[Distr-commits] r598 - branches/distr-2.2/pkg

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Tue Oct 6 02:31:41 CEST 2009

Author: ruckdeschel
Date: 2009-10-06 02:31:40 +0200 (Tue, 06 Oct 2009)
New Revision: 598

deleted trial-file qqplot.R in /pkg folder

Deleted: branches/distr-2.2/pkg/qqplot.R
--- branches/distr-2.2/pkg/qqplot.R	2009-10-06 00:29:50 UTC (rev 597)
+++ branches/distr-2.2/pkg/qqplot.R	2009-10-06 00:31:40 UTC (rev 598)
@@ -1,719 +0,0 @@
-# QQ - Plot for distribution objects
-# yet to be documented and ranged into distr, distrMod, RobAStBase
-### to be written into the respective MASKING files....
-## into distr
-    setGeneric("qqplot", function(x, y, ...) standardGeneric("qqplot"))
-## into distr
-setMethod("qqplot", signature(x="ANY",y="ANY"), function(x, y,
-    plot.it = TRUE, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
-    ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ...){
-    mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
-    if(missing(xlab)) mc$xlab <- xlab
-    if(missing(ylab)) mc$ylab <- ylab
-    mcl <- as.list(mc)[-1]
-    do.call(stats::qqplot, args=mcl)
-    return(invisible())
-    })
-## into distr
-## helpers
-.inGaps <- function(x,gapm){
-  if(is.null(gapm)) return(rep(FALSE,length(x)))
-  fct <- function(x,m){ m[,2]>=x & m[,1]<=x}
-  sapply(x, function(y) length(which(fct(y,gapm)))>0)
-.isReplicated <- function(x){
-  tx <- table(x)
-  rx <- as.numeric(names(tx[tx>1]))
-  sapply(x, function(y) any(abs(y-rx)<.Machine$double.eps))
-.NotInSupport <- function(x,D){
-  if(length(x)==0) return(logical(0))
-  nInSupp <- which(x < q(D)(0))
-  nInSupp <- unique(sort(c(nInSupp,which(x > q(D)(1)))))
-  nInSuppo <-
-      if("support" %in% names(getSlots(class(D))))
-         which( ! x %in% support(D)) else numeric(0)
-  if("gaps" %in% names(getSlots(class(D)))){
-         InGap <- which( .inGaps(x,gaps(D)))
-         if("support" %in% names(getSlots(class(D))))
-            nInSupp <- unique(sort(c(nInSupp, intersect(InGap,nInSuppo))))
-         else
-            nInSupp <- unique(sort(c(nInSupp, InGap)))
-  }else{
-         nInSupp <- unique(sort(c(nInSupp, nInSuppo)))
-  }
-  return((1:length(x)) %in% nInSupp)
-.isEqual <- distr:::.isEqual
-.SingleDiscrete <- function(x,D){
-  ## produces a logical vector of
-  ##     0  : discrete mass point
-  ##     1  : within continuous support
-  ##     2  : left gap point
-  ##     3  : right gap point
-  ##     4  : not in support
-  lx <- x * 0
-  lx[.NotInSupport(x,D)] <- 4
-  idx.0 <- ((x>q(D)(1)) | (x<q(D)(0)))
-  iG <- rep(FALSE,length(x))
-  if(is(D, "DiscreteDistribution")){
-     return(lx)
-  }
-  if("gaps" %in% names(getSlots(class(D)))){
-     if(!is.null(gaps(D))){
-        lx[apply(sapply(gaps(D)[,1], function(u) .isEqual(u,x)),1,any)] <- 2
-        lx[apply(sapply(gaps(D)[,2], function(u) .isEqual(u,x)),1,any)] <- 3
-        iG <- .inGaps(x,gaps(D))
-        lx[!idx.0 & !iG] <- 1
-     }else{
-        lx[!idx.0 & !iG] <- 1
-     }
-  }
-  if("support" %in% names(getSlots(class(D)))){
-     idx <- x %in% support(D)
-     if("acPart" %in% names(getSlots(class(D))))
-         idx.0 <- ((x>q.ac(D)(1)) | (x<q.ac(D)(0)))
-     lx[idx & (idx.0|iG)] <- 0
-  }
-  return(lx)
-.makeLenAndOrder <- function(x,ord){
-   n <- length(ord)
-   x <- rep(x, length.out=n)
-   x[ord]
-.q2kolmogorov <- function(alpha,n,exact=(n<100)){ ## Kolmogorovstat
- if(exact){
- fct <- function(p0){
- ### from ks.test from package stats:
-    .C("pkolmogorov2x", p = as.double(p0),
-       as.integer(n), PACKAGE = "stats")$p -alpha
-  }
- res <- uniroot(fct,lower=0,upper=1)$root*sqrt(n)
- }else{
- ### from ks.test from package stats:
- pkstwo <- function(x, tol = 1e-06) {
-        if (is.numeric(x))
-            x <- as.vector(x)
-        else stop("argument 'x' must be numeric")
-        p <- rep(0, length(x))
-        p[is.na(x)] <- NA
-        IND <- which(!is.na(x) & (x > 0))
-        if (length(IND)) {
-            p[IND] <- .C("pkstwo", as.integer(length(x[IND])),
-                p = as.double(x[IND]), as.double(tol), PACKAGE = "stats")$p
-        }
-        return(p)
-    }
- ###  end of code from package stats
- fct <- function(p0){
-      1 - pkstwo(p0)-alpha  }
- res <- uniroot(fct,lower=0,upper=sqrt(n))$root
- }
- return(res)
-.BinomCI.in <- function(t,p.bi,x.i, del.i=0,D.i,n.i,alpha.i){
-   p.bi.u <- p(D.i)(x.i+(t+del.i)/sqrt(n.i))
-   p.bi.l <- p.l(D.i)(x.i-(t-del.i)/sqrt(n.i))
-   d.r <- if(n.i*p.bi>floor(n.i*p.bi)) 0 else
-        dbinom(x = n.i*p.bi, size = n.i, prob = pmax(p.bi.u,1))
-   p.r <- pbinom(q = n.i*p.bi, size = n.i, prob = pmin(p.bi.u,1),lower.tail=FALSE)+d.r
-   p.l <- pbinom(q = n.i*p.bi, size = n.i, prob = pmax(p.bi.l,0),lower.tail=FALSE)
-   r <- p.r -p.l - alpha.i
-#   print(c(r=r,p=p.bi,x=x.i,p.u=p.bi.u,p.l=p.bi.l,r.r=p.r,r.l=p.l,t=t,np=n*p.bi))
-   r
-  }
-.BinomCI <- function(x,p.b,D,n,alpha){
-  if(length(x)==0) return(NA)
-  res <- sapply(1:length(x), function(i) uniroot(.BinomCI.in,
-         lower=0, upper=sqrt(n)*max(x[i],n-x[i])+1,
-         p.bi = p.b[i], x.i = x[i], del.i = 0,
-         D.i = D, n.i = n, alpha.i = alpha, tol = 1e-9)$root)
-  return(cbind(left=-res, right=res))
-.BinomCI.nosym <- function(x,p.b,D,n,alpha){
-  if(length(x)==0) return(NA)
-  res0 <- sapply(1:length(x), function(i){
-    get.t <- function(del.o, p.bi, x.i)
-              uniroot(.BinomCI.in,
-                lower=0, upper=sqrt(n)*max(x.i,n-x.i)+1,
-                p.bi = p.bi, x.i = x.i, del.i=del.o,
-                D.i = D, n.i = n, alpha.i = alpha, tol = 1e-9)$root
-    res <- optimize(get.t, lower=-sqrt(n)*max(x[i],n-x[i])-1,
-                    upper = sqrt(n)*max(x[i],n-x[i])+1, p.bi = p.b[i],
-                    x = x[i], tol = 1e-9)
-    t.o <- res$objective
-    del <- res$minimum
-    c(left=-t.o+del, right=t.o+del)
-    })
-   return(t(res0))
-.q2pw <- function(x,p.b,D,n,alpha,exact=(n<100),nosym=FALSE){
- if(exact){
-    fct <- if(nosym) .BinomCI.nosym else .BinomCI
-    ro <- fct(x,p.b,D,n,alpha)
-    return(ro)
- }
- pq <- log(p.b)+log(1-p.b)
- if(is(D,"AbscontDistribution")){
-    dp <- d(D)(x,log=TRUE)
-    dsupp.p <- dsupp.m<-1
- }else{
-    supp.ind <- sapply(x, function(y)
-                 which.min(abs(y-support(D))))
-    nx <- length(support(D))
-    supp.ind.p <- pmax(supp.ind + 1 ,nx)
-    supp.ind.m <- pmax(supp.ind - 1 ,1)
-    dsupp.p <- support(D)[supp.ind.p] - support(D)[supp.ind]
-    dsupp.m <- support(D)[supp.ind] - support(D)[supp.ind.m]
-    s <- sd(D)
-    m <- E(D)
-#    print(c(pq[1:3], x[1:3],dsupp.p[1:3],dsupp.m[1:3],m,s))
-    dp <- log(pnorm((x+dsupp.p/2-m)/s) - pnorm((x-dsupp.m/2-m)/s))
- }
- ro <- exp(pq/2-dp)*(dsupp.p+dsupp.m)/2*qnorm((1+alpha)/2)
- return(cbind(left=-ro,right=ro))
-## to be exported: berechnet Konfidenzbänder, simultan und punktweise
-qqbounds <- function(x,D,alpha,n,withConf.pw, withConf.sim,
-                     exact.sCI=(n<100),exact.pCI=(n<100),
-                     nosym.pCI = FALSE){
-   x <- sort(unique(x))
-   if("gaps" %in% names(getSlots(class(D))))
-       {if(!is.null(gaps(D)))
-            x <- sort(unique(c(x, gaps(D))))
-       }
-   c.c <- matrix(NA,nrow=length(x),ncol=4)
-   colnames(c.c) <- c("sim.left","sim.right","pw.left","pw.right")
-   SI <- .SingleDiscrete(x,D)
-   SI.in <- SI<4
-   SIi <- SI[SI.in]
-   x.in <- x[SI.in]
-   p.r <- p(D)(x.in)
-   p.l <- p.l(D)(x.in)
-   if(withConf.sim)
-        c.crit <- try(.q2kolmogorov(alpha,n,exact.sCI), silent=TRUE)
-   if(withConf.pw)
-        c.crit.i <- try(
-            .q2pw(x.in,p.r,D,n,alpha,exact.pCI,nosym.pCI),silent=TRUE)
-   te.i <- withConf.pw  & !is(c.crit.i,"try-error")
-   te.s <- withConf.sim & !is(c.crit,  "try-error")
-   if(te.s){
-      c.crit.r <- q.r(D)(pmax(1-p.r-c.crit/sqrt(n),
-                         getdistrOption("DistrResolution")),lower.tail=FALSE)
-      c.crit.l <- q(D)(pmax(p.l-c.crit/sqrt(n),
-                       getdistrOption("DistrResolution")))
-      c.crit.l[SIi == 2 | SIi == 3] <- NA
-      c.crit.r[SIi == 2 | SIi == 3] <- NA
-      c.c[SI.in,1:2] <- cbind(c.crit.l,c.crit.r)
-   }
-   if(te.i){
-      print(c.crit.i)
-      c.crit.i <- x.in + c.crit.i/sqrt(n)
-      c.crit.i[SIi == 2 | SIi == 3] <- NA
-      c.c[SI.in,3:4] <- c.crit.i
-   }
-   return(list(crit = c.c, err=c(sim=te.s,pw=te.i)))
-.confqq <- function(x,D, withConf.pw  = TRUE,  withConf.sim = TRUE, alpha,
-                    col.pCI, lty.pCI, lwd.pCI, pch.pCI, cex.pCI,
-                    col.sCI, lty.sCI, lwd.sCI, pch.sCI, cex.sCI,
-                    n,exact.sCI=(n<100),exact.pCI=(n<100), nosym.pCI = FALSE){
-   x <- sort(unique(x))
-   if("gaps" %in% names(getSlots(class(D))))
-       {if(!is.null(gaps(D)))
-            x <- sort(unique(c(x, gaps(D))))
-       }
-   SI <- .SingleDiscrete(x,D)
-#   print(SI)
-   SI.in <- SI<4
-   SIi <- SI[SI.in]
-   SI.c <- SIi>0
-   x.in <- x[SI.in]
-   x.c <- x.in[SI.c]
-   x.d <- x.in[!SI.c]
-   qqb <- qqbounds(x,D,alpha,n,withConf.pw, withConf.sim,
-                   exact.sCI,exact.pCI,nosym.pCI)
-   if(qqb$err["pw"]){
-      if(sum(SI.c)>0){
-         lines(x.c, qqb$crit[SI.c,"pw.right"],
-            col=col.pCI,lty=lty.pCI,lwd=lwd.pCI)
-         lines(x.c, qqb$crit[SI.c,"pw.left"],
-            col=col.pCI,lty=lty.pCI,lwd=lwd.pCI)
-      }
-      if(sum(!SI.c)>0){
-         points(x.d, qqb$crit[!SI.c,"pw.right"],
-            col=col.pCI, pch=pch.pCI, cex = cex.pCI)
-         points(x.d, qqb$crit[!SI.c,"pw.left"],
-            col=col.pCI, pch=pch.pCI, cex = cex.pCI)
-      }
-   }
-   if(qqb$err["sim"]){
-      if(sum(SI.c)>0){
-         lines(x.c, qqb$crit[SI.c,"sim.right"],
-               col=col.sCI,lty=lty.sCI,lwd=lwd.sCI)
-         lines(x.c, qqb$crit[SI.c,"sim.left"],
-               col=col.sCI,lty=lty.sCI,lwd=lwd.sCI)
-      }
-      if(sum(!SI.c)>0){
-         points(x.d, qqb$crit[!SI.c,"sim.right"],
-                col=col.sCI, pch=pch.sCI, cex = cex.sCI)
-         points(x.d, qqb$crit[!SI.c,"sim.left"],
-                col=col.sCI, pch=pch.sCI, cex = cex.sCI)
-      }
-   }
-   if( qqb$err["pw"] ||  qqb$err["sim"] ){
-      expression1 <- substitute(
-         nosym0~"pointw."~ex.p~alpha==alpha0~"%- conf. interval",
-         list(ex.p = if(exact.pCI) "exact" else "asympt.",
-              alpha0 = alpha*100,
-              nosym0 = if(nosym.pCI&&exact.pCI) "shortest asymm." else "symm"))
-      expression2 <- substitute(
-         "simult."~ex.s~alpha==alpha0~"%- conf. interval",
-         list(ex.s = if(exact.sCI) "exact" else "asympt.",
-              alpha0 = alpha*100))
-      if(!qqb$err["sim"]){
-         expression3 <- expression1
-         lty0 <- lty.pCI
-         col0 <- col.pCI
-      }
-      if(!qqb$err["pw"]){
-         expression3 <- expression2
-         lty0 <- lty.sCI
-         col0 <- col.sCI
-      }
-      if( qqb$err["pw"] && qqb$err["sim"]){
-         expression3 <- eval(substitute(expression(expression1, expression2)))
-         lty0 <- c(lty.pCI, lty.sCI)
-         col0 <- c(col.pCI,col.sCI)
-      }
-      legend("topleft", legend = expression3, bg = "white",
-              lty = lty0, col = col0, lwd = 2, cex = .8)
-   }
-  return(invisible(NULL))
-.deleteItemsMCL <- function(mcl){
-    mcl$n <- NULL
-    mcl$col.IdL <- mcl$alpha.CI <- mcl$lty.IdL <-  NULL
-    mcl$col.NotInSupport <- mcl$check.NotInSupport <- NULL
-    mcl$exact.sCI <- mcl$exact.pCI <- NULL
-    mcl$withConf <- mcl$withIdLine <- mcl$distance <- NULL
-    mcl$col.pCI <- mcl$lty.pCI <- mcl$col.sCI <- mcl$lty.sCI <- NULL
-    mcl$lwd.IdL <- mcl$lwd.pCI <- mcl$lwd.sCI <- NULL
-    mcl$withLab <- mcl$lab.pts <- mcl$which.lbs <- NULL
-    mcl$which.Order <- mcl$order.traf  <- NULL
-    mcl$col.pch <- mcl$cex.pch  <- mcl$jit.fac <- NULL
-    mcl$col.lbl <- mcl$cex.lbl  <- mcl$adj.lbl <- NULL
-    mcl$exp.cex2.pch <- mcl$exp.cex2.lbl <- NULL
-    mcl$exp.fadcol.pch <- mcl$exp.fadcol.lbl <- NULL
-    mcl$nosym.pCI <- NULL
-## helper into distrMod
-.labelprep <- function(x,y,lab.pts,col.lbl,cex.lbl,which.lbs,which.Order,order.traf){
-      n <- length(x)
-      rx <- rank(x)
-      xys <- cbind(x,y[rx])
-      if(is.null(which.lbs)) which.lbs <- 1:n
-      oN0 <- order(x,decreasing=TRUE)
-      if(!is.null(order.traf)){
-          oN0 <- order(order.traf(x),decreasing=TRUE)
-      }
-      oN0b <- oN0 %in% which.lbs
-      oN0 <- oN0[oN0b]
-      oN <- oN0
-      if(!is.null(which.Order))
-          oN <- oN0[which.Order]
-      x0 <- xys[oN,1]
-      y0 <- xys[oN,2]
-      col.lbl <- col.lbl[rx]
-      lab.pts <- lab.pts[rx]
-      cex.lbl <- cex.lbl[rx]
-      return(list(x0=x0,y0=y0,lab=lab.pts[oN],col=col.lbl[oN],cex=cex.lbl[oN]))
-#.makeLenAndOrder <- distr:::.makeLenAndOrder
-.fadeColor <- function(col,x, bg = "white"){
- ind <- seq(along=x)
- col <- .makeLenAndOrder(col,ind)
- colx <- t(sapply(ind,function(i) colorRamp(c(bg,col[i]))(x[i])))
- colv2col <- function(colvec)
-   rgb(red = colvec[1], green = colvec[2], blue = colvec[3], maxColorValue = 255)
- apply(colx,1,function(x) colv2col(x))
-## into distr:
-setMethod("qqplot", signature(x = "UnivariateDistribution",
-                              y = "UnivariateDistribution"), function(x, y,
-                              n = 30, withIdLine = TRUE, withConf = TRUE,
-    withConf.pw  = withConf,  withConf.sim = withConf,
-    plot.it = TRUE, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
-    ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ...,
-    col.IdL = "red", lty.IdL = 2, lwd.IdL = 2,
-    alpha.CI = .95, exact.pCI = (n<100), exact.sCI = (n<100), nosym.pCI = FALSE,
-    col.pCI = "orange", lty.pCI = 3, lwd.pCI = 2, pch.pCI = par("pch"), cex.pCI = par("cex"),
-    col.sCI = "tomato2", lty.sCI = 4, lwd.sCI = 2, pch.sCI = par("pch"), cex.sCI = par("cex"),
-    cex.pch = par("cex"), col.pch = par("col"),
-    jit.fac = 0, check.NotInSupport = TRUE,
-    col.NotInSupport = "red"){
-    mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
-    if(missing(xlab)) mc$xlab <- as.character(deparse(mc$x))
-    if(missing(ylab)) mc$ylab <- as.character(deparse(mc$y))
-    mcl <- as.list(mc)[-1]
-    force(x)
-    pp <- ppoints(n)
-    xc <- q(x)(pp)
-    yc <- q(y)(pp)
-    col.pch <- rep(col.pch,length.out=n)
-    if(check.NotInSupport){
-       xco <- sort(xc)
-       nInSupp <- .NotInSupport(xc,y)
-       if(length(nInSupp)){
-          col.pch[nInSupp] <- col.NotInSupport
-       }
-    }
-    oxc <- 1:length(xc)
-    xc.o <- xc
-    yc.o <- yc
-    ord.x <- order(xc)
-    if("support" %in% names(getSlots(class(x)))){
-       xc <- jitter(xc, factor=jit.fac)
-       oxc <- order(xc)
-       xc <- xc[oxc]
-       }
-    if("support" %in% names(getSlots(class(y))))
-       yc <- sort(jitter(yc, factor=jit.fac))
-    mcl$x <- xc
-    mcl$y <- yc
-    mcl <- .deleteItemsMCL(mcl)
-    mcl$cex <- .makeLenAndOrder(cex.pch,ord.x)
-    mcl$col <- .makeLenAndOrder(col.pch,ord.x)
-    ret <- do.call(stats::qqplot, args=mcl)
-    if(withIdLine&& plot.it){
-       abline(0,1,col=col.IdL,lty=lty.IdL,lwd=lwd.IdL)
-       if(#is(y,"AbscontDistribution") &&
-       withConf){
-          xy <- unique(sort(c(xc.o,yc.o)))
-          lxy <- length(xy)
-          if(lxy<n){
-             xy0 <- seq(min(xy),max(xy),length=n-lxy)
-             xy <- sort(c(xy,xy0))
-          }
-          .confqq(xy, y, withConf.pw, withConf.sim, alpha.CI,
-                      col.pCI, lty.pCI, lwd.pCI, pch.pCI, cex.pCI,
-                      col.sCI, lty.sCI, lwd.sCI, pch.sCI, cex.sCI,
-                  length(xc), exact.sCI = exact.sCI, exact.pCI = exact.pCI,
-                  nosym.pCI = nosym.pCI)
-       }
-    }
-    return(ret)
-    })
-## into distrMod
-#.confqq <- distr:::.confqq
-setMethod("qqplot", signature(x = "ANY",
-                              y = "UnivariateDistribution"),
-    function(x,    ### observations
-             y,    ### distribution
-             n = length(x), ### number of points to be plotted
-             withIdLine = TRUE, ### shall line y=x be plotted in
-             withConf = TRUE,   ### shall confidence lines be plotted
-             withConf.pw  = withConf,   ### shall pointwise confidence lines be plotted
-             withConf.sim = withConf,   ### shall simultaneous confidence lines be plotted
-             plot.it = TRUE,    ### shall be plotted at all (inherited from stats::qqplot)
-             xlab = deparse(substitute(x)), ## x-label
-             ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ## y-label
-             ...,                 ## further parameters
-             withLab = FALSE,     ## shall observation labels be plotted in
-             lab.pts = NULL,      ## observation labels to be used
-             which.lbs = NULL,    ## which observations shall be labelled
-             which.Order = NULL,  ## which of the ordered (remaining) observations shall be labelled
-             order.traf = NULL,   ## an optional trafo; by which the observations are ordered (as order(trafo(obs))
-             col.IdL = "red",     ## color for the identity line
-             lty.IdL = 2,         ## line type for the identity line
-             lwd.IdL = 2,         ## line width for the identity line
-             alpha.CI = .95,      ## confidence level
-             exact.pCI = (n<100), ## shall pointwise CIs be determined with exact Binomial distribution?
-             exact.sCI = (n<100), ## shall simultaneous CIs be determined with exact kolmogorov distribution?
-             nosym.pCI = FALSE,   ## shall we use (shortest) asymmetric CIs?
-             col.pCI = "orange",  ## color for the pointwise CI
-             lty.pCI = 3,         ## line type for the pointwise CI
-             lwd.pCI = 2,         ## line width for the pointwise CI
-             pch.pCI = par("pch"),## symbol for points (for discrete mass points) in pointwise CI
-             cex.pCI = par("cex"),## magnification factor for points (for discrete mass points) in pointwise CI
-             col.sCI = "tomato2", ## color for the simultaneous CI
-             lty.sCI = 4,         ## line type for the simultaneous CI
-             lwd.sCI = 2,         ## line width for the simultaneous CI
-             pch.sCI = par("pch"),## symbol for points (for discrete mass points) in simultaneous CI
-             cex.sCI = par("cex"),## magnification factor for points (for discrete mass points) in simultaneous CI
-             cex.pch = par("cex"),## magnification factor for the plotted symbols
-             col.pch = par("col"),## color for the plotted symbols
-             cex.lbl = par("cex"),## magnification factor for the plotted observation labels
-             col.lbl = par("col"),## color for the plotted observation labels
-             adj.lbl = NULL,      ## adj parameter for the plotted observation labels
-             jit.fac = 0,         ## jittering factor used for discrete distributions
-             check.NotInSupport = TRUE, ## shall we check if all x lie in support(y)
-             col.NotInSupport = "red" ## if preceding check TRUE color of x if not in support(y)
-    ){ ## return value as in stats::qqplot
-    mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
-    if(missing(xlab)) mc$xlab <- as.character(deparse(mc$x))
-    if(missing(ylab)) mc$ylab <- as.character(deparse(mc$y))
-    mcl <- as.list(mc)[-1]
-    force(x)
-    xj <- x
-    if(any(.isReplicated(x)))
-       xj[.isReplicated(x)] <- jitter(x[.isReplicated(x)], factor=jit.fac)
-    ord.x <- order(xj)
-    pp <- ppoints(n)
-    yc <- q(y)(pp)
-    yc.o <- yc
-    if("support" %in% names(getSlots(class(y))))
-       yc <- sort(jitter(yc, factor=jit.fac))
-    cex.pch <- .makeLenAndOrder(cex.pch,ord.x)
-    cex.lbl <- .makeLenAndOrder(cex.lbl,ord.x)
-    col.pch <- .makeLenAndOrder(col.pch,ord.x)
-    col.lbl <- .makeLenAndOrder(col.lbl,ord.x)
-    if(withLab){
-      if(is.null(lab.pts)) lab.pts <- paste(ord.x)
-      else lab.pts <- .makeLenAndOrder(lab.pts,ord.x)
-    }
-    if(check.NotInSupport){
-       xo <- x[ord.x]
-       nInSupp <- which(xo < q(y)(0))
-       nInSupp <- unique(sort(c(nInSupp,which( xo > q(y)(1)))))
-       if("support" %in% names(getSlots(class(y))))
-          nInSupp <- unique(sort(c(nInSupp,which( ! xo %in% support(y)))))
-       if("gaps" %in% names(getSlots(class(y))))
-          nInSupp <- unique(sort(c(nInSupp,which( .inGaps(xo,gaps(y))))))
-       if(length(nInSupp)){
-          col.pch[nInSupp] <- col.NotInSupport
-          if(withLab)
-#             col.lbl[ord.x[nInSupp]] <- col.NotInSupport
-             col.lbl[nInSupp] <- col.NotInSupport
-       }
-    }
-    if(n!=length(x)) withLab <- FALSE
-    mcl$x <- xj
-    mcl$y <- yc
-    mcl <- .deleteItemsMCL(mcl)
-    mcl$cex <- cex.pch
-    mcl$col <- col.pch
-    ret <- do.call(stats::qqplot, args=mcl)
-    if(withLab&& plot.it){
-       lbprep <- .labelprep(xj,yc,lab.pts,
-                            col.lbl,cex.lbl,which.lbs,which.Order,order.traf)
-       text(x = lbprep$x0, y = lbprep$y0, labels = lbprep$lab,
-            cex = lbprep$cex, col = lbprep$col, adj = adj.lbl)
-    }
-    if(withIdLine&& plot.it){
-       abline(0,1,col=col.IdL,lty=lty.IdL,lwd=lwd.IdL)
-       if(#is(y,"AbscontDistribution")&&
-       withConf){
-          xy <- unique(sort(c(x,yc.o)))
-          lxy <- length(xy)
-          if(lxy<n){
-             xy0 <- seq(min(xy),max(xy),length=n-lxy+2)
-             xy <- unique(sort(c(xy,xy0)))
-          }
-          .confqq(xy, y, withConf.pw, withConf.sim, alpha.CI,
-                      col.pCI, lty.pCI, lwd.pCI, pch.pCI, cex.pCI,
-                      col.sCI, lty.sCI, lwd.sCI, pch.sCI, cex.sCI,
-                  length(x), exact.sCI = exact.sCI, exact.pCI = exact.pCI,
-                  nosym.pCI = nosym.pCI)
-       }
-    }
-    return(ret)
-    })
-## into distrMod
-setMethod("qqplot", signature(x = "ANY",
-                              y = "ProbFamily"), function(x, y,
-                              n = length(x), withIdLine = TRUE, withConf = TRUE,
-    withConf.pw  = withConf,  withConf.sim = withConf,
-    plot.it = TRUE, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
-    ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ...){
-    mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
-    if(missing(xlab)) mc$xlab <- as.character(deparse(mc$x))
-    if(missing(ylab)) mc$ylab <- as.character(deparse(mc$y))
-    mcl <- as.list(mc)[-1]
-    mcl$y <- yD <- y at distribution
-    if(!is(yD,"UnivariateDistribution"))
-       stop("Not yet implemented.")
-    return(do.call(getMethod("qqplot", signature(x="ANY", y="UnivariateDistribution")),
-            args=mcl))
-    })
-## hier muss noch die Distanz besser gewählt werden:
-## into RobAStBase
-setMethod("qqplot", signature(x = "ANY",
-                              y = "RobModel"), function(x, y,
-                              n = length(x), withIdLine = TRUE, withConf = TRUE,
-    withConf.pw  = withConf,  withConf.sim = withConf,
-    plot.it = TRUE, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
-    ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ..., distance = NormType()){
-    mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
-    if(missing(xlab)) mc$xlab <- as.character(deparse(mc$x))
-    if(missing(ylab)) mc$ylab <- as.character(deparse(mc$y))
-    mcl <- as.list(mc)[-1]
-    mcl$y <- y at center
-    xD <- fct(distance)(x)
-    x.cex <- 3/(1+log(1+xD))
-    mcl$cex.pch <- x.cex
-    return(do.call(getMethod("qqplot", signature(x="ANY", y="ProbFamily")),
-            args=mcl))
-    })
-## into RobAStBase
-setMethod("qqplot", signature(x = "ANY",
-                              y = "InfRobModel"), function(x, y,
-                              n = length(x), withIdLine = TRUE, withConf = TRUE,
-             withConf.pw  = withConf,   ### shall pointwise confidence lines be plotted
-             withConf.sim = withConf,   ### shall simultaneous confidence lines be plotted
-    plot.it = TRUE, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
-    ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ...){
-    mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
-    if(missing(xlab)) mc$xlab <- as.character(deparse(mc$x))
-    if(missing(ylab)) mc$ylab <- as.character(deparse(mc$y))
-    mcl <- as.list(mc)[-1]
-    if(is.null(mcl$distance)) distance <- NormType()
-    mcl$y <- y at center
-    L2D <- L2deriv(y at center)
-    FI <- PosSemDefSymmMatrix(FisherInfo(y at center))
-    L2Dx <- sapply(x, function(z) evalRandVar(L2D,z)[[1]])
-    scx <-  solve(sqrt(FI),matrix(L2Dx,ncol=length(x)))
-    xD <- fct(distance)(scx)
-    x.cex <- 3/(1+log(1+xD))
-    mcl$cex.pch <- x.cex
-    return(do.call(getMethod("qqplot", signature(x="ANY", y="ProbFamily")),
-            args=mcl))
-    })
-## into RobAStBase
-setMethod("qqplot", signature(x = "ANY",
-                              y = "kStepEstimate"), function(x, y,
-                              n = length(x), withIdLine = TRUE, withConf = TRUE,
-    withConf.pw  = withConf,  withConf.sim = withConf,
-    plot.it = TRUE, xlab = deparse(substitute(x)),
-    ylab = deparse(substitute(y)), ...,
-    exp.cex2.lbl = -.15,
-    exp.cex2.pch = -.35,
-    exp.fadcol.lbl = 1.85,
-    exp.fadcol.pch = 1.85,
-    bg = "white"
-    ){
-    mc <- match.call(call = sys.call(sys.parent(1)))
-    if(missing(xlab)) mc$xlab <- as.character(deparse(mc$x))
-    if(missing(ylab)) mc$ylab <- as.character(deparse(mc$y))
-    mcl <- as.list(mc)[-1]
-    IC <- pIC(y)
-    if(!is(IC,"IC"))
-       stop("IC of the kStepEstimator needs to be of class 'IC'")
-    L2Fam <- eval(IC at CallL2Fam)
-    mcl$y <- L2Fam
-    if(is(IC,"HampIC")){
-      w.fct <- weight(weight(IC))
-      wx <- sapply(x,w.fct)
-      mcl$order.traf <- function(x) 1/w.fct(x)
-      cex.lbl <- if(is.null(mcl$cex.lbl))  par("cex")  else eval(mcl$cex.lbl)
-      cex.pch <- if(is.null(mcl$cex.pch))  par("cex")  else eval(mcl$cex.pch)
-      mcl$cex.lbl <- cex.lbl*wx^exp.cex2.lbl
-      mcl$cex.pch <- cex.pch*wx^exp.cex2.pch
-      col.lbl <- if(is.null(mcl$col.lbl))  par("col")  else eval(mcl$col.lbl)
-      col.pch <- if(is.null(mcl$col.pch))  par("col")  else eval(mcl$col.pch)
-      mcl$col.lbl <- .fadeColor(col.lbl,wx^exp.fadcol.lbl, bg = bg)
-      mcl$col.pch <- .fadeColor(col.pch,wx^exp.fadcol.pch, bg = bg)
-    }
-    print(mcl)
-    return(do.call(getMethod("qqplot", signature(x="ANY", y="ProbFamily")),
-            args=mcl))
-    })

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