[Blotter-commits] r297 - pkg/RTAQ/R

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Thu Mar 18 21:25:41 CET 2010

Author: jonathan
Date: 2010-03-18 21:25:40 +0100 (Thu, 18 Mar 2010)
New Revision: 297

periodicity functions (Kris)

Added: pkg/RTAQ/R/periodicityTAQ.R
--- pkg/RTAQ/R/periodicityTAQ.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/RTAQ/R/periodicityTAQ.R	2010-03-18 20:25:40 UTC (rev 297)
@@ -0,0 +1,155 @@
+standardize = function(data,method)
+   # standardized the return series by a daily location and scale estimate
+   daily.RBPVar =  apply(data,1,'RBPVar');
+   daily.M    =  apply(data,1,'length');
+   std.data   = (data-0)/sqrt( daily.RBPVar/(daily.M-1)) ;
+   return(std.data);
+HRweight = function( d,k){
+# Hard rejection weight function
+   w = 1*(d<=k); return(w)
+shorthscale = function( data )
+   sorteddata = sort(data);
+   n = length(data);
+   h = floor(n/2)+1;
+   M = matrix( rep(0,2*(n-h+1) ) , nrow= 2 );
+   for( i in 1:(n-h+1) ){
+       M[,i] = c( sorteddata[ i ], sorteddata[ i+h-1 ] )
+   }
+   return( 0.7413*min( M[2,]-M[1,] ) );
+diurnal = function( stddata , approach="regression", P1 = 6 , P2 = 4)
+   # Function that has as input the standardized returns and computes the seasonality factor
+   # by the scale-based or regression approach as explained in 
+   # Boudt, Croux and Laurent (2008)'s paper ``Robust estimation of intraweek periodicity and jump detection''
+   # stddata is matrix that holds in row the standardized intraday returns
+   cDays = dim(stddata)[1] ; intraT = dim(stddata)[2]; 
+   # Estimation of periodicity pattern using the Weighted Standard Deviation technique
+   seas = apply( stddata , 2 , 'shorthscale' )  ;
+   shorthseas = (1/sqrt(mean(seas^2)))*seas  
+   weights = matrix( HRweight( as.vector(t(stddata^2) / rep(shorthseas,cDays)^2) ,qchisq(0.99,df=1)) ,  
+                                   ncol=dim(stddata)[2] , byrow=T)
+   seas = sqrt(  1.081*colSums(  weights*stddata^2    ) / colSums( weights )     )
+   seas = (1/sqrt(mean(seas^2)))*seas  
+   if( approach=="regression"){
+      # Do Truncated Maximum Likelihood estimation on the basis of a FFF specification + Almond Polynomials
+      # with jump detection technique initialized using the WSD estimates
+      #--Define variables--
+      c=center();
+      vstddata = as.vector(stddata); nobs = length(vstddata) ; 
+      vi = rep( c(1:intraT) , each = cDays ) # c(1,...,1,2,....2,3...., ,intraT)
+      # Remove the inliers
+      selection = c(1:nobs)[vstddata!=0];  
+      vstddata = vstddata[selection] ;  vi = vi[selection]; 
+      firststepresids = log(abs(stddata))-c-log(seas);
+      firststepresids = as.vector(firststepresids)[selection]; 
+      # Dependent variable
+      vy = matrix ( log( abs( vstddata  )) , ncol=1 )-c;
+      # Regressors 
+      X = c();
+      if ( P1 > 0 ){ for( j in 1:P1 ){ X = cbind( X , cos(2*pi*j*vi/intraT) )   }  } ;
+      M1 = (intraT+1)/2 ; M2 = (2*intraT^2 + 3*intraT + 1)/6;
+      ADD = (vi/M1 ) ; X = cbind(X,ADD);
+      ADD = (vi^2/M2); X = cbind(X,ADD);
+      if ( P2 > 0 ){ ADD= c(); for( j in 1:P2 ){  ADD = cbind( ADD , sin(2*pi*j*vi/intraT)  ) }}; X = cbind( X , ADD ) ; 
+      #openingeffect
+      opening = vi-0 ; stdopening = (vi-0)/80 ;
+      almond1_opening   = ( 1 - (stdopening)^3 ); almond2_opening   = ( 1 - (stdopening)^2 )*( opening);
+      almond3_opening   = ( 1 - (stdopening)   )*( opening^2);   
+      X = cbind(  X, almond1_opening , almond2_opening , almond3_opening   )  ;
+      #closing effect
+      closing = 81-vi ; stdclosing = (81-vi)/80 ;
+      almond1_closing   = ( 1 - (stdclosing)^3 ); almond2_closing   = ( 1 - (stdclosing)^2 )*( closing);
+      almond3_closing   = ( 1 - (stdclosing)   )*( closing^2);   
+      X = cbind(  X, almond1_closing , almond2_closing , almond3_closing   )  ;
+      #--Estimation--
+      inittheta = rep(0,dim(X)[2]);       
+      l =  -2.272; u = 1.6675;
+      nonoutliers = c(1:length(vy))[(  firststepresids > l) & (firststepresids <u ) ]
+      truncvy = vy[nonoutliers ] ; rm(vy); truncX = X[nonoutliers,] ; rm(X);
+      # MLE on the basis of the truncated dataset
+      negtruncLLH = function(theta){
+                res = truncvy - truncX%*%matrix(theta,ncol=1)
+                return( mean( -res - c +exp(2*(res+c))/2  )  )
+      }   
+      grnegtruncLLH = function(theta){ res = truncvy - truncX%*%matrix(theta,ncol=1) ; dres = -truncX;
+                                       return( apply(  -dres  +as.vector(exp(2*(res+c)))*dres  , 2 , 'mean' )  )     
+      }       
+      est = optim(par=inittheta, fn= negtruncLLH, gr = grnegtruncLLH , method =  "BFGS" )  ;
+      theta = est$par;
+      rm(truncX); rm(truncvy); 
+      #--Output--
+      seas = diurnalfit(theta=theta, P1=P1 , P2=P2, intraT = intraT)
+      return( list ( theta , seas  ) )
+  }else{ return(seas) }
+diurnalfit = function( theta , P1 , P2 , intraT )
+     vi = c(1:intraT) ;  
+     M1 = (intraT+1)/2 ; M2 = (2*intraT^2 + 3*intraT + 1)/6;
+     # Regressors that do not depend on Day of Week:
+     X = c()
+     if ( P1 > 0 ){ for( j in 1:P1 ){ X = cbind( X , cos(2*pi*j*vi/intraT) )   }  } 
+     ADD = (vi/M1 ) ; X = cbind(X,ADD);
+     ADD = (vi^2/M2); X = cbind(X,ADD);
+     if ( P2 > 0 ){ ADD= c(); for( j in 1:P2 ){  ADD = cbind( ADD , sin(2*pi*j*vi/intraT)  ) }}; X = cbind( X , ADD ) ; 
+     #openingeffect
+     opening = vi-0 ; stdopening = (vi-0)/80 ;
+     almond1_opening   = ( 1 - (stdopening)^3 );  almond2_opening   = ( 1 - (stdopening)^2 )*( opening);
+     almond3_opening   = ( 1 - (stdopening)   )*( opening^2);   
+     X = cbind(  X, almond1_opening , almond2_opening , almond3_opening   )  ;
+     #closing effect
+     closing = 81-vi ; stdclosing = (81-vi)/80 ;
+     almond1_closing   = ( 1 - (stdclosing)^3 ); almond2_closing   = ( 1 - (stdclosing)^2 )*( closing);
+     almond3_closing   = ( 1 - (stdclosing)   )*( closing^2);   
+     X = cbind(  X, almond1_closing , almond2_closing , almond3_closing   )  ;
+     # Compute fit
+     seas = exp( X%*%matrix(theta,ncol=1) );
+     seas = seas/sqrt(mean( seas^2) )    
+     return( seas )          
+center = function()
+    g=function(y){ return( sqrt(2/pi)*exp(y-exp(2*y)/2)  )}
+    f=function(y){ return( y*g(y)    )  }
+    return( integrate(f,-Inf,Inf)$value )
+LeeMyklandCV = function( beta = 0.999 , M = 78 )
+    # Critical value for Lee-Mykland jump test statistic
+    # Based on distribution of Maximum of M absolute normal random variables
+    a = function(n){ a1=sqrt(2*log(n)) ; a2= (log(pi)+log(log(n))  )/( 2*sqrt(2*log(n))   )   ; return(a1-a2)             };
+    b = function(n){ return( 1/sqrt(2*log(n) )  ) ; return(b)} ;
+    return( -log(-log(beta))*b(M) + a(M)     )

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