<div dir="ltr"><div><div><div><div><br></div>Hello all,<br><br></div> I wanted to let you that I submitted an abstract for the iEvoBio conference (<a href="http://ievobio.org/">http://ievobio.org/</a>) where I intend to give a "lightening talk" on phylobase. Let me know if you have any questions or feedback (I can edit the abstract until midnight EDT tonight).<br>
<br></div><div> cheers,<br></div><div> -- François<br></div><div><br><br></div><b>Title</b><br><br>phylobase: an R package for associating, manipulating and plotting phylogenetic trees and comparative data<br><br></div>
<b>Abstract</b><br><p><span style="font-family:courier new,courier,monospace">phylobase</span>
is an R package that provides S4 classes and methods to access and
manipulate phylogenetic objects, as well as associate data to
phylogenetic objects for comparative analysis. <span style="font-family:courier new,courier,monospace">phylobase</span> comes with methods to:<br></p><ol><li>describe phylogenetic objects (e.g., number of tips and edges, is the tree ultrametric?);</li>
<li>annotate phylogenetic objects (nodes, edges and the entire object can be annotated);<br></li><li>update properties of phylogenetic objects (e.g., change edge lengths);</li><li>plot trees and associated data;</li><li>
query relationships among nodes (e.g., what are the ancestors/descendants of a given node?);</li>
<li>subset phylogenetic objects (by specifying internal nodes and/or tips that should be included or excluded).</li></ol><p>The
package comes with S4 classes ensuring that the data structure is
robust, and the overhead associated with checking the validity of the
objects is limited by using C++ code. <span style="font-family:courier new,courier,monospace">phylobase</span>
makes use of the NCL library for reading NEXUS and Newick files. Over
250 unit tests are used to maintain the integrity and compatibility of
the methods during development. <span style="font-family:courier new,courier,monospace">phylobase</span>
intends to provide an intuitive, robust and efficient interface to
complex objects, and is ideally suited to develop packages for
phylogenetic and comparative analyses.</p><br></div>