[Pomp-commits] r488 - in pkg: data inst/data-R man src tests

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu May 19 23:50:43 CEST 2011

Author: kingaa
Date: 2011-05-19 23:50:42 +0200 (Thu, 19 May 2011)
New Revision: 488

- rework the OU2 model slightly

Modified: pkg/data/ou2.rda
(Binary files differ)

Modified: pkg/inst/data-R/ou2.R
--- pkg/inst/data-R/ou2.R	2011-05-19 19:40:43 UTC (rev 487)
+++ pkg/inst/data-R/ou2.R	2011-05-19 21:50:42 UTC (rev 488)
@@ -8,66 +8,13 @@
-              rprocess = function (xstart, times, params, paramnames, ...) {
-                nvar <- nrow(xstart)
-                npar <- nrow(params)
-                nrep <- ncol(xstart)
-                ntimes <- length(times)
-                ## get indices of the various parameters in the 'params' matrix
-                ## C uses zero-based indexing!
-                parindex <- match(paramnames,rownames(params))-1
-                array(
-                      .C("_ou2_adv",
-                         X = double(nvar*nrep*ntimes),
-                         xstart = as.double(xstart),
-                         par = as.double(params),
-                         times = as.double(times),
-                         n = as.integer(c(nvar,npar,nrep,ntimes)),
-                         parindex = as.integer(parindex),
-                         DUP = FALSE,
-                         NAOK = TRUE,
-                         PACKAGE = "pomp"
-                         )$X,
-                      dim=c(nvar,nrep,ntimes),
-                      dimnames=list(rownames(xstart),NULL,NULL)
-                      )
-              },
-              dprocess = function (x, times, params, log, paramnames, ...) {
-                nvar <- nrow(x)
-                npar <- nrow(params)
-                nrep <- ncol(x)
-                ntimes <- length(times)
-                parindex <- match(paramnames,rownames(params))-1
-                array(
-                      .C("ou2_pdf",
-                         d = double(nrep*(ntimes-1)),
-                         X = as.double(x),
-                         par = as.double(params),
-                         times = as.double(times),
-                         n = as.integer(c(nvar,npar,nrep,ntimes)),
-                         parindex = as.integer(parindex),
-                         give_log=as.integer(log),
-                         DUP = FALSE,
-                         NAOK = TRUE,
-                         PACKAGE = "pomp"
-                         )$d,
-                      dim=c(nrep,ntimes-1)
-                      )
-              },
-              dmeasure = "ou2_normal_dmeasure",
-              rmeasure = "ou2_normal_rmeasure",
+              rprocess=discrete.time.sim("ou2_step",PACKAGE="pomp"),
+              dprocess=onestep.dens("ou2_pdf"),
+              dmeasure = "ou2_dmeasure",
+              rmeasure = "ou2_rmeasure",
-              skeleton = function (x, t, params, ...) {
-                with(
-                     as.list(c(x,params)),
-                     {
-                       c(
-                         x1=alpha.1*x1+alpha.3*x2,
-                         x2=alpha.2*x1+alpha.4*x2
-                         )
-                     }
-                     )
-              },
+              skeleton = "ou2_skel",
+              PACKAGE="pomp",
               paramnames = c(

Modified: pkg/man/ou2.Rd
--- pkg/man/ou2.Rd	2011-05-19 19:40:43 UTC (rev 487)
+++ pkg/man/ou2.Rd	2011-05-19 21:50:42 UTC (rev 488)
@@ -1,30 +1,28 @@
-\title{Two-dimensional Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process}
+\title{Two-dimensional discrete-time Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process}
   \code{ou2} is a \code{pomp} object encoding a bivariate discrete-time Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.
-  The process is fully but noisily observed.
+  If the state process is \eqn{X(t) = (x_{1}(t),x_{2}(t))}, then
+  \deqn{X(t+1) = \alpha X(t) + \sigma \epsilon(t),}
+  where \eqn{\alpha} and \eqn{\sigma} are 2x2 matrices, \eqn{\sigma} is lower-triangular, and \eqn{\epsilon(t)} is standard bivariate normal.
+  The observation process is \eqn{Y(t) = (y_1(t),y_2(t))}, where \eqn{y_i(t) \sim \mathrm{normal}(x_i(t),\tau)}.
   The functions \code{rprocess}, \code{dprocess}, \code{rmeasure}, \code{dmeasure}, and \code{skeleton} are implemented using compiled C code for computational speed:
   see the source code for details.
-  The use of this object is demonstrated in the vignette "intro_to_pomp".
+  This object is demonstrated in the vignette "Advanced topics in pomp".
-theta <- c(
-           alpha.1=0.8, alpha.2=-0.5, alpha.3=0.3, alpha.4=0.9,
-           sigma.1=3, sigma.2=-0.5, sigma.3=2,
-           tau=1, 
-           x1.0=-3, x2.0=4
-           )
-x <- simulate(ou2,nsim=10,seed=20348585,params=theta)
+x <- simulate(ou2)
+pf <- pfilter(ou2,Np=1000)
 \seealso{\code{\link{pomp}} and the vignettes}

Modified: pkg/src/ou2.c
--- pkg/src/ou2.c	2011-05-19 19:40:43 UTC (rev 487)
+++ pkg/src/ou2.c	2011-05-19 21:50:42 UTC (rev 488)
@@ -5,23 +5,25 @@
 #include <Rdefines.h>
 // prototypes
-void ou2_normal_rmeasure (double *y, double *x, double *p, 
-			   int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
-			   int ncovar, double *covar, double t);
-void ou2_normal_dmeasure (double *lik, double *y, double *x, double *p, int give_log, 
-			   int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
-			   int covdim, double *covar, double t);
+void ou2_rmeasure (double *y, double *x, double *p, 
+		   int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
+		   int ncovar, double *covar, double t);
+void ou2_dmeasure (double *lik, double *y, double *x, double *p, int give_log, 
+		   int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
+		   int covdim, double *covar, double t);
 void ou2_adv (double *x, double *xstart, double *par, double *times, int *n);
-void _ou2_adv (double *x, double *xstart, double *par, double *times, int *n, int *parindex);
 void ou2_step (double *x, const double *p,
 	       const int *stateindex, const int *parindex, const int *covindex,
 	       int ncovars, const double *covars,
 	       double t, double dt);
-void ou2_pdf (double *d, double *X, double *par, double *times, int *n, int *parindex, int *give_log);
-static void sim_ou2 (double *x,
+void ou2_pdf (double *f, 
+	      double *x1, double *x2, double t1, double t2, const double *p, 
+	      const int *stateindex, const int *parindex, const int *covindex,
+	      int ncovars, const double *covars);
+static void sim_ou2 (double *x1, double *x2,
 		     double alpha1, double alpha2, double alpha3, double alpha4, 
 		     double sigma1, double sigma2, double sigma3);
-static double dens_ou2 (double *x1, double *x2,
+static double dens_ou2 (double x1, double x2, double z1, double z2,
 			double alpha1, double alpha2, double alpha3, double alpha4, 
 			double sigma1, double sigma2, double sigma3, int give_log);
@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@
       tgoal = times[k];
       while (tnow < tgoal) {
-	sim_ou2(xp1,ALPHA1,ALPHA2,ALPHA3,ALPHA4,SIGMA1,SIGMA2,SIGMA3); // advance state
+	sim_ou2(&xp1[0],&xp1[1],ALPHA1,ALPHA2,ALPHA3,ALPHA4,SIGMA1,SIGMA2,SIGMA3); // advance state
 	tnow += dt;		// advance time
@@ -89,85 +91,6 @@
 #undef SIGMA2
 #undef SIGMA3
-#define ALPHA1     (pp[parindex[0]])
-#define ALPHA2     (pp[parindex[1]])
-#define ALPHA3     (pp[parindex[2]])
-#define ALPHA4     (pp[parindex[3]])
-#define SIGMA1     (pp[parindex[4]])
-#define SIGMA2     (pp[parindex[5]])
-#define SIGMA3     (pp[parindex[6]])
-// just like the above, but with parindex
-void _ou2_adv (double *x, double *xstart, double *par, double *times, int *n, int *parindex)
-  int nvar = n[0], npar = n[1], nrep = n[2], ntimes = n[3], incr;
-  double tnow, tgoal, dt = 1.0;
-  double *xp0, *xp1, *pp;
-  int i, j, k;
-  incr = nrep*nvar;
-  GetRNGstate();       // initialize R's pseudorandom number generator
-  for (j = 0; j < nrep; j++) {
-    R_CheckUserInterrupt();	// check for an interrupt signal
-    xp0 = &xstart[nvar*j];     // pointer to j-th starting state
-    xp1 = &x[nvar*j];	       // pointer to j-th state vector
-    pp = &par[npar*j];	       // pointer to j-th parameter vector
-    for (i = 0; i < nvar; i++) xp1[i] = xp0[i]; // copy xstart into the first slice of x
-    tnow = times[0];		// initial time
-    for (k = 1; k < ntimes; k++) { // loop over times
-      xp0 = xp1;
-      xp1 += incr;
-      for (i = 0; i < nvar; i++) xp1[i] = xp0[i]; // copy state vector
-      tgoal = times[k];
-      while (tnow < tgoal) {
-	sim_ou2(xp1,ALPHA1,ALPHA2,ALPHA3,ALPHA4,SIGMA1,SIGMA2,SIGMA3); // advance state
-	tnow += dt;		// advance time
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  PutRNGstate();	  // finished with R's random number generator
-// pdf of a single 2D OU transition
-void ou2_pdf (double *d, double *X, double *par, double *times, int *n, int *parindex, int *give_log)
-  int nvar = n[0], npar = n[1], nrep = n[2], ntimes = n[3];
-  double *x1, *x2, *pp;
-  int j, k;
-  for (k = 0; k < nrep; k++) {
-    pp = &par[npar*k];	       // get address of k-th parameter vector
-    x1 = &X[nvar*k];	     // get address of (0,0)-th state vector
-    for (j = 1; j < ntimes; j++) {
-      R_CheckUserInterrupt();
-      x2 = &X[nvar*(k+nrep*j)]; // get address of (k,j)-th state vector
-      d[k+nrep*(j-1)] = dens_ou2(x1,x2,ALPHA1,ALPHA2,ALPHA3,ALPHA4,SIGMA1,SIGMA2,SIGMA3,*give_log);
-      x1 = x2;
-    }
-  }
-#undef ALPHA1
-#undef ALPHA2
-#undef ALPHA3
-#undef ALPHA4
-#undef SIGMA1
-#undef SIGMA2
-#undef SIGMA3
 #define ALPHA1     (p[parindex[0]])
 #define ALPHA2     (p[parindex[1]])
 #define ALPHA3     (p[parindex[2]])
@@ -177,8 +100,9 @@
 #define SIGMA3     (p[parindex[6]])
 #define TAU        (p[parindex[7]])
-#define X1    (x[stateindex[0]])
-#define X2    (x[stateindex[1]])
+#define X1    (stateindex[0])
+#define X2    (stateindex[1])
 #define Y1    (y[obsindex[0]])
 #define Y2    (y[obsindex[1]])
@@ -188,31 +112,50 @@
 	       int ncovars, const double *covars,
 	       double t, double dt) 
+  sim_ou2(&x[X1],&x[X2],ALPHA1,ALPHA2,ALPHA3,ALPHA4,SIGMA1,SIGMA2,SIGMA3);
+// onestep transition probability density for use in 'onestep.dens' plug-in
+// transition from x to z as time goes from t1 to t2
+void ou2_pdf (double *f, 
+	      double *x, double *z, double t1, double t2, const double *p, 
+	      const int *stateindex, const int *parindex, const int *covindex,
+	      int ncovars, const double *covars)
+  if (t2-t1 != 1)
+    error("ou2_pdf error: transitions must be consecutive");
+  f[0] = dens_ou2(x[X1],x[X2],z[X1],z[X2],ALPHA1,ALPHA2,ALPHA3,ALPHA4,SIGMA1,SIGMA2,SIGMA3,1);
+void ou2_skel (double *f, double *x, double *p, 
+	       int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex, 
+	       int ncovars, double *covars, double t)
+  f[X1] = ALPHA1*x[X1]+ALPHA3*x[X2];
+  f[X2] = ALPHA2*x[X1]+ALPHA4*x[X2];
 // bivariate normal measurement error density
-void ou2_normal_dmeasure (double *lik, double *y, double *x, double *p, int give_log, 
-			   int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
-			   int covdim, double *covar, double t) 
+void ou2_dmeasure (double *lik, double *y, double *x, double *p, int give_log, 
+		   int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
+		   int covdim, double *covar, double t) 
   double sd = fabs(TAU);
   double f = 0.0;
-  f += (ISNA(Y1)) ? 0.0 : dnorm(Y1,X1,sd,1);
-  f += (ISNA(Y2)) ? 0.0 : dnorm(Y2,X2,sd,1);
+  f += (ISNA(Y1)) ? 0.0 : dnorm(Y1,x[X1],sd,1);
+  f += (ISNA(Y2)) ? 0.0 : dnorm(Y2,x[X2],sd,1);
   *lik = (give_log) ? f : exp(f);
 // bivariate normal measurement error simulator
-void ou2_normal_rmeasure (double *y, double *x, double *p, 
-			   int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
-			   int ncovar, double *covar, 
-			   double t) 
+void ou2_rmeasure (double *y, double *x, double *p, 
+		   int *obsindex, int *stateindex, int *parindex, int *covindex,
+		   int ncovar, double *covar, 
+		   double t) 
   double sd = fabs(TAU);
-  Y1 = rnorm(X1,sd);
-  Y2 = rnorm(X2,sd);
+  Y1 = rnorm(x[X1],sd);
+  Y2 = rnorm(x[X2],sd);
 #undef ALPHA1
@@ -230,14 +173,14 @@
 #undef Y2
 // simple 2D Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process simulation
-static void sim_ou2 (double *x,
+static void sim_ou2 (double *x1, double *x2,
 		     double alpha1, double alpha2, double alpha3, double alpha4, 
 		     double sigma1, double sigma2, double sigma3)
   double eps[2], xnew[2];
-  if (!(R_FINITE(x[0]))) return;
-  if (!(R_FINITE(x[1]))) return;
+  if (!(R_FINITE(*x1))) return;
+  if (!(R_FINITE(*x2))) return;
   if (!(R_FINITE(alpha1))) return;
   if (!(R_FINITE(alpha2))) return;
   if (!(R_FINITE(alpha3))) return;
@@ -249,24 +192,25 @@
   eps[0] = rnorm(0,1);
   eps[1] = rnorm(0,1);
-  xnew[0] = alpha1*x[0]+alpha3*x[1]+sigma1*eps[0];
-  xnew[1] = alpha2*x[0]+alpha4*x[1]+sigma2*eps[0]+sigma3*eps[1];
+  xnew[0] = alpha1*(*x1)+alpha3*(*x2)+sigma1*eps[0];
+  xnew[1] = alpha2*(*x1)+alpha4*(*x2)+sigma2*eps[0]+sigma3*eps[1];
-  x[0] = xnew[0];
-  x[1] = xnew[1];
+  *x1 = xnew[0];
+  *x2 = xnew[1];
-// simple 2D Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process density
-static double dens_ou2 (double *x1, double *x2,
+// simple 2D Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process transition density
+// transition (x1,x2) -> (z1,z2) in 1 unit of time
+static double dens_ou2 (double x1, double x2, double z1, double z2,
 			double alpha1, double alpha2, double alpha3, double alpha4, 
 			double sigma1, double sigma2, double sigma3, int give_log)
   double eps[2], val;
-  if (!(R_FINITE(x1[0]))) return R_NaReal;
-  if (!(R_FINITE(x1[1]))) return R_NaReal;
-  if (!(R_FINITE(x2[0]))) return R_NaReal;
-  if (!(R_FINITE(x2[1]))) return R_NaReal;
+  if (!(R_FINITE(x1))) return R_NaReal;
+  if (!(R_FINITE(x2))) return R_NaReal;
+  if (!(R_FINITE(z1))) return R_NaReal;
+  if (!(R_FINITE(z2))) return R_NaReal;
   if (!(R_FINITE(alpha1))) return R_NaReal;
   if (!(R_FINITE(alpha2))) return R_NaReal;
   if (!(R_FINITE(alpha3))) return R_NaReal;
@@ -276,8 +220,8 @@
   if (!(R_FINITE(sigma3))) return R_NaReal;
   // compute residuals
-  eps[0] = x2[0]-alpha1*x1[0]-alpha3*x1[1];
-  eps[1] = x2[1]-alpha2*x1[0]-alpha4*x1[1];
+  eps[0] = z1-alpha1*x1-alpha3*x2;
+  eps[1] = z2-alpha2*x1-alpha4*x2;
   // backsolve
   eps[0] /= sigma1;

Modified: pkg/tests/ou2-probe.Rout.save
--- pkg/tests/ou2-probe.Rout.save	2011-05-19 19:40:43 UTC (rev 487)
+++ pkg/tests/ou2-probe.Rout.save	2011-05-19 21:50:42 UTC (rev 488)
@@ -62,14 +62,14 @@
 y1.mean y2.mean   y1.sd   y2.sd 
-  0.122   0.534   0.028   0.042 
+  0.126   0.518   0.034   0.076 
    y1.mean    y2.mean      y1.sd      y2.sd 
-0.24750499 0.93413174 0.05988024 0.08782435 
+0.25548902 0.96606786 0.07185629 0.15568862 
-[1] -4.780494
+[1] -4.347702
 > summary(pm.po)
@@ -81,14 +81,14 @@
 y1.mean y2.mean   y1.sd   y2.sd 
-  0.078   0.682   1.000   1.000 
+  0.076   0.662   1.000   1.000 
     y1.mean     y2.mean       y1.sd       y2.sd 
-0.159680639 0.638722555 0.003992016 0.003992016 
+0.155688623 0.678642715 0.003992016 0.003992016 
-[1] -111.0578
+[1] -108.7680
 > plot(pm.ou2)
@@ -117,18 +117,18 @@
 y1acf.acf.1.y1 y1acf.acf.2.y1 y2acf.acf.0.y2 y2acf.acf.1.y2 y2acf.acf.2.y2 
-         0.098          0.040          0.066          0.068          0.066 
+         0.106          0.040          0.062          0.066          0.068 
   y12ccf.ccf.3   y12ccf.ccf.8 
-         0.052          0.324 
+         0.054          0.362 
 y1acf.acf.1.y1 y1acf.acf.2.y1 y2acf.acf.0.y2 y2acf.acf.1.y2 y2acf.acf.2.y2 
-    0.19960080     0.08383234     0.13572854     0.13972056     0.13572854 
+    0.21556886     0.08383234     0.12774451     0.13572854     0.13972056 
   y12ccf.ccf.3   y12ccf.ccf.8 
-    0.10778443     0.65069860 
+    0.11177645     0.72654691 
-[1] -9.00962
+[1] -9.302747
 > pb <- probe(
@@ -150,22 +150,22 @@
   y1.10%   y1.20%   y1.30%   y1.40%   y1.50%   y1.60%   y1.70%   y1.80% 
-   0.730    0.770    0.770    0.545    0.355    0.135    0.020    0.010 
+   0.735    0.750    0.810    0.585    0.325    0.135    0.025    0.005 
   y1.90% acf.0.y1 acf.1.y1 acf.4.y1 acf.7.y1 acf.0.y2 acf.1.y2 acf.4.y2 
-   0.000    0.030    0.035    0.835    0.860    0.070    0.075    0.465 
+   0.000    0.030    0.050    0.815    0.855    0.075    0.070    0.420 
 acf.7.y2       pd 
-   0.840    0.100 
+   0.870    0.080 
      y1.10%      y1.20%      y1.30%      y1.40%      y1.50%      y1.60% 
-0.547263682 0.467661692 0.467661692 0.915422886 0.716417910 0.278606965 
+0.537313433 0.507462687 0.388059701 0.835820896 0.656716418 0.278606965 
      y1.70%      y1.80%      y1.90%    acf.0.y1    acf.1.y1    acf.4.y1 
-0.049751244 0.029850746 0.009950249 0.069651741 0.079601990 0.338308458 
+0.059701493 0.019900498 0.009950249 0.069651741 0.109452736 0.378109453 
    acf.7.y1    acf.0.y2    acf.1.y2    acf.4.y2    acf.7.y2          pd 
-0.288557214 0.149253731 0.159203980 0.935323383 0.328358209 0.208955224 
+0.298507463 0.159203980 0.149253731 0.845771144 0.268656716 0.169154229 
-[1] -26.82926
+[1] -25.89253
 > po <- ou2
@@ -216,14 +216,14 @@
 acf.0.y1 acf.1.y1 acf.2.y1    ccf.0    ccf.1    ccf.2 
-   0.850    0.853    0.840    0.850    0.853    0.840 
+   0.860    0.857    0.840    0.860    0.857    0.840 
  acf.0.y1  acf.1.y1  acf.2.y1     ccf.0     ccf.1     ccf.2 
-0.3016983 0.2957043 0.3216783 0.3016983 0.2957043 0.3216783 
+0.2817183 0.2877123 0.3216783 0.2817183 0.2877123 0.3216783 
-[1] 89.34863
+[1] 91.41242
 > pb <- probe(
@@ -243,14 +243,14 @@
 ccf.-5 ccf.-3  ccf.1  ccf.4  ccf.8 
- 0.834  0.860  0.149  0.164  0.929 
+ 0.838  0.860  0.123  0.157  0.912 
    ccf.-5    ccf.-3     ccf.1     ccf.4     ccf.8 
-0.3336663 0.2817183 0.2997003 0.3296703 0.1438561 
+0.3256743 0.2817183 0.2477522 0.3156843 0.1778222 
-[1] -14.9071
+[1] -14.50221
 > pb <- probe(
@@ -270,24 +270,24 @@
 ccf.-5 ccf.-3  ccf.1  ccf.4  ccf.8 
- 0.693  0.821  0.346  0.243  0.850 
+ 0.728  0.819  0.343  0.238  0.840 
    ccf.-5    ccf.-3     ccf.1     ccf.4     ccf.8 
-0.6153846 0.3596404 0.6933067 0.4875125 0.3016983 
+0.5454545 0.3636364 0.6873127 0.4775225 0.3216783 
-[1] 7.363337
+[1] 7.505796
 > head(as(pb,"data.frame"))
-         ccf.-5    ccf.-3      ccf.1      ccf.4        ccf.8
-data  0.6340061 0.8339776 -0.3925899 -0.7963667  0.301628540
-sim.1 0.4470813 0.8292044 -0.3798152 -0.7420235  0.519633798
-sim.2 0.5461973 0.7227145 -0.2996333 -0.6294983  0.012241523
-sim.3 0.4229191 0.7283615 -0.1026817 -0.5565477 -0.115334617
-sim.4 0.4577827 0.7103028 -0.3372048 -0.5293968 -0.020542485
-sim.5 0.4013560 0.6594786 -0.2933890 -0.5947615 -0.001712792
+         ccf.-5    ccf.-3      ccf.1      ccf.4       ccf.8
+data  0.6340061 0.8339776 -0.3925899 -0.7963667  0.30162854
+sim.1 0.4727712 0.8457682 -0.3980453 -0.7878552  0.42505373
+sim.2 0.6416744 0.8419569 -0.3851185 -0.7798302  0.25492015
+sim.3 0.6419382 0.8434833 -0.3211908 -0.7538791  0.15241925
+sim.4 0.3693204 0.5205152 -0.4305519 -0.5773910 -0.04953301
+sim.5 0.5542739 0.6216561 -0.4089672 -0.7236761  0.06850115

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