[Ipmpack-users] New IPMpack paper with worked-out examples

Eelke Jongejans e.jongejans at science.ru.nl
Tue Nov 26 11:07:04 CET 2013

Dear IPMpack-users,

it's my pleasure to announce a new paper (Merow et al. in Meth Ecol 
Evol) which has a 184-page pdf with appendices with many worked-out 
IPMpack examples:

- Appendix A: A simple IPM for a long-lived perennial plant
- Appendix B: Examples of fecundity models
- Appendix C: IPMs for Complex Life Cycles
- Appendix D: Vital rate regressions for IPMs
- Appendix E: IPMs in varying environments
- Appendix F: A niche model for /Actaea spicata/
- Appendix G: Evolutionary demography with monocarpic perennials

These appendices can already be downloaded from 

Merow C, Dahlgren JP, Metcalf CJE, Childs DZ, Evans MEK, Jongejans E, 
Record S, Rees M, Salguero-Gómez R & McMahon SM (2014) Advancing 
population ecology with integral projection models: a practical guide. 
Methods in Ecology and Evolution

best wishes,
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