[Mattice-commits] r51 - pkg/R

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Fri Nov 21 17:44:14 CET 2008

Author: andrew_hipp
Date: 2008-11-21 17:44:14 +0100 (Fri, 21 Nov 2008)
New Revision: 51

works over trees, but the IC sums aren't correctly normalized when some nodes are absent from some trees

Modified: pkg/R/summarizingAnalyses.R
--- pkg/R/summarizingAnalyses.R	2008-11-21 15:30:02 UTC (rev 50)
+++ pkg/R/summarizingAnalyses.R	2008-11-21 16:44:14 UTC (rev 51)
@@ -8,29 +8,37 @@
 ## items in output: hansens, regimeList, regimeMatrix
 ## the summary will eventually sum weights over all nodes over all trees
 ## for now, only doing first tree
   # 0. Get information criterion weights for all models
   icObject <- informationCriterion.hansenBatch(hansenBatch)
-  matrixRows <- c('aic', 'aicc', 'bic')
+  nmodels <- dim(hansenBatch$hansens[[1]])[1]
+  matrixRows <- c('AIC.weight', 'AICc.weight', 'BIC.weight')
+  outMatrix <- matrix(0, nrow = length(icObject[[1]]$AICwi), ncol = length(matrixRows), dimnames = list(icObject[[1]]$names, matrixRows))
+  nmodelsMatrix <- outMatrix # a matrix to divide outMatrix by so that average BICwi are only based on trees that have a node
   for(tree in 1:length(hansenBatch$hansens)) {
-    # 1. sum over nodes
     aicList <- icObject[[tree]]$AICwi
     aiccList <- icObject[[tree]]$AICcwi
     bicList <- icObject[[tree]]$BICwi
     modelsMatrix <- cbind(aicList, aiccList, bicList) # value: modelsMatrix
-    dimnames(modelsMatrix) = list(icObject[[tree]]$names, matrixRows)
+    temp <- modelsMatrix; temp[!is.na(temp)] <- 1
+    nmodelsMatrix <- nmodelsMatrix + replace.matrix(temp, NA, 0) # nmodelsMatrix gets a 1 for each model present, a 0 for each model not present
+    outMatrix <- outMatrix + replace.matrix(modelsMatrix, NA, 0) # replace NAs with 0 so that sum works correctly at the end
     ## the lines below made the weights on branches ignore the fact that the Brownian motion model was part of the
     ##   model set; however, I've removed them b/c support for the Brownian motion model does (and should) contribute 
-    ##   to reduced probability of change at any of the nodes.
+    ##   to reduced probability of change at any of the nodes. You can uncomment them if you feel differently.
     # nonBrownWI <- 1 # defaults to no brownian motion model weights in case none are present
     # if(hansenBatch$brown) {
     #   brownWeights <- modelsMatrix['brown', ] # value: brownWeights
     #   nonBrownWI <- 1-brownWeights # this is just to make it easy to normalize the non-Brownian OU models
     # }
-    nodes <- dimnames(hansenBatch$regMatrix[[tree]])[[2]]
+  }
+  outMatrix <- outMatrix / nmodelsMatrix
+  print(nmodelsMatrix)
+  # 1. sum over nodes
+  nodes <- dimnames(hansenBatch$regMatrix[[tree]])[[2]]
     nodeWeightsMatrix <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(matrixRows), ncol = length(nodes), dimnames = list(matrixRows, nodes)) # value: nodeWeightsMatrix
     for(i in 1:length(nodes)) {
       modelsMatrixSubset <- modelsMatrix[hansenBatch$regimeMatrices[[tree]][, i] == 1, ]
@@ -47,9 +55,12 @@
       if(identical(dim(modelsMatrixSubset), NULL)) kMatrix[, i] <- modelsMatrixSubset
       else kMatrix[, i] <- apply(modelsMatrixSubset, 2, sum) 
+  outdata <- list(modelsMatrix = modelsMatrix, meanWeights = outMatrix, nodeWeightsMatrix = nodeWeightsMatrix, kMatrix = kMatrix)
+  return(outdata)
-  outdata <- list(modelsMatrix = modelsMatrix, nodeWeightsMatrix = nodeWeightsMatrix, kMatrix = kMatrix)
-  print(brownWeights)
-  print(nodeWeightsMatrix)
-  return(outdata)
-  }
\ No newline at end of file
+replace.matrix <- function (x, oldValue, newValue) {
+  if(is.na(oldValue)) x[is.na(x)] <- newValue
+  else x[x == oldValue] <- newValue
+  return(x)

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