[Genabel-announce] MetABEL v0.2-0 released

L.C. Karssen lennart at karssen.org
Mon Feb 3 22:33:31 CET 2014

Dear GenABEL users,

Version 0.2-0 of MetABEL has just been released on CRAN. This version
contains fixes to the forest plots:
- Ticks on the vertical axis have been removed. They served no purpose.
- Removed the vertical axis label by default. The user can set it using
- Changed the "Chi2" text to Greek/math font: \chi^2.
- Converted the horizontal axis label to show a math \beta instead of "Beta"
- The vertical line at x=0 is now dashed

Please note that this release still contains a flip bug [1].

Best regards,



L.C. Karssen
The Netherlands

lennart at karssen.org
GPG key ID: A88F554A

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