[Mattice-commits] r173 - in pkg: . R man misc

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Tue Feb 24 07:19:14 CET 2009

Author: andrew_hipp
Date: 2009-02-24 07:19:14 +0100 (Tue, 24 Feb 2009)
New Revision: 173

fixing documentation; moving multiModel.R into the live folder

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2009-02-24 05:02:09 UTC (rev 172)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2009-02-24 06:19:14 UTC (rev 173)
@@ -3,13 +3,12 @@
 Title: Mapping Transitions in Continuous Character Evolution
 Version: 0.4
 Date: 2008-12-18
-Depends: ouch
-Suggests: ape
+Depends: ouch, ape
 Enhances: ouch
-Author: Andrew Hipp <ahipp at mortonarb.org>, with contributions from Marcial Escudero.
+Author: Andrew Hipp <ahipp at mortonarb.org>, with contributions from Marcial Escudero
 Maintainer: Andrew Hipp <ahipp at mortonarb.org>
 Description: Tools for an information-theoretic approach to estimating 
-             the probability of continuous character transitions on phylogenetic trees. 
+             the probability of continuous character transitions on phylogenetic trees
 License: GPL
 URL: http://mattice.R-forge.R-project.org
 Revision: 1
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/R/multiModel.R
--- pkg/R/multiModel.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/multiModel.R	2009-02-24 06:19:14 UTC (rev 173)
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+multiModel <- function(phy, dat, node, models = c('whole.brown', 'whole.ou1', 'whole.ou2','part.brown', 'part.ou')) {
+# test the support for alternative models on simple and partitioned trees
+# currently only works on one tree; fix so it runs on a set of trees, conditioned on those trees that have the node of interest;
+# return percent of trees possessing that node as an additional value
+  paramHeader <- c('loglik', 'dof', 'sigma.squared', 'alpha', 'theta', 'optimum', 'optimum.uptree', 'optimum.downtree')
+  paramsAll <- c('loglik', 'dof', 'sigma.squared')
+  paramSets <- list(brown = c(paramsAll, 'theta'), 
+                  ou1 = c(paramsAll, 'alpha', 'optimum'), 
+                  ou2 = c(paramsAll, 'alpha', 'optimum.uptree', 'optimum.downtree')
+                  )
+  modelsAll = c('whole.ou2', 'whole.ou1', 'whole.brown', 'part.ou.uptree', 'part.ou.downtree', 'part.ou.summed', 'part.brown.uptree', 'part.brown.downtree', 'part.brown.summed')
+  pSum <- c('loglik', 'dof') # parameters to sum for evaluating partitioned trees
+  aboveNodeTaxa <- phy$tip.label[-which(phy$tip.label %in% node)]
+  wholeTree <- ape2ouch(phy)
+  upTree <- ape2ouch(drop.tip(phy, node))
+  downTree <- ape2ouch(drop.tip(phy, aboveNodeTaxa))
+  partialTree <- list(upTree = upTree, downTree = downTree)
+  outMatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(modelsAll), ncol = length(paramHeader), dimnames = list(modelsAll, paramHeader))
+  compareK <- rep(NA, length(models)); names(compareK) <- models
+  comparelnL <- rep(NA, length(models)); names(comparelnL) <- models
+  modelsSplit <- strsplit(models, ".", fixed = T)
+  for(i in modelsSplit) {
+   model <- paste(i[1], ".", i[2], sep = "")
+   if (i[1] == 'whole') {
+     outMatrix[model,  ] <- wholeModel(wholeTree, dat, i[2], node, paramSets[[i[2]]], paramHeader)$params
+     comparelnL[model] <- outMatrix[model, 'loglik']
+     compareK[model] <- outMatrix[model, 'dof']
+     }
+   if (i[1] == 'part') {
+     outMatrix[c(paste(model, '.uptree', sep = ""), paste(model, '.downtree', sep = ""), paste(model, '.summed', sep = "")), ] <- partialModel(partialTree, dat, i[2], c('uptree', 'downtree'), paramSets[[i[2]]], pSum, paramHeader)$params                                 
+     compareK[model] <- outMatrix[paste(model, '.summed', sep = ""), 'dof'] 
+     comparelnL[model] <- outMatrix[paste(model, '.summed', sep = ""), 'loglik'] 
+     }
+   }
+  IC <- informationCriterion(lnL = comparelnL, K = compareK, n = length(phy$tip.label), names = models)
+  outdata <- list(IC = IC, modelMatrix <- outMatrix)
+  return(outdata)
+  }
+wholeModel <- function(phy, dat, model, node, parameterVector, paramHeader) {
+  dat <- dat[phy at nodelabels]; names(dat) <- phy at nodes
+  if(model == "brown") analysis <- brown(dat, phy)
+  if(model == "ou1") analysis <- hansen(dat, 
+  					phy, 
+                                        regimes = structure(rep(phy at root, phy at nnodes), names = phy at nodes, levels = 1, class = 'factor'),
+                                        alpha = 1, 
+                                        sigma = 1
+                                        )
+  if(model == "ou2") {
+    regime <- paintBranches(list(node), phy)
+    uptreeNum <- as.character(phy at root)
+    downtreeNum <- as.character(unique(regime))[unique(regime) != phy at root]
+    analysis <- hansen(dat, phy, regime, alpha = 1, sigma = 1)
+    }
+  params <- unlist(summary(analysis)[parameterVector])[paramHeader]
+  names(params) <- paramHeader
+  if(model == "ou2") {
+    params['optimum.uptree'] <- summary(analysis)$optima[[1]][uptreeNum]
+    params['optimum.downtree'] <- summary(analysis)$optima[[1]][downtreeNum]
+    }
+  if(model == "ou1") params['optimum'] <- summary(analysis)$optima[[1]]
+  out <- list(analysis = analysis, params = params)
+  return(out)
+  }
+partialModel <- function(phyList, dat, model, treeNames, parameterVector = NULL, pSum = NULL, paramHeader) {
+# sums a subset of parameters (indicated by pSum) and leaves the others separate
+  allParams <- pSum
+  analysis <- vector('list', length(phyList))
+  if(model == "brown") {
+    for (i in seq(length(phyList))) analysis[[i]] <- brown(data = structure(dat[phyList[[i]]@nodelabels], .Names = phyList[[i]]@nodes), tree = phyList[[i]])
+    }
+  else {
+    for (i in seq(length(phyList))) analysis[[i]] <- hansen(data = structure(dat[phyList[[i]]@nodelabels], .Names = phyList[[i]]@nodes), tree = phyList[[i]], 
+                                                            regimes = structure(rep(1, phyList[[i]]@nnodes), 
+                                                                                names = phyList[[i]]@nodes, 
+                                                                                levels = 1, class = 'factor'),
+                                                            sigma = 1, alpha = 1)
+    } 
+  names(analysis) <- treeNames
+  params <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(c(treeNames, 'summed')), ncol = length(paramHeader), dimnames = list(c(treeNames, 'summed'), paramHeader))
+  for (i in treeNames) {
+    temp <- summary(analysis[[i]])
+    params[i, ] <- unlist(temp[paramHeader])[paramHeader]
+    if(model != "brown") params[i, 'optimum'] <- temp$optima[[1]]
+    }
+  params['summed', pSum] <- colSums(params[treeNames, pSum])
+  out <- list(analysis = analysis, params = params)
+  return(out)
+  }
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: pkg/man/carex.Rd
--- pkg/man/carex.Rd	2009-02-24 05:02:09 UTC (rev 172)
+++ pkg/man/carex.Rd	2009-02-24 06:19:14 UTC (rev 173)
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
   Hipp, A.L. (2007) 
   Non-uniform processes of chromosome evolution in sedges (Carex: Cyperaceae). 
-  Evolution 61:2175-2194.
+  \emph{Evolution} 61:2175-2194.
   Hipp, A.L., P.E. Rothrock, A.A. Reznicek, and J.A. Weber (2006) 
@@ -47,6 +47,7 @@
   ovales.tree <- ape2ouch(ovales.tree) # tree comes in in phylo format, but we need an ouchtree object
   trial <- runBatchHansen(ovales.tree, ovales.data, ovales.nodes[1:3], maxNodes = 2) # for expedience, only tests for changes at up to 2 of the first 4 nodes
   summary(trial) # summarizes results using summary.hansenBatch and displays the results using print.hansenSummary
+  multiModel(carex$ovales.tree, ovales.data, ovales.nodes[[2]]) # compares five different models of character change at node 2
   trialSim <- ouSim(trial, ovales.tree) # simulates the evolution of the chromosome number under the model-averaged values
   plot(trialSim) # plots the character simulation, with all branches black
   plot(trialSim, colors = paintBranches(ovales.nodes[1:4], ovales.tree)) # plots the character simulation, with branch colors changing at all 8 nodes

Added: pkg/man/multiModel.Rd
--- pkg/man/multiModel.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/multiModel.Rd	2009-02-24 06:19:14 UTC (rev 173)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+\title{Test multiple models of character transition at a single node}
+  Compares up to five different models of character evolution: two models of no transition (Brownian motion and a single-
+  optimum Ornstein-Uhlenbeck model); one model allowing transition at a single node in a whole-tree context; and two models 
+  that split the tree into two subtrees and treat character evolution separately in the two trees (the 'censored' approach -- see
+  discussion below).
+multiModel(phy, dat, node, models = c("whole.brown", "whole.ou1", "whole.ou2", "part.brown", "part.ou"))
+  \item{phy}{ An \pkg{ape}-style tree }
+  \item{dat}{ A vector of data, with names corresponding to tips in \code{phy} }
+  \item{node}{ A single node, defined by the tips that are descendent from it }
+  \item{models}{ The vector of models, where \dQuote{whole} indicates a model in which the tree is treated as a single entity, and 
+                  \dQuote{part} indicates a model in which the tree is subdivided and treated as two entities }
+  The 'censored' approach was presented in O'Meara et al. 2006
+  A list with two items:
+  \item{IC}{A matrix of information criterion statistics, generated by \code{informationCriterion}}
+  \item{modelMatrix}{A matrix of model parameters for each of the whole tree, partial tree, and summed-partial-tree models}
+  Hipp, A.L. (2007) 
+  Non-uniform processes of chromosome evolution in sedges (Carex: Cyperaceae). 
+  \emph{Evolution} 61:2175--2194.
+  O'Meara, B. C., C. Ané, M. J. Sanderson, and P. C. Wainwright (2006) 
+  Testing for different rates of continuous trait evolution using likelihood. 
+  \emph{Evolution} 60:922--933.
+\author{Andrew L. Hipp \email{ahipp at mortonarb.org}}
+  In \pkg{ouch} version 2.x, the \code{ouchtree} function rescales trees to depth = 1. As a consequence, the alpha and sigma parameters
+  are not directly comparable between subtrees, as they were in previous versions of \pkg{ouch}.
+\seealso{ \code{\link{carex}} for an example}
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: pkg/misc/multiModel.R
--- pkg/misc/multiModel.R	2009-02-24 05:02:09 UTC (rev 172)
+++ pkg/misc/multiModel.R	2009-02-24 06:19:14 UTC (rev 173)
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-multiModel <- function(phy, dat, node, models = c('whole.brown', 'whole.ou1', 'whole.ou2','part.brown', 'part.ou'), ic = "BIC") {
-# test the support for alternative models on simple and partitioned trees
-# currently only works on one tree; fix so it runs on a set of trees, conditioned on those trees that have the node of interest;
-# return percent of trees possessing that node as an additional value
-  paramHeader <- c('AICc', 'BIC', 'AICc.weight', 'BIC.weight', 'loglik', 'dof', 'sigma.squared', 'alpha', 'theta', 'optimum', 'optimum.uptree', 'optimum.downtree')
-  paramsAll <- c('loglik', 'dof', 'sigma.squared')
-  paramSets <- list(brown = c(paramsAll, 'theta'), 
-                  ou1 = c(paramsAll, 'alpha', 'optimum'), 
-                  ou2 = c(paramsAll, 'alpha', 'optimum.uptree', 'optimum.downtree')
-                  )
-  modelsAll = c('whole.ou2', 'whole.ou1', 'whole.brown', 'part.ou.uptree', 'part.ou.downtree', 'part.ou.summed', 'part.brown.uptree', 'part.brown.downtree', 'part.brown.summed')
-  pSum <- c('loglik', 'dof') # parameters to sum for evaluating partitioned trees
-  aboveNodeTaxa <- phy$tip.label[-which(phy$tip.label %in% node)]
-  wholeTree <- ape2ouch(phy)
-  upTree <- ape2ouch(drop.tip(phy, node))
-  downTree <- ape2ouch(drop.tip(phy, aboveNodeTaxa))
-  partialTree <- list(upTree = upTree, downTree = downTree)
-  outMatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(modelsAll), ncol = length(paramHeader), dimnames = list(modelsAll, paramHeader))
-  modelsSplit <- strsplit(models, ".", fixed = T)
-  for(i in modelsSplit) {
-   model <- paste(i[1], ".", i[2], sep = "")
-   if (i[1] == 'whole') outMatrix[model,  ] <- wholeModel(wholeTree, dat, i[2], node, paramSets[[i[2]]], paramHeader)$params
-   if (i[1] == 'part') outMatrix[c(paste(model, '.uptree', sep = ""), paste(model, '.downtree', sep = ""), paste(model, '.summed', sep = "")), ] <- partialModel(partialTree, dat, i[2], c('uptree', 'downtree'), paramSets[[i[2]]], pSum, paramHeader)$params                                 
-   }
-  # MAKE A WEIGHTS COLUMN using informationCriterion
-  return(outMatrix)
-  }
-wholeModel <- function(phy, dat, model, node, parameterVector, paramHeader) {
-  if(model == "brown") analysis <- brown(dat, phy)
-  if(model == "ou1") analysis <- hansen(dat, 
-  					phy, 
-                                        regimes = structure(rep(phy at root, phy at nnodes), names = phy at nodes, levels = 1, class = 'factor'),
-                                        alpha = 1, 
-                                        sigma = 1
-                                        )
-  if(model == "ou2") {
-    regime <- paintBranches(list(node), phy)
-    uptreeNum <- as.character(phy at root)
-    downtreeNum <- as.character(unique(regime))[unique(regime) != phy at root]
-    analysis <- hansen(dat, phy, regime, alpha = 1, sigma = 1)
-    }
-  params <- unlist(summary(analysis)[parameterVector])[paramHeader]
-  names(params) <- paramHeader
-  if(model == "ou2") {
-    params['optimum.uptree'] <- summary(analysis)$optima[[1]][uptreeNum]
-    params['optimum.downtree'] <- summary(analysis)$optima[[1]][downtreeNum]
-    }
-  if(model == "ou1") params['optimum'] <- summary(analysis)$optima[[1]]
-  out <- list(analysis = analysis, params = params)
-  return(out)
-  }
-partialModel <- function(phyList, dat, model, treeNames, parameterVector = NULL, pSum = NULL, paramHeader) {
-# sums a subset of parameters (indicated by pSum) and leaves the others separate
-  allParams <- pSum
-#  for(i in parameterVector) {
-#   if(i %in% pSum) next
-#   else allParams <- c(allParams, paste(treeNames, i, sep = ""))
-#   }
-  if(model == "brown") analysis <- lapply(phyList, brown, data = dat)
-  else {
-    analysis <- vector('list', length(phyList))
-    for (i in seq(length(phyList))) analysis[[i]] <- hansen(data = dat, tree = phyList[[i]], 
-                                                            regimes = structure(rep(1, phyList[[i]]@nnodes), 
-                                                                                names = phyList[[i]]@nodes, 
-                                                                                levels = 1, class = 'factor'),
-                                                            sigma = 1, alpha = 1)
-    } # close else
-  names(analysis) <- treeNames
-  params <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(c(treeNames, 'summed')), ncol = length(paramHeader), dimnames = list(c(treeNames, 'summed'), paramHeader))
-  for (i in treeNames) {
-    temp <- summary(analysis)
-    params[i, ] <- unlist(temp[paramHeader])[paramHeader]
-    if(model != "brown") params[i, 'optimum'] <- summary(temp)$optima[[1]]
-    }
-  params['summed', pSum] <- colSums(params[treeNames, pSum])
-  out <- list(analysis = analysis, params = params)
-  return(out)
-  }
\ No newline at end of file

Deleted: pkg/misc/multiModels.R
--- pkg/misc/multiModels.R	2009-02-24 05:02:09 UTC (rev 172)
+++ pkg/misc/multiModels.R	2009-02-24 06:19:14 UTC (rev 173)
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-multiModels <- function(phy, dat, node, models = c('whole.brown', 'whole.ou1', 'whole.ou2','part.brown', 'part.ou'), ic = "BIC") {
-# test the support for alternative models on simple and partitioned trees
-# currently only works on one tree; fix so it runs on a set of trees, conditioned on those trees that have the node of interest;
-# return percent of trees possessing that node as an additional value
-  paramHeader <- c('AICc', 'BIC', 'AICc.weight', 'BIC.weight', 'loglik', 'dof', 'sigma.squared', 'alpha', 'theta', 'optimum', 'optimum.uptree', 'optimum.downtree')
-  paramsAll <- c('loglik', 'dof', 'sigma.squared')
-  paramSets <- list(brown = c(paramsAll, 'theta'), 
-                  ou1 = c(paramsAll, 'alpha', 'optimum'), 
-                  ou2 = c(paramsAll, 'alpha', 'optimum.uptree', 'optimum.downtree')
-                  )
-  modelsAll = c('whole.ou2', 'whole.ou1', 'whole.brown', 'part.ou.uptree', 'part.ou.downtree', 'part.ou.summed', 'part.brown.uptree', 'part.brown.downtree', 'part.brown.summed')
-  # parameters <- c('loglik', 'dof', 'alpha', 'sigma.squared', 'theta', 'optimum', 'optima.nodeAncestor', 'optima.nodeDescendent')
-  pSum <- c('loglik', 'dof') # parameters to sum for evaluating partitioned trees
-  aboveNodeTaxa <- phy$tip.label[-which(phy$tip.label %in% node)]
-  wholeTree <- ape2ouch(phy)
-  upTree <- ape2ouch(drop.tip(phy, node))
-  downTree <- ape2ouch(drop.tip(phy, aboveNodeTaxa))
-  partialTree <- list(upTree = upTree, downTree = downTree)
-  outMatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(modelsAll), ncol = length(paramHeader), dimnames = list(modelsAll, paramHeader))
-  modelsSplit <- strsplit(models, ".", fixed = T)
-  for(i in modelsSplit) {
-   model <= paste(i[1], ".", i[2], sep = "")
-   # as written, the following won't correctly chunk parameters into the matrix... mismatch between partitioned- and whole-tree tests -- NOW MAY WORK... DOUBLE CHECK RELATIVE TO NAMES SPIT OUT IN WHOLE MODEL, AND CHEKC PARTIALMODEL NAMES
-   if (i[1] == 'whole') outMatrix[model,  ] <- wholeModel(wholeTree, dat, i[2], node, paramSets[[i[2]]], paramHeader)$params
-   if (i[1] == 'part') outMatrix[c(paste(model, '.uptree', sep = ""), paste(model, '.downtree', sep = ""), paste(model, '.summed', sep = "")), ] 
-                       <- partialModel(partialTree, dat, i[2], c('uptree', 'downtree'), paramSets[[i[2]]], pSum, paramHeader)$params
-   }
-  MAKE A WEIGHTS COLUMN using informationCriterion
-  return(outMatrix)
-  }
-wholeModel <- function(phy, dat, model, node, parameterVector, paramHeader) {
-  if(model == "brown") analysis <- brown(dat, phy)
-  if(model == "ou1") analysis <- hansen(dat, phy, 
-                                        regimes = structure(rep(1, phy at nnodes), 
-                                        names = phy at nodes, levels = 1, 
-                                        class = 'factor'),
-                                        alpha = 1, sigma = 1)
-  if(model = "ou2") {
-    regime <- paintBranches(list(node), phy)
-    ancNum <- as.character(tree at root)
-    descNum <- as.character(unique(regime))[unique(regime) != tree at root]
-    analysis <- hansen(dat, phy, regime, alpha = 1, sigma = 1)
-    } # close if
-  params <- unlist(summary(analysis)[parameterVector])[parameterVector]
-  if(model == "ou2") {
-    params['optima.nodeAncestor'] <- summary(analysis)$optima[[1]][ancNum]
-    params['optima.nodeDescendent'] <- summary(analysis)$optima[[1]][descNum]
-    }
-  if(model == "ou1") params['optimum'] <- summary(analysis)$optima[[1]]
-  out <- list(analysis = analysis, params = params)
-  return(out)
-  }
-partialModel <- function(phyList, dat, model, treeNames, parameterVector = NULL, pSum = NULL, paramHeader) {
-# sums a subset of parameters (indicated by pSum) and leaves the others separate
-  allParams <- pSum
-  for(i in parameterVector) {
-   if(i %in% pSum) next
-   else allParams <- c(allParams, paste(treeNames, i, sep = ""))
-   }
-  if(model == "brown") analysis <- lapply(phyList, brown, data = dat),
-  else {
-    analysis <- list(length(phyList))
-    for (i in seq(length(phyList))) analysis[[i]] <- hansen(data = dat, tree = phyList[[i]], 
-                                                            regimes = structure(rep(1, phyList[[i]]@nnodes), 
-                                                                                names = phyList[[i]]@nodes, 
-                                                                                levels = 1, class = 'factor'),
-                                                            sigma = 1, alpha = 1)
-    } # close else
-  # change params so that it returns a matrix that fits -- the two partial tree models + the sum
-  params <- lapply(analysis, function(x) {unlist(summary(x)[pV])[pV]}, pV = allParams)
-  params['optimum'] <- summary
-  rawMat <- matrix(unlist(params), nrow = length(params), ncol = length(allParams), byrow = T, dimnames = list(treeNames, allParams))
-  params <- colSums(rawMat, na.rm = T)
-  out <- list(analysis = analysis, rawMat = rawMat, params = params)
-  return(out)
-  }
\ No newline at end of file

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