[inlinedocs] jss article final comments? useR 2011?

Toby Dylan Hocking Toby.Hocking at inria.fr
Tue Apr 5 19:24:49 CEST 2011

Hi all,

I recently had a (real-life) colleague read the inlinedocs manuscript,
and I made some changes:

- I tried to explain only the most common features, as briefly as
- I reference the inlinedocs website for complete package docs
- I redid the example code in section 2 with a "fermat" package theme
- I made page breaks so the examples and commentary are right next to 
  each other on the same page.

My colleague confirmed that it seems ready for submission. Thus I
would like you all to give it a final quick read-through to correct
minor errors and ambiguities before I submit! Again, no hurry, I
suppose by the end of April is fine.

ALSO, I am going to useR 2011 and I was wondering... are any of you
going as well? I will be presenting work on other packages, so I
invite one of you to give a talk or lightning talk about inlinedocs if
you like.


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