[MonetDB.R] MonetDB.R 1.0.0

Hannes Mühleisen Hannes.Muehleisen at cwi.nl
Wed Nov 25 13:54:48 CET 2015

Hello MonetDB.R users,

we just published MonetDB.R 1.0.0 on CRAN. Here are the changes:

- Added support for esoteric data types such as MONTH_INTERVAL (Thanks, Roman)
- Cleaned up SQL to R type mapping (we had this twice)
- Now creating actual R integers if data fits
- dbWriteTable now quotes table/column names if necessary, and outputs warnings if it did
- New mdbapply function to automatically create and run embedded R functions in MonetDB
- Fixes for dplyr backend
- Fix for case when query only returns a prompt (CALL ..., Thanks, Roman)
- Fix for empty result set on dbGetQuery(), no longer returning NULL (Thanks, Fabian)
- Fix for dbConnect(), it ignored the url parameter somehow, which broke some sqlsurvey
- Added lower.case.names argument to monet.read.csv() in case users want to avoid quoting (a bit)
- Fix for dbConnect() that should be more robust to invalid connections
- Cleaned up quoting behavior in dbListTables(), dbRemoveTable() etc.
- Now re-establishing connection if interrupt (CMD-C or ESC) occurs
- Fixed a bug in monetdb.read.csv for multiple CSV files without headers
- Added transactions to monetdb.read.csv so no empty tables are left over
- Removed nrows parameter to monetdb.read.csv
- Added col.names argument to monetdb.read.csv
- dplyr src_monetdb now has a con parameter to pass an existing DBI connection
- Fixed a bug when running in a non-UTF8 locale (Thanks, Marcis)
- Fixed a bug when dbWriteTable would not adhere to transactional semantics
- Fixed != comparisions in dplyr (Thanks, David)
- Support for running MonetDB in embedded mode (MonetDBLite)
- Support for monetdblite:/some/path URLs in dbConnect()
- Fixed an off-by-one error in type conversion (Thanks, Kirill)
- Not force-killing mserver when calling monetdb.server.stop on windows and wait support
- dbWriteTable now invokes monetdb.read.csv when called with a character vector as value argument



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