[Mattice-commits] r199 - in pkg: R misc

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Jun 2 23:14:20 CEST 2009

Author: andrew_hipp
Date: 2009-06-02 23:14:16 +0200 (Tue, 02 Jun 2009)
New Revision: 199

something is amiss with ouSim.ouchtree or the plotting function... works locally, not working in compiled version

Modified: pkg/R/ouSim.ouchtree.R
--- pkg/R/ouSim.ouchtree.R	2009-06-01 07:14:00 UTC (rev 198)
+++ pkg/R/ouSim.ouchtree.R	2009-06-02 21:14:16 UTC (rev 199)
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
   names(branchList) <- tree at nodes # branches are indexed by their end nodes
   timesList <- lapply(lapply(branchList, length), seq) # creates a list of sequential numbers corresponding to the rnorm vectors
   for(i in which(sapply(branchList, length) == 0)) timesList[[i]] <- numeric(0) # added b/c seq(numeric(0)) == 1:0
   startTimes <- round(unlist(sapply(tree at nodes, ancestorTime, tree = tree)) * steps) ## ASSUMES ULTRAMETRICITY
   for (i in 1:length(timesList)) timesList[[i]] <- timesList[[i]] + startTimes[i]

Added: pkg/misc/ouSim.ouchtree-2jun09WorkingSnap-versionFromTextfileSVN.R
--- pkg/misc/ouSim.ouchtree-2jun09WorkingSnap-versionFromTextfileSVN.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/misc/ouSim.ouchtree-2jun09WorkingSnap-versionFromTextfileSVN.R	2009-06-02 21:14:16 UTC (rev 199)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+ouSim.ouchtree <- function(object, rootState = 0, alpha = 0, variance = 1, theta = rootState, steps = 1000, ...) {
+## function to plot a simulated dataset under brownian motion or Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) model
+## Arguments:
+##   object is an ouch-style (S4) tree
+##   alpha and theta are either single values or vectors of length (length(branchList))
+tree <- object
+message(paste("running sim with root =", rootState, ", alpha =", mean(alpha), ", var =", variance, "theta =", mean(theta)))
+	## embedded function---------------------
+	## could be released to the wild, but more arguments would need to be passed around
+	preorderOU <- function(branchList, tree, startNode, startState, alpha, theta) {
+	  ## Recursive function to generate the data under a Brownian motion or OU model
+	  ## modified for ouchtree (s4) Dec 08
+	  ## branch times back from each tip are in tree at epochs, indexed by tip number
+	  ## nodes back from each node (including tips) are in tree at lineages, indexed by node number
+	  ## a branch length is the time of a node - the time of its ancestor
+	  startBranch <- startNode ## startNode really means start branch... it's the end node of the branch starting this process
+	  workingBranch <- branchList[[startBranch]]
+	  daughterBranches <- tree at nodes[which(tree at ancestors == startNode)]
+	  if(length(workingBranch) == 0) endState <- startState
+	  else {
+	    for (brStep in 1:length(workingBranch)) {
+	      workingBranch[brStep] <- 
+	        startState + workingBranch[brStep] + alpha[startBranch] / steps * (theta[startBranch] - startState) # denom was mult'd by steps... should be? 
+	      startState <- workingBranch[brStep] 
+	      }
+	    branchList[[startBranch]] <- workingBranch
+	    endState <- branchList[[startBranch]][length(branchList[[startBranch]])]
+	    }	  
+	  if(!identical(as.integer(daughterBranches), integer(0))) {
+	    for(i in daughterBranches) branchList <- preorderOU(branchList, tree, i, endState, alpha, theta) } 
+	  return(branchList) 
+	}  
+	## --------------------------------------
+  ## 1. initialize
+  if(length(alpha) == 1) alpha <- rep(alpha, tree at nnodes)
+  if(length(theta) == 1) theta <- rep(theta, tree at nnodes)
+  brLengths <- c(0, unlist(lapply(2:tree at nnodes, branchLength, tree = tree))) # assumes first node is root; this should be relaxed
+  names(brLengths) <- tree at nodes # branches are indexed by end node
+  names(alpha) <- tree at nodes
+  names(theta) <- tree at nodes
+  ## 2. The following creates a list of random draws from the normal distribution, with standard deviation scaled by total 
+  ##   tree length and the number of draws for each branch equal to the number of steps in that branch. 
+  ##   If there is a separate variance for each branch, I assume the variance is expressed in terms of total tree-length, 
+  ##   so the scaling is the same for all branches
+  sdStep <- sqrt(variance / steps)
+  if(length(variance) == 1) branchList <- lapply(round(brLengths*steps), rnorm, sd = sdStep)
+  else {
+    branchList <- vector("list", length(tree at nnodes)) 
+    for(i in seq(tree at nnodes)) branchList[[i]] <- rnorm(n = brLengths[i], mean = 0, sd = sdStep[i])
+    }
+  names(branchList) <- tree at nodes # branches are indexed by their end nodes
+  timesList <- lapply(lapply(branchList, length), seq) # creates a list of sequential numbers corresponding to the rnorm vectors
+  for(i in which(sapply(branchList, length) == 0)) timesList[[i]] <- numeric(0) # added b/c seq(numeric(0)) == 1:0
+  startTimes <- round(unlist(sapply(tree at nodes, ancestorTime, tree = tree)) * steps) ## ASSUMES ULTRAMETRICITY
+  for (i in 1:length(timesList)) timesList[[i]] <- timesList[[i]] + startTimes[i]
+  ## 3. traverse
+  for(i in which(tree at ancestors == tree at root)) { ## calls preorderOU for each descendent from the root.
+    branchList <- preorderOU(branchList, tree, tree at nodes[i], rootState, alpha, theta) 
+    }
+  value <- list(branchList = branchList, timesList = timesList, steps = steps, parameters = list(rootState = rootState, alpha = alpha, variance = variance, theta = theta))
+  class(value) <- "ouSim"
+  return(value)
+nodeTime <- function(node, tree) {
+  return(tree at times[which(tree at nodes == node)])

Added: pkg/misc/ouSim.ouchtree-2jun09WorkingSnap.R
--- pkg/misc/ouSim.ouchtree-2jun09WorkingSnap.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/misc/ouSim.ouchtree-2jun09WorkingSnap.R	2009-06-02 21:14:16 UTC (rev 199)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+function(object, rootState = 0, alpha = 0, variance = 1, theta = rootState, steps = 1000, ...) {
+## function to plot a simulated dataset under brownian motion or Ornstein-Uhlenbeck (OU) model
+## Arguments:
+##   object is an ouch-style (S4) tree
+##   alpha and theta are either single values or vectors of length (length(branchList))
+tree <- object
+message(paste("running sim with root =", rootState, ", alpha =", mean(alpha), ", var =", variance, "theta =", mean(theta)))
+## embedded function---------------------
+## could be released to the wild, but more arguments will need to be passed around
+preorderOU <- function(branchList, tree, startNode, startState, alpha, theta) {
+  ## Recursive function to generate the data under a Brownian motion or OU model
+  ## modified for ouchtree (s4) Dec 08
+  ## branch times back from each tip are in tree at epochs, indexed by tip number
+  ## nodes back from each node (including tips) are in tree at lineages, indexed by node number
+  ## a branch length is the time of a node - the time of its ancestor
+  startBranch <- startNode ## startNode really means start branch... it's the end node of the branch starting this process
+  workingBranch <- branchList[[startBranch]]
+  daughterBranches <- tree at nodes[which(tree at ancestors == startNode)]
+  if(length(workingBranch) == 0) endState <- startState
+  else {
+    for (brStep in 1:length(workingBranch)) {
+      workingBranch[brStep] <- 
+        startState + workingBranch[brStep] + alpha[startBranch] / steps * (theta[startBranch] - startState) # denom was mult'd by steps... should be? 
+      startState <- workingBranch[brStep] 
+      }
+    branchList[[startBranch]] <- workingBranch
+    endState <- branchList[[startBranch]][length(branchList[[startBranch]])]
+    }  
+  if(!identical(as.integer(daughterBranches), integer(0))) {
+    for(i in daughterBranches) branchList <- preorderOU(branchList, tree, i, endState, alpha, theta) } 
+  return(branchList) 
+## --------------------------------------
+ #debug(preorderOU)
+  ## 1. initialize
+  if(length(alpha) == 1) alpha <- rep(alpha, tree at nnodes)
+  if(length(theta) == 1) theta <- rep(theta, tree at nnodes)
+  brLengths <- c(0, unlist(lapply(2:tree at nnodes, branchLength, tree = tree))) # assumes first node is root; this should be relaxed
+  names(brLengths) <- tree at nodes # branches are indexed by end node
+  names(alpha) <- tree at nodes
+  names(theta) <- tree at nodes
+  ## 2. The following creates a list of random draws from the normal distribution, with standard deviation scaled by total 
+  ##   tree length and the number of draws for each branch equal to the number of steps in that branch. 
+  ##   If there is a separate variance for each branch, I assume the variance is expressed in terms of total tree-length, 
+  ##   so the scaling is the same for all branches
+  sdStep <- sqrt(variance / steps)
+  if(length(variance) == 1) branchList <- lapply(round(brLengths*steps), rnorm, sd = sdStep)
+  else {
+    branchList <- vector("list", length(tree at nnodes)) 
+    for(i in seq(tree at nnodes)) branchList[[i]] <- rnorm(n = brLengths[i], mean = 0, sd = sdStep[i])
+    }
+  names(branchList) <- tree at nodes # branches are indexed by their end nodes
+  timesList <- lapply(lapply(branchList, length), seq) # creates a list of sequential numbers corresponding to the rnorm vectors
+  for(i in which(sapply(branchList, length) == 0)) timesList[[i]] <- numeric(0) # added b/c seq(numeric(0)) == 1:0
+  startTimes <- round(unlist(sapply(tree at nodes, ancestorTime, tree = tree)) * steps) ## ASSUMES ULTRAMETRICITY
+  for (i in 1:length(timesList)) timesList[[i]] <- timesList[[i]] + startTimes[i]
+  ## 3. traverse
+  for(i in which(tree at ancestors == tree at root)) { ## calls preorderOU for each descendent from the root.
+    branchList <- preorderOU(branchList, tree, tree at nodes[i], rootState, alpha, theta) 
+    }
+  value <- list(branchList = branchList, timesList = timesList, steps = steps, parameters = list(rootState = rootState, alpha = alpha, variance = variance, theta = theta))
+  class(value) <- "ouSim"
+  return(value)

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