[Blotter-commits] r1072 - in pkg/FinancialInstrument: R man

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Mon Jun 25 18:51:44 CEST 2012

Author: gsee
Date: 2012-06-25 18:51:44 +0200 (Mon, 25 Jun 2012)
New Revision: 1072

 remove getSymbols.FIpar because it does not help (Thanks Joshua Ulrich). Setting verbose=FALSE offers at least the same benefit.

Deleted: pkg/FinancialInstrument/R/getSymbols.FIpar.R
--- pkg/FinancialInstrument/R/getSymbols.FIpar.R	2012-06-25 15:23:47 UTC (rev 1071)
+++ pkg/FinancialInstrument/R/getSymbols.FIpar.R	2012-06-25 16:51:44 UTC (rev 1072)
@@ -1,265 +0,0 @@
-#' getSymbols method for loading data from split files
-#' This is \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{getSymbols.FI}} adapted to use
-#' \code{foreach}.  If a parallel backend has been registered (with, e.g.
-#' \code{doMC:::registerDoMC} or \code{doSMP:::registerDoSMP},) it will get multiple symbols
-#' in parallel.
-#' Meant to be called internally by \code{\link[quantmod]{getSymbols}} .
-#' If date_format is NULL (the Default), we will assume an ISO date as changed by \code{\link{make.names}}, 
-#' for example, 2010-12-01 would be assumed to be a file containing 2010.12.01
-#' If auto.assign is FALSE, you'll only get the last Symbol in the symbols list returned, 
-#' so only use \code{auto.assign=FALSE} with a single symbol.  Patches Welcome.
-#' @param Symbols a character vector specifying the names of each symbol to be loaded
-#' @param from Retrieve data no earlier than this date. Default '2010-01-01'.
-#' @param to Retrieve data through this date. Default Sys.Date().
-#' @param ... any other passthru parameters
-#' @param dir if not specified in getSymbolLookup, directory string to use.  default ""
-#' @param return.class only "xts" is currently supported
-#' @param extension file extension, default "rda"
-#' @param split_method string specifying the method used to split the files, currently \sQuote{days} 
-#'   or \sQuote{common}, see \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{setSymbolLookup.FI}}
-#' @param use_identifier optional. identifier used to construct the \code{primary_id} of the instrument. 
-#'   If you use this, you must have previously defined the \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{instrument}} 
-#' @param date_format format as per the \code{\link{strptime}}, see Details
-#' @param verbose TRUE/FALSE
-#' @param days_to_omit character vector of names of weekdays that should not be loaded.  
-#'      Default is \code{c("Saturday", "Sunday")}.  Use \code{NULL} to attempt to load data 
-#'      for all days of the week.
-#' @param indexTZ valid TZ string. (e.g. \dQuote{America/Chicago} or \dQuote{America/New_York})
-#'      See \code{\link[xts]{indexTZ}}.
-#' @param timespan xts-style intraday subsetting string. e.g. \dQuote{T08:30:00/T15:00:00}.
-#'      If \code{indexTZ} is provided, timezone conversion will occur before
-#'      the time of day subsetting. \code{timespan} is only used if 
-#'      \code{split_method} is \dQuote{days}.
-#' @seealso 
-#' \code{\link[quantmod]{getSymbols}}
-#' \code{\link{getSymbols.FI}}
-#' \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{saveSymbols.days}}
-#' \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{instrument}}
-#' \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{setSymbolLookup.FI}}
-#' \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{load.instruments}}
-#' \code{\link[quantmod]{getSymbols}}
-#' @export
-getSymbols.FIpar <- function(Symbols,
-                            from='2010-01-01',
-                            to=Sys.Date(),
-                            ..., 
-                            dir="",
-                            return.class="xts",
-                            extension="rda",
-                            split_method = c("days", "common"),
-                            use_identifier = NA,
-                            date_format=NULL,
-                            verbose=TRUE,
-                            days_to_omit=c("Saturday", "Sunday"),
-                            indexTZ,
-                            timespan
-                         )
-    require(foreach)
-    if (is.null(date_format)) date_format <- "%Y.%m.%d"
-    if (is.null(days_to_omit)) days_to_omit <- 'NULL'
-    importDefaults("getSymbols.FIpar")
-    this.env <- environment()
-    for(var in names(list(...))) {
-        assign(var,list(...)[[var]], this.env)
-    }
-    #The body of the following function comes from Dominik's answer here: 
-    #browseURL{"http://stackoverflow.com/questions/7224938/can-i-rbind-be-parallelized-in-r"}
-    #it does what do.call(rbind, lst) would do, but faster and with less memory usage
-    do.call.rbind <- function(lst) {
-        while(length(lst) > 1) {
-            idxlst <- seq(from=1, to=length(lst), by=2)
-            lst <- lapply(idxlst, function(i) {
-                if(i==length(lst)) { return(lst[[i]]) }
-                return(rbind(lst[[i]], lst[[i+1]]))
-            })
-        }
-        lst[[1]]
-    }
-    # Find out if user provided a value for each formal
-    hasArg.from <- hasArg(from)
-    hasArg.to <- hasArg(to)
-    hasArg.dir <- hasArg(dir)
-    hasArg.return.class <- hasArg(return.class)
-    hasArg.extension <- hasArg(extension)
-    hasArg.split_method <- hasArg(split_method)
-    hasArg.use_identifier <- hasArg(use_identifier)
-    hasArg.date_format <- hasArg(date_format)
-    hasArg.verbose <- hasArg(verbose)
-    hasArg.days_to_omit <- hasArg(days_to_omit)
-    hasArg.indexTZ <- hasArg(indexTZ)
-    hasArg.timespan <- hasArg(timespan)
-    # Now get the values for each formal that we'll use if not provided
-    # by the user and not found in the SymbolLookup table
-    default.from <- from
-    default.to <- to
-    default.dir <- dir
-    default.return.class <- return.class
-    default.extension <- extension
-    default.split_method <- split_method[1]
-    default.use_identifier <- use_identifier
-    default.date_format <- date_format
-    default.verbose <- verbose
-    default.days_to_omit <- days_to_omit
-    default.indexTZ <- if (hasArg.indexTZ) {
-        default.indexTZ <- indexTZ 
-    } else NA
-    default.timespan <- if (hasArg.timespan) {
-        default.timespan <- timespan 
-    } else ""
-    # quantmod:::getSymbols will provide auto.assign and env
-    # so the next 2 if statements should always be TRUE
-    auto.assign <- if(hasArg(auto.assign)) {auto.assign} else TRUE
-    env <- if(hasArg(env)) {env} else .GlobalEnv 
-    # make an argument matching function to sort out which values to use for each arg
-    pickArg <- function(x, Symbol) {
-        if(get(paste('hasArg', x, sep="."))) {
-            get(x)
-        } else if(!is.null(SymbolLookup[[Symbol]][[x]])) {
-            SymbolLookup[[Symbol]][[x]]
-        } else get(paste("default", x, sep="."))
-    }
-    SymbolLookup <- getSymbolLookup()
-    i <- NULL
-    fr<-NULL
-    datl <- foreach(i = icount(length(Symbols))) %dopar% {
-        dir <- default.dir # I don't know why I have to do this!!!
-#        timespan <- default.timespan
-        from <- pickArg("from", Symbols[[i]])
-        to <- pickArg("to", Symbols[[i]])
-        dir <- pickArg("dir", Symbols[[i]])
-        return.class <- pickArg("return.class", Symbols[[i]])
-        extension <- pickArg('extension', Symbols[[i]])
-        split_method <- pickArg('split_method', Symbols[[i]])
-        use_identifier <- pickArg('use_identifier', Symbols[[i]])
-        date_format <- pickArg('date_format', Symbols[[i]])
-        verbose <- pickArg('verbose', Symbols[[i]])
-        days_to_omit <- pickArg('days_to_omit', Symbols[[i]])
-        indexTZ <- pickArg('indexTZ', Symbols[[i]])
-        timespan <- pickArg('timespan', Symbols[[i]])
-        # if 'dir' is actually the 'base_dir' then we'll paste the instrument name (Symbol) to the end of it.
-        # First, find out what the instrument name is
-        instr_str <- NA
-        if(!is.na(use_identifier)) { 
-            tmp_instr <- try(getInstrument(Symbols[[i]], silent=FALSE))
-            if (inherits(tmp_instr,'try-error') || !is.instrument(tmp_instr)) 
-                stop("must define instrument first to call with 'use_identifier'")
-            if (!use_identifier=='primary_id') {
-                instr_str<-make.names(tmp_instr$identifiers[[use_identifier]])
-            } else  instr_str <- make.names(tmp_instr[[use_identifier]])
-        }
-        Symbol <- ifelse(is.na(instr_str), make.names(Symbols[[i]]), instr_str)
-        ndc<-nchar(dir)
-        if(substr(dir,ndc,ndc)=='/') dir <- substr(dir,1,ndc-1) #remove trailing forward slash
-        ssd <- strsplit(dir,"/")[[1]]
-        if (identical(character(0), ssd) || (!identical(character(0), ssd) && ssd[length(ssd)] != Symbol)) dir <- paste(dir,Symbol,sep="/")
-        if(!dir=="" && !file.exists(dir)) {
-            if (verbose) cat("\ndirectory ",dir," does not exist, skipping\n")
-        } else {
-            if(verbose) cat("loading ",Symbols[[i]],".....\n")
-            switch(split_method[1],
-                days={
-                    StartDate <- as.Date(from) 
-                    EndDate <- as.Date(to) 
-                    date.vec <- as.Date(StartDate:EndDate)
-                    date.vec <- date.vec[!weekdays(date.vec) %in% days_to_omit]  
-                    date.vec <- format(date.vec, format=date_format)
-                    sym.files <- paste(date.vec, Symbol, extension, sep=".")
-                    if (dir != "") sym.files <- file.path(dir, sym.files)
-                    tmpenv <- new.env()
-                        dl <- lapply(sym.files, function(fp) {
-                            sf <- strsplit(fp, "/")[[1]]
-                            sf <- sf[length(sf)]
-                            if (verbose) cat('Reading ', sf, '...')
-                            if (!file.exists(fp)) {
-                                if (verbose) cat(' failed. File not found in ', dir, ' ... skipping\n')
-                            } else {
-                                if(verbose) cat(' done.\n')
-                                local.name <- load(fp)
-                                #as.zoo(get(local.name))
-                                dat <- get(local.name)
-                                if (!is.na(indexTZ) && !is.null(dat)) indexTZ(dat) <- indexTZ
-                                dat[timespan]
-                            }
-                        })
-                        if (verbose) cat('rbinding data ... \n')
-                        fr <- do.call.rbind(dl)                        
-                        #fr <- do.call(rbind, dl)
-                        #fr <- as.xts(fr)
-                    },
-                common = , {
-                    sym.file <- paste(Symbol,extension,sep=".")
-                    if(dir != "") sym.file <- file.path(dir, sym.file)
-                    if(!file.exists(sym.file)) {
-                        if (verbose) cat("file ",paste(Symbol,extension,sep='.')," does not exist in ",dir,"....skipping\n")
-                    } else {
-                        #fr <- read.csv(sym.file)
-                        local.name <- load(sym.file)
-                        dat <- get(local.name)
-                        if (!is.na(indexTZ) && !is.null(dat)) indexTZ(dat) <- indexTZ
-                        assign('fr', dat[timespan])
-                        if(verbose) cat("done.\n")
-                        #if(!is.xts(fr)) fr <- xts(fr[,-1],as.Date(fr[,1],origin='1970-01-01'),src='rda',updated=Sys.time())
-                    }
-                } # end 'common'/default method (same as getSymbols.rda)               
-            ) # end split_method switch
-            # if each file has a different value for an xtsAttribute, only the most recent is used, so fix them here
-#            if (!is.null(xtsAttributes(fr)$from)) 
-#                xtsAttributes(fr)$from <- from
-#            if (!is.null(xtsAttributes(fr)$to)) 
-#                xtsAttributes(fr)$to <- to
-            fr <- quantmod:::convert.time.series(fr=fr,return.class=return.class)
-            #if (!is.na(indexTZ)) indexTZ(fr) <- indexTZ
-            Symbols[[i]] <-make.names(Symbols[[i]]) 
-            tmp <- list()
-            tmp[[Symbols[[i]]]] <- fr
-            if(verbose) cat("done.\n")
-            tmp     
-        }
-    } #end loop over Symbols
-    if (length(Filter("+", lapply(datl, length))) == 0) {
-        warning("No data found.")
-        return(NULL) 
-    }
-    datl.names <- do.call(c, lapply(datl, names))
-    missing <- Symbols[!Symbols %in% datl.names]
-    if (length(missing) > 0) warning(paste('No data found for', missing))
-    if(auto.assign) {
-        #invisible(lapply(datl, function(x) if (length(x) > 0) assign(names(x), x[[1]], pos=env)))
-        out <- Filter(function(x) length(x) > 0, datl)
-        invisible(lapply(out, function(x) assign(names(x), x[[1]], pos=env)))
-        return(datl.names)
-    } else {
-        #NOTE: Currently, NULLs aren't filtered out.  If there are data for any Symbol,
-        # the returned list will have an element for each symbol requested even if some don't contain data.
-        out <- lapply(datl, function(x) {
-            if (length(x) > 0) x[[1]]
-        })
-        if (length(out) == 1)
-            return(out[[1]])
-        else {
-            # Filter(function(x) dim(x)[1] > 0, out)
-            names(out) <- Symbols
-            return(out)
-        }
-    }

Deleted: pkg/FinancialInstrument/man/getSymbols.FIpar.Rd
--- pkg/FinancialInstrument/man/getSymbols.FIpar.Rd	2012-06-25 15:23:47 UTC (rev 1071)
+++ pkg/FinancialInstrument/man/getSymbols.FIpar.Rd	2012-06-25 16:51:44 UTC (rev 1072)
@@ -1,91 +0,0 @@
-\title{getSymbols method for loading data from split files}
-  getSymbols.FIpar(Symbols, from = "2010-01-01",
-    to = Sys.Date(), ..., dir = "", return.class = "xts",
-    extension = "rda", split_method = c("days", "common"),
-    use_identifier = NA, date_format = NULL,
-    verbose = TRUE, days_to_omit = c("Saturday", "Sunday"),
-    indexTZ, timespan)
-  \item{Symbols}{a character vector specifying the names of
-  each symbol to be loaded}
-  \item{from}{Retrieve data no earlier than this date.
-  Default '2010-01-01'.}
-  \item{to}{Retrieve data through this date. Default
-  Sys.Date().}
-  \item{...}{any other passthru parameters}
-  \item{dir}{if not specified in getSymbolLookup, directory
-  string to use.  default ""}
-  \item{return.class}{only "xts" is currently supported}
-  \item{extension}{file extension, default "rda"}
-  \item{split_method}{string specifying the method used to
-  split the files, currently \sQuote{days} or
-  \sQuote{common}, see
-  \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{setSymbolLookup.FI}}}
-  \item{use_identifier}{optional. identifier used to
-  construct the \code{primary_id} of the instrument.  If
-  you use this, you must have previously defined the
-  \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{instrument}}}
-  \item{date_format}{format as per the
-  \code{\link{strptime}}, see Details}
-  \item{verbose}{TRUE/FALSE}
-  \item{days_to_omit}{character vector of names of weekdays
-  that should not be loaded.  Default is
-  \code{c("Saturday", "Sunday")}.  Use \code{NULL} to
-  attempt to load data for all days of the week.}
-  \item{indexTZ}{valid TZ string. (e.g.
-  \dQuote{America/Chicago} or \dQuote{America/New_York})
-  See \code{\link[xts]{indexTZ}}.}
-  \item{timespan}{xts-style intraday subsetting string.
-  e.g. \dQuote{T08:30:00/T15:00:00}.  If \code{indexTZ} is
-  provided, timezone conversion will occur before the time
-  of day subsetting. \code{timespan} is only used if
-  \code{split_method} is \dQuote{days}.}
-  This is \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{getSymbols.FI}}
-  adapted to use \code{foreach}.  If a parallel backend has
-  been registered (with, e.g. \code{doMC:::registerDoMC} or
-  \code{doSMP:::registerDoSMP},) it will get multiple
-  symbols in parallel.
-  Meant to be called internally by
-  \code{\link[quantmod]{getSymbols}} .
-  If date_format is NULL (the Default), we will assume an
-  ISO date as changed by \code{\link{make.names}}, for
-  example, 2010-12-01 would be assumed to be a file
-  containing 2010.12.01
-  If auto.assign is FALSE, you'll only get the last Symbol
-  in the symbols list returned, so only use
-  \code{auto.assign=FALSE} with a single symbol.  Patches
-  Welcome.
-  \code{\link[quantmod]{getSymbols}}
-  \code{\link{getSymbols.FI}}
-  \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{saveSymbols.days}}
-  \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{instrument}}
-  \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{setSymbolLookup.FI}}
-  \code{\link[FinancialInstrument]{load.instruments}}
-  \code{\link[quantmod]{getSymbols}}

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