[Blotter-commits] r834 - in pkg/FinancialInstrument: . inst inst/parser sandbox

noreply at r-forge.r-project.org noreply at r-forge.r-project.org
Sat Nov 5 15:06:39 CET 2011

Author: braverock
Date: 2011-11-05 15:06:39 +0100 (Sat, 05 Nov 2011)
New Revision: 834

- move all downlaod and parse files to inst/parser so they will be included with the package	
- bump version

Modified: pkg/FinancialInstrument/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/FinancialInstrument/DESCRIPTION	2011-11-05 13:59:21 UTC (rev 833)
+++ pkg/FinancialInstrument/DESCRIPTION	2011-11-05 14:06:39 UTC (rev 834)
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
     meta-data and relationships. Provides support for
     multi-asset class and multi-currency portfolios. Still
     in heavy development.
-Version: 0.8
+Version: 0.9
 URL: https://r-forge.r-project.org/projects/blotter/
 Date: $Date$

Copied: pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/DJIA.index.R (from rev 829, pkg/FinancialInstrument/sandbox/DJIA.index.R)
--- pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/DJIA.index.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/DJIA.index.R	2011-11-05 14:06:39 UTC (rev 834)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+#' get the components of the Dow Jones Industrial Average
+#' download a data.frame of the 30 Dow Jones components.
+#' @return 30 by 5 data.frame with columns \sQuote{Symbol}, \sQuote{Name}, \sQuote{Last.Trade}, \sQuote{Change}, \sQuote{Volume}
+#' @references \url{'http://finance.yahoo.com/q/cp?s=^DJI+Components'}
+DJIcomponents <- function() {
+    if (!("package:XML" %in% search() || require("XML",quietly=TRUE))) {
+        stop("Please install the XML package before using this function.")
+    }
+    djicomp <- readHTMLTable('http://finance.yahoo.com/q/cp?s=^DJI+Components')
+    data.frame(djicomp[[10]])
+#' fetch the current divisor for the Dow Jones Industrial Average from Barrons
+#' @return numeric
+#' @references \url{'http://online.barrons.com/mdc/public/page/9_3022-djiahourly.html?mod=mdc_h_usshl'}
+dow.divisor <- function() {
+    wp <- readLines('http://online.barrons.com/mdc/public/page/9_3022-djiahourly.html?mod=mdc_h_usshl')
+    #wp2 <- wp[grep("30 INDUSTRIALS:",wp)]
+    #as.numeric(gsub(')</td>','',strsplit(wp2, 'divisor: ')[[1]][2]))
+    as.numeric(gsub(')</td>','',strsplit(wp[grep("30 INDUSTRIALS:",wp)], 'divisor: ')[[1]][2]))
+DJIA.members <- sapply(DJIcomponents()$Symbol, stock, currency="USD", member.of='DJIA')
+getSymbols(DJIA.members) # <-- getting data first is not required, but may be preferable
+synthetic.instrument("DJIA","USD", members=DJIA.members, memberratio=rep(1,length(DJIA.members)), 
+                     multiplier=1/dow.divisor(), tick_size=0.01, description='Dow Jones Industrial Average')
+buildBasket('DJIA') #theoretical index
+getSymbols("^DJI") #acual index

Copied: pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/ISO.currencies.wiki.R (from rev 829, pkg/FinancialInstrument/sandbox/ISO.currencies.wiki.R)
--- pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/ISO.currencies.wiki.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/ISO.currencies.wiki.R	2011-11-05 14:06:39 UTC (rev 834)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+#' Define currencies using the tables found on oanda's website.
+#' If you do not provide \code{Symbols} all oanda curriencies will be defined.
+#' If you do provide \code{Symbols} only the Symbols you provided will be defined. 
+#' @param Symbols
+#' @param silent
+#' @return the names of the currecies that were defined.  Called for side-effect
+#' @references \url{http://www.oanda.com/help/currency-iso-code}
+#' @author Garrett See
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' define_currencies.oanda(c("EUR","GBP","JPY"))
+#' define_currencies.oanda()
+#' }
+define_currencies.oanda <- function(Symbols, silent=FALSE) {
+    if (!("package:XML" %in% search() || require("XML",quietly=TRUE))) 
+        stop("Please install the XML package before using this function.")
+    x <- readHTMLTable("http://www.oanda.com/help/currency-iso-code")
+    x <- lapply(x, function(xx) xx[-1,])
+    #all.syms <- unname(do.call(c,lapply(x, function(xx) as.character(xx[,1]))))
+    df <- do.call(rbind, lapply(x, function(xx) cbind(as.character(xx[,1]), as.character(xx[,2]))))
+    if(missing(Symbols)) Symbols <- df[,1]
+    df <- df[df[,1] %in% Symbols,]
+    apply(df,1,function(X) currency(X[1], description=X[2],defined.by='oanda'))
+#' Define currency instruments using the tables found on the ISO_4217 wikipedia page
+#' If you do not provide \code{Symbols} all active ISO 4127 curriencies will be defined.
+#' If you do provide \code{Symbols} only the Symbols you provided will be defined. Also,
+#' if you provide some \code{Symbols} that are not active ISO currencies, it will try to 
+#' find them in the "Without currency code" and "Historic currency codes" tables.
+#' @param Symbols
+#' @param silent
+#' @return the names of the currecies that were defined.  
+#' If \code{Symbols} was provided, they will be in the order they were found (ISO, non-ISO, historic). 
+#' Called for side-effect
+#' @references \url{http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217}
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' define_currencies.wiki(c("USD","EUR","ADP","ETB","GBP","BTC"))
+#' define_currencies.wiki()
+#' }
+define_currencies.wiki <- function(Symbols, silent=FALSE) {
+    if (!("package:XML" %in% search() || require("XML",quietly=TRUE))) 
+        stop("Please install the XML package before using this function.")
+    x <- readHTMLTable("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217")
+    #"The following is a list of active codes of official ISO 4217 currency names."        
+    ccy <- x[[2]] #active ISO 4217 currencies
+    if (!missing(Symbols)) {
+        ccy <- rbind(ccy, x[[3]]) #add non-ISO... things like Bitcoin
+        ccy <- ccy[ccy$Code %in% Symbols,]
+    } else Symbols <- NULL
+    out <- unname(apply(ccy, 1, function(xx) currency(xx[1], identifiers=list(Num=xx[2]), digits.after.dec=xx[3], 
+                                                        description=xx[4], country=xx[5], defined.by='wiki')))
+    if (!is.null(Symbols) && !identical(character(0), Symbols[!Symbols %in% ccy$Code])) {
+        if (!silent) warning(paste("The following are historical,",
+                "and are no longer active:", Symbols[!Symbols %in% ccy$Code]))
+        hccy <- x[[4]]
+        hccy <- hccy[hccy$Code %in% Symbols,]
+        out <- c(out, unname(apply(hccy, 1, function(xx) {
+                    currency(xx[1], description=xx[4], used.from=xx[5], used.until=xx[6], replaced.by=xx[7], defined.by='wiki')
+                 })))
+    }
+    out
+#x <- readHTMLTable("http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217")
+#"A number of territories are not included in ISO 4217, because their currencies are: 
+#(a) not per se an independent currency but a variant of another currency, 
+#(b) a legal tender only issued as commemorative banknotes or coinage, or 
+#(c) a currency of an unrecognized or partially recognized state. These currencies are:"
+#nonISO.ccy <- x[[3]]
+#"A number of currencies were official ISO 4217 currency codes and currency names 
+#until their replacement by the euro or other currencies. 
+#The table below shows the ISO currency codes of former currencies and their common names 
+#(which do not always match the ISO 4217 name)."
+#historic.ccy <- x[[4]]

Copied: pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/TRTH_BackFill.R (from rev 833, pkg/FinancialInstrument/sandbox/TRTH_BackFill.R)
--- pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/TRTH_BackFill.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/TRTH_BackFill.R	2011-11-05 14:06:39 UTC (rev 834)
@@ -0,0 +1,399 @@
+#                  Reuters Backfill Configuration Parameters                 #         
+# You should create a configuration file that includes the following
+#instrument_file <- '/full/path/to/instruments.rda' #where your instrument metadata is stored
+#archive_dir <- "/full/path/to/archives/" # where the split CSV, job reports, and gz files will be stored
+#path.output <- "/full/path/to/output/" # root dir where the .rda files for the xts will be placed
+#job.name <- "mybackfill" # the Reuters TRTH job name
+#username <- "username" #TRTH user name, usually your email address
+#password <- "password" #TRTH password
+#image <- TRUE
+#email_to <- 'someuser at somehost.com'
+#email_from <- 'someuser at somehost.com'
+#no.cores <- 1 # for foreach
+Date <- Sys.Date()
+#require(sendmailR) # for email on failure
+# registerDoSEQ()
+Archive.output <- list.files(archive_dir)
+Archive.output <- Archive.output[grep(".gz",Archive.output)]
+Archive.output <- Archive.output[-c(grep("confirmation",Archive.output),grep("report",Archive.output))]
+while(!listflag)#try to download file list 
+    clear<-warnings() #currency loads from oanda alway generate warnings, clear them out
+    Reuters <- system(paste("curl ftp://tickhistory-ftp.thomsonreuters.com:15500/results/ -u ",username,":",password," --ftp-ssl -k -l",sep=""),intern=TRUE)
+    w<-''
+    w<-warnings()
+    if(!as.logical(length(Reuters)) || isTRUE(grep('curl',names(w))))
+    {
+        tmpmsg<-paste("curl returned error code", names(w),'\n','while attempting to download file list','\n','script will wait and retry in 30 min')
+        #sendmail(email_to,email_from,"error downloading Reuters file list",msg=tmpmsg)
+        Sys.sleep(180)
+    } else listflag=TRUE
+# now we're past the while loop, so we have a file list
+Reuters.report <- Reuters[grep("report",Reuters)]
+Reuters.output <-  Reuters[-c(grep("report",Reuters),grep("confirmation",Reuters))]
+Reuters.output <-  Reuters.output[grep(job.name,Reuters.output)]
+Reuters.new <- Reuters.output[!(Reuters.output %in% Archive.output)]
+# or to start from the file list
+# Reuters.output <-  Archive.output[grep(job.name,Archive.output)]
+# Reuters.new <- Reuters.output
+for(i in 1:length(Reuters.new))
+	filename.gz <- Reuters.new[i]
+	filename.csv <- substr(filename.gz,1,(nchar(filename.gz)-3))
+	alias <- unlist(strsplit(filename.gz,"-"))[3]
+	alias <- unlist(strsplit(alias,".csv.gz"))
+	## Download New Datasets
+	print(paste("Downloading ",filename.gz,sep=""))
+    fileflag=FALSE	
+    while(!fileflag) #try to download individual files
+    {
+        Reuters2<-system(paste("curl -m 10800 --max-filesize 1610612736 ftp://tickhistory-ftp.thomsonreuters.com:15500/results/",filename.gz, " -u ",username,":",password," --ftp-ssl -k > ",archive_dir,"/",filename.gz,sep=""))
+        if(Reuters2!=0)
+        {
+            w2<-''
+            w2<-warnings()
+            tmpmsg<-paste("curl returned error code", Reuters2,"\n",w2,'\n','while attempting to download',filename.gz,'\n','will wait and retry in 10 min')
+            #sendmail(email_to,email_from,paste("error downloading Reuters file",filename.gz),msg=tmpmsg)
+            Sys.sleep(600)
+        } else fileflag=TRUE
+    }
+	## Download Report s
+	system(paste("curl ftp://tickhistory-ftp.thomsonreuters.com:15500/results/",Reuters.report[grep(alias,Reuters.report)], " -u ",username,":",password," --ftp-ssl -k > ",archive_dir,"/",Reuters.report[grep(alias,Reuters.report)],sep=""))
+	system(paste("gzip -d -f ",archive_dir,"Report/",Reuters.report[grep(alias,Reuters.report)],sep=""))
+## now unzip, split, rezip
+#foreach(j=1:length(Reuters.new)) %dopar%
+for(j in 1:length(Reuters.new))
+	#	system(paste("split --lines=10000000 -d ",filename.csv," split.",sep=""))
+	#	files.split <- list.files("/home/mktdata/ReutersData/Archives", pattern="split.")
+	filename.gz <- Reuters.new[j]
+	filename.csv <- substr(filename.gz,1,(nchar(filename.gz)-3))
+	#unzip the file
+	print(paste("unzipping ",filename.gz, sep=""))
+	system(paste("gzip -d -f ",archive_dir,'/',filename.gz,sep=""))
+	alias <- unlist(strsplit(filename.gz,"-"))[3]
+	alias <- unlist(strsplit(alias,".csv.gz"))
+	## Split the Files 
+	## command line awkstring would look like this:
+	#awk -F "," '{print >>$1"."$2".csv"}' sourcefile.csv
+	#
+	## modified to deal with 'too many open files', thanks to Josh Ulrich
+	#	awk -v f2="" -F "," '{
+	#			f1 = $1"."$2".csv";
+	#			print >> f1;
+	#			if(f1 != f2) {
+	#			close(f2);
+	#			f2=f1;
+	#			}
+	#			}' sourcefile.csv
+	## NOTE: if you get errors on 'too many open files' from awk, you'll need to adjust ulimit/nolimit
+	print(paste("Splitting ",filename.csv,sep=""))
+	#system(paste('awk -F "," ',"'{print >> $1", '"."$2".csv','"}',"' ",filename.csv, sep=""))
+	system(paste('awk -v f2="" -F "," '," '",'{
+			f1 = $1"."$2".csv";
+			print >> f1;
+			if(f1 != f2) {
+			close(f2);
+			f2=f1;
+			}
+			}',"' ",filename.csv, sep="")) #Improved awk w/ file close thanks to Josh Ulrich
+	## Zip the File
+	print(paste("zipping ",filename.csv,sep=""))
+	system(paste("gzip -f ",archive_dir,'/',filename.csv,sep=""))
+files.csv <- list.files(archive_dir)
+files.csv <- files.csv[-grep(".csv.gz",files.csv)]
+files.csv <- files.csv[grep(".csv",files.csv)]
+files.header <- files.csv[grep("RIC",files.csv)]
+files.csv <- files.csv[-grep("RIC",files.csv)]
+files.xts <- NULL
+for(k in 1:length(files.csv))
+	#print(k)
+	name.csv <- files.csv[k]
+	name <- unlist(strsplit(name.csv,".",fixed=TRUE))[1]
+	RIC.date <- try(as.Date(unlist(strsplit(name.csv,".",fixed=TRUE))[2], format="%d-%b-%Y"))
+	date.format <- gsub("-",".",RIC.date)
+	if(weekdays(RIC.date)=="Saturday" | weekdays(RIC.date)=="Sunday")
+	{
+		file.remove(paste(archive_dir,name.csv,sep=""))
+		next
+	}
+	## Handle leading digits and VIX and Cash
+	if(substr(name,1,1)==1){name.new <- substr(name,2,nchar(name));name.new <- make.names(name.new)}
+    else{name.new <- make.names(name)}
+	## Does directory exist?
+	ex <- file.exists(paste(path.output,date.format,"/",sep=""))
+	if(ex != TRUE){dir.create(paste(path.output,date.format,"/",sep=""), mode="775")}
+	## Move files to appropriate place
+	#system(paste("mv -f ", path.output,"Archives/",name.csv, " ", path.output,date.format,"/",date.format,".",name.new,".csv", sep=""))
+	system(paste("mv -f ", name.csv, " ", path.output,date.format,"/",date.format,".",name.new,".csv", sep=""))
+	print(paste(date.format, name.new, "moved", sep=" "))
+	files.xts <- rbind(files.xts,as.data.frame(cbind(name.new,date.format),stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
+# now get instrument data
+for(i in 1:length(instr_s)){
+    instr<-getInstrument(instr_s[i])
+    if(is.instrument(instr)){ 
+        files.xts[files.xts$name.new ==instr_s[i],]$type<-as.character(instr$type[1])
+    } else {
+        print(paste(instr_s[i], 'does not appear to be an instrument, setting it to', default_type))
+        files.xts[files.xts$name.new==instr_s[i],]$type<-default_type
+        missing_i<-c(missing_i,instr_s[i])
+    }
+##If trying to fix a broken set:
+#files.csv<-'';for(dir in list.files(getwd(),pattern="20")) {files.csv<-c(files.csv,list.files(paste(getwd(),'/',dir,'/',sep=''),pattern=".csv"))}[-1]
+#for(l in 1:length(files.csv)) { rsplit<-as.vector(strsplit(files.csv[l],'.',fixed=TRUE)[[1]]); files.xts<-rbind(files.xts,cbind(rsplit[4],paste(rsplit[1],rsplit[2],rsplit[3],sep='.'))); print(files.xts[l,])}
+H <- read.csv(paste(path.output,"Archives/#RIC.Date[G].csv",sep=""),header=FALSE,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
+H <- H[nrow(H),]
+H <- make.names(H)
+## Into xts###############################################################
+reut2xts <- function( data, datapath, image=TRUE, overwrite=FALSE )
+	prod <- data[,'name.new']
+	date <- data[,'date.format']
+    type <- data[,'type']
+	print(paste(date, prod, "xts", sep=" "))
+	RIC.code <- prod
+	file.name <- paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/",date,".",RIC.code,".RData",sep="")
+	if(!isTRUE(overwrite) && file.exists(file.name)){
+		return(paste(file.name,"already exists, not overwriting"))	
+	}
+	Data <- read.csv(paste(datapath,date,'/',date,'.',prod,'.csv',sep=''),stringsAsFactors=FALSE,header=FALSE)
+	names(Data) <- H
+	OTC.remove <- grep("IRGCOND",Data$Qualifiers)
+	OTC.remove <- c(OTC.remove,grep("High[USER]",Data$Qualifiers,fixed=TRUE))
+	OTC.remove <- c(OTC.remove,grep("Low[USER]",Data$Qualifiers,fixed=TRUE))
+	if(substr(prod,1,(nchar(prod)-2))=="ICF"){OTC.remove <- NULL}
+	if(substr(prod,1,(nchar(prod)-2))=="DOL"){OTC.remove <- NULL}
+	if(dim(Data)[1]<=25){return(NULL)}
+	index.new <- as.POSIXct(paste(Data$Date.G.,Data$Time.G,sep=" "),format="%d-%b-%Y%H:%M:%OS",tz="GMT")
+	## Force Everything to numerics
+	Data <- Data[,c("Price","Volume","Bid.Price","Bid.Size","Ask.Price","Ask.Size")]
+	Data$Price <- as.numeric(Data$Price)
+	Data$Volume <- as.numeric(Data$Volume)
+	Data$Bid.Price <- as.numeric(Data$Bid.Price)
+	Data$Bid.Size <- as.numeric(Data$Bid.Size)
+	Data$Ask.Price <- as.numeric(Data$Ask.Price)
+	Data$Ask.Size <- as.numeric(Data$Ask.Size)
+	Data <- xts(Data,order.by=index.new,tz="GMT")
+	## Remove block trades
+	if(length(OTC.remove)){Data <- Data[-OTC.remove]}
+	## Turn bids/offers that are zero or less into NA for outrights
+	if(type !="guaranteed_spread")
+	{
+		Data$Bid.Price[Data$Bid.Price<=0,] <- NA
+		Data$Ask.Price[Data$Ask.Price<=0,] <- NA
+		Data$Price[Data$Ask.Price<=0,] <- NA
+	}else{
+		Data$Bid.Price[Data$Bid.Price==0,] <- NA
+		Data$Ask.Price[Data$Ask.Price==0,] <- NA
+		Data$Price[Data$Ask.Price==0,] <- NA
+	}
+	## Carry last bid/offer forward
+	Data$Bid.Price <- na.locf(Data$Bid.Price)
+	Data$Ask.Price <- na.locf(Data$Ask.Price)
+	Data$Bid.Size <- na.locf(Data$Bid.Size)
+	Data$Ask.Size <- na.locf(Data$Ask.Size)
+	## Remove Trades with Price or Volume of zero
+	Price.remove <- which(Data$Price == 0)
+	Volume.remove <- which(Data$Volume == 0)
+	if(length(c(Price.remove,Volume.remove))!=0)
+	{
+		Data <- Data[-c(Price.remove,Volume.remove)]
+	}
+	if(dim(Data)[1]<=25){return(NULL)}
+	## Remove Price w/ Volume of NA and
+	## Volume w/ Price of NA	
+    na.remove <- c(which(!is.na(Data$Price) & is.na(Data$Volume)),
+    which(is.na(Data$Price) & !is.na(Data$Volume)))
+    if (length(na.remove)!=0) {	Data <- Data[-sort(na.remove)] }
+	## not enough rows
+	if(dim(Data)[1]<=10){return(NULL)}
+	## Remove leading NAs on Bid/Ask
+	bid.remove <- which(is.na(Data$Bid.Price))
+	ask.remove <- which(is.na(Data$Ask.Price))
+	union.remove <- c(bid.remove,ask.remove)
+	if(length(union.remove)>0){Data <- Data[-union.remove]}
+	## not enough rows
+	if(dim(Data)[1]<=25){return(NULL)}
+	## Rename Data to RIC code
+	assign(RIC.code,Data)
+	## Does xts directory exist?
+	ex <- file.exists(paste(datapath,"xts/",prod,"/",sep=""))
+	if(!ex){dir.create(paste(datapath,"xts/",prod,"/",sep=""),mode="775")}
+	file.name <- paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/",date,".",RIC.code,".RData",sep="")
+	if(!isTRUE(overwrite) && file.exists(file.name)){
+		return(paste(file.name,"already exists, not overwriting"))	
+	} else {
+		file.text <- paste("save(",RIC.code," ,file='",file.name,"')",sep="")
+		if(!file.exists(paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,sep=""))){dir.create(paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,sep=""),mode="775")}
+		eval(parse(text=file.text))
+	}
+	datarange <- range(index(Data),na.rm = TRUE)
+	datarange.dif <- difftime(datarange[2],datarange[1],units="secs")
+	if(isTRUE(image) && datarange.dif>3600)
+	{
+		## Bid
+		if(!file.exists(paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/Bid.Image/",sep=""))){dir.create(paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/Bid.Image/",sep=""),mode="775")}
+		png(filename=paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/Bid.Image/",date,".",RIC.code,".png",sep=""),width=1500,height=1000)
+		try(chartSeries(to.minutes(Data$Bid.Price,1),type="bar"),silent=TRUE)
+		dev.off()
+		file.copy(paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/Bid.Image/",date,".",RIC.code,".png",sep=""),paste(datapath,"Archives/Bid.Image.tmp/",date,".",RIC.code,".png",sep=""))
+		## Ask
+		if(!file.exists(paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/Ask.Image/",sep=""))){dir.create(paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/Ask.Image/",sep=""),mode="775")}
+		png(paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/Ask.Image/",date,".",RIC.code,".png",sep=""),width=1500,height=1000)
+		try(chartSeries(to.minutes(Data$Ask.Price,1),type="bar"),silent=TRUE)
+		dev.off()
+		file.copy(paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/Ask.Image/",date,".",RIC.code,".png",sep=""),paste(datapath,"Archives/Ask.Image.tmp/",date,".",RIC.code,".png",sep=""))
+		## Price
+		Data.1 <- Data[!is.na(Data$Price),]
+		if(dim(Data.1)[1]>50)
+		{
+			if(!file.exists(paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/Price.Image/",sep=""))){dir.create(paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/Price.Image/",sep=""),mode="775")}
+			png(paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/Price.Image/",date,".",RIC.code,".png",sep=""),width=1500,height=1000)
+			try(chartSeries(to.minutes(na.omit(Data$Price),1),type="bar"),silent=TRUE)
+			dev.off()
+			file.copy(paste(datapath,"xts/",RIC.code,"/Price.Image/",date,".",RIC.code,".png",sep=""),paste(datapath,"Archives/Price.Image.tmp/",date,".",RIC.code,".png",sep=""))
+		}
+	}
+	rm(list = paste(RIC.code,sep=""))
+}  ## End fn reut2xts 
+Out <- foreach(ii=iter(1:nrow(files.xts)),.errorhandling='pass') %dopar% reut2xts(files.xts[ii,,drop=FALSE],datapath=path.output, image=image)
+# now clean up
+files.rm <- list.files(archive_dir)
+files.rm <- files.rm[-grep(".csv.gz",files.rm)]
+files.rm <- files.rm[grep(".csv",files.rm)]
+# Copyright (c) 2009-2011
+# Peter Carl,  Brian G. Peterson, Lance Levenson 
+# This code is distributed under the terms of the GNU Public License (GPL)
+# for full details see the file COPYING
+# $Id$

Copied: pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/calc.GS10TR.R (from rev 829, pkg/FinancialInstrument/sandbox/calc.GS10TR.R)
--- pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/calc.GS10TR.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/calc.GS10TR.R	2011-11-05 14:06:39 UTC (rev 834)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+# Use yields of the Constant Maturity 10 year bond series from FRED 
+# to calculate total returns.
+# Peter Carl
+# Originally described by Kenton Russell at his blog TimelyPortfolio,
+# posted April 15, 2011
+# http://timelyportfolio.blogspot.com/2011/04/historical-sources-of-bond-returns_17.html
+# Set the working directory.
+filesroot = "~/Data/FRED"
+# Create and set the working directory if it doesn't exist
+if (!file.exists(filesroot))
+  dir.create(filesroot, mode="0777")
+if (!file.exists(paste(filesroot, "/GS10TR.IDX", sep="")))
+  dir.create(paste(filesroot, "/GS10TR.IDX", sep=""), mode="0777")
+getSymbols("GS10", src="FRED") #load US Treasury 10y yields from FRED
+# Dates should be end of month, not beginning of the month as reported
+index(GS10) = as.Date(as.yearmon(index(GS10)), frac=1)
+# @TODO: Do this calculation with a longer list of symbols
+x.pr <- GS10  #set this up to hold price returns
+x.pr[1,1] <- 0
+colnames(x.pr) <- "Price Return"
+for (i in 1:(NROW(GS10)-1)) {
+  x.pr[i+1,1] <- FixedRateBondPriceByYield(yield=GS10[i+1,1]/100, issueDate=Sys.Date(), maturityDate=advance("UnitedStates/GovernmentBond", Sys.Date(), 10, 3), rates=GS10[i,1]/100,period=2)[1]/100-1
+#total return will be the price return + yield/12 for one month
+x.tr <- x.pr + lag(GS10,k=1)/12/100
+colnames(x.tr)<-"Total Return"
+# Add an index column labeled "Close"
+x.idx = 100*cumprod(1+na.omit(x.tr))
+x.xts = cbind(x.idx, x.tr)
+x.xts[1,1]=100 # base the index at 100
+colnames(x.xts) = c("Close", "Return")
+# Save it into an rda file on the filesystem
+save(x.xts, file=paste(filesroot,"GS10TR.IDX/GS10TR.IDX.rda", sep="/"))
+# Create currencies first:
+# Describe the metadata for the index
+instrument("GS10TR.IDX", currency="USD", multiplier=1, tick_size=.01, start_date="1953-04-01", description="US 10Y Constant Maturity Total Returns", data="CR", source="fred", assign_i=TRUE)
+# Now, whenever you log in you need to register the instruments.  This
+# might be a line you put into .Rprofile so that it happens automatically:
+# require(quantmod) # this requires a development build after revision 560 or so.
+setSymbolLookup.FI(base_dir=filesroot, split_method='common')
+# Now you should be able to:
+chartSeries(Cl(GS10TR.IDX), theme="white")

Copied: pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/define.index.components.yahoo.R (from rev 829, pkg/FinancialInstrument/sandbox/define.index.components.yahoo.R)
--- pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/define.index.components.yahoo.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/define.index.components.yahoo.R	2011-11-05 14:06:39 UTC (rev 834)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+#' Define an Index and it's components using yahoo
+#' Get the components of an index and define instruments
+#' @param Symbol character yahoo ticker symbol for a stock index (e.g. "^DJI" or "^GDAXI")
+#' @param currency
+#' @return called for side-effect, but it will return a list with 2 components:
+#' \item{synthetic}{name of the \code{\link{synthetic}} instrument that was defined to hold the metadata of the index.} 
+#' \item{stock}{name of the component \code{\link{stock}}s that were defined}
+#' @note Depends on XML package
+#' @author Garrett See
+#' @examples
+#' \dontrun{
+#' define_components.yahoo('^STOXX50E', 'EUR')
+#' define_components.yahoo('^DJI', 'USD')
+#' }
+define_components.yahoo <- function(Symbol, currency) {
+    require(FinancialInstrument)
+    require(XML)
+    ccy <- currency(currency) #make sure it's defined
+    x <- readHTMLTable(paste("http://finance.yahoo.com/q/cp?s=",Symbol,"+Components", sep=""))
+    mdata <- x[which.max(sapply(x, NROW))][[1]][,1:2]
+    new.Symbol <- synthetic(Symbol, ccy, members=paste(mdata[,1]), src=list(src='yahoo',name=Symbol), identifiers=list(yahoo=Symbol))
+    if (!identical(integer(0), grep("There is no Components data", mdata[,1]))) stop("No Components Data Available for ", Symbol)
+    stks <- rep(NA_character_, NROW(mdata))    
+    for (i in 1:NROW(mdata)) {
+        tmpsym <- paste(mdata[i,1])        
+        stks[i] <- stock(tmpsym, currency=ccy, Name=paste(mdata[i,2]), member.of=new.Symbol)
+        if (!identical(tmpsym,stks[i])) { 
+            # add info about how to find data and metadata
+            instrument_attr(stks[i], 'src', list(src='yahoo', name=tmpsym))           
+            instrument_attr(stks[i], 'identifiers', list(yahoo=tmpsym)) 
+        } 
+    }
+    list(synthetic=new.Symbol, stock=stks)
+#Symbol <- '^STOXX50E'
+#instr <- getInstrument("^STOXX50E")
+#memb5 <- getInstrument(instr$members[5])

Copied: pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/download.DJUBSindex.R (from rev 829, pkg/FinancialInstrument/sandbox/download.DJUBSindex.R)
--- pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/download.DJUBSindex.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/FinancialInstrument/inst/parser/download.DJUBSindex.R	2011-11-05 14:06:39 UTC (rev 834)
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
+download.DJUBS <- function (filesroot = "~/Data/DJUBS") {
+  # Script for parsing DJUBS index daily price data series from the
+  # DJ website.
+  # Peter Carl
+  # Parse index close prices from the spreadsheet containing the full series:
+  # http://www.djindexes.com/mdsidx/downloads/xlspages/ubsci/DJUBS_full_hist.xls
+  # Several series, all index values
+  # Remove the footer at the bottom
+  # Load needed packages:
+  require(zoo)
+  require(gdata)
+  require(FinancialInstrument)
+  require(quantmod)
+  # filesroot: Set the working directory, where there's a .incoming folder that 
+  # contains the downloaded spreadsheet.
+  # Create and set the working directory if it doesn't exist
+  if (!file.exists(filesroot))
+    dir.create(filesroot, mode="0777")
+  # Create and set the .incoming directory if it doesn't exist
+  if (!file.exists(paste(filesroot, "/.incoming", sep="")))
+    dir.create(paste(filesroot, "/.incoming", sep=""), mode="0777")
+  setwd(paste(filesroot, "/.incoming", sep=""))
+  # Remove the old file from .incoming
+  if(file.exists("DJUBS_full_hist.xls"))
+    system("rm DJUBS_full_hist.xls")
+  # Download the xls workbook directly from the web site:
+  print("Downloading excel spreadsheet from DJUBS web site...")
+  system("wget http://www.djindexes.com/mdsidx/downloads/xlspages/ubsci_public/DJUBS_full_hist.xls")
+  if(!file.exists("DJUBS_full_hist.xls"))
+    stop(paste("No spreadsheet exists.  Download the spreadsheet to be processed from www.djindexes.com into ", filesroot, "/.incoming", sep=""))
+  sheetnames=c("Excess Return", "Total Return")
+  for(sheet in sheetnames){  
+    print(paste("Reading", sheet, "sheet... This will take a moment..."))
+    x = read.xls("DJUBS_full_hist.xls", sheet=sheet)
+    # Add column names, get the descriptions to add as attributes
+    colnames(x)=t(as.data.frame(apply(x[2,], FUN=as.character, MARGIN=1), stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
+    x.attr = t(as.data.frame(x[1,], stringsAsFactors=FALSE))
+    x=x[-1:-2,]
+    # Get rid of the last line, which contains the disclaimer
+    x=x[-dim(x)[1],]
+    # Remove blank columns between sections
+    x=x[,-which(apply(x,2,function(x)all(is.na(x))))]
+    # Get attributes and labels
+    categoryNames = x.attr[,!is.na(x.attr)]
+    symbolNames = paste(make.names(colnames(x[,])), ".IDX", sep="")
+    symbolNamesMonthly = paste(make.names(colnames(x[,])), ".M.IDX", sep="")
+    ISOdates = as.Date(x[,1], "%m/%d/%Y")
+    for(i in 2:length(symbolNames)) {
+      # check to make sure directories exist for each symbol, first for daily series...
+      dir.create(paste(filesroot, symbolNames[i], sep="/"), showWarnings = FALSE, 
+      recursive = FALSE, mode = "0777")
+      # ... then for monthly series
+      dir.create(paste(filesroot, symbolNamesMonthly[i], sep="/"), showWarnings = FALSE, 
+      recursive = FALSE, mode = "0777")
+    }
+    # Parse the columns into individual price objects
+    print("Processing columns as symbols...")
+    for( i in 2:dim(x)[2]){
+      x.xts = as.xts(as.numeric(x[,i]), order.by=ISOdates)
+      R.xts = Return.calculate(x.xts)
+      x.xts = cbind(x.xts, R.xts)
+      colnames(x.xts)=c("Close", "Returns")
+      xtsAttributes(x.xts) <- list(Description = paste(categoryNames[,i], sheet, "Index"))
+      save(x.xts, file=paste(filesroot, symbolNames[i], paste(symbolNames[i], ".rda", sep=""), sep="/"))
+      print(paste(symbolNames[i],", ",categoryNames[,i], ", ", sheet, sep=""))
+      # Describe the metadata for each index
+      instrument(symbolNames[i], currency="USD", multiplier=1, tick_size=.01, start_date=head(index(x.xts),1), description=paste(categoryNames[,i], "Index"), data="CR", source="DJUBS", frequency="Daily", assign_i=TRUE)
+      # Construct a monthly series from the daily series
+      x.m.xts = to.monthly(Cl(x.xts))
+      x.m.xts = cbind(x.m.xts[,4], Return.calculate(x.m.xts[,4]))
+      colnames(x.m.xts)=c("Close","Returns")
+      # @ TODO Want to delete the last line off ONLY IF the month is incomplete
+      if(tail(index(x.xts),1) != as.Date(as.yearmon(tail(index(x.xts),1)), frac=1)) {
+        # That test isn't quite right, but its close.  It won't work on the first
+        # day of a new month when the last business day wasn't the last day of 
+        # the month.  It will work for the second day.
+        x.m.xts = x.m.xts[-dim(x.m.xts)[1],]
+      }

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/blotter -r 834

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