Hi!<br><br>I am having this error message when running Models: <i><b>Error in rep(0, net$nunits + 1L) : invalid 'times' argument</b></i><br><br>Models(GLM = T, TypeGLM = "simple", Test = "AIC", GBM = T, No.trees = 2000, GAM = T,<br>
Spline = 3, CTA = T, CV.tree = 50, ANN = T, CV.ann = 2, SRE = T, <br>MARS = T, RF = T, NbRunEval = 3, DataSplit = 80, Yweights=NULL, Roc = T, Optimized.Threshold.Roc = T,<br>Kappa = T, TSS=T, KeepPredIndependent = T, VarImport=5, NbRepPA=2, strategy="circles",<br>
coor=dataset[,8:9], distance=2, nb.absences=100)<br><br><br><br>------------------------------<div id=":z3">----- <br>Modelling summary <br><i>----------------------------------- <br>Number of species modelled : 1<br>
Species 01<br>
<br>numerical variables : var1, var2, var3, var4, var5, var6<br><br><br>number of evaluation repetitions : 3<br>number of pseudo-absences runs : 2<br>models selected : ANN, CTA, GAM, GBM, GLM, MARS, RF, SRE<br>
total number of model runs : 64<br>----------------------------------- <br><br><br>##### Species 01 #####<br>##### pseudo-absence run 1 #####<br>
Model=Artificial Neural Network <br> 2 Fold Cross Validation + 3 Repetitions <br>Calibration and evaluation phase: Nb of cross-validations: 3 <br></i><i><b>Error in rep(0, net$nunits + 1L) : invalid 'times' argument<br>
</b></i><br><br>I had this problem before, I solved it but I didn't keep a track of the change I made to solve it.<br><br>My data is in data.frame format, the species columns has only presence absence ( 1 or 0) and there are no NA values.<br>
My variables have decimal numbers.<br><br>By initial state is the following:<br>Initial.State(Response = dataset[,7],<br> Explanatory = dataset[,1:6],<br> IndependentResponse = NULL,<br> IndependentExplanatory = NULL,<br>
<a href="http://sp.name/" target="_blank">sp.name</a>="Species 01")<br><br><br>Thanks in advance</div>