[Pomp-commits] r685 - in pkg/pomp: . R data inst/doc src

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Apr 27 23:51:50 CEST 2012

Author: kingaa
Date: 2012-04-27 23:51:50 +0200 (Fri, 27 Apr 2012)
New Revision: 685

- changes to the guts of 'rmeasure', 'dmeasure', 'partrans', and the Euler rprocess plugins

Modified: pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION	2012-04-26 14:43:38 UTC (rev 684)
+++ pkg/pomp/DESCRIPTION	2012-04-27 21:51:50 UTC (rev 685)
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 Type: Package
 Title: Statistical inference for partially observed Markov processes
 Version: 0.42-1
-Date: 2012-04-26
+Date: 2012-04-27
 Author: Aaron A. King, Edward L. Ionides, Carles Breto, Steve Ellner, Bruce Kendall, Helen Wearing, Matthew J. Ferrari, Michael Lavine, Daniel C. Reuman
 Maintainer: Aaron A. King <kingaa at umich.edu>
 URL: http://pomp.r-forge.r-project.org

Modified: pkg/pomp/R/pomp-fun.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/pomp-fun.R	2012-04-26 14:43:38 UTC (rev 684)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/pomp-fun.R	2012-04-27 21:51:50 UTC (rev 685)
@@ -5,10 +5,14 @@
                         R.fun = 'function',
                         native.fun = 'character',
                         PACKAGE = 'character',
-                        use = 'integer'
+                        mode = 'integer'
+pomp_native_code <- 2L
+pomp_R_function <- 1L
+pomp_undef_mode <- -1L
 ## constructor
 pomp.fun <- function (f = NULL, PACKAGE, proto = NULL) {
   if (missing(PACKAGE)) PACKAGE <- ""
@@ -29,7 +33,7 @@
-                  use=1L
+                  mode=pomp_R_function
   } else if (is.character(f)) {
     retval <- new(
@@ -37,7 +41,7 @@
                   R.fun=function(...)stop("unreachable error: please report this bug!"),
-                  use=2L
+                  mode=pomp_native_code
   } else {
     retval <- new(
@@ -45,7 +49,7 @@
                   R.fun=function(...)stop(sQuote(fname)," not specified"),
-                  use=-1L
+                  mode=pomp_undef_mode
@@ -55,10 +59,10 @@
           function (object) {
-            use <- object at use
-            if (use==1L) {
+            mode <- object at mode
+            if (mode==pomp_R_function) {
               show(object at R.fun)
-            } else if (use==2L) {
+            } else if (mode==pomp_native_code) {
               cat("native function ",sQuote(object at native.fun),sep="")
               if (length(object at PACKAGE)>0)
                 cat(", dynamically loaded from ",sQuote(object at PACKAGE),sep="")
@@ -75,14 +79,18 @@
           function (x, ...) show(x)
-get.pomp.fun <- function (object) {
-  use <- object at use
-  if (use==1L) {
-    f <- object at R.fun
-  } else if (use==2L) {
-    f <- getNativeSymbolInfo(name=object at native.fun,PACKAGE=object at PACKAGE)$address
-  } else {
-    stop("function not specified")
-  }
-  list(f,as.integer(use-1))
+get.pomp.fun <- function (object)
+  .Call(get_pomp_fun,object)
+## get.pomp.fun <- function (object) {
+##   mode <- object at mode
+##   if (mode==1L) {
+##     f <- object at R.fun
+##   } else if (mode==2L) {
+##     f <- getNativeSymbolInfo(name=object at native.fun,PACKAGE=object at PACKAGE)$address
+##   } else {
+##     stop("function not specified")
+##   }
+##   list(f,as.integer(mode-1))
+## }

Modified: pkg/pomp/R/pomp.R
--- pkg/pomp/R/pomp.R	2012-04-26 14:43:38 UTC (rev 684)
+++ pkg/pomp/R/pomp.R	2012-04-27 21:51:50 UTC (rev 685)
@@ -209,17 +209,17 @@
   if (nrow(covar)>0) {
     if (
-        (skeleton at use==1)
+        (skeleton at mode==1)
         &&!("covars"%in%names(formals(skeleton at R.fun)))
       warning("a covariate table has been given, yet the ",sQuote("skeleton")," function does not have ",sQuote("covars")," as a formal argument",call.=FALSE)
     if (
-        (rmeasure at use==1)
+        (rmeasure at mode==1)
         &&!("covars"%in%names(formals(rmeasure at R.fun)))
       warning("a covariate table has been given, yet the ",sQuote("rmeasure")," function does not have ",sQuote("covars")," as a formal argument",call.=FALSE)
     if (
-        (dmeasure at use==1)
+        (dmeasure at mode==1)
         &&!("covars"%in%names(formals(dmeasure at R.fun)))
       warning("a covariate table has been given, yet the ",sQuote("dmeasure")," function does not have ",sQuote("covars")," as a formal argument",call.=FALSE)
@@ -263,8 +263,8 @@
   if (
       has.trans &&
-      par.trans at use<0 &&
-      par.untrans at use<0
+      par.trans at mode<0 &&
+      par.untrans at mode<0
     has.trans <- FALSE

Modified: pkg/pomp/data/bbs.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/data/blowflies.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/data/dacca.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/data/euler.sir.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/data/gillespie.sir.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/data/gompertz.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/data/ou2.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/data/ricker.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/data/rw2.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/data/verhulst.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/doc/advanced_topics_in_pomp.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/doc/bsmc-ricker-flat-prior.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/doc/gompertz-multi-mif.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/doc/gompertz-trajmatch.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/doc/intro_to_pomp.pdf
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/doc/nlf-block-boot.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/doc/nlf-boot.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/doc/nlf-fit-from-truth.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/doc/nlf-fits.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/doc/nlf-lag-tests.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/doc/nlf-multi-short.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/doc/ricker-mif.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/inst/doc/ricker-probe-match.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/pomp/src/dmeasure.c
--- pkg/pomp/src/dmeasure.c	2012-04-26 14:43:38 UTC (rev 684)
+++ pkg/pomp/src/dmeasure.c	2012-04-27 21:51:50 UTC (rev 685)
@@ -4,133 +4,40 @@
 #include <Rmath.h>
 #include <Rdefines.h>
 #include <Rinternals.h>
+#include <R_ext/Rdynload.h>
 #include "pomp_internal.h"
-static void dens_meas (pomp_measure_model_density *f,
-		       double *lik, double *y, 
-		       double *x, double *times, double *params, 
-		       int *give_log, int *ndim,
-		       int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
-		       double *time_table, double *covar_table)
-  double t, *lp, *xp, *pp, *yp;
-  int nvar = ndim[0];
-  int npar = ndim[1];
-  int nrepp = ndim[2];
-  int nrepx = ndim[3];
-  int ntimes = ndim[4];
-  int covlen = ndim[5];
-  int covdim = ndim[6];
-  int nobs = ndim[7];
-  double covar_fn[covdim];
-  int nrep;
-  int k, p;
-  // set up the covariate table
-  struct lookup_table covariate_table = {covlen, covdim, 0, time_table, covar_table};
-  nrep = (nrepp > nrepx) ? nrepp : nrepx;
-  for (k = 0; k < ntimes; k++) { // loop over times
-    R_CheckUserInterrupt();	// check for user interrupt
-    t = times[k];
-    yp = &y[nobs*k];
-    // interpolate the covar functions for the covariates
-    if (covdim > 0) 
-      table_lookup(&covariate_table,t,covar_fn,0);
-    for (p = 0; p < nrep; p++) { // loop over replicates
-      lp = &lik[p+nrep*k];
-      xp = &x[nvar*((p%nrepx)+nrepx*k)];
-      pp = &params[npar*(p%nrepp)];
-      (*f)(lp,yp,xp,pp,*give_log,obsindex,stateindex,parindex,covindex,covdim,covar_fn,t);
-    }
-  }
-// these global objects will pass the needed information to the user-defined function
-// each of these is allocated once, globally, and refilled many times
-static SEXP _pomp_dmeas_Yvec;	// observable vector
-static SEXP _pomp_dmeas_Xvec;	// state variable vector
-static SEXP _pomp_dmeas_Pvec;	// parameter vector
-static SEXP _pomp_dmeas_Cvec;	// covariate vector
-static SEXP _pomp_dmeas_time;	// time
-static int  _pomp_dmeas_nvar;	// number of state variables
-static int  _pomp_dmeas_npar;	// number of parameters
-static int  _pomp_dmeas_nobs;	// number of observables
-static SEXP _pomp_dmeas_envir;	// function's environment
-static SEXP _pomp_dmeas_fcall;	// function call
-#define YVEC    (_pomp_dmeas_Yvec)
-#define XVEC    (_pomp_dmeas_Xvec)
-#define PVEC    (_pomp_dmeas_Pvec)
-#define CVEC    (_pomp_dmeas_Cvec)
-#define TIME    (_pomp_dmeas_time)
-#define NVAR    (_pomp_dmeas_nvar)
-#define NPAR    (_pomp_dmeas_npar)
-#define NOBS    (_pomp_dmeas_nobs)
-#define RHO     (_pomp_dmeas_envir)
-#define FCALL   (_pomp_dmeas_fcall)
-// this is the measurement pdf evaluated when the user supplies an R function
-// (and not a native routine)
-// Note that obsindex, stateindex, parindex, covindex are ignored.
-static void default_meas_dens (double *lik, double *y, double *x, double *p, int give_log,
-			       int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
-			       int covdim, double *covar, double t)
-  int nprotect = 0;
-  int k;
-  double *xp;
-  SEXP ans;
-  xp = REAL(YVEC);
-  for (k = 0; k < NOBS; k++) xp[k] = y[k];
-  xp = REAL(XVEC);
-  for (k = 0; k < NVAR; k++) xp[k] = x[k];
-  xp = REAL(PVEC);
-  for (k = 0; k < NPAR; k++) xp[k] = p[k];
-  xp = REAL(CVEC);
-  for (k = 0; k < covdim; k++) xp[k] = covar[k];
-  xp = REAL(TIME);
-  xp[0] = t;
-  PROTECT(ans = AS_NUMERIC(eval(FCALL,RHO))); nprotect++; // evaluate the call
-  if (LENGTH(ans) != 1)
-    error("dmeasure error: user 'dmeasure' must return a scalar");
-  xp = REAL(ans);
-  *lik = *xp;
-  UNPROTECT(nprotect);
 SEXP do_dmeasure (SEXP object, SEXP y, SEXP x, SEXP times, SEXP params, SEXP log, SEXP fun)
   int nprotect = 0;
-  int *dim, nvars, npars, nrepsp, nrepsx, nreps, ntimes, covlen, covdim, nobs;
-  int ndim[7];
-  SEXP F, fn;
-  SEXP tcovar, covar;
+  int first = 1;
+  int mode = -1;
+  int give_log;
+  int ntimes, nvars, npars, ncovars, nreps, nrepsx, nrepsp, nobs;
+  SEXP Snames, Pnames, Cnames, Onames;
   SEXP statenames, paramnames, covarnames, obsnames;
-  SEXP sindex, pindex, cindex, oindex;
+  SEXP tvec, xvec, yvec, pvec, cvec;
+  SEXP fn, fcall, rho, ans;
+  SEXP F;
+  double *ts, *xs, *ps, *ys, *fs;
+  double *cp, *xp, *pp, *tp, *yp;
+  double *ft;
+  int *dim, ndim[2];
   int *sidx, *pidx, *cidx, *oidx;
-  SEXP Xnames, Ynames, Pnames, Cnames;
-  int use_native;
-  int nstates, nparams, ncovars, nobsers;
+  int i, j, k;
+  struct lookup_table covariate_table;
   pomp_measure_model_density *ff = NULL;
   PROTECT(times = AS_NUMERIC(times)); nprotect++;
-  ntimes = LENGTH(times);
+  ntimes = length(times);
   if (ntimes < 1)
-    error("dmeasure error: no work to do");
+    error("dmeasure error: length('times') = 0, no work to do");
   PROTECT(y = as_matrix(y)); nprotect++;
   dim = INTEGER(GET_DIM(y));
   nobs = dim[0];
+  ys = REAL(y);
   if (ntimes != dim[1])
     error("dmeasure error: length of 'times' and 2nd dimension of 'y' do not agree");
@@ -138,6 +45,7 @@
   PROTECT(x = as_state_array(x)); nprotect++;
   dim = INTEGER(GET_DIM(x));
   nvars = dim[0]; nrepsx = dim[1]; 
+  xs = REAL(x);
   if (ntimes != dim[2])
     error("dmeasure error: length of 'times' and 3rd dimension of 'x' do not agree");
@@ -145,129 +53,175 @@
   PROTECT(params = as_matrix(params)); nprotect++;
   dim = INTEGER(GET_DIM(params));
   npars = dim[0]; nrepsp = dim[1]; 
+  ps = REAL(params);
   nreps = (nrepsp > nrepsx) ? nrepsp : nrepsx;
   if ((nreps % nrepsp != 0) || (nreps % nrepsx != 0))
     error("dmeasure error: larger number of replicates is not a multiple of smaller");
-  PROTECT(tcovar =  GET_SLOT(object,install("tcovar"))); nprotect++;
-  PROTECT(covar =  GET_SLOT(object,install("covar"))); nprotect++;
-  PROTECT(obsnames =  GET_SLOT(object,install("obsnames"))); nprotect++;
-  PROTECT(statenames =  GET_SLOT(object,install("statenames"))); nprotect++;
-  PROTECT(paramnames =  GET_SLOT(object,install("paramnames"))); nprotect++;
-  PROTECT(covarnames =  GET_SLOT(object,install("covarnames"))); nprotect++;
-  nobsers = LENGTH(obsnames);
-  nstates = LENGTH(statenames);
-  nparams = LENGTH(paramnames);
-  ncovars = LENGTH(covarnames);
-  dim = INTEGER(GET_DIM(covar)); covlen = dim[0]; covdim = dim[1];
-  PROTECT(Ynames = GET_ROWNAMES(GET_DIMNAMES(y))); nprotect++;
-  PROTECT(Xnames = GET_ROWNAMES(GET_DIMNAMES(x))); nprotect++;
+  PROTECT(Onames = GET_ROWNAMES(GET_DIMNAMES(y))); nprotect++;
+  PROTECT(Snames = GET_ROWNAMES(GET_DIMNAMES(x))); nprotect++;
   PROTECT(Pnames = GET_ROWNAMES(GET_DIMNAMES(params))); nprotect++;
-  PROTECT(Cnames = GET_COLNAMES(GET_DIMNAMES(covar))); nprotect++;
+  PROTECT(Cnames = GET_COLNAMES(GET_DIMNAMES(GET_SLOT(object,install("covar"))))); nprotect++;
+  give_log = *(INTEGER(log));
-  PROTECT(fn = VECTOR_ELT(fun,0)); nprotect++;
-  use_native = INTEGER(VECTOR_ELT(fun,1))[0];
+  // set up the covariate table
+  covariate_table = make_covariate_table(object,&ncovars);
-  switch (use_native) {
-  case 0:			// use R function
-    ff = (pomp_measure_model_density *) default_meas_dens;
-    PROTECT(RHO = (CLOENV(fn))); nprotect++;
-    NVAR = nvars;			// for internal use
-    NPAR = npars;			// for internal use
-    NOBS = nobs;			// for internal use
-    PROTECT(TIME = NEW_NUMERIC(1)); nprotect++;	// for internal use
-    PROTECT(YVEC = NEW_NUMERIC(nobs)); nprotect++; // for internal use
-    PROTECT(XVEC = NEW_NUMERIC(nvars)); nprotect++; // for internal use
-    PROTECT(PVEC = NEW_NUMERIC(npars)); nprotect++; // for internal use
-    PROTECT(CVEC = NEW_NUMERIC(covdim)); nprotect++; // for internal use
-    SET_NAMES(YVEC,Ynames); // make sure the names attribute is copied
-    SET_NAMES(XVEC,Xnames); // make sure the names attribute is copied
-    SET_NAMES(PVEC,Pnames); // make sure the names attribute is copied
-    SET_NAMES(CVEC,Cnames); // make sure the names attribute is copied
+  // vector for interpolated covariates
+  PROTECT(cvec = NEW_NUMERIC(ncovars)); nprotect++;
+  SET_NAMES(cvec,Cnames);
+  cp = REAL(cvec);
+  ndim[0] = nreps; ndim[1] = ntimes;
+  PROTECT(F = makearray(2,ndim)); nprotect++; 
+  // extract the user-defined function
+  PROTECT(fn = unpack_pomp_fun(fun,&mode)); nprotect++;
+  // extract 'userdata' as pairlist
+  PROTECT(fcall = VectorToPairList(GET_SLOT(object,install("userdata")))); nprotect++;
+  // first do setup
+  switch (mode) {
+  case 0:			// R function
+    PROTECT(tvec = NEW_NUMERIC(1)); nprotect++;
+    tp = REAL(tvec);
+    PROTECT(xvec = NEW_NUMERIC(nvars)); nprotect++;
+    SET_NAMES(xvec,Snames);
+    xp = REAL(xvec);
+    PROTECT(yvec = NEW_NUMERIC(nobs)); nprotect++;
+    SET_NAMES(yvec,Onames);
+    yp = REAL(yvec);
+    PROTECT(pvec = NEW_NUMERIC(npars)); nprotect++;
+    SET_NAMES(pvec,Pnames);
+    pp = REAL(pvec);
     // set up the function call
-    PROTECT(FCALL = VectorToPairList(GET_SLOT(object,install("userdata")))); nprotect++;
-    PROTECT(FCALL = LCONS(CVEC,FCALL)); nprotect++;
-    SET_TAG(FCALL,install("covars"));
-    PROTECT(FCALL = LCONS(AS_LOGICAL(log),FCALL)); nprotect++;
-    SET_TAG(FCALL,install("log"));
-    PROTECT(FCALL = LCONS(PVEC,FCALL)); nprotect++;
-    SET_TAG(FCALL,install("params"));
-    PROTECT(FCALL = LCONS(TIME,FCALL)); nprotect++;
-    SET_TAG(FCALL,install("t"));
-    PROTECT(FCALL = LCONS(XVEC,FCALL)); nprotect++;
-    SET_TAG(FCALL,install("x"));
-    PROTECT(FCALL = LCONS(YVEC,FCALL)); nprotect++;
-    SET_TAG(FCALL,install("y"));
-    PROTECT(FCALL = LCONS(fn,FCALL)); nprotect++;
+    PROTECT(fcall = LCONS(cvec,fcall)); nprotect++;
+    SET_TAG(fcall,install("covars"));
+    PROTECT(fcall = LCONS(AS_LOGICAL(log),fcall)); nprotect++;
+    SET_TAG(fcall,install("log"));
+    PROTECT(fcall = LCONS(pvec,fcall)); nprotect++;
+    SET_TAG(fcall,install("params"));
+    PROTECT(fcall = LCONS(tvec,fcall)); nprotect++;
+    SET_TAG(fcall,install("t"));
+    PROTECT(fcall = LCONS(xvec,fcall)); nprotect++;
+    SET_TAG(fcall,install("x"));
+    PROTECT(fcall = LCONS(yvec,fcall)); nprotect++;
+    SET_TAG(fcall,install("y"));
+    PROTECT(fcall = LCONS(fn,fcall)); nprotect++;
+    // get the function's environment
+    PROTECT(rho = (CLOENV(fn))); nprotect++;
-  case 1:			// use native routine
+  case 1:			// native code
+    // construct state, parameter, covariate, observable indices
+    oidx = INTEGER(PROTECT(name_index(Onames,object,"obsnames"))); nprotect++;
+    sidx = INTEGER(PROTECT(name_index(Snames,object,"statenames"))); nprotect++;
+    pidx = INTEGER(PROTECT(name_index(Pnames,object,"paramnames"))); nprotect++;
+    cidx = INTEGER(PROTECT(name_index(Cnames,object,"covarnames"))); nprotect++;
+    // address of native routine
     ff = (pomp_measure_model_density *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(fn);
-    error("unrecognized 'use' slot in 'dmeasure'");
+    error("unrecognized 'mode' slot in 'dmeasure'");
-  ndim[0] = nreps; ndim[1] = ntimes;
-  PROTECT(F = makearray(2,ndim)); nprotect++; 
+  // now do computations
+  switch (mode) {
-  if (nobsers > 0) {
-    PROTECT(oindex = matchnames(Ynames,obsnames)); nprotect++;
-    oidx = INTEGER(oindex);
-  } else {
-    oidx = 0;
-  }
+  case 0:			// R function
-  if (nstates > 0) {
-    PROTECT(sindex = matchnames(Xnames,statenames)); nprotect++;
-    sidx = INTEGER(sindex);
-  } else {
-    sidx = 0;
-  }
+    for (k = 0, ft = REAL(F), ts = REAL(times); k < ntimes; k++, ts++) { // loop over times
-  if (nparams > 0) {
-    PROTECT(pindex = matchnames(Pnames,paramnames)); nprotect++;
-    pidx = INTEGER(pindex);
-  } else {
-    pidx = 0;
-  }
-  if (ncovars > 0) {
-    PROTECT(cindex = matchnames(Cnames,covarnames)); nprotect++;
-    cidx = INTEGER(cindex);
-  } else {
-    cidx = 0;
-  }
-  ndim[0] = nvars; ndim[1] = npars; ndim[2] = nrepsp; ndim[3] = nrepsx; ndim[4] = ntimes; 
-  ndim[5] = covlen; ndim[6] = covdim; ndim[7] = nobs;
+      R_CheckUserInterrupt();	// check for user interrupt
-  if (use_native) {
-    PROTECT(FCALL = VectorToPairList(GET_SLOT(object,install("userdata")))); nprotect++;
-    set_pomp_userdata(FCALL);
-  }
+      *tp = *ts;		// copy the time
+      table_lookup(&covariate_table,*tp,cp,0); // interpolate the covariates
-  dens_meas(ff,REAL(F),REAL(y),REAL(x),REAL(times),REAL(params),INTEGER(log),ndim,
-	    oidx,sidx,pidx,cidx,REAL(tcovar),REAL(covar));
-  if (use_native) {
+      for (i = 0; i < nobs; i++) yp[i] = ys[i+nobs*k];
+      for (j = 0; j < nreps; j++, ft++) { // loop over replicates
+	// copy the states and parameters into place
+	for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) xp[i] = xs[i+nvars*((j%nrepsx)+nrepsx*k)];
+	for (i = 0; i < npars; i++) pp[i] = ps[i+npars*(j%nrepsp)];
+	if (first) {
+	  // evaluate the call
+	  PROTECT(ans = eval(fcall,rho)); nprotect++;
+	  if (LENGTH(ans) != 1)
+	    error("user 'dmeasure' return a vector of length %d when it should return a scalar",LENGTH(ans));
+	  fs = REAL(AS_NUMERIC(ans));
+	  first = 0;
+	} else {
+	  fs = REAL(AS_NUMERIC(eval(fcall,rho)));
+	}
+	*ft = *fs;
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  case 1:			// native code
+    set_pomp_userdata(fcall);
+    for (k = 0, ft = REAL(F), ts = REAL(times); k < ntimes; k++, ts++) { // loop over times
+      R_CheckUserInterrupt();	// check for user interrupt
+      // interpolate the covar functions for the covariates
+      table_lookup(&covariate_table,*ts,cp,0);
+      yp = &ys[nobs*k];
+      for (j = 0; j < nreps; j++, ft++) { // loop over replicates
+	xp = &xs[nvars*((j%nrepsx)+nrepsx*k)];
+	pp = &ps[npars*(j%nrepsp)];
+	(*ff)(ft,yp,xp,pp,give_log,oidx,sidx,pidx,cidx,ncovars,cp,*ts);
+      }
+    }
+    break;
+  default:
+    error("unrecognized 'mode' slot in 'dmeasure'");
+    break;
   return F;
-#undef YVEC
-#undef XVEC
-#undef PVEC
-#undef CVEC
-#undef TIME
-#undef NVAR
-#undef NPAR
-#undef NOBS
-#undef RHO
-#undef FCALL

Modified: pkg/pomp/src/euler.c
--- pkg/pomp/src/euler.c	2012-04-26 14:43:38 UTC (rev 684)
+++ pkg/pomp/src/euler.c	2012-04-27 21:51:50 UTC (rev 685)
@@ -3,465 +3,256 @@
 #include "pomp_internal.h"
 #include <R_ext/Constants.h>
-int num_euler_steps (double t1, double t2, double *dt) {
-  double tol = sqrt(DOUBLE_EPS);
-  int nstep;
-  // nstep will be the number of Euler steps to take in going from t1 to t2.
-  // note also that the stepsize changes.
-  // this choice is meant to be conservative
-  // (i.e., so that the actual dt does not exceed the specified dt 
-  // by more than the relative tolerance 'tol')
-  // and to counteract roundoff error.
-  // It seems to work well, but is not guaranteed: 
-  // suggestions would be appreciated.
-  if (t1 >= t2) {
-    *dt = 0.0;
-    nstep = 0;
-  } else if (t1+*dt >= t2) {
-    *dt = t2-t1; 
-    nstep = 1;
-  } else {
-    nstep = (int) ceil((t2-t1)/(*dt)/(1+tol));
-    *dt = (t2-t1)/((double) nstep);
-  }
-  return nstep;
-int num_map_steps (double t1, double t2, double dt) {
-  double tol = sqrt(DOUBLE_EPS);
-  int nstep;
-  // nstep will be the number of discrete-time steps to take in going from t1 to t2.
-  nstep = (int) floor((t2-t1)/dt/(1-tol));
-  return (nstep > 0) ? nstep : 0;
-// take Euler-Poisson steps of size at most deltat from t1 to t2
-static void euler_simulator (pomp_onestep_sim *estep,
-			     double *x, double *xstart, double *times, double *params, 
-			     int *ndim, double *deltat,
-			     int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex, int *zeroindex,
-			     double *time_table, double *covar_table)
+SEXP euler_model_simulator (SEXP func, 
+                            SEXP xstart, SEXP times, SEXP params, 
+                            SEXP deltat, SEXP method,
+                            SEXP statenames, SEXP paramnames, SEXP covarnames, SEXP zeronames,
+                            SEXP tcovar, SEXP covar, SEXP args) 
-  double t, *xp, *pp;
-  int nvar = ndim[0];
-  int npar = ndim[1];
-  int nrep = ndim[2];
-  int ntimes = ndim[3];
-  int covlen = ndim[4];
-  int covdim = ndim[5];
-  int nzero = ndim[6];
-  double covar_fn[covdim];
-  int j, k, p, step, nstep = 0;
-  double dt;
+  int nprotect = 0;
+  int first = 1;
+  int mode = -1;
+  int meth = 0;
+  int use_names;
+  int *dim, *posn, xdim[3];
+  int nstep, nvars, npars, nreps, ntimes, nzeros, ncovars, covlen;
+  pomp_onestep_sim *ff = NULL;
+  SEXP X;
+  SEXP fn, fcall, ans, rho, nm;
+  SEXP Snames, Pnames, Cnames;
+  SEXP tvec, xvec, pvec, cvec, dtvec;
+  int *sidx, *pidx, *cidx, *zidx;
+  double *tp, *xp, *pp, *cp, *dtp, *xt, *ps;
+  double *time;
+  double *Xt;
+  double t, dt;
+  int i, j, k, step;
-  struct lookup_table covariate_table = {covlen, covdim, 0, time_table, covar_table};
+  dim = INTEGER(GET_DIM(xstart)); nvars = dim[0]; nreps = dim[1];
+  dim = INTEGER(GET_DIM(params)); npars = dim[0];
+  dim = INTEGER(GET_DIM(covar)); covlen = dim[0]; ncovars = dim[1];
+  ntimes = LENGTH(times);
-  // copy the start values into the result array
-  for (p = 0; p < nrep; p++)
-    for (k = 0; k < nvar; k++) 
-      x[k+nvar*p] = xstart[k+nvar*p];
-  // loop over times
-  for (step = 1; step < ntimes; step++) {
+  PROTECT(Snames = GET_ROWNAMES(GET_DIMNAMES(xstart))); nprotect++;
+  PROTECT(Pnames = GET_ROWNAMES(GET_DIMNAMES(params))); nprotect++;
+  PROTECT(Cnames = GET_COLNAMES(GET_DIMNAMES(covar))); nprotect++;
-    R_CheckUserInterrupt();
+  // set up the covariate table
+  struct lookup_table covariate_table = {covlen, ncovars, 0, REAL(tcovar), REAL(covar)};
-    t = times[step-1];
-    dt = *deltat;
+  // vector for interpolated covariates
+  PROTECT(cvec = NEW_NUMERIC(ncovars)); nprotect++;
+  SET_NAMES(cvec,Cnames);
+  cp = REAL(cvec);
-    if (t > times[step]) {
-      error("'times' is not an increasing sequence");
-    }
+  // indices of accumulator variables
+  nzeros = LENGTH(zeronames);
+  zidx = INTEGER(PROTECT(matchnames(Snames,zeronames))); nprotect++;
-    nstep = num_euler_steps(t,times[step],&dt);
+  // extract user function
+  PROTECT(fn = pomp_fun_handler(func,&mode)); nprotect++;
+  // set up
+  switch (mode) {
-    for (p = 0; p < nrep; p++) {
-      xp = &x[nvar*(p+nrep*step)];
-      // copy in the previous values of the state variables
-      for (k = 0; k < nvar; k++)
-	xp[k] = x[k+nvar*(p+nrep*(step-1))];
-      // set some variables to zero
-      for (k = 0; k < nzero; k++)
-	xp[zeroindex[k]] = 0.0;
-    }
+  case 1:			// native code
-    for (j = 0; j < nstep; j++) { // loop over Euler steps
+    // construct state, parameter, covariate, observable indices
+    sidx = INTEGER(PROTECT(matchnames(Snames,statenames))); nprotect++;
+    pidx = INTEGER(PROTECT(matchnames(Pnames,paramnames))); nprotect++;
+    cidx = INTEGER(PROTECT(matchnames(Cnames,covarnames))); nprotect++;
-      // interpolate the covar functions for the covariates
-      if (covdim > 0) 
-	table_lookup(&covariate_table,t,covar_fn,0);
+    ff = (pomp_onestep_sim *) R_ExternalPtrAddr(fn);
-      for (p = 0; p < nrep; p++) { // loop over replicates
-	pp = &params[npar*p];
-	xp = &x[nvar*(p+nrep*step)];
+    break;
-	(*estep)(xp,pp,stateindex,parindex,covindex,covdim,covar_fn,t,dt);
+  case 0:			// R function
-      }
+    // get function's environment
+    PROTECT(rho = (CLOENV(fn))); nprotect++;
-      t += dt;
+    PROTECT(dtvec = NEW_NUMERIC(1)); nprotect++;
+    dtp = REAL(dtvec);
+    PROTECT(tvec = NEW_NUMERIC(1)); nprotect++;
+    tp = REAL(tvec);
+    PROTECT(xvec = NEW_NUMERIC(nvars)); nprotect++;
+    SET_NAMES(xvec,Snames);
+    xp = REAL(xvec);
+    PROTECT(pvec = NEW_NUMERIC(npars)); nprotect++;
+    SET_NAMES(pvec,Pnames);
+    pp = REAL(pvec);
-      if (j == nstep-2) {	// penultimate step
-	dt = times[step]-t;
-	t = times[step]-dt;
-      }
+    // set up the function call
+    PROTECT(fcall = LCONS(cvec,args)); nprotect++;
+    SET_TAG(fcall,install("covars"));
+    PROTECT(fcall = LCONS(dtvec,fcall)); nprotect++;
+    SET_TAG(fcall,install("delta.t"));
+    PROTECT(fcall = LCONS(pvec,fcall)); nprotect++;
+    SET_TAG(fcall,install("params"));
+    PROTECT(fcall = LCONS(tvec,fcall)); nprotect++;
+    SET_TAG(fcall,install("t"));
+    PROTECT(fcall = LCONS(xvec,fcall)); nprotect++;
+    SET_TAG(fcall,install("x"));
+    PROTECT(fcall = LCONS(fn,fcall)); nprotect++;
-    }
-  }
+    // to hold indices of variables that must be rearranged
+    posn = (int *) R_alloc(nvars,sizeof(int));    
-// take discrete steps of size deltat from t1 to t2
-static void discrete_time_simulator (pomp_onestep_sim *estep,
-				     double *x, double *xstart, double *times, double *params, 
-				     int *ndim, double *deltat,
-				     int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex, int *zeroindex,
-				     double *time_table, double *covar_table)
-  double t, *xp, *pp;
-  int nvar = ndim[0];
-  int npar = ndim[1];
-  int nrep = ndim[2];
-  int ntimes = ndim[3];
-  int covlen = ndim[4];
-  int covdim = ndim[5];
-  int nzero = ndim[6];
-  double covar_fn[covdim];
-  int j, k, p, step, nstep = 0;
-  double dt;
+    // this is the euler step function that is evaluated when the user supplies an R function
+    // (and not a native routine)
+    // Note that stateindex, parindex, covindex are ignored.
+    void R_step_fn (double *x, const double *p, 
+		    const int *stateindex, const int *parindex, const int *covindex,
+		    int ncovar, const double *covar,
+		    double t, double dt)
+    {
+      int nprotect = 0;
+      int *op, i;
+      double *xs;
+      SEXP ans, nm;
-  struct lookup_table covariate_table = {covlen, covdim, 0, time_table, covar_table};
+      for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) xp[i] = x[i];
+      for (i = 0; i < npars; i++) pp[i] = p[i];
+      *tp = t;
+      *dtp = dt;
+      if (first) {
-  // copy the start values into the result array
-  for (p = 0; p < nrep; p++)
-    for (k = 0; k < nvar; k++) 
-      x[k+nvar*p] = xstart[k+nvar*p];
-  dt = *deltat;
-  t = times[0];
+	PROTECT(ans = eval(fcall,rho)); nprotect++; // evaluate the call
+	if (LENGTH(ans) != nvars) {
+	  error("user 'step.fun' returns a vector of %d states but %d are expected: compare initial conditions?",
+		LENGTH(ans),nvars);
+	}
-  // loop over times
-  for (step = 1; step < ntimes; step++) {
+	PROTECT(nm = GET_NAMES(ans)); nprotect++;
+	use_names = !isNull(nm);
+	if (use_names) {
+	  op = INTEGER(PROTECT(matchnames(Snames,nm))); nprotect++;
+	  for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) posn[i] = op[i];
+	}
-    R_CheckUserInterrupt();
+	xs = REAL(AS_NUMERIC(ans));
-    nstep = num_map_steps(t,times[step],dt);
+	first = 0;
-    for (p = 0; p < nrep; p++) {
-      xp = &x[nvar*(p+nrep*step)];
-      // copy in the previous values of the state variables
-      for (k = 0; k < nvar; k++)
-	xp[k] = x[k+nvar*(p+nrep*(step-1))];
-      // set some variables to zero
-      for (k = 0; k < nzero; k++)
-	xp[zeroindex[k]] = 0.0;
-    }
+      } else {
+	xs = REAL(AS_NUMERIC(eval(fcall,rho)));
-    for (j = 0; j < nstep; j++) { // loop over steps
+      }
-      // interpolate the covar functions for the covariates
-      if (covdim > 0) 
-	table_lookup(&covariate_table,t,covar_fn,0);
-      for (p = 0; p < nrep; p++) { // loop over replicates
+      if (use_names) {
+	for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) x[posn[i]] = xs[i];
+      } else {
+	for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) x[i] = xs[i];
+      }
-	pp = &params[npar*p];
-	xp = &x[nvar*(p+nrep*step)];
+      UNPROTECT(nprotect);
+    }
-	(*estep)(xp,pp,stateindex,parindex,covindex,covdim,covar_fn,t,dt);
+    sidx = 0;
+    pidx = 0;
+    cidx = 0;
-      }
+    ff = (pomp_onestep_sim *) R_step_fn;
-      t += dt;
+    break;
-    }
+  default:
+    error("unrecognized 'mode' in 'euler_simulator'");
+    break;
-// take one step from t1 to t2
-static void onestep_simulator (pomp_onestep_sim *estep,
-			       double *x, double *xstart, double *times, double *params, 
-			       int *ndim, 
-			       int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex, int *zeroindex,
-			       double *time_table, double *covar_table)
-  double t, *xp, *pp;
-  int nvar = ndim[0];
-  int npar = ndim[1];
-  int nrep = ndim[2];
-  int ntimes = ndim[3];
-  int covlen = ndim[4];
-  int covdim = ndim[5];
-  int nzero = ndim[6];
-  double covar_fn[covdim];
-  int k, p, step;
-  double dt;
+  if (mode==1) {
+    set_pomp_userdata(args);
+    GetRNGstate();
+  }
-  struct lookup_table covariate_table = {covlen, covdim, 0, time_table, covar_table};
+  // create array to hold results
+  xdim[0] = nvars; xdim[1] = nreps; xdim[2] = ntimes;
+  PROTECT(X = makearray(3,xdim)); nprotect++;
+  setrownames(X,Snames,3);
+  Xt = REAL(X);
   // copy the start values into the result array
-  for (p = 0; p < nrep; p++)
-    for (k = 0; k < nvar; k++) 
-      x[k+nvar*p] = xstart[k+nvar*p];
+  xt = REAL(xstart);
+  for (j = 0; j < nreps; j++)
+    for (i = 0; i < nvars; i++) 
+      Xt[i+nvars*j] = xt[i+nvars*j];
+  meth = *(INTEGER(AS_INTEGER(method))); // 0 = Euler, 1 = one-step, 2 = fixed step
+  // now do computations
   // loop over times
+  time = REAL(times);
+  t = time[0];
   for (step = 1; step < ntimes; step++) {
-    t = times[step-1];
-    dt = times[step]-t;
+    if (t > time[step]) {
+      error("'times' is not an increasing sequence");
+    }
-    // interpolate the covar functions for the covariates
-    if (covdim > 0) 
-      table_lookup(&covariate_table,t,covar_fn,0);
-    for (p = 0; p < nrep; p++) {
-      xp = &x[nvar*(p+nrep*step)];

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/pomp -r 685

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