[Pomp-commits] r86 - in pkg: R man

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Sat Apr 11 18:07:34 CEST 2009

Author: kingaa
Date: 2009-04-11 18:07:33 +0200 (Sat, 11 Apr 2009)
New Revision: 86

put the guts of the particle filter into 'pfilter.internal'.
this can be used by 'mif' directly and by methods for 'pfilter'.
this obviates the need for the argument .rw.sd in the user-visible methods.

Modified: pkg/R/pfilter-mif.R
--- pkg/R/pfilter-mif.R	2009-04-10 17:02:26 UTC (rev 85)
+++ pkg/R/pfilter-mif.R	2009-04-11 16:07:33 UTC (rev 86)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
             if (missing(Np))
               Np <- object at alg.pars$Np
-                    as(object,"pomp"),
+                    object=as(object,"pomp"),

Modified: pkg/R/pfilter.R
--- pkg/R/pfilter.R	2009-04-10 17:02:26 UTC (rev 85)
+++ pkg/R/pfilter.R	2009-04-11 16:07:33 UTC (rev 86)
@@ -1,239 +1,256 @@
 ## particle filtering codes
-          "pfilter",
-          "pomp",
-          function (object, params, Np,
-                    tol = 1e-17, warn = TRUE, max.fail = 0,
-                    pred.mean = FALSE,
-                    pred.var = FALSE,
-                    filter.mean = FALSE,
-                    .rw.sd,
-                    verbose = FALSE, ...) {
-            if (missing(params)) {
-              if (length(object at params)>0) {
-                params <- object at params
-              } else {
-                stop("pfilter error: ",sQuote("params")," must be supplied",call.=FALSE)
-              }
-            }
-            if (missing(Np))
-              Np <- NCOL(params)
-            ntimes <- length(time(object))
-            if (is.null(dim(params))) {
-              params <- matrix(
-                               params,
-                               nrow=length(params),
-                               ncol=Np,
-                               dimnames=list(
-                                 names(params),
-                                 NULL
-                                 )
-                               )
-            }
-            paramnames <- rownames(params)
-            if (is.null(paramnames))
-              stop("pfilter error: ",sQuote("params")," must have rownames",call.=FALSE)
+## question: when pfilter.internal is called by mif, do we need to compute the prediction means and variances of the state variables each time, or only at the end?
+## question: how much efficiency would be realized by eliminating the calls to 'apply' with something else?
-            xstart <- init.state(object,params=params)
-            statenames <- rownames(xstart)
-            nvars <- nrow(xstart)
-            random.walk <- !missing(.rw.sd)
-            if (random.walk) {
-              rw.names <- names(.rw.sd)
-              if (is.null(rw.names)||!is.numeric(.rw.sd))
-                stop("pfilter error: ",sQuote(".rw.sd")," must be a named vector",call.=FALSE)
-              if (any(!(rw.names%in%paramnames)))
-                stop("pfilter error: the rownames of ",sQuote("params")," must include all of the names of ",sQuote(".rw.sd"),"",call.=FALSE)
-              sigma <- .rw.sd
-            } else {
-              rw.names <- character(0)
-            }
-            loglik <- rep(NA,ntimes)
-            eff.sample.size <- rep(NA,ntimes)
-            nfail <- 0
-            npars <- length(rw.names)
-            pred.m <-  if (pred.mean)
-              matrix(
-                     data=0,
-                     nrow=nvars+npars,
-                     ncol=ntimes,
-                     dimnames=list(c(statenames,rw.names),NULL)
+pfilter.internal <- function (object, params, Np,
+                              tol, warn, max.fail,
+                              pred.mean, pred.var, filter.mean,
+                              .rw.sd, verbose) {
+  if (missing(params)) {
+    params <- coef(object)
+    if (length(params)==0) {
+      stop("pfilter error: ",sQuote("params")," must be supplied",call.=FALSE)
+    }
+  }
+  if (missing(Np))
+    Np <- NCOL(params)
+  times <- time(object,t0=TRUE)
+  ntimes <- length(times)-1
+  if (is.null(dim(params))) {
+    params <- matrix(
+                     params,
+                     nrow=length(params),
+                     ncol=Np,
+                     dimnames=list(
+                       names(params),
+                       NULL
+                       )
-            else NULL
-            pred.v <- if (pred.var)
-              matrix(
-                     data=0,
-                     nrow=nvars+npars,
-                     ncol=ntimes,
-                     dimnames=list(c(statenames,rw.names),NULL)
-                     )
-            else NULL
-            filt.m <- if (filter.mean)
-              if (random.walk) 
-                matrix(
-                       data=0,
-                       nrow=nvars+length(paramnames),
-                       ncol=ntimes,
-                       dimnames=list(c(statenames,paramnames),NULL)
-                       )
-              else
-                matrix(
-                       data=0,
-                       nrow=nvars,
-                       ncol=ntimes,
-                       dimnames=list(statenames,NULL)
-                       )
-            else NULL
+  }
+  paramnames <- rownames(params)
+  if (is.null(paramnames))
+    stop("pfilter error: ",sQuote("params")," must have rownames",call.=FALSE)
-            times <- time(object,t0=TRUE)
-            x <- xstart
-            for (nt in seq(length=ntimes)) {
-              ## advance the state variables according to the process model
-              X <- try(
-                       rprocess(
-                                object,
-                                x=x,
-                                times=times[c(nt,nt+1)],
-                                params=params
-                                )[,,2,drop=FALSE],
-                       silent=FALSE
-                       )
-              if (inherits(X,'try-error'))
-                stop("pfilter error: process simulation error",call.=FALSE)
+  x <- init.state(object,params=params)
+  statenames <- rownames(x)
+  nvars <- nrow(x)
+  random.walk <- !missing(.rw.sd)
+  if (random.walk) {
+    rw.names <- names(.rw.sd)
+    if (is.null(rw.names)||!is.numeric(.rw.sd))
+      stop("pfilter error: ",sQuote(".rw.sd")," must be a named vector",call.=FALSE)
+    if (any(!(rw.names%in%paramnames)))
+      stop("pfilter error: the rownames of ",sQuote("params")," must include all of the names of ",sQuote(".rw.sd"),"",call.=FALSE)
+    sigma <- .rw.sd
+  } else {
+    rw.names <- character(0)
+  }
+  loglik <- rep(NA,ntimes)
+  eff.sample.size <- rep(NA,ntimes)
+  nfail <- 0
+  npars <- length(rw.names)
+  pred.m <-  if (pred.mean)
+    matrix(
+           data=0,
+           nrow=nvars+npars,
+           ncol=ntimes,
+           dimnames=list(c(statenames,rw.names),NULL)
+           )
+  else NULL
+  pred.v <- if (pred.var)
+    matrix(
+           data=0,
+           nrow=nvars+npars,
+           ncol=ntimes,
+           dimnames=list(c(statenames,rw.names),NULL)
+           )
+  else NULL
+  filt.m <- if (filter.mean)
+    if (random.walk) 
+      matrix(
+             data=0,
+             nrow=nvars+length(paramnames),
+             ncol=ntimes,
+             dimnames=list(c(statenames,paramnames),NULL)
+             )
+    else
+      matrix(
+             data=0,
+             nrow=nvars,
+             ncol=ntimes,
+             dimnames=list(statenames,NULL)
+             )
+  else NULL
-              x[,] <- X                 # ditch the third dimension
-              ## prediction means
-              if (pred.mean) {                    
-                xx <- try(
-                          c(
-                            apply(x,1,mean),
-                            apply(params[rw.names,,drop=FALSE],1,mean)
-                            ),
-                          silent=FALSE
-                          )
-                if (inherits(xx,'try-error')) {
-                  stop("pfilter error: error in prediction mean computation",call.=FALSE)
-                } else {
-                  pred.m[,nt] <- xx
-                }
-              }
+  for (nt in seq(length=ntimes)) {
+    ## advance the state variables according to the process model
+    X <- try(
+             rprocess(
+                      object,
+                      x=x,
+                      times=times[c(nt,nt+1)],
+                      params=params
+                      )[,,2,drop=FALSE],
+             silent=FALSE
+             )
+    if (inherits(X,'try-error'))
+      stop("pfilter error: process simulation error",call.=FALSE)
-              ## prediction variances
-              if (pred.var) {
-                problem.indices <- unique(which(!is.finite(x),arr.ind=TRUE)[,1])
-                if (length(problem.indices)>0) {
-                  stop(
-                       "pfilter error: non-finite state variable(s): ",
-                       paste(rownames(x)[problem.indices],collapse=', '),
-                       call.=FALSE
-                       )
-                }
-                if (random.walk) {
-                  problem.indices <- unique(which(!is.finite(params[rw.names,,drop=FALSE]),arr.ind=TRUE)[,1])
-                  if (length(problem.indices)>0) {
-                    stop(
-                         "pfilter error: non-finite parameter(s): ",
-                         paste(rw.names[problem.indices],collapse=', '),
-                         call.=FALSE
-                         )
-                  }
-                }
-                xx <- try(
-                          c(
-                            apply(x,1,var),
-                            apply(params[rw.names,,drop=FALSE],1,var)
+    x[,] <- X                 # ditch the third dimension
+    ## prediction means
+    if (pred.mean) {                    
+      xx <- try(
+                c(
+                  rowMeans(x),
+                  rowMeans(params[rw.names,,drop=FALSE])
+                  ),
+                silent=FALSE
+                )
+      if (inherits(xx,'try-error')) {
+        stop("pfilter error: error in prediction mean computation",call.=FALSE)
+      } else {
+        pred.m[,nt] <- xx
+      }
+    }
+    ## prediction variances
+    if (pred.var) {
+      problem.indices <- unique(which(!is.finite(x),arr.ind=TRUE)[,1])
+      if (length(problem.indices)>0) {
+        stop(
+             "pfilter error: non-finite state variable(s): ",
+             paste(rownames(x)[problem.indices],collapse=', '),
+             call.=FALSE
+             )
+      }
+      if (random.walk) {
+        problem.indices <- unique(which(!is.finite(params[rw.names,,drop=FALSE]),arr.ind=TRUE)[,1])
+        if (length(problem.indices)>0) {
+          stop(
+               "pfilter error: non-finite parameter(s): ",
+               paste(rw.names[problem.indices],collapse=', '),
+               call.=FALSE
+               )
+        }
+      }
+      xx <- try(
+                c(
+                  apply(x,1,var),
+                  apply(params[rw.names,,drop=FALSE],1,var)
+                  ),
+                silent=FALSE
+                )
+      if (inherits(xx,'try-error')) {
+        stop("pfilter error: error in prediction variance computation",call.=FALSE)
+      } else {
+        pred.v[,nt] <- xx
+      }
+    }
+    ## determine the weights
+    weights <- try(
+                   dmeasure(
+                            object,
+                            y=object at data[,nt,drop=FALSE],
+                            x=X,
+                            times=times[nt+1],
+                            params=params
-                          silent=FALSE
-                          )
-                if (inherits(xx,'try-error')) {
-                  stop("pfilter error: error in prediction variance computation",call.=FALSE)
-                } else {
-                  pred.v[,nt] <- xx
-                }
-              }
+                   silent=FALSE
+                   )
+    if (inherits(weights,'try-error'))
+      stop("pfilter error: error in calculation of weights",call.=FALSE)
+    if (any(is.na(weights))) {
+      ## problem.indices <- which(is.na(weights))
+      stop("pfilter error: dmeasure returns NA",call.=FALSE)
+    }
-              ## determine the weights
-              weights <- try(
-                             dmeasure(
-                                      object,
-                                      y=object at data[,nt,drop=FALSE],
-                                      x=X,
-                                      times=times[nt+1],
-                                      params=params
-                                      ),
-                             silent=FALSE
-                             )
-              if (inherits(weights,'try-error'))
-                stop("pfilter error: error in calculation of weights",call.=FALSE)
-              if (any(is.na(weights))) {
-                ## problem.indices <- which(is.na(weights))
-                stop("pfilter error: dmeasure returns NA",call.=FALSE)
-              }
+    ## test for failure to filter
+    dim(weights) <- NULL
+    failures <- weights < tol
+    all.fail <- all(failures)
+    if (all.fail) {                     # all particles are lost
+      if (warn)
+        message("filtering failure at time t = ",times[nt+1])
+      nfail <- nfail+1
+      if (nfail > max.fail)
+        stop('pfilter error: too many filtering failures',call.=FALSE)
+      loglik[nt] <- log(tol)          # worst log-likelihood
+      weights <- rep(1/Np,Np)
+      eff.sample.size[nt] <- 0
+    } else {                  # not all particles are lost
+      ## compute log-likelihood
+      loglik[nt] <- log(mean(weights))  
+      weights[failures] <- 0
+      weights <- weights/sum(weights)
+      ## compute effective sample-size
+      eff.sample.size[nt] <- 1/(weights%*%weights) 
+    }
-              ## test for failure to filter
-              dim(weights) <- NULL
-              failures <- weights < tol
-              all.fail <- all(failures)
-              if (all.fail) {                     # all particles are lost
-                if (warn)
-                  message("filtering failure at time t = ",times[nt+1])
-                nfail <- nfail+1
-                if (nfail > max.fail)
-                  stop('pfilter error: too many filtering failures',call.=FALSE)
-                loglik[nt] <- log(tol)          # worst log-likelihood
-                weights <- rep(1/Np,Np)
-                eff.sample.size[nt] <- 0
-              } else {                  # not all particles are lost
-                ## compute log-likelihood
-                loglik[nt] <- log(mean(weights))  
-                weights[failures] <- 0
-                weights <- weights/sum(weights)
-                ## compute effective sample-size
-                eff.sample.size[nt] <- 1/(weights%*%weights) 
-              }
+    ## compute filtering means
+    if (filter.mean) {
+      filt.m[statenames,nt] <- x %*% weights
+      if (random.walk)
+        filt.m[paramnames,nt] <- params %*% weights
+    }
-              ## compute filtering means
-              if (filter.mean) {
-                filt.m[statenames,nt] <- x %*% weights
-                if (random.walk)
-                  filt.m[paramnames,nt] <- params %*% weights
-              }
+    ## Matrix with samples (columns) from filtering distribution theta.t | Y.t
+    if (!all.fail) {
+      sample <- .Call(systematic_resampling,weights)
+      x <- x[,sample,drop=FALSE]
+      params <- params[,sample,drop=FALSE]
+    }
-              ## Matrix with samples (columns) from filtering distribution theta.t | Y.t
-              if (!all.fail) {
-                sample <- .Call(systematic_resampling,weights)
-                x <- x[,sample,drop=FALSE]
-                params <- params[,sample,drop=FALSE]
-              }
+    ## random walk for parameters
+    if (random.walk) {
+      pred.v[rw.names,nt] <- pred.v[rw.names,nt]+sigma^2
+      params[rw.names,] <- params[rw.names,]+rnorm(n=Np*length(sigma),mean=0,sd=sigma)
+    }
-              ## random walk for parameters
-              if (random.walk) {
-                pred.v[rw.names,nt] <- pred.v[rw.names,nt]+sigma^2
-                params[rw.names,] <- params[rw.names,]+rnorm(n=Np*length(sigma),mean=0,sd=sigma)
-              }
+    if (verbose)
+      cat("step",nt,"of",ntimes,"finished\n")
-              if (verbose)
-                cat("step",nt,"of",ntimes,"finished\n")
+  }
-            }
+  list(
+       pred.mean=pred.m,
+       pred.var=pred.v,
+       filter.mean=filt.m,
+       eff.sample.size=eff.sample.size,
+       cond.loglik=loglik,
+       nfail=nfail,
+       loglik=sum(loglik)
+       )
-            list(
-                 pred.mean=pred.m,
-                 pred.var=pred.v,
-                 filter.mean=filt.m,
-                 eff.sample.size=eff.sample.size,
-                 cond.loglik=loglik,
-                 nfail=nfail,
-                 loglik=sum(loglik)
-                 )
+          "pfilter",
+          "pomp",
+          function (object, params, Np,
+                    tol = 1e-17, warn = TRUE, max.fail = 0,
+                    pred.mean = FALSE,
+                    pred.var = FALSE,
+                    filter.mean = FALSE,
+                    verbose = FALSE, ...) {
+            pfilter.internal(
+                             object=object,
+                             params=params,
+                             Np=Np,
+                             tol=tol,
+                             warn=warn,
+                             max.fail=max.fail,
+                             pred.mean=pred.mean,
+                             pred.var=pred.var,
+                             filter.mean=filter.mean,
+                             verbose=verbose
+                             )

Modified: pkg/man/pfilter.Rd
--- pkg/man/pfilter.Rd	2009-04-10 17:02:26 UTC (rev 85)
+++ pkg/man/pfilter.Rd	2009-04-11 16:07:33 UTC (rev 86)
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
 pfilter(object, \dots)
 \S4method{pfilter}{pomp}(object, params, Np, tol = 1e-17,
     warn = TRUE, max.fail = 0, pred.mean = FALSE, pred.var = FALSE,
-    filter.mean = FALSE, .rw.sd, verbose = FALSE, \dots)
+    filter.mean = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, \dots)
 \S4method{pfilter}{mif}(object, params, Np, tol = 1e-17, warn = TRUE,
     max.fail = 0, pred.mean = FALSE, pred.var = FALSE,
     filter.mean = FALSE, \dots)
@@ -52,9 +52,6 @@
     If \code{TRUE}, the filtering means are calculated for the state variables and parameters.
-  \item{.rw.sd}{
-    For internal use with the MIF algorithm.
-  }
     If \code{TRUE}, progress information is reported as \code{pfilter} works.

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