[Pomp-commits] r220 - in pkg: R man

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Mon May 10 15:25:56 CEST 2010

Author: kingaa
Date: 2010-05-10 15:25:56 +0200 (Mon, 10 May 2010)
New Revision: 220

- rename these files

Deleted: pkg/R/euler.R
--- pkg/R/euler.R	2010-05-06 12:12:28 UTC (rev 219)
+++ pkg/R/euler.R	2010-05-10 13:25:56 UTC (rev 220)
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-onestep.simulate <- function (xstart, times, params,
-                              step.fun, ...,
-                              statenames = character(0),
-                              paramnames = character(0),
-                              covarnames = character(0),
-                              zeronames = character(0),
-                              tcovar, covar, PACKAGE)
-  if (is.character(step.fun)) {
-    efun <- try(
-                getNativeSymbolInfo(step.fun,PACKAGE)$address,
-                silent=FALSE
-                )
-    if (inherits(efun,'try-error')) {
-      stop("no symbol named ",step.fun," in package ",PACKAGE)
-    }
-  } else if (is.function(step.fun)) {
-    if (!all(c('x','t','params','delta.t','...')%in%names(formals(step.fun))))
-      stop(sQuote("step.fun")," must be a function of prototype ",sQuote("step.fun(x,t,params,delta.t,...)"))
-    efun <- step.fun
-  } else {
-    stop(sQuote("step.fun")," must be either a function or the name of a compiled routine")
-  }
-  .Call(
-        euler_model_simulator,
-        func=efun,
-        xstart=xstart,
-        times=times,
-        params=params,
-        dt=0,
-        method=1L,
-        statenames=statenames,
-        paramnames=paramnames,
-        covarnames=covarnames,
-        zeronames=zeronames,
-        tcovar=tcovar,
-        covar=covar,
-        args=pairlist(...)
-        )
-euler.simulate <- function (xstart, times, params,
-                            step.fun, delta.t, ...,
-                            statenames = character(0),
-                            paramnames = character(0),
-                            covarnames = character(0),
-                            zeronames = character(0),
-                            tcovar, covar, PACKAGE)
-  if (is.character(step.fun)) {
-    efun <- try(
-                getNativeSymbolInfo(step.fun,PACKAGE)$address,
-                silent=FALSE
-                )
-    if (inherits(efun,'try-error')) {
-      stop("no symbol named ",step.fun," in package ",PACKAGE)
-    }
-  } else if (is.function(step.fun)) {
-    if (!all(c('x','t','params','delta.t','...')%in%names(formals(step.fun))))
-      stop(sQuote("step.fun")," must be a function of prototype ",sQuote("step.fun(x,t,params,delta.t,...)"))
-    efun <- step.fun
-  } else {
-    stop(sQuote("step.fun")," must be either a function or the name of a compiled routine")
-  }
-  .Call(
-        euler_model_simulator,
-        func=efun,
-        xstart=xstart,
-        times=times,
-        params=params,
-        dt=delta.t,
-        method=0L,
-        statenames=statenames,
-        paramnames=paramnames,
-        covarnames=covarnames,
-        zeronames=zeronames,
-        tcovar=tcovar,
-        covar=covar,
-        args=pairlist(...)
-        )
-onestep.density <- function (x, times, params,
-                             dens.fun, ...,
-                             statenames = character(0),
-                             paramnames = character(0),
-                             covarnames = character(0),
-                             tcovar, covar, log = FALSE,
-                             PACKAGE)
-  if (is.character(dens.fun)) {
-    efun <- try(
-                getNativeSymbolInfo(dens.fun,PACKAGE)$address,
-                silent=FALSE
-                )
-    if (inherits(efun,'try-error')) {
-      stop("no symbol named ",dens.fun," in package ",PACKAGE)
-    }
-  } else if (is.function(dens.fun)) {
-    if (!all(c('x1','x2','t1','t2','params','...')%in%names(formals(dens.fun))))
-      stop(sQuote("dens.fun")," must be a function of prototype ",sQuote("dens.fun(x1,x2,t1,t2,params,...)"))
-    efun <- dens.fun
-  } else {
-    stop(sQuote("dens.fun")," must be either a function or the name of a compiled routine")
-  }
-  .Call(
-        euler_model_density,
-        efun,
-        x,
-        times,
-        params,
-        statenames,
-        paramnames,
-        covarnames,
-        tcovar,
-        covar,
-        log,
-        args=pairlist(...)
-        )

Copied: pkg/R/plugins.R (from rev 219, pkg/R/euler.R)
--- pkg/R/plugins.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/plugins.R	2010-05-10 13:25:56 UTC (rev 220)
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+onestep.sim <- function (step.fun, PACKAGE) {
+  efun <- pomp.fun(
+                   f=step.fun,
+                   PACKAGE=PACKAGE,
+                   proto="step.fun(x,t,params,delta.t,...)"
+                   )
+  function (xstart, times, params, ...,
+            statenames = character(0),
+            paramnames = character(0),
+            covarnames = character(0),
+            zeronames = character(0),
+            tcovar, covar) {
+    .Call(
+          euler_model_simulator,
+          func=efun,
+          xstart=xstart,
+          times=times,
+          params=params,
+          dt=0,
+          method=1L,
+          statenames=statenames,
+          paramnames=paramnames,
+          covarnames=covarnames,
+          zeronames=zeronames,
+          tcovar=tcovar,
+          covar=covar,
+          args=pairlist(...)
+          )
+  }
+euler.sim <- function (step.fun, delta.t, PACKAGE) {
+  efun <- pomp.fun(
+                   f=step.fun,
+                   PACKAGE=PACKAGE,
+                   proto="step.fun(x,t,params,delta.t,...)"
+                   )
+  function (xstart, times, params, ...,
+            statenames = character(0),
+            paramnames = character(0),
+            covarnames = character(0),
+            zeronames = character(0),
+            tcovar, covar) {
+    .Call(
+          euler_model_simulator,
+          func=efun,
+          xstart=xstart,
+          times=times,
+          params=params,
+          dt=delta.t,
+          method=0L,
+          statenames=statenames,
+          paramnames=paramnames,
+          covarnames=covarnames,
+          zeronames=zeronames,
+          tcovar=tcovar,
+          covar=covar,
+          args=pairlist(...)
+          )
+  }
+onestep.dens <- function (dens.fun, PACKAGE) {
+  efun <- pomp.fun(
+                   f=dens.fun,
+                   PACKAGE=PACKAGE,
+                   proto="dens.fun(x1,x2,t1,t2,params,...)"
+                   )
+  function (x, times, params, ...,
+            statenames = character(0),
+            paramnames = character(0),
+            covarnames = character(0),
+            tcovar, covar, log = FALSE) {
+    .Call(
+          euler_model_density,
+          func=efun,
+          x=x,
+          times=times,
+          params=params,
+          statenames=statenames,
+          paramnames=paramnames,
+          covarnames=covarnames,
+          tcovar=tcovar,
+          covar=covar,
+          log=log,
+          args=pairlist(...)
+          )
+  }
+gillespie.sim <- function (rate.fun, v, d, PACKAGE) {
+  if (!(is.matrix(d)&&is.matrix(v))) {
+    stop(sQuote("v")," and ",sQuote("d")," must be matrices")
+  }
+  nvar <- nrow(v)
+  nevent <- ncol(v)
+  if ((nvar!=nrow(d))||(nevent!=ncol(d)))
+    stop(sQuote("v")," and ",sQuote("d")," must agree in dimension")
+  efun <- pomp.fun(
+                   f=rate.fun,
+                   PACKAGE=PACKAGE,
+                   proto="rate.fun(j,x,t,params,...)"
+                   )
+  function (xstart, times, params,
+            statenames = character(0),
+            paramnames = character(0),
+            covarnames = character(0),
+            zeronames = character(0),
+            tcovar, covar, ...) {
+    .Call(
+          SSA_simulator,
+          func=efun,
+          mflag=0L, ## Gillespie's algorithm
+          xstart=xstart,
+          times=times,
+          params=params,
+          e=rep(0,nvar),
+          vmatrix=v,
+          dmatrix=d,
+          tcovar=tcovar,
+          covar=covar,
+          statenames=statenames,
+          paramnames=paramnames,
+          covarnames=covarnames,
+          zeronames=zeronames,
+          args=pairlist(...)
+          )
+  }

Deleted: pkg/man/euler.Rd
--- pkg/man/euler.Rd	2010-05-06 12:12:28 UTC (rev 219)
+++ pkg/man/euler.Rd	2010-05-10 13:25:56 UTC (rev 220)
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-\title{Plug-ins for dynamical models based on stochastic Euler algorithms}
-  Plug-in facilities for implementing discrete-time Markov processes and continuous-time Markov processes using the Euler algorithm.
-  These can be used in the \code{rprocess} and \code{dprocess} slots of \code{pomp}.
-euler.simulate(xstart, times, params, step.fun, delta.t, \dots,
-               statenames = character(0), paramnames = character(0),
-               covarnames = character(0), zeronames = character(0),
-               tcovar, covar, PACKAGE)
-onestep.simulate(xstart, times, params, step.fun, \dots,
-                 statenames = character(0), paramnames = character(0),
-                 covarnames = character(0), zeronames = character(0),
-                 tcovar, covar, PACKAGE)
-onestep.density(x, times, params, dens.fun, \dots,
-                statenames = character(0), paramnames = character(0),
-                covarnames = character(0), tcovar, covar, log = FALSE,
-                PACKAGE)
-  \item{xstart}{
-    Matrix (dimensions \code{nvar} x \code{nrep}) of states at initial time \code{times[1]}.
-  }
-  \item{x}{
-    Matrix (dimensions \code{nvar} x \code{nrep} x \code{ntimes}) of states at times \code{times}.
-  }
-  \item{times}{
-    Vector of times (length \code{ntimes}) at which states are required or given.
-  }
-  \item{params}{
-    Matrix containing parameters of the model.
-    The \code{nrep} columns of \code{params} correspond to those of \code{xstart}.
-  }
-  \item{step.fun}{
-    This can be either an R function or the name of a compiled, dynamically loaded native function containing the model simulator.
-    It should be written to take a single Euler step from a single point in state space.
-    If it is a native function, it must be of type \dQuote{pomp_onestep_sim} as defined in the header \dQuote{pomp.h}, which is included with the package.
-    For details on how to write such codes, see Details.
-  }
-  \item{dens.fun}{
-    This can be either an R function or a compiled, dynamically loaded native function containing the model transition log probability density function.
-    This function will be called to compute the log likelihood of the actual Euler steps.
-    It must be of type \dQuote{pomp_onestep_pdf} as defined in the header \dQuote{pomp.h}, which is included with the package.
-    For details on how to write such codes, see Details.
-  }
-  \item{delta.t}{
-    Time interval of Euler steps.
-  }
-  \item{statenames, paramnames, covarnames}{
-    Names of state variables, parameters, covariates, in the order they will be expected by the routine named in \code{step.fun} and \code{dens.fun}.
-    This information is only used when the latter are implemented as compiled native functions.
-  }
-  \item{zeronames}{
-    Names of additional variables which will be zeroed before each time in \code{times}.
-    These are useful, e.g., for storing accumulations of state variables.
-  }
-  \item{covar, tcovar}{
-    Matrix of covariates and times at which covariates are measured.
-  }
-  \item{log}{
-    logical; if TRUE, log probabilities are given.
-  }
-  \item{\dots}{
-    if \code{step.fun} (or \code{dens.fun}) is an R function, then additional arguments will be passed to it.
-    If \code{step.fun} (or \code{dens.fun}) is a native routine, then additional arguments are ignored.
-  }
-  \item{PACKAGE}{
-    an optional argument that specifies to which dynamically loaded library we restrict the search for the native routines.
-    If this is \dQuote{base}, we search in the R executable itself.
-  }
-  \code{onestep.simulate} assumes that a single call to \code{step.fun} will advance the state process from one time to the next.
-  \code{euler.simulate} will take multiple Euler steps, each of size at most \code{delta.t} (see below for information on how the actual Euler step size is chosen) to get from one time to the next.
-  \code{onestep.density} assumes that no state transitions occure between consecutive times.
-  If \code{step.fun} is written as an R function, it must have at least the arguments \code{x}, \code{t}, \code{params}, \code{delta.t}, and \code{\dots}.
-  On a call to this function, \code{x} will be a named vector of state variables, \code{t} a scalar time, and \code{params} a named vector of parameters.
-  The length of the Euler step will be \code{delta.t}.
-  If the argument \code{covars} is included and a covariate table has been included in the \code{pomp} object, then on a call to this function, \code{covars} will be filled with the values, at time \code{t}, of the covariates.
-  This is accomplished via interpolation of the covariate table.
-  Additional arguments may be given: these will be filled by the correspondingly-named elements in the \code{userdata} slot of the \code{pomp} object (see \code{\link{pomp}}).
-  If \code{step.fun} is written in a native language, it must be a function of type "pomp_onestep_sim" as specified in the header "pomp.h" included with the package (see the directory "include" in the installed package directory).
-  If \code{dens.fun} is written as an R function, it must have at least the arguments \code{x1}, \code{x2}, \code{t1}, \code{t2}, \code{params}, and \code{\dots}.
-  On a call to this function, \code{x1} and \code{x2} will be named vectors of state variables at times \code{t1} and \code{t2}, respectively.
-  The named vector \code{params} contains the parameters.
-  If the argument \code{covars} is included and a covariate table has been included in the \code{pomp} object, then on a call to this function, \code{covars} will be filled with the values, at time \code{t1}, of the covariates.
-  This is accomplished via interpolation of the covariate table.
-  As above, any additional arguments will be filled by the correspondingly-named elements in the \code{userdata} slot of the \code{pomp} object (see \code{\link{pomp}}).
-  If \code{dens.fun} is written in a native language, it must be a function of type "pomp_onestep_pdf" as defined in the header "pomp.h" included with the package (see the directory "include" in the installed package directory).
-  \code{euler.simulate} and \code{onestep.simulate} each return a \code{nvar} x \code{nrep} x \code{ntimes} array, where \code{nvar} is the number of state variables, \code{nrep} is the number of replicate simulations (= number of columns of \code{xstart} and \code{params}), and \code{ntimes} is the length of \code{times}.
-  If \code{x} is this array, \code{x[,,1]} will be identical to \code{xstart}; the rownames of \code{x} and \code{xstart} will also coincide.
-  \code{onestep.density} returns a \code{nrep} x \code{ntimes-1} array.
-  If \code{f} is this array, \code{f[i,j]} is the likelihood of a transition from \code{x[,i,j]} to \code{x[,i,j+1]} in exactly one Euler step of duration \code{times[j+1]-times[j]}.
-\author{Aaron A. King \email{kingaa at umich dot edu}}
-\seealso{\code{\link{eulermultinom}}, \code{\link{pomp}}}
-## an example showing how to use these functions to implement a seasonal SIR model is contained
-## in the 'examples' directory

Copied: pkg/man/plugins.Rd (from rev 219, pkg/man/euler.Rd)
--- pkg/man/plugins.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/plugins.Rd	2010-05-10 13:25:56 UTC (rev 220)
@@ -0,0 +1,102 @@
+\title{Plug-ins for dynamical models based on stochastic Euler algorithms}
+  Plug-in facilities for implementing discrete-time Markov processes and continuous-time Markov processes using the Euler algorithm.
+  These can be used in the \code{rprocess} and \code{dprocess} slots of \code{pomp}.
+onestep.sim(step.fun, PACKAGE)
+euler.sim(step.fun, delta.t, PACKAGE)
+gillespie.sim(rate.fun, v, d, PACKAGE)
+onestep.dens(dens.fun, PACKAGE)
+  \item{step.fun}{
+    This can be either an R function or the name of a compiled, dynamically loaded native function containing the model simulator.
+    It should be written to take a single Euler step from a single point in state space.
+    If it is an R function, it should be of the form \code{step.fun(x,t,params,delta.t,...)}.
+    Here, \code{x} is a named vector containing the value of the state process at time \code{t},
+    \code{params} is a named vector containing parameters,
+    and \code{delta.t} is the length of the Euler time-step.
+    If \code{step.fun} is the name of a native function, it must be of type \dQuote{pomp_onestep_sim} as defined in the header \dQuote{pomp.h}, which is included with the \pkg{pomp} package.
+    For details on how to write such codes, see Details.
+  }
+  \item{rate.fun}{
+    This can be either an R function or the name of a compiled, dynamically loaded native function that computes the transition rates.
+    If it is an R function, it should be of the form \code{rate.fun(j,x,t,params,...)}.
+    Here, \code{j} is the number of the event,
+    \code{x} is a named vector containing the value of the state process at time \code{t},
+    \code{params} is a named vector containing parameters,
+    and \code{delta.t} is the length of the Euler time-step.
+    If \code{rate.fun} is a native function, it must be of type \dQuote{pomp_ssa_rate_fn} as defined in the header \dQuote{pomp.h}, which is included with the package.
+    For details on how to write such codes, see Details.
+  }
+  \item{v, d}{
+    Matrices that specify the continuous-time Markov process in terms of its elementary events.
+    Each should have dimensions \code{nvar} x \code{nevent}, where \code{nvar} is the number of state variables and \code{nevent} is the number of elementary events.
+    \code{v} describes the changes that occur in each elementary event:
+    it will usually comprise the values 1, -1, and 0 according to whether a state variable is incremented, decremented, or unchanged in an elementary event.
+    \code{d} is a binary matrix that describes the dependencies of elementary event rates on state variables:
+    \code{d[i,j]} will have value 1 if event rate \code{j} must be updated as a result of a change in state variable \code{i} and 0 otherwise
+    }
+  \item{dens.fun}{
+    This can be either an R function or a compiled, dynamically loaded native function containing the model transition log probability density function.
+    If it is an R function, it should be of the form \code{dens.fun(x1,x2,t1,t2,params,...)}.
+    Here, \code{x1} and \code{x2} are named vectors containing the values of the state process at times \code{t1} and \code{t2},
+    \code{params} is a named vector containing parameters.
+    If \code{dens.fun} is the name of a native function, it should be of type \dQuote{pomp_onestep_pdf} as defined in the header \dQuote{pomp.h}, which is included with the \pkg{pomp} package.
+    This function should return the log likelihood of a transition from \code{x1} at time \code{t1} to \code{x2} at time \code{t2}, assuming that no intervening transitions have occurred.
+    For details on how to write such codes, see Details.
+  }
+  \item{delta.t}{
+    Size of Euler time-steps.
+  }
+  \item{PACKAGE}{
+    an optional argument that specifies to which dynamically loaded library we restrict the search for the native routines.
+    If this is \dQuote{base}, we search in the R executable itself.
+  }
+ \code{onestep.sim} assumes that a single call to \code{step.fun} will advance the state process from one time to the next.
+ \code{euler.sim} will take multiple Euler steps, each of size at most \code{delta.t} (see below for information on how the actual Euler step size is chosen) to get from one time to the next.
+  In writing \code{onestep.dens}, you can assume that no state transitions have occurred between \code{t1} and \code{t2}.
+  If \code{step.fun} is written as an R function, it must have at least the arguments \code{x}, \code{t}, \code{params}, \code{delta.t}, and \code{\dots}.
+  On a call to this function, \code{x} will be a named vector of state variables, \code{t} a scalar time, and \code{params} a named vector of parameters.
+  The length of the Euler step will be \code{delta.t}.
+  If the argument \code{covars} is included and a covariate table has been included in the \code{pomp} object, then on a call to this function, \code{covars} will be filled with the values, at time \code{t}, of the covariates.
+  This is accomplished via interpolation of the covariate table.
+  Additional arguments may be given: these will be filled by the correspondingly-named elements in the \code{userdata} slot of the \code{pomp} object (see \code{\link{pomp}}).
+  If \code{step.fun} is written in a native language, it must be a function of type "pomp_onestep_sim" as specified in the header "pomp.h" included with the package (see the directory "include" in the installed package directory).
+  If \code{dens.fun} is written as an R function, it must have at least the arguments \code{x1}, \code{x2}, \code{t1}, \code{t2}, \code{params}, and \code{\dots}.
+  On a call to this function, \code{x1} and \code{x2} will be named vectors of state variables at times \code{t1} and \code{t2}, respectively.
+  The named vector \code{params} contains the parameters.
+  If the argument \code{covars} is included and a covariate table has been included in the \code{pomp} object, then on a call to this function, \code{covars} will be filled with the values, at time \code{t1}, of the covariates.
+  This is accomplished via interpolation of the covariate table.
+  As above, any additional arguments will be filled by the correspondingly-named elements in the \code{userdata} slot of the \code{pomp} object (see \code{\link{pomp}}).
+  If \code{dens.fun} is written in a native language, it must be a function of type "pomp_onestep_pdf" as defined in the header "pomp.h" included with the package (see the directory "include" in the installed package directory).
+  \code{onestep.sim} and \code{euler.sim} each return functions suitable for use as the argument \code{rprocess} argument in \code{\link{pomp}}.
+  \code{onestep.dens} returns a function suitable for use as the argument \code{dprocess} in \code{\link{pomp}}.
+\author{Aaron A. King \email{kingaa at umich dot edu}}
+\seealso{\code{\link{eulermultinom}}, \code{\link{pomp}}}
+## an example showing how to use these functions to implement a seasonal SIR model is contained
+## in the 'examples' directory

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