[Distr-commits] r1243 - in branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod: . R inst man

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Sun Aug 5 17:55:36 CEST 2018

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2018-08-05 17:55:36 +0200 (Sun, 05 Aug 2018)
New Revision: 1243

[distrMod] branch 2.8:
+ distinguish two cases for CvMMDEstimator: mu = emp. cdf (default) and mu = current best fit model distribution 
  (controlled by argument muDatOrMod = c("Dat","Mod")) => consistency between estimate and asyCov
+ added some theory/references to help file to MD estimators
bug fixes
+ discovered some issues with local variables in L2Families (global values were used instead...)  
+ default for asCov of CvMMDEstimator was inconsistent: the estimator was using emp.cdf, but
  the asyCov was using mu the current best fit model distribution 
+ in the wrappers to MDEstimator: CvMMDEstimator, KolmogorovMDEstimator, TotalVarMDEstimator, 
  HellingerMDEstimator, we had the "wrong" call in slot estimate.call
+ in the last commit, forgot to change param to param.0 when calling L2ParamFamily in 
  SimpleL2ParamFamilies.R (when res <- L2ParamFamily(....)) 
+ in the last commit, mixed prob.0 and prob.1 in line 33
under the hood
+ replaced integration for AbscontDistribution(s) in .CvMMDCovariance by integration on quantile scale
   => CvMMDEstimator now works with variances even for Gamma distributions for shape < 1 ...   
+ .process.meCalcRes gains arg "x" to be able to pass on emp.CDF for mu in CvMMDEstimator
   if arg asvar.fct of MCEstimator has "x" in formals the observations x are passed on to asvar.fct, 
   otherwise they are not; correspondingly "x" is passed on to .process.meCalcRes in
   MCEstimator(), MDEstimator(), MLEstimator(). 
+ old .CvMMDCovariance() becomes .oldCvMMDCovariance
+ new wrapper .CvMMDCovarianceWithMux which uses emp cdf as mu
+ new wrappe CvMDist2 which by default uses model distribution as mu
+ CvMMDEstimator gains argument muDatOrMod = c("Dat","Mod") to distinguish two cases
+ moved code to .[old]CvMMDCovariance from 0distrModUtils.R to new file asCvMVarianceQtl.R

Modified: branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/NAMESPACE
--- branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/NAMESPACE	2018-08-05 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1242)
+++ branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/NAMESPACE	2018-08-05 15:55:36 UTC (rev 1243)
@@ -94,4 +94,5 @@
 export("L2LocationUnknownScaleFamily", "L2ScaleUnknownLocationFamily")
 export("meRes", "get.criterion.fct")
+       ".CvMMDCovariance", ".oldCvMMDCovariance", ".CvMMDCovarianceWithMux")

Modified: branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/0distrModUtils.R
--- branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/0distrModUtils.R	2018-08-05 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1242)
+++ branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/0distrModUtils.R	2018-08-05 15:55:36 UTC (rev 1243)
@@ -90,318 +90,6 @@
-.CvMMDCovariance<- function(L2Fam, param, mu = distribution(L2Fam),  
-                            withplot = FALSE, withpreIC = FALSE,
-                            N = getdistrOption("DefaultNrGridPoints")+1,
-                            rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3, 
-                            TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"), 
-                            IQR.fac = 15, 
-                            ...){
-   # preparations:
-   N1 <- 2*N+1
-   odd <- (1:N1)%%2==1
-   param0 <- L2Fam at param
-   dim0 <- dimension(param0)
-#   print(param0)
-   paramP <- param0
-   paramP at main <- main(param)
-   paramP at trafo <- diag(dim0)
-#   print(paramP)
-   L2Fam <- modifyModel(L2Fam, paramP)
-#   print(L2deriv(L2Fam)[[1]]@Map)
-   distr <- L2Fam at distribution
-   ### get a sensible integration range:
-   low0 <- q.l(distr)(TruncQuantile)
-   up0 <- q.l(distr)(TruncQuantile, lower.tail = FALSE)
-   m0 <- median(distr); s0 <- IQR(distr)
-   low1 <- m0 - IQR.fac * s0
-   up1  <- m0 + IQR.fac * s0
-   low <- max(low0,low1); up <- min(up0,up1)
-   ### get a sensible integration range:
-   if(missing(mu)) mu <- distr
-   low0.mu <- q.l(mu)(TruncQuantile)
-   up0.mu <- q.l(mu)(TruncQuantile, lower.tail = FALSE)
-   m0.mu <- median(mu); s0.mu <- IQR(mu)
-   low1.mu <- m0.mu - IQR.fac * s0.mu
-   up1.mu  <- m0.mu + IQR.fac * s0.mu
-   low.mu <- max(low0.mu,low1.mu); up.mu <- min(up0.mu,up1.mu)
-   if(is(distr,"DiscreteDistribution"))
-       x.seq <-support(distr)
-   else
-       {if(is(distr,"AbscontDistribution")){
-           x.seq0 <- seq(low, up, length = N1)
-           h0 <- diff(x.seq0[2:1])
-           x.seq <- x.seq0[odd]
-          }else{ 
-           x.seq <- seq(low,up, length = N)
-          }
-       }
-   if(is(mu,"DiscreteDistribution"))
-       x.mu.seq <- support(mu)
-   else
-       {if(is(mu,"AbscontDistribution")){
-           x.mu.seq0 <- seq(low.mu, up.mu, length = N1)
-           h0.mu <- diff(x.mu.seq0[2:1])
-           x.mu.seq <- x.mu.seq0[odd]
-          }else{ 
-           x.mu.seq <- seq(low.mu, up.mu, length = N)
-          }
-       }
-   L2deriv <- L2deriv(L2Fam)[[1]]
-#   y.seq <- sapply(x.seq, function(x) evalRandVar(L2deriv, x))
-#   plot(x.seq[!is.na(y.seq)],y.seq ,type="l")
-   ## are we working with a one-dim L2deriv or not?
-   onedim <- (length(L2deriv at Map)==1)
-   if(onedim){
-   ## one-dim case
-   ## Delta, formula (56), p. 133 [Ri:94]
-   ##        Ptheta- primitive function for Lambda
-   if(is(distr,"AbscontDistribution")){
-      Delta0x <- sapply(x.seq0, function(x) 
-                                evalRandVar(L2deriv, x)) * 
-                 d(distr)(x.seq0)
-      Delta0 <-  h0*.csimpsum(Delta0x)   
-   }else{
-      L2x  <- function(x,y)  (x<=y)*evalRandVar(L2deriv, x)
-      Delta0 <- sapply(x.seq, function(Y){ fct <- function(x) L2x(x,y=Y)
-                                        return(E(object=distr, fun = fct))})
-   }
- #  print(Delta0)
-   Delta1 <- approxfun(x.seq, Delta0, yleft = 0, yright = 0)
-   if(is(distr,"DiscreteDistribution"))         
-      Delta <- function(x) Delta1(x) * (x %in% support(distr))
-   else  Delta <- function(x) Delta1(x)
- #  print(Delta(x.seq))
- #  print(Delta(rnorm(100)))
-   ## J = Var_Ptheta Delta
-   J1 <- E(object=distr, fun = Delta)
-#   print(J1)
-   Delta.0 <- function(x) Delta(x) - J1
- #  print(Delta.0(x.seq))
- #  print(Delta.0(r(distr)(100))^2)
-   #J <- distrExIntegrate(function(x) d(distr)(x)*Delta.0(x)^2, lower=low, upper=up)
-   J <- E(object=distr, fun = function(x) Delta.0(x)^2 )
-#   print(J)
-   ### CvM-IC phi
-   phi <- function(x) Delta.0(x)/J
-   ## integrand phi x Ptheta in formula (51) [ibid]
-   phi1 <- function(x) phi(x) * p(distr)(x)
-   psi1 <- E(object = mu, fun = phi1)
-   ## obtaining IC psi  (formula (51))
-   if(is(mu,"AbscontDistribution")){
-      phix <- function(x) phi(x)*d(mu)(x)
-      psi0x <- sapply(rev(x.mu.seq0), phix)
-      psi0 <-  h0.mu*rev(.csimpsum(psi0x))   
-   }else{
-      phixy  <- function(x,y)  (x<=y)*phi(y)
-      psi0 <- sapply(x.mu.seq, function(X){ fct <- function(y) phixy(x=X,y=y)
-                                        return(E(object=mu, fun = fct))})
-   }
- #  print(psi0)
-   psi.1 <- approxfun(x.mu.seq, psi0, yleft = 0, yright = rev(psi0)[1])
-   if(is(distr,"DiscreteDistribution"))
-         psi <- function(x) (psi.1(x)-psi1) * (x %in% support(mu))
-   else  psi <- function(x) psi.1(x)-psi1
-   E2 <- E(object=distr, fun = function(x) psi(x)^2)
-   L2deriv <- L2Fam at L2deriv[[1]]
-   ## E2 = Cov_mu (psi)
-#   ### control: centering & standardization
-   E1 <- E(object=distr, fun = psi )
-   E3 <- E(object=distr, fun = function(x) psi(x)*evalRandVar(L2deriv, x))
-   psi.0 <- function(x) psi(x) - E1
-   psi.01 <- function(x) psi.0(x)/E3
-   if(withplot)
-       { dev.new() #windows()
-         plot(x.seq, psi.01(x.seq),
-                     type = if(is(distr,"DiscreteDistribution")) "p" else "l")
-       }
-   E4 <- E(object=distr, fun = function(x) psi.01(x)^2)
-   psi.01 <- EuclRandVariable(Map = list(psi.01), Domain = Reals())
-#   print(list(E2,E4,E2-E4))
-      }else{
-   ## multivariate case
-   Dim <- length(evalRandVar(L2deriv, 1))
-   ## Delta, formula (56), p. 133 [Ri:94]
-   ##        Ptheta- primitive function for Lambda
-   Map.Delta <- vector("list",Dim)
-  # print("HLL")
-  # print(x.seq0)
-   for(i in 1:Dim)
-       { if(is(distr,"AbscontDistribution")){
-            #print(L2deriv at Map[[i]])
-            fct0 <- sapply(x.seq0, L2deriv at Map[[i]]) * 
-                           d(distr)(x.seq0)
-            #print(fct0)
-            Delta0 <-  h0*.csimpsum(fct0)   
-         }else{
-            fct0 <- function(x,y) L2deriv at Map[[i]](x)*(x<=y)
-            Delta0 <- sapply(x.seq, function(Y){ fct <- function(x) fct0(x,y=Y)
-                                            return(E(object=distr, fun = fct))})
-         }         
-         #print(Delta0)
-         Delta1 <- approxfun(x.seq, Delta0, yleft = 0, yright = 0)
-         if(is(distr,"DiscreteDistribution"))
-               Delta <- function(x) Delta1(x) * (x %in% support(distr))
-         else  Delta <- function(x) Delta1(x)
-         Map.Delta[[i]] <- Delta
-         env.i <- environment(Map.Delta[[i]]) <- new.env()
-         assign("i", i, envir=env.i)
-         assign("fct", fct, envir=env.i)
-         assign("fct0", fct0, envir=env.i)
-         assign("Delta", Delta, envir=env.i)
-         assign("Delta0", Delta0, envir=env.i)
-         assign("Delta1", Delta1, envir=env.i)
-         if(withplot){ 
-           dev.new()
-           #windows()
-           plot(x.seq, sapply(x.seq,Map.Delta[[i]]),
-                     type = if(is(distr,"DiscreteDistribution")) "p" else "l")
-         }
-   }
-   Delta <-  EuclRandVariable(Map = Map.Delta, Domain = Reals())
-   ## J = Var_Ptheta Delta
-   J1 <- E(object=distr, fun = Delta)
-   Delta.0 <- Delta - J1
-   J <- E(object=distr, fun = Delta.0 %*%t(Delta.0))
-   ### CvM-IC phi
-   phi <- as(solve(J)%*%Delta.0,"EuclRandVariable")
-   ## integrand phi x Ptheta in formula (51) [ibid]
-   Map.phi1 <- vector("list",Dim)
-   for(i in 1:Dim)
-       { Map.phi1[[i]] <- function(x) evalRandVar(phi,x)[i] * p(distr)(x)
-         env.i <- environment(Map.phi1[[i]]) <- new.env()
-         assign("i", i, envir=env.i)
-         }
-   phi1 <- EuclRandVariable(Map = Map.phi1, Domain = Reals())
-   psi1 <- E(object=mu, fun = phi1)
-   ## obtaining IC psi  (formula (51))
-   Map.psi <- vector("list",Dim)
-   for(i in 1:Dim)
-     { if(is(mu,"AbscontDistribution")){
-            fct01 <- function(x) phi at Map[[i]](x)*d(mu)(x)
-            fct0 <-  sapply(rev(x.mu.seq0),fct01)
-            phi0 <-  h0.mu*rev(.csimpsum(fct0))   
-       }else{
-            fct01 <- NULL
-            fct0 <- function(x,y) evalRandVar(phi, y)[i]*(x<=y)
-            phi0 <- sapply(x.mu.seq, 
-                           function(X){ 
-                               fct <- function(y) fct0(x = X, y)
-                               return(E(object = mu, fun = fct))
-                               })
-       }
-       phi0a <- approxfun(x.mu.seq, phi0, yleft = 0, yright = rev(phi0)[1])
-       env.i <- environment(phi1) <- new.env()
-       assign("i", i, envir=env.i)
-       if(is(distr,"DiscreteDistribution"))
-             psi0 <- function(x) phi0a(x) * (x %in% support(mu))
-       else  psi0 <- function(x) phi0a(x)
-       Map.psi[[i]] <- psi0
-       env.i <- environment(Map.psi[[i]]) <- new.env()
-       assign("i", i, envir=env.i)
-       assign("fct", fct, envir=env.i)
-       assign("fct0", fct0, envir=env.i)
-       assign("psi0", psi0, envir=env.i)
-       assign("phi0a", phi0a, envir=env.i)
-       assign("phi0", phi0, envir=env.i)
-    }
-   psi <-  EuclRandVariable(Map = Map.psi, Domain = Reals())
-   E2 <- E(object=distr, fun = psi %*%t(psi))   
-   ## E2 = Cov_mu (psi)
-   ### control: centering & standardization
-   L2deriv <- L2Fam at L2deriv[[1]]
-   E1 <- E(object=distr, fun = psi )
-   E3 <- E(object=distr, fun = psi %*%t(L2deriv))
-   psi.0 <- psi - E1
-   psi.01 <- as(solve(E3)%*%psi.0,"EuclRandVariable")
-   if(withplot)
-      { for(i in 1:Dim)
-         { dev.new()
-           plot(x.mu.seq, sapply(x.mu.seq,psi.01 at Map[[i]]),
-                     type = if(is(distr,"DiscreteDistribution")) "p" else "l")
-         }}
-   E4 <- E(object=distr, fun = psi.01 %*%t(psi.01))
-   }
-  E4 <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(E4)
-  psi <-  EuclRandVarList(psi.01)
-  nms <- names(c(main(param(L2Fam)),nuisance(param(L2Fam))))
-  dimnames(E4) = list(nms,nms)
-  if(withpreIC) return(list(preIC=psi, Var=E4))
-  else return(E4)
-### examples:
-P0 <- PoisFamily();.CvMMDCovariance(P0,par=ParamFamParameter("lambda",1), withplot=TRUE)
-B0 <- BinomFamily(size=8, prob=0.3);.CvMMDCovariance(B0,par=ParamFamParameter("",.3), withplot=TRUE)
-N0 <- NormLocationFamily();.CvMMDCovariance(N0,par=ParamFamParameter("",0), withplot=TRUE, N = 200)
-C0 <- L2LocationFamily(central=Cauchy());.CvMMDCovariance(C0,par=ParamFamParameter("",0), withplot=TRUE, N = 200)
-N1 <- NormScaleFamily(); re=.CvMMDCovariance(N1,par=ParamFamParameter("",1), withICwithplot=TRUE, N = 200)
-NS <- NormLocationScaleFamily();paramP <- ParamFamParameter(name = "locscale", main = c("loc"=0,"scale"=1),trafo = diag(2));
-      .CvMMDCovariance(NS,par=paramP, withplot=TRUE, N = 100)
-cls <- CauchyLocationScaleFamily();.CvMMDCovariance(cls,par=ParamFamParameter("",0:1), withplot=TRUE, N = 200)
-Els <- L2LocationScaleFamily(loc = 0, scale = 1,
-                  name = "Laplace Location and scale family",
-                  centraldistribution = DExp(),
-                  LogDeriv = function(x)  sign(x),
-                  FisherInfo = diag(2),
-                  trafo = diag(2))
-.CvMMDCovariance(Els,par=ParamFamParameter("",0:1), withplot=TRUE, N = 100)
-system.time(print(.CvMMDCovariance(N0,par=ParamFamParameter("",0), N = 100)))
-system.time(print(.CvMMDCovariance(C0,par=ParamFamParameter("",0), N = 100)))
-system.time(print(.CvMMDCovariance(N1,par=ParamFamParameter("",1), N = 100)))
-system.time(print(.CvMMDCovariance(NS,par=paramP, N = 100)))
-system.time(print(.CvMMDCovariance(cls,par=ParamFamParameter("",0:1), N = 100)))
-system.time(print(.CvMMDCovariance(Els,par=ParamFamParameter("",0:1), N = 100)))
 #### utilities copied from package distr v.2.6  svn-rev 943

Modified: branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/MCEstimator.R
--- branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/MCEstimator.R	2018-08-05 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1242)
+++ branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/MCEstimator.R	2018-08-05 15:55:36 UTC (rev 1243)
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
     if(!is.null(asv))   argList <- c(argList, asvar.fct = asv)
     if(!is.null(dots))  argList <- c(argList, dots)
+    argList <- c(argList, x = x)
     ## digesting the results of mceCalc
     res <- do.call(.process.meCalcRes, argList)

Modified: branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/MDEstimator.R
--- branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/MDEstimator.R	2018-08-05 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1242)
+++ branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/MDEstimator.R	2018-08-05 15:55:36 UTC (rev 1243)
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
     if(!is.null(dots))  argList <- c(argList, dots)
     if(!validity.check %in% names(argList))
        argList$validity.check <- TRUE
+    argList <- c(argList, x = x)
     ## digesting the results of mceCalc
     res <- do.call(.process.meCalcRes, argList)
@@ -60,16 +61,32 @@
-CvMMDEstimator <- function(x, ParamFamily, paramDepDist = FALSE,
+CvMMDEstimator <- function(x, ParamFamily, muDatOrMod = c("Dat","Mod"),
+                           paramDepDist = FALSE,
                            startPar = NULL, Infos,
                            trafo = NULL, penalty = 1e20,
                            validity.check = TRUE, asvar.fct = .CvMMDCovariance, 
                            na.rm = TRUE, ..., .withEvalAsVar = TRUE){
-  MDEstimator(x = x, ParamFamily = ParamFamily, distance = CvMDist,
+  muDatOrMod <- match.arg(muDatOrMod)
+  if(muDatOrMod=="Dat") {
+     distance0 <- CvMDist
+     estnsffx <- "(mu = emp. cdf)"
+     if(missing(asvar.fct)) asvar.fct <- .CvMMDCovarianceWithMux
+  }else{
+     distance0 <- CvMDist2
+     estnsffx <- "(mu = model distr.)"
+     if(missing(asvar.fct)) asvar.fct <- .CvMMDCovariance
+  }
+  res <- MDEstimator(x = x, ParamFamily = ParamFamily, distance = distance0,
               paramDepDist = paramDepDist, startPar = startPar,  Infos = Infos,
               trafo = trafo, penalty = penalty, validity.check = validity.check,
               asvar.fct = asvar.fct, na.rm = na.rm,
               ..., .withEvalAsVar = .withEvalAsVar)
+  res at name <- paste("Minimum CvM distance estimate", estnsffx)
+  res at estimate.call <- match.call()
+  return(res)
 KolmogorovMDEstimator <- function(x, ParamFamily, paramDepDist = FALSE,
@@ -77,11 +94,13 @@
                            trafo = NULL, penalty = 1e20,
                            validity.check = TRUE, asvar.fct, na.rm = TRUE, ...,
                            .withEvalAsVar = TRUE){
-  MDEstimator(x = x, ParamFamily = ParamFamily, distance = KolmogorovDist,
+  res <- MDEstimator(x = x, ParamFamily = ParamFamily, distance = KolmogorovDist,
               paramDepDist = paramDepDist, startPar = startPar,  Infos = Infos,
               trafo = trafo, penalty = penalty, validity.check = validity.check,
               asvar.fct = asvar.fct, na.rm = na.rm,
               ..., .withEvalAsVar = .withEvalAsVar)
+  res at estimate.call <- match.call()
+  return(res)
 TotalVarMDEstimator <- function(x, ParamFamily, paramDepDist = FALSE,
@@ -89,11 +108,13 @@
                            trafo = NULL, penalty = 1e20,
                            validity.check = TRUE, asvar.fct, na.rm = TRUE, ...,
                            .withEvalAsVar = TRUE){
-  MDEstimator(x = x, ParamFamily = ParamFamily, distance = TotalVarDist,
+  res <- MDEstimator(x = x, ParamFamily = ParamFamily, distance = TotalVarDist,
               paramDepDist = paramDepDist, startPar = startPar,  Infos = Infos,
               trafo = trafo, penalty = penalty, validity.check = validity.check,
               asvar.fct = asvar.fct, na.rm = na.rm,
               ..., .withEvalAsVar = .withEvalAsVar)
+  res at estimate.call <- match.call()
+  return(res)
 HellingerMDEstimator <- function(x, ParamFamily, paramDepDist = FALSE,
@@ -101,10 +122,12 @@
                            trafo = NULL, penalty = 1e20,
                            validity.check = TRUE, asvar.fct, na.rm = TRUE, ...,
                            .withEvalAsVar = TRUE){
-  MDEstimator(x = x, ParamFamily = ParamFamily, distance = HellingerDist,
+  res <- MDEstimator(x = x, ParamFamily = ParamFamily, distance = HellingerDist,
               paramDepDist = paramDepDist, startPar = startPar,  Infos = Infos,
               trafo = trafo, penalty = penalty, validity.check = validity.check,
               asvar.fct = asvar.fct, na.rm = na.rm,
               ..., .withEvalAsVar = .withEvalAsVar)
+  res at estimate.call <- match.call()
+  return(res)

Modified: branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/MLEstimator.R
--- branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/MLEstimator.R	2018-08-05 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1242)
+++ branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/MLEstimator.R	2018-08-05 15:55:36 UTC (rev 1243)
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
     if(!is.null(asv))   argList <- c(argList, asvar.fct = asv)
     if(!is.null(dots))  argList <- c(argList, dots)
+    argList <- c(argList, x = x)
     ## digesting the results of mceCalc
     res <- do.call(what = ".process.meCalcRes", args = argList)

Modified: branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/SimpleL2ParamFamilies.R
--- branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/SimpleL2ParamFamilies.R	2018-08-05 15:52:18 UTC (rev 1242)
+++ branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/SimpleL2ParamFamilies.R	2018-08-05 15:55:36 UTC (rev 1243)
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
                    prob.0 <- main(param)
                    fct <- function(x){}
                    body(fct) <- substitute({ (x-size*prob.1)/(prob.1*(1-prob.1)) },
-                                list(size = size, prob.0 = prob.1))
+                                list(size = size, prob.1 = prob.0))
     L2derivSymm <- FunSymmList(OddSymmetric(SymmCenter = size*prob))
     L2derivDistr <- UnivarDistrList((distribution - size*prob)/(prob*(1-prob)))
@@ -45,7 +45,7 @@
     FisherInfo <- FisherInfo.fct(param.0)
     res <- L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution, 
-        distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, modifyParam = modifyParam,
+        distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param.0, modifyParam = modifyParam,
         props = props, L2deriv.fct = L2deriv.fct, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
         L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
         FisherInfo.fct = FisherInfo.fct, FisherInfo = FisherInfo,
@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
     FisherInfo <- FisherInfo.fct(param.0)
     res <- L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution, 
-        distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, modifyParam = modifyParam,
+        distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param.0, modifyParam = modifyParam,
         props = props, L2deriv.fct = L2deriv.fct, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
         L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
         FisherInfo.fct = FisherInfo.fct, FisherInfo = FisherInfo,
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
     FisherInfo <- FisherInfo.fct(param.0)
     res <- L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution, 
-        distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, modifyParam = modifyParam,
+        distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param.0, modifyParam = modifyParam,
         props = props, L2deriv.fct = L2deriv.fct, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
         L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
         FisherInfo.fct = FisherInfo.fct, FisherInfo = FisherInfo,
@@ -229,7 +229,7 @@
     FisherInfo <- FisherInfo.fct(param.0)
     res <- L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution, 
-        distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, modifyParam = modifyParam,
+        distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param.0, modifyParam = modifyParam,
         props = props, L2deriv.fct = L2deriv.fct, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
         L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
         FisherInfo.fct = FisherInfo.fct, FisherInfo = FisherInfo,
@@ -318,7 +318,7 @@
     FisherInfo <- FisherInfo.fct(param.0)
     res <- L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution, 
-        distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, modifyParam = modifyParam,
+        distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param.0, modifyParam = modifyParam,
         props = props, L2deriv.fct = L2deriv.fct, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
         L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
         FisherInfo.fct = FisherInfo.fct, FisherInfo = FisherInfo,
@@ -394,7 +394,7 @@
     L2Fam at name <- name
     L2Fam at distribution <- distribution
     L2Fam at distrSymm <- distrSymm
-    L2Fam at param <- param
+    L2Fam at param <- param.0
     L2Fam at modifyParam <- modifyParam
     L2Fam at props <- props
     L2Fam at L2deriv.fct <- L2deriv.fct
@@ -406,7 +406,7 @@
     L2Fam at startPar <- startPar
     L2Fam at makeOKPar <- makeOKPar
     L2Fam at scaleshapename <- c("scale"="scale","shape"="shape")
     L2deriv <- EuclRandVarList(RealRandVariable(L2deriv.fct(param.0),
                                Domain = Reals()))
@@ -427,7 +427,6 @@
-(G1 <- GammaFamily())
 ## Beta family   :: new  08/08 P.R.
@@ -483,7 +482,7 @@
     FisherInfo <- FisherInfo.fct(param.0)
     res <- L2ParamFamily(name = name, distribution = distribution, 
-        distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param, modifyParam = modifyParam,
+        distrSymm = distrSymm, param = param.0, modifyParam = modifyParam,
         props = props, L2deriv.fct = L2deriv.fct, L2derivSymm = L2derivSymm,
         L2derivDistr = L2derivDistr, L2derivDistrSymm = L2derivDistrSymm,
         FisherInfo.fct = FisherInfo.fct, FisherInfo = FisherInfo,

Added: branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/asCvMVarianceQtl.R
--- branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/asCvMVarianceQtl.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ branches/distr-2.8/pkg/distrMod/R/asCvMVarianceQtl.R	2018-08-05 15:55:36 UTC (rev 1243)
@@ -0,0 +1,780 @@
+.CvMMDCovarianceWithMux <- function(L2Fam, param, withplot = FALSE, withpreIC = FALSE,
+                            N = 400, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3,
+                            TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"),
+                            IQR.fac = 15, ..., x=NULL){
+   mu <- distribution(L2Fam)
+   if(!is.null(x)) mu <- DiscreteDistribution(x)
+   .CvMMDCovariance(L2Fam=L2Fam, param=param, mu=mu,
+                    withplot = withplot, withpreIC = withpreIC,
+                    N = N, rel.tol=rel.tol, TruncQuantile = TruncQuantile,
+                    IQR.fac = IQR.fac, ...)
+CvMDist2 <- function(e1,e2,... ) CvMDist(e1, e2, mu = e2, ...)
+### 20180805: new function to compute asCov of CvM-MDE
+#             which for the primitive functions uses integration on [0,1]
+#             via quantile transformation
+.CvMMDCovariance<- function(L2Fam, param, mu = distribution(L2Fam),
+                            withplot = FALSE, withpreIC = FALSE,
+                            N = 400, rel.tol=.Machine$double.eps^0.3,
+                            TruncQuantile = getdistrOption("TruncQuantile"),
+                            IQR.fac = 15,
+                            ...){
+   # preparations:
+   dotsInt <- list(...)
+   dotsInt[["f"]] <- NULL
+   dotsInt[["lower"]] <- NULL
+   dotsInt[["upper"]] <- NULL
+   dotsInt[["stop.on.error"]] <- NULL
+   dotsInt[["distr"]] <- NULL
+   N.1 <- round(0.2*N)
+   N.3 <- N.1
+   N.2 <- N-N.1-N.3
+   N1 <- 2*N+1
+   N1.1 <- 2*N.1+1
+   N1.2 <- 2*N.2+1
+   N1.3 <- 2*N.3+1
+   odd   <- (1:N1)%%2==1
+   odd.1 <- (1:N1.1)%%2==1
+   odd.2 <- (1:N1.2)%%2==1
+   odd.3 <- (1:N1.3)%%2==1
+   param0 <- L2Fam at param
+   dim0 <- dimension(param0)
+   paramP <- param0
+   paramP at main <- main(param)
+   paramP at trafo <- diag(dim0)
+   L2Fam <- modifyModel(L2Fam, paramP)
+   distr <- L2Fam at distribution
+   ### get a sensible integration range:
+   low <- TruncQuantile
+   up <- 1-TruncQuantile
+   if(is(distr,"DiscreteDistribution"))
+       x.seq <-support(distr)
+   else
+       {if(is(distr,"AbscontDistribution")){
+           ## split up the integration range into
+           # .1 = lower tail, .2 mid range, .3 upper tail
+           x.seq0 <- seq(0, 1, length = N1)
+           h0 <- diff(x.seq0[1:2])
+           x.seq0.1 <- seq(0, 1, length = N1.1)
+           h0.1 <- diff(x.seq0.1[1:2])
+           x.seq0.2 <- seq(0, 1, length = N1.2)
+           h0.2 <- diff(x.seq0.2[1:2])
+           x.seq <- x.seq0[odd]
+           x.seq.1 <- low+(1-low)*x.seq0.1/100
+           x.seq.3 <- 1-rev(x.seq.1)
+           x.seq.la <- rev(x.seq.1)[1]
+           del <- 1-2*(x.seq.la+(h0.1/100+h0.2)/2)
+           x.seq.2l <- x.seq.la+(h0.1/100+h0.2)/2+del*x.seq0.2
+           x.seq.2r <- 1-rev(x.seq.2l)
+           x.seq.2 <- (x.seq.2l+x.seq.2r)/2
+           x.seq.a <- c(x.seq.1[odd.1],x.seq.2[odd.2],x.seq.3[odd.3])
+#           x.seq.b <- c(x.seq.1,x.seq.2,x.seq.3)
+#           iN.1 <- 1:N1.1
+#           iN.2 <- N1.1+(1:N1.2)
+#           iN.3 <- N1.1+N1.2+(1:N1.3)
+#           riN.3 <- 1:N1.3
+#           riN.2 <- N1.3+1:N1.2
+#           riN.1 <- N1.3+N1.2+1:N1.1
+          }else{
+           x.seq <- seq(low,up, length = N)
+          }
+       }
+   if(is(mu,"DiscreteDistribution"))
+       x.mu.seq <- support(mu)
+   else
+       {if(is(mu,"AbscontDistribution")){
+           x.mu.seq0 <- x.seq0
+           h0.mu <- h0
+           x.mu.seq <- x.seq
+           x.mu.seq.1 <- x.seq.1
+           x.mu.seq.2 <- x.seq.2
+           x.mu.seq.3 <- x.seq.3
+           x.mu.seq.a <- x.seq.a
+#           x.mu.seq.b <- x.seq.b
+#           iN.mu.1 <- iN.1
+#           iN.mu.2 <- iN.2
+#           iN.mu.3 <- iN.3
+#           riN.mu.1 <- riN.1
+#           riN.mu.2 <- riN.2
+#           riN.mu.3 <- riN.3
+          }else{
+           x.mu.seq <- seq(low, up, length = N)
+          }
+       }
+   L2deriv.0 <- L2deriv(L2Fam)[[1]]
+#   y.seq <- sapply(x.seq, function(x) evalRandVar(L2deriv, x))
+#   plot(x.seq[!is.na(y.seq)],y.seq ,type="l")
+   ## are we working with a one-dim L2deriv or not?
+   onedim <- (length(L2deriv.0 at Map)==1)
+   myint <- function(f,...){
+      distrExIntegrate(f=f, lower=0, upper=1,
+                       stop.on.error=FALSE, distr=Unif(), ...)
+   }
+   if(onedim){
+   ## one-dim case
+   ## Delta, formula (56), p. 133 [Ri:94]
+   ##        Ptheta- primitive function for Lambda
+   if(is(distr,"AbscontDistribution")){
+      fqx <- function(x){qx <- q.l(distr)(x)
+                         return(sapply(qx,function(y)evalRandVar(L2deriv.0, y)))
+                        }
+      #Delta0x  <- sapply(x.seq.b,fqx)
+      #Delta0x.1 <- Delta0x[iN.1]
+      #Delta0x.2 <- Delta0x[iN.2]
+      #Delta0x.3 <- Delta0x[iN.3]
+      Delta0x.1 <- sapply(x.seq.1,fqx)
+      Delta0x.2 <- sapply(x.seq.2,fqx)
+      Delta0x.3 <- sapply(x.seq.3,fqx)
+      Delta0.1 <-  h0/100*.csimpsum(Delta0x.1)
+      Delta0.2 <-  rev(Delta0.1)[1]+h0*.csimpsum(Delta0x.2)
+      Delta0.3 <-  rev(Delta0.2)[1]+h0/100*.csimpsum(Delta0x.3)
+      Delta0 <- c(Delta0.1,Delta0.2,Delta0.3)
+      Delta1.q <- approxfun(x.seq.a, Delta0, yleft = 0, yright = 0)
+      J1 <- do.call(myint, c(list(f=Delta1.q), dotsInt))
+      Delta.0 <- function(x) Delta1.q(p(distr)(x))-J1
+      J <- do.call(myint, c(list(f=function(x) (Delta1.q(x)-J1)^2),dotsInt))
+  }else{
+      L2x  <- function(x,y)  (x<=y)*evalRandVar(L2deriv.0, x)
+      Delta0 <- sapply(x.seq, function(Y){ fct <- function(x) L2x(x,y=Y)
+                                        return(E(object=distr, fun = fct))})
+      Delta1 <- approxfun(x.seq, Delta0, yleft = 0, yright = 0)
+      Delta <- Delta1
+      if(is(distr,"DiscreteDistribution"))
+         Delta <- function(x) Delta1(x) * (x %in% support(distr))
+      J1 <- E(object=distr, fun = Delta)
+      Delta.0 <- function(x) Delta(x) - J1
+      J <- E(object=distr, fun = function(x) Delta.0(x)^2 )
+   }
+   ### CvM-IC phi
+   phi <- function(x) Delta.0(x)/J
+   ## obtaining IC psi  (formula (51))
+   if(is(mu,"AbscontDistribution")){
+   ## integrand phi x Ptheta in formula (51) [ibid]
+      phi1.q <- function(s){qs <- q.l(mu)(s)
+                            return(phi(qs)*p(distr)(qs)) }
+      psi1 <- do.call(myint, c(list(f=phi1.q),dotsInt))
+      phiqx <- function(x){qx <- q.l(mu)(x)
+                          return(phi(qx))}
+      #psi0qx <- sapply(rev(x.mu.seq.b), phiqx)
+      #psi0qx.1 <- psi0qx[riN.mu.1]
+      #psi0qx.2 <- psi0qx[riN.mu.2]
+      #psi0qx.3 <- psi0qx[riN.mu.3]
+      psi0qx.1 <- sapply(rev(x.mu.seq.1), phiqx)
+      psi0qx.2 <- sapply(rev(x.mu.seq.2), phiqx)
+      psi0qx.3 <- sapply(rev(x.mu.seq.3), phiqx)
+      psi0q.3 <-  h0.mu/100*rev(.csimpsum(psi0qx.3))
+      psi0q.2 <- psi0q.3[1]+h0.mu*rev(.csimpsum(psi0qx.2))
+      psi0q.1 <- psi0q.2[1]+h0.mu/100*rev(.csimpsum(psi0qx.1))
+      psi0q <-  c(psi0q.1,psi0q.2,psi0q.3)
+      psi.q1 <- approxfun(x.mu.seq.a, psi0q, yleft = 0, yright = rev(psi0q)[1])
+      psi <- function(x) psi.q1(p(mu)(x))-psi1
+   }else{
+   ## integrand phi x Ptheta in formula (51) [ibid]
+      phi1 <- function(x) phi(x) * p(distr)(x)
+      psi1 <- E(object = mu, fun = phi1)
+      phixy  <- function(x,y)  (x<=y)*phi(y)
+      psi0 <- sapply(x.mu.seq, function(X){ fct <- function(y) phixy(x=X,y=y)
+                                        return(E(object=mu, fun = fct))})
+      psi.1 <- approxfun(x.mu.seq, psi0, yleft = 0, yright = rev(psi0)[1])
+      psi <- function(x) psi.1(x)-psi1
+      if(is(distr,"DiscreteDistribution"))
+            psi <- function(x) (psi.1(x)-psi1) * (x %in% support(mu))
+   }
+ #  print(psi0)
+   if(is(distr,"AbscontDistribution")){
+      psi.q <- function(x){qx <- q.l(distr)(x); return(psi(qx))}
+      E2 <- do.call(myint, c(list(f=function(x)psi.q(x)^2),dotsInt))
+      E1 <- do.call(myint, c(list(f=psi.q),dotsInt))
+      E3 <- do.call(myint, c(list(f=function(x){
+                                     qx <- q.l(distr)(x)
+                                     L2qx <- sapply(qx,function(y)
+                                                    evalRandVar(L2deriv.0, y))
+                                     return(psi(qx)*L2qx)
+                                    }), dotsInt))
+      psi.01 <- function(x) (psi(x)-E1)/E3
+      E4 <- do.call(myint, c(list(f=function(x) (psi.q(x)-E1)^2/E3^2),dotsInt))
+  }else{
+      E2 <- E(object=distr, fun = function(x) psi(x)^2)
+      L2x  <- function(x,y)  (x<=y)*evalRandVar(L2deriv.0, x)
+      E1 <- E(object=distr, fun = psi )
+      E3 <- E(object=distr, fun = function(x) psi(x)*evalRandVar(L2deriv.0, x))
+      psi.0 <- function(x) psi(x) - E1
+      psi.01 <- function(x) psi.0(x)/E3
+      E4 <- E(object=distr, fun = function(x) psi.01(x)^2)
+   }
+   ## E2 = Cov_mu (psi)
+#   ### control: centering & standardization
+   if(withplot)
+       { dev.new() #windows()
+         x0.seq <- x.seq
+         if(is(distr,"AbscontDistribution")) x0.seq <- q.l(distr)(x.seq)
+         plot(x0.seq, psi.01(x0.seq),
+                     type = if(is(distr,"DiscreteDistribution")) "p" else "l")
+       }
+   psi.01 <- EuclRandVariable(Map = list(psi.01), Domain = Reals())
+      }else{
+   ## multivariate case
+   Dim <- length(evalRandVar(L2deriv.0, 1))
+   ## Delta, formula (56), p. 133 [Ri:94]
+   ##        Ptheta- primitive function for Lambda
+   Map.Delta <- vector("list",Dim)
+   for(i in 1:Dim)
+       { if(is(distr,"AbscontDistribution")){
+            #fct0.q <- sapply(x.seq.b, function(x){qx <- q.l(distr)(x); return(L2deriv.0 at Map[[i]](qx))})
+            #fct0.q1 <- fct0.q[iN.1]
+            #fct0.q2 <- fct0.q[iN.2]
+            #fct0.q3 <- fct0.q[iN.3]
+            fct0.q1 <- sapply(x.seq.1, function(x){qx <- q.l(distr)(x); return(L2deriv.0 at Map[[i]](qx))})
+            fct0.q2 <- sapply(x.seq.2, function(x){qx <- q.l(distr)(x); return(L2deriv.0 at Map[[i]](qx))})
+            fct0.q3 <- sapply(x.seq.3, function(x){qx <- q.l(distr)(x); return(L2deriv.0 at Map[[i]](qx))})
+            #print(fct0)
+            Delta0.q1 <-  h0/100*.csimpsum(fct0.q1)
+            Delta0.q2 <-  rev(Delta0.q1)[1]+h0*.csimpsum(fct0.q2)
+            Delta0.q3 <-  rev(Delta0.q2)[1]+h0/100*.csimpsum(fct0.q3)
+            Delta0.q <- c(Delta0.q1,Delta0.q2,Delta0.q3)
+            Delta1.q <- approxfun(x.seq.a, Delta0.q, yleft = 0, yright = 0)
+            Delta <- function(x) Delta1.q(p(distr)(x))
+            Map.Delta[[i]] <- Delta
+            env.i <- environment(Map.Delta[[i]]) <- new.env()

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/distr -r 1243

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