[Blotter-commits] r819 - pkg/FinancialInstrument/sandbox

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat Oct 15 02:58:22 CEST 2011

Author: peter_carl
Date: 2011-10-15 02:58:21 +0200 (Sat, 15 Oct 2011)
New Revision: 819

- significant re-write
- functionalized the download and data transform
- adds data into FI

Modified: pkg/FinancialInstrument/sandbox/download.DJUBSindex.R
--- pkg/FinancialInstrument/sandbox/download.DJUBSindex.R	2011-10-12 13:15:54 UTC (rev 818)
+++ pkg/FinancialInstrument/sandbox/download.DJUBSindex.R	2011-10-15 00:58:21 UTC (rev 819)
@@ -1,79 +1,152 @@
-# Script for parsing DJUBS index daily price data series from the
-# DJ website.
+download.DJUBS <- function (filesroot = "~/Data/DJUBS") {
+  # Script for parsing DJUBS index daily price data series from the
+  # DJ website.
+  # Peter Carl
+  # Parse index close prices from the spreadsheet containing the full series:
+  # http://www.djindexes.com/mdsidx/downloads/xlspages/ubsci/DJUBS_full_hist.xls
+  # Several series, all index values
+  # Remove the footer at the bottom
+  # Load needed packages:
+  require(zoo)
+  require(gdata)
+  require(FinancialInstrument)
+  require(quantmod)
+  # filesroot: Set the working directory, where there's a .incoming folder that 
+  # contains the downloaded spreadsheet.
+  # Create and set the working directory if it doesn't exist
+  if (!file.exists(filesroot))
+    dir.create(filesroot, mode="0777")
+  # Create and set the .incoming directory if it doesn't exist
+  if (!file.exists(paste(filesroot, "/.incoming", sep="")))
+    dir.create(paste(filesroot, "/.incoming", sep=""), mode="0777")
+  setwd(paste(filesroot, "/.incoming", sep=""))
+  # Remove the old file from .incoming
+  if(file.exists("DJUBS_full_hist.xls"))
+    system("rm DJUBS_full_hist.xls")
+  # Download the xls workbook directly from the web site:
+  print("Downloading excel spreadsheet from DJUBS web site...")
+  system("wget http://www.djindexes.com/mdsidx/downloads/xlspages/ubsci_public/DJUBS_full_hist.xls")
+  if(!file.exists("DJUBS_full_hist.xls"))
+    stop(paste("No spreadsheet exists.  Download the spreadsheet to be processed from www.djindexes.com into ", filesroot, "/.incoming", sep=""))
+  sheetnames=c("Excess Return", "Total Return")
+  for(sheet in sheetnames){  
+    print(paste("Reading", sheet, "sheet... This will take a moment..."))
+    x = read.xls("DJUBS_full_hist.xls", sheet=sheet, pattern="Symbol")
+    # Get the descriptions to add as attributes
+    # @ TODO: There must be a better way
+    x.attr = read.xls("DJUBS_full_hist.xls", sheet=sheet, pattern="Date", nrows=1, header=FALSE)
+    # Get rid of the last line, which contains the disclaimer
+    x=x[-dim(x)[1],]
+    # Remove blank columns between sections
+    x=x[,-which(apply(x,2,function(x)all(is.na(x))))]
+    # Get attributes and labels
+    categoryNames = x.attr[,!is.na(x.attr)]
+    symbolNames = paste(make.names(colnames(x[,])), ".IDX", sep="")
+    symbolNamesMonthly = paste(make.names(colnames(x[,])), ".M.IDX", sep="")
+    ISOdates = as.Date(x[,1], "%m/%d/%Y")
+    for(i in 2:length(symbolNames)) {
+      # check to make sure directories exist for each symbol, first for daily series...
+      dir.create(paste(filesroot, symbolNames[i], sep="/"), showWarnings = FALSE, 
+      recursive = FALSE, mode = "0777")
+      # ... then for monthly series
+      dir.create(paste(filesroot, symbolNamesMonthly[i], sep="/"), showWarnings = FALSE, 
+      recursive = FALSE, mode = "0777")
+    }
+    # Parse the columns into individual price objects
+    print("Processing columns as symbols...")
+    for( i in 2:dim(x)[2]){
+      x.xts = as.xts(as.numeric(x[,i]), order.by=ISOdates)
+      R.xts = Return.calculate(x.xts)
+      x.xts = cbind(x.xts, R.xts)
+      colnames(x.xts)=c("Close", "Returns")
+      xtsAttributes(x.xts) <- list(Description = paste(categoryNames[,i], sheet, "Index"))
+      save(x.xts, file=paste(filesroot, symbolNames[i], paste(symbolNames[i], ".rda", sep=""), sep="/"))
+      print(paste(symbolNames[i],", ",categoryNames[,i], ", ", sheet, sep=""))
+      # Describe the metadata for each index
+      instrument(symbolNames[i], currency="USD", multiplier=1, tick_size=.01, start_date=head(index(x.xts),1), description=paste(categoryNames[,i], "Index"), data="CR", source="DJUBS", frequency="Daily", assign_i=TRUE)
+      # Construct a monthly series from the daily series
+      x.m.xts = to.monthly(Cl(x.xts))
+      x.m.xts = cbind(x.m.xts[,4], Return.calculate(x.m.xts[,4]))
+      colnames(x.m.xts)=c("Close","Returns")
+      # @ TODO Want to delete the last line off ONLY IF the month is incomplete
+      if(tail(index(x.xts),1) != as.Date(as.yearmon(tail(index(x.xts),1)), frac=1)) {
+        # That test isn't quite right, but its close.  It won't work on the first
+        # day of a new month when the last business day wasn't the last day of 
+        # the month.  It will work for the second day.
+        x.m.xts = x.m.xts[-dim(x.m.xts)[1],]
+      }
+      # Index is set to last trading day of the month.  
+      # Reset index to last day of the month to make alignment easier with other monthly series.  
+      index(x.m.xts)=as.Date(index(x.m.xts), frac=1)
+      xtsAttributes(x.m.xts) <- list(Description = paste(categoryNames[,i], sheet, "Index"))
+      save(x.m.xts, file=paste(filesroot, symbolNamesMonthly[i], paste(symbolNamesMonthly[i], ".rda", sep=""), sep="/"))
+      print(paste(symbolNamesMonthly[i],", ",categoryNames[,i], ", ", sheet, sep=""))
+      # Describe the metadata for each index
+      instrument(symbolNamesMonthly[i], currency="USD", multiplier=1, tick_size=.01, start_date=head(index(x.xts),1), description=paste(categoryNames[,i], "Index"), data="CR", source="DJUBS", frequency="Monthly", assign_i=TRUE)
+    }
+  }
+  # Now, whenever you log in you need to register the instruments.  This
+  # might be a line you put into .Rprofile so that it happens automatically:
+  # require(quantmod) # this requires a development build after revision 560 or so.
+  setSymbolLookup.FI(base_dir=filesroot, split_method='common')
+  print( "Now, whenever you log in you need to register the instruments.  This")
+  print( "might be a line you put into .Rprofile so that it happens automatically:")
+  print( "> require(quantmod) # this requires a dev build after revision 560 or so.")
+  print( "> setSymbolLookup.FI(base_dir=filesroot, split_method='common')")
+  print( "Now you should be able to type:")
+  print( "> getSymbols('DJUBSTR.IDX') ")
-# Peter Carl
+# Now you should be able to:
+# chartSeries(Cl(DJUBSTR.IDX), theme="white")
+charts.PerformanceSummary(DJUBSTR.IDX[,"Returns"], ylog=TRUE, wealth.index=TRUE, main = "DJUBS Total Returns Index Returns")
-# Parse index close prices from the spreadsheet containing the full series:
-# http://www.djindexes.com/mdsidx/downloads/xlspages/ubsci/DJUBS_full_hist.xls
-# Several series, all index values
-# Remove the footer at the bottom
-# Load needed packages:
+# Look at how Garett does this
+y=NULL; for(i in symbols) y=c(y,attr(get(i),"Description"))
+y[3]="DJUBS Spot Index"
-# Set the working directory, where there's a .incoming folder that contains
-# the downloaded spreadsheet.
-filesroot = "~/Data/DJUBS"
+# Get an inflation series from FRED
+getSymbols("CPIAUCSL",src="FRED") #load CPI for inflation
+inflation = ROC(CPIAUCSL,12,type="discrete")/12
+index(inflation) = as.Date(as.yearmon(index(inflation,1)), frac=1)
-# Create and set the working directory if it doesn't exist
-if (!file.exists(filesroot))
-  dir.create(filesroot, mode="0777")
+charts.RollingPerformance(realspot, width=12)
+# Not much of a difference during this period of low inflation
-# Create and set the .incoming directory if it doesn't exist
-if (!file.exists(paste(filesroot, "/.incoming", sep="")))
-  dir.create(paste(filesroot, "/.incoming", sep=""), mode="0777")
-setwd(paste(filesroot, "/.incoming", sep=""))
-# Download the xls workbook directly from the web site:
-system("wget http://www.djindexes.com/mdsidx/downloads/xlspages/ubsci/DJUBS_full_hist.xls")
-  stop(paste("No spreadsheet exists.  Download the spreadsheet to be processed from http://www.msci.com into ", filesroot, "/.incoming", sep=""))
-x = read.xls("DJUBS_full_hist.xls", sheet="Total Return", pattern="Symbol")
-# Get the descriptions to add as attributes
-x.attr = read.xls("DJUBS_full_hist.xls", sheet="Total Return", pattern="Date", nrows=1, header=FALSE)
-# Get rid of the last line, which contains the disclaimer
-# Remove blank columns between sections
-# Get attributes and labels
-categoryNames = x.attr[,!is.na(x.attr)]
-symbolNames = paste(make.names(colnames(x[,])), ".IDX", sep="")
-ISOdates = as.Date(x[,1], "%m/%d/%Y")
-for(i in 2:length(symbolNames)) {
-  # check to make sure directories exist for each symbol
-  dir.create(paste(filesroot, symbolNames[i], sep="/"), showWarnings = FALSE, 
-  recursive = FALSE, mode = "0777")
-# Parse the columns into individual price objects
-for( i in 2:dim(x)[2]){
-  x.xts = as.xts(as.numeric(x[,i]), order.by=ISOdates)
-  R.xts = Return.calculate(x.xts)
-  x.xts = cbind(x.xts, R.xts)
-  colnames(x.xts)=c("Close", "Returns")
-  xtsAttributes(x.xts) <- list(Description = paste(categoryNames[,i], "Index"))
-#   assign(symbolNames[i], x.xts)
-  save(x.xts, file=paste(filesroot, symbolNames[i], paste(symbolNames[i], ".rda", sep=""), sep="/"))
-  # Describe the metadata for each index
-  instrument(symbolNames[i], currency="USD", multiplier=1, tick_size=.01, start_date=head(index(x.xts),1), description=paste(categoryNames[,i], "Index"), data="CR", source="DJUBS", assign_i=TRUE)
-# Now, whenever you log in you need to register the instruments.  This
-# might be a line you put into .Rprofile so that it happens automatically:
-# require(quantmod) # this requires a development build after revision 560 or so.
-setSymbolLookup.FI(base_dir=filesroot, split_method='common')
-# Now you should be able to:
-# chartSeries(Cl(DJUBSTR.IDX), theme="white")
-charts.PerformanceSummary(DJUBSTR.IDX["2010::","Returns"], ylog=TRUE, wealth.index=TRUE, main = "DJUBS Total Returns Index Returns")
\ No newline at end of file
+# To calculate roll returns (shown on daily)
+roll.R = DJUBS[,"Returns"]-DJUBSSP[,"Returns"]
\ No newline at end of file

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