[Georob-commits] r12 - in pkg: . R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Wed Jul 10 11:02:18 CEST 2013

Author: papritz
Date: 2013-07-10 11:02:14 +0200 (Wed, 10 Jul 2013)
New Revision: 12

computing robust intial values of parameters by minimizing sum of squared estimating equations

Modified: pkg/ChangeLog
--- pkg/ChangeLog	2013-07-09 11:15:07 UTC (rev 11)
+++ pkg/ChangeLog	2013-07-10 09:02:14 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -124,3 +124,10 @@
 2013-07-09  Andreas Papritz  <papritz at env.ethz.ch>
 * georob.private.functions.R (georob.fit): catching errors occuring when fitting anisotropic variogram models with default anisotropy parameters
+2013-07-10  Andreas Papritz  <papritz at env.ethz.ch>
+* georob.exported.functions.R (georob): computing robust initial variogram parameter estimates by minimizing sum of squared estimating equations
+* georob.private.functions.R (georob.fit, compute.estimating.equations): computing robust initial variogram parameter estimates by minimizing sum of squared estimating equations

Modified: pkg/R/georob.exported.functions.R
--- pkg/R/georob.exported.functions.R	2013-07-09 11:15:07 UTC (rev 11)
+++ pkg/R/georob.exported.functions.R	2013-07-10 09:02:14 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@
     )[ names(param) ],
     aniso = c( f1 = 1., f2 = 1., omega = 90., phi = 90., zeta = 0. ),
     fit.aniso = c( f1 = FALSE, f2 = FALSE, omega = FALSE, phi = FALSE, zeta = FALSE ),
-    tuning.psi = 2, initial.param  = TRUE,
+    tuning.psi = 2, initial.param  = c( "minimize", "exclude", "no" ),
     control = georob.control( ... ), verbose = 0,
@@ -188,7 +188,7 @@
       signif( condnum, 2 ), ")\ninitial values of fixed effects coefficients are computed by 'lm'\n\n"
     control[["initial.method"]] <- "lm"
-    initial.param <- FALSE
+    initial.param <- "mininimize"
       "design matrix has not full column rank (condition number of X^T X: ", 
       signif( condnum, 2 ), ")\ninitial values of fixed effects coefficients are computed by 'lm'"
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
   ## adjust choice for initial.method to compute regression coefficients
-  if( initial.param ) control[["initial.method"]] <- "lmrob"
+  if( identical( initial.param, "exclude" ) ) control[["initial.method"]] <- "lmrob"
   ## compute initial guess of fixed effects parameters (betahat)
@@ -318,86 +318,162 @@
   ## prune data set for computing initial values of variogram and
   ## anisotropy parameters by reml
-  if( initial.param && tuning.psi < control[["tuning.psi.nr"]] ){
-    t.sel <- switch(
-      control[["initial.method"]],
-      lmrob = r.initial.fit[["rweights"]] > control[["min.rweight"]],
-      stop(
-        "computing initial values of covariance parameters requires 'lmrob' as ",
-        "method for computing initial regression coefficients"
+  initial.param <- match.arg( initial.param )
+  if( tuning.psi < control[["tuning.psi.nr"]] ){
+    if( identical( initial.param, "exclude" ) ){
+      if( verbose > 0 ) cat( "\ncomputing robust initial parameter estimates ...\n" )
+      t.sel <- switch(
+        control[["initial.method"]],
+        lmrob = r.initial.fit[["rweights"]] > control[["min.rweight"]],
+        stop(
+          "computing initial values of covariance parameters requires 'lmrob' as ",
+          "method for computing initial regression coefficients"
+        )
-    )
+      if( verbose > 0 ) cat( 
+        "\ndiscarding", sum( !t.sel ), "of", length( t.sel ), 
+        "observations for computing initial estimates of variogram\nand anisotropy parameter by gaussian reml\n"
+      )
+      ## collect.items for initial object
+      initial.objects <- list(
+        x = as.matrix( x[t.sel, ] ),
+        y = yy[t.sel],
+        betahat = coef( r.initial.fit ),
+        bhat = if( is.null( control[["bhat"]] ) ){
+          rep( 0., length( yy ) )[t.sel]
+        } else {
+          control[["bhat"]][t.sel]
+        },
+        initial.fit = r.initial.fit,
+        locations.objects = list(
+          locations = locations,
+          coordinates = locations.coords[t.sel, ]
+        ),
+        isotropic = aniso.missing
+      )
+      ## estimate model parameters with pruned data set
+      t.georob <- georob.fit(
+        slv = TRUE,
+        envir = envir,
+        initial.objects = initial.objects,
+        variogram.model = variogram.model, param = param, fit.param = fit.param,
+        aniso = aniso, fit.aniso = fit.aniso,
+        param.tf = control[["param.tf"]],
+        fwd.tf = control[["fwd.tf"]], 
+        deriv.fwd.tf = control[["deriv.fwd.tf"]],
+        bwd.tf = control[["bwd.tf"]], 
+        safe.param = control[["safe.param"]],
+        tuning.psi = control[["tuning.psi.nr"]],
+        cov.bhat = control[["cov.bhat"]], full.cov.bhat = control[["full.cov.bhat"]],
+        cov.betahat = control[["cov.betahat"]], 
+        cov.bhat.betahat = control[["cov.bhat.betahat"]],
+        cov.delta.bhat = control[["cov.delta.bhat"]],
+        full.cov.delta.bhat = control[["full.cov.delta.bhat"]],
+        cov.delta.bhat.betahat = control[["cov.delta.bhat.betahat"]],
+        cov.ehat = control[["cov.ehat"]], full.cov.ehat = control[["full.cov.ehat"]],
+        cov.ehat.p.bhat = control[["cov.ehat.p.bhat"]], full.cov.ehat.p.bhat = control[["full.cov.ehat.p.bhat"]],
+        aux.cov.pred.target = control[["aux.cov.pred.target"]],
+        min.condnum = control[["min.condnum"]],
+        rankdef.x = rankdef.x,
+        psi.func = control[["psi.func"]],
+        tuning.psi.nr = tuning.psi,
+        irwls.initial = control[["irwls.initial"]],
+        irwls.maxiter = control[["irwls.maxiter"]],
+        irwls.reltol = control[["irwls.reltol"]],
+        force.gradient = control[["force.gradient"]],
+        zero.dist = control[["zero.dist"]],
+        nleqslv.method =  control[["nleqslv"]][["method"]],
+        nleqslv.control = control[["nleqslv"]][["control"]],
+        optim.method =  control[["optim"]][["method"]],
+        optim.lower = control[["optim"]][["lower"]],
+        optim.upper = control[["optim"]][["upper"]],
+        hessian =       control[["optim"]][["hessian"]],
+        optim.control = control[["optim"]][["control"]],
+        full.output = control[["full.output"]],
+        verbose = verbose
+      )
+      param = t.georob[["param"]][names(fit.param)]
+      aniso = t.georob[["aniso"]][["aniso"]][names(fit.aniso)]
+    } else if( identical( initial.param, "minimize" ) ){
+      if( verbose > 0 ) cat( "\ncomputing robust initial parameter estimates ...\n" )
+      initial.objects <- list(
+        x = as.matrix( x ),
+        y = yy,
+        betahat = coef( r.initial.fit ),
+        bhat = if( is.null( control[["bhat"]] ) ){
+          rep( 0., length( yy ) )
+        } else {
+          control[["bhat"]]
+        },
+        initial.fit = r.initial.fit,
+        locations.objects = list(
+          locations = locations,
+          coordinates = locations.coords
+        ),
+        isotropic = aniso.missing
+      )
+      ## estimate model parameters by minimizing sum( gradient^2)
+      t.georob <- georob.fit(
+        slv = FALSE,
+        envir = envir,
+        initial.objects = initial.objects,
+        variogram.model = variogram.model, param = param, fit.param = fit.param,
+        aniso = aniso, fit.aniso = fit.aniso,
+        param.tf = control[["param.tf"]],
+        fwd.tf = control[["fwd.tf"]], 
+        deriv.fwd.tf = control[["deriv.fwd.tf"]],
+        bwd.tf = control[["bwd.tf"]], 
+        safe.param = control[["safe.param"]],
+        tuning.psi = tuning.psi,
+        cov.bhat = control[["cov.bhat"]], full.cov.bhat = control[["full.cov.bhat"]],
+        cov.betahat = control[["cov.betahat"]], 
+        cov.bhat.betahat = control[["cov.bhat.betahat"]],
+        cov.delta.bhat = control[["cov.delta.bhat"]],
+        full.cov.delta.bhat = control[["full.cov.delta.bhat"]],
+        cov.delta.bhat.betahat = control[["cov.delta.bhat.betahat"]],
+        cov.ehat = control[["cov.ehat"]], full.cov.ehat = control[["full.cov.ehat"]],
+        cov.ehat.p.bhat = control[["cov.ehat.p.bhat"]], full.cov.ehat.p.bhat = control[["full.cov.ehat.p.bhat"]],
+        aux.cov.pred.target = control[["aux.cov.pred.target"]],
+        min.condnum = control[["min.condnum"]],
+        rankdef.x = rankdef.x,
+        psi.func = control[["psi.func"]],
+        tuning.psi.nr = control[["tuning.psi.nr"]],
+        irwls.initial = control[["irwls.initial"]],
+        irwls.maxiter = control[["irwls.maxiter"]],
+        irwls.reltol = control[["irwls.reltol"]],
+        force.gradient = control[["force.gradient"]],
+        zero.dist = control[["zero.dist"]],
+        nleqslv.method =  control[["nleqslv"]][["method"]],
+        nleqslv.control = control[["nleqslv"]][["control"]],
+        optim.method =  control[["optim"]][["method"]],
+        optim.lower = control[["optim"]][["lower"]],
+        optim.upper = control[["optim"]][["upper"]],
+        hessian =       control[["optim"]][["hessian"]],
+        optim.control = control[["optim"]][["control"]],
+        full.output = control[["full.output"]],
+        verbose = verbose
+      )
+      param = t.georob[["param"]][names(fit.param)]
+      aniso = t.georob[["aniso"]][["aniso"]][names(fit.aniso)]
+    }
-    if( verbose > 0 ) cat( 
-      "\ndiscarding", sum( !t.sel ), "of", length( t.sel ), 
-      "observations for computing initial estimates of variogram\nand anisotropy parameter by gaussian reml\n"
-    )
-    ## collect.items for initial object
-    initial.objects <- list(
-      x = as.matrix( x[t.sel, ] ),
-      y = yy[t.sel],
-      betahat = coef( r.initial.fit ),
-      bhat = if( is.null( control[["bhat"]] ) ){
-        rep( 0., length( yy ) )[t.sel]
-      } else {
-        control[["bhat"]][t.sel]
-      },
-      initial.fit = r.initial.fit,
-      locations.objects = list(
-        locations = locations,
-        coordinates = locations.coords[t.sel, ]
-      ),
-      isotropic = aniso.missing
-    )
-    ## estimate model parameters with pruned data set
-    t.georob <- georob.fit(
-      envir = envir,
-      initial.objects = initial.objects,
-      variogram.model = variogram.model, param = param, fit.param = fit.param,
-      aniso = aniso, fit.aniso = fit.aniso,
-      param.tf = control[["param.tf"]],
-      fwd.tf = control[["fwd.tf"]], 
-      deriv.fwd.tf = control[["deriv.fwd.tf"]],
-      bwd.tf = control[["bwd.tf"]], 
-      safe.param = control[["safe.param"]],
-      tuning.psi = control[["tuning.psi.nr"]],
-      cov.bhat = control[["cov.bhat"]], full.cov.bhat = control[["full.cov.bhat"]],
-      cov.betahat = control[["cov.betahat"]], 
-      cov.bhat.betahat = control[["cov.bhat.betahat"]],
-      cov.delta.bhat = control[["cov.delta.bhat"]],
-      full.cov.delta.bhat = control[["full.cov.delta.bhat"]],
-      cov.delta.bhat.betahat = control[["cov.delta.bhat.betahat"]],
-      cov.ehat = control[["cov.ehat"]], full.cov.ehat = control[["full.cov.ehat"]],
-      cov.ehat.p.bhat = control[["cov.ehat.p.bhat"]], full.cov.ehat.p.bhat = control[["full.cov.ehat.p.bhat"]],
-      aux.cov.pred.target = control[["aux.cov.pred.target"]],
-      min.condnum = control[["min.condnum"]],
-      rankdef.x = rankdef.x,
-      psi.func = control[["psi.func"]],
-      tuning.psi.nr = control[["tuning.psi.nr"]],
-      irwls.initial = control[["irwls.initial"]],
-      irwls.maxiter = control[["irwls.maxiter"]],
-      irwls.reltol = control[["irwls.reltol"]],
-      force.gradient = control[["force.gradient"]],
-      zero.dist = control[["zero.dist"]],
-      nleqslv.method =  control[["nleqslv"]][["method"]],
-      nleqslv.control = control[["nleqslv"]][["control"]],
-      optim.method =  control[["optim"]][["method"]],
-      optim.lower = control[["optim"]][["lower"]],
-      optim.upper = control[["optim"]][["upper"]],
-      hessian =       control[["optim"]][["hessian"]],
-      optim.control = control[["optim"]][["control"]],
-      full.output = control[["full.output"]],
-      verbose = verbose
-    )
-    param = t.georob[["param"]][names(fit.param)]
-    aniso = t.georob[["aniso"]][["aniso"]][names(fit.aniso)]
   ## collect.items for initial object
@@ -420,8 +496,11 @@
   ## estimate model parameters
+  if( verbose > 0 ) cat( "computing final parameter estimates ...\n" )
   r.georob <- georob.fit(
+    slv = TRUE,
     envir = envir,
     initial.objects = initial.objects,
     variogram.model = variogram.model, param = param, fit.param = fit.param,

Modified: pkg/R/georob.private.functions.R
--- pkg/R/georob.private.functions.R	2013-07-09 11:15:07 UTC (rev 11)
+++ pkg/R/georob.private.functions.R	2013-07-10 09:02:14 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -2348,6 +2348,7 @@
 compute.estimating.equations <- 
+    slv,
     variogram.model, fixed.param, param.name, aniso.name,
     param.tf, bwd.tf, safe.param,
@@ -2589,7 +2590,19 @@
     assign( "lik.item", lik.item, pos = as.environment( envir ) )
-    return( eeq.emp / eeq.exp - 1. )
+    if( slv ){
+      return( eeq.emp / eeq.exp - 1. )
+    } else {
+      res <- sum( (eeq.emp / eeq.exp - 1.)^2 )
+      if( verbose > 1 ) cat( 
+        "  sum(EEQ^2)         :",
+        format( 
+          signif( res, digits = 7 ), 
+          scientific = TRUE, width = 14
+        ), "\n", sep = "" 
+      )
+      return( res )
+    }
   } else {
@@ -3155,6 +3168,7 @@
 georob.fit <- 
+    slv,
     variogram.model, param, fit.param,
@@ -3535,10 +3549,10 @@
   if( fit.aniso["omega"] && aniso["f1"] == 1. ) aniso["f1"] <- aniso["f1"] - sqrt( .Machine$double.eps )
   if( fit.aniso["phi"] ){
-    if( aniso["f1"] == 1. ) aniso["f1"] <- aniso["f1"] - sqrt( .Machine$double.eps )
-    if( aniso["f2"] == 1. ) aniso["f2"] <- aniso["f2"] - sqrt( .Machine$double.eps )
+    if( aniso["f1"] == 1. ) aniso["f1"] <- aniso["f1"] - 0.0001
+    if( aniso["f2"] == 1. ) aniso["f2"] <- aniso["f2"] - 0.0001
-  if( fit.aniso["zeta"] && aniso["f2"] == 1. ) aniso["f2"] <- aniso["f2"] - sqrt( .Machine$double.eps )
+  if( fit.aniso["zeta"] && aniso["f2"] == 1. ) aniso["f2"] <- aniso["f2"] - 0.0001
   ##  rearrange and check flags controlling anisotropy parameter fitting 
@@ -3607,7 +3621,7 @@
   if( !identical( t.exp[["message"]], "OK" ) ) stop( t.exp[["message"]] )
   expectations["dpsi"] <- t.exp[["value"]]
   if( verbose > 1 ) cat( 
-    "\nexpectation of psi'(epsilon/sigma)                             :", 
+    "\nexpectation of psi'(epsilon/sigma)                    :", 
     signif( expectations["dpsi"] ), "\n" 
@@ -3624,81 +3638,181 @@
   if( !identical( t.exp[["message"]], "OK" ) ) stop( t.exp[["message"]] )
   expectations["psi2"] <- t.exp[["value"]]
   if( verbose > 1 ) cat( 
-    "expectation of (psi(epsilon/sigma))^2                          :", 
+    "expectation of (psi(epsilon/sigma))^2                 :", 
     signif( t.exp[["value"]] ), "\n" 
   r.hessian <- NULL
   if( tuning.psi < tuning.psi.nr ) {
+    ## robust REML estimation
     if( any( c( fit.param, fit.aniso ) ) ){
-      ##  some variogram parameters are fitted
+      ##  find roots of estimating equations
-      ##  find root of estimating equations
+      if( slv ){
-      r.root <- nleqslv(
-        x = c( 
-          transformed.param[ fit.param ], 
-          transformed.aniso[ fit.aniso ] 
-        ),
-        fn = compute.estimating.equations,
-        method = nleqslv.method,
-        control = nleqslv.control,
-        envir = envir,        
-        variogram.model = variogram.model,
-        fixed.param = c( 
-          transformed.param[ !fit.param ], 
-          transformed.aniso[ !fit.aniso ]
-        ),
-        param.name = param.name, 
-        aniso.name = aniso.name,
-        param.tf = param.tf,
-        bwd.tf = bwd.tf,
-        safe.param = safe.param,
-        lag.vectors = lag.vectors,
-        XX = XX, min.condnum = min.condnum, rankdef.x = rankdef.x,
-        yy = yy, betahat = betahat, TT = TT, bhat = bhat, 
-        psi.function = rho.psi.etc[["psi.function"]], 
-        dpsi.function = rho.psi.etc[["dpsi.function"]], 
-        tuning.psi = tuning.psi,
-        tuning.psi.nr = tuning.psi.nr,
-        irwls.initial = irwls.initial,
-        irwls.maxiter = irwls.maxiter,
-        irwls.reltol = irwls.reltol,
-        force.gradient = force.gradient,
-        expectations = expectations,
-        verbose = verbose
-      ) 
+        r.root <- nleqslv(
+          x = c( 
+            transformed.param[ fit.param ], 
+            transformed.aniso[ fit.aniso ] 
+          ),
+          fn = compute.estimating.equations,
+          method = nleqslv.method,
+          control = nleqslv.control,
+          slv = slv,
+          envir = envir,        
+          variogram.model = variogram.model,
+          fixed.param = c( 
+            transformed.param[ !fit.param ], 
+            transformed.aniso[ !fit.aniso ]
+          ),
+          param.name = param.name, 
+          aniso.name = aniso.name,
+          param.tf = param.tf,
+          bwd.tf = bwd.tf,
+          safe.param = safe.param,
+          lag.vectors = lag.vectors,
+          XX = XX, min.condnum = min.condnum, rankdef.x = rankdef.x,
+          yy = yy, betahat = betahat, TT = TT, bhat = bhat, 
+          psi.function = rho.psi.etc[["psi.function"]], 
+          dpsi.function = rho.psi.etc[["dpsi.function"]], 
+          tuning.psi = tuning.psi,
+          tuning.psi.nr = tuning.psi.nr,
+          irwls.initial = irwls.initial,
+          irwls.maxiter = irwls.maxiter,
+          irwls.reltol = irwls.reltol,
+          force.gradient = force.gradient,
+          expectations = expectations,
+          verbose = verbose
+        ) 
+        #       r.param <- r.root[["x"]] names( r.param ) <- names(
+        #       transformed.param[ fit.param ] )
+        r.gradient <- r.root[["fvec"]]
+        names( r.gradient ) <- c(
+          names( transformed.param[ fit.param ] ),
+          names( transformed.aniso[ fit.aniso ] )
+        )
+        r.converged <- r.root[["termcd"]] == 1
+        r.convergence.code <- r.root[["termcd"]] 
+        r.counts <- c( nfcnt = r.root[["nfcnt"]], njcnt = r.root[["njcnt"]] )
+      } else {
+        ## minimize sum of squared estimating equations
+        r.opt.eeq.sq <- optim(
+          par = c( 
+            transformed.param[ fit.param ], 
+            transformed.aniso[ fit.aniso ] 
+          ),
+          fn = compute.estimating.equations,
+          #         gr = gradient.negative.restricted.loglikelihood,
+          method = optim.method, 
+          lower = optim.lower,
+          upper = optim.upper,
+          control = optim.control,
+          hessian = FALSE,
+          slv = slv,
+          envir = envir,        
+          variogram.model = variogram.model,
+          fixed.param = c( 
+            transformed.param[ !fit.param ], 
+            transformed.aniso[ !fit.aniso ]
+          ),
+          param.name = param.name, 
+          aniso.name = aniso.name,
+          param.tf = param.tf,
+          bwd.tf = bwd.tf,
+          safe.param = safe.param,
+          lag.vectors = lag.vectors,
+          XX = XX, min.condnum = min.condnum, rankdef.x = rankdef.x,
+          yy = yy, betahat = betahat, TT = TT, bhat = bhat, 
+          psi.function = rho.psi.etc[["psi.function"]], 
+          dpsi.function = rho.psi.etc[["dpsi.function"]], 
+          tuning.psi = tuning.psi,
+          tuning.psi.nr = tuning.psi.nr,
+          irwls.initial = irwls.initial,
+          irwls.maxiter = irwls.maxiter,
+          irwls.reltol = irwls.reltol,
+          force.gradient = force.gradient,
+          expectations = expectations,
+          verbose = verbose
+        )
+        r.opt.neg.loglik <- r.opt.eeq.sq[["value"]]     
+        r.converged <- r.opt.eeq.sq[["convergence"]] == 0
+        r.convergence.code <- r.opt.eeq.sq[["convergence"]]      
+        r.counts <- r.opt.eeq.sq[["counts"]]
+        if( verbose > 0 ){
+          cat( 
+            "\n  sum(EEQ^2)         :",
+            format( 
+              signif( r.opt.eeq.sq[["value"]], digits = 7 ), 
+              scientific = TRUE, width = 14
+            ), sep = "" 
+          )
+          cat( 
+            "\n  convergence code   :", 
+            format( 
+              signif( r.opt.eeq.sq[["convergence"]], digits = 0 ), 
+              scientific = FALSE, width = 14
+            ), "\n\n", sep = "" 
+          )
+        }
+        #         if( hessian ) r.hessian <- r.opt.eeq.sq[["hessian"]]
+        r.gradient <- compute.estimating.equations(
+          adjustable.param = r.opt.eeq.sq[["par"]],
+          slv = TRUE,
+          envir = envir,        
+          variogram.model = variogram.model,
+          fixed.param = c( 
+            transformed.param[ !fit.param ], 
+            transformed.aniso[ !fit.aniso ]
+          ),
+          param.name = param.name, 
+          aniso.name = aniso.name,
+          param.tf = param.tf,
+          bwd.tf = bwd.tf,
+          safe.param = safe.param,
+          lag.vectors = lag.vectors,
+          XX = XX, min.condnum = min.condnum, rankdef.x = rankdef.x,
+          yy = yy, betahat = betahat, TT = TT, bhat = bhat, 
+          psi.function = rho.psi.etc[["psi.function"]], 
+          dpsi.function = rho.psi.etc[["dpsi.function"]], 
+          tuning.psi = tuning.psi,
+          tuning.psi.nr = tuning.psi.nr,
+          irwls.initial = irwls.initial,
+          irwls.maxiter = irwls.maxiter,
+          irwls.reltol = irwls.reltol,
+          force.gradient = force.gradient,
+          expectations = expectations,
+          verbose = verbose
+        )
+      }
-      #       r.param <- r.root[["x"]]
-      #       names( r.param ) <- names( transformed.param[ fit.param ] )
-      r.gradient <- r.root[["fvec"]]
-      names( r.gradient ) <- c(
-        names( transformed.param[ fit.param ] ),
-        names( transformed.aniso[ fit.aniso ] )
-      )
-      r.converged <- r.root[["termcd"]] == 1
-      r.convergence.code <- r.root[["termcd"]] 
-      r.counts <- c( nfcnt = r.root[["nfcnt"]], njcnt = r.root[["njcnt"]] )
     } else {
       ##  all variogram parameters are fixed
-      ##  compute values of estimating equations
+      ##  evaluate estimating equations
       r.gradient <- compute.estimating.equations(
         adjustable.param = c( 
           transformed.param[ fit.param ], 
           transformed.aniso[ fit.aniso ] 
+        slv = TRUE,
         envir = envir,        
         variogram.model = variogram.model,
         fixed.param = c( 
@@ -3737,8 +3851,7 @@
     if( any( fit.param ) ){
-      ##  some variogram parameters are fitted
-      ##  minimize laplace approximation of negative restricted loglikelihood
+      ##  Gaussian REML estimation
       r.opt.neg.restricted.loglik <- optim(
         par = c( 
@@ -3786,7 +3899,6 @@
       if( hessian ) r.hessian <- r.opt.neg.restricted.loglik[["hessian"]]
       r.gradient <- gradient.negative.restricted.loglikelihood(
         adjustable.param = r.opt.neg.restricted.loglik[["par"]],
         envir = envir,

Modified: pkg/man/cv.georob.Rd
--- pkg/man/cv.georob.Rd	2013-07-09 11:15:07 UTC (rev 11)
+++ pkg/man/cv.georob.Rd	2013-07-10 09:02:14 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-% 2013-07-05 A. Papritz
+% 2013-07-10 A. Papritz
 % R CMD Rdconv -t html -o bla.html cv.georob.Rd ; open bla.html; R CMD Rd2pdf --force cv.georob.Rd; 
@@ -105,7 +105,7 @@
   \item{return.fit}{logical controlling whether information about the fit
   should be returned for when re-estimating the model with the reduced data
-  sets (default \code{TRUE}).}
+  sets (default \code{FALSE}).}
   \item{reduced.output}{logical controlling whether the complete fitted
   model objects, fitted to the reduced data sets, are returned

Modified: pkg/man/georob.Rd
--- pkg/man/georob.Rd	2013-07-09 11:15:07 UTC (rev 11)
+++ pkg/man/georob.Rd	2013-07-10 09:02:14 UTC (rev 12)
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-% 2013-06-12 A. Papritz
+% 2013-07-10 A. Papritz
 % R CMD Rdconv -t html -o bla.html georob.Rd ; open bla.html; R CMD Rd2pdf --force georob.Rd; 
@@ -28,7 +28,8 @@
     aniso = c(f1 = 1, f2 = 1, omega = 90, phi = 90, zeta = 0), 
     fit.aniso = c(f1 = FALSE, f2 = FALSE, omega = FALSE, 
         phi = FALSE, zeta = FALSE), 
-    tuning.psi = 2, initial.param = TRUE, control = georob.control(...),
+    tuning.psi = 2, initial.param = c("minimize", "exclude", "no"), 
+    control = georob.control(...),
     verbose = 0, ...)
@@ -144,12 +145,21 @@
   \item{tuning.psi}{positive numeric.  The tuning constant \eqn{c} of the
     \eqn{\psi_c}-function of the robust REML algorithm.}
-  \item{initial.param}{logical.  If \code{TRUE} (default) robust initial
-  values of variogram parameters are computed by discarding outlying
-  observations based on the \dQuote{robustness weights} of the initial fit
-  of the regression model by \code{\link[robustbase]{lmrob}} and fitting
-  the spatial linear model by Gaussian REML to the pruned data set (see
-  \emph{Details}).}
+  \item{initial.param}{character, controlling whether initial values of
+  parameters are computed for solving the estimating equations of the
+  variogram and anisotropy parameters.  
+  If \code{initial.param = "minimize"} (defaullt) robust initial values are
+  computed by minimizing the sum of the squared robustified estimating
+  equations using \code{\link[stats]{optim}} (see \emph{Details}).
+  If \code{initial.param = "exclude"} robust initial values of parameters are
+  computed by discarding outlying observations based on the
+  \dQuote{robustness weights} of the initial fit of the regression model by
+  \code{\link[robustbase]{lmrob}} and fitting the spatial linear model by
+  Gaussian REML to the pruned data set (see \emph{Details}).  
+  For \code{initial.param = "no"} no initial parameter values are computed
+  and the estimating equations are solved with the initial values passed by
+  \code{param} and \code{aniso} to \code{georob}.}
   \item{control}{a list specifying parameters that control the behaviour of
   \code{georob}.  Use the function \code{\link{georob.control}} and see its
@@ -308,13 +318,21 @@
     Finding the roots of the robustified estimating equations of the
-    variogram parameters is more sensitive to a good choice of initial
-    values than maximizing the Gaussian restricted loglikelihood with
-    respect to the same parameters.  To get good initial values that are
-    often sufficiently close to the roots so that
-    \code{\link[nleqslv]{nleqslv}} converges, one can use
-    \code{initial.param = TRUE}.  This has the following effects:
+    variogram and anisotropy parameters is more sensitive to a good choice
+    of initial values than maximizing the Gaussian restricted loglikelihood
+    with respect to the same parameters.  Two options are implemented to
+    get good initial values that are often sufficiently close to the roots
+    so that \code{\link[nleqslv]{nleqslv}} converges:
+    Setting \code{initial.param = "minimize"} invokes
+    \code{\link[stats]{optim}} to minimize the \emph{sum of squared
+    estimating equations}.  The required accuracy of the initial estimates
+    are best controlled by the argument \code{abstol} of
+    \code{\link[stats]{optim}}, e.g. by using the argument
+    \code{control = georob.control(optim = optim.control(optim.control = list(abstol = 1.e-6)))}.
+    Setting \code{initial.param = "exclude"} has the following effects:
       \item Initial values of the regression parameters are computed by

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