[Ipmpack-users] diagnisticsPmatrix command error

Larios Cardenas, Eugenio - (elariosc) elariosc at email.arizona.edu
Mon Jun 8 19:47:50 CEST 2015


I am trying to use the disgnosticsPmatrix command and gives me the error message:

Error in makeIPMPmatrix(nEnvClass = 1, nBigMatrix = length(Pmatrix at meshpoints),  :
  argument "growObj" is missing, with no default

I already made my growth object:

gr<- makeGrowthObj(dataf = Acuna, Formula = sizeNext~size+size2)  so I don't understand why it is telling me that it isd missing.

My P matrix was:

Pmatrix <- makeIPMPmatrix(nBigMatrix = 100,
+                           minSize = 0, maxSize = 100,
+                           growObj = gr, survObj = sv,
+                           correction = "discretizeExtremes")

Do you know why it is doing it?



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