Dear All,
<div><br></div><div>Please find below an abstract I am going to send for the UseR! 2013 meeting. </div><div><br></div><div>Comments and suggestions are welcome! - the deadline is March 31</div><div><br></div><div>Yurii</div>
<div><br></div><div><div>\title{The GenABEL suite for genome-wide association analyses}</div><div><br></div><div>\begin{center}</div><div> {\bf Yurii S Aulchenko$^{1,2,3,^\star}$, on behalf of the GenABEL project}</div><div>
\end{center}</div><div><br></div><div>\keywords genome-wide association scans, SNP, complex traits,</div><div>statistical genomics</div><div><br></div><div>\vskip 0.8cm</div><div><br></div><div>Genome-wide association (GWA) analysis is a widely recognized </div>
<div>technique for identification of genomic regions</div><div>(loci) in which changes in DNA sequence lead to changes in complex </div><div>phenotype. In GWA scans, genomes of thousands of individuals are</div><div>assessed by use of single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) arrays or </div>
<div>whole-genome resequencing to gather information on hundreds of</div><div>thousands to millions of genetic variants. The trait values of</div><div>genotyped individuals are then tested for association with this</div><div>
genetic variation. During last eight years, hundreds of loci for dozens of</div><div>human common disease and other complex traits were identified using</div><div>GWA scans. </div><div><br></div><div>The \pkg{GenABEL} project aims to provide a free framework for</div>
<div>collaborative, robust, transparent, open-source based development of</div><div>statistical genomics methodology. </div><div>In the framework of this project we have developed a suite of</div><div>packages facilitating different semi-independent types of GWA analyses. </div>
<div>The suite currently includes nine packages, of which seven are \proglang{R} libraries, such as the</div><div>\pkg{GenABEL} for generic GWA quality control and analyzes, \pkg{MetABEL} for meta-analysis,</div><div>\pkg{DatABEL} for large data sets management, \pkg{VariABEL} for</div>
<div>identification of potentially interacting variants, and others. The packages</div><div>are distributed under GPL or LGPL and are available at the</div><div>\pkg{GenABEL} project home page, \url{<a href=""></a>}. </div>