Hi there,<br><br>I'm a total newbie with R and hyperSpec. So I struggle with some basic plotting functions.<br><br>Background / dataset:<br>-------------------------------<br>I am analyzing land cover changes using hyper-temporal satellite imagery: I have a time series of images over 9 years with imagery every 16 days. So in total 207 spectral values for one x-/y-coordinate. There's only one spectral band.<br>
<br>I have around 200 calibration points in the landscape, all with land cover type "Paddy rice", but from different years (2001 to 2009). I've created a hyperSpec object "rice" from a text-file with the following command:<br>
<p class="MsoNormal">rice <- read.txt.wide (file = "pdy.txt", cols =
list (x = "X-coord", y = "Y-coord", ident =
"ID_ALL", yr = "Year", cnum = "CNUM", cl =
"LC-Class", spc="EVI spectral values", .wavelength =
"Day in year"), header = TRUE, check.names = FALSE)</p>
<br>So my hyperSpec object has 6 other describing variables, and then the spectra. <br><br>Problem:<br>-------------<br>In odrer to visually analyze if my data spectral data varies from year to year I would like to create a stacked plot with grouping of the spectra per year. How do I do this?<br>
<br>I've tried different things, I think the trivk i to use stacked = ... in the correct way.<br>>plotspc(rice, spc.nmax = 200, stacked = rice$YEAR)<br>... does not work.<br><br>Thanks for your help,<br>Cornelia<br>