[Cipsr-users] cipsr package 2.1 now available for download

Osborne, Nathaniel Nathaniel.Osborne at oregonstate.edu
Wed Dec 3 00:07:52 CET 2014

Greetings cipsr users:

I am pleased to announce that cipsr 2.1 is now available for you to use!  The new version of cipsr is a bonified R package, with all the trimmings.  Some of the key enhancements to cipsr 2.1, relative to former versions are as follows:

1. Package can be installed with one line of code on Windows OS from a CIPS repository

2. The new package is sleek: load using library(cipsr) and nothing more

3. Enhanced documentation for the package and its functions

4. New DLL compilations, which support using R as 32-bit (i386) and 64-bits (x64)

5. Mailing list and subversion (SVN) repository for developers

To install cipsr on your Windows computer, do the following:

1. Ensure your copy of R is at least version 3.0. You can download a new copy of R at:

 < http://www.r-project.org. cipsr 2.1 supports R versions 3.0 – 3.1 >

2. Update Java on your computer (https://www.java.com). If your computer if 64-bits, install both the 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.

3. Open R (i386 or x64) versions 3.0 up to 3.1

4. Type the following command in the R console:


You may be asked to create a personal R directory after entering the install.packages(...) command. The default personal directory for most Windows users is located in My Documents. You can download cipsr to any directory, provided your R session is configured correctly.

Provided cipsr was properly installed, and R is correctly configured, it can now be loaded. To load cipsr enter library(cipsr) in the R console. This command provides access to the cipsr functions: load.data, get.template, grow and an example dataset formatted for use in cipsr named cipsrexam. The function load.data allows the user to load a Microsoft Excel (.xls) database into R, as long as it is correctly formatted. An Excel template formatted for use in cipsr can be created in your working directory using get.template(). The function grow simulates forest growth, yield and wood quality attributes provided a cipsr formatted dataset.

You can read more about the new copy of cipsr by typing vignette(“cipsr”) in the R console (i.e. provided you have entered the command library(cipsr) already).  Quick information about any function can be found using the ? command (e.x. ?load.data or help(package="cipsr")).

If you have any trouble getting cipsr on your computer, find bugs, would like me to visit your organization for a workshop, or have suggestions to improve our software, please contact me.

Nate Osborne

nathaniel.osborne at oregonstate.edu<mailto:nathaniel.osborne at oregonstate.edu>

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