[Mattice-commits] r133 - pkg/man

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Sun Jan 4 03:30:51 CET 2009

Author: andrew_hipp
Date: 2009-01-04 03:30:48 +0100 (Sun, 04 Jan 2009)
New Revision: 133

why isn't carex documentation showing up in the built package?

Modified: pkg/man/carex.Rd
--- pkg/man/carex.Rd	2009-01-02 21:15:56 UTC (rev 132)
+++ pkg/man/carex.Rd	2009-01-04 02:30:48 UTC (rev 133)
@@ -20,16 +20,11 @@
-  \item{phylogeny}{
-  Phylogeny (\code{ovales.tree}) was estimated for approximately 80 species (Hipp 2006), branch lengths optimized using penalized likelihood
-  in \pkg{ape}, and then the tree was pruned down to only those taxa for which chromosome counts were available.
+  Phylogeny (\code{ovales.tree}) was estimated for approximately 80 species (Hipp 2006), branch lengths optimized using
+  penalized likelihood in \code{ape}, and then the tree was pruned down to only those taxa for which chromosome counts were
+  available. Chromosome counts (\code{ovales.data}) were averaged by population, and the means log-transformed for
+  analysis. Nodes were selected for analysis based on clade support and number of taxa in the clade.
-  \item{chromosome counts}{
-  Chromosome counts (\code{ovales.data}) were averaged by population, and the means log-transformed for analysis.
-  }
-  \item{ovales.nodes}{
-  Eight nodes were selected for analysis based on clade support and number of taxa in the clade.
-  }
   Hipp, A.L. (2007) 

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