I don't have functional SVN access at the moment, otherwise I'd do this myself. But essentially, calls to "tabulate()" need to define the number of bins explicitly, otherwise problems occur. For example:<br>
<br>> edge<br>[1,] 1 3<br>[2,] 1 2<br>[3,] 3 4<br>[4,] 3 7<br>[5,] 4 5<br>[6,] 4 6<br>[7,] 7 8<br>[8,] 7 9<br>> tabulate(edge[,1])<br>[1] 2 0 2 2 0 0 2<br>> tabulate(edge[,1], nbins=dim(edge)[1])<br>
[1] 2 0 2 2 0 0 2 0<br><br>-Aaron<br>