[Blotter-commits] r1503 - in pkg: blotter/R quantstrat/R

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Fri Sep 13 23:37:20 CEST 2013

Author: braverock
Date: 2013-09-13 23:37:20 +0200 (Fri, 13 Sep 2013)
New Revision: 1503

- almost all the work to convert the symbols slot in portfolio and each asset into an environment
- thanks to Josh Ulrich for helping conceptualize this, and JR for the suggestion

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/calcPortfWgt.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/calcPortfWgt.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/calcPortfWgt.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
     Portfolio<-getPortfolio(pname) # TODO add Date handling
-    if(is.null(Symbols)) Symbols<-names(Portfolio$symbols)
+    if(is.null(Symbols)) Symbols<-ls(Portfolio$symbols)
     pos.value = .getBySymbol(Portfolio = Portfolio, Dates = Dates, Attribute = "Pos.Value", Symbols = Symbols)    
     portf.value = .getByPortf(Account=getAccount(Account),Attribute = denominator[1], Dates = Dates)

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/chart.Posn.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/chart.Posn.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/chart.Posn.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
 { # @author Peter Carl, Brian Peterson
-    if (missing(Symbol)) Symbol <- names(Portfolio$symbols)[[1]]
+    if (missing(Symbol)) Symbol <- ls(Portfolio$symbols)[[1]]
     else Symbol <- Symbol[1]

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/extractTests.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/extractTests.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/extractTests.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -25,7 +25,7 @@
 		stop(paste("Portfolio",pname," not found, use initPortf() to create a new portfolio first"))
-	symbolnames<-names(Portfolio[['symbols']])
+	symbolnames<-ls(Portfolio[['symbols']])
 	for (Symbol in symbolnames) {
 		if (nrow(tmpTxns)>=1){

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/getBySymbol.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/getBySymbol.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/getBySymbol.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
     table = NULL 
       ## Need a reference time index
-        symbols=names(Portfolio$symbols)
+        symbols=ls(Portfolio$symbols)
         symbols = Symbols

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/initPortf.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/initPortf.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/initPortf.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -3,7 +3,7 @@
 #' Constructs and initializes a portfolio object, which is used to contain transactions, positions, and aggregate level values.
 #' Initializes a portfolio object, which is constructed from the following:
-#' $symbols: the identifier used for each instrument contained in the portfolio. Use \code{names(Portfolio$symbols)} to get a list of symbols.
+#' $symbols: the identifier used for each instrument contained in the portfolio. Use \code{ls(Portfolio$symbols)} to get a list of symbols.
 #' $symbols$[symbol]$txn: irregular xts object of transactions data 
 #' $symbols$[symbol]$posPL: regular xts object of positions P&L calculated from transactions
 #' $symbols$[symbol]$posPL.ccy: regular xts object of positions P&L converted to portfolio currency
@@ -70,13 +70,17 @@
   # Thanks to Jeff Ryan and Josh Ulrich for pointers
   portfolio = new.env(hash=TRUE)
-  portfolio$symbols=vector("list",length=length(symbols))
-  names(portfolio$symbols)=symbols
+  #portfolio$symbols=vector("list",length=length(symbols))
+  #names(portfolio$symbols)=symbols
+  portfolio[['symbols']] = new.env(hash=TRUE)
     initPosQty=rep(initPosQty, length(symbols))
     stop("The length of initPosQty is unequal to the number of symbols in the portfolio.")
   for(instrument in symbols){
+    portfolio$symbols[[instrument]] = new.env(hash=TRUE)
+    #portfolio$symbols[[instrument]] = list()
     i = match(instrument, symbols)
     portfolio$symbols[[instrument]]$txn = .initTxn(initDate = initDate, initPosQty = initPosQty[i],...=...)
     portfolio$symbols[[instrument]]$posPL = .initPosPL(initDate = initDate, initPosQty = initPosQty[i],...=...)

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/perTradeStats.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/perTradeStats.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/perTradeStats.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
 perTradeStats <- function(Portfolio, Symbol, includeOpenTrade=TRUE, ...) {
     portf <- getPortfolio(Portfolio)
-    if(missing(Symbol)) Symbol <- names(portf$symbols)[[1]]
+    if(missing(Symbol)) Symbol <- ls(portf$symbols)[[1]]
     posPL <- portf$symbols[[Symbol]]$posPL

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/tradeStats.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/tradeStats.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/tradeStats.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
         ## FIXME: need a way to define symbols for each portfolio    
-        if(missing(Symbols)) symbols <- names(Portfolio$symbols)
+        if(missing(Symbols)) symbols <- ls(Portfolio$symbols)
         else symbols <- Symbols
         ## Trade Statistics
@@ -258,7 +258,7 @@
         ## FIXME: need a way to define symbols for each portfolio    
-        if(missing(Symbols)) symbols <- names(Portfolio$symbols)
+        if(missing(Symbols)) symbols <- ls(Portfolio$symbols)
         else symbols <- Symbols
         ## Trade Statistics
@@ -301,7 +301,7 @@
         ## FIXME: need a way to define symbols for each portfolio    
-        if(missing(Symbols)) symbols <- names(Portfolio$symbols)
+        if(missing(Symbols)) symbols <- ls(Portfolio$symbols)
         else symbols <- Symbols
         ## Trade Statistics

Modified: pkg/blotter/R/updatePortf.R
--- pkg/blotter/R/updatePortf.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/blotter/R/updatePortf.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -17,91 +17,95 @@
 #' @export
 updatePortf <- function(Portfolio, Symbols=NULL, Dates=NULL, Prices=NULL, ...)
 { #' @author Peter Carl, Brian Peterson
-    pname<-Portfolio
-    Portfolio<-getPortfolio(pname) # TODO add Date handling
-    if(is.null(Symbols)){
-        Symbols = names(Portfolio$symbols)
-    }
-    for(symbol in Symbols){
-        tmp_instr<-try(getInstrument(symbol), silent=TRUE)
-        .updatePosPL(Portfolio=pname, Symbol=as.character(symbol), Dates=Dates, Prices=Prices, ...=...)
-    }
-    # Calculate and store portfolio summary table
-    Portfolio<-getPortfolio(pname) # refresh with an updated object
-  if(is.null(Dates)) Dates <- xts:::time.xts(Portfolio$symbols[[1]]$posPL)  #not quite right, only using first symbol...
-    #Symbols = names(Portfolio$symbols)
-    Attributes = c('Long.Value', 'Short.Value', 'Net.Value', 'Gross.Value', 'Period.Realized.PL', 'Period.Unrealized.PL', 'Gross.Trading.PL', 'Txn.Fees', 'Net.Trading.PL')
-    summary = NULL
-  tmp.attr=NULL
-    for(attribute in Attributes) {
-    result=NULL
-        switch(attribute,
-      Net.Value =,
-            Gross.Value =,
-      Long.Value =,
-      Short.Value =,{
-        # all these use Pos.Value
-        if(is.null(tmp.attr)){
-          table = .getBySymbol(Portfolio = Portfolio, Attribute = "Pos.Value", Dates = Dates, Symbols = Symbols)
-          tmp.attr="Pos.Value"
-        }
-        switch(attribute,
-            Gross.Value = {	result = xts(rowSums(abs(table), na.rm=TRUE), order.by=index(table))},
-            Long.Value  = { tmat = apply(table,MARGIN=c(1,2),FUN=max,0)# comes out a matrix
-                    result = xts(rowSums(tmat, na.rm=TRUE), order.by=index(table))
-            },
-            Short.Value = { tmat = apply(table,MARGIN=c(1,2),FUN=min,0) # comes out a matrix
-                    result = xts(rowSums(tmat, na.rm=TRUE), order.by=index(table))
-            },
-            Net.Value   = {	result = xts(rowSums(table, na.rm=TRUE), order.by=index(table))	}
-        )
-            },
-      Period.Realized.PL =,
-      Period.Unrealized.PL =,
-      Gross.Trading.PL =,
-      Txn.Fees =,
-      Net.Trading.PL = {
-        table = .getBySymbol(Portfolio = Portfolio, Attribute = attribute, Dates = Dates, Symbols = Symbols)
-        tmp.attr = NULL
-        result = xts(rowSums(table, na.rm=TRUE), order.by=index(table))
-            }
-        )
-        colnames(result) = attribute
-    if(is.null(summary)) {summary=result}
-    else {summary=cbind(summary,result)}
-    }
-    # get rid of duplicated indices in the summary data,
-    # thanks to Guy Yollin for the bug report and Josh Ulrich for the elegant approach to fixing it
-    d <- duplicated(.index(summary)) | duplicated(.index(summary), fromLast=TRUE)
-    if(any(d)){
-        f <- function(x) {
-            cLast <- c('Long.Value', 'Short.Value', 'Net.Value', 'Gross.Value')
-            cSums <- c('Period.Realized.PL', 'Period.Unrealized.PL', 'Gross.Trading.PL', 'Txn.Fees', 'Net.Trading.PL')
-            setNames( merge(last(x[,cLast]), xts(t(colSums(x[,cSums],na.rm=TRUE)),last(index(x)))), colnames(x) )
-        }
-        summary.dups <- summary[d,]
-        ds <- duplicated(.index(summary.dups)) & !duplicated(.index(summary.dups), fromLast=TRUE)
-        slist <- period.apply(summary.dups, c(0, which(ds)), f)
-        summary <- rbind(summary[!d,], slist) # put it all back together
-    }
-  if(!is.timeBased(Dates)) Dates = xts:::time.xts(Portfolio$symbols[[1]][["posPL"]][Dates])
-  startDate = first(xts:::.parseISO8601(Dates))$first.time-.00001
-  # trim summary slot to not double count, related to bug 831 on R-Forge, and rbind new summary
-  if( as.POSIXct(attr(Portfolio,'initDate'))>=startDate || length(Portfolio$summary)==0 ){
-    Portfolio$summary<-summary #changes to subset might not return a empty dimnames set of columns
-  }else{
-    Portfolio$summary<-rbind(Portfolio$summary[paste('::',startDate,sep='')],summary)
-  }
-  # assign Portfolio to environment
-  assign( paste("portfolio",pname,sep='.'), Portfolio, envir=.blotter )
-    return(pname) #not sure this is a good idea
+     pname<-Portfolio
+     Portfolio<-getPortfolio(pname) # TODO add Date handling
+     # FUNCTION
+     if(is.null(Symbols)){
+       Symbols = ls(Portfolio$symbols)
+     }
+     for(symbol in Symbols){
+       tmp_instr<-try(getInstrument(symbol), silent=TRUE)
+       .updatePosPL(Portfolio=pname, Symbol=as.character(symbol), Dates=Dates, Prices=Prices, ...=...)
+     }
+     # Calculate and store portfolio summary table
+     Portfolio<-getPortfolio(pname) # refresh with an updated object
+     #if(is.null(Dates)) Dates <- xts:::time.xts(Portfolio$symbols[[1]]$posPL)  #not quite right, only using first symbol...
+     if(is.null(Dates)) Dates <- xts(,do.call(unlist,c(lapply(Portfolio$symbols, function(x) index(x[["posPL"]][Dates]) ))))
+     #Symbols = ls(Portfolio$symbols)
+     Attributes = c('Long.Value', 'Short.Value', 'Net.Value', 'Gross.Value', 'Period.Realized.PL', 'Period.Unrealized.PL', 'Gross.Trading.PL', 'Txn.Fees', 'Net.Trading.PL')
+     summary = NULL
+     tmp.attr=NULL
+     for(attribute in Attributes) {
+       result=NULL
+       switch(attribute,
+              Net.Value =,
+              Gross.Value =,
+              Long.Value =,
+              Short.Value =,{
+                # all these use Pos.Value
+                if(is.null(tmp.attr)){
+                  table = .getBySymbol(Portfolio = Portfolio, Attribute = "Pos.Value", Dates = Dates, Symbols = Symbols)
+                  tmp.attr="Pos.Value"
+                }
+                switch(attribute,
+                       Gross.Value = {  result = xts(rowSums(abs(table), na.rm=TRUE), order.by=index(table))},
+                       Long.Value  = { tmat = apply(table,MARGIN=c(1,2),FUN=max,0)# comes out a matrix
+                                       result = xts(rowSums(tmat, na.rm=TRUE), order.by=index(table))
+                       },
+                       Short.Value = { tmat = apply(table,MARGIN=c(1,2),FUN=min,0) # comes out a matrix
+                                       result = xts(rowSums(tmat, na.rm=TRUE), order.by=index(table))
+                       },
+                       Net.Value   = {	result = xts(rowSums(table, na.rm=TRUE), order.by=index(table))	}
+                )
+              },
+              Period.Realized.PL =,
+              Period.Unrealized.PL =,
+              Gross.Trading.PL =,
+              Txn.Fees =,
+              Net.Trading.PL = {
+                table = .getBySymbol(Portfolio = Portfolio, Attribute = attribute, Dates = Dates, Symbols = Symbols)
+                tmp.attr = NULL
+                result = xts(rowSums(table, na.rm=TRUE), order.by=index(table))
+              }
+       )
+       colnames(result) = attribute
+       if(is.null(summary)) {summary=result}
+       else {summary=cbind(summary,result)}
+     }
+     # get rid of duplicated indices in the summary data,
+     # thanks to Guy Yollin for the bug report and Josh Ulrich for the elegant approach to fixing it
+     d <- duplicated(.index(summary)) | duplicated(.index(summary), fromLast=TRUE)
+     if(any(d)){
+       f <- function(x) {
+         cLast <- c('Long.Value', 'Short.Value', 'Net.Value', 'Gross.Value')
+         cSums <- c('Period.Realized.PL', 'Period.Unrealized.PL', 'Gross.Trading.PL', 'Txn.Fees', 'Net.Trading.PL')
+         setNames( merge(last(x[,cLast]), xts(t(colSums(x[,cSums],na.rm=TRUE)),last(index(x)))), colnames(x) )
+       }
+       summary.dups <- summary[d,]
+       ds <- duplicated(.index(summary.dups)) & !duplicated(.index(summary.dups), fromLast=TRUE)
+       slist <- period.apply(summary.dups, c(0, which(ds)), f)
+       summary <- rbind(summary[!d,], slist) # put it all back together
+     }
+     # if(!is.timeBased(Dates)) Dates = xts:::time.xts(Portfolio$symbols[[1]][["posPL"]][Dates])
+     #xts(,do.call(unlist,c(lapply(symbols,index),use.names=FALSE)))
+     if(!is.timeBased(Dates)) Dates <- xts(,do.call(unlist,c(lapply(Portfolio$symbols, function(x) index(x[["posPL"]][Dates]) ))))
+     startDate = first(xts:::.parseISO8601(Dates))$first.time-.00001
+     # trim summary slot to not double count, related to bug 831 on R-Forge, and rbind new summary
+     if( as.POSIXct(attr(Portfolio,'initDate'))>=startDate || length(Portfolio$summary)==0 ){
+       Portfolio$summary<-summary #changes to subset might not return a empty dimnames set of columns
+     }else{
+       Portfolio$summary<-rbind(Portfolio$summary[paste('::',startDate,sep='')],summary)
+     }
+     # assign Portfolio to environment
+     assign( paste("portfolio",pname,sep='.'), Portfolio, envir=.blotter )
+     return(pname) #not sure this is a good idea

Modified: pkg/quantstrat/R/applyStrategy.rebalancing.R
--- pkg/quantstrat/R/applyStrategy.rebalancing.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/quantstrat/R/applyStrategy.rebalancing.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
         ret[[portfolio]]<-list() # this is slot [[i]] which we will use later
-        symbols<-names(pobj$symbols)
+        symbols<-ls(pobj$symbols)
         #should be able to use this directly

Modified: pkg/quantstrat/R/orders.R
--- pkg/quantstrat/R/orders.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/quantstrat/R/orders.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
     if(is.null(symbols)) {
-        symbols<-names(pfolio$symbols)
+        symbols<-ls(pfolio$symbols)
         orders[[portfolio]][symbols] <- list(NULL)

Modified: pkg/quantstrat/R/parameters.R
--- pkg/quantstrat/R/parameters.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/quantstrat/R/parameters.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -398,11 +398,11 @@
     #need to create combination of distribution values in each slot of the parameterPool
-    symbols<-names(initialPortf$symbols)
+    symbols<-ls(initialPortf$symbols)
-    for(symbol in names(initialPortf$symbols))
+    for(symbol in ls(initialPortf$symbols))

Modified: pkg/quantstrat/R/paramsets.R
--- pkg/quantstrat/R/paramsets.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/quantstrat/R/paramsets.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
-# Authors: Yu Chen, Jan Humme
+# Authors: Jan Humme, Brian Peterson
 # This code is a based on earlier work by Yu Chen
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
-        for(symbol in names(portfolio$symbols))
+        for(symbol in ls(portfolio$symbols))
             portfolio$symbols[[symbol]]$txn <- portfolio$symbols[[symbol]]$txn[1,]

Modified: pkg/quantstrat/R/rebalance.rules.R
--- pkg/quantstrat/R/rebalance.rules.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/quantstrat/R/rebalance.rules.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -1,118 +1,118 @@
-#' rule to base trade size on a percentage of available equity.
-#' This rule works with \code{\link{applyStrategy.rebalancing}} to set the
-#' maximum trade size by calling \code{\link{addPosLimit}}.  
-#' To use it, you need to specify it as (part of) a rule of type 'rebalance'.
-#' note that  \code{\link{applyStrategy.rebalancing}} will expect a 
-#' 'rebalance_on' argument to be included in the \code{arguments=list(...)} 
-#' of the rule definition. 
-#' @param trade.percent max percentage of equity to allow the strategy to trade in this symbol
-#' @param longlevels numeric number of levels
-#' @param shortlevels numeric number of short levels, default longlevels 
-#' @param digits if not NULL(the default), will call \code{\link{round}} with specified number of digits
-#' @param refprice if not NULL(the default), will divide the calculated tra
-#' @param portfolio text name of the portfolio to place orders in, typically set automatically
-#' @param symbol identifier of the instrument to cancel orders for, typically set automatically
-#' @param timestamp timestamp coercible to POSIXct that will be the time the order will be inserted on, typically set automatically 
-#' @param \dots any other passthrough parameters
-#' @seealso \code{\link{osMaxPos}} , 
-#' \code{\link{applyStrategy.rebalancing}}, 
-#' \code{\link{addPosLimit}}, 
-#' \code{\link{add.rule}}
-#' @examples 
-#' # example rule definition
-#' \dontrun{
-#' add.rule(strategy.name, 'rulePctEquity',
-#'         arguments=list(rebalance_on='months',
-#'                        trade.percent=.02,
-#'                        refprice=quote(last(getPrice(mktdata)[paste('::',timestamp,sep='')])),
-#'                        digits=0
-#'         ),
-#'         type='rebalance',
-#'         label='rebalance')
-#' }
-#' @export
-rulePctEquity <- function (trade.percent=.02,
-                           ...,
-                           longlevels=1, 
-                           shortlevels=1, 
-                           digits=NULL,
-                           refprice=NULL,
-                           portfolio,
-                           symbol,
-                           timestamp)
-    dummy <- updatePortf(Portfolio=portfolio,
-            Dates=paste('::',timestamp,sep=''))
-    trading.pl <- sum(getPortfolio(portfolio)$summary$Net.Trading.PL)
-    total.equity <- initEq+trading.pl
-    tradeSize <- total.equity * trade.percent
-    if(!is.null(refprice)) tradeSize <- tradeSize/refprice
-    if(!is.null(digits)) tradeSize<-round(tradeSize,digits)
-    addPosLimit(portfolio = portfolio, 
-                symbol = symbol, 
-                timestamp = timestamp, 
-                maxpos = tradeSize, 
-                longlevels = longlevels, 
-                minpos = -tradeSize, 
-                shortlevels = shortlevels)
-ruleWeights <- function (weights=NULL,
-        ...,
-        longlevels=1, 
-        shortlevels=1, 
-        digits=NULL,
-        portfolio,
-        symbol,
-        account=NULL,
-        timestamp)
-    #update portfolio
-    dummy <- updatePortf(Portfolio=portfolio,
-            Dates=paste('::',timestamp,sep=''))
-    #get total account equity
-    if(!is.null(account)){
-        dummy <- updateAcct(Account=account,
-                Dates=paste('::',timestamp,sep=''))
-        dummy <- updateEndEq(Account=account,
-                Dates=paste('::',timestamp,sep=''))
-        total.equity<-getEndEq(account)
-    } else {
-        trading.pl <- sum(getPortfolio(portfolio)$summary$Net.Trading.PL)
-        total.equity <- initEq+trading.pl
-    }
-    if(!is.null(digits)) tradeSize<-round(tradeSize,digits)
-    addPosLimit(portfolio = portfolio, 
-            symbol = symbol, 
-            timestamp = timestamp, 
-            maxpos = tradeSize, 
-            longlevels = longlevels, 
-            minpos = -tradeSize, 
-            shortlevels = shortlevels)
-#TODO weights rule that takes or calculates max position based on weights
-#TODO active weights rule that moved from current positions to target positions
-#TODO PortfolioAnalytics sizing
-#TODO LSPM sizing
-# R (http://r-project.org/) Quantitative Strategy Model Framework
-# Copyright (c) 2009-2012
-# Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian G. Peterson, Jeffrey Ryan, and Joshua Ulrich 
-# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
-# for full details see the file COPYING
-# $Id$
+#' rule to base trade size on a percentage of available equity.
+#' This rule works with \code{\link{applyStrategy.rebalancing}} to set the
+#' maximum trade size by calling \code{\link{addPosLimit}}.  
+#' To use it, you need to specify it as (part of) a rule of type 'rebalance'.
+#' note that  \code{\link{applyStrategy.rebalancing}} will expect a 
+#' 'rebalance_on' argument to be included in the \code{arguments=list(...)} 
+#' of the rule definition. 
+#' @param trade.percent max percentage of equity to allow the strategy to trade in this symbol
+#' @param longlevels numeric number of levels
+#' @param shortlevels numeric number of short levels, default longlevels 
+#' @param digits if not NULL(the default), will call \code{\link{round}} with specified number of digits
+#' @param refprice if not NULL(the default), will divide the calculated tra
+#' @param portfolio text name of the portfolio to place orders in, typically set automatically
+#' @param symbol identifier of the instrument to cancel orders for, typically set automatically
+#' @param timestamp timestamp coercible to POSIXct that will be the time the order will be inserted on, typically set automatically 
+#' @param \dots any other passthrough parameters
+#' @seealso \code{\link{osMaxPos}} , 
+#' \code{\link{applyStrategy.rebalancing}}, 
+#' \code{\link{addPosLimit}}, 
+#' \code{\link{add.rule}}
+#' @examples 
+#' # example rule definition
+#' \dontrun{
+#' add.rule(strategy.name, 'rulePctEquity',
+#'         arguments=list(rebalance_on='months',
+#'                        trade.percent=.02,
+#'                        refprice=quote(last(getPrice(mktdata)[paste('::',timestamp,sep='')])),
+#'                        digits=0
+#'         ),
+#'         type='rebalance',
+#'         label='rebalance')
+#' }
+#' @export
+rulePctEquity <- function (trade.percent=.02,
+                           ...,
+                           longlevels=1, 
+                           shortlevels=1, 
+                           digits=NULL,
+                           refprice=NULL,
+                           portfolio,
+                           symbol,
+                           timestamp)
+    dummy <- updatePortf(Portfolio=portfolio,
+            Dates=paste('::',timestamp,sep=''))
+    trading.pl <- sum(getPortfolio(portfolio)$summary$Net.Trading.PL)
+    total.equity <- initEq+trading.pl
+    tradeSize <- total.equity * trade.percent
+    if(!is.null(refprice)) tradeSize <- tradeSize/refprice
+    if(!is.null(digits)) tradeSize<-round(tradeSize,digits)
+    addPosLimit(portfolio = portfolio, 
+                symbol = symbol, 
+                timestamp = timestamp, 
+                maxpos = tradeSize, 
+                longlevels = longlevels, 
+                minpos = -tradeSize, 
+                shortlevels = shortlevels)
+ruleWeights <- function (weights=NULL,
+        ...,
+        longlevels=1, 
+        shortlevels=1, 
+        digits=NULL,
+        portfolio,
+        symbol,
+        account=NULL,
+        timestamp)
+    #update portfolio
+    dummy <- updatePortf(Portfolio=portfolio,
+            Dates=paste('::',timestamp,sep=''))
+    #get total account equity
+    if(!is.null(account)){
+        dummy <- updateAcct(name=account,
+                Dates=paste('::',timestamp,sep=''))
+        dummy <- updateEndEq(Account=account,
+                Dates=paste('::',timestamp,sep=''))
+        total.equity<-getEndEq(account)
+    } else {
+        trading.pl <- sum(getPortfolio(portfolio)$summary$Net.Trading.PL)
+        total.equity <- initEq+trading.pl
+    }
+    if(!is.null(digits)) tradeSize<-round(tradeSize,digits)
+    addPosLimit(portfolio = portfolio, 
+            symbol = symbol, 
+            timestamp = timestamp, 
+            maxpos = tradeSize, 
+            longlevels = longlevels, 
+            minpos = -tradeSize, 
+            shortlevels = shortlevels)
+#TODO weights rule that takes or calculates max position based on weights
+#TODO active weights rule that moved from current positions to target positions
+#TODO PortfolioAnalytics sizing
+#TODO LSPM sizing
+# R (http://r-project.org/) Quantitative Strategy Model Framework
+# Copyright (c) 2009-2012
+# Peter Carl, Dirk Eddelbuettel, Brian G. Peterson, Jeffrey Ryan, and Joshua Ulrich 
+# This library is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
+# for full details see the file COPYING
+# $Id$

Modified: pkg/quantstrat/R/strategy.R
--- pkg/quantstrat/R/strategy.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/quantstrat/R/strategy.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@
    		ret[[portfolio]]<-list() # this is slot [[i]] which we will use later
-        symbols<-names(pobj$symbols)
+        symbols<- ls(pobj$symbols)
         for (symbol in symbols){
             if(isTRUE(load.mktdata)) mktdata <- get(symbol)

Modified: pkg/quantstrat/R/wrapup.R
--- pkg/quantstrat/R/wrapup.R	2013-09-13 17:13:10 UTC (rev 1502)
+++ pkg/quantstrat/R/wrapup.R	2013-09-13 21:37:20 UTC (rev 1503)
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
         if(showEq) cat('Ending Account Equity: ', getEndEq(Account=account,Date=Sys.time()), '\n')
-        for (symbol in names(getPortfolio(portfolio)$symbols) ){
+        for (symbol in ls(getPortfolio(portfolio)$symbols) ){
             chart.Posn(Portfolio=portfolio, Symbol=symbol,...=...)

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