<html><span id="messageContent">Dear list,<br /><br />I have tried building package probabel on mips big endian.<br />It looks like that inputfiles/*.fvd and inputfiles/*.fvi are created on little endian machine and are not working on big endian ones.<br /><br />I have tried to create them on big endian mips, and replace ones that came with source package with the ones that I have created.<br />The package was built with new files without an error.<br /><br />I used following command to create files:<br />library(GenABEL)<br />library(DatABEL)<br />fvdose <- mach2databel(imputedg="./checks/inputfiles/test.mldose", mlinfo="./checks/inputfiles/test.mlinfo", outfile="./checks/inputfiles/test.dose")<br />fvprob <- mach2databel(imputedg="./checks/inputfiles/test.mlprob", mlinfo="./checks/inputfiles/test.mlinfo", outfile="./checks/inputfiles/test.prob", isprob=TRUE)<br />mmdose <- mach2databel(imputedg="./checks/inputfiles/mmscore_gen.mldose", mlinfo="./checks/inputfiles/mmscore_gen.mlinfo", outfile="./checks/inputfiles/mmscore_gen.dose")<br />mmprob <- mach2databel(imputedg="./checks/inputfiles/mmscore_gen.mlprob", mlinfo="./checks/inputfiles/mmscore_gen.mlinfo", outfile="./checks/inputfiles/mmscore_gen.prob", isprob=TRUE)<br /><br />I am new to ProbABEL, GenABEL, DatABEL so could someone please help me with following questions:<br /><br />What is the best course of action for supporting probabel on big endian?<br />Should *.fvi, *.fvd files allways be in little endian format (than DatABEL needs to be changed to always create little endian files)?<br />Or can *.fvd, *.fvi files be replaced with big endian files for big endian build?<br /><br />Is it necessary to be able to use *.fvd *.fvi files created on a different endian system?<br /><br />I am willing to work on adding big endian support and I will appreciate any help in determining the right course of action in resolving this problem.<br /><br />Regards,<br />Jurica</span></html>