	paramMatrix <- params
-  new(
-      "pfilterd.pomp",
-      object,
-      pred.mean=pred.m,
-      pred.var=pred.v,
-      filter.mean=filt.m,
-	  paramMatrix = paramMatrix,
-      eff.sample.size=eff.sample.size,
-      cond.loglik=loglik,
-      saved.states=xparticles,
-      saved.params=pparticles,
-      seed=as.integer(seed),
-      Np=as.integer(Np),
-      tol=tol,
-      nfail=as.integer(nfail),
-      loglik=sum(loglik)
-      )
+	transform <- as.logical(transform)
+	if (missing(seed)) seed <- NULL
+	if (!is.null(seed)) {
+		if (!exists(".Random.seed",where=.GlobalEnv)) { # need to initialize the RNG
+			runif(1)
+		}
+		save.seed <- get(".Random.seed",pos=.GlobalEnv)
+		set.seed(seed)
+	}
+	if (length(params)==0)
+		stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: ",sQuote("params")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+	if (missing(tol))
+		stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: ",sQuote("tol")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+	one.par <- FALSE
+	times <- time(object,t0=TRUE)
+	ntimes <- length(times)-1
+	if (missing(Np))
+		Np <- NCOL(params)
+	if (is.function(Np)) {
+		Np <- try(
+				vapply(seq.int(from=0,to=ntimes,by=1),Np,numeric(1)),
+				silent=FALSE
+		)
+		if (inherits(Np,"try-error"))
+			stop("if ",sQuote("Np")," is a function, it must return a single positive integer")
+	}
+	if (length(Np)==1)
+		Np <- rep(Np,times=ntimes+1)
+	else if (length(Np)!=(ntimes+1))
+		stop(sQuote("Np")," must have length 1 or length ",ntimes+1)
+	if (any(Np<=0))
+		stop("number of particles, ",sQuote("Np"),", must always be positive")
+	if (!is.numeric(Np))
+		stop(sQuote("Np")," must be a number, a vector of numbers, or a function")
+	Np <- as.integer(Np)
+	if (is.null(dim(params))) {
+		one.par <- TRUE               # there is only one parameter vector
+		coef(object) <- params        # set params slot to the parameters
+		params <- matrix(
+				params,
+				nrow=length(params),
+				ncol=Np[1],
+				dimnames=list(
+						names(params),
+						NULL
+				)
+		)
+	}
+	paramnames <- rownames(params)
+	if (is.null(paramnames))
+		stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: ",sQuote("params")," must have rownames",call.=FALSE)
+	x <- init.state(
+			object,
+			params=if (transform) {
+						partrans(object,params,dir="forward")
+					} else {
+						params
+					}
+	)
+	statenames <- rownames(x)
+	nvars <- nrow(x)
+	## set up storage for saving samples from filtering distributions
+	if (save.states)
+		xparticles <- vector(mode="list",length=ntimes)
+	else
+		xparticles <- list()
+	if (save.params)
+		pparticles <- vector(mode="list",length=ntimes)
+	else
+		pparticles <- list()
+	random.walk <- !missing(.rw.sd)
+	if (random.walk) {
+		rw.names <- names(.rw.sd)
+		if (is.null(rw.names)||!is.numeric(.rw.sd))
+			stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: ",sQuote(".rw.sd")," must be a named vector",call.=FALSE)
+		if (any(!(rw.names%in%paramnames)))
+			stop(
+					sQuote("pfilter")," error: the rownames of ",
+					sQuote("params")," must include all of the names of ",
+					sQuote(".rw.sd"),"",call.=FALSE
+			)
+		sigma <- .rw.sd
+	} else {
+		rw.names <- character(0)
+		sigma <- NULL
+	}
+	loglik <- rep(NA,ntimes)
+	eff.sample.size <- numeric(ntimes)
+	nfail <- 0
+	npars <- length(rw.names)
+	## set up storage for prediction means, variances, etc.
+	if (pred.mean)
+		pred.m <- matrix(
+				data=0,
+				nrow=nvars+npars,
+				ncol=ntimes,
+				dimnames=list(c(statenames,rw.names),NULL)
+		)
+	else
+		pred.m <- array(dim=c(0,0))
+	if (pred.var)
+		pred.v <- matrix(
+				data=0,
+				nrow=nvars+npars,
+				ncol=ntimes,
+				dimnames=list(c(statenames,rw.names),NULL)
+		)
+	else
+		pred.v <- array(dim=c(0,0))
+	if (filter.mean)
+		if (random.walk)
+			filt.m <- matrix(
+					data=0,
+					nrow=nvars+length(paramnames),
+					ncol=ntimes,
+					dimnames=list(c(statenames,paramnames),NULL)
+			)
+		else
+			filt.m <- matrix(
+					data=0,
+					nrow=nvars,
+					ncol=ntimes,
+					dimnames=list(statenames,NULL)
+			)
+	else
+		filt.m <- array(dim=c(0,0))
+	if (paramMatrix)
+	{	   paramMatrix<-matrix(
+				data=0,
+				nrow=length(paramnames),
+				ncol=ntimes,
+				dimnames=list(paramnames,NULL)
+		)
+	}	
+	else
+		paramMatrix <- array(dim=c(0,0))
+	for (nt in seq_len(ntimes)) {
+		if (option=="mif2")
+		{	  cool.sched <- try(mif.cooling2(cooling.scalar, nt , cooling.m, ntimes), silent = FALSE)
+			if (inherits(cool.sched, "try-error")) 
+				stop("pfilter error: cooling schedule error", call. = FALSE)
+			sigma1=sigma*cool.sched$alpha
+		}	  
+		else
+			sigma1=sigma
+		## transform the parameters if necessary
+		if (transform) tparams <- partrans(object,params,dir="forward")
+		## advance the state variables according to the process model
+		X <- try(
+				rprocess(
+						object,
+						xstart=x,
+						times=times[c(nt,nt+1)],
+						params=if (transform) tparams else params,
+						offset=1
+				),
+				silent=FALSE
+		)
+		if (inherits(X,'try-error'))
+			stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: process simulation error",call.=FALSE)
+		if (pred.var) { ## check for nonfinite state variables and parameters
+			problem.indices <- unique(which(!is.finite(X),arr.ind=TRUE)[,1])
+			if (length(problem.indices)>0) {  # state variables
+				stop(
+						sQuote("pfilter")," error: non-finite state variable(s): ",
+						paste(rownames(X)[problem.indices],collapse=', '),
+						call.=FALSE
+				)
+			}
+			if (random.walk) { # parameters (need to be checked only if 'random.walk=TRUE')
+				problem.indices <- unique(which(!is.finite(params[rw.names,,drop=FALSE]),arr.ind=TRUE)[,1])
+				if (length(problem.indices)>0) {
+					stop(
+							sQuote("pfilter")," error: non-finite parameter(s): ",
+							paste(rw.names[problem.indices],collapse=', '),
+							call.=FALSE
+					)
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		## determine the weights
+		weights <- try(
+				dmeasure(
+						object,
+						y=object at data[,nt,drop=FALSE],
+						x=X,
+						times=times[nt+1],
+						params=if (transform) tparams else params,
+						log=FALSE
+				),
+				silent=FALSE
+		)
+		if (inherits(weights,'try-error'))
+			stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: error in calculation of weights",call.=FALSE)
+		if (any(!is.finite(weights))) {
+			stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: ",sQuote("dmeasure")," returns non-finite value",call.=FALSE)
+		}
+		## compute prediction mean, prediction variance, filtering mean,
+		## effective sample size, log-likelihood
+		## also do resampling if filtering has not failed
+		xx <- try(
+				.Call(
+						pfilter_computations,
+						X,params,Np[nt+1],
+						random.walk,sigma1,
+						pred.mean,pred.var,
+						filter.mean,one.par,
+						weights,tol
+				),
+				silent=FALSE
+		)
+		if (inherits(xx,'try-error')) {
+			stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error",call.=FALSE)
+		}
+		all.fail <- xx$fail
+		loglik[nt] <- xx$loglik
+		eff.sample.size[nt] <- xx$ess
+		x <- xx$states
+		params <- xx$params
+		if (pred.mean)
+			pred.m[,nt] <- xx$pm
+		if (pred.var)
+			pred.v[,nt] <- xx$pv
+		if (filter.mean)
+			filt.m[,nt] <- xx$fm
+		if (all.fail) { ## all particles are lost
+			nfail <- nfail+1
+			if (verbose)
+				message("filtering failure at time t = ",times[nt+1])
+			if (nfail>max.fail)
+				stop(sQuote("pfilter")," error: too many filtering failures",call.=FALSE)
+		}
+		if (save.states) {
+			xparticles[[nt]] <- x
+		}
+		if (save.params) {
+			pparticles[[nt]] <- params
+		}
+		if (verbose && (nt%%5==0))
+			cat("pfilter timestep",nt,"of",ntimes,"finished\n")
+	}
+	if (!is.null(seed)) {
+		assign(".Random.seed",save.seed,pos=.GlobalEnv)
+		seed <- save.seed
+	}
+	if(length(paramMatrix)!=0)
+		paramMatrix <- params
+	new(
+			"pfilterd.pomp",
+			object,
+			pred.mean=pred.m,
+			pred.var=pred.v,
+			filter.mean=filt.m,
+			paramMatrix = paramMatrix,
+			eff.sample.size=eff.sample.size,
+			cond.loglik=loglik,
+			saved.states=xparticles,
+			saved.params=pparticles,
+			seed=as.integer(seed),
+			Np=as.integer(Np),
+			tol=tol,
+			nfail=as.integer(nfail),
+			loglik=sum(loglik)
+	)
 ## generic particle filter
-          "pfilter",
-          signature=signature(object="pomp"),
-          function (object, params, Np,
-                    tol = 1e-17,
-                    max.fail = 0,
-                    pred.mean = FALSE,
-                    pred.var = FALSE,
-                    filter.mean = FALSE,
-					paramMatrix = FALSE,
-                    save.states = FALSE,
-                    save.params = FALSE,
-                    seed = NULL,
-                    verbose = getOption("verbose"),
-                    ...) {
-            if (missing(params)) params <- coef(object)
-            pfilter.internal(
-                             object=object,
-                             params=params,
-                             Np=Np,
-                             tol=tol,
-                             max.fail=max.fail,
-                             pred.mean=pred.mean,
-                             pred.var=pred.var,
-                             filter.mean=filter.mean,
-							 paramMatrix = paramMatrix,
-                             save.states=save.states,
-                             save.params=save.params,
-                             seed=seed,
-                             verbose=verbose,
-                             transform=FALSE
-                             )
-          }
-          )
+		"pfilter",
+		signature=signature(object="pomp"),
+		function (object, params, Np,
+				tol = 1e-17,
+				max.fail = 0,
+				pred.mean = FALSE,
+				pred.var = FALSE,
+				filter.mean = FALSE,
+				paramMatrix = FALSE,
+				save.states = FALSE,
+				save.params = FALSE,
+				seed = NULL,
+				verbose = getOption("verbose"),
+				...) {
+			if (missing(params)) params <- coef(object)
+			pfilter.internal(
+					object=object,
+					params=params,
+					Np=Np,
+					tol=tol,
+					max.fail=max.fail,
+					pred.mean=pred.mean,
+					pred.var=pred.var,
+					filter.mean=filter.mean,
+					paramMatrix = paramMatrix,
+					save.states=save.states,
+					save.params=save.params,
+					seed=seed,
+					verbose=verbose,
+					transform=FALSE
+			)
+		}
-          "pfilter",
-          signature=signature(object="pfilterd.pomp"),
-          function (object, params, Np,
-                    tol,
-                    max.fail = 0,
-                    pred.mean = FALSE,
-                    pred.var = FALSE,
-                    filter.mean = FALSE,
-					paramMatrix = FALSE,
-                    save.states = FALSE,
-                    save.params = FALSE,
-                    seed = NULL,
-                    verbose = getOption("verbose"),
-                    ...) {
-            if (missing(params)) params <- coef(object)
-            if (missing(Np)) Np <- object at Np
-            if (missing(tol)) tol <- object at tol
-            pfilter.internal(
-                             object=as(object,"pomp"),
-                             params=params,
-                             Np=Np,
-                             tol=tol,
-                             max.fail=max.fail,
-                             pred.mean=pred.mean,
-                             pred.var=pred.var,
-                             filter.mean=filter.mean,
-							 paramMatrix = paramMatrix,
-                             save.states=save.states,
-                             save.params=save.params,
-                             seed=seed,
-                             verbose=verbose,
-                             transform=FALSE
-                             )
-          }
-          )
+		"pfilter",
+		signature=signature(object="pfilterd.pomp"),
+		function (object, params, Np,
+				tol,
+				max.fail = 0,
+				pred.mean = FALSE,
+				pred.var = FALSE,
+				filter.mean = FALSE,
+				paramMatrix = FALSE,
+				save.states = FALSE,
+				save.params = FALSE,
+				seed = NULL,
+				verbose = getOption("verbose"),
+				...) {
+			if (missing(params)) params <- coef(object)
+			if (missing(Np)) Np <- object at Np
+			if (missing(tol)) tol <- object at tol
+			pfilter.internal(
+					object=as(object,"pomp"),
+					params=params,
+					Np=Np,
+					tol=tol,
+					max.fail=max.fail,
+					pred.mean=pred.mean,
+					pred.var=pred.var,
+					filter.mean=filter.mean,
+					paramMatrix = paramMatrix,
+					save.states=save.states,
+					save.params=save.params,
+					seed=seed,
+					verbose=verbose,
+					transform=FALSE
+			)
+		}

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