[datatable-help] v1.8.0 is now on CRAN

Matthew Dowle mdowle at mdowle.plus.com
Mon Mar 26 19:21:40 CEST 2012


* character columns are now allowed in keys and are preferred to factor.
data.table() and setkey() no longer coerce character to factor. Factors
are still supported. Implements FR#1493, FR#1224 and (partially) FR#951.
* setkey() no longer sorts factor levels. This should be more convenient
and compatible with ordered factors where the levels are 'labels', in
some order other than alphabetical. The established advice to paste each
level with an ordinal prefix, or use another table to hold the factor
labels instead of a factor column, is no longer needed. Solves FR#1420.
Thanks to Damian Betebenner and Allan Engelhardt raising on
datatable-help and their tests have been added verbatim to the test
* unique(DT) and duplicated(DT) are now faster with character columns,
on unkeyed tables as well as keyed tables, FR#1724.

* New function set(DT,i,j,value) allows fast assignment to elements
of DT. Similar to := but avoids the overhead of [.data.table, so is
much faster inside a loop. Less flexible than :=, but as flexible
as matrix subassignment. Similar in spirit to setnames(), setcolorder(),
setkey() and setattr(); i.e., assigns by reference with no copy at all.
    M = matrix(1,nrow=100000,ncol=100)
    DF = as.data.frame(M)
    DT = as.data.table(M)
    system.time(for (i in 1:1000) DF[i,1L] <- i)   # 591.000s
    system.time(for (i in 1:1000) DT[i,V1:=i])     #   1.158s
    system.time(for (i in 1:1000) M[i,1L] <- i)    #   0.016s
    system.time(for (i in 1:1000) set(DT,i,1L,i))  #   0.027s

* New functions chmatch() and %chin%, faster versions of match()
and %in% for character vectors. R's internal string cache is
utilised (no hash table is built). They are about 4 times faster
than match() on the example in ?chmatch.
* Internal function sortedmatch() removed and replaced with chmatch()
when matching i levels to x levels for columns of type 'factor'. This
preliminary step was causing a (known) significant slowdown when the 
number of levels of a factor column was large (e.g. >10,000). 
Exacerbated in tests of joining four such columns, as demonstrated by 
Wes McKinney (author of Python package Pandas). Matching 1 million 
strings of which 600,000 are unique is now reduced from 16s to 0.5s, for
example. Background here :
* rbind.data.table() gains a use.names argument, by default TRUE.
Set to FALSE to combine columns in order rather than by name. Thanks to
a question by Zach on Stack Overflow :
* New argument 'keyby'. An ad hoc by just as 'by' but with an additional
setkey() on the by columns of the result, for convenience. Not to be
confused with a 'keyed by' such as DT[...,by=key(DT)] which can be more
efficient as explained by FAQ 3.3.  Thanks to Yike Lu for the suggestion
and discussion (FR#1780).
* Single by (or keyby) expressions no longer need to be wrapped in
list(), for convenience, implementing FR#1743; e.g., these now works :
instead of needing :

* Unnamed 'by' expressions have always been inspected using all.vars()
to make a guess at a sensible column name for the result. This guess now
includes function names via all.vars(functions=TRUE), for convenience;
now returns a column called 'month' rather than 'date'. It is more
robust to explicitly name columns, though; e.g.,
    DT[,sum(v),by=list("Guaranteed name"=month(date))]

* For a surprising speed boost in some circumstances, default options
such as 'datatable.verbose' are now set when the package loads (unless
they are already set, by user's profile for example). The 'default'
argument of base::getOption() was the culprit and has been removed
internally from all 11 calls.


* Fixed a `suffixes` handling bug in merge.data.table that was only
recently introduced during the recent "fast-merge"-ing reboot.
Briefly, the bug was only triggered in scenarios where both tables had
identical column names that were not part of `by` and ended with *.1.
cf. "merge and auto-increment columns in y[x]" test in
tests/test-data.frame-like.R for more information.
* Adding a column using := on a data.table just loaded from disk was
correctly detected and over allocated, but incorrectly warning about a
previous copy. Test 462 tested loading from disk, but suppressed
warnings (sadly). Fixed.
* data.table unaware packages that use DF[i] and DF[i]<-value syntax
were not compatible with data.table, fixed. Many thanks to Prasad
Chalasani for providing a reproducible example with base::droplevels(),
and Helge Liebert for providing a reproducible example (#1794) with
stats::reshape(). Tests added.
* as.data.table(DF) already preserved DF's attributes but not any
inherited classes such as nlme's groupedData, so nlme was incompatible
with data.table. Fixed. Thanks to Dieter Menne for providing a
reproducible example. Test added.
* The internal row.names attribute of .SD (which exists for
compatibility with data.frame only) was not being updated for each
group. This caused length errors when calling any non-data.table-aware
package from j, by group, when that package used length of row.names.
Such as the recent update to ggplot2. Fixed.
* When grouped j consists of a print of an object (such as ggplot2), the
print is now masked to return NULL rather than the object that ggplot2
returns since the recent update v0.9.0. Otherwise data.table tries to
accumulate the (albeit invisible) print object. The print mask is local
to grouping, not generally.
* 'by' was failing (bug #1880) when passed character column names where
one or more included a space. So, this now works :
    DT[,sum(v),by="column 1"]
and j retains spaces in column names rather than replacing spaces with
"."; e.g.,
    DT[,list("a b"=1)]
Thanks to Yang Zhang for reporting. Tests added. As before, column names
may be back ticked in the usual R way (in i, j and by); e.g.,
    DT[,sum(`nicely named var`+1),by=month(`long name for date column`)]
* unique() on an unkeyed table including character columns now works
correctly, fixing #1725. Thanks to Steven Bagley for reporting. Test
* %like% now returns logical (rather than integer locations) so that it
can be combined with other i clauses, fixing #1726. Thanks to Ivan Zhang
for reporting. Test added.


* Joshua Ulrich for spotting a missing PACKAGE="data.table" in .Call in
setkey.R, and suggesting as.list.default() and unique.default() to avoid
dispatch for speed, all implemented.


* Providing .SDcols when j doesn't use .SD is downgraded from error to
warning, and verbosity now reports which columns have been detected as
used by j.
* check.names is now FALSE by default, for convenience when working with
column names with spaces and other special characters, which are now
fully supported. This difference to data.frame has been added to FAQ

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