[Phylobase-devl] unification of tree data slots

Ben Bolker bolker at ufl.edu
Thu Sep 17 21:25:25 CEST 2009

  Agreed.  I think the only concern is the "changing things around"
issue.  I'm OK with the idea that if people have node data for just a
few nodes, then they have to pay the cost of storing NAs for all the
rest.  I am much happier with the "changing things around" plan now that
we are starting to have a halfway-decent testing framework so that we
can be slightly more certain that we're not f*cking everything up by
making changes ...

   So I'd say I'm a +0 -- I'm not going to argue against it, but I won't
do the work either :-)
   At some point I *do* want to get back into helping develop, but I
can't even afford the time to get back up to speed about the current
status ...


Steven Kembel wrote:
> Hello,
> I've been out of the loop for a while but wanted to quickly say that  
> reworking the labels/data to be a single slot and letting accessors  
> deal with making it look consistent sounds good. IIRC the main  
> argument previously against a single tip/node data slot was the  
> storage space issue (i.e. when I load a phylogeny with 20K tips I  
> don't want to unnecesarily store node data if it doesn't exist) but it  
> sounds like this is no longer an issue since the data are not stored  
> if they don't exist?
> Cheers,
> Steve
> On Sep 17, 2009, at 11:54 AM, Jim Regetz wrote:
>> Quick reply just about the labels question:
>> Peter Cowan wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 2009-09-16 at 15:17 -0700, Jim Regetz wrote:
>>>>>> Addendum: In case anyone else's mind happens to wander in this
>>>>>> direction, yes, I think a similar argument could be made for
>>>>>> combining the slots for tip and internal _labels_ into a single
>>>>>> label slot, because each label is now unambiguously identified
>>>>>> by its name (node ID). Seems like the separation is a
>>>>>> historical artifact? Combining them would simplify the
>>>>>> corresponding accessor/replace methods, which currently have to
>>>>>> look conditionally in either tip.label or node.label depending
>>>>>> on the arguments. And it wouldn't be hard at all to make this
>>>>>> change in the code base. Of course, I'm not going to ask for
>>>>>> the moon *and* the stars, but if someone else proposed it... :)
>>> Again, I think performance was the reason here.  The assumption that
>>> more often than not trees will not have any internal node labels.
>> That doesn't have to be a problem. What I said about tree data applies
>> even more clearly here: only labels that actually exist need to be in
>> the vector. So if you only supply tip labels when you create the tree,
>> the (unified) label slot would be exactly the same as what we now call
>> tip.label. Example with a 3-tip tree:
>> ## actual slot contents -- no internal labels stored
>>> phy at label
>>    1    2    3
>> "t2" "t1" "t3"
>> ## but the accessors would still "fill in" implied the NAs:
>>> labels(phy) ## default type is 'all'
>>    1    2    3    4    5
>> "t2" "t1" "t3"   NA   NA
>>> tipLabels(phy)
>>    1    2    3
>> "t2" "t1" "t3"
>>> nodeLabels(phy)
>>  4  5
>> NA NA
>> ## now add internal labels
>>> nodeLabels(phy) <- c("n4", "n5")
>>> phy at label
>>    1    2    3    4    5
>> "t2" "t1" "t3" "n4" "n5"
>> ## and remove them again!
>>> nodeLabels(phy) <- as.character(NA)
>>> phy at label
>>    1    2    3
>> "t2" "t1" "t3"
>> I just quickly wrote up new accessor and replace methods that would
>> behave this way. As illustrated above, the replacement method will  
>> also
>> drop any NA labels it encounters, for efficiency (but obviously  
>> attempts
>> to do this for tip labels will produce an error).
>> Jim
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Ben Bolker
Associate professor, Biology Dep't, Univ. of Florida
bolker at ufl.edu / www.zoology.ufl.edu/bolker
GPG key: www.zoology.ufl.edu/bolker/benbolker-publickey.asc

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