[Distr-commits] r580 - branches/distr-2.2/pkg

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Thu Sep 10 02:12:18 CEST 2009

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2009-09-10 02:12:13 +0200 (Thu, 10 Sep 2009)
New Revision: 580

updated proposal for qqplot

Modified: branches/distr-2.2/pkg/qqplot.R
--- branches/distr-2.2/pkg/qqplot.R	2009-09-09 12:37:59 UTC (rev 579)
+++ branches/distr-2.2/pkg/qqplot.R	2009-09-10 00:12:13 UTC (rev 580)
@@ -22,39 +22,139 @@
 ## into distr
-## helper
+## helpers
+.q2kolmogorov <- function(alpha,n,exact=(n<100)){ ## Kolmogorovstat
+ if(exact){
+ fct <- function(p0){
+ ### from ks.test from package stats:
+    .C("pkolmogorov2x", p = as.double(p0),
+       as.integer(n), PACKAGE = "stats")$p -alpha
+  }
+ res <- uniroot(fct,lower=0,upper=1)$root*sqrt(n)
+ }else{
+ ### from ks.test from package stats:
+ pkstwo <- function(x, tol = 1e-06) {
+        if (is.numeric(x))
+            x <- as.vector(x)
+        else stop("argument 'x' must be numeric")
+        p <- rep(0, length(x))
+        p[is.na(x)] <- NA
+        IND <- which(!is.na(x) & (x > 0))
+        if (length(IND)) {
+            p[IND] <- .C("pkstwo", as.integer(length(x[IND])),
+                p = as.double(x[IND]), as.double(tol), PACKAGE = "stats")$p
+        }
+        return(p)
+    }
+ ###
+ fct <- function(p0){
+      1 - pkstwo(p0)-alpha  }
+ res <- uniroot(fct,lower=0,upper=sqrt(n))$root
+ }
+ return(res)
-.confqq <- function(p,D,alpha,col,lty,n){
-   x <- q(D)(p)
-   ppq <- sqrt(p*(1-p))
-   dp <- d(D)(x)
-   alphan <- alpha^(1/n)
-   qa <- qnorm((1+alphan)/2)
-   lines(x, x+qa*ppq/dp/sqrt(n), col=col,lty=lty)
-   lines(x, x-qa*ppq/dp/sqrt(n), col=col,lty=lty)
+.BinomCI <- function(p,n,alpha){
+  fct <- function(t,p1.bi){
+   pbinom(q = pmin(n*p1.bi+t*sqrt(n),n+1), size = n, prob = p1.bi) -
+   pbinom(q = pmax(n*p1.bi-t*sqrt(n),-1), size = n, prob = p1.bi)-alpha
+  }
+  sapply(p, function(p2) uniroot(fct, lower=0, upper=sqrt(n)+1,p1.bi=p2,tol=1e-9)$root)
+.confqq <- function(x,D,alpha,col.pCI,lty.pCI,lwd.pCI,col.sCI,lty.sCI,lwd.sCI,
+                    n,exact=(n<100)){
+   p <- p(D)(x)
+   c.crit <- .q2kolmogorov(alpha,n,exact)
+   c.crit.i <- .BinomCI(p,n,alpha)
+   lines(x, q(D)(pmin(p+c.crit.i/sqrt(n),1-1e-9)),
+         col=col.pCI,lty=lty.pCI,lwd=lwd.pCI)
+   lines(x, q(D)(pmax(p-c.crit.i/sqrt(n),0+1e-9)),
+         col=col.pCI,lty=lty.pCI,lwd=lwd.pCI)
+   lines(x, q(D)(pmin(p+c.crit/sqrt(n),1-1e-9)),
+         col=col.sCI,lty=lty.sCI,lwd=lwd.sCI)
+   lines(x, q(D)(pmax(p-c.crit/sqrt(n),0+1e-9)),
+         col=col.sCI,lty=lty.sCI,lwd=lwd.sCI)
+   legend("topleft", legend = eval(substitute(expression(
+      "pointw. exact"~alpha==alpha0~"%- conf. interval",
+      "simult."~ex0~alpha==alpha0~"%- conf. interval"#,
+      ),list(ex0=if(exact) "exact" else "asympt.",
+             alpha0=alpha*100))), lty=c(lty.pCI,lty.sCI), col=c(col.pCI,col.sCI),
+            lwd=2,cex=.8)
+.deleteItemsMCL <- function(mcl){
+    mcl$n <- NULL
+    mcl$col.IdL <- mcl$alpha.CI <- mcl$lty.IdL <- mcl$exact.sCI <- NULL
+    mcl$withConf <- mcl$withIdLine <- mcl$distance <- NULL
+    mcl$col.pCI <- mcl$lty.pCI <- mcl$col.sCI <- mcl$lty.sCI <- NULL
+    mcl$lwd.IdL <- mcl$lwd.pCI <- mcl$lwd.sCI <- NULL
+    mcl$withLab <- mcl$lab.pts <- mcl$which.lbs <- NULL
+    mcl$which.Order <- mcl$order.traf  <- NULL
+    mcl$col.pch <- mcl$cex.pch  <- NULL
+    mcl$col.lbl <- mcl$cex.lbl  <- NULL
+.labelprep <- function(x,y,lab.pts,which.lbs,which.Order,order.traf){
+      n <- length(x)
+      xys <- cbind(x,y[rank(x)])
+      if(is.null(which.lbs)) which.lbs <- 1:n
+      oN0 <- order(xys[,1],decreasing=TRUE)
+      if(!is.null(order.traf)){
+          oN0 <- order(order.traf(xys[,1]),decreasing=TRUE)
+      }
+      oN0b <- oN0 %in% which.lbs
+      oN0 <- oN0[oN0b]
+      oN <- oN0
+      if(!is.null(which.Order))
+          oN <- oN0[which.Order]
+      x0 <- xys[oN,1]
+      y0 <- xys[oN,2]
+      if(is.null(lab.pts)) lab.pts <- paste(oN)
+      else {lab.pts <-  rep(lab.pts, length.out=n)
+            lab.pts <- lab.pts[oN]}
+      return(list(x0=x0,y0=y0,lab=lab.pts))
 setMethod("qqplot", signature(x = "UnivariateDistribution",
                               y = "UnivariateDistribution"), function(x, y,
-                              n = 30, withIdLine = TRUE, withPwConf = TRUE,
+                              n = 30, withIdLine = TRUE, withConf = TRUE,
     plot.it = TRUE, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
     ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ...,
-    col.IdL = "red", lty.IdL = 2, alpha.IdL = .95){
+    col.IdL = "red", lty.IdL = 2, lwd.IdL = 2,
+    alpha.CI = .95, exact.sCI = (n<100),
+    col.pCI = "orange", lty.pCI = 3, lwd.pCI = 2,
+    col.sCI = "tomato2", lty.sCI = 4, lwd.sCI = 2,
+    cex.pch=par("cex"), col.pch = par("col")){
     mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
     if(missing(xlab)) mc$xlab <- as.character(deparse(mc$x))
     if(missing(ylab)) mc$ylab <- as.character(deparse(mc$y))
     mcl <- as.list(mc)[-1]
     pp <- ppoints(n)
     xc <- q(x)(pp)
     yc <- q(y)(pp)
     mcl$x <- xc
     mcl$y <- yc
-    mcl$n <- NULL
+    mcl <- .deleteItemsMCL(mcl)
+    mcl$cex <- cex.pch
+    mcl$col <- col.pch
     ret <- do.call(stats::qqplot, args=mcl)
-    if(withIdLine){
-       abline(0,1,col=col.IdL,lty=lty.IdL)
-       if(is(yD,"AbscontDistribution") && withPwConf){
+    if(withIdLine&& plot.it){
+       abline(0,1,col=col.IdL,lty=lty.IdL,lwd=lwd.IdL)
+       if(#is(y,"AbscontDistribution") &&
+       withConf){
           xy <- sort(c(xc,yc))
-          .confqq(p(yD)(xy),yD,alpha.IdL,col.IdL,lty.IdL,length(xy))
+          .confqq(xy, y, alpha.CI, col.pCI, lty.pCI, lwd.pCI,
+                      col.sCI, lty.sCI, lwd.sCI,
+                  length(xc), exact = exact.sCI)
@@ -63,25 +163,72 @@
 ## into distrMod
 setMethod("qqplot", signature(x = "ANY",
-                              y = "UnivariateDistribution"), function(x, y,
-                              n = 30, withIdLine = TRUE, withPwConf = TRUE,
-    plot.it = TRUE, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
-    ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ...,
-    col.IdL = "red", lty.IdL = 2, alpha.IdL = .95){
+                              y = "UnivariateDistribution"),
+    function(x,    ### observations
+             y,    ### distribution
+             n = length(x), ### number of points to be plotted
+             withIdLine = TRUE, ### shall line y=x be plotted in
+             withConf = TRUE,   ### shall confidence lines be plotted
+             plot.it = TRUE,    ### shall be plotted at all (inherited from stats::qqplot)
+             xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), ## x-label
+             ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ## y-label
+             ...,                 ## further parameters
+             withLab = TRUE,      ## shall observation labels be plotted in
+             lab.pts = NULL,      ## observation labels to be used
+             which.lbs = NULL,    ## which observations shall be labelled
+             which.Order = NULL,  ## which of the ordered (remaining) observations shall be labelled
+             order.traf = NULL,   ## an optional trafo; by which the observations are ordered (as order(trafo(obs))
+             col.IdL = "red",     ## color for the identity line
+             lty.IdL = 2,         ## line type for the identity line
+             lwd.IdL = 2,         ## line width for the identity line
+             alpha.CI = .95,      ## confidence level
+             exact.sCI = (n<100), ## shall simultaneous CIs be determined with exact kolmogorov distribution?
+             col.pCI = "orange",  ## color for the pointwise CI
+             lty.pCI = 3,         ## line type for the pointwise CI
+             lwd.pCI = 2,         ## line width for the pointwise CI
+             col.sCI = "tomato2", ## color for the simultaneous CI
+             lty.sCI = 4,         ## line type for the simultaneous CI
+             lwd.sCI = 2,         ## line width for the simultaneous CI
+             cex.pch = par("cex"),## magnification factor for the plotted symbols
+             col.pch = par("col"),## color for the plotted symbols
+             cex.lbl = par("cex"),## magnification factor for the plotted observation labels
+             col.lbl = par("col") ## color for the plotted observation labels
+    ){ ## return value as in stats::qqplot
     mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
     if(missing(xlab)) mc$xlab <- as.character(deparse(mc$x))
     if(missing(ylab)) mc$ylab <- as.character(deparse(mc$y))
     mcl <- as.list(mc)[-1]
     pp <- ppoints(n)
     yc <- q(y)(pp)
+    if(n!=length(x)) withLab <- FALSE
     mcl$y <- yc
-    mcl$n <- NULL
+    mcl <- .deleteItemsMCL(mcl)
+    mcl$cex <- cex.pch
+    mcl$col <- col.pch
     ret <- do.call(stats::qqplot, args=mcl)
-    if(withIdLine){
-       abline(0,1,col=col.IdL,lty=lty.IdL)
-       if(is(yD,"AbscontDistribution") && withPwConf){
+    if(withLab&& plot.it){
+      lbprep <- .labelprep(x,yc,lab.pts,which.lbs,which.Order,order.traf)
+       text(x = lbprep$x0, y = lbprep$y0, labels = lbprep$lab,
+            cex = cex.lbl, col = col.lbl)
+    }
+    if(withIdLine&& plot.it){
+       abline(0,1,col=col.IdL,lty=lty.IdL,lwd=lwd.IdL)
+       if(#is(y,"AbscontDistribution")&&
+       withConf){
           xy <- sort(c(x,yc))
-          .confqq(p(yD)(xy),yD,alpha.IdL,col.IdL,lty.IdL,length(xy))
+          .confqq(xy, y, alpha.CI, col.pCI, lty.pCI, lwd.pCI,
+                  col.sCI, lty.sCI, lwd.sCI,
+                  length(x), exact = exact.sCI)
@@ -90,32 +237,32 @@
 ## into distrMod
 setMethod("qqplot", signature(x = "ANY",
                               y = "ProbFamily"), function(x, y,
-                              n = 30, withIdLine = TRUE, withPwConf = TRUE,
+                              n = length(x), withIdLine = TRUE, withConf = TRUE,
     plot.it = TRUE, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
     ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ...,
-    col.IdL = "red", lty.IdL = 2, alpha.IdL = .95){
+    withLab = TRUE, lab.pts = NULL,
+    which.lbs = NULL, which.Order = NULL, order.traf = NULL,
+    col.IdL = "red", lty.IdL = 2, lwd.IdL = 2,
+    alpha.CI = .95, exact.sCI = (n<100),
+    col.pCI = "orange", lty.pCI = 3, lwd.pCI = 2,
+    col.sCI = "tomato2", lty.sCI = 4, lwd.sCI = 2,
+    cex.pch=par("cex"), col.pch = par("col"),
+    cex.lbl = par("cex"), col.lbl = par("col"),
+    cex.pch=par("cex"), col.pch = par("col"),
+    cex.lbl = par("cex"), col.lbl = par("col")
+    ){
     mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
     if(missing(xlab)) mc$xlab <- as.character(deparse(mc$x))
     if(missing(ylab)) mc$ylab <- as.character(deparse(mc$y))
     mcl <- as.list(mc)[-1]
-    pp <- ppoints(n)
-    yD <- y at distribution
+    mcl$y <- yD <- y at distribution
        stop("Not yet implemented.")
-    yc <- q(yD)(pp)
-    mcl$y <- yc
-    mcl$n <- NULL
-    ret <- do.call(stats::qqplot, args=mcl)
-    if(withIdLine){
-       abline(0,1,col=col.IdL,lty=lty.IdL)
-       if(is(yD,"AbscontDistribution") && withPwConf){
-          xy <- sort(c(x,yc))
-          .confqq(p(yD)(xy),yD,alpha.IdL,col.IdL,lty.IdL,length(xy))
-       }
-    }
-    return(ret)
+    return(do.call(getMethod("qqplot", signature(x="ANY", y="UnivariateDistribution")),
+            args=mcl))
 ## hier muss noch die Distanz besser gewählt werden:
@@ -123,10 +270,17 @@
 ## into RobAStBase
 setMethod("qqplot", signature(x = "ANY",
                               y = "RobModel"), function(x, y,
-                              n = length(x), withIdLine = TRUE, withPwConf = TRUE,
+                              n = length(x), withIdLine = TRUE, withConf = TRUE,
     plot.it = TRUE, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
     ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ...,
-    col.IdL = "red", lty.IdL = 2, alpha.IdL = .95,
+    withLab = TRUE, lab.pts = NULL,
+    which.lbs = NULL, which.Order = NULL, order.traf = NULL,
+    col.IdL = "red", lty.IdL = 2, lwd.IdL = 2,
+    alpha.CI = .95, exact.sCI = (n<100),
+    col.pCI = "orange", lty.pCI = 3, lwd.pCI = 2,
+    col.sCI = "tomato2", lty.sCI = 4, lwd.sCI = 2,
+    col.pch = par("col"),
+    cex.lbl = par("cex"), col.lbl = par("col"),
     distance = NormType()){
     mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
@@ -134,50 +288,30 @@
     if(missing(ylab)) mc$ylab <- as.character(deparse(mc$y))
     mcl <- as.list(mc)[-1]
-    pp <- ppoints(n)
-    yD <- y at center@distribution
-    if(!is(yD,"UnivariateDistribution"))
-       stop("Not yet implemented.")
-    yc <- q(yD)(pp)
+    mcl$y <- y at center
-    lenx <- n
-    leny <- length(x)
-    x <- sort(x)
-    if (leny < lenx)
-        x <- approx(1L:lenx, x, n = leny)$y
-    if (leny > lenx)
-        yc <- approx(1L:leny, yc, n = lenx)$y
     xD <- fct(distance)(x)
     x.cex <- 3/(1+log(1+xD))
+    mcl$cex.pch <- x.cex
-    mcl$x <- x
-    mcl$y <- yc
-    mcl$n <- NULL
-    mcl$cex <- x.cex
-    ret <- do.call(stats::qqplot, args=mcl)
-    if(withIdLine){
-       abline(0,1,col=col.IdL,lty=lty.IdL)
-       if(is(yD,"AbscontDistribution") && withPwConf){
-          xy <- sort(c(x,yc))
-          .confqq(p(yD)(xy),yD,alpha.IdL,col.IdL,lty.IdL,length(xy))
-       }
-    }
-    return(ret)
+    return(do.call(getMethod("qqplot", signature(x="ANY", y="ProbFamily")),
+            args=mcl))
 ## into RobAStBase
 setMethod("qqplot", signature(x = "ANY",
                               y = "InfRobModel"), function(x, y,
-                              n = length(x), withIdLine = TRUE, withPwConf = TRUE,
+                              n = length(x), withIdLine = TRUE, withConf = TRUE,
     plot.it = TRUE, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
     ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ...,
-    col.IdL = "red", lty.IdL = 2, alpha.IdL = .95,
+    withLab = TRUE, lab.pts = NULL,
+    which.lbs = NULL, which.Order = NULL, order.traf = NULL,
+    col.IdL = "red", lty.IdL = 2, lwd.IdL = 2,
+    alpha.CI = .95, exact.sCI = (n<100),
+    col.pCI = "orange", lty.pCI = 3, lwd.pCI = 2,
+    col.sCI = "tomato2", lty.sCI = 4, lwd.sCI = 2,
+    col.pch = par("col"),
+    cex.lbl = par("cex"), col.lbl = par("col"),
     distance = NormType()){
     mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
@@ -185,44 +319,16 @@
     if(missing(ylab)) mc$ylab <- as.character(deparse(mc$y))
     mcl <- as.list(mc)[-1]
-    pp <- ppoints(n)
-    yD <- y at center@distribution
-    if(!is(yD,"UnivariateDistribution"))
-       stop("Not yet implemented.")
-    yc <- q(yD)(pp)
+    mcl$y <- y at center
-    lenx <- n
-    leny <- length(x)
-    x <- sort(x)
-    if (leny < lenx)
-        x <- approx(1L:lenx, x, n = leny)$y
-    if (leny > lenx)
-        yc <- approx(1L:leny, yc, n = lenx)$y
     L2D <- L2deriv(y at center)
     FI <- FisherInfo(y at center)
     L2Dx <- sapply(x, function(x) evalRandVar(L2D,x)[[1]])
     scx <-  solve(sqrt(FI),L2Dx)
     xD <- fct(distance)(scx)
     x.cex <- 3/(1+log(1+xD))
+    mcl$cex.pch <- x.cex
-    mcl$x <- x
-    mcl$y <- yc
-    mcl$n <- NULL
-    mcl$cex <- x.cex
-    ret <- do.call(stats::qqplot, args=mcl)
-    if(withIdLine){
-       abline(0,1,col=col.IdL,lty=lty.IdL)
-       if(is(yD,"AbscontDistribution") && withPwConf){
-          xy <- sort(c(x,yc))
-          .confqq(p(yD)(xy),yD,alpha.IdL,col.IdL,lty.IdL,length(xy))
-       }
-    }
-    return(ret)
+    return(do.call(getMethod("qqplot", signature(x="ANY", y="ProbFamily")),
+            args=mcl))

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