[datatable-help] Bug when Merging with nomatch=0 and roll=T?

Michael Smith my.r.help at gmail.com
Thu Jun 19 05:51:41 CEST 2014

I got the following result on my keyed data tables `CS` and `SP`, which
seems like a bug (in 1.9.2 and 1.9.3 dev version) to me, since all
columns should have the _same_ length:

> ## Works as expected:
> all((l <- sapply(CS[SP, roll = TRUE], length)) == l[1])
[1] TRUE
> ## Works as expected:
> all((l <- sapply(CS[SP, nomatch = 0], length)) == l[1])
[1] TRUE
> ## Here's the potential _bug_, when combining both:
> all((l <- sapply(CS[SP, nomatch = 0, roll = TRUE], length)) == l[1])



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