[Pomp-commits] r90 - in pkg: R man tests

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Apr 13 14:20:33 CEST 2009

Author: kingaa
Date: 2009-04-13 14:20:33 +0200 (Mon, 13 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 90

rewrite mif methods to use 'mif.internal'.
this obviates the need for a user-visible '.ndone' argument.
add some reporting when verbose=TRUE.
the 'particles' function can now be altered after the mif object is created.
some new tests have been added to tests/ou2-mif.R

Modified: pkg/R/mif.R
--- pkg/R/mif.R	2009-04-13 12:15:53 UTC (rev 89)
+++ pkg/R/mif.R	2009-04-13 12:20:33 UTC (rev 90)
@@ -15,6 +15,219 @@
+mif.internal <- function (object, Nmif = 1,
+                          start = NULL,
+                          pars = NULL, ivps = NULL,
+                          particles = NULL,
+                          rw.sd = NULL, alg.pars = NULL,
+                          weighted = TRUE, tol = 1e-17, warn = TRUE, max.fail = 0,
+                          verbose = FALSE, .ndone = 0) {
+  if (is.null(start)) {
+    start <- coef(object)
+    if (length(start)==0)
+      stop("mif error: ",sQuote("start")," must be specified if ",
+           sQuote("coef(object)")," is NULL",
+           call.=FALSE)
+  } else if (length(start)==0)
+    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("start")," must be a named vector",call.=FALSE)
+  start.names <- names(start)
+  if (is.null(start.names))
+    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("start")," must be a named vector",call.=FALSE)
+  if (is.null(rw.sd))
+    rw.sd <- object at random.walk.sd
+  rw.names <- names(rw.sd)
+  if (is.null(rw.names) || any(rw.sd<0))
+    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be a named non-negative numerical vector",call.=FALSE)
+  if (!all(rw.names%in%start.names))
+    stop("mif error: all the names of ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be names of ",sQuote("start"),call.=FALSE)
+  rw.names <- names(rw.sd[rw.sd>0])
+  if (length(rw.names) == 0)
+    stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must have one positive entry for each parameter to be estimated",call.=FALSE)
+  if (is.null(pars)) {
+    pars <- object at pars
+  }
+  if (length(pars)==0)
+    stop("mif error: at least one ordinary (non-IVP) parameter must be estimated",call.=FALSE)
+  if (is.null(ivps))
+    ivps <- object at ivps
+  if (
+      !is.character(pars) ||
+      !is.character(ivps) ||
+      !all(pars%in%start.names) ||
+      !all(ivps%in%start.names) ||
+      any(pars%in%ivps) ||
+      any(ivps%in%pars) ||
+      !all(pars%in%rw.names) ||
+      !all(ivps%in%rw.names)
+      )
+    stop(
+         "mif error: ",
+         sQuote("pars")," and ",sQuote("ivps"),
+         " must be mutually disjoint subsets of ",
+         sQuote("names(start)"),
+         " and must have a positive random-walk SDs specified in ",
+         sQuote("rw.sd"),
+         call.=FALSE
+         )
+  if (!all(rw.names%in%c(pars,ivps))) {
+    extra.rws <- rw.names[!(rw.names%in%c(pars,ivps))]
+    warning(
+            "mif warning: the variable(s) ",
+            paste(extra.rws,collapse=", "),
+            " have positive random-walk SDs specified, but are included in neither ",
+            sQuote("pars")," nor ",sQuote("ivps"),
+            ". These random walk SDs are ignored.",
+            call.=FALSE
+            )
+  }
+  rw.sd <- rw.sd[c(pars,ivps)]
+  rw.names <- names(rw.sd)
+  if (is.null(particles))
+    particles <- object at particles
+  if (is.null(alg.pars))
+    alg.pars <- object at alg.pars
+  if (!all(c('Np','cooling.factor','ic.lag','var.factor')%in%names(alg.pars)))
+    stop(
+         "mif error: ",sQuote("alg.pars"),
+         " must be a named list with elements ",
+         sQuote("Np"),",",sQuote("cooling.factor"),",",sQuote("ic.lag"),
+         ",and ",sQuote("var.factor"),
+         call.=FALSE
+         )
+  if (verbose) {
+    cat("performing",Nmif,"MIF iteration(s) to estimate parameter(s)",
+        paste(pars,collapse=", "))
+    if (length(ivps)>0)
+      cat(" and IVP(s)",paste(ivps,collapse=", "))
+    cat(" using random-walk with SD\n")
+    print(rw.sd)
+    cat(
+        "using",alg.pars$Np,"particles, variance factor",alg.pars$var.factor,
+        "\ninitial condition smoothing lag",alg.pars$ic.lag,
+        "and cooling factor",alg.pars$cooling.factor,"\n"
+        )
+  }
+  theta <- start
+  sigma <- rep(0,length(start))
+  names(sigma) <- start.names
+  rw.sd <- rw.sd[c(pars,ivps)]
+  rw.names <- names(rw.sd)
+  sigma[rw.names] <- rw.sd
+  conv.rec <- matrix(
+                     data=NA,
+                     nrow=Nmif+1,
+                     ncol=length(theta)+2,
+                     dimnames=list(
+                       seq(.ndone,.ndone+Nmif),
+                       c('loglik','nfail',names(theta))
+                       )
+                     )
+  conv.rec[1,] <- c(NA,NA,theta)
+  for (n in seq(length=Nmif)) { # main loop
+    ## compute the cooled sigma
+    cool.sched <- try(
+                      mif.cooling(alg.pars$cooling.factor,.ndone+n),
+                      silent=FALSE
+                      )
+    if (inherits(cool.sched,'try-error'))
+      stop("mif error: cooling schedule error",call.=FALSE)
+    sigma.n <- sigma*cool.sched$alpha
+    ## initialize the particles' parameter portion...
+    P <- try(
+             particles(object,Np=alg.pars$Np,center=theta,sd=sigma.n*alg.pars$var.factor),
+             silent=FALSE
+             )
+    if (inherits(P,'try-error'))
+      stop("mif error: error in ",sQuote("particles"),call.=FALSE)
+    ## run the particle filter
+    x <- try(
+             pfilter.internal(
+                              object=object,
+                              params=P,
+                              tol=tol,
+                              warn=warn,
+                              max.fail=max.fail,
+                              pred.mean=(n==Nmif),
+                              pred.var=(weighted||(n==Nmif)),
+                              filter.mean=TRUE,
+                              .rw.sd=sigma.n[pars],
+                              verbose=verbose
+                              ),
+             silent=FALSE
+             )
+    if (inherits(x,'try-error'))
+      stop("mif error: error in ",sQuote("pfilter"),call.=FALSE)
+    if (weighted) {           # MIF update rule
+      v <- x$pred.var[pars,,drop=FALSE] # the prediction variance
+      v1 <- cool.sched$gamma*(1+alg.pars$var.factor^2)*sigma[pars]^2
+      theta.hat <- cbind(theta[pars],x$filter.mean[pars,,drop=FALSE])
+      theta[pars] <- theta[pars]+apply(apply(theta.hat,1,diff)/t(v),2,sum)*v1
+    } else {                  # unweighted (flat) average
+      theta.hat <- x$filter.mean[pars,,drop=FALSE]
+      theta[pars] <- apply(theta.hat,1,mean)
+    }
+    ## update the IVPs using fixed-lag smoothing
+    theta[ivps] <- x$filter.mean[ivps,alg.pars$ic.lag]
+    ## store a record of this iteration
+    conv.rec[n+1,-c(1,2)] <- theta
+    conv.rec[n,c(1,2)] <- c(x$loglik,x$nfail)
+    if (verbose) cat("MIF iteration ",n," of ",Nmif," completed\n")
+  }
+  coef(object) <- theta
+  if (Nmif>0)
+    new(
+        "mif",
+        as(object,"pomp"),
+        ivps=ivps,
+        pars=pars,
+        Nmif=as.integer(Nmif),
+        particles=particles,
+        alg.pars=alg.pars,
+        random.walk.sd=sigma[rw.names],
+        pred.mean=x$pred.mean,
+        pred.var=x$pred.var,
+        filter.mean=x$filter.mean,
+        conv.rec=conv.rec,
+        eff.sample.size=x$eff.sample.size,
+        cond.loglik=x$cond.loglik,
+        loglik=x$loglik
+        )
+  else
+    new(
+        "mif",
+        as(object,"pomp"),
+        ivps=ivps,
+        pars=pars,
+        Nmif=0L,
+        particles=particles,
+        alg.pars=alg.pars,
+        random.walk.sd=sigma[rw.names],
+        conv.rec=conv.rec
+        )
@@ -26,10 +239,13 @@
                     weighted = TRUE, tol = 1e-17, warn = TRUE, max.fail = 0,
                     verbose = FALSE)
+            if (missing(start)) start <- NULL
             if (missing(rw.sd))
               stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-            if (missing(alg.pars))
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("alg.pars")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
+            if (missing(pars)) {
+              rw.names <- names(rw.sd)[rw.sd>0]
+              pars <- rw.names[!(rw.names%in%ivps)]
+            }
             if (missing(particles)) {         # use default: normal distribution
               particles <- function (Np, center, sd, ...) {
@@ -48,121 +264,22 @@
             } else {
               particles <- match.fun(particles)
+              if (!all(c('Np','center','sd','...')%in%names(formals(particles))))
+                stop(
+                     "mif error: ",
+                     sQuote("particles"),
+                     " must be a function of prototype ",
+                     sQuote("particles(Np,center,sd,...)"),
+                     call.=FALSE
+                     )
-            if (!all(c('Np','center','sd','...')%in%names(formals(particles))))
-              stop(
-                   "mif error: ",
-                   sQuote("particles"),
-                   " must be a function of prototype ",
-                   sQuote("particles(Np,center,sd,...)"),
-                   call.=FALSE
-                   )
-            if (missing(start)) {
-              start <- coef(object)
-              if (length(start)==0)
-                stop("mif error: ",sQuote("start")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-            }
-            start.names <- names(start)
-            if (is.null(start.names))
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("start")," must be a named vector",call.=FALSE)
+            if (missing(alg.pars))
+              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("alg.pars")," must be specified",call.=FALSE)
-            rw.names <- names(rw.sd)
-            if (is.null(rw.names) || any(rw.sd<0))
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be a named non-negative numerical vector",call.=FALSE)
-            if (!all(rw.names%in%start.names))
-              stop("mif error: all the names of ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be names of ",sQuote("start"),call.=FALSE)
+            mif.internal(object,Nmif=Nmif,start=start,pars=pars,ivps=ivps,particles=particles,
+                         rw.sd=rw.sd,alg.pars=alg.pars,weighted=weighted,tol=tol,warn=warn,
+                         max.fail=max.fail,verbose=verbose,.ndone=0)
-            rw.names <- names(rw.sd[rw.sd>0])
-            if (missing(pars)) {
-              pars <- rw.names[!(rw.names%in%ivps)]
-            }
-            if (length(pars) == 0)
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("pars")," must be a nonempty character vector",call.=FALSE)
-            if (
-                !is.character(pars) ||
-                !is.character(ivps) ||
-                !all(pars%in%start.names) ||
-                !all(ivps%in%start.names) ||
-                any(pars%in%ivps) ||
-                any(ivps%in%pars) ||
-                !all(pars%in%rw.names) ||
-                !all(ivps%in%rw.names)
-                )
-              stop(
-                   "mif error: ",
-                   sQuote("pars")," and ",sQuote("ivps"),
-                   " must be mutually disjoint subsets of ",
-                   sQuote("names(start)"),
-                   " and must have a positive random-walk SDs specified in ",
-                   sQuote("rw.sd"),
-                   call.=FALSE
-                   )
-            if (!all(rw.names%in%c(pars,ivps))) {
-              extra.rws <- rw.names[!(rw.names%in%c(pars,ivps))]
-              warning(
-                      "mif warning: the variable(s) ",
-                      paste(extra.rws,collapse=", "),
-                      " have positive random-walk SDs specified, but are included in neither ",
-                      sQuote("pars")," nor ",sQuote("ivps"),
-                      ". These random walk SDs are ignored.",
-                      call.=FALSE
-                      )
-            }
-            rw.sd <- rw.sd[c(pars,ivps)]
-            rw.names <- names(rw.sd)
-            if (!all(c('Np','cooling.factor','ic.lag','var.factor')%in%names(alg.pars)))
-              stop(
-                   "mif error: ",sQuote("alg.pars"),
-                   " must be a named list with elements ",
-                   sQuote("Np"),",",sQuote("cooling.factor"),",",sQuote("ic.lag"),
-                   ",and ",sQuote("var.factor"),
-                   call.=FALSE
-                   )
-            coef(object) <- start
-            newmif <- new(
-                          "mif",
-                          object,
-                          ivps=ivps,
-                          pars=pars,
-                          Nmif=as.integer(0),
-                          particles=particles,
-                          alg.pars=alg.pars,
-                          random.walk.sd=rw.sd,
-                          pred.mean=matrix(NA,0,0),
-                          pred.var=matrix(NA,0,0),
-                          filter.mean=matrix(NA,0,0),
-                          conv.rec=matrix(
-                            c(NA,NA,start),
-                            nrow=1,
-                            ncol=2+length(start),
-                            dimnames=list(
-                              0,
-                              c('loglik','nfail',start.names)
-                              )
-                            ),
-                          cond.loglik=numeric(0),
-                          eff.sample.size=numeric(0),
-                          loglik=as.numeric(NA)
-                          )
-            if (Nmif > 0) {
-              mif(
-                  newmif,
-                  Nmif=Nmif,
-                  weighted=weighted,
-                  tol=tol,
-                  warn=warn,
-                  max.fail=max.fail,
-                  verbose=verbose,
-                  .ndone=0
-                  )
-            } else {
-              newmif
-            }
@@ -170,175 +287,19 @@
-          function (object, Nmif, start, pars, ivps, rw.sd, alg.pars,
-                    weighted = TRUE, tol = 1e-17, warn = TRUE, max.fail = 0,
-                    verbose = FALSE, .ndone = 0)
+          function (object, Nmif, ...)
             if (missing(Nmif)) Nmif <- object at Nmif
-            if (missing(start)) start <- coef(object)
-            if (missing(pars)) pars <- object at pars
-            if (missing(ivps)) ivps <- object at ivps
-            if (missing(rw.sd)) rw.sd <- object at random.walk.sd
-            if (missing(alg.pars)) alg.pars <- object at alg.pars
-            theta <- start
-            start.names <- names(start)
-            if (is.null(start.names))
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("start")," must be a named vector",call.=FALSE)
-            sigma <- rep(0,length(start))
-            names(sigma) <- start.names
-            rw.names <- names(rw.sd)
-            if (is.null(rw.names) || any(rw.sd<0))
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be a named non-negative numerical vector",call.=FALSE)
-            if (!all(rw.names%in%start.names))
-              stop("mif error: all the names of ",sQuote("rw.sd")," must be names of ",sQuote("start"),call.=FALSE)
-            rw.names <- names(rw.sd[rw.sd>0])
-            if (length(pars) == 0)
-              stop("mif error: ",sQuote("pars")," must be a nonempty character vector",call.=FALSE)
-            if (
-                !is.character(pars) ||
-                !is.character(ivps) ||
-                !all(pars%in%start.names) ||
-                !all(ivps%in%start.names) ||
-                any(pars%in%ivps) ||
-                any(ivps%in%pars) ||
-                !all(pars%in%rw.names) ||
-                !all(ivps%in%rw.names)
-                )
-              stop(
-                   "mif error: ",
-                   sQuote("pars")," and ",sQuote("ivps"),
-                   " must be mutually disjoint subsets of ",
-                   sQuote("names(start)"),
-                   " and must have a positive random-walk SDs specified in ",
-                   sQuote("rw.sd"),
-                   call.=FALSE
-                   )
-            if (!all(rw.names%in%c(pars,ivps))) {
-              extra.rws <- rw.names[!(rw.names%in%c(pars,ivps))]
-              warning(
-                      "mif warning: the variable(s) ",
-                      paste(extra.rws,collapse=", "),
-                      " have positive random-walk SDs specified, but are included in neither ",
-                      sQuote("pars")," nor ",sQuote("ivps"),
-                      ". These random walk SDs are ignored.",
-                      call.=FALSE
-                      )
-            }
-            rw.sd <- rw.sd[c(pars,ivps)]
-            rw.names <- names(rw.sd)
-            sigma[rw.names] <- rw.sd
-            if (!all(c('Np','cooling.factor','ic.lag','var.factor')%in%names(alg.pars)))
-              stop(
-                   "mif error: ",sQuote("alg.pars")," must be a named list with elements ",
-                   sQuote("Np"),",",sQuote("cooling.factor"),",",sQuote("ic.lag"),
-                   ",and ",sQuote("var.factor"),
-                   call.=FALSE
-                   )
-            conv.rec <- matrix(
-                               data=NA,
-                               nrow=Nmif+1,
-                               ncol=length(theta)+2,
-                               dimnames=list(
-                                 seq(.ndone,.ndone+Nmif),
-                                 c('loglik','nfail',names(theta))
-                                 )
-                               )
-            conv.rec[1,] <- c(NA,NA,theta)
-            for (n in seq(length=Nmif)) { # main loop
-              ## compute the cooled sigma
-              cool.sched <- try(
-                                mif.cooling(alg.pars$cooling.factor,.ndone+n),
-                                silent=FALSE
-                                )
-              if (inherits(cool.sched,'try-error'))
-                stop("mif error: cooling schedule error",call.=FALSE)
-              sigma.n <- sigma*cool.sched$alpha
-              ## initialize the particles' parameter portion...
-              P <- try(
-                       particles(object,Np=alg.pars$Np,center=theta,sd=sigma.n*alg.pars$var.factor),
-                       silent=FALSE
-                       )
-              if (inherits(P,'try-error'))
-                stop("mif error: error in ",sQuote("particles"),call.=FALSE)
-              ## run the particle filter
-              x <- try(
-                       pfilter.internal(
-                                        object=object,
-                                        params=P,
-                                        tol=tol,
-                                        warn=warn,
-                                        max.fail=max.fail,
-                                        pred.mean=(n==Nmif),
-                                        pred.var=(weighted||(n==Nmif)),
-                                        filter.mean=TRUE,
-                                        .rw.sd=sigma.n[pars],
-                                        verbose=verbose
-                                        ),
-                       silent=FALSE
-                       )
-              if (inherits(x,'try-error'))
-                stop("mif error: error in ",sQuote("pfilter"),call.=FALSE)
-              if (weighted) {           # MIF update rule
-                v <- x$pred.var[pars,,drop=FALSE] # the prediction variance
-                v1 <- cool.sched$gamma*(1+alg.pars$var.factor^2)*sigma[pars]^2
-                theta.hat <- cbind(theta[pars],x$filter.mean[pars,,drop=FALSE])
-                theta[pars] <- theta[pars]+apply(apply(theta.hat,1,diff)/t(v),2,sum)*v1
-              } else {                  # unweighted (flat) average
-                theta.hat <- x$filter.mean[pars,,drop=FALSE]
-                theta[pars] <- apply(theta.hat,1,mean)
-              }
-              ## update the IVPs using fixed-lag smoothing
-              theta[ivps] <- x$filter.mean[ivps,alg.pars$ic.lag]
-              ## store a record of this iteration
-              conv.rec[n+1,-c(1,2)] <- theta
-              conv.rec[n,c(1,2)] <- c(x$loglik,x$nfail)
-              if (verbose) cat("MIF iteration ",n," of ",Nmif," completed\n")
-            }
-            coef(object) <- theta
-            new(
-                "mif",
-                object,
-                ivps=ivps,
-                pars=pars,
-                Nmif=as.integer(Nmif),
-                particles=object at particles,
-                alg.pars=alg.pars,
-                random.walk.sd=sigma[rw.names],
-                pred.mean=x$pred.mean,
-                pred.var=x$pred.var,
-                filter.mean=x$filter.mean,
-                conv.rec=conv.rec,
-                cond.loglik=x$cond.loglik,
-                eff.sample.size=x$eff.sample.size,
-                loglik=x$loglik
-                )
+            mif.internal(object,Nmif=Nmif,...)
-          function (object, Nmif, ...) {
+          function (object, Nmif = 1, ...) {
             ndone <- object at Nmif
-            obj <- mif(object,Nmif=Nmif,.ndone=ndone,...)
+            obj <- mif.internal(object,Nmif=Nmif,.ndone=ndone,...)
             object at conv.rec[ndone+1,c('loglik','nfail')] <- obj at conv.rec[1,c('loglik','nfail')]
             obj at conv.rec <- rbind(
                                   object at conv.rec,
@@ -348,4 +309,3 @@

Modified: pkg/man/mif.Rd
--- pkg/man/mif.Rd	2009-04-13 12:15:53 UTC (rev 89)
+++ pkg/man/mif.Rd	2009-04-13 12:20:33 UTC (rev 90)
@@ -17,10 +17,8 @@
 \S4method{mif}{pomp}(object, Nmif = 1, start, pars, ivps = character(0),
     particles, rw.sd, alg.pars, weighted = TRUE,
     tol = 1e-17, warn = TRUE, max.fail = 0, verbose = FALSE)
-\S4method{mif}{mif}(object, Nmif, start, pars, ivps, rw.sd, alg.pars,
-    weighted = TRUE, tol = 1e-17, warn = TRUE, max.fail = 0,
-    verbose = FALSE, .ndone = 0)
-\S4method{continue}{mif}(object, Nmif, \dots)
+\S4method{mif}{mif}(object, Nmif, \dots)
+\S4method{continue}{mif}(object, Nmif = 1, \dots)
@@ -98,10 +96,6 @@
     logical; if TRUE, print progress reports.
-  \item{.ndone}{
-    for internal use by \code{continue}.
-    Do not meddle with this!
-  }
     Additional arguments that can be used to override the defaults.
@@ -111,15 +105,15 @@
   The call sequence is \code{mif(object)}.
   By default, the same parameters used for the original MIF run are re-used.
   If one does specify additional arguments, these will override the defaults.
-  An exception is that one cannot override the \code{particles} function.
 \section{Continuing MIF Iterations}{
   One can continue a series of MIF iterations from where one left off.
   The call sequence is \code{continue(object, Nmif)}.
   This will perform \code{Nmif} additional MIF iterations on the \code{mif} object \code{object}.
   A call to \code{mif} to perform \code{Nmif=m} iterations followed by a call to \code{continue} to perform \code{Nmif=n} iterations will produce precisely the same effect as a single call to \code{mif} to perform \code{Nmif=m+n} iterations.
-  Additional arguments are passed to \code{mif}.
-  This feature can be used to change any of the parameters (except the \code{particles} function).
+  By default, all the algorithmic parameters are the same as used in the original call to \code{mif}.
+  Additional arguments will override the defaults.
+  This feature can be used to change any of the parameters.
   \strong{It is the user's responsibility to ensure that, if the optional \code{particles} argument is given, that the \code{particles} function satisfies the following conditions:}

Modified: pkg/tests/ou2-mif.R
--- pkg/tests/ou2-mif.R	2009-04-13 12:15:53 UTC (rev 89)
+++ pkg/tests/ou2-mif.R	2009-04-13 12:20:33 UTC (rev 90)
@@ -81,3 +81,9 @@
 fit <- mif(fit,rw.sd=c(x1.0=5,x2.0=5,alpha.1=0.1,alpha.4=0.1))
 fit <- continue(fit,Nmif=2,ivps=c("x1.0"),pars=c("alpha.1"))
+s <- coef(fit)
+s[2] <- 0.01
+fit <- mif(fit,Nmif=10,start=s)
+fit <- mif(ou2,Nmif=3,rw.sd=c(alpha.1=0.1,alpha.4=0.1),alg.pars=list(Np=1000,cooling.factor=0.98,var.factor=1,ic.lag=2))
+fit <- continue(fit,Nmif=5,alg.pars=list(Np=2000,cooling.factor=0.98,var.factor=1,ic.lag=2))
+fit <- continue(fit,ivps=c("x1.0"),rw.sd=c(alpha.1=0.1,alpha.4=0.1,x1.0=5,x2.0=5),Nmif=3)

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