<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"><html><head><meta content="text/html;charset=UTF-8" http-equiv="Content-Type"></head><body ><div style='font-size:10pt;font-family:Verdana,Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;'><div>Dear all,<br></div><div><br></div><div>A new set of FLR packages has been uploaded today on the flr-project.org repository, with binary versions available for Windows on R 3.4. Please install them from there by calling<br></div><div><br></div><div>install.packages(repos="<a href="http://flr-project.org/R">http://flr-project.org/R</a>")<br></div><div><br></div><div>or by sourcing the installation script that will take care of all non-FLR dependencies<br></div><div><br></div><div><code>source("<a href="http://flr-project.org/R/instFLR.R">http://flr-project.org/R/instFLR.R</a>")</code><br></div><div><br></div><div>Among this set of packages, we are releasing for the first time packages containing C++ that can (only) run on 64 bit R in Windows, and that will eventually substitute those currently working only in 32 bit R in Windows.<br></div><div><br></div><div>The new package versions available are as follows:<br></div><div><br></div><div>FLCore 2.6.5<br></div><div>FLa4a 1.1.3<br></div><div>FLEDA 2.5.1<br></div><div>FLFishery 0.1.2<br></div><div>FLFleet 2.6.0<br></div><div>FLSAM 1.02<br></div><div>diags 2.2.1<br></div><div>ggplotFL 2.6.2<br></div><div>FLRDynState 2.5.1<br></div><div><br></div><div>- Packages for 32bit R only<br></div><div><br></div><div>FLash 2.5.8<br></div><div>FLAssess 2.6.1<br></div><div>FLBEIA 1.15.1<br></div><div>FLBRP 2.5.2<br></div><div>FLife 2.1.2<br></div><div>FLXSA 2.6.0<br></div><div><br></div><div>- Packages for 64bit R only<br></div><div><br></div><div>FLRP 0.0.2<br></div><div>FLasher 0.0.3<br></div><div><br></div><div>FLRP and FLasher will become the new FLBRP and FLash respectively, and although they are still considered beta, they can already do most of what the old pkgs do, and even a few more in the caser of FLasher. More information on FLasher will follow soon.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Note that we do not currently have packages available for OSX, as we do not have access to the necessary hardware. If you are working on any of the flavours of OSX supported by R,Mavericks and El Capitan, and would like to help us preparing packages for OSX, please contact us.<br></div><div><br></div><div>Please do not hesitate reporting any issue, or positive feedback, either in the list or in the respective package issue page, for example <a href="https://github.com/flr/FLCore/issues">https://github.com/flr/FLCore/issues</a><br></div><div><br></div><div>Best regards,<br></div><div><br></div><div><br></div><div>Iago, on behalf of the FLR Team<br></div></div></body></html>