[Arvore-commits] r2 - in pkg: . R icons man

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Fri Aug 8 06:36:01 CEST 2008

Author: isix
Date: 2008-08-08 06:36:00 +0200 (Fri, 08 Aug 2008)
New Revision: 2


--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+Package: ArvoRe
+Type: Package
+Title: ArvoRe
+Version: 0.1.6
+Date: 2008-06-24
+Author: Isaias V. Prestes <isaias.prestes at ufrgs.br> and Suzi A. Camey <camey at ufrgs.br>
+Maintainer: Isaias V. Prestes <isaias.prestes at gmail.com>
+Depends: R (>= 2.6.0), tcltk, abind, grid, gplots
+Description: A platform-independent Cost-Effectiveness package for R, 
+        using a GUI (graphical user interface) based on the tcltk 
+        package.
+License: GPL (>= 2)
+URL: http://www.r-project.org,
+        http://www.mat.ufrgs.br/~camey/ArvoRe/
\ No newline at end of file

Added: pkg/R/OnCE.Graph.summary.simwindow.R
--- pkg/R/OnCE.Graph.summary.simwindow.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/OnCE.Graph.summary.simwindow.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
+# FUNCTION :: OnCE.Graph.summary.simwindow							# Criada em June 25, 2008 07:01:38 AM 
+#		Use this function to do something.				
+# Revision : 	Xxxxxxxx - Comentários.sobre.esta.revisão
+# Parameters
+#		Alltreatmentstable : summary of simulation dataframe.
+# Esta função faz alguma coisa
+OnCE.Graph.summary.simwindow <- function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+	CEGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	title.window <- "ÁrvoRe - MC Simulação - Gráficos"
+	tkwm.title(CEGraphWindow, title.window)
+	frametext <- "Gráfico"
+	frameOverall <- tkwidget(CEGraphWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+							labelanchor = "n", text = frametext)
+	frameButton <- tkwidget(CEGraphWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+	tkgrid(frameOverall, sticky = "nwe")
+	tkgrid(frameButton, sticky = "swe")
+	# Image setings.
+	g.imgHeight <- 480
+	g.imgWidth <- 640
+	# Canvas window configurations
+	C.Height <- g.imgHeight
+	C.Width <- g.imgWidth
+	Borderwidth <- 2
+	# scrollbar objects
+	fHscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, orient="horiz", command = function(...)tkxview(fCanvas,...) )
+	fVscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, command = function(...)tkyview(fCanvas,...) )
+	fCanvas <- tkcanvas(frameOverall, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = Borderwidth, 
+						width = C.Width, height = C.Height,
+						xscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fHscroll,...), 
+						yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fVscroll,...)
+						)
+	# Pack the scroll bars.
+	tkpack(fHscroll, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
+	tkpack(fVscroll, side = "right", fill = "y")
+	# Pack the canvas
+	tkpack(fCanvas, anchor = "center", side = "right", fill = "both", expand = 1)
+	# Image file name setings.
+	.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "grafico.arvore.png", sep="")
+	# The data to plot			
+	AllTreatCost <- Alltreatmentstable[Alltreatmentstable$Data == "Cost",]
+	AllTreatEffectiveness <- Alltreatmentstable[Alltreatmentstable$Data == "Effectiveness",]
+	# Initial colors to treatments points
+	treatments.colors.plot <- 1:length(AllTreatCost$Treatment)
+	# The treatments names
+	treatments.label.plot <- AllTreatCost$Treatment
+	# What plot?
+	plot.it.to.image <- function(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot,
+									treatments.label.plot,
+									.Filename, img.type = "png", img.quality = 90, 
+									img.width = 600, img.height = 600, ...) {
+		if (img.type == "png") {
+			png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+				Graphtitle <- "Plano Custo-Efetividade"
+				xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+				ylabel <- "Custo"
+# 				plot(AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean, AllTreatCost$Mean, 
+# 						col = treatments.colors.plot, pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+# 						xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+# 				smartlegend( x="left", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+# 				             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+# 					     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+# 					     bg = "gray")
+				plot(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean), c(0,AllTreatCost$Mean),
+						col = c(0,treatments.colors.plot), pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+						xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+				for (i in 1:length(AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean)) {
+					lines(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean[i]),c(0,AllTreatCost$Mean[i]), 
+							col = treatments.colors.plot[i], lty = 2)
+				}
+				smartlegend( x="right", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+				             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+					     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+					     bg = "gray")
+			dev.off()
+		} else {
+			if (img.type == "jpg") {
+				jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+				     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+				     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+					Graphtitle <- "Plano Custo-Efetividade"
+					xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+					ylabel <- "Custo"
+# 					plot(AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean, AllTreatCost$Mean, 
+# 							col = treatments.colors.plot, pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+# 							xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+# 					smartlegend( x="left", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+# 					             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+# 						     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+# 						     bg = "gray")								
+					plot(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean), c(0,AllTreatCost$Mean),
+							col = c(0,treatments.colors.plot), pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+							xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+					for (i in 1:length(AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean)) {
+						lines(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean[i]),c(0,AllTreatCost$Mean[i]), 
+								col = treatments.colors.plot[i], lty = 2)
+					}
+					smartlegend( x="right", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+					             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+						     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+						     bg = "gray")
+				dev.off()
+			} else {
+				bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+			    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+			    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+					Graphtitle <- "Plano Custo-Efetividade"
+					xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+					ylabel <- "Custo"
+# 					plot(AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean, AllTreatCost$Mean, 
+# 							col = treatments.colors.plot, pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+# 							xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+# 					smartlegend( x="left", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+# 					             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+# 						     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+# 						     bg = "gray")								
+					plot(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean), c(0,AllTreatCost$Mean),
+							col = c(0,treatments.colors.plot), pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+							xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+					for (i in 1:length(AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean)) {
+						lines(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean[i]),c(0,AllTreatCost$Mean[i]), 
+								col = treatments.colors.plot[i], lty = 2)
+					}
+					smartlegend( x="right", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+					             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+						     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+						     bg = "gray")
+				dev.off()
+					}
+		}
+	}
+	# Default img type
+	img.type <- "png"
+	plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot, 
+						.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = img.type,
+						img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+	image1 <- tclVar()
+	tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+	tkcreate(fCanvas, "image", g.imgWidth/2, g.imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+	tkconfigure(fCanvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,g.imgWidth,g.imgHeight))
+	OnOK <- function() {
+		file.remove(.Filename)
+		tkdestroy(CEGraphWindow)
+		tkwm.deiconify(graphsimulationWindow)
+		tkfocus(graphsimulationWindow)
+	}
+	OnExportGraphic <- function(...) {
+		exportImgGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar Imagem"
+		tkwm.title(exportImgGraphWindow,title)
+		frameOverall <- tkframe(exportImgGraphWindow)
+		frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+		frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+		frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+		frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+		tkgrid( tklabel(frameUpper,text="Formato de imagem"),sticky="n", columnspan = 2)
+		rbValue <- tclVar("jpg")
+		QualityValue <- tclVar("90")
+		rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+		tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="bmp")
+		tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Bitmap .bmp "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+		rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+		tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="jpg")
+		tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Jpeg .jpg "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+		rb3 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+		tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="png")
+		tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Portable network graphics .png "),rb3, sticky = "ne")
+		SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)) )
+		sliderlabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = "Valor da qualidade de imagem : ")
+		sliderlabel2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = "%")
+		tkgrid(sliderlabel, SliderValueLabel, sliderlabel2)
+		tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = QualityValue)
+		sliderImg <- tkscale(frameUpperRigth, from = 100, to = 1,
+		                   showvalue = F, variable = QualityValue,
+		                   resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
+		tkgrid(sliderImg,sticky="ew")
+		tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="ns")
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+		Onformat <- function() {
+			ansVar <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+			if (ansVar != "jpg") {
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "disabled")
+			} else {
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "normal")
+			}
+		}
+		OnOK <- function(...)
+		{
+			ImgFormatselected <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+			ImgQualityselected <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)))
+			if (ImgFormatselected == "png") {
+				.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Portable network graphics Image Files} {.png}} {{All files} *}"))
+				if (!nchar(.Filename))
+					tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+				else {
+					ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+					if ( ans != ".png" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".png", sep="")
+					if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+					plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+										.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected)
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (ImgFormatselected == "jpg") {
+					.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Jpeg Image Files} {.jpg}} {{All files} *}"))
+					if (!nchar(.Filename))
+						tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+					else {
+						ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+						if ( ans != ".jpg" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".jpg", sep="")
+						if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+						plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+											.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+											img.quality = ImgQualityselected)
+					}
+				} else {
+					.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Bitmap Image Files} {.bmp}} {{All files} *}"))
+					if (!nchar(.Filename))
+						tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+					else {
+						ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+						if ( ans != ".bmp" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".bmp", sep="")
+						if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+						plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+											.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+			tkwm.deiconify(CEGraphWindow)
+			tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+		}
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+			tkwm.deiconify(CEGraphWindow)
+			tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+		}
+		.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s")
+		tkbind(rb1, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb2, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb3, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb1, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb2, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb3, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkfocus(exportImgGraphWindow)
+# 			posiciona.janela.no.mouse(exportImgGraphWindow)
+	}
+    .Width.but <- 10
+	.Height.but <- 1
+	OK.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+	Export.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Exportar...", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnExportGraphic)
+	tkgrid(OK.but, Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+# 		tkconfigure(Export.but, state = "disabled")
+	tkbind(CEGraphWindow, "<Return>", OnOK)
+	tkbind(CEGraphWindow, "<Escape>", OnCancel)
+	tkwm.deiconify(CEGraphWindow)
+	tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)

Property changes on: pkg/R/OnCE.Graph.summary.simwindow.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/String2Numeric.R
--- pkg/R/String2Numeric.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/String2Numeric.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+`String2Numeric` <-
+function(s) {
+	ans <- exec.text(s)
+	return(ans)

Property changes on: pkg/R/String2Numeric.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/aceptability.sim.window.R
--- pkg/R/aceptability.sim.window.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/aceptability.sim.window.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,484 @@
+`aceptability.sim.window` <-
+function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+	require(abind)
+		ACsimtableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Curva de Aceitabilidade (INB)"
+		tkwm.title(ACsimtableWindow,title)
+		# Cria o primeiro frame
+		FrameOverAll <- tkframe(ACsimtableWindow, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		Frame1 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		Frame2 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 0, relief = "sunken")
+		# Cria o label
+		textlabellista <- "Selecione o procedimento padrão para ACE. \n Ele será a base de comparação para os demais."
+		rotulolista <- tklabel(Frame1, text = textlabellista)
+		tkgrid(rotulolista, columnspan = 2)
+		# Cria uma barra de rolagem
+		scr <- tkscrollbar(Frame1, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(tl,...))
+		Data.CEA <- Alltreatmentstable
+		Data.CEA.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "Cost")
+		Data.CEA.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "Effectiveness")
+		Data.CEA.CE <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "C/E")
+		n.treat <- 1:length(Data.CEA.Cost$Treatment)
+		Data.CEA.Cost <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.Cost)
+		Data.CEA.Effectiveness <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.Effectiveness)
+		Data.CEA.CE <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.CE)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.Cost)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.Effectiveness)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.CE)
+		# Cria os elementos da lista
+		elementos <- Data.CEA.Cost$Treatment
+		# Determina a altura da listbox
+		heightlistbox <- length(elementos)
+		larguratexto <- max(nchar(elementos)) + 4
+		# Cria uma listbox					
+		tl <- tklistbox(Frame1, height = 5, width = larguratexto, selectmode = "single",
+						yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(scr,...), background="white")
+		# Adiciona os elementos à listbox
+		for (i in (1:heightlistbox)) {
+		    tkinsert(tl, "end", elementos[i])
+		}
+		# Monta a listbox e a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid(tl, scr, sticky="nse")
+# 		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1, text = " "))
+		# Ajusta a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid.configure(scr, rowspan = 5, sticky="nsw")
+		# Define o "Elemento 2" como padrão da listbox.
+		# Para a listbox o índice começa em zero
+		tkselection.set(tl, 0)
+		# The WTP ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+		WTPL1var <- tclVar(0.1)
+		WTPL2var <- tclVar(10000)
+		WTPpointsvar <- tclVar(10)
+		PoinsOriginal <- 10
+		WTPL1Value  <- tkentry(Frame1,width="20",textvariable=WTPL1var)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1,text="Valor mínimo do willingness-to-pay (WTP)"),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(WTPL1Value, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1,text="                                             "),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		WTPL2Value  <- tkentry(Frame1,width="20",textvariable=WTPL2var)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1,text="Valor máximo do willingness-to-pay (WTP)"),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(WTPL2Value, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1,text="                                             "),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+	    ### Numeric format settings ###
+		numericSpinBox <- tkwidget(Frame1, "SpinBox", editable=FALSE, range = c(0,100,1), width = 3)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(Frame1,text="Número de intervalos:")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, numericSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(numericSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", PoinsOriginal,sep = ""))
+		# Monta os frames
+		tkgrid(Frame1, sticky = "nwe", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Frame2, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(FrameOverAll, sticky = "nswe", columnspan = 2)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			respostaListbox <- n.treat[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			WTPL1Val <- as.numeric(tclvalue(WTPL1var))
+			WTPL2Val <- as.numeric(tclvalue(WTPL2var))
+			WTPPoints <- as.integer(tclvalue(tcl(numericSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+			WTP <- seq(WTPL1Val, WTPL2Val, (WTPL2Val-WTPL1Val)/WTPPoints )
+			WTPVal <- 0.1
+			if ( WTPL1Val < WTPL2Val ) {
+				Data.alternative.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA.Cost, NT != respostaListbox)			
+				Data.standart.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA.Cost, NT == respostaListbox)
+				Data.alternative.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA.Effectiveness, NT != respostaListbox)			
+				Data.standart.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA.Effectiveness, NT == respostaListbox)
+				Data.alternative.CE <- subset(Data.CEA.CE, NT != respostaListbox)			
+				Data.standart.CE <- subset(Data.CEA.CE, NT == respostaListbox)
+				ans <- data.frame( Standart = rep(0,length(WTP)))
+				names.ans <- c("Padrão")
+				for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative.Cost)[1]) {
+					inb <- (Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1]) *
+							WTP - (Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1])
+					var.inb <- ( 	WTP^2
+								) * Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Variance[i] +
+								Data.alternative.Cost$Variance[i] -
+								2 * WTP * ( Data.alternative.Cost$CovDcDe[i] )
+					inb.stat.test <- inb/var.inb^0.5
+					Strategy <- Data.alternative.Cost$Treatment[i]
+					p.val.inb <- pnorm(inb.stat.test)
+					ans.line <- data.frame( p.val.inb )
+					names.ans <- c(names.ans, Strategy)	
+					ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 2)
+				}
+				ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+				names(ans) <- names.ans
+# 				print(ans)
+				OnAC <- function(WTP, ACProbabilities) {
+					ACGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+					title.window <- "ÁrvoRe - MC Simulação - Gráficos"
+					tkwm.title(ACGraphWindow, title.window)
+					frametext <- "Gráfico"
+					frameOverall <- tkwidget(ACGraphWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+											labelanchor = "n", text = frametext)
+					frameButton <- tkwidget(ACGraphWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+					tkgrid(frameOverall, sticky = "nwe")
+					tkgrid(frameButton, sticky = "swe")
+					# Image setings.
+					g.imgHeight <- 480
+					g.imgWidth <- 640
+					# Canvas window configurations
+					C.Height <- min(c(g.imgHeight, 768))
+					C.Width <- min(c(g.imgWidth, 1024))
+					Borderwidth <- 2
+					# scrollbar objects
+					fHscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, orient="horiz", command = function(...)tkxview(fCanvas,...) )
+					fVscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, command = function(...)tkyview(fCanvas,...) )
+					fCanvas <- tkcanvas(frameOverall, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = Borderwidth, 
+										width = C.Width, height = C.Height,
+										xscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fHscroll,...), 
+										yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fVscroll,...)
+										)
+					# Pack the scroll bars.
+					tkpack(fHscroll, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
+					tkpack(fVscroll, side = "right", fill = "y")
+					# Pack the canvas
+					tkpack(fCanvas, anchor = "center", side = "right", fill = "both", expand = 1)
+					# Image file name setings.
+					.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "grafico.arvore.png", sep="")
+					# Initial colors to treatments points
+					treatments.colors.plot <- 1:length(names(ACProbabilities))
+					# The treatments names
+					treatments.label.plot <- names(ACProbabilities)
+					# What plot?
+					plot.it.to.image <- function(ACProbabilities, WTP, treatments.colors.plot,
+													treatments.label.plot,
+													.Filename, img.type = "png", img.quality = 90, 
+													img.width = 600, img.height = 600, ...) {
+						if (img.type == "png") {
+							png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+								Graphtitle <- "Curva de Aceitabilidade"
+								xlabel <- "willingness-to-pay"
+								ylabel <- "Pr(INB > 0)"
+								ylim1 <- -0.1
+								ylim2 <- 1.1
+								plot(WTP, ACProbabilities[,1], 
+										col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+										xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+								lines(WTP, ACProbabilities[,1], 
+										col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+										xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+								if (dim(ACProbabilities)[2] > 1) {
+									for (i in 2:dim(ACProbabilities)[2]) {
+										lines(WTP, ACProbabilities[,i], 
+										col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+										xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+										points(WTP, ACProbabilities[,i], 
+										col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+										xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+									}
+								}
+								smartlegend( x="right", y= "top", inset=0,
+								             legend = c(treatments.label.plot),
+									     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),
+									     bg = "gray")
+							dev.off()
+						} else {
+							if (img.type == "jpg") {
+								jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+								     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+								     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+										Graphtitle <- "Curva de Aceitabilidade"
+										xlabel <- "willingness-to-pay"
+										ylabel <- "Pr(INB > 0)"
+										ylim1 <- -0.1
+										ylim2 <- 1.1
+										plot(WTP, ACProbabilities[,1], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+										lines(WTP, ACProbabilities[,1], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+										if (dim(ACProbabilities)[2] > 1) {
+											for (i in 2:dim(ACProbabilities)[2]) {
+												lines(WTP, ACProbabilities[,i], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+												points(WTP, ACProbabilities[,i], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+											}
+										}
+										smartlegend( x="right", y= "top", inset=0,
+										             legend = c(treatments.label.plot),
+											     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),
+											     bg = "gray")
+								dev.off()
+							} else {
+								bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+							    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+							    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+										Graphtitle <- "Curva de Aceitabilidade"
+										xlabel <- "willingness-to-pay"
+										ylabel <- "Pr(INB > 0)"
+										ylim1 <- -0.1
+										ylim2 <- 1.1
+										plot(WTP, ACProbabilities[,1], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+										lines(WTP, ACProbabilities[,1], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+										if (dim(ACProbabilities)[2] > 1) {
+											for (i in 2:dim(ACProbabilities)[2]) {
+												lines(WTP, ACProbabilities[,i], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+												points(WTP, ACProbabilities[,i], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+											}
+										}
+										smartlegend( x="right", y= "top", inset=0,
+										             legend = c(treatments.label.plot),
+											     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),
+											     bg = "gray")
+								dev.off()
+									}
+						}
+					}
+					# Default img type
+					img.type <- "png"
+					plot.it.to.image(ACProbabilities, WTP, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot, 
+										.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = img.type,
+										img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+					image1 <- tclVar()
+					tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+					tkcreate(fCanvas, "image", g.imgWidth/2, g.imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+					tkconfigure(fCanvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,g.imgWidth,g.imgHeight))
+					OnOK <- function() {
+						file.remove(.Filename)
+						tkdestroy(ACGraphWindow)
+						tkwm.deiconify(ACsimtableWindow)
+						tkfocus(ACsimtableWindow)
+					}
+					OnExportGraphic <- function(...) {
+						exportImgGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+						title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar Imagem"
+						tkwm.title(exportImgGraphWindow,title)
+						frameOverall <- tkframe(exportImgGraphWindow)
+						frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+						frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+						frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+						frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+						tkgrid( tklabel(frameUpper,text="Formato de imagem"),sticky="n", columnspan = 2)
+						rbValue <- tclVar("jpg")
+						QualityValue <- tclVar("90")
+						rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+						tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="bmp")
+						tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Bitmap .bmp "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+						rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+						tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="jpg")
+						tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Jpeg .jpg "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+						rb3 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+						tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="png")
+						tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Portable network graphics .png "),rb3, sticky = "ne")
+						SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)) )
+						sliderlabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = "Valor da qualidade de imagem : ")
+						sliderlabel2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = "%")
+						tkgrid(sliderlabel, SliderValueLabel, sliderlabel2)
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = QualityValue)
+						sliderImg <- tkscale(frameUpperRigth, from = 100, to = 1,
+						                   showvalue = F, variable = QualityValue,
+						                   resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
+						tkgrid(sliderImg,sticky="ew")
+						tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="ns")
+						tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+						tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+						Onformat <- function() {
+							ansVar <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+							if (ansVar != "jpg") {
+								tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+								tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "disabled")
+								tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "disabled")
+								tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+								tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "disabled")
+							} else {
+								tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+								tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "normal")
+								tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "normal")
+								tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+								tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "normal")
+							}
+						}
+						OnOK <- function(...)
+						{
+							ImgFormatselected <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+							ImgQualityselected <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)))
+							if (ImgFormatselected == "png") {
+								.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Portable network graphics Image Files} {.png}} {{All files} *}"))
+								if (!nchar(.Filename))
+									tkfocus(ACGraphWindow)
+								else {
+									ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+									if ( ans != ".png" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".png", sep="")
+									if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+									plot.it.to.image(ACProbabilities, WTP, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+														.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected)
+								}
+							} else {
+								if (ImgFormatselected == "jpg") {
+									.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Jpeg Image Files} {.jpg}} {{All files} *}"))
+									if (!nchar(.Filename))
+										tkfocus(ACGraphWindow)
+									else {
+										ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+										if ( ans != ".jpg" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".jpg", sep="")
+										if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+										plot.it.to.image(ACProbabilities, WTP, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+															.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+															img.quality = ImgQualityselected)
+									}
+								} else {
+									.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Bitmap Image Files} {.bmp}} {{All files} *}"))
+									if (!nchar(.Filename))
+										tkfocus(ACGraphWindow)
+									else {
+										ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+										if ( ans != ".bmp" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".bmp", sep="")
+										if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+										plot.it.to.image(ACProbabilities, WTP, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+															.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected)
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+							tkwm.deiconify(ACGraphWindow)
+							tkfocus(ACGraphWindow)
+						}
+						OnCancel <- function()
+						{
+							tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+							tkwm.deiconify(ACGraphWindow)
+							tkfocus(ACGraphWindow)
+						}
+						.Width.but <- 10
+						.Height.but <- 1
+						OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+						tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+						Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+						tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+						tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s")
+						tkbind(rb1, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+						tkbind(rb2, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+						tkbind(rb3, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+						tkbind(rb1, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+						tkbind(rb2, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+						tkbind(rb3, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+						tkgrid(frameOverall)
+						tkfocus(exportImgGraphWindow)
+		# 				posiciona.janela.no.mouse(exportImgGraphWindow)
+					}
+				    .Width.but <- 10
+					.Height.but <- 1
+					OK.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+					Export.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Exportar...", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnExportGraphic)
+					tkgrid(OK.but, Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		# 			tkconfigure(Export.but, state = "disabled")
+					tkbind(ACGraphWindow, "<Return>", OnOK)
+					tkbind(ACGraphWindow, "<Escape>", OnCancel)
+					tkwm.deiconify(ACGraphWindow)
+					tkfocus(ACGraphWindow)
+				}
+				OnAC(WTP, ans)
+			}
+	    }
+	    OnCancel <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(ACsimtableWindow)
+	# 		tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+	    }
+	  	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(Frame2,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(Frame2,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkbind(ACsimtableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(ACsimtableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(ACsimtableWindow, 310, 310)
+		tkfocus(ACsimtableWindow)

Property changes on: pkg/R/aceptability.sim.window.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/acewindow.R
--- pkg/R/acewindow.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/acewindow.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+`acewindow` <-
+function(TheTree) {
+	require(abind)
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione o nodo de tipo 'Decisão' da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		if (( column != 1) && (node.number != 1)) {
+			msg <- paste("A tabela apresentada a seguir exibe resultados apenas para o nodo raiz.")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+		CEtableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Análise de Custo-Efetividade"
+		tkwm.title(CEtableWindow,title)
+		# Cria o primeiro frame
+		FrameOverAll <- tkframe(CEtableWindow, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		Frame1 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		Frame2 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 0, relief = "sunken")
+		# Cria o label
+		textlabellista <- "Selecione o procedimento padrão para ACE. \n Ele será a base de comparação para os demais."
+		rotulolista <- tklabel(Frame1, text = textlabellista)
+		tkgrid(rotulolista, columnspan = 2)
+		# Cria uma barra de rolagem
+		scr <- tkscrollbar(Frame1, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(tl,...))
+		Data.CEA <- cost.effectiveness.table(TheTree)
+		# Cria os elementos da lista
+		elementos <- Data.CEA$Node.name
+		# Determina a altura da listbox
+		heightlistbox <- length(elementos)
+		larguratexto <- max(nchar(elementos)) + 4
+		# Cria uma listbox					
+		tl <- tklistbox(Frame1, height = 5, width = larguratexto, selectmode = "single",
+						yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(scr,...), background="white")
+		# Adiciona os elementos à listbox
+		for (i in (1:heightlistbox)) {
+		    tkinsert(tl, "end", elementos[i])
+		}
+		# Monta a listbox e a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid(tl, scr, sticky="nse")
+# 		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1, text = " "))
+		# Ajusta a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid.configure(scr, rowspan = 5, sticky="nsw")
+		# Define o "Elemento 2" como padrão da listbox.
+		# Para a listbox o índice começa em zero
+		tkselection.set(tl, 0)
+		# Monta os frames
+		tkgrid(Frame1, Frame2, sticky = "nwe", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(FrameOverAll, sticky = "nswe", columnspan = 2)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			respostaListbox <- Data.CEA$Node.N[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			Data.alternative <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N != respostaListbox,]
+			Data.standart <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N == respostaListbox, ]
+			ans <- data.frame( 	Strategy = Data.standart$Node.name,
+								Cost = Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Incr.Cost = NA, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								Incr.Eff. = NA, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.standart$Mean.Cost / Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								ICER = NA
+								)
+			for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative)[1]) {
+				ans.line <- data.frame( Strategy = Data.alternative$Node.name[i],
+								Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i], 
+								Incr.Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								Incr.Eff. = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] / Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								ICER = ((Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost) /
+											(Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness))
+								)
+				ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 1)
+			}
+			ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+			names(ans) <- c("Procedimento", "Custo médio", "Custo adicional", "Efetividade média",
+							"Efetividade adicional", "Razão C-E", "ICER")
+			displayInTable(as.matrix(ans), title="Análise de Custo-Efetividade",
+						height=10,width=8,nrow=dim(ans)[1],ncol=dim(ans)[2], 
+						titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, returntt = FALSE)
+	    }
+	    OnCancel <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(CEtableWindow)
+	# 		tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+	    }
+	  	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(CEtableWindow,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(CEtableWindow,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkbind(CEtableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(CEtableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(CEtableWindow, 300, 180)
+		tkfocus(CEtableWindow)
+		}

Property changes on: pkg/R/acewindow.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/add.node.R
--- pkg/R/add.node.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/add.node.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,78 @@
+`add.node` <-
+function(TheTree, node.col, node.number, node.name, node.prob, node.type = "C",
+						node.notes = " ", node.destiny = " ", node.utility = 0, node.effectiveness = 0,
+						playnumb = 2) {
+	require(abind)
+	variables <- names(TheTree)
+	num.col <- dim(TheTree)[2]
+	num.lin <- dim(TheTree)[1]
+	Levelmax <- max(TheTree$Level)
+	new.node.level <- node.col + 1
+	Data.father <- subset(TheTree, Level == node.col, select = variables)
+	Data.father <- subset(Data.father, Node.N == node.number, select = variables)
+	father.name <- Data.father$Node.name[1]
+	if(new.node.level <= Levelmax) {
+		Data <- subset(TheTree, Level == new.node.level, select = variables)
+		new.node.number <- max(Data$Node.N) + 1
+	} else {
+		new.node.number <- 1
+	}
+	Payoffs <- matrix(c(0,1), 1, playnumb)
+	colnames(Payoffs) <- paste("Payoff",1:length(Payoffs),sep="")
+	ans <- data.frame(	Level = new.node.level, Node.N = new.node.number, Node.name = node.name,
+						 Father = node.number, Father.Name = father.name,
+						 Prob = node.prob, Type = node.type, Note = node.notes, Destiny = node.destiny,
+						 Payoff1 = node.utility, Payoff2 = node.effectiveness)
+	ans <- abind(TheTree, ans, along=1)
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	ans$Level <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Level))
+	ans$Node.N <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Node.N))
+	ans$Node.name <- as.character(ans$Node.name)
+	ans$Father <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Father))
+	ans$Father.Name <- as.character(ans$Father.Name)
+	ans$Prob <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Prob))
+	ans$Type <- as.character(ans$Type)
+	ans$Note <- as.character(ans$Note)
+	ans$Destiny <- as.character(ans$Destiny)
+	ans$Payoff1 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff1))
+	ans$Payoff2 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff2))
+	ans <- ans[ order(ans$Level,ans$Father, ans$Node.N),]
+	.stopit <- FALSE
+	i <- 1
+	nans <- dim(ans)[1]
+	while ( !.stopit ) {
+		i <- i + 1
+		GTtflag <- 	( as.numeric(ans$Node.N[i]) < as.numeric(ans$Node.N[i-1]) ) &&
+					( as.numeric(ans$Level[i]) == as.numeric(ans$Level[i-1]) )
+			if (GTtflag) {
+				old.value <- ans$Node.N[i-1]
+				ans$Node.N[i-1] <- ans$Node.N[i]
+				ans$Node.N[i] <- old.value
+				usedlevel <- ans$Level[i-1] + 1
+				position <- intersect(which(ans$Level == usedlevel),which(ans$Father == old.value))
+				if ( length(position) > 0) {
+					ans$Father[position] <- old.value
+					ans$Father.Name[position] <- ans$Node.name[i-1]
+				}
+				ans <- ans[ order(ans$Level,ans$Father, ans$Node.N),]
+				i <- 1
+			} else {
+				if (i >= nans) .stopit <- TRUE
+			}
+		}
+	rownames(ans) <- NULL
+	return(ans)

Property changes on: pkg/R/add.node.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/addnodewindows.R
--- pkg/R/addnodewindows.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/addnodewindows.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
+`addnodewindows` <-
+function() {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		node.col <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == node.col)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		node.type <- TheTree$Type[position]
+		if (node.type == "T") {
+			msg <- paste(" O nodo selecionado é de tipo 'Terminal'.\n Altere o tipo do nodo e tente novamente.")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		} else {
+			# A janela Tk
+			addnodeWindow <- tktoplevel()
+			title <- "ÁrvoRe - Novo Nodo"
+			tkwm.title(addnodeWindow,title)
+			NomeVar <- tclVar("Novo Nodo")
+			NomeEntryWidget <- tkentry(addnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=NomeVar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(addnodeWindow,text="Nome do nodo"))
+			tkgrid(NomeEntryWidget)
+			ProbabilidadeVar <- tclVar("0.0")
+			ProbabilityEntryWidget <- tkentry(addnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=ProbabilidadeVar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(addnodeWindow,text="Probabilidade"))
+			tkgrid(ProbabilityEntryWidget)
+			UtilidadeVar <- tclVar("0.0")
+			UtilityEntryWidget <- tkentry(addnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=UtilidadeVar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(addnodeWindow,text="Custo / Payoff"))
+			tkgrid(UtilityEntryWidget)
+			EffectivenessVar <- tclVar("0.0")
+			EffectivenessEntryWidget <- tkentry(addnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=EffectivenessVar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(addnodeWindow,text="Efetividade / Payoff"))
+			tkgrid(EffectivenessEntryWidget)
+			NotasVar <- tclVar(" ")
+			NotesEntryWidget <- tkentry(addnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=NotasVar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(addnodeWindow,text="Notas"))
+			tkgrid(NotesEntryWidget)		
+			tkfocus(addnodeWindow)
+			OnOK <- function()
+			{
+				NameVal <- tclvalue(NomeVar)
+				ProbabilidadeVal <- as.numeric( tclvalue(ProbabilidadeVar) )
+				UtilidadeVal <- as.numeric( tclvalue(UtilidadeVar) )
+				EffectivenessVal <- as.numeric( tclvalue(EffectivenessVar) )
+				NotasVal <- tclvalue(NotasVar)
+				if ( (ProbabilidadeVal < 0) || (ProbabilidadeVal > 1) ) {
+					msg <- paste("Este não é um valor de probabilidade válido '",ProbVal, "'")
+					tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+					tkfocus(addnodeWindow)
+				} else {
+					NewTree <- add.node(TheTree,
+									node.col = node.col,
+									node.number = node.number, 
+									node.name = NameVal, 
+									node.prob = ProbabilidadeVal, 
+									node.type = "C", 
+									node.notes = NotasVal,
+									node.destiny = " ",
+									node.utility = UtilidadeVal,
+									node.effectiveness = EffectivenessVal)
+					safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+					setaddnode(NewTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+					refreshF5()
+					tkdestroy(addnodeWindow)
+					tkfocus(tt)
+				}
+			}
+			OK.but <-tkbutton(addnodeWindow,text="   OK   ",command=OnOK)
+			tkbind(NomeEntryWidget, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			tkbind(ProbabilidadeVar, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			tkbind(UtilityEntryWidget, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			tkbind(EffectivenessEntryWidget, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			tkbind(NotasVar, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			OnCancel <- function()
+			{
+				tkdestroy(addnodeWindow)
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+			Cancel.but <-tkbutton(addnodeWindow,text=" Cancelar ",command=OnCancel)
+			tkbind(addnodeWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+			tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+			posiciona.janela.no.mouse(addnodeWindow, 250, 230)
+	 		}
+ 		}

Property changes on: pkg/R/addnodewindows.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/arvore.R
--- pkg/R/arvore.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/arvore.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,520 @@
+`arvore` <-
+function(...) {
+	# Se .ArvoReRunning existe, então o ÁrvoRe já está em execução...
+	if (!exists(".ArvoReRunning", envir = globalenv() )) {
+		# ArvoRe Settings
+		library(tcltk)
+		###############################################################################
+		# THE GAME!!
+		###############################################################################
+		# Configuration variables
+		.EnvironmentArvoRe <- globalenv()
+		.EnvironmentArvore.Secure <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
+		.arvore.version <- "Alfa-0.1.4"								# The ArvoRe version
+		.arvore.release.date <- "June 18, 2008 06:43:29 PM "		# The ArvoRe version date
+		.modeltypeArvore <- "CE" 									# Default calculation method "Simple" # "CEA"
+		.workstatus <- "saved"										# File status
+		.opennedfile <- "newfile"									# File name
+		.digits <- 3												# Decimal places
+		.init.objects <- objects(all.names = TRUE, 
+									envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)		# Objetos existentes antes de abrir o ArvoRe
+		.treeangle <- "squared"										# Tipo de ângulos exibidos para a árvore
+		.notesconf <- 0												# Mostrar notas no gráfico { 1 = yes, 0 = no }
+		.probabilityconf <- 1										# Mostrar probabilidades no gráfico { 1 = yes, 0 = no }
+		.payoffsconf <- 1											# Mostrar payoffs no gráfico { 1 = yes, 0 = no }
+		.node.name.font.size <- 12									# Tamanho da fonte para o nome do nodo exibido no gráfico.
+		.payoffs.font.size	<- 8									# Tamanho da fonte para payoffs do nodo exibido no gráfico.
+		.notes.font.size <- 6										# Tamanho da fonte para comentários do nodo exibido no gráfico.
+		.absorventstateconf <- 1									# Estados absorventes da cadeia de Markov são interpretados como MORTE.
+		assign(".EnvironmentArvoRe", .EnvironmentArvoRe, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".EnvironmentArvore.Secure", .EnvironmentArvore.Secure, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".arvore.version", .arvore.version, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".modeltypeArvore", .modeltypeArvore, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".workstatus", .workstatus, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".opennedfile", .opennedfile, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".digits", .digits, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".init.objects", .init.objects, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".treeangle", .treeangle, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".notesconf", .notesconf, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".probabilityconf", .probabilityconf, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".payoffsconf", .payoffsconf, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".node.name.font.size", .node.name.font.size, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".node.name.font.size", .node.name.font.size, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".payoffs.font.size", .payoffs.font.size, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".notes.font.size", .notes.font.size, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".absorventstateconf", .absorventstateconf, env = .GlobalEnv)
+# 		assign("", x, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		###############################################################################
+		# The Tk things
+		###############################################################################
+		carregaTclpath()	# Carrega extensões da Tcltk
+		tclRequire("Img")
+		tclRequire("BWidget")
+		#---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+		# tclRequire("Tk") # Used in TckTk 8.5
+		# Create a new decision tree
+		new.tree()
+		# Set Running flag to TRUE
+		.ArvoReRunning <- TRUE
+		# The splashscreen
+		splashscreenArvoRe()
+		# The main window
+		tt <- tktoplevel()
+		# Send tt addres to .EnvironmentArvoRe
+		assign("tt", tt, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		.Windowtitle <- paste("ÁrvoRe - Janela Principal", " - [", .opennedfile, "]", sep = "")
+		.Frametitle1 <- " Representação Gráfica da Árvore "
+		.Frametitle2 <- paste("ÁrvoRe - versão ", .arvore.version, " | ", 
+								" | ", "Rodando no R ", getRversion(), " ",
+								sep="")
+		.Frametitle3 <- " Configuração de Nodo "
+		tkwm.title(tt, .Windowtitle)
+		# Set max and min size to main ArvoRe window
+		tkwm.minsize(tt,640,480)
+		tkwm.maxsize(tt,1024,768)
+		# The Frames
+		frameOverall <- tkframe(tt)
+		frameBottons <- tkframe(frameOverall,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
+		frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
+			frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
+				frameUpperLeftUp <- tkframe(frameUpperLeft,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
+				frameUpperLeftDown <- tkframe(frameUpperLeft,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
+			frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
+			tkpack(tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = .Frametitle1))
+		frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall,relief="sunken",borderwidth=2)
+		tkpack(tklabel(frameLower,text = .Frametitle2, justify = "left"), fill = "x", expand = 0, side = "left")
+		tkpack(frameBottons, anchor = "nw", expand = 0, side = "top")#, fill = "x")
+		tkpack(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth, side = "left", expand = 1, fill = "both")
+		tkpack(frameUpper, anchor = "n", side = "top", expand = 1, fill = "both")
+		tkpack(tklabel(frameOverall,text=" "))
+		tkpack(frameLower, anchor = "sw", fill = "x", expand = 0, side = "bottom")
+		tkpack(tklabel(frameOverall,text=" "))
+		tkpack(frameOverall, anchor = "center", expand = 1, fill = "both")
+		# The Menu
+		topMenu <- tkmenu(tt)
+		tkconfigure(tt,menu=topMenu)
+		fileMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE)
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Novo           Ctrl+N",command=function() new.file.bot())
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Abrir...       Ctrl+O",command=function() load.file.arv())
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Salvar         Ctrl+S",command=function() save.file.arv())
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Salvar como... Ctrl+Alt+S",command=function() save.as.file.arv())
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Exportar...    Ctrl+E",command=function() export.tree.graph())
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Sair           Esc",command=function() sair())
+		tkadd(topMenu,"cascade",label="Arquivo",menu=fileMenu)
+		editMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE)
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Desfazer",command=function() changedofunction(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure))
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Refazer",command=function() changedofunction(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure))
+			tkadd(editMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Recortar",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Copiar",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Colar",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Excluir",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Recortar sub-árvore",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Copiar sub-árvore",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Colar sub-árvore",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Excluir sub-árvore",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Variáveis...",command=function() dialog.variable.window())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Configurações",command=function() properties.tree())
+		tkadd(topMenu,"cascade",label="Editar",menu=editMenu)
+		modelMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE)
+			tkadd(modelMenu,"command",label="Árvore de decisão simples",command=function() set.model.type("SD") )
+			tkadd(modelMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(modelMenu,"command",label="Árvore de decisão Custo-Efetividade",command=function() set.model.type("CE") )
+		tkadd(topMenu,"cascade",label="Modelo",menu=modelMenu)
+		analysisMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE)
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"command",label="Valores esperados (Roll Back)",command=function() show.summary.rollback.window())
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"command",label="Resumo da ACE (ICER)...",command=function() acewindow(TheTree))
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"command",label="Plano Custo-Efetividade",command=function() planoacewindow(TheTree))
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"command",label="Rede de Benefício (INB)",command=function() inbwindow(TheTree))
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"command",label="Resumo da árvore",command=function() show.summary.tree.window())
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"command",label="Verificar probabilidades",command=function() show.prob.check.window(TheTree))
+		tkadd(topMenu,"cascade",label="Análise",menu=analysisMenu)
+		windowMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE)
+			tkadd(windowMenu,"command",label="Zoom +...",command=function() zoom.in.but(imgHeight))
+			tkadd(windowMenu,"command",label="Zoom -...",command=function() zoom.out.but(imgHeight))
+			tkadd(windowMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(windowMenu,"command",label="Resolução da janela...",command=function() naoimplementado())
+		tkadd(topMenu,"cascade",label="Janela",menu=windowMenu)
+		helpMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE)
+			tkadd(helpMenu,"command",label="Ajuda",command=function() help.start())
+			tkadd(helpMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(helpMenu,"command",label="Sobre o programa",command=function() sobre(.arvore.version, .arvore.release.date))
+		tkadd(topMenu,"cascade",label="Ajuda",menu=helpMenu)
+		# The top bottons
+		.Height.but <- 3
+		.Width.but <- 7
+		.Height.img.but <- 32
+		.Width.img.but <- 32
+		#	New button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/New.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				new.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, 
+									command=function() new.file.bot())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", new.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Novo trabalho")
+			} else {
+				new.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Novo", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() new.file.bot())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", new.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Novo trabalho")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Open button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Open.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				open.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() load.file.arv())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", open.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Abrir trabalho")
+			} else {
+				open.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Abrir", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() load.file.arv())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", open.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Abrir trabalho")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Save button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Save.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				save.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() save.file.arv())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", save.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Salvar o trabalho atual")
+			} else {
+				save.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Salvar", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() save.file.arv())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", save.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Salvar o trabalho atual")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Save As button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/SaveAs.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				saveas.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() save.as.file.arv())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", saveas.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Salvar como...")
+			} else {
+				saveas.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Salvar \n como...", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() save.as.file.arv())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", saveas.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Salvar como...")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Undo button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Undo.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				undo.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() changedofunction(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", undo.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Desfazer")
+			} else {
+				undo.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="<=", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() changedofunction(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", undo.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Desfazer")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Redo button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Redo.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				redo.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() changedofunction(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", redo.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Refazer")
+			} else {
+				redo.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="=>", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() changedofunction(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", redo.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Refazer")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Markov properties button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Markov.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				markov.prop.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() markov.nodes.properties(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", markov.prop.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Propriedades do estado Markov...")
+			} else {
+				markov.prop.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Markov \n Sim.", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() markov.nodes.properties(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", markov.prop.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Propriedades do estado Markov...")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Variable button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Variable.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				variable.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() dialog.variable.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", variable.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Variáveis...")
+			} else {
+				variable.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Markov \n Sim.", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() dialog.variable.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", variable.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Variáveis...")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Simulation button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Simulation.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				simulation.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() dialog.simulation.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", simulation.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Simular... (MCMC)")
+			} else {
+				simulation.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Markov \n Sim.", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() dialog.simulation.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", simulation.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Simular... (MCMC)")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Roll-Back button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Ball.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rollback.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() show.summary.rollback.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", rollback.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Roll-back")
+			} else {
+				rollback.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Roll-Back", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() show.summary.rollback.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", rollback.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Roll-back")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Sensitivity Analysis button 1-way
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Graph.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				sa.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() sa.1way.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", sa.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Análise de Sensibilidade 1-way")
+			} else {
+				sa.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Análise de Sensibilidade 1-way", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() sa.1way.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", sa.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Análise de Sensibilidade 1-way")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Sensitivity Analysis button 2-way
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Graph2.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				sa2.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() sa.2way.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", sa2.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Análise de Sensibilidade 2-way")
+			} else {
+				sa2.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Análise de Sensibilidade 2-way", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() sa.2way.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", sa2.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Análise de Sensibilidade 2-way")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Zoom In button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/ZoomPlus.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				zoom.in <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() zoom.in.but(imgHeight))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", zoom.in, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Aumentar zoom")
+			} else {
+				zoom.in <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Zoom \n +", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() zoom.in.but(imgHeight))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", zoom.in, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Aumentar zoom")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Zoom Out button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/ZoomMinus.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				zoom.out <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() zoom.out.but(imgHeight))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", zoom.out, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Diminuir zoom")
+			} else {
+				zoom.out <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Zoom \n -", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() zoom.out.but(imgHeight))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", zoom.out, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Diminuir zoom")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Exit button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Exit.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				exit.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() sair())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", exit.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Sair do programa")
+			} else {
+				exit.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Sair", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() sair())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", exit.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "\"Sair do programa \"")
+			}
+		}
+		separator1 <- tklabel(frameBottons, text = " ")
+		separator2 <- tklabel(frameBottons, text = " ")
+		separator3 <- tklabel(frameBottons, text = " ")
+		separator4 <- tklabel(frameBottons, text = " ")
+		separator5 <- tklabel(frameBottons, text = " ")
+		separator6 <- tklabel(frameBottons, text = " ")
+		tkgrid(new.but, open.but, save.but, saveas.but, separator1,
+				undo.but, redo.but, separator2,
+				markov.prop.but, variable.but, separator3,
+				simulation.but, rollback.but, separator4,
+				sa.but, sa2.but, separator5,
+				zoom.in, zoom.out, separator6,
+				exit.but, 
+				sticky = "nw")
+		tkconfigure(new.but, activebackground = "white")
+		tkflash(new.but)
+		# The tree structure view
+		xScr       <- tkscrollbar(frameUpperLeftUp,command=function(...)tkxview(treeWidget,...),orient="horizontal")
+		yScr       <- tkscrollbar(frameUpperLeftUp,command=function(...)tkyview(treeWidget,...))
+		treeWidget <- tkwidget(frameUpperLeftUp,"Tree", deltax = 25, deltay = 20,
+										xscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(xScr,...), 
+										yscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(yScr,...),
+										width=30,height=15)
+		tkgrid(treeWidget, yScr)
+		tkgrid.configure(treeWidget,stick="nswe")
+		tkgrid.configure(yScr,stick="nsw")
+		tkgrid(xScr)
+		tkgrid.configure(xScr,stick="nswe")
+		tkgrid(frameUpperLeftUp, sticky = "nwe")
+		# Send treeWidget addres to .EnvironmentArvoRe
+		assign("treeWidget", treeWidget, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		theTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+		# The Tree Bottons
+		.Height.but <- 2
+		.Width.but <- 16
+		node.name.but <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Nome", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() nodenamewindows())
+		node.prob.but <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Probabilidade", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() probwindows())
+		node.playoff.but <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Valores", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() utilitywindows())
+		node.type <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Tipo", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() typenodewindows())
+		node.add <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Adicionar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() addnodewindows())
+		node.remove <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Remover", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() removenodewindows())
+		node.destiny <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Destino", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() destinynodewindows())
+		node.notes <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Comentários", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() notesnodewindows())
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text = .Frametitle3))
+		tkgrid(node.name.but, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.prob.but, row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.type, row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.playoff.but, row = 1, column = 1, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.add, row = 2, column = 0, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.remove, row = 2, column = 1, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.destiny, row = 3, column = 0, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.notes, row = 3, column = 1, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(frameUpperLeftDown, sticky = "swe") #, side = "bottom", expand = 1, fill = "both")
+		# Image window configurations
+		Height <- 400
+		Width <- 600
+		Borderwidth <- 2
+		# scrollbar objects
+		Hscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameUpperRigth, orient="horiz", command = function(...)tkxview(Canvas,...) )
+		Vscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameUpperRigth, command = function(...)tkyview(Canvas,...) )
+		Canvas <- tkcanvas(frameUpperRigth, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = Borderwidth, 
+							width = Width, height = Height,
+							xscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(Hscroll,...), 
+							yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(Vscroll,...)
+							)
+		assign("Canvas", Canvas, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		# Pack the scroll bars.
+		tkpack(Hscroll, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
+		tkpack(Vscroll, side = "right", fill = "y")
+		# Pack the canvas
+		tkpack(Canvas, anchor = "center", side = "right", fill = "both", expand = 1)
+		# Image setings.
+		imgHeight <- 600
+		imgWidth <- 800
+		assign("imgHeight", imgHeight, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign("imgWidth", imgWidth, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		# Image file name setings.
+		.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "arvore.png", sep="")
+		# unlink(x, recursive = FALSE)
+		png(file=.Filename, width = imgWidth, height = imgHeight, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+			plot.tree(TheTree, line.type = .treeangle, show.probability = .probabilityconf, 
+						show.payoffs = .payoffsconf, show.notes = .notesconf, 
+						node.name.font.size = .node.name.font.size, payoffs.font.size = .payoffs.font.size, 
+						notes.font.size = .notes.font.size)
+		dev.off()
+		image1 <- tclVar()
+		tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+		tkcreate(Canvas, "image", imgWidth/2, imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+		tkconfigure(Canvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,imgWidth,imgHeight))
+		file.remove(.Filename)
+		###############################################################################
+		# The keys
+		###############################################################################
+		tkbind(tt, "<Escape>",sair)
+		tkbind(tt, "<Control_L><n>",new.file.bot)
+		tkbind(tt, "<Control_L><o>",load.file.arv)
+		tkbind(tt, "<Control_L><Alt_L><s>",save.file.arv)
+		tkbind(tt, "<Control_L><s>",save.file.arv)
+		tkbind(tt, "<Control_L><e>",naoimplementado)
+		tkbind(tt, "<F5>",refreshF5)
+		###############################################################################
+		posiciona.janela.tela(tt)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+		tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+	} else {
+		msg <- paste("O programa ÁrvoRe já está sendo executado.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+	}	

Property changes on: pkg/R/arvore.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/atualiza.grafico.R
--- pkg/R/atualiza.grafico.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/atualiza.grafico.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+`atualiza.grafico` <-
+function(...) {
+	.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "arvore.png", sep="")
+	if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+	png(file=.Filename, width = imgWidth, height = imgHeight, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+		plot.tree(TheTree, line.type = .treeangle, show.probability = .probabilityconf, 
+					show.payoffs = .payoffsconf, show.notes = .notesconf, 
+					node.name.font.size = .node.name.font.size, payoffs.font.size = .payoffs.font.size, 
+					notes.font.size = .notes.font.size)
+	dev.off()
+	image1 <- tclVar()
+	tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+	tkcreate(Canvas, "image", imgWidth/2, imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+	tkconfigure(Canvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,imgWidth,imgHeight))
+	file.remove(.Filename)
+	tkwm.deiconify(tt)

Property changes on: pkg/R/atualiza.grafico.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/carregaTclpath.R
--- pkg/R/carregaTclpath.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/carregaTclpath.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+`carregaTclpath` <-
+function() {
+	addTclPath("C:/Tcl/lib")
+	addTclPath("C:/Arquivos de programas/Tcl/lib")	

Property changes on: pkg/R/carregaTclpath.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/changedofunction.R
--- pkg/R/changedofunction.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/changedofunction.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+`changedofunction` <-
+function(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure) {
+	TheTree.old <- TheTree
+	.EnvironmentArvoRe.old <- .EnvironmentArvoRe
+	.modeltypeArvore.old <- .modeltypeArvore
+	assign("TheTree", get("TheTree", .EnvironmentArvore.Secure), .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".EnvironmentArvoRe", get(".EnvironmentArvoRe", .EnvironmentArvore.Secure), .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".modeltypeArvore", get(".modeltypeArvore", .EnvironmentArvore.Secure), .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	safedofunction(TheTree.old, .EnvironmentArvoRe.old, .modeltypeArvore.old)
+	refreshF5()

Property changes on: pkg/R/changedofunction.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/clearTreeTkArvore.R
--- pkg/R/clearTreeTkArvore.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/clearTreeTkArvore.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+`clearTreeTkArvore` <-
+function(TheTree) {
+	i <- TheTree$Level
+	j <- TheTree$Node.N
+	osnodos <- paste(i,".",j,sep="")
+	tkdelete(treeWidget,osnodos[j])
+	tkdelete(treeWidget,"1.1")	

Property changes on: pkg/R/clearTreeTkArvore.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/convert2matrix.R
--- pkg/R/convert2matrix.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/convert2matrix.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,131 @@
+`convert2matrix` <-
+function(TheTree) {
+	n.levels <- max(TheTree$Level)
+	x <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	y <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	probMAT <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	typeMAT <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	effectivenessMAT <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	utilityMAT <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	destinyMAT <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	for (i in n.levels:1) {
+		Data.level <- TheTree[TheTree$Level == i,]
+		nodes <- as.numeric(levels(as.factor(Data.level$Node.N)))
+		line.x <- array(NA, n.levels)
+		line.y <- array(NA, n.levels)
+		line.prob <- array(1, n.levels)
+		line.type <- array(NA, n.levels)
+		line.effectiveness <- array(1, n.levels)
+		line.utility <- array(0, n.levels)
+		line.destiny <- array(NA, n.levels)
+		for (j in nodes) {
+			if (sum( x[,i] == j, na.rm = TRUE ) < 1) {
+				Data.Node <- Data.level[ Data.level$Node.N == j,]
+				father.node <- as.numeric(Data.Node$Father[1])
+				label.father <- Data.Node$Father.Name[1]
+				line.x[i] <- j
+				line.y[i] <- Data.Node$Node.name[1]
+				line.prob[i] <- Data.Node$Prob[1]
+				line.type[i] <- Data.Node$Type[1]
+				line.effectiveness[i] <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.Node$Payoff2[1]))
+				line.utility[i] <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.Node$Payoff1[1]))
+				line.destiny[i] <- Data.Node$Destiny[1]
+				if (i > 1) {
+					for (k in (i-1):1) {
+						line.x[k] <- father.node
+						line.y[k] <- label.father
+						Data.node.return <- TheTree[TheTree$Level == k,]
+						Data.node.return <- Data.node.return[Data.node.return$Node.N == as.character(line.x[k]),]
+						father.node <- as.numeric(Data.node.return$Father[1])
+						label.father <- Data.node.return$Father.Name
+						prob.father <- Data.node.return$Prob
+						type.father <- Data.node.return$Type
+						effectiveness.father <- Data.node.return$Payoff2[1]
+						utility.father <- Data.node.return$Payoff1[1]
+						destiny.father <- Data.node.return$Destiny
+						line.prob[k] <- prob.father
+						line.type[k] <- type.father
+						line.effectiveness[k] <- as.numeric(as.character(effectiveness.father))
+						line.utility[k] <- as.numeric(as.character(utility.father))
+						line.destiny[k] <- destiny.father
+					}
+				}
+				x <- rbind(x,line.x)
+				y <- rbind(y,line.y)
+				probMAT <- rbind(probMAT,line.prob)
+				typeMAT <- rbind(typeMAT,line.type)
+				effectivenessMAT <- rbind(effectivenessMAT,line.effectiveness)
+				utilityMAT <- rbind(utilityMAT,line.utility)
+				destinyMAT <- rbind(destinyMAT,line.destiny)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	x <- as.matrix(x)
+	y <- as.matrix(y)
+	probMAT <- as.matrix(probMAT)
+	typeMAT <- as.matrix(typeMAT)
+	effectivenessMAT <- as.matrix(effectivenessMAT)
+	utilityMAT <- as.matrix(utilityMAT)
+	destinyMAT <- as.matrix(destinyMAT)
+# ordena as matrizes para nao haver problema com a plot.tree - June 21, 2008 
+if(dim(x)[1] != 1) {
+	for (i in 1:dim(x)[2]) {
+		if ( sum(is.na(x[,i])) == 0 ) { # whatcolorder <- c(whatcolorder, i)
+			y <- y[order(x[,i]),]
+			probMAT <- probMAT[order(x[,i]),]
+			typeMAT <- typeMAT[order(x[,i]),]
+			effectivenessMAT <- effectivenessMAT[order(x[,i]),]
+			utilityMAT <- utilityMAT[order(x[,i]),]
+			destinyMAT <- destinyMAT[order(x[,i]),]
+			x <- x[order(x[,i]),]
+		}
+	}
+	x <- as.matrix(x)
+	y <- as.matrix(y)
+	probMAT <- as.matrix(probMAT)
+	typeMAT <- as.matrix(typeMAT)
+	effectivenessMAT <- as.matrix(effectivenessMAT)
+	utilityMAT <- as.matrix(utilityMAT)
+	destinyMAT <- as.matrix(destinyMAT)
+	colnames(x) <- NULL
+	rownames(x) <- NULL
+	colnames(y) <- NULL
+	rownames(y) <- NULL
+	colnames(probMAT) <- NULL
+	rownames(probMAT) <- NULL
+	colnames(typeMAT) <- NULL
+	rownames(typeMAT) <- NULL
+	colnames(effectivenessMAT) <- NULL
+	rownames(effectivenessMAT) <- NULL
+	colnames(utilityMAT) <- NULL
+	rownames(utilityMAT) <- NULL
+	colnames(destinyMAT) <- NULL
+	rownames(destinyMAT) <- NULL
+	dl <- dim(destinyMAT)[1]
+	destinyarray <- array(0,dl)
+	for (i in 1:dl) {
+		balde <- destinyMAT[i, !is.na(destinyMAT[i,]) ]
+		destinyarray[i] <- balde[length(balde)]
+	}
+	ans <- list( x = x, y = y, probMAT = probMAT, typeMAT = typeMAT, effectivenessMAT = effectivenessMAT,
+					utilityMAT = utilityMAT, destinyMAT = destinyarray)
+	return(ans)

Property changes on: pkg/R/convert2matrix.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/cost.effectiveness.table.R
--- pkg/R/cost.effectiveness.table.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/cost.effectiveness.table.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+`cost.effectiveness.table` <-
+function(TheTree) {
+	Matrixset <- convert2matrix(TheTree)
+	x <- Matrixset$x
+	y <- Matrixset$y
+	probMAT <- Matrixset$probMAT
+	utilityMAT <- Matrixset$utilityMAT
+	effectivenessMAT <- Matrixset$effectivenessMAT
+	typeMAT <- Matrixset$typeMAT
+	rollbackLIST <- rollback(TheTree)
+	num.col <- dim(x)[2]
+	num.lin <- dim(x)[1]
+	levelnode <- array(,0)
+	paispos <- array(,0)
+	nnode <- array(,0)
+	namenode <- array(,0)
+	probnode <- array(,0)
+	utilitynode <- array(,0)
+	effectivenessnode <- array(,0)
+	typenode <- array(,0)
+	paisnodos.n <- array(,0)
+	paisnodos.name <- array(,0)
+	paisnodos <- array(,0)
+	expectedvalue.cost <- array(,0)
+	expectedvalue.effectiveness <- array(,0)
+	expectedvalue.ce <- array(,0)	
+	for (i in 1:num.col) {
+		max.node <- max(x[,i], na.rm = TRUE)
+		pais <- 1:max.node	
+		for (k in pais) {
+			levelnode <- c(levelnode,i)
+			nodepos <- which(x[,i] == k)[1]
+			paispos <- c(paispos, nodepos)
+			if (i == 1) {
+				paisnodos.n <- c(paisnodos.n, 1)
+				paisnodos.name <- c(paisnodos.name, " ")
+			} else {
+				paisnodos.n <- c(paisnodos.n, x[nodepos, i-1])
+				paisnodos.name <- c(paisnodos.name, y[nodepos, i-1])
+			}
+			nnode <- c(nnode, k)
+			namenode <- c(namenode, y[nodepos, i])
+			probnode <- c(probnode, probMAT[nodepos, i])
+			utilitynode <- c(utilitynode, utilityMAT[nodepos, i])
+			effectivenessnode <- c(effectivenessnode, effectivenessMAT[nodepos, i])
+			typenode <- c(typenode, typeMAT[nodepos, i])
+			expectedvalue.cost <- c(expectedvalue.cost, rollbackLIST[["Cost"]][nodepos, i])
+			expectedvalue.effectiveness <- c(expectedvalue.effectiveness, rollbackLIST[["Effectiveness"]][nodepos, i])
+			expectedvalue.ce <- c(expectedvalue.ce, rollbackLIST[["CE"]][nodepos, i])
+		}
+	}
+	tabela <- data.frame(Level = levelnode, Node.N = nnode, Node.name = namenode,
+						 Mean.Cost = expectedvalue.cost,
+						 Mean.Effectiveness = expectedvalue.effectiveness,
+						 Mean.C.E.ratio = expectedvalue.ce
+						 )
+	tabela <- subset(tabela, Level == 2)
+	tabela <- as.data.frame(tabela)
+	tabela$Level <- as.numeric(tabela$Level)
+	tabela$Node.N <- as.numeric(tabela$Node.N)
+	tabela$Node.name <- as.character(tabela$Node.name)
+	tabela$Mean.Cost <- as.numeric(as.numeric(tabela$Mean.Cost))
+	tabela$Mean.Effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.numeric(tabela$Mean.Effectiveness))
+	tabela$Mean.C.E.ratio <- as.numeric(as.numeric(tabela$Mean.C.E.ratio))
+	return(tabela)

Property changes on: pkg/R/cost.effectiveness.table.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/destinynodewindows.R
--- pkg/R/destinynodewindows.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/destinynodewindows.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+`destinynodewindows` <-
+function(...) {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( .modeltypeArvore != "CE") {
+		msg <- paste(" Você não está utilizando um modelo Markov.\n Altere o tipo de modelo para poder definir destino a um nodo.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+			msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		} else {
+			node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+			column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+			position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+			node.type <- TheTree$Type[position]
+			if (node.type == "T") {
+				node.Origins <- select.origins(TheTree, node.col = column, node.number = node.number)
+				position.exist.markov <- which(node.Origins$Type == "M")
+				if (length(position.exist.markov) > 0) {
+					destinyWindow <- tktoplevel()
+					title <- "ÁrvoRe - Destino do Nodo"
+					tkwm.title(destinyWindow,title)
+					position.exist.markov <- max(position.exist.markov)
+					column.markov <- node.Origins$Level[position.exist.markov]
+					number.markov.node <- node.Origins$Node.N[position.exist.markov]
+					k <- subset(TheTree, Level == column.markov + 1)
+					k <- subset(k, Father == number.markov.node)
+					k <- k[union( which(k$Type == "C"), which(k$Type == "T")), ]
+					markov.nodes <- as.character(k$Node.name)
+					markov.nodes.position <- as.numeric(k$Node.N)
+					markov.nodes.col <- as.numeric(k$Level)
+					heightlistbox <- length(markov.nodes)
+					scr <- tkscrollbar(destinyWindow, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(tl,...))
+					tl <- tklistbox(destinyWindow,height=heightlistbox,selectmode="single",
+									yscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(scr,...),background="white")
+					tkgrid(tklabel(destinyWindow,text="Seleciona um nodo de destino"))
+					tkgrid(tl,scr)
+					tkgrid.configure(scr,rowspan=4,sticky="nsw")
+					for (i in (1:heightlistbox)) {
+					    tkinsert(tl,"end",markov.nodes[i])
+					}
+					if(TheTree$Destiny[position[1]] != " ") {
+						selected <- which( markov.nodes.position == as.numeric(TheTree$Destiny[position[1]]))
+						tkselection.set(tl,selected-1)
+					}
+					OnOK <- function()
+					{
+						destinyChoice <- markov.nodes.position[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+						safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+						TheTree$Destiny[position] <- destinyChoice
+						setdestinynode(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+						tkdestroy(destinyWindow)
+						tkfocus(tt)
+					}
+					OnCancel <- function()
+					{
+						tkdestroy(destinyWindow)
+						tkfocus(tt)
+					}
+					OK.but <-tkbutton(destinyWindow,text="   OK     ",command=OnOK)
+					tkbind(destinyWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+					Cancel.but <-tkbutton(destinyWindow,text=" Cancelar ",command=OnCancel)
+					tkbind(destinyWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+					tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+					posiciona.janela.no.mouse(destinyWindow, 230, 150)
+					tkfocus(destinyWindow)
+				} else {
+					msg <- paste("O nodo selecionado não é um nodo de transição de um nodo tipo 'Markov'. \n Apenas nodos desse tipo podem seguir um destino.")
+					tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+					tkfocus(tt)
+				}
+			} else {
+				msg <- paste("O nodo selecionado não é um nodo do tipo 'Terminal'. \n Apenas nodos desse tipo podem seguir um destino.")
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+		}
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/destinynodewindows.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/dialog.simulation.window.R
--- pkg/R/dialog.simulation.window.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/dialog.simulation.window.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,393 @@
+`dialog.simulation.window` <-
+function(...) {
+	.begin.sim <- TRUE	# Servirá como flag para se saber se se pode iniciar a simulação.
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		.begin.sim <- FALSE
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		node.type <- TheTree$Type[position]
+	}
+	TestPartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, node.col = column, node.number = node.number, change.row.names = FALSE)$Type
+	position.test <- which(	TestPartialTree == "M" )
+	if (length(position.test) > 0) {
+		if (dim(markov.propertiesMAT)[1] == 0) {
+			msg <- paste("Propriedades dos nodos representantes dos estados Markov não \n",
+						"foram definidos. Use o botão 'M' para ajustar as propriedades \n",
+						"destes nodos.", sep = "")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			.begin.sim <- FALSE
+			tkfocus(tt)			
+		}
+	}
+	if (.begin.sim) {
+		if (node.type == "M") {
+############ MARKOV ############
+			dialogsimulationwindow <- tktoplevel()
+			title <- "ÁrvoRe - Simulação Markov"
+			tkwm.title(dialogsimulationwindow,title)
+			Seedvar <- tclVar(0)
+			Individuosvar <- tclVar(10000)
+			Terminalvar <- tclVar("(.stage >= 10)")
+			Seed.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Seedvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Semente (zero indica semente não determinada)"),
+					row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			tkgrid(Seed.Value, row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			Individuos.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Individuosvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Número de indivíduos na coorte"),
+					row = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			tkgrid(Individuos.Value, row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			Terminal.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Terminalvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Condição de término da simulação"),
+					row = 4, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			tkgrid(Terminal.Value, row = 5, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text=" "), columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			OnOK <- function()
+			{
+				tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="watch")	# faz com que o cursor mude para busy
+				SeedVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Seedvar))
+				IndividuosVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Individuosvar))
+				TerminalVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Terminalvar))
+				if ( (is.numeric(SeedVal)) && (!is.na(SeedVal)) && (nchar(SeedVal) > 0) ) {
+					if ( (is.numeric(IndividuosVal)) && (!is.na(IndividuosVal)) && (nchar(IndividuosVal) > 0) ) {
+						PartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, node.col = column, node.number = node.number, change.row.names = FALSE)
+						Partialmarkov.propertiesMAT <- select.markov.propertiesMAT(TheTree, PartialTree, markov.propertiesMAT)
+						if (SeedVal == 0) SeedVal <- FALSE
+						tempo1 <- Sys.time() 
+						Mktable <- markov.coort.table(PartialTree, Partialmarkov.propertiesMAT, markov.termination = TerminalVal, 
+														initial.coort = IndividuosVal, seed = SeedVal, absorventstatedeath = .absorventstateconf)
+						tempo2 <- Sys.time()
+# 						assign("Mktable", Mktable, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+						Mktable <- list(Mktable)
+						names(Mktable) <- TheTree$Node.name[position]
+						summary.simulation.window(Mktable, 
+													tempo1 = tempo1, 
+													tempo2 = tempo2, 
+													CicloVal = dim(Mktable)[1], 
+													tipo.nodo = "M",
+													digits = .digits)
+						tkdestroy(dialogsimulationwindow)
+						tkfocus(tt)
+					} else {
+						msg <- paste("Este não é um valor válido para o número de de indivíduos na coorte '",IndividuosVal, "'")
+						tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+						tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="arrow")
+						tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+					}
+				} else {
+					msg <- paste("Este não é um valor válido para o número de ciclos '",CicloVal, "'")
+					tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+					tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="arrow")
+					tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+				}
+			}
+			OK.but <-tkbutton(dialogsimulationwindow,text="    OK    ",command=OnOK)
+			tkbind(Seed.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			tkbind(Individuos.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			tkbind(Terminal.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			OnCancel <- function()
+			{
+				tkdestroy(dialogsimulationwindow)
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+			Cancel.but <-tkbutton(dialogsimulationwindow, text=" Cancelar ", command=OnCancel)
+			tkbind(dialogsimulationwindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+			tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+			posiciona.janela.no.mouse(dialogsimulationwindow, 250, 200)
+#	 		tcl("tkwait","window",dialogsimulationwindow)
+			tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+		} else {
+			if (node.type == "D") {
+############ DECISION ############
+				dialogsimulationwindow <- tktoplevel()
+				title <- "ÁrvoRe - Simulação Markov"
+				tkwm.title(dialogsimulationwindow,title)
+				Seedvar <- tclVar(0)
+				Individuosvar <- tclVar(10000)
+				Terminalvar <- tclVar("(.stage >= 10)")
+				Trialssvar <- tclVar(10000)
+				Seed.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Seedvar)
+				tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Semente (zero indica semente não determinada)"),
+						row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				tkgrid(Seed.Value, row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				Individuos.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Individuosvar)
+				tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Número de indivíduos na coorte (Markov) \n Número de repetições (random walk) (Chance/Terminal)"),
+						row = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				tkgrid(Individuos.Value, row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				Terminal.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Terminalvar)
+				tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Condição de término da simulação"),
+						row = 4, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				tkgrid(Terminal.Value, row = 5, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+# 				Trialss.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Trialssvar)
+# 				tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Número de repetições (random walk)"),
+# 						row = 6, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+# 				tkgrid(Trialss.Value, row = 7, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text=" "), columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				OnOK <- function()
+				{
+					tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="watch")	# faz com que o cursor mude para busy
+					SeedVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Seedvar))
+					IndividuosVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Individuosvar))
+					TerminalVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Terminalvar))
+					TrialssVal <-IndividuosVal
+# 					TrialssVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Trialssvar))
+					if ( (is.numeric(SeedVal)) && (!is.na(SeedVal)) && (nchar(SeedVal) > 0) ) {
+						if ( (is.numeric(IndividuosVal)) && (!is.na(IndividuosVal)) && (nchar(IndividuosVal) > 0) ) {
+							nodestoSim <- subset(TheTree, Level == column + 1)
+							nodestoSim <- subset(nodestoSim, Father == node.number)
+							Times.to.sim.init <- array(,0)
+							Times.to.sim.final <- array(,0)
+							Names.to.sim <- array(,0)
+							Types.to.sim <- array(,0)
+							Sim.list.to.resume <- list()
+							for ( nodeinquestion in 1:length(nodestoSim$Node.N) ) {
+								nodegotosim.Type <- nodestoSim$Type[nodeinquestion]
+								nodegotosim.Name <- nodestoSim$Node.name[nodeinquestion]
+								nodegotosim.Node.N <- nodestoSim$Node.N[nodeinquestion]
+								nodegotosim.Level <- nodestoSim$Level[nodeinquestion]
+								if ( nodegotosim.Type == "M") {
+									PartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, 
+																	node.col = nodegotosim.Level, 
+																	node.number = nodegotosim.Node.N, 
+																	change.row.names = FALSE)
+									Partialmarkov.propertiesMAT <- select.markov.propertiesMAT(TheTree, 
+																	PartialTree, 
+																	markov.propertiesMAT)
+									if (SeedVal == 0) SeedVal <- FALSE
+									tempo1 <- Sys.time()
+									Times.to.sim.init <- c(Times.to.sim.init, Sys.time())
+									Sim.list.to.resume[[nodeinquestion]] <- markov.coort.table(PartialTree, 
+																	markov.propertiesMAT = Partialmarkov.propertiesMAT, 
+																	markov.termination = TerminalVal, 
+																	initial.coort = IndividuosVal, 
+																	seed = SeedVal, 
+																	absorventstatedeath = .absorventstateconf)
+									tempo2 <- Sys.time()
+									Times.to.sim.final <- c(Times.to.sim.final, Sys.time())
+									Names.to.sim <- c(Names.to.sim, nodegotosim.Name)
+									Types.to.sim <- c(Types.to.sim, "M")
+								}
+								if ( nodegotosim.Type == "C") {
+									PartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, 
+																	node.col = nodegotosim.Level, 
+																	node.number = nodegotosim.Node.N, 
+																	change.row.names = FALSE)
+									if (SeedVal == 0) SeedVal <- FALSE
+									tempo1 <- Sys.time()
+									Times.to.sim.init <- c(Times.to.sim.init, Sys.time())
+									Sim.list.to.resume[[nodeinquestion]] <- simple.markov.coort.table(PartialTree, 
+																			trials = TrialssVal, 
+																			seed = SeedVal)
+									tempo2 <- Sys.time()
+									Times.to.sim.final <- c(Times.to.sim.final, Sys.time())
+									Names.to.sim <- c(Names.to.sim, nodegotosim.Name)
+									Types.to.sim <- c(Types.to.sim, "C")
+								}
+								if ( nodegotosim.Type == "T") {
+									PartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, 
+																	node.col = nodegotosim.Level, 
+																	node.number = nodegotosim.Node.N, 
+																	change.row.names = FALSE)
+									Times.to.sim.init <- c(Times.to.sim.init, Sys.time())
+									Sim.list.to.resume[[nodeinquestion]] <- terminal.markov.coort.table(PartialTree, trials = TrialssVal)
+									Times.to.sim.final <- c(Times.to.sim.final, Sys.time())
+									Names.to.sim <- c(Names.to.sim, nodegotosim.Name)
+									Types.to.sim <- c(Types.to.sim, "T")
+# 									cat("NODO Terminal : fazendo nada | dialog.simulation() \n")
+								}
+							}
+							names(Sim.list.to.resume) <- Names.to.sim
+							summary.simulation.window(Sim.list.to.resume, 
+														tempo1 = Times.to.sim.init, 
+														tempo2 = Times.to.sim.final, 
+														CicloVal = 999, 
+														tipo.nodo = Types.to.sim,
+														digits = .digits)
+							tkdestroy(dialogsimulationwindow)
+							tkfocus(tt)
+						} else {
+							msg <- paste("Este não é um valor válido para o número de de indivíduos na coorte '",IndividuosVal, "'")
+							tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+							tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="arrow")
+							tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+						}
+					} else {
+						msg <- paste("Este não é um valor válido para o número de ciclos '",CicloVal, "'")
+						tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+						tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="arrow")
+						tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+					}
+				}
+				OK.but <-tkbutton(dialogsimulationwindow,text="    OK    ",command=OnOK)
+				tkbind(Seed.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+				tkbind(Individuos.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+				tkbind(Terminal.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+				OnCancel <- function()
+				{
+					tkdestroy(dialogsimulationwindow)
+					tkfocus(tt)
+				}
+				Cancel.but <-tkbutton(dialogsimulationwindow, text=" Cancelar ", command=OnCancel)
+				tkbind(dialogsimulationwindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+				tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+				posiciona.janela.no.mouse(dialogsimulationwindow, 300, 200)
+	#	 		tcl("tkwait","window",dialogsimulationwindow)
+				tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+			} else {
+				if (node.type == "C") {
+############ CHANCE ############
+					dialogsimulationwindow <- tktoplevel()
+					title <- "ÁrvoRe - Simulação Markov"
+					tkwm.title(dialogsimulationwindow,title)
+					Seedvar <- tclVar(0)
+					Trialssvar <- tclVar(10000)
+# 					Terminalvar <- tclVar("(.stage >= 10)")
+					Seed.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Seedvar)
+					tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Semente (zero indica semente não determinada)"),
+							row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+					tkgrid(Seed.Value, row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+					Trialss.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Trialssvar)
+					tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Número de repetições (random walk)"),
+							row = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+					tkgrid(Trialss.Value, row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+# 					Terminal.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Terminalvar)
+# 					tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Número de indivíduos na coorte"), sticky = "n")
+# 					tkgrid(Terminal.Value, sticky = "n")
+					tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text=" "), columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+					OnOK <- function()
+					{
+						tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="watch")	# faz com que o cursor mude para busy
+						SeedVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Seedvar))
+						TrialssVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Trialssvar))
+# 						TerminalVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Terminalvar))
+						if ( (is.numeric(SeedVal)) && (!is.na(SeedVal)) && (nchar(SeedVal) > 0) ) {
+							if ( (is.numeric(TrialssVal)) && (!is.na(TrialssVal)) && (nchar(TrialssVal) > 0) ) {
+								PartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, node.col = column, node.number = node.number, change.row.names = FALSE)
+								if (SeedVal == 0) SeedVal <- FALSE
+								tempo1 <- Sys.time() 
+								Mktable <- simple.markov.coort.table(PartialTree, trials = TrialssVal, seed = SeedVal)
+								tempo2 <- Sys.time()
+# 								assign("Mktable", Mktable, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+								Mktable <- list(Mktable)
+								names(Mktable) <- TheTree$Node.name[position]
+								summary.simulation.window(Mktable, 
+															tempo1 = tempo1, 
+															tempo2 = tempo2, 
+															CicloVal = dim(Mktable)[1], 
+															tipo.nodo = "C",
+															digits = .digits)
+								tkdestroy(dialogsimulationwindow)
+								tkfocus(tt)
+							} else {
+								msg <- paste("Este não é um valor válido para o número de de indivíduos na coorte '",TrialssVal, "'")
+								tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+								tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="arrow")
+								tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+							}
+						} else {
+							msg <- paste("Este não é um valor válido para o número de ciclos '",CicloVal, "'")
+							tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+							tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="arrow")
+							tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+						}
+					}
+					OK.but <-tkbutton(dialogsimulationwindow,text="    OK    ",command=OnOK)
+					tkbind(Seed.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+					tkbind(Trialss.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+# 					tkbind(Terminal.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+					OnCancel <- function()
+					{
+						tkdestroy(dialogsimulationwindow)
+						tkfocus(tt)
+					}
+					Cancel.but <-tkbutton(dialogsimulationwindow, text=" Cancelar ", command=OnCancel)
+					tkbind(dialogsimulationwindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+					tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+					posiciona.janela.no.mouse(dialogsimulationwindow, 250, 150)
+		#	 		tcl("tkwait","window",dialogsimulationwindow)
+					tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+				} else {
+					if (node.type == "T") {
+############ TERMINAL ############
+						msg <- paste("O nodo selecionado é do tipo 'Terminal'. Selecione um outro \n nodo da árvore para executar simulação.")
+						tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+						tkfocus(tt)
+# 						PartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, 
+# 														node.col = column, node.number = node.number, 
+# 														change.row.names = FALSE)
+# 						tempo1 <- Sys.time()
+# 						Mktable <- terminal.markov.coort.table(PartialTree)
+# 						print(Mktable)
+# 						tempo2 <- Sys.time()
+# 						summary.simulation.window(Mktable, 
+# 													tempo1 = tempo1, 
+# 													tempo2 = tempo2, 
+# 													CicloVal = dim(Mktable)[1], 
+# 													tipo.nodo = "M",
+# 													digits = .digits)
+					} else {
+						cat("ERROR: Tipo não reconhecido \n")
+						msg <- paste("O nodo selecionado é de tipo não reconhecido. Selecione um outro \n nodo da árvore para executar simulação.")
+						tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+						tkfocus(tt)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/dialog.simulation.window.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/dialog.variable.window.R
--- pkg/R/dialog.variable.window.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/dialog.variable.window.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,320 @@
+`dialog.variable.window` <-
+function(...) {
+	if (!exists("variableMAT",.EnvironmentArvoRe)) new.variable.list() # se não existe uma tabela de variaveis, então ele cria.
+	variableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	title <- "ÁrvoRe - Variáveis"
+	tkwm.title(variableWindow,title)
+	frameOverall <- tkframe(variableWindow)
+	frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+	frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	scrvar <- tkscrollbar(frameUpperRigth, repeatinterval=5,
+					command=function(...)tkyview(tlvar,...))
+	tlvar <- tklistbox(frameUpperRigth,height=4,selectmode="single",
+					yscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(scrvar,...),background="white")
+	tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text="Variáveis"))
+	tkgrid(tlvar,scrvar)
+	tkgrid.configure(scrvar,rowspan=4,sticky="nsw")
+	tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="nsw")
+	tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+	tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+	variablesnames <- variableMAT[,1]
+	if (length(variablesnames) > 0) {
+		for (i in (1:length(variablesnames))) {
+	    	tkinsert(tlvar,"end",variablesnames[i])
+		}
+	}
+	AddSelection <- function()
+	{
+	    addvariableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	    title <- "ÁrvoRe - Variáveis"
+	    tkwm.title(addvariableWindow,title)
+	    frameOverall <- tkframe(addvariableWindow)
+	    frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	    frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, borderwidth=2)
+	    tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall,text="Nova Variável"))
+	    Namevar <- tclVar("")
+	    Fixvar <- tclVar(0)
+	    Minvar <- tclVar(0)
+	    Maxvar <- tclVar(0)
+	    Notesvar <- tclVar("")
+	    campowidth <- 25
+		Name.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Namevar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Nome da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Name.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Fix.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Fixvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Valor padrão da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Fix.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Min.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Minvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Valor mínimo da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Min.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Max.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Maxvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Valor máximo da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Max.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Notes.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Notesvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Notas"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Notes.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		OnOkAdd <- function() {
+			Allok <- TRUE
+			NameVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Namevar))
+			FixVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Fixvar))
+			MinVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Minvar))
+			MaxVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Maxvar))
+			NotesVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Notesvar))
+			if((nchar(NameVal) <= 0)&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um nome válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((!is.numeric(FixVal))&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um valor fixo válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((!is.numeric(MinVal))&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um valor mínimo válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((!is.numeric(MaxVal))&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um valor máximo válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((MinVal >= MaxVal)&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "O valor mínimo de uma variável deve ser menor que o valor máximo."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if(Allok) {
+				newvariableline <- data.frame(Name = NameVal, Fix.Value = FixVal, Min.Value = MinVal,
+											Max.Value = MaxVal, Notes = NotesVal)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+				setvariablelist(variableMAT = variableMAT, newvariableline = newvariableline, action = "add")
+				tkinsert(tlvar,"end",NameVal)
+				tkdestroy(addvariableWindow)
+				tkfocus(variableWindow)
+			}
+		}
+		OnCanceladd <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(addvariableWindow)
+			tkfocus(variableWindow)
+		}
+		.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOkAdd)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCanceladd)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkbind(addvariableWindow, "<Return>",OnOkAdd)
+		tkbind(addvariableWindow, "<Escape>",OnCanceladd)
+		tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+	}
+	DeleteSelection <- function()
+	{
+	    variableIndex <- as.integer(tkcurselection(tlvar))
+	    variableslist <- variableMAT$Name
+	    variabletodelete <- as.character(variableslist[variableIndex+1])
+	    safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+	    setvariablelist(variableMAT = variableMAT, variable.name = variabletodelete, action = "delete")
+	    tkdelete(tlvar,variableIndex)
+	    tkfocus(variableWindow)
+	}
+	EditSelection <- function()
+	{	
+	    variableIndex <- as.integer(tkcurselection(tlvar))
+	   	variableslist <- variableMAT$Name
+	   	variableselected <- as.character(variableslist[variableIndex+1])
+	   	addvariableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	   	title <- "ÁrvoRe - Variáveis"
+	   	tkwm.title(addvariableWindow,title)
+	   	frameOverall <- tkframe(addvariableWindow)
+	   	frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	   	frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, borderwidth=2)
+	   	tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall,text="Propriedades da Variável"))
+	   	variableMATnames <- names(variableMAT)
+	   	Data <- subset(variableMAT, Name == variableselected, select = variableMATnames)
+	   	Namevar <- tclVar(Data$Name)
+	   	Fixvar <- tclVar(Data$Fix.Value)
+	   	Minvar <- tclVar(Data$Min.Value)
+	   	Maxvar <- tclVar(Data$Max.Value)
+	   	Notesvar <- tclVar(Data$Notes)
+	   	campowidth <- 25
+		Name.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Namevar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Nome da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Name.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Fix.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Fixvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Valor padrão da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Fix.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Min.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Minvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Valor mínimo da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Min.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Max.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Maxvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Valor máximo da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Max.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Notes.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Notesvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Notas"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Notes.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		OnOkAdd <- function() {
+			Allok <- TRUE
+			NameVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Namevar))
+			FixVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Fixvar))
+			MinVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Minvar))
+			MaxVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Maxvar))
+			NotesVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Notesvar))
+			if((nchar(NameVal) <= 0)&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um nome válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((!is.numeric(FixVal))&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um valor fixo válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((!is.numeric(MinVal))&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um valor mínimo válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((!is.numeric(MaxVal))&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um valor máximo válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((MinVal >= MaxVal)&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "O valor mínimo de uma variável deve ser menor que o valor máximo."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if(Allok) {
+				oldvariable.name <- Data$Name
+				newvariableline <- data.frame(Name = NameVal, Fix.Value = FixVal, Min.Value = MinVal,
+											Max.Value = MaxVal, Notes = NotesVal)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+				if (length(oldvariable.name) == 0) {
+					setvariablelist(variableMAT = variableMAT, newvariableline = newvariableline, 
+										action = "add")
+					oldvariable.name <- " "
+				} else {
+					setvariablelist(variableMAT = variableMAT, newvariableline = newvariableline, 
+										variable.name = oldvariable.name, action = "edit")
+				}
+			    if (oldvariable.name != NameVal) {
+				    if (oldvariable.name != " ") tkdelete(tlvar,variableIndex)
+				    tkinsert(tlvar,"end",NameVal)
+			    }
+				tkdestroy(addvariableWindow)
+				tkfocus(variableWindow)
+			}
+		}
+		OnCanceladd <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(addvariableWindow)
+			tkfocus(variableWindow)
+		}
+		.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOkAdd)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCanceladd)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkbind(addvariableWindow, "<Return>",OnOkAdd)
+		tkbind(addvariableWindow, "<Escape>",OnCanceladd)
+		tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+	}
+	OnOK <- function()
+	{
+		tkdestroy(variableWindow)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	.Width.but <- 10
+	.Height.but <- 1
+	OK.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+	Edit.but <-tkbutton(frameUpperLeft,text="Editar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,command=EditSelection)
+	Add.but <-tkbutton(frameUpperLeft,text="Nova", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,command=AddSelection)
+	Delete.but <-tkbutton(frameUpperLeft,text="Apagar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,command=DeleteSelection)
+	tkbind(variableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+	tkbind(variableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+	tkgrid(OK.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(Add.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(Delete.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(Edit.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(frameOverall)
+	posiciona.janela.no.mouse(variableWindow, 250, 160)
+	tkfocus(variableWindow)

Property changes on: pkg/R/dialog.variable.window.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/dimensoes.janela.R
--- pkg/R/dimensoes.janela.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/dimensoes.janela.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+`dimensoes.janela` <-
+function(janela, height, width) {
+	MAX.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenheight", janela) ) )
+	MAX.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenwidth", janela) ) )
+	wm.x <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("x", janela) ) )
+	wm.y <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("y", janela) ) )
+	if( height > MAX.height ) height <- MAX.height
+	if( width > MAX.width ) width <- MAX.width
+	limite.sup.x <- round( MAX.width - width )
+	limite.inf.x <- round( width )
+	limite.sup.y <- round( MAX.height - height )
+	limite.sup.y <- round( height )
+	# Limitantes para o tamanho da tela. Quem tem tela virtural... #$%#$%
+	if (wm.x > limite.sup.x) wm.x <- limite.sup.x
+	if (wm.x < limite.inf.x) wm.x <- limite.inf.x
+	if (wm.y > limite.sup.y) wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	if (wm.y > limite.sup.y) wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	posicao <- paste(width, "x", height, "+", wm.x,"+", wm.y, sep="")
+	tkwm.geometry(janela,posicao)

Property changes on: pkg/R/dimensoes.janela.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/displayInTable.R
--- pkg/R/displayInTable.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/displayInTable.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
+`displayInTable` <-
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = FALSE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = TRUE) {
+	require(tcltk)
+	Original.Dada <- matrix1
+	num.lin <- dim(matrix1)[1]
+	num.col <- dim(matrix1)[2]
+	if (titlecols && (!titlerows)) {
+		TitleCols <- colnames(matrix1)
+		if (is.null(colnames(matrix1))) TitleCols <- paste("Col ", 1:num.col, sep="")
+		matrix1 <- rbind(TitleCols, matrix1)
+		nrow <- nrow + 1
+	}
+	if ( titlerows && (!titlecols) ) {
+		TitleRows <- rownames(matrix1)
+		if (is.null(rownames(matrix1))) TitleRows <- paste("Row ", 1:num.lin, sep="")
+		matrix1 <- cbind(TitleRows, matrix1)
+		ncol <- ncol + 1
+	} else {
+		if ( titlerows && titlecols ) {
+			TitleCols <- colnames(matrix1)
+			if (is.null(colnames(matrix1))) TitleCols <- paste("Col ", 1:num.col, sep="")
+			matrix1 <- rbind(TitleCols, matrix1)
+			TitleRows <- rownames(matrix1)
+			if (is.null(rownames(matrix1))) TitleRows <- paste("Row ", 1:num.lin, sep="")
+			TitleRows <- c(" ", TitleRows)
+			matrix1 <- cbind(TitleRows, matrix1)
+			ncol <- ncol + 1
+			nrow <- nrow + 1
+		}
+	}
+	num.lin <- dim(matrix1)[1]
+	num.col <- dim(matrix1)[2]
+# remover se nao funcionar
+	matrix1 <- matrix(as.character(matrix1), num.lin, num.col)
+# 	tamanhocoluna <- max(nchar(matrix1))
+	tclarray <- tclArray()
+	for (i in (1:num.lin))
+	  for (j in (1:num.col))
+	    tclarray[[i-1,j-1]] <- matrix1[i,j]
+	if( editable ) {
+		editable <- "normal"
+	} else {
+		editable <- "disabled"
+	}
+	displayInTableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	tclRequire("Tktable")
+	tkwm.title(displayInTableWindow,title)
+	table1 <- tkwidget(displayInTableWindow,"table",rows=nrow,cols=ncol,
+			titlerows = sum(titlecols), titlecols = sum(titlerows),
+			height=height+1,width=width+1,
+			xscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(xscr,...),yscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(yscr,...),
+			state = editable,
+			colstretchmode = "all")
+# 			colwidth = tamanhocoluna)
+	xscr <-tkscrollbar(displayInTableWindow,orient="horizontal", command=function(...)tkxview(table1,...))
+	yscr <- tkscrollbar(displayInTableWindow,command=function(...)tkyview(table1,...))
+	tkgrid(table1, yscr, columnspan = 2)
+	tkgrid.configure(yscr, sticky="nsw")
+	tkgrid.configure(table1, sticky="nswe")
+	tkgrid(xscr, sticky="new", columnspan = 2)
+	tkconfigure(table1,variable=tclarray,background="white",selectmode="extended")
+	OnExport <- function(Original.Dada) {
+		filetypeWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar"
+		tkwm.title(filetypeWindow,title)
+	    frameOverall <- tkframe(filetypeWindow)
+	    frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	    frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, borderwidth=2)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Selecione o tipo de arquivo:"))
+		filetypes <- c("CSV (separado por vírgulas)","TXT (texto separado por tabulações)","Todos arquivos")
+		fileextensions <- c(".csv", ".txt", " ")
+		widthcombo <- max( nchar(filetypes) )
+		comboBox <- tkwidget(frameUpper,"ComboBox", width = widthcombo, editable = FALSE, values = filetypes)
+		tkgrid(comboBox)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+	   		filetypeChoice <- filetypes[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+	   		fileextChoice <- fileextensions[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+	   		tkdestroy(filetypeWindow)
+	   		filetypes <- paste("{{ ", filetypeChoice, "}", " {", fileextChoice, "}}", sep = "")
+	   		fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes=filetypes))
+			if (!nchar(fileName))
+				tkfocus(filetypeWindow)
+			else {
+				ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+				if ( fileextChoice == ".csv" ) {
+					if (ans == ".csv") {
+						write.csv2(Original.Dada, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+					} else {
+						fileName <- paste(fileName, ".csv", sep = "")
+						write.csv2(Original.Dada, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+					}
+				}
+				if ( fileextChoice == ".txt" ) {
+					if (ans == ".txt") {
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					} else {
+						fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					}
+				}
+				if ( fileextChoice == " " ) {
+					if (ans == ".txt") {
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					} else {
+						fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					}
+				}	
+				tkfocus(displayInTableWindow)
+			}	
+		    	}
+	   	OnCancel <- function() {
+	    	tkdestroy(filetypeWindow)
+	    	tkfocus(displayInTableWindow)
+	   	}
+	   	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkbind(filetypeWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(filetypeWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		tkfocus(filetypeWindow)
+	}	
+	OnOK <- function() {
+		tkdestroy(displayInTableWindow)
+		if (returntt) {
+			tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+    }
+  	.Width.but <- 10
+	.Height.but <- 1
+	OK.but <-tkbutton(displayInTableWindow,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+	Export.but <-tkbutton(displayInTableWindow,text="Exportar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() {OnExport(Original.Dada)})
+	tkgrid(OK.but, Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkbind(displayInTableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+	tkbind(displayInTableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+	tkfocus(displayInTableWindow)

Property changes on: pkg/R/displayInTable.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/exec.text.R
--- pkg/R/exec.text.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/exec.text.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+`exec.text` <-
+function(x) {
+	ans <- try( eval(parse(text = x)) )
+	return(ans)

Property changes on: pkg/R/exec.text.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/export.global.R
--- pkg/R/export.global.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/export.global.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
+`export.global` <-
+function(x, nome) {
+	assign(nome, x, env = .GlobalEnv)

Property changes on: pkg/R/export.global.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/export.tree.graph.R
--- pkg/R/export.tree.graph.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/export.tree.graph.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+`export.tree.graph` <-
+function(...) {
+	exportgraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar Imagem"
+	tkwm.title(exportgraphWindow,title)
+	frameOverall <- tkframe(exportgraphWindow)
+	frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+	frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+	tkgrid( tklabel(frameUpper,text="Formato de imagem"),sticky="n", columnspan = 2)
+	rbValue <- tclVar("jpg")
+	QualityValue <- tclVar("90")
+	rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+	tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="bmp")
+	tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Bitmap .bmp "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+	rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+	tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="jpg")
+	tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Jpeg .jpg "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+	rb3 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+	tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="png")
+	tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Portable network graphics .png "),rb3, sticky = "ne")
+	SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)) )
+	sliderlabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = "Valor da qualidade de imagem : ")
+	sliderlabel2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = "%")
+	tkgrid(sliderlabel, SliderValueLabel, sliderlabel2)
+	tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = QualityValue)
+	sliderImg <- tkscale(frameUpperRigth, from = 100, to = 1,
+	                   showvalue = F, variable = QualityValue,
+	                   resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
+	tkgrid(sliderImg,sticky="ew")
+	tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="ns")
+	tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+	tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+	Onformat <- function() {
+		ansVar <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+		if (ansVar != "jpg") {
+			tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+			tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "disabled")
+			tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "disabled")
+			tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+			tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "disabled")
+		} else {
+			tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+			tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "normal")
+			tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "normal")
+			tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+			tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "normal")
+		}
+	}
+	OnOK <- function()
+	{
+		ImgFormatselected <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+		ImgQualityselected <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)))
+		if (ImgFormatselected == "png") {
+			.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Portable network graphics Image Files} {.png}} {{All files} *}"))
+			if (!nchar(.Filename))
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			else {
+				ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+				if ( ans != ".png" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".png", sep="")
+				if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+				png(file=.Filename, width = imgWidth, height = imgHeight, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+					plot.tree(TheTree, line.type = .treeangle, show.probability = .probabilityconf, 
+								show.payoffs = .payoffsconf, show.notes = .notesconf, 
+								node.name.font.size = .node.name.font.size, payoffs.font.size = .payoffs.font.size, 
+								notes.font.size = .notes.font.size)
+				dev.off()
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (ImgFormatselected == "jpg") {
+				.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Jpeg Image Files} {.jpg}} {{All files} *}"))
+				if (!nchar(.Filename))
+					tkfocus(tt)
+				else {
+					ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+					if ( ans != ".jpg" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".jpg", sep="")
+					if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+					jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = imgWidth, height = imgHeight,
+					     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = ImgQualityselected, bg = "white",
+					     res = NA, restoreConsole = TRUE)
+					plot.tree(TheTree, line.type = .treeangle, show.probability = .probabilityconf, 
+								show.payoffs = .payoffsconf, show.notes = .notesconf, 
+								node.name.font.size = .node.name.font.size, payoffs.font.size = .payoffs.font.size, 
+								notes.font.size = .notes.font.size)
+					dev.off()
+				}
+			} else {
+				.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Bitmap Image Files} {.bmp}} {{All files} *}"))
+				if (!nchar(.Filename))
+					tkfocus(tt)
+				else {
+					ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+					if ( ans != ".bmp" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".bmp", sep="")
+					if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+					bmp(filename = .Filename, width = imgWidth, height = imgHeight,
+					    units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+					    restoreConsole = TRUE)
+					plot.tree(TheTree, line.type = .treeangle, show.probability = .probabilityconf, 
+								show.payoffs = .payoffsconf, show.notes = .notesconf, 
+								node.name.font.size = .node.name.font.size, payoffs.font.size = .payoffs.font.size, 
+								notes.font.size = .notes.font.size)
+					dev.off()
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		tkdestroy(exportgraphWindow)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	OnCancel <- function()
+	{
+		tkdestroy(exportgraphWindow)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	.Width.but <- 10
+	.Height.but <- 1
+	OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+	tkbind(exportgraphWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+	Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+	tkbind(exportgraphWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+	tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s")
+	tkbind(rb1, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+	tkbind(rb2, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+	tkbind(rb3, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+	tkbind(rb1, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+	tkbind(rb2, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+	tkbind(rb3, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+	tkgrid(frameOverall)
+	tkfocus(exportgraphWindow)
+	posiciona.janela.no.mouse(exportgraphWindow)

Property changes on: pkg/R/export.tree.graph.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/icer.sim.window.R
--- pkg/R/icer.sim.window.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/icer.sim.window.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+`icer.sim.window` <-
+function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+	require(abind)
+		CEsimtableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Análise de Custo-Efetividade"
+		tkwm.title(CEsimtableWindow,title)
+		# Cria o primeiro frame
+		FrameOverAll <- tkframe(CEsimtableWindow, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		Frame1 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		Frame2 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 0, relief = "sunken")
+		# Cria o label
+		textlabellista <- "Selecione o procedimento padrão para ACE. \n Ele será a base de comparação para os demais."
+		rotulolista <- tklabel(Frame1, text = textlabellista)
+		tkgrid(rotulolista, columnspan = 2)
+		# Cria uma barra de rolagem
+		scr <- tkscrollbar(Frame1, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(tl,...))
+		Data.CEA <- Alltreatmentstable
+		Data.CEA.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "Cost")
+		Data.CEA.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "Effectiveness")
+		Data.CEA.CE <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "C/E")
+		n.treat <- 1:length(Data.CEA.Cost$Treatment)
+		Data.CEA.Cost <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.Cost)
+		Data.CEA.Effectiveness <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.Effectiveness)
+		Data.CEA.CE <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.CE)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.Cost)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.Effectiveness)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.CE)
+		# Cria os elementos da lista
+		elementos <- Data.CEA.Cost$Treatment
+		# Determina a altura da listbox
+		heightlistbox <- length(elementos)
+		larguratexto <- max(nchar(elementos)) + 4
+		# Cria uma listbox					
+		tl <- tklistbox(Frame1, height = 5, width = larguratexto, selectmode = "single",
+						yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(scr,...), background="white")
+		# Adiciona os elementos à listbox
+		for (i in (1:heightlistbox)) {
+		    tkinsert(tl, "end", elementos[i])
+		}
+		# Monta a listbox e a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid(tl, scr, sticky="nse")
+# 		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1, text = " "))
+		# Ajusta a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid.configure(scr, rowspan = 5, sticky="nsw")
+		# Define o "Elemento 2" como padrão da listbox.
+		# Para a listbox o índice começa em zero
+		tkselection.set(tl, 0)
+		# Monta os frames
+		tkgrid(Frame1, Frame2, sticky = "nwe", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(FrameOverAll, sticky = "nswe", columnspan = 2)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			respostaListbox <- n.treat[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			Data.alternative.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA.Cost, NT != respostaListbox)			
+			Data.standart.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA.Cost, NT == respostaListbox)
+			Data.alternative.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA.Effectiveness, NT != respostaListbox)			
+			Data.standart.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA.Effectiveness, NT == respostaListbox)
+			Data.alternative.CE <- subset(Data.CEA.CE, NT != respostaListbox)			
+			Data.standart.CE <- subset(Data.CEA.CE, NT == respostaListbox)
+# 			print(Data.alternative.Cost)
+# 			print(Data.standart.Cost)
+# 			print(Data.alternative.Effectiveness)
+# 			print(Data.standart.Effectiveness)
+# 			print(Data.alternative.CE)
+# 			print(Data.standart.CE)
+# 			Data.alternative.Cost$Mean <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.alternative.Cost$Mean))
+# 			Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean))
+# 			Data.alternative.Cost$Variance <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.alternative.Cost$Variance))
+# 			Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Variance <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Variance))
+# 			Data.alternative.Cost$CovDcDe <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.alternative.Cost$CovDcDe))
+# 			Data.alternative.Effectiveness$CovDcDe <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.alternative.Effectiveness$CovDcDe))
+# 			Data.standart.Cost$Mean <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.standart.Cost$Mean))
+# 			Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean))
+# 			Data.standart.Cost$Variance <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.standart.Cost$Variance))
+# 			Data.standart.Effectiveness$Variance <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.standart.Effectiveness$Variance))
+# 			Data.standart.Cost$CovDcDe <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.standart.Cost$CovDcDe))
+# 			Data.standart.Effectiveness$CovDcDe <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.standart.Effectiveness$CovDcDe))
+			ans <- data.frame( 	Strategy = Data.standart.Cost$Treatment[1],
+								Cost = Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1], 
+								Incr.Cost = NA, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1], 
+								Incr.Eff. = NA, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1] / Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1], 
+								ICER = NA,
+								Var.ICER = NA,
+								Sd.ICER = NA,
+								LL_IC95 = NA,
+								UL_IC95 = NA
+								)
+			for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative.Cost)[1]) {
+				ans$Strategy <- as.character(ans$Strategy)
+				ans$Cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Cost))
+				ans$Incr.Cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Cost))
+				ans$Effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Effectiveness))
+				ans$Incr.Eff. <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Eff.))
+				ans$CE.ratio <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$CE.ratio))
+				ans$ICER <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$ICER))
+				ans$Var.ICER <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Var.ICER))
+				ans$Sd.ICER <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Sd.ICER))
+				ans$LL_IC95 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$LL_IC95))
+				ans$UL_IC95 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$UL_IC95))
+				icer <- (Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1]) /
+										(Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1])
+				var.icer <- ( icer ) * (
+							( Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Variance[i] / Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i]^2 ) +
+							( Data.alternative.Cost$Variance[i] / Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i]^2 ) -
+							2 * ( Data.alternative.Cost$CovDcDe[i] ) / 
+										( Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i] / Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] )
+							)
+				print(var.icer)
+				var.icer <- as.numeric(as.character(var.icer))
+				ans.line <- data.frame( Strategy = Data.alternative.Cost$Treatment[i],
+								Cost = Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i], 
+								Incr.Cost = Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1], 
+								Effectiveness = Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i], 
+								Incr.Eff. = Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1], 
+								CE.ratio = Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] / Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i], 
+								ICER = icer,
+								Var.ICER = var.icer,
+								Sd.ICER = (var.icer)^(1/2),
+								LL_IC95 = icer - qnorm(1 - 0.05/2) * var.icer^0.5,
+								UL_IC95 = icer + qnorm(1 - 0.05/2) * var.icer^0.5
+								)
+				ans <- rbind(ans, ans.line) #, along = 1)
+				ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+			}
+			ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+# 			print(ans)
+			displayInTable(as.matrix(ans), title="ICER - Análise de Custo-Efetividade",
+						height=10,width=8,nrow=dim(ans)[1],ncol=dim(ans)[2], 
+						titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, returntt = FALSE)
+			rm(ans)
+	    }
+	    OnCancel <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(CEsimtableWindow)
+	# 		tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+	    }
+	  	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(CEsimtableWindow,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(CEsimtableWindow,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkbind(CEsimtableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(CEsimtableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(CEsimtableWindow, 300, 180)
+		tkfocus(CEsimtableWindow)

Property changes on: pkg/R/icer.sim.window.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/inb.sim.window.R
--- pkg/R/inb.sim.window.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/inb.sim.window.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+`inb.sim.window` <-
+function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+	require(abind)
+		INBsimtableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - INB"
+		tkwm.title(INBsimtableWindow,title)
+		# Cria o primeiro frame
+		FrameOverAll <- tkframe(INBsimtableWindow, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		Frame1 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		Frame2 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 0, relief = "sunken")
+		# Cria o label
+		textlabellista <- "Selecione o procedimento padrão para ACE. \n Ele será a base de comparação para os demais."
+		rotulolista <- tklabel(Frame1, text = textlabellista)
+		tkgrid(rotulolista, columnspan = 2)
+		# Cria uma barra de rolagem
+		scr <- tkscrollbar(Frame1, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(tl,...))
+		Data.CEA <- Alltreatmentstable
+		Data.CEA.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "Cost")
+		Data.CEA.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "Effectiveness")
+		Data.CEA.CE <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "C/E")
+		n.treat <- 1:length(Data.CEA.Cost$Treatment)
+		Data.CEA.Cost <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.Cost)
+		Data.CEA.Effectiveness <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.Effectiveness)
+		Data.CEA.CE <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.CE)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.Cost)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.Effectiveness)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.CE)
+		# Cria os elementos da lista
+		elementos <- Data.CEA.Cost$Treatment
+		# Determina a altura da listbox
+		heightlistbox <- length(elementos)
+		larguratexto <- max(nchar(elementos)) + 4
+		# Cria uma listbox					
+		tl <- tklistbox(Frame1, height = 5, width = larguratexto, selectmode = "single",
+						yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(scr,...), background="white")
+		# Adiciona os elementos à listbox
+		for (i in (1:heightlistbox)) {
+		    tkinsert(tl, "end", elementos[i])
+		}
+		# Monta a listbox e a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid(tl, scr, sticky="nse")
+# 		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1, text = " "))
+		# Ajusta a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid.configure(scr, rowspan = 5, sticky="nsw")
+		# Define o "Elemento 2" como padrão da listbox.
+		# Para a listbox o índice começa em zero
+		tkselection.set(tl, 0)
+		# The WTP
+		WTPvar <- tclVar(0.1)
+		WTPValue  <- tkentry(Frame1,width="20",textvariable=WTPvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1,text="Valor do willingness-to-pay (WTP)"),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(WTPValue, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1,text="                                             "),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		# Monta os frames
+		tkgrid(Frame1, sticky = "nwe", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Frame2, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(FrameOverAll, sticky = "nswe", columnspan = 2)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			respostaListbox <- n.treat[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			WTPVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(WTPvar))
+			Data.alternative.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA.Cost, NT != respostaListbox)			
+			Data.standart.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA.Cost, NT == respostaListbox)
+			Data.alternative.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA.Effectiveness, NT != respostaListbox)			
+			Data.standart.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA.Effectiveness, NT == respostaListbox)
+			Data.alternative.CE <- subset(Data.CEA.CE, NT != respostaListbox)			
+			Data.standart.CE <- subset(Data.CEA.CE, NT == respostaListbox)
+			ans <- data.frame( 	Strategy = Data.standart.Cost$Treatment[1],
+								Cost = Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1], 
+								Incr.Cost = NA, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1], 
+								Incr.Eff. = NA, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1] / Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1], 
+								INB = NA,
+								Var.INB = NA,
+								Sd.INB = NA,
+								LL_IC95_INB = NA,
+								UL_IC95_INB = NA
+								)
+			for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative.Cost)[1]) {
+				inb <- (Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1]) *
+						WTPVal - (Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1])
+				var.inb <- ( 	WTPVal^2
+							) * Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Variance[i] +
+							Data.alternative.Cost$Variance[i] -
+							2 * WTPVal * ( Data.alternative.Cost$CovDcDe[i] )
+				alfa <- 0.05 # the significance
+				ans.line <- data.frame( Strategy = Data.alternative.Cost$Treatment[i],
+								Cost = Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i], 
+								Incr.Cost = Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1], 
+								Effectiveness = Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i], 
+								Incr.Eff. = Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1], 
+								CE.ratio = Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] / Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i], 
+								INB = inb,
+								Var.INB = var.inb,
+								Sd.INB = var.inb^0.5,
+								LL_IC95_INB = inb - qnorm(1 - alfa/2) * var.inb^0.5,
+								UL_IC95_INB = inb + qnorm(1 - alfa/2) * var.inb^0.5
+								)
+				ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 1)
+			}
+			ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+# 			print(ans)
+			displayInTable(as.matrix(ans), title="INB - Análise de Custo-Efetividade",
+						height=10,width=8,nrow=dim(ans)[1],ncol=dim(ans)[2], 
+						titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, returntt = FALSE)
+	    }
+	    OnCancel <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(INBsimtableWindow)
+	# 		tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+	    }
+	  	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(Frame2,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(Frame2,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkbind(INBsimtableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(INBsimtableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(INBsimtableWindow, 250, 230)
+		tkfocus(INBsimtableWindow)

Property changes on: pkg/R/inb.sim.window.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/inbwindow.R
--- pkg/R/inbwindow.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/inbwindow.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,855 @@
+`inbwindow` <-
+function(TheTree) {
+	require(abind)
+	require(gplots)
+	plotINBtableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	title <- "ÁrvoRe - INB"
+	tkwm.title(plotINBtableWindow,title)
+	# What plot?
+	frameOverall <- tkwidget(plotINBtableWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove", 
+							labelanchor = "n")
+	frametext <- "Gráfico"
+	framePlot <- tkwidget(frameOverall, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+							labelanchor = "n", text = frametext)
+	frametext <- "Propriedades"
+	frameProp <- tkwidget(frameOverall, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+							labelanchor = "n", text = frametext)
+	frameButton <- tkwidget(plotINBtableWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+	# The data to plot	
+	Data.CEA <- cost.effectiveness.table(TheTree)		
+	AllTreatCost <- Data.CEA$Mean.Cost
+	AllTreatEffectiveness <- Data.CEA$Mean.Effectiveness
+	AllTreatCE <- Data.CEA$Mean.Cost / Data.CEA$Mean.Effectiveness
+	# Initial WTP
+	WTParray <- seq(0, 10000, round( (10000 - 0 ) / 10) )
+	# Initial colors to treatments points
+	treatments.colors.plot <- 1:length(Data.CEA$Node.name)
+	# The treatments names
+	treatments.label.plot <- Data.CEA$Node.name
+	# Default img type
+	img.type <- "png"
+	img.quality <- 90
+	# The frame Properties 
+	LIvar <- tclVar(0)
+	LSvar <- tclVar(10000)
+	NPvar <- tclVar(10)
+	label0 <- tklabel(frameProp,text = "Intervalo para o WTP (threshold)")
+	tkgrid(label0, columnspan = 2, stick = "n")
+	entry.ValueLI  <- tkentry(frameProp,width="20",textvariable=LIvar)
+	label1 <- tklabel(frameProp,text="Limite inferior")
+	tkgrid(label1, entry.ValueLI, sticky = "n")
+	entry.ValueLS  <- tkentry(frameProp,width="20",textvariable=LSvar)
+	label2 <- tklabel(frameProp,text="Limite superior")
+	tkgrid(label2, entry.ValueLS, sticky = "n")
+	entry.ValueNP  <- tkentry(frameProp,width="20",textvariable=NPvar)
+	label3 <- tklabel(frameProp,text="Intervalos")
+	tkgrid(label3, entry.ValueNP, sticky = "n")
+	# Cria o label
+	textlabellista <- "\nSelecione o procedimento padrão para ACE. \n Ele será a base de comparação para os demais.\n"
+	rotulolista <- tklabel(frameProp, text = textlabellista)
+	tkgrid(rotulolista, columnspan = 2)
+	# Cria uma barra de rolagem
+	scr <- tkscrollbar(frameProp, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(tl,...))
+	# Cria os elementos da lista
+	elementos <- Data.CEA$Node.name
+	# Determina a altura da listbox
+	heightlistbox <- length(elementos)
+	larguratexto <- max(nchar(elementos)) + 4
+	# Cria uma listbox					
+	tl <- tklistbox(frameProp, height = 5, width = larguratexto, selectmode = "single",
+					yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(scr,...), background="white")
+	# Adiciona os elementos à listbox
+	for (i in (1:heightlistbox)) {
+	    tkinsert(tl, "end", elementos[i])
+	}
+	# Monta a listbox e a barra de rolagem
+	tkgrid(tl, scr, sticky="nse")
+# 	tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1, text = " "))
+	# Ajusta a barra de rolagem
+	tkgrid.configure(scr, rowspan = 5, sticky="nsw")
+	# Define o "Elemento 2" como padrão da listbox.
+	# Para a listbox o índice começa em zero
+	tkselection.set(tl, 0)
+	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	tkgrid(framePlot, frameProp, sticky = "n")
+	tkgrid(frameOverall, sticky = "nwe")
+	# Image setings.
+	g.imgHeight <- 600/2
+	g.imgWidth <- 800/2
+	# Canvas window configurations
+	C.Height <- min(c(g.imgHeight, 768))
+	C.Width <- min(c(g.imgWidth, 1024))
+	Borderwidth <- 2
+	# scrollbar objects
+	fHscroll <- tkscrollbar(framePlot, orient="horiz", command = function(...)tkxview(fCanvas,...) )
+	fVscroll <- tkscrollbar(framePlot, command = function(...)tkyview(fCanvas,...) )
+	fCanvas <- tkcanvas(framePlot, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = Borderwidth, 
+						width = C.Width, height = C.Height,
+						xscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fHscroll,...), 
+						yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fVscroll,...)
+						)
+	# Pack the scroll bars.
+	tkpack(fHscroll, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
+	tkpack(fVscroll, side = "right", fill = "y")
+	# Pack the canvas
+	tkpack(fCanvas, anchor = "center", side = "right", fill = "both", expand = 1)
+	# Image file name setings.
+	.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "grafico.arvoreCE.png", sep="")
+	plot.it.to.image <- function(wtp, cedata, treatments.colors.plot,
+										treatments.label.plot,
+										.Filename, img.type = "png", img.quality = 90,
+										img.width = 400, img.height = 400, ...) {
+		if (img.type == "png") {
+			png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+				Graphtitle <- "Incremental Net Benefit"
+				xlabel <- "Willingness-to-pay"
+				ylabel <- "INB"
+				inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[1] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[1]
+				for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+					balde.inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[i] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[i]
+					inb <- rbind(inb, balde.inb)
+				}
+				rownames(inb) <- cedata$Strategy
+# 				print(wtp)
+# 				print(inb)
+				xlim1 <- min(wtp)
+				xlim2 <- max(wtp)
+				ylim1 <- min(inb)
+				ylim2 <- max(inb)
+				plot(wtp, inb[1,], 
+						col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+						xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, xlim = c(xlim1,xlim2), ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+				lines(wtp, inb[1,], col = treatments.colors.plot[1])
+				for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+					lines(wtp, inb[i,], col = treatments.colors.plot[i])
+					points(wtp, inb[i,], col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*")
+				}
+				smartlegend( x="left", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+				             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+						     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+						     bg = "transparent")				
+			dev.off()
+		} else {
+			if (img.type == "jpg") {
+				jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+				     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+				     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+						Graphtitle <- "Incremental Net Benefit"
+						xlabel <- "Willingness-to-pay"
+						ylabel <- "INB"
+						inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[1] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[1]
+						for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+							balde.inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[i] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[i]
+							inb <- rbind(inb, balde.inb)
+						}
+						rownames(inb) <- cedata$Strategy
+# 						print(wtp)
+# 						print(inb)
+						xlim1 <- min(wtp)
+						xlim2 <- max(wtp)
+						ylim1 <- min(inb)
+						ylim2 <- max(inb)
+						plot(wtp, inb[1,], 
+								col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+								xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, xlim = c(xlim1,xlim2), ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+						lines(wtp, inb[1,], col = treatments.colors.plot[1])
+						for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+							lines(wtp, inb[i,], col = treatments.colors.plot[i])
+							points(wtp, inb[i,], col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*")
+						}
+						smartlegend( x="left", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+						             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+								     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+								     bg = "transparent")				
+				dev.off()
+			} else {
+				bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+			    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+			    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+						Graphtitle <- "Incremental Net Benefit"
+						xlabel <- "Willingness-to-pay"
+						ylabel <- "INB"
+						inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[1] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[1]
+						for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+							balde.inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[i] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[i]
+							inb <- rbind(inb, balde.inb)
+						}
+						rownames(inb) <- cedata$Strategy
+# 						print(wtp)
+# 						print(inb)
+						xlim1 <- min(wtp)
+						xlim2 <- max(wtp)
+						ylim1 <- min(inb)
+						ylim2 <- max(inb)
+						plot(wtp, inb[1,], 
+								col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+								xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, xlim = c(xlim1,xlim2), ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+						lines(wtp, inb[1,], col = treatments.colors.plot[1])
+						for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+							lines(wtp, inb[i,], col = treatments.colors.plot[i])
+							points(wtp, inb[i,], col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*")
+						}
+						smartlegend( x="left", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+						             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+								     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+								     bg = "transparent")				
+				dev.off()
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	build.cedata <- function() {
+		# The CEDATA
+		respostaListbox <- Data.CEA$Node.N[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+		Data.alternative <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N != respostaListbox,]
+		Data.standart <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N == respostaListbox, ]
+		ans <- data.frame( 	Strategy = as.character(Data.standart$Node.name),
+							Cost = Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+							Incr.Cost = 0, 
+							Effectiveness = Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+							Incr.Eff = 0, 
+							CE.ratio = Data.standart$Mean.Cost / Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+							ICER = NA
+							)
+		for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative)[1]) {
+			ans.line <- data.frame( Strategy = as.character(Data.alternative$Node.name[i]),
+							Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i], 
+							Incr.Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+							Effectiveness = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+							Incr.Eff = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+							CE.ratio = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] / Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+							ICER = ((Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost) /
+										(Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness))
+							)
+			ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 1)
+		}
+		ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+# 		print(ans)
+		ans$Incr.Cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Cost))
+		ans$Incr.Eff <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Eff))
+		ans$Strategy <- as.character(ans$Strategy)
+		return(ans)
+	}	
+	# The CEDATA
+			respostaListbox <- Data.CEA$Node.N[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			Data.alternative <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N != respostaListbox,]
+			Data.standart <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N == respostaListbox, ]
+			ans <- data.frame( 	Strategy = as.character(Data.standart$Node.name),
+								Cost = Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Incr.Cost = 0, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								Incr.Eff = 0, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.standart$Mean.Cost / Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								ICER = NA
+								)
+			for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative)[1]) {
+				ans.line <- data.frame( Strategy = as.character(Data.alternative$Node.name[i]),
+								Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i], 
+								Incr.Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								Incr.Eff = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] / Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								ICER = ((Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost) /
+											(Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness))
+								)
+				ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 1)
+			}
+			ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+# 			print(ans)
+			ans$Incr.Cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Cost))
+			ans$Incr.Eff <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Eff))
+			ans$Strategy <- as.character(ans$Strategy)
+	# end CEDATA
+	plot.it.to.image(WTParray, ans, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot = ans$Strategy, 
+								.Filename = .Filename, img.type = img.type,
+								img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+	image1 <- tclVar()
+	tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+	tkcreate(fCanvas, "image", g.imgWidth/2, g.imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+	tkconfigure(fCanvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,g.imgWidth,g.imgHeight))
+	OnExportGraphic <- function() {
+		LIVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(LIvar))
+# 		print(LIVal)
+		LSVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(LSvar))
+# 		print(LSVal)
+		NPVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(NPvar))
+# 		print(NPVal)
+		do.it <- TRUE
+		if ( !(is.numeric(LIVal)) || (is.na(LIVal)) ) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			msg <- paste("O valor fornecido para o limite inferior não é válido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if ( !(is.numeric(LSVal)) || (is.na(LSVal)) ) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			msg <- paste("O valor fornecido para o limite superior não é válido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if ( !do.it && ( LIVal > LSVal )) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			msg <- paste("O limite inferior deve ser menor que o limite superior.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if ( !(is.numeric(NPVal)) || (is.na(NPVal)) || (NPVal < 2) ) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			NPVal <- as.integer(NPVal)
+			msg <- paste("O valor fornecido para o número de intervalos não é válido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if (do.it) {
+			file.remove(.Filename)
+			WTParray <- seq(LIVal, LSVal, round( (LSVal - LIVal ) / NPVal))
+			respostaListbox <- Data.CEA$Node.N[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			Data.alternative <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N != respostaListbox,]
+			Data.standart <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N == respostaListbox, ]
+			ans <- data.frame( 	Strategy = Data.standart$Node.name,
+								Cost = Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Incr.Cost = 0, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								Incr.Eff = 0, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.standart$Mean.Cost / Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								ICER = NA
+								)
+			for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative)[1]) {
+				ans.line <- data.frame( Strategy = Data.alternative$Node.name[i],
+								Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i], 
+								Incr.Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								Incr.Eff = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] / Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								ICER = ((Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost) /
+											(Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness))
+								)
+				ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 1)
+			}
+			cedata <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	# 			print(ans)
+			cedata$Incr.Cost <- as.numeric(as.character(cedata$Incr.Cost))
+			cedata$Incr.Eff <- as.numeric(as.character(cedata$Incr.Eff))
+			cedata$Strategy <- as.character(cedata$Strategy)		
+# 			print(cedata)
+			exportImgGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+			title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar Imagem"
+			tkwm.title(exportImgGraphWindow,title)
+			framePlot <- tkframe(exportImgGraphWindow)
+			frameUpper <- tkframe(framePlot, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+			frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+			frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+			frameLower <- tkframe(framePlot, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+			tkgrid( tklabel(frameUpper,text="Formato de imagem"),sticky="n", columnspan = 2)
+			rbValue <- tclVar("jpg")
+			QualityValue <- tclVar("90")
+			rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+			tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="bmp")
+			tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Bitmap .bmp "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+			rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+			tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="jpg")
+			tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Jpeg .jpg "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+			rb3 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+			tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="png")
+			tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Portable network graphics .png "),rb3, sticky = "ne")
+			SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)) )
+			sliderlabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = "Valor da qualidade de imagem : ")
+			sliderlabel2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = "%")
+			tkgrid(sliderlabel, SliderValueLabel, sliderlabel2)
+			tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = QualityValue)
+			sliderImg <- tkscale(frameUpperRigth, from = 100, to = 1,
+			                   showvalue = F, variable = QualityValue,
+			                   resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
+			tkgrid(sliderImg,sticky="ew")
+		    ### Image size settings ###
+			numericSpinBox <- tkwidget(frameUpperRigth, "SpinBox", editable=TRUE, range = c(100,10000,1), width = 5)
+			labeldigits <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text="Altura da imagem")
+			tkgrid(labeldigits, numericSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+			tcl(numericSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", g.imgHeight,sep = ""))
+			numericSpinBox2 <- tkwidget(frameUpperRigth, "SpinBox", editable=TRUE, range = c(100,10000,1), width = 5)
+			labeldigits <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text="Largura da imagem")
+			tkgrid(labeldigits, numericSpinBox2, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+			tcl(numericSpinBox2, "setvalue", paste("@", g.imgWidth,sep = ""))
+			tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="ns")
+			tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+			tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+			Onformat <- function() {
+				ansVar <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+				if (ansVar != "jpg") {
+					tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+					tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "disabled")
+					tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "disabled")
+					tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+					tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "disabled")
+				} else {
+					tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+					tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "normal")
+					tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "normal")
+					tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+					tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "normal")
+				}
+			}
+			OnOK <- function(...)
+			{
+				img.height <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(numericSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+				if ((is.numeric(img.height) )&&(!is.na(img.height))) g.imgHeight <- img.height
+				img.width <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(numericSpinBox2,"getvalue")))
+				if ((is.numeric(img.width) )&&(!is.na(img.width))) g.imgWidth <- img.width
+				ImgFormatselected <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+				ImgQualityselected <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)))
+				if (ImgFormatselected == "png") {
+					.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Portable network graphics Image Files} {.png}} {{All files} *}"))
+					if (!nchar(.Filename))
+						tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+					else {
+						ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+						if ( ans != ".png" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".png", sep="")
+						if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+						plot.it.to.image(WTParray, cedata, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot = cedata$Strategy,
+											.Filename = .Filename, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+											img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+					}
+				} else {
+					if (ImgFormatselected == "jpg") {
+						.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Jpeg Image Files} {.jpg}} {{All files} *}"))
+						if (!nchar(.Filename))
+							tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+						else {
+							ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+							if ( ans != ".jpg" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".jpg", sep="")
+							if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+							plot.it.to.image(WTParray, cedata, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot = cedata$Strategy,
+												.Filename = .Filename, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+												img.quality = ImgQualityselected,
+												img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+						}
+					} else {
+						.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Bitmap Image Files} {.bmp}} {{All files} *}"))
+						if (!nchar(.Filename))
+							tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+						else {
+							ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+							if ( ans != ".bmp" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".bmp", sep="")
+							if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+							plot.it.to.image(WTParray, cedata, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot = cedata$Strategy,
+												.Filename = .Filename, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+												img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+				tkwm.deiconify(plotINBtableWindow)
+				tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+			}
+			OnCancel <- function()
+			{
+				tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+				tkwm.deiconify(plotINBtableWindow)
+				tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+			}
+			.Width.but <- 10
+			.Height.but <- 1
+			OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+			tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+			tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+			tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s")
+			tkbind(rb1, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+			tkbind(rb2, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+			tkbind(rb3, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+			tkbind(rb1, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+			tkbind(rb2, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+			tkbind(rb3, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+			tkgrid(framePlot)
+			tkfocus(exportImgGraphWindow)
+	# 		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(exportImgGraphWindow)
+		}
+	}
+	Build.INB <- function(wtp, cedata, to.export = FALSE) {
+				inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[1] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[1]
+				for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+					balde.inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[i] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[i]
+					inb <- rbind(inb, balde.inb)
+				}
+				inb <- t(inb)
+				inb <- cbind(wtp, inb)
+				if (to.export) {
+					inb <- as.data.frame(inb)
+# 					print(c("WTP", as.character(cedata$Strategy)))
+					names(inb) <- c("WTP", as.character(cedata$Strategy))
+				} else {
+					colnames(inb) <- c("WTP", cedata$Strategy)
+				}
+# 				print(inb)
+	}
+	OnExportText <- function() {
+		LIVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(LIvar))
+# 		print(LIVal)
+		LSVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(LSvar))
+# 		print(LSVal)
+		NPVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(NPvar))
+# 		print(NPVal)
+		do.it <- TRUE
+		if ( !(is.numeric(LIVal)) || (is.na(LIVal)) ) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			msg <- paste("O valor fornecido para o limite inferior não é válido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if ( !(is.numeric(LSVal)) || (is.na(LSVal)) ) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			msg <- paste("O valor fornecido para o limite superior não é válido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if ( !do.it && ( LIVal > LSVal )) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			msg <- paste("O limite inferior deve ser menor que o limite superior.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if ( !(is.numeric(NPVal)) || (is.na(NPVal)) || (NPVal < 2) ) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			NPVal <- as.integer(NPVal)
+			msg <- paste("O valor fornecido para o número de intervalos não é válido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if (do.it) {
+			file.remove(.Filename)
+			WTParray <- seq(LIVal, LSVal, round( (LSVal - LIVal ) / NPVal))
+			respostaListbox <- Data.CEA$Node.N[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			Data.alternative <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N != respostaListbox,]
+			Data.standart <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N == respostaListbox, ]
+			ans <- data.frame( 	Strategy = Data.standart$Node.name,
+								Cost = Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Incr.Cost = 0, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								Incr.Eff = 0, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.standart$Mean.Cost / Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								ICER = NA
+								)
+			for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative)[1]) {
+				ans.line <- data.frame( Strategy = Data.alternative$Node.name[i],
+								Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i], 
+								Incr.Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								Incr.Eff = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] / Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								ICER = ((Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost) /
+											(Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness))
+								)
+				ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 1)
+			}
+			ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+# 			print(ans)
+		ans$Incr.Cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Cost))
+		ans$Incr.Eff <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Eff))
+		ans$Strategy <- as.character(ans$Strategy)
+		inb <- ans$Incr.Eff[1] * WTParray - ans$Incr.Cost[1]
+		for (i in 2:dim(ans)[1]) {
+			balde.inb <- ans$Incr.Eff[i] * WTParray - ans$Incr.Cost[i]
+			inb <- rbind(inb, balde.inb)
+		}
+		rownames(inb) <- ans$Strategy
+		colnames(inb) <- paste("WTP = ", WTParray,sep = "")
+		Original.Dada <- inb
+		filetypeWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar"
+		tkwm.title(filetypeWindow,title)
+	    frameOverall <- tkframe(filetypeWindow)
+	    frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	    frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, borderwidth=2)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Selecione o tipo de arquivo:"))
+		filetypes <- c("CSV (separado por vírgulas)","TXT (texto separado por tabulações)","Todos arquivos")
+		fileextensions <- c(".csv", ".txt", " ")
+		widthcombo <- max( nchar(filetypes) )
+		comboBox <- tkwidget(frameUpper,"ComboBox", width = widthcombo, editable = FALSE, values = filetypes)
+		tkgrid(comboBox)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+	   		filetypeChoice <- filetypes[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+	   		fileextChoice <- fileextensions[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+	   		tkdestroy(filetypeWindow)
+	   		filetypes <- paste("{{ ", filetypeChoice, "}", " {", fileextChoice, "}}", sep = "")
+	   		fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes=filetypes))
+			if (!nchar(fileName))
+				tkfocus(filetypeWindow)
+			else {
+				ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+				if ( fileextChoice == ".csv" ) {
+					if (ans == ".csv") {
+						write.csv2(Original.Dada, file = fileName, row.names = TRUE)
+					} else {
+						fileName <- paste(fileName, ".csv", sep = "")
+						write.csv2(Original.Dada, file = fileName, row.names = TRUE)
+					}
+				}
+				if ( fileextChoice == ".txt" ) {
+					if (ans == ".txt") {
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					} else {
+						fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					}
+				}
+				if ( fileextChoice == " " ) {
+					if (ans == ".txt") {
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					} else {
+						fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					}
+				}	
+				tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+			}	
+		    	}
+	   	OnCancel <- function() {
+	    	tkdestroy(filetypeWindow)
+	    	tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+	   	}
+	   	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkbind(filetypeWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(filetypeWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		tkfocus(filetypeWindow)
+		}
+	}	
+	OnOKINB <- function() {
+		LIVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(LIvar))
+# 		print(LIVal)
+		LSVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(LSvar))
+# 		print(LSVal)
+		NPVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(NPvar))
+# 		print(NPVal)
+		do.it <- TRUE
+		if ( !(is.numeric(LIVal)) || (is.na(LIVal)) ) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			msg <- paste("O valor fornecido para o limite inferior não é válido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if ( !(is.numeric(LSVal)) || (is.na(LSVal)) ) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			msg <- paste("O valor fornecido para o limite superior não é válido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if ( !do.it && ( LIVal > LSVal )) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			msg <- paste("O limite inferior deve ser menor que o limite superior.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if ( !(is.numeric(NPVal)) || (is.na(NPVal)) || (NPVal < 2) ) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			NPVal <- as.integer(NPVal)
+			msg <- paste("O valor fornecido para o número de intervalos não é válido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if (do.it) {
+			file.remove(.Filename)
+			WTParray <- seq(LIVal, LSVal, round( (LSVal - LIVal ) / NPVal))
+			respostaListbox <- Data.CEA$Node.N[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			Data.alternative <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N != respostaListbox,]
+			Data.standart <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N == respostaListbox, ]
+			ans <- data.frame( 	Strategy = Data.standart$Node.name,
+								Cost = Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Incr.Cost = 0, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								Incr.Eff = 0, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.standart$Mean.Cost / Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								ICER = NA
+								)
+			for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative)[1]) {
+				ans.line <- data.frame( Strategy = Data.alternative$Node.name[i],
+								Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i], 
+								Incr.Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								Incr.Eff = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] / Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								ICER = ((Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost) /
+											(Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness))
+								)
+				ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 1)
+			}
+			ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+# 			print(ans)
+			ans$Incr.Cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Cost))
+			ans$Incr.Eff <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Eff))
+			ans$Strategy <- as.character(ans$Strategy)
+# 			INB <- ans$Incr.Eff * WTParray - Incr.Cost
+			plot.it.to.image(WTParray, ans, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot = ans$Strategy, 
+										.Filename = .Filename, img.type = img.type,
+										img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+			image1 <- tclVar()
+			tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+			tkcreate(fCanvas, "image", g.imgWidth/2, g.imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+			tkconfigure(fCanvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,g.imgWidth,g.imgHeight))
+		}
+	}
+	OnCancel <- function() {
+		tkdestroy(plotINBtableWindow)
+	#	tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	tkgrid(frameButton, sticky = "swe")
+	.Width.but <- 10
+	.Height.but <- 1
+	OK.WTP.but <- tkbutton(frameProp,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOKINB)
+	tkgrid(OK.WTP.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2)
+	OK.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+	ExportText.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Relatório", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = function() OnExportText() )
+	Export.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Exportar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnExportGraphic)
+	tkgrid(OK.but, ExportText.but, Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkbind(plotINBtableWindow, "<Return>",OnOKINB)
+	tkbind(plotINBtableWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+# 	posiciona.janela.no.mouse(plotINBtableWindow, 300, 180)
+	tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)

Property changes on: pkg/R/inbwindow.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/load.file.arv.R
--- pkg/R/load.file.arv.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/load.file.arv.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+`load.file.arv` <-
+function(...) {
+	if (.workstatus != "saved") {
+		ans <- tkmessageBox(message="Deseja salvar a árvore atual?",icon="question",type="yesnocancel",default="yes")
+		ans <- tclvalue(ans)
+		if (ans == "yes") {
+			save.file.arv()
+		}
+	}
+	fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes="{{ArvoRe Files} {.arv}} {{All files} *}"))
+	if (!nchar(fileName))
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	else {
+		clearTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+		load(fileName, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		load(fileName)
+		theTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+		atualiza.grafico()
+	}	
+	assign(".workstatus", "saved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".opennedfile", fileName, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	titletext <- paste("ÁrvoRe - Janela Principal - [", fileName, "]", sep = "")
+	tkwm.title(tt, titletext)

Property changes on: pkg/R/load.file.arv.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/markov.coort.table.R
--- pkg/R/markov.coort.table.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/markov.coort.table.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,227 @@
+# FUNCTION :: markov.coort.table					# Mar 05, 2008 03:32:43 PM 
+#		Use this function to do some thing.				# Revision : June 28, 2008 09:54:12 PM 
+# Parameters
+#		TheTree : structure tree dataframe.
+#		markov.propertiesMAT : base nodes properties of Markov nodes.
+#		markov.termination : stop simulation when FALSE.
+#		initial.coort : initial coort size.
+#		seed : seed used in RNG.
+#		absorventstatedeath : 
+# Example
+#		markov.coort.table( TheTree, "(.stage == 10)||(.total.reward >= 110000)" )
+markov.coort.table <- function(TheTree, markov.propertiesMAT, markov.termination, initial.coort = 10000, seed = FALSE,
+								absorventstatedeath = 1) {
+	# ajusta a semente escolhida pelo usuário
+	if (seed != FALSE) {
+		set.seed(seed)	
+	}
+	# Convert the tree to matrix format
+	MatrixTheTree <- convert2matrix(TheTree)
+	x <- MatrixTheTree$x								# Structure matrix
+	y <- MatrixTheTree$y								# Node name matrix
+	#~ typeMAT <- MatrixTheTree$typeMAT					# Node type matrix
+	utilityMAT <- MatrixTheTree$utilityMAT				# Node Cost matrix 
+	effectivenessMAT <- MatrixTheTree$effectivenessMAT	# Node effectiveness matrix
+	probMAT <- MatrixTheTree$probMAT					# Node probability matrix
+	destinyMAT <- MatrixTheTree$destinyMAT				# Terminal node destiny matrix
+	num.col.x <- dim(x)[2]
+	num.lin.x <- dim(x)[1]
+	SummaryTreeTable <- subset(TheTree, Level == 2)
+	col.pos <- as.numeric(SummaryTreeTable$Level)
+	MARKOV.states <- as.numeric(SummaryTreeTable$Node.N) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.init.prob <- as.numeric(SummaryTreeTable$Prob) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.init.cost.rwd <- as.numeric(markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.cost) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.incr.cost.rwd <- as.numeric(markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.cost) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.final.cost.rwd <- as.numeric(markov.propertiesMAT$Final.cost) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.init.effectiveness.rwd <- as.numeric(markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.effectiveness) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.incr.effectiveness.rwd <- as.numeric(markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.effectiveness) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.final.effectiveness.rwd <- as.numeric(markov.propertiesMAT$Final.effectiveness) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.names <- SummaryTreeTable$Node.name
+    # Aplica desconto nas payoffs de quem não volta para a árvore associada.
+    MARKOV.discount.costs <- SummaryTreeTable$Payoff1
+    MARKOV.discount.effectiveness <- SummaryTreeTable$Payoff2
+	# listas para comportar matrizes associadas a cada Markov state
+	MARKOV.states.arvores <- list()
+	MARKOV.states.rotulos <- list()
+	MARKOV.states.destino <- list()
+	MARKOV.states.probs <- list()
+	MARKOV.states.costs <- list()
+	MARKOV.states.effectiveness <- list()
+	# fragmenta a matriz da árvore em sub-árvores associadas a cada Markov state
+	for (i in 1:length(MARKOV.states.names)) {
+		MARKOV.state <- MARKOV.states[i]
+		selected.lines <- which(x[,col.pos[i]] == MARKOV.state)
+		sub.x <- x[selected.lines, col.pos[i]:num.col.x]
+		sub.y <- y[selected.lines, col.pos[i]:num.col.x]
+		sub.probMAT <- probMAT[selected.lines, col.pos[i]:num.col.x]
+		sub.utilityMAT <- utilityMAT[selected.lines, col.pos[i]:num.col.x]
+		sub.effectivenessMAT <- effectivenessMAT[selected.lines, col.pos[i]:num.col.x]
+		#~ sub.typeMAT <- utilityMAT[selected.lines, col.pos[i]:num.col.x]
+		sub.destiny <- destinyMAT[selected.lines]
+		# se a fragmentação resulta em matriz linha, então é preciso definir que isso é
+		# uma matriz... senão vira vetor e não funciona.
+		if(length(selected.lines) == 1)  {
+			sub.x <- sub.x[!is.na(sub.x)]
+			n.mat <- length(sub.x) + 1
+			sub.x <- matrix(c(1, sub.x) , 1, n.mat)
+			sub.y <- matrix(sub.y[1], 1, n.mat)
+			sub.probMAT <- matrix(1.0, 1, n.mat)
+			sub.utilityMAT <- matrix(c(0,sub.utilityMAT), 1, n.mat)
+			sub.effectivenessMAT <- matrix(c(0,sub.effectivenessMAT), 1, n.mat)
+			#~ sub.typeMAT <- matrix(c("D",sub.typeMAT), 1, n.mat)
+		} else {
+			sub.probMAT[,1] <- 1.0	# Agora o nodo raiz recebe prob = 1.
+		}
+		# ajusta custo e efetividade: serão acumulados através dos nodos.
+		sub.utilityMAT <- apply(sub.utilityMAT, 1, sum)
+		sub.effectivenessMAT <- apply(sub.effectivenessMAT, 1, sum)
+		# abaixo se manda cada matriz de sub-árvore para suas listas.
+		MARKOV.states.arvores[[i]] <- sub.x
+		MARKOV.states.rotulos[[i]] <- sub.y
+		MARKOV.states.destino[[i]] <- sub.destiny
+		MARKOV.states.probs[[i]] <- sub.probMAT
+		MARKOV.states.costs[[i]] <- sub.utilityMAT
+		MARKOV.states.effectiveness[[i]] <- sub.effectivenessMAT
+	}
+	# ajusta nomes nas listas.
+	names(MARKOV.states.arvores) <- c(as.array(as.character(MARKOV.states)))
+	names(MARKOV.states.rotulos) <- names(MARKOV.states.arvores)
+	names(MARKOV.states.destino) <- names(MARKOV.states.arvores)
+	names(MARKOV.states.probs) <- names(MARKOV.states.arvores)
+	names(MARKOV.states.costs) <- names(MARKOV.states.arvores)
+	names(MARKOV.states.effectiveness) <- names(MARKOV.states.arvores)
+	# ajuste para quem não retorna à árvore associada
+    for (i in 1:length(MARKOV.states.names)) {
+		MARKOV.states.costs[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]] <- MARKOV.states.costs[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]] -
+        	MARKOV.discount.costs[as.numeric(i)] + 
+        	MARKOV.discount.costs[as.numeric(MARKOV.states.destino[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]])]
+		MARKOV.states.effectiveness[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]] <- MARKOV.states.effectiveness[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]] -
+        	MARKOV.discount.effectiveness[as.numeric(i)] + 
+        	MARKOV.discount.effectiveness[as.numeric(MARKOV.states.destino[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]])]
+    }
+	# Busca por estados absorventes
+	if (absorventstatedeath == 1) {
+		nodos.test.absorvent <- names(MARKOV.states.destino)
+		absorventstate <- array(,0)
+		for (i in nodos.test.absorvent) {
+			destinyofthisstate <- MARKOV.states.destino[[i]]	
+			checkdestiny <- ( destinyofthisstate == i )
+			if ( sum(checkdestiny) == length(destinyofthisstate) ) {
+# 				cat("Ele é absorvente '", i, "' chamado '", MARKOV.states.rotulos[[i]][1,1],"'\n")
+				absorventstate <- c(absorventstate, i)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	# cria a tabela que comportará os individuos
+	num.markov.states <- length(MARKOV.states)
+	Coorte.Ind <- matrix(MARKOV.states[num.markov.states],1,initial.coort)	# Matriz com cada individuo
+	Coorte.Cost <- matrix(0,1,initial.coort)	# Matriz com custo de cada individuo
+	Coorte.Effec <- matrix(0,1,initial.coort)	# Matriz com a efetividade de cada individuo
+	# sorteia a distribuição inicial
+	init.distr.Prob <- cumsum(MARKOV.states.init.prob)
+	sorteados <- runif(initial.coort,0,1)
+	if (num.markov.states > 1) {
+		for (i in (num.markov.states-1):1) {
+			positions <- which( sorteados <= init.distr.Prob[i] )
+			Coorte.Ind[1,positions] <- MARKOV.states[i]
+			Coorte.Cost[1,positions] <- MARKOV.states.init.cost.rwd[i]
+			Coorte.Effec[1,positions] <- MARKOV.states.init.effectiveness.rwd[i]
+		}
+	}
+	# control variables
+	.stop.sim <- TRUE
+	.stage <- 1
+	.stage.cost <- sum(Coorte.Cost)
+	.stage.eff <- sum(Coorte.Effec)
+	.stage.reward <- .stage.cost
+	.total.cost <- .stage.cost
+	.total.eff <- .stage.eff
+	.total.reward <- .stage.cost	# ajusta a soma do ciclo zero para zero.
+	while( ! eval( parse(text = markov.termination) ) ) {
+		.stage <- .stage + 1
+		Coorte.Ind.LINE <- matrix(MARKOV.states[num.markov.states],1,initial.coort)
+		Coorte.Cost.LINE <- matrix(0,1,initial.coort)
+		Coorte.Effec.LINE <- matrix(0,1,initial.coort)
+		for (i in 1:num.markov.states ) {
+			positions <- which(Coorte.Ind[.stage - 1,] == MARKOV.states[i])
+			indvs <- length(positions)
+			if ( indvs != 0 ) {
+				arvore <- MARKOV.states.arvores[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]]
+				rotulos <- MARKOV.states.rotulos[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]]
+				destinos <- MARKOV.states.destino[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]]
+				probabilidades <- MARKOV.states.probs[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]]
+				custos <- MARKOV.states.costs[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]]
+				efetividades <- MARKOV.states.effectiveness[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]]
+				sorteado <- runif(indvs,0,1)
+				linprobs <- cumsum(apply(probabilidades, 1, prod)) # observa a probabilidade de cada ramo acontecer numa runif
+				valn <- length(linprobs)
+				linprobs.Matrix <- matrix(linprobs, indvs, valn, byrow = TRUE) # podemos ter problema de memória aqui!!!
+				resultado <- valn - apply(sorteado <= linprobs.Matrix, 1, sum) + 1
+				ans.dest <- destinos[resultado]	# quantos vão para cada categoria
+				ans.cost <- custos[resultado]
+				ans.effectiveness <- efetividades[resultado]
+			}
+			Coorte.Ind.LINE[1,positions] <- ans.dest
+			Coorte.Cost.LINE[1,positions] <- ans.cost
+			Coorte.Effec.LINE[1,positions] <- ans.effectiveness
+		}
+		.stage.cost <- sum(Coorte.Cost.LINE)
+		.stage.eff <- sum(Coorte.Effec.LINE)
+		.stage.reward <- .stage.cost
+		.total.cost <- .total.cost + .stage.cost
+		.total.eff <- .total.eff + .stage.eff
+		.total.reward <- .total.cost	# ajusta a soma do ciclo zero para zero.
+		Coorte.Ind <- rbind(Coorte.Ind, Coorte.Ind.LINE)
+		Coorte.Cost <- rbind(Coorte.Cost, Coorte.Cost.LINE)
+		Coorte.Effec <- rbind(Coorte.Effec, Coorte.Effec.LINE)
+	}
+	# Definições para a soma de valores no final da simulação (the final reward)
+	for (i in num.markov.states:1) {
+		positions <- which( Coorte.Ind[.stage,] <= MARKOV.states[i] )
+		Coorte.Cost[.stage,positions] <- MARKOV.states.final.cost.rwd[i] + Coorte.Cost[.stage,positions] 
+		Coorte.Effec[.stage,positions] <- MARKOV.states.final.effectiveness.rwd[i] + Coorte.Effec[.stage,positions]
+	}
+	# Aplica NA para individuos dos estados absorventes considerados morte
+	if (absorventstatedeath == 1) {
+		SurvivalCurve <- replace(Coorte.Ind, which( Coorte.Ind == absorventstate), NA)
+# 		Coorte.Ind <- replace(Coorte.Ind, which( Coorte.Ind == absorventstate), NA)
+# 		Coorte.Cost <- replace(Coorte.Cost, which( SurvivalCurve == NA), NA)
+		Coorte.Effec <- replace(Coorte.Effec, which( is.na(SurvivalCurve)), NA)
+		SurvivalCurve <- apply(!is.na(SurvivalCurve), 1, sum)
+		SurvivalCurve <- as.array(SurvivalCurve)
+		names(SurvivalCurve) <- paste("Cycle ", 0:(length(SurvivalCurve)-1), sep = "")
+	} else {
+		SurvivalCurve <- rep( dim(Coorte.Ind)[2], dim(Coorte.Ind)[1])
+		names(SurvivalCurve) <- paste("Cycle ", 0:(length(SurvivalCurve)-1), sep = "")
+	}
+	ans <- list(Path = Coorte.Ind, Cost = Coorte.Cost, Effectiveness = Coorte.Effec, Survival = SurvivalCurve)
+	return(ans)	# And return the result

Property changes on: pkg/R/markov.coort.table.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/markov.nodes.properties.R
--- pkg/R/markov.nodes.properties.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/markov.nodes.properties.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
+`markov.nodes.properties` <-
+function(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	exist.var <- exists("markov.propertiesMAT", envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe) 
+	if (!exist.var) {
+		markov.propertiesMAT <- data.frame(	"Level" = array(,0),
+											"Node.N" = array(,0),
+											"Node.name" = array(,0),
+											"Father" = array(,0),
+											"Father.Name" = array(,0),
+											"Initial.cost" = array(,0), 
+											"Incremental.cost" = array(,0), 
+											"Final.cost" = array(,0),
+											"Initial.effectiveness" = array(,0), 
+											"Incremental.effectiveness" = array(,0), 
+											"Final.effectiveness" = array(,0))
+	} else {	
+		markov.propertiesMAT <- get("markov.propertiesMAT", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		position.father <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == (column-1))),which(TheTree$Node.N == TheTree$Father[position]))
+		if ( (TheTree$Type[position.father] == "M") &&
+			((TheTree$Type[position] == "T") || (TheTree$Type[position] == "C")) ) {
+			markovnodeWindow <- tktoplevel()
+			title <- "ÁrvoRe - Propriedades"
+			tkwm.title(markovnodeWindow,title)
+			position.markov <- intersect(which((markov.propertiesMAT$Level == column)),
+									which(markov.propertiesMAT$Node.N == node.number))
+			if ( length(position.markov) != 0) {
+				Initial.costvar <- tclVar(markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.cost[position.markov])
+				Incremental.costvar <- tclVar(markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.cost[position.markov])
+				Final.costvar <- tclVar(markov.propertiesMAT$Final.cost[position.markov])
+				Initial.effectivenessvar <- tclVar(markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.effectiveness[position.markov])
+				Incremental.effectivenessvar <- tclVar(markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.effectiveness[position.markov])
+				Final.effectivenessvar <- tclVar(markov.propertiesMAT$Final.effectiveness[position.markov])
+			} else {
+				Initial.costvar <- tclVar(0)
+				Incremental.costvar <- tclVar(0)
+				Final.costvar <- tclVar(0)
+				Initial.effectivenessvar <- tclVar(0)
+				Incremental.effectivenessvar <- tclVar(0)
+				Final.effectivenessvar <- tclVar(0)
+			}
+			entry.Value  <- tkentry(markovnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=Initial.costvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(markovnodeWindow,text="Custo Inicial (ciclo zero)"), sticky = "nw")
+			tkgrid(entry.Value, sticky = "n")
+			entry.Value2  <- tkentry(markovnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=Incremental.costvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(markovnodeWindow,text="Custo Adicional (por ciclo)"), sticky = "nw")
+			tkgrid(entry.Value2, sticky = "n")
+			entry.Value3  <- tkentry(markovnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=Final.costvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(markovnodeWindow,text="Custo Final (após o final)"), sticky = "nw")
+			tkgrid(entry.Value3, sticky = "n")
+			entry.Value4  <- tkentry(markovnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=Initial.effectivenessvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(markovnodeWindow,text="Efetividade Inicial (ciclo zero)"), sticky = "nw")
+			tkgrid(entry.Value4, sticky = "n")
+			entry.Value5  <- tkentry(markovnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=Incremental.effectivenessvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(markovnodeWindow,text="Efetividade Adicional (por ciclo)"), sticky = "nw")
+			tkgrid(entry.Value5, sticky = "n")
+			entry.Value6  <- tkentry(markovnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=Final.effectivenessvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(markovnodeWindow,text="Efetividade Final (após o final)"), sticky = "nw")
+			tkgrid(entry.Value6, sticky = "n")
+			OnOK <- function()
+			{
+				Initial.costVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Initial.costvar))
+				Incremental.costVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Incremental.costvar))
+				Final.costVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Final.costvar))
+				Initial.effectivenessVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Initial.effectivenessvar))
+				Incremental.effectivenessVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Incremental.effectivenessvar))
+				Final.effectivenessVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Final.effectivenessvar))
+				if ( (!is.na(Initial.costVal)) && (nchar(Initial.costVal) > 0) &&
+					(!is.na(Incremental.costVal)) && (nchar(Incremental.costVal) > 0) &&
+					(!is.na(Final.costVal)) && (nchar(Final.costVal) > 0) &&
+					(!is.na(Initial.effectivenessVal)) && (nchar(Initial.effectivenessVal) > 0) &&
+					(!is.na(Incremental.effectivenessVal)) && (nchar(Incremental.effectivenessVal) > 0) &&
+					(!is.na(Final.effectivenessVal)) && (nchar(Final.effectivenessVal) > 0)
+				 ) {
+					tkdestroy(markovnodeWindow)
+					safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+					set.markov.nodes.properties(TheTree, markov.propertiesMAT, column = column, node.number = node.number, 
+						Initial.rwd.cost = Initial.costVal, 
+						Incremental.rwd.cost = Incremental.costVal, 
+						Final.rwd.cost = Final.costVal,
+						Initial.rwd.effectiveness = Initial.effectivenessVal, 
+						Incremental.rwd.effectiveness = Incremental.effectivenessVal, 
+						Final.rwd.effectiveness = Final.effectivenessVal)
+	 				refreshF5()
+					tkfocus(tt)
+				} else {
+					msg <- paste("Os valores definidos não são válidos.")
+					tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+					tkfocus(markovnodeWindow)
+				}
+			}
+		  	.Width.but <- 10
+			.Height.but <- 1
+			OK.but <-tkbutton(markovnodeWindow, width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,text="OK",command=OnOK)
+			tkbind(markovnodeWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			OnCancel <- function()
+			{
+				tkdestroy(markovnodeWindow)
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+			Cancel.but <-tkbutton(markovnodeWindow, width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, text="Cancelar", command=OnCancel)
+			tkbind(markovnodeWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+			tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+			tkfocus(markovnodeWindow)
+# 			posiciona.janela.no.mouse(markovnodeWindow, 230, 280)
+		} else {
+			msg <- paste("O nodo selecionado não é ramificação de um nodo Markov \n ou é de tipo inválido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/markov.nodes.properties.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/naoimplementado.R
--- pkg/R/naoimplementado.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/naoimplementado.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+`naoimplementado` <-
+function() {
+	require(tcltk)
+	Mensagem.txt <- "Esta funcionalidade não foi implementada ainda. Desculpe-nos."
+	tkmessageBox(message=Mensagem.txt, icon="warning", type="ok", title = "Markov - Custo Efetividade")
+	tkfocus(tt)

Property changes on: pkg/R/naoimplementado.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/new.file.bot.R
--- pkg/R/new.file.bot.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/new.file.bot.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+`new.file.bot` <-
+function(...) {
+	ans <- tkmessageBox(message="Deseja salvar a árvore atual?",icon="question",type="yesnocancel",default="yes")
+	ans <- tclvalue(ans)
+	if (ans != "yes") {
+		if (ans == "no") {
+			clearTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+			new.tree()
+			theTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+			atualiza.grafico()
+		} else {
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+	} else {
+		save.file.arv()
+		clearTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+		new.tree()
+		theTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+		atualiza.grafico()		
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/new.file.bot.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/new.tree.R
--- pkg/R/new.tree.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/new.tree.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+`new.tree` <-
+function() {
+	Payoffs <- matrix(0,1,2)
+	colnames(Payoffs) <- paste("Payoff",1:length(Payoffs),sep="")
+	TheTree <- data.frame( Level = 1, Node.N = 1, Node.name = "Decision",
+							 Father = 0, Father.Name = "root",
+							 Prob = 1, Type = "D", Note = " ", Destiny = " ",
+							 Payoffs)
+	TheTree$Level <- as.numeric(TheTree$Level)
+	TheTree$Node.N <- as.numeric(TheTree$Node.N)
+	TheTree$Node.name <- as.character(TheTree$Node.name)
+	TheTree$Father <- as.numeric(TheTree$Father)
+	TheTree$Father.Name <- as.character(TheTree$Father.Name)
+	TheTree$Prob <- as.numeric(TheTree$Prob)
+	TheTree$Type <- as.character(TheTree$Type)
+	TheTree$Note <- as.character(TheTree$Note)
+	TheTree$Destiny <- as.character(TheTree$Destiny)
+	TheTree$Payoff1 <- as.numeric(TheTree$Payoff1)
+	TheTree$Payoff2 <- as.numeric(TheTree$Payoff2)
+	markov.propertiesMAT <- data.frame(	"Level" = array(,0),
+										"Node.N" = array(,0),
+										"Node.name" = array(,0),
+										"Father" = array(,0),
+										"Father.Name" = array(,0),
+										"Initial.cost" = array(,0), 
+										"Incremental.cost" = array(,0), 
+										"Final.cost" = array(,0),
+										"Initial.effectiveness" = array(,0), 
+										"Incremental.effectiveness" = array(,0), 
+										"Final.effectiveness" = array(,0))
+	assign("TheTree", TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign("markov.propertiesMAT", markov.propertiesMAT, .EnvironmentArvoRe)

Property changes on: pkg/R/new.tree.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/new.variable.list.R
--- pkg/R/new.variable.list.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/new.variable.list.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+`new.variable.list` <-
+function() {
+	Variable <- array(" ",0)
+	StdValue <- array(0,0)
+	MinValue <- array(0,0)
+	MaxValue <- array(0,0)
+	Notes <- array(" ",0)
+	ans <- data.frame("Name" = Variable, "Fix.Value" = StdValue, "Min.Value" = MinValue, 
+						"Max.Value" = MaxValue,	"Notes" = Notes)
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	assign("variableMAT", ans, .EnvironmentArvoRe)

Property changes on: pkg/R/new.variable.list.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/nodenamewindows.R
--- pkg/R/nodenamewindows.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/nodenamewindows.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+`nodenamewindows` <-
+function() {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		nodenameWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Nome Nodo"
+		tkwm.title(nodenameWindow,title)
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		Namevar <- tclVar(TheTree$Node.name[position])
+		entry.Value  <- tkentry(nodenameWindow,width="20",textvariable=Namevar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(nodenameWindow,text="Nome do Nodo"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(entry.Value, sticky = "n")
+		OnOK <- function()
+		{
+			NameVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Namevar))
+			if ( (is.character(NameVal)) && (!is.na(NameVal)) && (nchar(NameVal) > 0) ) {
+				tkdestroy(nodenameWindow)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+ 				setnodename(TheTree, nodeSec[2], nodeSec[3], NameVal, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+ 				refreshF5()
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			} else {
+				msg <- paste("Este não é um nome de nodo válido '",NameVal, "'")
+				tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+				tkfocus(nodenameWindow)
+			}
+		}
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(nodenameWindow,text="    OK    ",command=OnOK)
+		tkbind(entry.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(nodenameWindow)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(nodenameWindow, text=" Cancelar ", command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(nodenameWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkfocus(nodenameWindow)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(nodenameWindow, 200, 100)
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/nodenamewindows.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/nodoselecionado.R
--- pkg/R/nodoselecionado.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/nodoselecionado.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+`nodoselecionado` <-
+function() {
+	ans <- tclvalue(tcl(treeWidget,"selection","get"))
+	if ( ans == "") {
+		return(" ")
+	} else {
+		pos <- 1
+		while (pos <= nchar(ans)) {
+			if ( substr(ans, pos, pos) == "." ) {
+				ans.node <- substr(ans,1,pos-1)
+				ans.col <- substr(ans,pos+1,nchar(ans))
+				pos <- nchar(ans) + 1
+			}
+			pos <- pos + 1
+		}	
+		return(c(ans,ans.node,ans.col))	
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/nodoselecionado.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/notesnodewindows.R
--- pkg/R/notesnodewindows.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/notesnodewindows.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+`notesnodewindows` <-
+function(...) {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+		if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+			msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		} else {
+			node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+			column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+			notesWindow <- tktoplevel()
+			title <- "ÁrvoRe - Comentários do Nodo"
+			tkwm.title(notesWindow,title)
+			position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+			Notesvar <- tclVar(TheTree$Note[position])
+			entry.Value  <- tkentry(notesWindow, width="20", textvariable=Notesvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(notesWindow,text="Nota"))
+			tkgrid(entry.Value)
+			OnOK <- function()
+			{
+				NotesVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Notesvar))
+				tkdestroy(notesWindow)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+				setnotesnode(TheTree, column = column, node.number = node.number, nodo.note = NotesVal, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+				refreshF5()
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+			OK.but <-tkbutton(notesWindow, text="    OK    ", command=OnOK)
+			tkbind(entry.Value, "<Return>", OnOK)
+			OnCancel <- function()
+			{
+				tkdestroy(notesWindow)
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+			Cancel.but <-tkbutton(notesWindow, text=" Cancelar ", command=OnCancel)
+			tkbind(notesWindow, "<Escape>", OnCancel)
+			tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+			posiciona.janela.no.mouse(notesWindow, 200, 100)
+			tkfocus(notesWindow)
+		}	

Property changes on: pkg/R/notesnodewindows.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/onGraph.summary.simwindow.R
--- pkg/R/onGraph.summary.simwindow.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/onGraph.summary.simwindow.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,505 @@
+# FUNCTION :: onGraph.summary.simwindow							# Criada em June 25, 2008 06:33:00 AM 
+#		Use this function to do something.				
+# Revision : 	Xxxxxxxxxxx	- Comentários.sobre.esta.revisão
+# Parameters
+#		Xxxxxxx : xxxx.
+# Esta função faz alguma coisa
+onGraph.summary.simwindow <- function(Mktable, Alltreatmentstable, selected.treatment) {
+		# The data
+		Cost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+		Effectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+		# The main window
+		graphsimulationWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title.window <- "ÁrvoRe - MC Simulação - Gráficos"
+		tkwm.title(graphsimulationWindow, title.window)
+		# Frames
+		frameOverall <- tkwidget(graphsimulationWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		frameResume <- tkwidget(frameOverall, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = "Tipos de Gráficos")
+		frameDistribution <- tkwidget(frameOverall, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+										text = "Distribuição")
+		frameOtherGraphs <- tkwidget(frameOverall, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+										text = "Custo-Efetividade")
+		frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth = 0)
+		OnShowIt <- function(type = "Other", SurvivalData = Mktable$Survival,...) {
+			aGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+			title.window <- "ÁrvoRe - MC Simulação - Gráficos"
+			tkwm.title(aGraphWindow, title.window)
+			frametext <- "Gráfico"
+			frameOverall <- tkwidget(aGraphWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+									labelanchor = "n", text = frametext)
+			frameButton <- tkwidget(aGraphWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+			tkgrid(frameOverall, sticky = "nwe")
+			tkgrid(frameButton, sticky = "swe")
+			# Image setings.
+			g.imgHeight <- 480
+			g.imgWidth <- 640
+			# Canvas window configurations
+			C.Height <- g.imgHeight
+			C.Width <- g.imgWidth
+			Borderwidth <- 2
+			# scrollbar objects
+			fHscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, orient="horiz", command = function(...)tkxview(fCanvas,...) )
+			fVscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, command = function(...)tkyview(fCanvas,...) )
+			fCanvas <- tkcanvas(frameOverall, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = Borderwidth, 
+								width = C.Width, height = C.Height,
+								xscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fHscroll,...), 
+								yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fVscroll,...)
+								)
+			# Pack the scroll bars.
+			tkpack(fHscroll, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
+			tkpack(fVscroll, side = "right", fill = "y")
+			# Pack the canvas
+			tkpack(fCanvas, anchor = "center", side = "right", fill = "both", expand = 1)
+			# Image file name setings.
+			.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "grafico.arvore.png", sep="")
+			# What plot?
+			plot.it.to.image <- function(.Filename, img.type = "png", img.quality = 90,
+											img.width = 600, img.height = 600, SurvivalData = Mktable$Survival, 
+											...) {
+				if( type == "Distrib.cost") {
+					if (img.type == "png") {
+						png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+							Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+							xlabel <- "Cost"
+							hist(Cost, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+						dev.off()
+					} else {
+						if (img.type == "jpg") {
+							jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+							     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+							     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+					     		Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Cost"
+								hist(Cost, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						} else {
+							bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+						    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+						    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+					     		Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Cost"
+								hist(Cost, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if( type == "Distrib.effectiveness") {
+					if (img.type == "png") {
+						png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+						Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+						xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+                        #~ Effectiveness <- Effectiveness[!is.na(Effectiveness)]
+						hist(Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+						dev.off()
+					} else {
+						if (img.type == "jpg") {
+							jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+							     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+							     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+								Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+								hist(Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						} else {
+							bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+						    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+						    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+								Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+								hist(Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if( type == "CE.scatterplot") {
+					if (img.type == "png") {
+						png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+							Graphtitle <- "CE Scatterplot"
+							xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+							ylabel <- "Custo"
+							plot(Effectiveness,Cost, col = "red", pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+									xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+						dev.off()
+					} else {
+						if (img.type == "jpg") {
+							jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+							     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+							     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+								Graphtitle <- "CE Scatterplot"
+								xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+								ylabel <- "Custo"
+								plot(Effectiveness,Cost, col = "red", pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+										xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+							dev.off()
+						} else {
+							bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+						    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+						    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+								Graphtitle <- "CE Scatterplot"
+								xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+								ylabel <- "Custo"
+								plot(Effectiveness,Cost, col = "red", pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+										xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+							dev.off()
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if( type == "Distrib.CER") {
+					if (img.type == "png") {
+						png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+							Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+							xlabel <- "Razão Custo-Efetividade ($)"
+							hist(Cost/Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+						dev.off()
+					} else {
+						if (img.type == "jpg") {
+							jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+							     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+							     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+								Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Razão Custo-Efetividade ($)"
+								hist(Cost/Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						} else {
+							bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+						    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+						    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+								Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Razão Custo-Efetividade ($)"
+								hist(Cost/Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if( type == "Survival.Curve") {
+					if (img.type == "png") {
+						png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+							Graphtitle <- paste("Número de Sobreviventes \n", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+							xlabel <- "Ciclos"
+# 							hist(SurvivalData, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							barplot(SurvivalData, main = Graphtitle, col = "red", space = c(0,0),
+									xlab = xlabel)
+						dev.off()
+					} else {
+						if (img.type == "jpg") {
+							jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+							     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+							     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+								Graphtitle <- paste("Número de Sobreviventes \n", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Ciclos"
+	# 							hist(Cost/Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+								barplot(SurvivalData, main = Graphtitle, col = "red", space = c(0,0),
+										xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						} else {
+							bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+						    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+						    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+								Graphtitle <- paste("Número de Sobreviventes \n", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Ciclos"
+	# 							hist(Cost/Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+								barplot(SurvivalData, main = Graphtitle, col = "red", space = c(0,0),
+										xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			# Default img type
+			img.type <- "png"
+			plot.it.to.image(.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = img.type,
+								img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+			image1 <- tclVar()
+			tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+			tkcreate(fCanvas, "image", g.imgWidth/2, g.imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+			tkconfigure(fCanvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,g.imgWidth,g.imgHeight))
+			OnOK <- function() {
+				file.remove(.Filename)
+				tkdestroy(aGraphWindow)
+				tkwm.deiconify(graphsimulationWindow)
+				tkfocus(graphsimulationWindow)
+			}
+			OnExportGraphic <- function(...) {
+				exportImgGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+				title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar Imagem"
+				tkwm.title(exportImgGraphWindow,title)
+				frameOverall <- tkframe(exportImgGraphWindow)
+				frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+				frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+				frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+				frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+				tkgrid( tklabel(frameUpper,text="Formato de imagem"),sticky="n", columnspan = 2)
+				rbValue <- tclVar("jpg")
+				QualityValue <- tclVar("90")
+				rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+				tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="bmp")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Bitmap .bmp "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+				rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+				tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="jpg")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Jpeg .jpg "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+				rb3 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+				tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="png")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Portable network graphics .png "),rb3, sticky = "ne")
+				SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)) )
+				sliderlabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = "Valor da qualidade de imagem : ")
+				sliderlabel2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = "%")
+				tkgrid(sliderlabel, SliderValueLabel, sliderlabel2)
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = QualityValue)
+				sliderImg <- tkscale(frameUpperRigth, from = 100, to = 1,
+				                   showvalue = F, variable = QualityValue,
+				                   resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
+				tkgrid(sliderImg,sticky="ew")
+				tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="ns")
+				tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+				tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+				Onformat <- function() {
+					ansVar <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+					if (ansVar != "jpg") {
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+						tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "disabled")
+						tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "disabled")
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+						tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "disabled")
+					} else {
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+						tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "normal")
+						tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "normal")
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+						tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "normal")
+					}
+				}
+				OnOK <- function(...)
+				{
+					ImgFormatselected <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+					ImgQualityselected <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)))
+					if (ImgFormatselected == "png") {
+						.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Portable network graphics Image Files} {.png}} {{All files} *}"))
+						if (!nchar(.Filename))
+							tkfocus(aGraphWindow)
+						else {
+							ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+							if ( ans != ".png" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".png", sep="")
+							if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+							plot.it.to.image(.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected, img.width = 600, img.height = 600)
+						}
+					} else {
+						if (ImgFormatselected == "jpg") {
+							.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Jpeg Image Files} {.jpg}} {{All files} *}"))
+							if (!nchar(.Filename))
+								tkfocus(aGraphWindow)
+							else {
+								ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+								if ( ans != ".jpg" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".jpg", sep="")
+								if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+								plot.it.to.image(.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected, img.width = 600, img.height = 600,
+													img.quality = ImgQualityselected)
+							}
+						} else {
+							.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Bitmap Image Files} {.bmp}} {{All files} *}"))
+							if (!nchar(.Filename))
+								tkfocus(aGraphWindow)
+							else {
+								ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+								if ( ans != ".bmp" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".bmp", sep="")
+								if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+								plot.it.to.image(.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected, img.width = 600, img.height = 600)
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+					tkwm.deiconify(aGraphWindow)
+					tkfocus(aGraphWindow)
+				}
+				OnCancel <- function()
+				{
+					tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+					tkwm.deiconify(aGraphWindow)
+					tkfocus(aGraphWindow)
+				}
+				.Width.but <- 10
+				.Height.but <- 1
+				OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+				tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+				Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+				tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+				tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s")
+				tkbind(rb1, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb2, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb3, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb1, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb2, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb3, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+				tkgrid(frameOverall)
+				tkfocus(exportImgGraphWindow)
+# 				posiciona.janela.no.mouse(exportImgGraphWindow)
+			}
+		    .Width.but <- 10
+			.Height.but <- 1
+			OK.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+			Export.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Exportar...", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnExportGraphic)
+			tkgrid(OK.but, Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+# 			tkconfigure(Export.but, state = "disabled")
+			tkbind(aGraphWindow, "<Return>", OnOK)
+			tkbind(aGraphWindow, "<Escape>", OnCancel)
+			tkwm.deiconify(aGraphWindow)
+			tkfocus(aGraphWindow)
+		}
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(graphsimulationWindow)
+			tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+		}
+		OnCancel <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(graphsimulationWindow)
+			tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+		}
+		OnDistrib.cost <- function() {
+			OnShowIt(type = "Distrib.cost")		
+		}
+		OnDistrib.effectiveness <- function() {
+			OnShowIt(type = "Distrib.effectiveness")
+		}
+		OnDistrib.CER <- function() {
+			OnShowIt(type = "Distrib.CER")
+		}
+		OnDistrib.incrementals <- function() {
+			OnShowIt(type = "Distrib.incrementals")
+		}
+		OnCE <- function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+			OnCE.Graph.summary.simwindow(Alltreatmentstable)
+		}
+		OnCE.scatterplot <- function() {
+			OnShowIt(type = "CE.scatterplot")
+		}
+		OnAccept.Curve <- function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+			aceptability.sim.window(Alltreatmentstable)
+		}
+		OnSurvival.Curve <- function() {
+			SurvivalData <- Mktable$Survival
+			OnShowIt(type = "Survival.Curve", SurvivalData = SurvivalData)
+		}
+		# Button label
+		label.but1 <- "Custo"
+		label.but2 <- "Efetividade"
+		label.but3 <- "Razão Custo-Efetividade"
+		label.but4 <- "Incrementals"
+		label.but5 <- "Custo-Efetividade"
+		label.but6 <- "Scatterplot C-E"
+		label.but7 <- "Curva de aceitabilidade"
+		label.but8 <- "Curva de sobrevivência"
+	    .Width.but <- max( c( nchar(label.but1), nchar(label.but2), nchar(label.but3), nchar(label.but4), 
+	    					nchar(label.but5), nchar(label.but6), nchar(label.but7)) )
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		# The buttons
+		Distrib.cost.but <- tkbutton(frameDistribution, text = label.but1, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = OnDistrib.cost)
+		Distrib.effectiveness.but <- tkbutton(frameDistribution,text = label.but2, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = OnDistrib.effectiveness)
+		Distrib.CER.but <- tkbutton(frameDistribution,text = label.but3, 
+			width =.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = OnDistrib.CER)
+		Distrib.incrementals.but <- tkbutton(frameDistribution, text = label.but4, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = OnDistrib.incrementals)
+		CE.but <- tkbutton(frameOtherGraphs, text = label.but5, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = function() OnCE.Graph.summary.simwindow(Alltreatmentstable))
+		CE.scatterplot.but <- tkbutton(frameOtherGraphs,text=label.but6, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = OnCE.scatterplot)
+		Accept.Curve.but <- tkbutton(frameOtherGraphs,text=label.but7, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = function() OnAccept.Curve(Alltreatmentstable))
+		Survival.Curve.but <- tkbutton(frameOtherGraphs,text=label.but8, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = OnSurvival.Curve)
+		tkgrid(Distrib.cost.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Distrib.effectiveness.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Distrib.CER.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Distrib.incrementals.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(CE.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(CE.scatterplot.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Accept.Curve.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Survival.Curve.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		OK.but <- tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <- tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(frameDistribution,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameOtherGraphs,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameResume,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameLower, sticky = "s")
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkbind(graphsimulationWindow, "<Return>", OnOK)
+		tkbind(graphsimulationWindow, "<Escape>", OnCancel)
+		tkfocus(graphsimulationWindow)
\ No newline at end of file

Property changes on: pkg/R/onGraph.summary.simwindow.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/planoacewindow.R
--- pkg/R/planoacewindow.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/planoacewindow.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,322 @@
+`planoacewindow` <-
+function(TheTree) {
+	require(abind)
+	require(gplots)
+	plotCEtableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	title <- "ÁrvoRe - Análise de Custo-Efetividade"
+	tkwm.title(plotCEtableWindow,title)
+	# What plot?
+	frametext <- "Gráfico"
+	frameOverall <- tkwidget(plotCEtableWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+							labelanchor = "n", text = frametext)
+	frameButton <- tkwidget(plotCEtableWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+	tkgrid(frameOverall, sticky = "nwe")
+	tkgrid(frameButton, sticky = "swe")
+	# Image setings.
+	g.imgHeight <- 480
+	g.imgWidth <- 640
+	# Canvas window configurations
+	C.Height <- min(c(g.imgHeight, 768))
+	C.Width <- min(c(g.imgWidth, 1024))
+	Borderwidth <- 2
+	# scrollbar objects
+	fHscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, orient="horiz", command = function(...)tkxview(fCanvas,...) )
+	fVscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, command = function(...)tkyview(fCanvas,...) )
+	fCanvas <- tkcanvas(frameOverall, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = Borderwidth, 
+						width = C.Width, height = C.Height,
+						xscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fHscroll,...), 
+						yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fVscroll,...)
+						)
+	# Pack the scroll bars.
+	tkpack(fHscroll, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
+	tkpack(fVscroll, side = "right", fill = "y")
+	# Pack the canvas
+	tkpack(fCanvas, anchor = "center", side = "right", fill = "both", expand = 1)
+	# Image file name setings.
+	.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "grafico.arvoreCE.png", sep="")
+	# The data to plot	
+	Data.CEA <- cost.effectiveness.table(TheTree)		
+	AllTreatCost <- Data.CEA$Mean.Cost
+# 	print(AllTreatCost)
+	AllTreatEffectiveness <- Data.CEA$Mean.Effectiveness
+# 	print(AllTreatEffectiveness)
+	AllTreatCE <- Data.CEA$Mean.Cost / Data.CEA$Mean.Effectiveness
+	# Initial colors to treatments points
+	treatments.colors.plot <- 1:length(Data.CEA$Node.name)
+	# The treatments names
+	treatments.label.plot <- Data.CEA$Node.name
+	# Default img type
+	img.type <- "png"
+	img.quality <- 90
+	plot.it.to.image <- function(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot,
+										treatments.label.plot,
+										.Filename, img.type = "png", img.quality = 90,
+										img.width = 600, img.height = 600, ...) {
+		if (img.type == "png") {
+			png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+					Graphtitle <- "Plano Custo-Efetividade"
+					xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+					ylabel <- "Custo"
+					plot(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness), c(0,AllTreatCost), 
+							col = c(0,treatments.colors.plot), pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+							xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+					for (i in 1:length(AllTreatEffectiveness)) {
+						lines(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness[i]), c(0,AllTreatCost[i]), col = treatments.colors.plot[i])
+					}
+					smartlegend( x="center", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+					             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+						     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+						     bg = "gray")
+			dev.off()
+		} else {
+			if (img.type == "jpg") {
+				jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+				     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+				     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+					Graphtitle <- "Plano Custo-Efetividade"
+					xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+					ylabel <- "Custo"
+					plot(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness), c(0,AllTreatCost), 
+							col = c(0,treatments.colors.plot), pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+							xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+					for (i in 1:length(AllTreatEffectiveness)) {
+						lines(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness[i]), c(0,AllTreatCost[i]), col = treatments.colors.plot[i])
+					}
+					smartlegend( x="center", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+					             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+						     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+						     bg = "gray")
+				dev.off()
+			} else {
+				bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+			    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+			    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+					Graphtitle <- "Plano Custo-Efetividade"
+					xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+					ylabel <- "Custo"
+					plot(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness), c(0,AllTreatCost), 
+							col = c(0,treatments.colors.plot), pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+							xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+					for (i in 1:length(AllTreatEffectiveness)) {
+						lines(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness[i]), c(0,AllTreatCost[i]), col = treatments.colors.plot[i])
+					}
+					smartlegend( x="center", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+					             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+						     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+						     bg = "gray")
+				dev.off()
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot, 
+								.Filename = .Filename, img.type = img.type,
+								img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+	image1 <- tclVar()
+	tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+	tkcreate(fCanvas, "image", g.imgWidth/2, g.imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+	tkconfigure(fCanvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,g.imgWidth,g.imgHeight))
+	OnExportGraphic <- function(...) {
+		exportImgGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar Imagem"
+		tkwm.title(exportImgGraphWindow,title)
+		frameOverall <- tkframe(exportImgGraphWindow)
+		frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+		frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+		frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+		frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+		tkgrid( tklabel(frameUpper,text="Formato de imagem"),sticky="n", columnspan = 2)
+		rbValue <- tclVar("jpg")
+		QualityValue <- tclVar("90")
+		rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+		tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="bmp")
+		tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Bitmap .bmp "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+		rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+		tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="jpg")
+		tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Jpeg .jpg "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+		rb3 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+		tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="png")
+		tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Portable network graphics .png "),rb3, sticky = "ne")
+		SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)) )
+		sliderlabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = "Valor da qualidade de imagem : ")
+		sliderlabel2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = "%")
+		tkgrid(sliderlabel, SliderValueLabel, sliderlabel2)
+		tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = QualityValue)
+		sliderImg <- tkscale(frameUpperRigth, from = 100, to = 1,
+		                   showvalue = F, variable = QualityValue,
+		                   resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
+		tkgrid(sliderImg,sticky="ew")
+	    ### Image size settings ###
+		numericSpinBox <- tkwidget(frameUpperRigth, "SpinBox", editable=TRUE, range = c(100,10000,1), width = 5)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text="Altura da imagem")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, numericSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(numericSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", g.imgHeight,sep = ""))
+		numericSpinBox2 <- tkwidget(frameUpperRigth, "SpinBox", editable=TRUE, range = c(100,10000,1), width = 5)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text="Largura da imagem")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, numericSpinBox2, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(numericSpinBox2, "setvalue", paste("@", g.imgWidth,sep = ""))
+		tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="ns")
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+		Onformat <- function() {
+			ansVar <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+			if (ansVar != "jpg") {
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "disabled")
+			} else {
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "normal")
+			}
+		}
+		OnOK <- function(...)
+		{
+			img.height <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(numericSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(img.height) )&&(!is.na(img.height))) g.imgHeight <- img.height
+			img.width <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(numericSpinBox2,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(img.width) )&&(!is.na(img.width))) g.imgWidth <- img.width
+			ImgFormatselected <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+			ImgQualityselected <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)))
+			if (ImgFormatselected == "png") {
+				.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Portable network graphics Image Files} {.png}} {{All files} *}"))
+				if (!nchar(.Filename))
+					tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+				else {
+					ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+					if ( ans != ".png" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".png", sep="")
+					if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+					plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+										.Filename = .Filename, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+										img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (ImgFormatselected == "jpg") {
+					.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Jpeg Image Files} {.jpg}} {{All files} *}"))
+					if (!nchar(.Filename))
+						tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+					else {
+						ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+						if ( ans != ".jpg" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".jpg", sep="")
+						if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+						plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+											.Filename = .Filename, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+											img.quality = ImgQualityselected,
+											img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+					}
+				} else {
+					.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Bitmap Image Files} {.bmp}} {{All files} *}"))
+					if (!nchar(.Filename))
+						tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+					else {
+						ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+						if ( ans != ".bmp" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".bmp", sep="")
+						if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+						plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+											.Filename = .Filename, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+											img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+			tkwm.deiconify(plotCEtableWindow)
+			tkfocus(plotCEtableWindow)
+		}
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+			tkwm.deiconify(plotCEtableWindow)
+			tkfocus(plotCEtableWindow)
+		}
+		.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s")
+		tkbind(rb1, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb2, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb3, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb1, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb2, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb3, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkfocus(exportImgGraphWindow)
+# 		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(exportImgGraphWindow)
+	}
+	OnOK <- function() {
+		file.remove(.Filename)	
+		tkdestroy(plotCEtableWindow)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	OnCancel <- function() {
+		tkdestroy(plotCEtableWindow)
+		file.remove(.Filename)	
+	#	tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	.Width.but <- 10
+	.Height.but <- 1
+	OK.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+	Cancel.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+	Export.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Exportar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnExportGraphic)
+	tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkbind(plotCEtableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+	tkbind(plotCEtableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+# 	posiciona.janela.no.mouse(plotCEtableWindow, 300, 180)
+	tkfocus(plotCEtableWindow)

Property changes on: pkg/R/planoacewindow.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/plot.tree.R
--- pkg/R/plot.tree.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/plot.tree.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,239 @@
+`plot.tree` <-
+function(TheTree, line.type = "squared", show.probability = TRUE, 
+						show.payoffs = TRUE, show.notes = FALSE, node.name.font.size = 12,
+						payoffs.font.size = 0, notes.font.size = 0) {
+	require(grid)
+	MatrixTheTree <- convert2matrix(TheTree)
+	x <- MatrixTheTree$x
+	rotulos <- MatrixTheTree$y
+	typeMAT <- MatrixTheTree$typeMAT
+	utilityMAT <- MatrixTheTree$utilityMAT
+	effectivenessMAT <- MatrixTheTree$effectivenessMAT
+	probMAT <- MatrixTheTree$probMAT
+	notesMAT <- MatrixTheTree$notesMAT
+	nc <- dim(x)[2]
+	nl <- dim(x)[1]
+	# Objetos
+	colorMAT <- matrix(0,nl,nc)
+	ylabelspace <- .021
+	colortext <- "black"
+	if (payoffs.font.size == 0) payoffs.font.size <- round(node.name.font.size/2,0)
+	if (notes.font.size == 0) notes.font.size <- round(node.name.font.size/2,0)
+	grid.newpage()
+	sizelabels <- matrix(0,nl,nc)
+	for (i in 1:nl) {
+		for (j in 1:nc) {
+			sizelabels[i,j] <- nchar(rotulos[i,j])
+		}
+	}
+	propcolx <- apply(sizelabels, 2, max)
+ 	propcolx <- cumsum(propcolx/2)
+	xpos <- NA*x
+	ypos <- NA*x
+	deltax <- 1 / ( max(propcolx) + 6 )
+	for( i in 1:nc) {
+		nniveis <- nl
+		niveis <- levels(as.factor(x[,i]))
+		deltay <- 1 / (nniveis + 1)
+		for (j in niveis) {
+			positions <- which(x[,i] == j)
+			ypos[positions, i] <- (nl - median(positions, na.rm = TRUE)) * deltay + deltay
+		}
+		xpos[,i] <- rep(1, nl) * deltax * propcolx[i]
+	}
+	if (nc > 1) {
+		if (line.type == "normal") {
+			for( i in 1:nl) {
+				for( j in 1:(nc-1)) {
+					linx <- c( xpos[i,j] , xpos[i,j+1] )
+					liny <- c( ypos[i,j] , ypos[i,j+1] )
+					d <- sum(is.na(c(linx,liny)))
+					if (d == 0) grid.polyline( linx, liny )
+				}	
+			}
+		} else {
+			for( i in 1:(nc-1)) {	# plota as linhas verticais
+				nodos <- as.numeric(names(table(x[,i])))
+				for (j in nodos) {
+					positions <- which(x[,i] == j)
+					if ( (length(positions) >= 2) && (!is.na(x[positions[1],i+1])) ) {
+						linx <- c( xpos[positions[1],i] + (xpos[positions[1],i+1] - xpos[positions[1],i])/2 , xpos[positions[1],i] + (xpos[positions[1],i+1] - xpos[positions[1],i])/2 )
+						linymax <- max(ypos[positions,i+1], na.rm = TRUE)
+						linymin <- min(ypos[positions,i+1], na.rm = TRUE)
+						liny <- c(linymin,linymax)
+						grid.polyline( linx, liny )
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			for( i in 1:nl) {	# plota as linhas horizontais
+				for( j in 1:(nc-1)) {
+					linx <- c( xpos[i,j] , xpos[i,j] + (xpos[i,j+1] - xpos[i,j])/2 )
+					liny <- c( ypos[i,j] , ypos[i,j] )
+					d <- sum(is.na(c(linx,liny)))
+					if (d == 0) grid.polyline( linx, liny )
+				}
+				# plota linhas depois do nome para os nodos do último nível em uma dada "linha da matriz estrutura"
+					linx <- c( xpos[i,nc] , xpos[i,nc] + (xpos[i,nc] - xpos[i,nc-1])/2 )
+					liny <- c( ypos[i,nc] , ypos[i,nc] )
+					d <- sum(is.na(c(linx,liny)))
+					if (d == 0) grid.polyline( linx, liny )
+				for( j in 2:nc) {
+					linx <- c( xpos[i,j-1] + (xpos[i,j] - xpos[i,j-1]) / 2, xpos[i,j] )
+					liny <- c( ypos[i,j] , ypos[i,j] )
+					d <- sum(is.na(c(linx,liny)))
+					if (d == 0) grid.polyline( linx, liny )
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	# computa a matriz de cores
+	for( i in 1:nl) {
+		for (j in 1:nc) {
+				if ( (typeMAT[i,j] == "C")&&(!is.na(x[i,j])) ) colorMAT[i,j] <- "green"
+				else if ( (typeMAT[i,j] == "T")&&(!is.na(x[i,j])) ) colorMAT[i,j] <- "red"
+				else if ( (typeMAT[i,j] == "M")&&(!is.na(x[i,j])) ) colorMAT[i,j] <- "yellow"
+				else if ( (typeMAT[i,j] == "D")&&(!is.na(x[i,j])) ) colorMAT[i,j] <- "blue"
+				else colorMAT[i,j] <- "grey"
+		}
+	}
+	# plota grafico para o primeiro nodo
+	grid.text(rotulos[1,1], x = xpos[1,1],
+		y = ypos[1,1] + ylabelspace,
+		just = "centre",
+		rot = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = node.name.font.size, col = colortext))
+	if (nc > 1) {
+		if ( line.type == "squared") {
+			grid.circle(x = xpos[1,1] + (xpos[1,2]-xpos[1,1])/2, 
+						y = ypos[1,1], 
+						r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+		    			gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[1,1]), 
+		    			draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+	   	} else {
+			grid.circle(x = xpos[1,1], 
+						y = ypos[1,1], 
+						r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+		    			gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[1,1]), 
+		    			draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+	   	}
+		for( i in 1:nl) {
+			for (j in 2:nc) {
+				d <- sum(is.na(c(xpos[i,j],ypos[i,j])))
+				if (d == 0) {
+					grid.text(rotulos[i,j], x = xpos[i,j] ,
+								y = ypos[i,j] + ylabelspace,
+								just = "centre",
+								rot = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = node.name.font.size, col=colortext))
+					minortext <- as.character("")
+					if (show.probability) minortext <- paste("prob. ",probMAT[i,j], sep = "")
+					if (show.payoffs) {
+						minortext <- paste(minortext, "\n cost. ", utilityMAT[i,j], sep = "")
+						if (.modeltypeArvore == "CE") {
+							minortext <- paste(minortext, "\n effect. ", effectivenessMAT[i,j], sep = "")
+						}
+					}
+					grid.text(minortext, 
+								x = xpos[i,j],
+								y = ypos[i,j] - 2 * ylabelspace,
+								just = "centre",
+								rot = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = payoffs.font.size, col=colortext))
+					if (show.notes) {
+						nreptext <- sum(c(show.probability, show.payoffs, (.modeltypeArvore == "CE")))
+						minortext2 <- paste(rep("\n",nreptext), notesMAT[i,j], sep = "")
+						grid.text(minortext2, 
+									x = xpos[i,j],
+									y = ypos[i,j] - 2 * ylabelspace,
+									just = "centre",
+									rot = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = notes.font.size, col=colortext))
+					}
+					# Desenhos dos nodos - para o caso "normal" e "squared"
+					if ( line.type == "squared") {
+						if ( j != nc) {
+							if (typeMAT[i,j] != "T") {
+								grid.circle(x = xpos[i,j] + (xpos[i,j+1] - xpos[i,j])/2,
+											y = ypos[i,j], 
+											r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	} else {
+				            	triangX <- xpos[i,j] + (xpos[i,j+1] - xpos[i,j])/2
+								grid.polygon(x = c( triangX, triangX + .015, triangX + .015),
+											 y = c( ypos[i,j], ypos[i,j] + .015, ypos[i,j] - .015),
+											default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	}
+		    			} else {
+							if (typeMAT[i,j] != "T") {
+								grid.circle(x = xpos[i,j] + (xpos[i,j] - xpos[i,j-1])/2,
+											y = ypos[i,j], 
+											r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	} else {
+				            	triangX <- xpos[i,j] + (xpos[i,j] - xpos[i,j-1])/2
+								grid.polygon(x = c( triangX, triangX + .015, triangX + .015),
+											 y = c( ypos[i,j], ypos[i,j] + .015, ypos[i,j] - .015),
+											default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	}
+		    			}
+					} else {
+						if ( j != nc) {
+							if (typeMAT[i,j] != "T") {
+								grid.circle(x = xpos[i,j],
+											y = ypos[i,j], 
+											r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	} else {
+				            	triangX <- xpos[i,j] 
+								grid.polygon(x = c( triangX, triangX + .015, triangX + .015),
+											 y = c( ypos[i,j], ypos[i,j] + .015, ypos[i,j] - .015),
+											default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	}
+		    			} else {
+							if (typeMAT[i,j] != "T") {
+								grid.circle(x = xpos[i,j],
+											y = ypos[i,j], 
+											r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	} else {
+				            	triangX <- xpos[i,j]
+								grid.polygon(x = c( triangX, triangX + .015, triangX + .015),
+											 y = c( ypos[i,j], ypos[i,j] + .015, ypos[i,j] - .015),
+											default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	}
+		    			}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		grid.circle(x = xpos[1,1] + (xpos[1,1])/2, 
+					y = ypos[1,1], 
+					r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+	    			gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[1,1]), 
+	    			draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/plot.tree.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/posiciona.janela.centro.R
--- pkg/R/posiciona.janela.centro.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/posiciona.janela.centro.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+`posiciona.janela.centro` <-
+function(janela.principal, janela.nova) {
+	MAX.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenheight", janela.principal) ) )
+	MAX.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenwidth", janela.principal) ) )
+	wm.main.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("height", janela.principal) ) )
+	wm.main.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("width", janela.principal) ) )
+	wm.child.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("height", janela.nova) ) )
+	wm.child.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("width", janela.nova) ) )
+	wm.x <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("x", janela.principal) ) )
+	wm.y <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("y", janela.principal) ) )
+	new.wm.x <- wm.x + wm.main.width/2 - wm.child.width/2
+	new.wm.y <- wm.y + wm.main.height/2 - wm.child.height/2
+	new.wm.x <- round(new.wm.x)
+	new.wm.y <- round(new.wm.y)
+	limite.sup.x <- round( MAX.width - wm.child.width )
+	limite.inf.x <- round( wm.child.width )
+	limite.sup.y <- round( MAX.height - wm.child.height )
+	limite.sup.y <- round( wm.child.height )
+	# Limitantes para o tamanho da tela. Quem tem tela virtural... #$%#$%
+	if (new.wm.x > limite.sup.x) new.wm.x <- limite.sup.x
+	if (new.wm.x < limite.inf.x) new.wm.x <- limite.inf.x
+	if (new.wm.y > limite.sup.y) new.wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	if (new.wm.y > limite.sup.y) new.wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	posicao <- paste(wm.child.width, "x", wm.child.height, "+", new.wm.x,"+", new.wm.y, sep="")
+	tkwm.geometry(janela.nova,posicao)

Property changes on: pkg/R/posiciona.janela.centro.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/posiciona.janela.no.mouse.R
--- pkg/R/posiciona.janela.no.mouse.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/posiciona.janela.no.mouse.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+`posiciona.janela.no.mouse` <-
+function(janela.nova, wm.width = -1, wm.height = -1) {
+	MAX.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenheight", janela.nova) ) )
+	MAX.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenwidth", janela.nova) ) )
+	if (wm.height == -1) wm.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("height", janela.nova) ) )
+	if (wm.width == -1) wm.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("width", janela.nova) ) )
+	mouse.x.pos <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("pointerx", janela.nova) ) )
+	mouse.y.pos <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("pointery", janela.nova) ) )
+	new.wm.x <- round( mouse.x.pos - wm.width/2 )
+	new.wm.y <- round( mouse.y.pos - wm.height/2 )
+	limite.sup.x <- round( MAX.width - wm.width/2 )
+	limite.inf.x <- 0
+	limite.sup.y <- round( MAX.height - wm.height/2 )
+	limite.inf.y <- 0
+	# Limitantes para o tamanho da tela. Quem tem tela virtural... #$%#$%
+	if (new.wm.x > limite.sup.x) new.wm.x <- limite.sup.x
+	if (new.wm.x < limite.inf.x) new.wm.x <- limite.inf.x
+	if (new.wm.y > limite.sup.y) new.wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	if (new.wm.y < limite.inf.y) new.wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	posicao <- paste(wm.width, "x", wm.height, "+", new.wm.x,"+", new.wm.y, sep="")
+	tkwm.geometry(janela.nova,posicao)

Property changes on: pkg/R/posiciona.janela.no.mouse.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/posiciona.janela.tela.R
--- pkg/R/posiciona.janela.tela.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/posiciona.janela.tela.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
+`posiciona.janela.tela` <-
+function(janela.nova) {
+	MAX.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenheight", janela.nova) ) )
+	MAX.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenwidth", janela.nova) ) )
+	wm.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("height", janela.nova) ) )
+	wm.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("width", janela.nova) ) )
+	new.wm.y <- round( MAX.height/2 - wm.height/2 )
+	new.wm.x <- round( MAX.width/2 - wm.width/2 )
+	limite.sup.x <- round( MAX.width - wm.width )
+	limite.inf.x <- 0
+	limite.sup.y <- round( MAX.height - wm.height )
+	limite.inf.y <- 0
+	# Limitantes para o tamanho da tela. Quem tem tela virtural... #$%#$%
+	if (new.wm.x > limite.sup.x) new.wm.x <- limite.sup.x
+	if (new.wm.x < limite.inf.x) new.wm.x <- limite.inf.x
+	if (new.wm.y > limite.sup.y) new.wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	if (new.wm.y < limite.inf.y) new.wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	posicao <- paste(wm.width, "x", wm.height, "+", new.wm.x,"+", new.wm.y, sep="")
+	tkwm.geometry(janela.nova,posicao)

Property changes on: pkg/R/posiciona.janela.tela.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/probString2Numeric.R
--- pkg/R/probString2Numeric.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/probString2Numeric.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+`probString2Numeric` <-
+function(probMAT) {
+	n.lin <- dim(probMAT)[1]
+	n.col <- dim(probMAT)[2]
+	ans <- matrix(, n.lin, n.col)
+	for (i in 1:n.lin) {
+		for (j in 1:n.col) {
+			ans[i,j] <- exec.text(probMAT[i,j])
+		}
+	}
+	return(ans)

Property changes on: pkg/R/probString2Numeric.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/probability.check.R
--- pkg/R/probability.check.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/probability.check.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+`probability.check` <-
+function(k) {
+	names(k) <- c("Level", "Node.N", "Node.name", "Father", "Father.Name",
+ 					"Prob", "Type", "Note", "Destiny", "Payoff1", "Payoff2")
+	Levels <- 2:max(k$Level)
+	variables <- names(k)
+	ans <- ""
+	for (i in Levels) {
+		Data <- subset(k, Level == i, select = variables)
+		nodes <- as.numeric(names(table(Data$Father)))
+		for (j in nodes) {
+			Data2 <- subset(Data, Father == j, select = variables)
+			psum <- sum(Data2$Prob)
+			if (psum != 1) {
+				nome.pai <- Data2$Father.Name[1]
+				ans <- paste(ans, 
+				"Há problema em [ NÍVEL = ", i-1, ", NODO = ", nome.pai, " ] \n", sep = "")
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ans2 <- "1"
+	if (nchar(ans) == 0) {
+		ans <- "As probabilidades somam 1. Tudo ok!"
+		ans2 <- "0"
+	}
+	return(c(ans,ans2))

Property changes on: pkg/R/probability.check.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/probwindows.R
--- pkg/R/probwindows.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/probwindows.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
+`probwindows` <-
+function() {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		probWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Probabilidade Nodo"
+		tkwm.title(probWindow,title)
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		Probvar <- tclVar(TheTree$Prob[position])
+		entry.Value  <- tkentry(probWindow,width="20",textvariable=Probvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(probWindow,text="Probabilidade"))
+		tkgrid(entry.Value)
+		OnOK <- function()
+		{
+			ProbVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(Probvar))
+			if ( (is.numeric(ProbVal)) && (!is.na(ProbVal)) && (ProbVal <= 1) && (ProbVal >= 0) ) {
+				tkdestroy(probWindow)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+				setprob(TheTree, nodeSec[2], nodeSec[3], ProbVal, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			} else {
+				msg <- paste("Este não é um valor de probabilidade válido '",ProbVal, "'")
+				tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+				tkfocus(probWindow)
+			}
+		}
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(probWindow,text="    OK    ",command=OnOK)
+		tkbind(entry.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(probWindow)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(probWindow,text=" Cancelar ",command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(probWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(probWindow, 200, 100)
+		tkfocus(probWindow)
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/probwindows.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/properties.tree.R
--- pkg/R/properties.tree.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/properties.tree.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
+`properties.tree` <-
+function(...) {
+		propertiesWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Propriedades"
+		tkwm.title(propertiesWindow,title)
+		tclRequire("BWidget")
+	    frameOverall <- tkframe(propertiesWindow)
+	    frameLeft <- tkframe(frameOverall)
+	    frameRight <- tkframe(frameOverall)
+	    titleframe <- "Método de Cálculo"
+	    frameUpper <- tkwidget(frameLeft, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = titleframe)
+	    titleframe <- "Simulação 1-st order"
+	    frameSimUpper <- tkwidget(frameLeft, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = titleframe)
+	    titleframe <- "Formato Numérico"
+	    frameNumeric <- tkwidget(frameLeft, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = titleframe)
+	    titleframe <- "Formato da árvore"
+	    frameTreePlot <- tkwidget(frameLeft, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = titleframe)
+	    titleframe <- "Exibir na árvore"
+	    frameTreePlotElements <- tkwidget(frameRight, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = titleframe)
+	    frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, borderwidth=2)
+	    titleframe <- "Fontes da árvore"
+	    frameFontPlot <- tkwidget(frameRight, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = titleframe)
+	    ### Method settings ###
+	    metodos <- c("Decisão simples (simple payoff)", "Custo-Efetividade")
+	    method.arvore <- c("SD", "CE")
+	    methodBox <- tkwidget(frameUpper, "ComboBox", editable=FALSE, values=metodos, width = 30)
+	    labelmethodBox <- tklabel(frameUpper,text="Método")
+	    tkgrid(labelmethodBox, methodBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	    if (.modeltypeArvore == "SD") {
+		    selected.method <- "@0"
+	    } else {
+		    if (.modeltypeArvore == "CE") selected.method <- "@1"
+	    }
+	    tcl(methodBox, "setvalue", selected.method)
+	    ### Numeric format settings ###
+		numericSpinBox <- tkwidget(frameNumeric, "SpinBox", editable=FALSE, range = c(0,10,1), width = 3)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameNumeric,text="Número de casas decimais")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, numericSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(numericSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .digits,sep = ""))
+	    ### Simulation settings ###
+		absorventstatecb <- tkcheckbutton(frameSimUpper)
+		absorventstatecbValue <- tclVar(.absorventstateconf)
+		tkconfigure(absorventstatecb, variable = absorventstatecbValue)
+		tkgrid(absorventstatecb, tklabel(frameSimUpper,text = "Interpretar estado absorvente como morte"))
+		### Tree Plot ###
+# 		("squared", "normal")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameTreePlot,text="Ângulos das linhas das ramificação"), row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "w")
+		rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameTreePlot)
+		tpValue <- tclVar(.treeangle)
+		tkconfigure(rb1, variable = tpValue, value = "squared")
+		tkgrid(rb1, row = 3, column = 0, sticky = "w")
+		tkgrid(tklabel( frameTreePlot,text="Retos"), row = 3, column = 1, sticky = "w")
+		rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameTreePlot)
+		tkconfigure(rb2, variable = tpValue, value = "normal")
+		tkgrid(rb2, row = 4, column = 0, sticky = "w")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameTreePlot,text="Normais"), row = 4, column = 1, sticky = "w")
+		### Tree Plot Elements ###
+# 		tkgrid(tklabel(frameTreePlotElements,text="Exibir na árvore"), row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
+		notescb <- tkcheckbutton(frameTreePlotElements)
+		notescbValue <- tclVar(.notesconf)
+		tkconfigure(notescb, variable = notescbValue)
+		tkgrid(notescb, tklabel(frameTreePlotElements,text="Comentários"))
+		probabilitycb <- tkcheckbutton(frameTreePlotElements)
+		probabilitycbValue <- tclVar(.probabilityconf)
+		tkconfigure(probabilitycb, variable = probabilitycbValue)
+		tkgrid(probabilitycb, tklabel(frameTreePlotElements,text="Probabilidades"))
+		payoffscb <- tkcheckbutton(frameTreePlotElements)
+		payoffscbValue <- tclVar(.payoffsconf)
+		tkconfigure(payoffscb, variable = payoffscbValue)
+		tkgrid(payoffscb, tklabel(frameTreePlotElements,text="Payoffs"))
+		tkgrid(frameUpper, sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameNumeric, sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameSimUpper, sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameTreePlot, sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameTreePlotElements, sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameFontPlot, sticky="nwe")
+		### Tree Plot Font ###
+		font.nameSpinBox <- tkwidget(frameFontPlot, "SpinBox", editable=FALSE, range = c(0,72,1), width = 3)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameFontPlot,text="Nome do nodo")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, font.nameSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(font.nameSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .node.name.font.size, sep = ""))
+		font.payoffsSpinBox <- tkwidget(frameFontPlot, "SpinBox", editable=FALSE, range = c(0,72,1), width = 3)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameFontPlot,text="Payoffs (custo e efetividade)")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, font.payoffsSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(font.payoffsSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .payoffs.font.size, sep = ""))
+		font.notesSpinBox <- tkwidget(frameFontPlot, "SpinBox", editable=FALSE, range = c(0,72,1), width = 3)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameFontPlot,text="Comentários do nodo")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, font.notesSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(font.notesSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .notes.font.size, sep = ""))
+		# Configurações para o tamanho dos botões.
+    	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OnDefault.font <- function () {
+			tcl(font.nameSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", 12, sep = ""))
+			tcl(font.payoffsSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", 6, sep = ""))
+			tcl(font.notesSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", 6, sep = ""))
+		}
+		OnRestore.font <- function () {
+			tcl(font.nameSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .node.name.font.size, sep = ""))
+			tcl(font.payoffsSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .payoffs.font.size, sep = ""))
+			tcl(font.notesSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .notes.font.size, sep = ""))
+		}
+		Restore.font <-tkbutton(frameFontPlot,text="Restaurar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnRestore.font)
+# 		tkgrid(Default.font, sticky = "sw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		Default.font <-tkbutton(frameFontPlot,text="Padrão", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnDefault.font)
+		tkgrid(Restore.font, Default.font, sticky = "sw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		OnOK <- function()
+		{
+			methodChoice <- method.arvore[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(methodBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+			assign(".modeltypeArvore", methodChoice, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.digits <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(numericSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(.digits) )&&(!is.na(.digits))) assign(".digits", .digits, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.treeangle <- tclvalue(tpValue)
+			assign(".treeangle", .treeangle, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.absorventstateconf <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(absorventstatecbValue)))
+			assign(".absorventstateconf", .absorventstateconf, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.notesconf <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(notescbValue)))
+			assign(".notesconf", .notesconf, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.probabilityconf <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(probabilitycbValue)))
+			assign(".probabilityconf", .probabilityconf, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.payoffsconf <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(payoffscbValue)))
+			assign(".payoffsconf", .payoffsconf, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.node.name.font.size <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(font.nameSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(.node.name.font.size) )&&(!is.na(.node.name.font.size))) assign(".node.name.font.size", .node.name.font.size, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.payoffs.font.size <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(font.payoffsSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(.payoffs.font.size) )&&(!is.na(.payoffs.font.size))) assign(".payoffs.font.size", .payoffs.font.size, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.notes.font.size <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(font.notesSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(.notes.font.size) )&&(!is.na(.notes.font.size))) assign(".notes.font.size", .notes.font.size, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			tkdestroy(propertiesWindow)
+			refreshF5()
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+    	OnCancel <- function() {
+	    	tkdestroy(propertiesWindow)
+	    	tkfocus(tt)
+    	}
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkbind(propertiesWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(propertiesWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+	    tkgrid(frameLeft, frameRight, ipadx = 6, sticky="nwe")
+	    tkgrid(frameLower, sticky="nwe", columnspan = 2)
+	    tkgrid(frameOverall)
+	    tkfocus(propertiesWindow)

Property changes on: pkg/R/properties.tree.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/refreshF5.R
--- pkg/R/refreshF5.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/refreshF5.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+`refreshF5` <-
+function(...) {
+			clearTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+			theTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+			atualiza.grafico()
+			tcl(treeWidget,"opentree", "1.1")	# Expande a árvore
+			settreevartype(TheTree) # para ajustar os tipos de variáveis no TheTree.

Property changes on: pkg/R/refreshF5.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/remove.node.R
--- pkg/R/remove.node.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/remove.node.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,83 @@
+`remove.node` <-
+function(TheTree, node.col, node.number) {
+	removelines <- select.subtree(TheTree, node.col, node.number, change.row.names = FALSE)
+	removelines <- rownames(removelines)
+	num.lin <- dim(TheTree)[1]
+	whoiwant <- as.numeric(setdiff(as.character(1:num.lin), removelines))
+	ans <- TheTree[whoiwant,]
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	ans$Level <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Level))
+	ans$Node.N <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Node.N))
+	ans$Node.name <- as.character(ans$Node.name)
+	ans$Father <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Father))
+	ans$Father.Name <- as.character(ans$Father.Name)
+	ans$Prob <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Prob))
+	ans$Type <- as.character(ans$Type)
+	ans$Note <- as.character(ans$Note)
+	ans$Destiny <- as.character(ans$Destiny)
+	ans$Payoff1 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff1))
+	ans$Payoff2 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff2))
+	ans <- ans[ order(ans$Level,ans$Father, ans$Node.N),]
+	position <- which(ans$Level == 2)
+if( ( length(position) > 1 ) && ( dim(ans)[1] > 2 )) {
+	#- Correção para o primeiro do nível ---------------------------------------------------------------
+	.stopit <- FALSE
+	i <- 1
+	nans <- dim(ans)[1]
+	while ( !.stopit ) {
+		i <- i + 1
+		GTtflag <- 	( as.numeric(ans$Node.N[i]) != 1 ) &&
+					( as.numeric(ans$Level[i]) > as.numeric(ans$Level[i-1]) )
+			if (GTtflag) {
+				old.value <- ans$Node.N[i]
+				ans$Node.N[i] <- 1
+				usedlevel <- ans$Level[i] + 1
+				position <- intersect(which(ans$Level == usedlevel),which(ans$Father == old.value))
+				if ( length(position) > 0) {
+					ans$Father[position] <- ans$Node.N[i]
+					ans$Father.Name[position] <- ans$Node.name[i]
+				}
+				ans <- ans[ order(ans$Level,ans$Father, ans$Node.N),]
+				i <- 1
+			} else {
+				if (i >= nans) .stopit <- TRUE
+			}
+		}
+	#- Correção para numeracao dos nodos -------------------------------------------------------------
+	.stopit <- FALSE
+	i <- 1
+	nans <- dim(ans)[1]
+	while ( !.stopit ) {
+		i <- i + 1
+		GTtflag <- 	( as.numeric(ans$Node.N[i]) > as.numeric(ans$Node.N[i-1])+1 ) &&
+					( as.numeric(ans$Level[i]) == as.numeric(ans$Level[i-1]) )
+			if (GTtflag) {
+				old.value <- ans$Node.N[i]
+				ans$Node.N[i] <- ans$Node.N[i-1] + 1
+				usedlevel <- ans$Level[i-1] + 1
+				position <- intersect(which(ans$Level == usedlevel),which(ans$Father == old.value))
+				if ( length(position) > 0) {
+					ans$Father[position] <- old.value
+					ans$Father.Name[position] <- ans$Node.name[i-1]
+				}
+				ans <- ans[ order(ans$Level,ans$Father, ans$Node.N),]
+				i <- 1
+			} else {
+				if (i >= nans) .stopit <- TRUE
+			}
+		}
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	rownames(ans) <- NULL
+	return(ans)

Property changes on: pkg/R/remove.node.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/removenodewindows.R
--- pkg/R/removenodewindows.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/removenodewindows.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+`removenodewindows` <-
+function(...) {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		node.col <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		if (node.col > 1) {
+			position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == node.col)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+			Removenamevar <- TheTree$Node.name[position]
+			msg <- paste("Deseja realmente excluir o nodo '", Removenamevar, "'?", sep = "")
+			ans <- tkmessageBox(message=msg, icon="question",type="yesnocancel",default="no")
+			ans <- as.character(tclvalue(ans))
+			if (ans == "yes") {
+				NewTheTree <- remove.node(TheTree, node.col, node.number)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+				setremovenode(NewTheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+				refreshF5()
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+		} else {
+			msg <- paste("Não é possível remover o nodo raiz.")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/removenodewindows.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/rollback.R
--- pkg/R/rollback.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/rollback.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+`rollback` <-
+function(TheTree) {
+	Matrixset <- convert2matrix(TheTree)
+	x <- Matrixset$x
+	probMAT <- Matrixset$probMAT
+	utilityMAT <- Matrixset$utilityMAT
+	effectivenessMAT <- Matrixset$effectivenessMAT
+	num.col <- dim(probMAT)[2]
+	num.lin <- dim(probMAT)[1]
+	ans.ce <- matrix(0, num.lin, num.col)
+	ans.cost <- matrix(0, num.lin, num.col)
+	ans.effectiveness <- matrix(0, num.lin, num.col)
+	for (i in 1:(num.col)) {
+		nodes <- as.numeric(names(table(x[,i])))
+		for (j in nodes) {
+			position <- which(x[,i] == j)
+			sub.x <- x[position, i:num.col]
+			lines.sub <- length(position)
+			column.sub <- num.col - i + 1
+			sub.x <- matrix(sub.x, lines.sub, column.sub)
+			sub.prob <- probMAT[position, i:num.col]
+			sub.prob <- matrix(sub.prob, lines.sub, column.sub)
+			sub.util <- utilityMAT[position, i:num.col]
+			sub.util <- matrix(sub.util, lines.sub, column.sub)
+			sub.effectiveness <- effectivenessMAT[position, i:num.col]
+			sub.effectiveness <- matrix(sub.effectiveness, lines.sub, column.sub)
+			if (is.null(sub.prob)) {
+				sub.prob[,1] <- 1
+				sub.util[,1] <- 0
+				sub.effectiveness[,1] <- 1
+				val.expected.ce <- sum ( apply(sub.prob, 1, prod) * apply(sub.util/sub.effectiveness, 1, sum) )
+				val.expected.cost <- sum ( apply(sub.prob, 1, prod) * apply(sub.util, 1, sum) )
+				val.expected.effectiveness <- sum ( apply(sub.prob, 1, prod) * apply(sub.effectiveness, 1, sum) )
+			} else {
+				sub.prob[,1] <- 1
+				val.expected <- sum ( apply(sub.prob,1,prod) * apply(sub.util/sub.effectiveness,1,sum) )
+				val.expected.cost <- sum ( apply(sub.prob, 1, prod) * apply(sub.util, 1, sum) )
+				val.expected.effectiveness <- sum ( apply(sub.prob, 1, prod) * apply(sub.effectiveness, 1, sum) )
+			}
+			ans.ce[position, i] <- val.expected
+			ans.cost[position, i] <- val.expected.cost
+			ans.effectiveness[position, i] <- val.expected.effectiveness
+		}	
+	}
+	ans <- list("CE" = ans.ce, "Cost" = ans.cost, "Effectiveness" = ans.effectiveness)
+	return(ans)

Property changes on: pkg/R/rollback.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/safedofunction.R
--- pkg/R/safedofunction.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/safedofunction.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+`safedofunction` <-
+function(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore) {
+	assign("TheTree", TheTree, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure)
+	assign(".modeltypeArvore", .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure)

Property changes on: pkg/R/safedofunction.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/sair.R
--- pkg/R/sair.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/sair.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+`sair` <-
+function() {
+	ReturnVal <- tkmessageBox(title = "Sair do Programa",
+	message = "Deseja realmente sair do programa?",
+    icon = "question", type = "yesnocancel", default = "no")
+    if (tclvalue(ReturnVal) == "yes") {
+	    if (.workstatus == "saved") {
+			tkdestroy(tt)
+		} else {
+			ReturnVal <- tkmessageBox(title = "Sair do Programa", message="Deseja salvar a árvore atual?",
+						icon="question", type="yesnocancel", default="yes")
+			if (tclvalue(ReturnVal) == "yes") {
+    			save.file.arv()
+    			tkdestroy(tt)
+			} else {
+				tkdestroy(tt)
+			}
+		}
+		# clear all arvoRe objects
+		.final.objects <- objects(envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe, all.names = TRUE)
+		.init.objects <- get(".init.objects", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		toremove.objects <- setdiff(.final.objects, .init.objects)
+		rm(list = toremove.objects, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}
+	else tkfocus(tt)

Property changes on: pkg/R/sair.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/save.as.file.arv.R
--- pkg/R/save.as.file.arv.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/save.as.file.arv.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+`save.as.file.arv` <-
+function(...) {
+	fileName<-tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{ArvoRe Files} {.arv}} {{All files} *}"))
+	if (!nchar(fileName))
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	else {
+		ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+		if ( ans != ".arv" ) fileName <- paste(fileName, ".arv", sep="")
+		save(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore, markov.propertiesMAT, file = fileName, ascii = TRUE)
+		assign(".workstatus", "saved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".opennedfile", fileName, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		.Windowtitle <- paste("ÁrvoRe - Janela Principal", " - [", .opennedfile, "]", sep = "")
+		tkwm.title(tt, .Windowtitle)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}	

Property changes on: pkg/R/save.as.file.arv.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/save.file.arv.R
--- pkg/R/save.file.arv.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/save.file.arv.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+`save.file.arv` <-
+function(...) {
+	if ( .opennedfile == "newfile") {
+		fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{ArvoRe Files} {.arv}} {{All files} *}"))
+		if (!nchar(fileName))
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		else {
+			ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+			if ( ans != ".arv" ) fileName <- paste(fileName, ".arv", sep="")
+			save(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore, markov.propertiesMAT, file = fileName, ascii = TRUE)
+			assign(".workstatus", "saved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			assign(".opennedfile", fileName, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.Windowtitle <- paste("ÁrvoRe - Janela Principal", " - [", .opennedfile, "]", sep = "")
+			tkwm.title(tt, .Windowtitle)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+	} else {
+			fileName <- .opennedfile
+			save(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore, markov.propertiesMAT, file = fileName, ascii = TRUE)
+			assign(".workstatus", "saved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			assign(".opennedfile", fileName, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.Windowtitle <- paste("ÁrvoRe - Janela Principal", " - [", .opennedfile, "]", sep = "")
+			tkwm.title(tt, .Windowtitle)
+			tkfocus(tt)		
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/save.file.arv.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/select.markov.propertiesMAT.R
--- pkg/R/select.markov.propertiesMAT.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/select.markov.propertiesMAT.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+`select.markov.propertiesMAT` <-
+function(TheTree, SubTree, markov.propertiesMAT) {
+	require(abind)
+	selected.lines <- rownames(SubTree)
+	check.tree <- TheTree[selected.lines,]
+	wanted.level <- check.tree$Level[1]+1
+	check.tree <- check.tree[check.tree$Level == wanted.level,]
+	ans <- data.frame(	"Level" = array(,0),
+						"Node.N" = array(,0),
+						"Node.name" = array(,0),
+						"Father" = array(,0),
+						"Father.Name" = array(,0),
+						"Initial.cost" = array(,0), 
+						"Incremental.cost" = array(,0), 
+						"Final.cost" = array(,0),
+						"Initial.effectiveness" = array(,0), 
+						"Incremental.effectiveness" = array(,0), 
+						"Final.effectiveness" = array(,0))
+	for (i in 1:length(check.tree$Node.N) ) {
+		balde <- subset(markov.propertiesMAT, Node.N == check.tree$Node.N[i])
+		n.lin.balde <- dim(balde)[1]
+		if (n.lin.balde > 0) {
+			ans <- abind(ans, balde, along = 1)
+		} else {
+			balde <- data.frame(	"Level" = check.tree$Level[i],
+									"Node.N" = check.tree$Node.N[i],
+									"Node.name" = check.tree$Node.name[i],
+									"Father" = check.tree$Father[i],
+									"Father.Name" = check.tree$Father.Name[i],
+									"Initial.cost" = 0, 
+									"Incremental.cost" = check.tree$Payoff1[i], 
+									"Final.cost" = 0,
+									"Initial.effectiveness" = 0, 
+									"Incremental.effectiveness" = check.tree$Payoff2[i], 
+									"Final.effectiveness" = 0)
+			ans <- abind(ans, balde, along = 1)
+		}
+	}
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	wanted.level.sub <- SubTree$Level[1]+1
+	subSubTree <- subset(SubTree, Level == wanted.level.sub)
+	ans$Level <- subSubTree$Level
+	ans$Node.N <- subSubTree$Node.N
+	ans$Father <- subSubTree$Father
+	ans$Father.Name <- subSubTree$Father.Name
+	rownames(ans) <- rownames(subSubTree)
+	ans$Level <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Level))
+	ans$Node.N <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Node.N))
+	ans$Node.name <- (as.character(ans$Node.name))
+	ans$Father <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Father))
+	ans$Father.Name <- (as.character(ans$Father.Name))
+	ans$Initial.cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Initial.cost))
+	ans$Incremental.cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incremental.cost))
+	ans$Final.cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Final.cost))
+	ans$Initial.effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Initial.effectiveness))
+	ans$Incremental.effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incremental.effectiveness))
+	ans$Final.effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Final.effectiveness))
+	return(ans)

Property changes on: pkg/R/select.markov.propertiesMAT.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/select.origins.R
--- pkg/R/select.origins.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/select.origins.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+`select.origins` <-
+function(TheTree, node.col, node.number) {
+	require(abind)
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == node.col)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	ans <- TheTree[position,]
+	levelnodevalue <- node.col - 1
+	nodenumbervalue <- ans$Father[1] #[position]
+	while ( levelnodevalue > 0) {
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == levelnodevalue)),which(TheTree$Node.N == nodenumbervalue))
+		subData <- TheTree[position,]
+		ans <- abind(subData, ans, along=1)
+		nodenumbervalue <- subData$Father[1]
+		levelnodevalue <- levelnodevalue - 1
+	}
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	ans$Level <- as.numeric(ans$Level)
+	ans$Node.N <- as.numeric(ans$Node.N)
+	ans$Node.name <- as.character(ans$Node.name)
+	ans$Father <- as.numeric(ans$Father)
+	ans$Father.Name <- as.character(ans$Father.Name)
+	ans$Prob <- as.numeric(ans$Prob)
+	ans$Type <- as.character(ans$Type)
+	ans$Note <- as.character(ans$Note)
+	ans$Destiny <- as.character(ans$Destiny)
+	ans$Payoff1 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff1))
+	ans$Payoff2 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff2))
+	return(ans)

Property changes on: pkg/R/select.origins.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/select.subtree.R
--- pkg/R/select.subtree.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/select.subtree.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+`select.subtree` <-
+function(TheTree, node.col, node.number, change.row.names = FALSE) {
+	require(abind)
+	levelmax <- max(TheTree$Level)
+	variables <- names(TheTree)
+	ans <- subset(TheTree, Level == node.col, select = variables)
+	ans <- subset(ans, Node.N == node.number, select = variables)
+# 	print(ans)
+	if (node.col != levelmax) {
+		i <- (node.col+1)
+		pais <- node.number
+		while (i != 0) {
+			Datatmp <- subset(TheTree, Level == i, select = variables)
+			novos.pais <- array(,0)
+			for (j in pais) {
+				DatatmpP <- subset(Datatmp, Father == j, select = variables)
+				if (dim(DatatmpP)[1] != 0) {
+					ans <- abind(ans, DatatmpP, along=1)
+# 					print(ans)
+					novos.pais <- c(novos.pais, DatatmpP$Node.N)
+				}
+			}
+			pais <- novos.pais
+			if (i == levelmax) {
+				i <- 0
+			} else {
+				i <- i + 1
+			}
+			if( length(pais) == 0) i <- 0
+		}
+	}
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	ans$Level <- as.numeric(ans$Level)
+	ans$Node.N <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Node.N))
+	ans$Node.name <- as.character(ans$Node.name)
+	ans$Father <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Father))
+	ans$Father.Name <- as.character(ans$Father.Name)
+	ans$Prob <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Prob))
+	ans$Type <- as.character(ans$Type)
+	ans$Note <- as.character(ans$Note)
+	ans$Destiny <- as.character(ans$Destiny)
+	ans$Payoff1 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff1))
+	ans$Payoff2 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff2))
+# 	# Ajusta a numeração dos nodos
+# 	levelmax <- max(ans$Level)
+# 	for (i in 1:levelmax) {
+# 		positions <- which(ans$Level == i)
+# 		n.node <- as.numeric(names(table(ans$Node.N[positions])))
+# 		size.n.node <- length(n.node)
+# 		for (j in 1:size.n.node) {
+# 			positions.node.replace <- which(ans$Node.N == n.node[j])
+# 			positions.node.replace <- intersect(positions, positions.node.replace)
+# 			ans$Node.N[positions.node.replace] <- j
+# 			if (i != levelmax) {
+# 				positions.next.level <- which(ans$Level == (i+1))
+# 				positions.node.as.father <- which(ans$Father == n.node[j])
+# 				positions.node.as.father <- intersect(positions.next.level, positions.node.as.father)
+# 				ans$Father[positions] <- j
+# 			}
+# 		}
+# 	}
+	ans <- ans[ order(ans$Level,ans$Node.N),]
+ 	if (change.row.names) rownames(ans) <- NULL
+	return(ans)

Property changes on: pkg/R/select.subtree.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/set.markov.nodes.properties.R
--- pkg/R/set.markov.nodes.properties.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/set.markov.nodes.properties.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+`set.markov.nodes.properties` <-
+function(TheTree, markov.propertiesMAT, column, node.number, 
+					Initial.rwd.cost = 0, 
+					Incremental.rwd.cost = 0, 
+					Final.rwd.cost = 0,
+					Initial.rwd.effectiveness = 1, 
+					Incremental.rwd.effectiveness = 1, 
+					Final.rwd.effectiveness = 1	) {
+	require(abind)
+	if (!is.numeric(node.number)) node.number <- as.numeric(node.number)
+	if (!is.numeric(column)) column <- as.numeric(column)
+	position.markov <- intersect(which((markov.propertiesMAT$Level == column)),
+									which(markov.propertiesMAT$Node.N == node.number))
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position.markov) != 0) {
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Node.name[position.markov] <- TheTree$Node.name[position]
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Father[position.markov] <- TheTree$Father[position]
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Father.Name[position.markov] <- TheTree$Father.Name[position]		
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.cost[position.markov] <- Initial.rwd.cost
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.cost[position.markov] <- Incremental.rwd.cost
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Final.cost[position.markov] <- Final.rwd.cost
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.effectiveness[position.markov] <- Initial.rwd.effectiveness
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.effectiveness[position.markov] <- Incremental.rwd.effectiveness
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Final.effectiveness[position.markov] <- Final.rwd.effectiveness
+	} else {
+		markov.propertiesLINE <- data.frame("Level" = column,
+											"Node.N" = node.number,
+											"Node.name" = TheTree$Node.name[position],
+											"Father" = TheTree$Father[position],
+											"Father.Name" = TheTree$Father.Name[position],
+											"Initial.cost" = Initial.rwd.cost, 
+											"Incremental.cost" = Incremental.rwd.cost, 
+											"Final.cost" = Final.rwd.cost,
+											"Initial.effectiveness" = Initial.rwd.effectiveness, 
+											"Incremental.effectiveness" = Incremental.rwd.effectiveness, 
+											"Final.effectiveness" = Final.rwd.effectiveness)
+		markov.propertiesMAT <- abind(markov.propertiesMAT, markov.propertiesLINE, along=1)
+		markov.propertiesMAT <- as.data.frame(markov.propertiesMAT)
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Level <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Level))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Node.N <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Node.N))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Node.name <- (as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Node.name))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Father <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Father))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Father.Name <- (as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Father.Name))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.cost <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.cost))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.cost <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.cost))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Final.cost <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Final.cost))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.effectiveness))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.effectiveness))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Final.effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Final.effectiveness))
+	}
+	setutility(TheTree, column, node.number, Incremental.rwd.cost, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	TheTree <- get("TheTree", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	seteffectiveness(TheTree, column, node.number, Incremental.rwd.effectiveness, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign("markov.propertiesMAT", markov.propertiesMAT, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)

Property changes on: pkg/R/set.markov.nodes.properties.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/set.model.type.R
--- pkg/R/set.model.type.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/set.model.type.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+`set.model.type` <-
+function(typemodel) {
+	safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+	if (( typemodel == "CE")||( typemodel == "SD")) {
+		assign(".modeltypeArvore", typemodel, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	} else {
+		cat("Error!! \n")	
+	}
+	refreshF5()
+	assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)

Property changes on: pkg/R/set.model.type.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/set.value.R
--- pkg/R/set.value.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/set.value.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,144 @@
+`set.value` <-
+function(TheTree) {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		node.type <- TheTree$Type[position]
+		node.name <- TheTree$Node.name[position]
+		setvalueWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Propriedades"
+		tkwm.title(setvalueWindow,title)
+		# Create frames
+		FrameOverall <- tkframe(setvalueWindow, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		FrameLeft <- tkframe(FrameOverall, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		FrameRight <- tkframe(FrameOverall, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		FrameButton <- tkframe(FrameRight, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		FrameMenuButton <- tkframe(FrameLeft, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		FrameLower <- tkframe(FrameOverall, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		# Node label
+		text.to.label <- paste("Nodo : ", node.name, sep = "")
+		node.tk.label <- tklabel(FrameLeft, text = text.to.label)
+		if (node.type == "C") node.type.label <- "Chance"
+		else if (node.type == "T") node.type.label <- "Terminal"
+		else if (node.type == "M") node.type.label <- "Markov"
+		else if (node.type == "D") node.type.label <- "Decision"
+		else node.type.label <- "Unknow"
+		text.to.label <- paste("Tipo : ", node.type.label, sep = "")
+		node.tk.type <- tklabel(FrameLeft, text = text.to.label)
+		tkgrid(node.tk.label, sticky = "nw", columnspan = 2)
+		tkgrid(node.tk.type, sticky = "nw", columnspan = 2)
+		# The menubutton width
+		menubutton.width <- 15
+######### O menubutton
+		Operators <- tkmenubutton(FrameMenuButton, text = "Operadores", direction = "below", 
+							borderwidth = 1, relief = "raised", indicatoron = TRUE,
+							width = menubutton.width)	
+######### O menu associado ao menubutton
+		menuOperatorsChild <- tkmenu(Operators, tearoff=FALSE)
+			# Os ítens do ítem "Botão de menu"
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label=">",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="<",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label=">=",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="<=",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="==",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"separator")
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="&&",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="||",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"separator")
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="(",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label=")",command=function() {})			
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"separator")
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"separator")
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="Sair",command=function() tkdestroy(setvalueWindow))
+		# Ajusta que o menu associado ao menubutton é menufilho
+		tkconfigure(Operators, menu = menuOperatorsChild)
+		# Monta o rótulo e o checkbutton
+######### O menubutton
+		Functions <- tkmenubutton(FrameMenuButton, text = "Funções", direction = "below", 
+							borderwidth = 1, relief = "raised", indicatoron = TRUE,
+							width = menubutton.width)
+######### O menu associado ao menubutton
+		menuFunctionsChild <- tkmenu(Functions, tearoff = FALSE)
+			# Os ítens do ítem "Botão de menu"
+			tkadd(menuFunctionsChild,"command",label="X",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuFunctionsChild,"command",label="XX",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuFunctionsChild,"separator")
+			tkadd(menuFunctionsChild,"command",label="XXX",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuFunctionsChild,"command",label="XXXX",command=function() {})
+		# Ajusta que o menu associado ao menubutton é menufilho
+		tkconfigure(Functions, menu = menuFunctionsChild)
+######### O menubutton
+		Keywords <- tkmenubutton(FrameMenuButton, text = "Palavra chave", direction = "below", 
+							borderwidth = 1, relief = "raised", indicatoron = TRUE,
+							width = menubutton.width)
+######### O menu associado ao menubutton
+		menuKeywordsChild <- tkmenu(Keywords, tearoff = FALSE)
+			# Os ítens do ítem "Botão de menu"
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".stage",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".stage.cost",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".stage.eff",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".stage.reward",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"separator")
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".total.cost",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".total.eff",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".total.reward",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label="NONE",command=function() {})
+		# Ajusta que o menu associado ao menubutton é menufilho
+		tkconfigure(Keywords, menu = menuKeywordsChild)
+		# Monta os menubuttons
+		tkgrid(Operators, Functions, Keywords, sticky = "n", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		Text.space <- tktext(FrameLeft, borderwidth = 2, relief = "sunken",
+								height = 5, width = 30, wrap = "word")
+		OnOK <- function()
+		{
+		}
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(setvalueWindow)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+    	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(FrameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(FrameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(setvalueWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(FrameButton, sticky = "nwe")
+		tkgrid(FrameMenuButton, sticky = "nwe")
+		tkgrid(Text.space, sticky = "swe", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(FrameLeft, FrameRight, sticky = "nwe")
+		tkgrid(FrameLower, sticky = "swe")
+		tkgrid(FrameOverall)
+		tkfocus(setvalueWindow)
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/set.value.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/set.zoom.image.tree.R
--- pkg/R/set.zoom.image.tree.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/set.zoom.image.tree.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+`set.zoom.image.tree` <-
+function(imgHeight, imgWidth, scalarfac = 1) {
+	imgHeight <- imgHeight * scalarfac
+	imgWidth <- imgWidth * scalarfac
+	assign("imgHeight", imgHeight, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign("imgWidth", imgWidth, .EnvironmentArvoRe)

Property changes on: pkg/R/set.zoom.image.tree.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/setaddnode.R
--- pkg/R/setaddnode.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/setaddnode.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+`setaddnode` <-
+function(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)

Property changes on: pkg/R/setaddnode.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/setdestinynode.R
--- pkg/R/setdestinynode.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/setdestinynode.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+`setdestinynode` <-
+function(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)

Property changes on: pkg/R/setdestinynode.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/seteffectiveness.R
--- pkg/R/seteffectiveness.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/seteffectiveness.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+`seteffectiveness` <-
+function(TheTree, column, node.number, pvalue, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	if (!is.numeric(node.number)) node.number <- as.numeric(node.number)
+	if (!is.numeric(column)) column <- as.numeric(column)
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position) >= 1) {
+		TheTree$Payoff2[position] <- pvalue
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/seteffectiveness.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/setnodename.R
--- pkg/R/setnodename.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/setnodename.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+`setnodename` <-
+function(TheTree, column, node.number, nodename, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	if (!is.numeric(node.number)) node.number <- as.numeric(node.number)
+	if (!is.numeric(column)) column <- as.numeric(column)
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position) >= 1) {
+# 		old.father.name <- TheTree$Node.name[position]
+		TheTree$Node.name[position] <- nodename
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == (column+1) )),which(TheTree$Father == node.number))
+		if (length(position) >= 1) {
+			TheTree$Father.Name[position] <- nodename
+		}
+	assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/setnodename.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/setnotesnode.R
--- pkg/R/setnotesnode.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/setnotesnode.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+`setnotesnode` <-
+function(TheTree, column, node.number, nodo.note, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position) >= 1) {
+		TheTree$Note[position] <- nodo.note
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/setnotesnode.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/setprob.R
--- pkg/R/setprob.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/setprob.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+`setprob` <-
+function(TheTree, column, node.number, pvalue, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	if (!is.numeric(node.number)) node.number <- as.numeric(node.number)
+	if (!is.numeric(column)) column <- as.numeric(column)
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position) >= 1) {
+		TheTree$Prob[position] <- pvalue
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}
+	refreshF5()

Property changes on: pkg/R/setprob.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/setremovenode.R
--- pkg/R/setremovenode.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/setremovenode.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
+`setremovenode` <-
+function(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)

Property changes on: pkg/R/setremovenode.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/settreevartype.R
--- pkg/R/settreevartype.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/settreevartype.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+`settreevartype` <-
+function(TheTree) {
+	TheTree$Level <- as.numeric(TheTree$Level)
+	TheTree$Node.N <- as.numeric(TheTree$Node.N)
+	TheTree$Node.name <- as.character(TheTree$Node.name)
+	TheTree$Father <- as.numeric(TheTree$Father)
+	TheTree$Father.Name <- as.character(TheTree$Father.Name)
+	TheTree$Prob <- as.numeric(TheTree$Prob)
+	TheTree$Type <- as.character(TheTree$Type)
+	TheTree$Note <- as.character(TheTree$Note)
+	TheTree$Destiny <- as.character(TheTree$Destiny)
+	TheTree$Payoff1 <- as.numeric(as.character(TheTree$Payoff1))
+	TheTree$Payoff2 <- as.numeric(as.character(TheTree$Payoff2))
+	assign("TheTree", TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)

Property changes on: pkg/R/settreevartype.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/settypenode.R
--- pkg/R/settypenode.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/settypenode.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+`settypenode` <-
+function(TheTree, column, node.number, nodo.type, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position) >= 1) {
+		TheTree$Type[position] <- nodo.type
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/settypenode.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/setutility.R
--- pkg/R/setutility.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/setutility.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+`setutility` <-
+function(TheTree, column, node.number, pvalue, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	if (!is.numeric(node.number)) node.number <- as.numeric(node.number)
+	if (!is.numeric(column)) column <- as.numeric(column)
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position) >= 1) {
+		TheTree$Payoff1[position] <- pvalue
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/setutility.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/setvariablelist.R
--- pkg/R/setvariablelist.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/setvariablelist.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+`setvariablelist` <-
+function(variableMAT, newvariableline = " ", variable.name = " ", action = "edit") {
+	if (action == "delete") {
+		variables <- names(variableMAT)
+		ans <- subset(variableMAT, Name != variable.name, select = variables)
+	}
+	if (action == "add") {
+		require(abind)
+		ans <- abind(variableMAT, newvariableline, along=1)
+	}
+	if (action == "edit") {
+		variables <- names(variableMAT)
+		ans <- subset(variableMAT, Name != variable.name, select = variables)
+		require(abind)
+		ans <- abind(ans, newvariableline, along=1)
+	}
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	ans$Name <- as.character(ans$Name)
+	ans$Fix.Value <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Fix.Value))
+	ans$Min.Value <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Min.Value))
+	ans$Max.Value <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Max.Value))
+	ans$Notes <- as.character(ans$Notes)
+	assign("variableMAT", ans, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)

Property changes on: pkg/R/setvariablelist.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/show.prob.check.window.R
--- pkg/R/show.prob.check.window.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/show.prob.check.window.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+`show.prob.check.window` <-
+function(TheTree) {
+		msg <- probability.check(TheTree)
+		icon="error"
+		if (msg[2] == "0") {
+			icon="warning"
+		}
+		tkmessageBox(title = "ÁrvoRe - Verificação das Probabilidades", message=msg[1], icon = icon, type = "ok")
+		tkfocus(tt)

Property changes on: pkg/R/show.prob.check.window.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/show.summary.rollback.window.R
--- pkg/R/show.summary.rollback.window.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/show.summary.rollback.window.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+`show.summary.rollback.window` <-
+function(...) {
+	k <- summary.rollback.table(TheTree)
+	names(k) <- c("Nível", "Nodo N", "Nome do nodo", 
+					"Custo Esperado", "Efetividade Esperada", "Razão C-E Esperada", 
+					"Nome Nodo Pai", "Probabilidade",
+					"Custo", "Efetividade", "Tipo")
+	displayInTable(as.matrix(k), title="Valores Esperados (Roll-back)",
+					height=10,width=8,nrow=dim(k)[1],ncol=dim(k)[2], 
+					titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE)

Property changes on: pkg/R/show.summary.rollback.window.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/show.summary.tree.window.R
--- pkg/R/show.summary.tree.window.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/show.summary.tree.window.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+`show.summary.tree.window` <-
+function(...) {
+	k <- TheTree
+	displayInTable(as.matrix(k), title="Informação da árvore",
+					height=10,width=8,nrow=dim(k)[1],ncol=dim(k)[2], 
+					titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE)

Property changes on: pkg/R/show.summary.tree.window.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/simple.markov.coort.table.R
--- pkg/R/simple.markov.coort.table.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/simple.markov.coort.table.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+`simple.markov.coort.table` <-
+function(TheTree, trials = 10000, seed = FALSE) {
+	# ajusta a semente escolhida pelo usuário
+	if (seed != FALSE) {
+		set.seed(seed)	
+	}
+	# Convert the tree to matrix format
+	MatrixTheTree <- convert2matrix(TheTree)
+# 	print(MatrixTheTree)
+	x <- MatrixTheTree$x								# Structure matrix
+	y <- MatrixTheTree$y								# Node name matrix
+	typeMAT <- MatrixTheTree$typeMAT					# Node type matrix
+	utilityMAT <- MatrixTheTree$utilityMAT				# Node Cost matrix 
+	effectivenessMAT <- MatrixTheTree$effectivenessMAT	# Node effectiveness matrix
+	probMAT <- MatrixTheTree$probMAT					# Node probability matrix
+	num.col.x <- dim(x)[2]
+	num.lin.x <- dim(x)[1]
+	probMAT[,1] <- 1.0	# Agora o nodo raiz recebe prob = 1.
+	typeMAT[,1] <- "D"	# Agora o nodo raiz recebe "D".
+	# ajusta elementos para matriz... pois com vetor não funciona
+# 	utilityMAT <- matrix(utilityMAT, num.lin.x, num.col.x)
+# 	effectivenessMAT <- matrix(utilityMAT, num.lin.x, num.col.x)
+# 	probMAT <- matrix(utilityMAT, num.lin.x, num.col.x)
+	# ajusta custo e efetividade: serão acumulados através dos nodos.
+	if (num.lin.x > 1) {
+		utilityMAT <- apply(utilityMAT, 1, sum)
+		effectivenessMAT <- apply(effectivenessMAT, 1, sum)
+	} else {
+		utilityMAT <- sum(utilityMAT)
+		effectivenessMAT <- sum(effectivenessMAT)
+	}
+	# cria a tabela que comportará os individuos
+# 	Coorte.Ind <- matrix(0, 1, trials)	# Matriz com cada individuo
+# 	Coorte.Cost <- matrix(0, 1, trials)	# Matriz com custo de cada individuo
+# 	Coorte.Effec <- matrix(0, 1, trials)	# Matriz com a efetividade de cada individuo
+	# A simulação em si. Choose your destiny!
+	sorteado <- runif(trials,0,1)
+	linprobs <- cumsum(apply(probMAT, 1, prod)) # observa a probabilidade de cada ramo acontecer numa runif
+	valn <- length(linprobs)
+	linprobs.Matrix <- matrix(linprobs, trials, valn, byrow = TRUE) # podemos ter problema de memória aqui!!!
+	resultado <- valn - apply(sorteado <= linprobs.Matrix, 1, sum) + 1
+#  	ans.dest <- destinos[resultado]	# quantos vão para cada categoria
+	ans.cost <- utilityMAT[resultado]
+	ans.effectiveness <- effectivenessMAT[resultado]
+ 	Coorte.Ind <- matrix(resultado, 1, trials)				# Matriz com cada individuo
+	Coorte.Cost <- matrix(ans.cost, 1, trials)				# Matriz com custo de cada individuo
+	Coorte.Effec <- matrix(ans.effectiveness, 1, trials)	# Matriz com a efetividade de cada individuo
+	ans <- list(Path = Coorte.Ind, Cost = Coorte.Cost, Effectiveness = Coorte.Effec)
+	return(ans)	# And return the result

Property changes on: pkg/R/simple.markov.coort.table.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/sobre.R
--- pkg/R/sobre.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/sobre.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+`sobre` <-
+function(versionarvore, versiondate) {
+	.Mensagem <- paste(
+" ________________________________________ \n\n",
+" ArvoRe - Análise de Custo Efetividade no R              \n",
+" (Simulação de primeira ordem MCMC)                      \n\n",
+paste("Versão : ", versionarvore, "                                     \n", sep=""),
+paste("Versão : ", versiondate, "                                     \n", sep=""),
+" ________________________________________ \n\n",
+" Autor:                                                  \n",
+" Isaías V. Prestes                                       \n",
+" IM - Departamento de Estatística                        \n",
+" Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,              \n",
+" Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, Porto Alegre, Brasil         \n",
+" E-mail: isaias.prestes at ufrgs.br                         \n",
+" URL: http://www.mat.ufrgs.br/~camey/                    \n",
+" ________________________________________ \n",
+" \n", sep = "")
+	sobre.wm.title <- "Sobre o Programa"
+	ReturnVal <- tkmessageBox(title = sobre.wm.title,
+    message = .Mensagem, icon = "info", type = "ok")
+    tkfocus(tt)

Property changes on: pkg/R/sobre.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/splashscreenArvoRe.R
--- pkg/R/splashscreenArvoRe.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/splashscreenArvoRe.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
+`splashscreenArvoRe` <-
+function() {
+	splashArvoRe <- tktoplevel()
+	Width <- 640
+	Height <- 480
+	tkwm.title(splashArvoRe, paste("ÁrvoRe - ", .arvore.version, sep=""))
+	for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+		icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Arvore.png",sep=""))
+		if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+			icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+			new.but <- tkbutton(splashArvoRe, image=icn, width=Width, height=Height, 
+							command=function() tkdestroy(splashArvoRe))
+	 		tkgrid(new.but)
+		} 
+	}
+	posiciona.janela.tela(splashArvoRe)
+	tkfocus(splashArvoRe)
+	tcl("tkwait","window",splashArvoRe)

Property changes on: pkg/R/splashscreenArvoRe.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/summary.rollback.table.R
--- pkg/R/summary.rollback.table.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/summary.rollback.table.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+`summary.rollback.table` <-
+function(TheTree) {
+	Matrixset <- convert2matrix(TheTree)
+	x <- Matrixset$x
+	y <- Matrixset$y
+	probMAT <- Matrixset$probMAT
+	utilityMAT <- Matrixset$utilityMAT
+	effectivenessMAT <- Matrixset$effectivenessMAT
+	typeMAT <- Matrixset$typeMAT
+	rollbackLIST <- rollback(TheTree)
+	num.col <- dim(x)[2]
+	num.lin <- dim(x)[1]
+	levelnode <- array(,0)
+	paispos <- array(,0)
+	nnode <- array(,0)
+	namenode <- array(,0)
+	probnode <- array(,0)
+	utilitynode <- array(,0)
+	effectivenessnode <- array(,0)
+	typenode <- array(,0)
+	paisnodos.n <- array(,0)
+	paisnodos.name <- array(,0)
+	paisnodos <- array(,0)
+	expectedvalue.cost <- array(,0)
+	expectedvalue.effectiveness <- array(,0)
+	expectedvalue.ce <- array(,0)	
+	for (i in 1:num.col) {
+		max.node <- max(x[,i], na.rm = TRUE)
+		pais <- 1:max.node	
+		for (k in pais) {
+			levelnode <- c(levelnode,i)
+			nodepos <- which(x[,i] == k)[1]
+			paispos <- c(paispos, nodepos)
+			if (i == 1) {
+				paisnodos.n <- c(paisnodos.n, 1)
+				paisnodos.name <- c(paisnodos.name, " ")
+			} else {
+				paisnodos.n <- c(paisnodos.n, x[nodepos, i-1])
+				paisnodos.name <- c(paisnodos.name, y[nodepos, i-1])
+			}
+			nnode <- c(nnode, k)
+			namenode <- c(namenode, y[nodepos, i])
+			probnode <- c(probnode, probMAT[nodepos, i])
+			utilitynode <- c(utilitynode, utilityMAT[nodepos, i])
+			effectivenessnode <- c(effectivenessnode, effectivenessMAT[nodepos, i])
+			typenode <- c(typenode, typeMAT[nodepos, i])
+			expectedvalue.cost <- c(expectedvalue.cost, rollbackLIST[["Cost"]][nodepos, i])
+			expectedvalue.effectiveness <- c(expectedvalue.effectiveness, rollbackLIST[["Effectiveness"]][nodepos, i])
+			expectedvalue.ce <- c(expectedvalue.ce, rollbackLIST[["CE"]][nodepos, i])
+		}
+	}
+	tabela <- data.frame(Level = levelnode, Node.N = nnode, Node.name = namenode,
+						 "Mean Cost" = expectedvalue.cost,
+						 "Mean Effectiveness" = expectedvalue.effectiveness,
+						 "Mean C-E ratio" = expectedvalue.ce,
+# 						 Father = paisnodos.n, 
+						 Father.Name = paisnodos.name,
+						 Prob = probnode, Cost = utilitynode, Effectiveness = effectivenessnode,
+						 Type = typenode						 
+						 )
+	return(tabela)

Property changes on: pkg/R/summary.rollback.table.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/summary.simulation.window.R
--- pkg/R/summary.simulation.window.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/summary.simulation.window.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,945 @@
+`summary.simulation.window` <-
+function(Simlist, tempo1 = Sys.time(), tempo2 = Sys.time(), CicloVal, tipo.nodo = " ", digits = 3) {
+	require(abind)
+	require(gplots)
+	treatments.sim <- names(Simlist)
+	windheight <- 300
+	windwidth <- 750
+	summarysimulationWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	title <- "ÁrvoRe - Simulação Monte Carlo"
+	tkwm.title(summarysimulationWindow,title)
+	frameOverall <- tkwidget(summarysimulationWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+	frameResume <- tkwidget(frameOverall, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+	framePanelButton <- tkwidget(frameResume, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+	framebutton <- tkwidget(summarysimulationWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+	pBar <- tkwidget(frameResume, "NoteBook", height = windheight, width = windwidth)
+	tkpack(frameOverall, expand = 1, fill = "both") #, side = "left")
+	tkpack(frameResume, expand = 1, fill = "both", side = "top", anchor = "ne")
+	tkpack(framebutton, expand = 1, fill = "x", side = "bottom")
+	tkpack(pBar, expand = 1, fill = "both", side = "left")
+	tkpack(framePanelButton, fill = "both", side = "right") # , anchor = "ne"
+	PageNoteBook <- tcl(pBar, "insert", "end", "Page0", "-text", "Nodos")
+	timecounter <- 1
+	Alltreatmentstable <- data.frame(Treatment = array(,0), Data = array(,0), Mean = array(,0), 
+							Variance = array(,0), Sd = array(,0), Median = array(,0), 
+							Min = array(,0),Max = array(,0), 
+							Quartil1 = array(,0), Quartil2 = array(,0), CovDcDe = array(,0),
+							Time = array(,0))
+	for (i in treatments.sim) {
+		tempo <- tempo2[timecounter] - tempo1[timecounter]
+		timecounter <- timecounter + 1
+		# Cria uma página para este tratamento -------------------------------------------------
+		position <- which( treatments.sim == i)
+		pagetclname <- paste("Page",position, sep = "")
+		pagelabel <- i
+		PageNoteBook <- tcl(pBar, "insert", "end", pagetclname, "-text", pagelabel)
+		object.page.name <- paste("PageNoteBook", position, sep = "")
+		assign(object.page.name, PageNoteBook)
+		PageNoteBook.Window <- .Tk.newwin(PageNoteBook)
+		object.page.window.name <- paste("PageNoteBook.Window", position, sep = "")
+		assign(object.page.window.name, PageNoteBook.Window)
+		frameWindow <- tkwidget(PageNoteBook.Window, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = "Relatório")
+		# -------------------------------------------------
+		frameUpper <- tkframe(frameWindow, relief="groove", borderwidth = 0)
+		frameUpperLeft <- tkwidget(frameUpper, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = "Custo")
+		frameUpperRight <- tkwidget(frameUpper, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = "Efetividade")
+		frameLower <- tkframe(frameWindow, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+		# The node root name
+		node.root.name <- paste("Nodo : ", i, sep = "")
+		node.root.name.label <- tklabel(frameUpper, text = node.root.name)
+		tkgrid(node.root.name.label, sticky = "nw", columnspan = 1)
+		# The time of simulation
+		time.text <- paste("Tempo decorrido (segundos) : ", format(round(tempo, digits = digits), nsmall = digits), sep = "")
+		time.sim <- tklabel(frameUpper, text = time.text)
+		tkgrid(time.sim, sticky = "nw", columnspan = 1)
+		# A Efetividade -------------------------------------------------
+		Mktable <- Simlist[[i]]
+		Data <- Mktable$Effectiveness
+		# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+		Data <- apply(Data,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+		ntreat <- length(Data)
+		statisticsData <- summary(Data, na.rm = TRUE)
+		meanData <- mean(Data)
+		if ( tipo.nodo[position] == "M") {
+			varData <- ( 1 / (ntreat*(ntreat-1)) ) * sum( (Data - meanData)^2)
+		} else {
+			varData <- var(	Data, na.rm = TRUE )
+		}
+		sdData <- sqrt(varData)
+		medianData <- statisticsData[3]
+		minData <- statisticsData[1]
+		maxData <- statisticsData[6]
+		quartil1 <- statisticsData[2]
+		quartil3 <- statisticsData[5]
+		DataEff <- Data
+		# Guarda as informações importantes
+		line.data.summary <- data.frame(Treatment = pagelabel, Data = "Effectiveness", Mean = meanData, 
+							Variance = varData, Sd = sdData, Median = medianData, 
+							Min = minData, Max = maxData, 
+							Quartil1 = quartil1, Quartil2 = quartil3, 
+							CovDcDe = 0, Time = tempo)
+		Alltreatmentstable <- abind(Alltreatmentstable, line.data.summary, along=1)
+# 		print(line.data.summary)
+# 		print(Alltreatmentstable)
+	Alltreatmentstable <- as.data.frame(Alltreatmentstable)
+	Alltreatmentstable$Treatment <- as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Treatment)
+	Alltreatmentstable$Data <- as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Data)
+	Alltreatmentstable$Mean <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Mean))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Variance <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Variance))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Sd <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Sd))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Median <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Median))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Min <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Min))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Max <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Max))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Quartil1 <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Quartil1))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Quartil2 <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Quartil2))
+	Alltreatmentstable$CovDcDe <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$CovDcDe))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Time <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Time))
+		if ( tipo.nodo[position] == "M") {
+			varData <- var(	Data, na.rm = TRUE )
+			sdData <- sqrt(varData)
+		}
+		lableminsize <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text = paste(rep("_",50),collapse="",sep=""))
+		lableminsize2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text = paste(rep("_",50),collapse="",sep=""))
+# 		label0 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Tempo decorrido (segundos)")
+# 		label1 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(tempo, nsmall = digits) )
+		label2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Valor Médio")
+		label3 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(meanData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label4 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Variância")
+		label5 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(varData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label6 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Desvio Padrão")
+		label7 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(sdData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label8 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Mediana")
+		label9 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(medianData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label10 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Mínimo")
+		label11 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(minData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label12 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Máximo")
+		label13 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(maxData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label14 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "1st. Quartil")
+		label15 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(quartil1, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label16 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "3rd. Quartil")
+		label17 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(quartil3, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		tkgrid(lableminsize, row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
+# 		tkgrid(label0,  row = 2,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+# 		tkgrid(label1,  row = 2,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label2,  row = 3,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label3,  row = 3,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label4,  row = 4,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label5,  row = 4,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label6,  row = 5,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label7,  row = 5,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label8,  row = 6,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label9,  row = 6,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label10, row = 7,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label11, row = 7,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label12, row = 8,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label13, row = 8,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label14, row = 9,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label15, row = 9,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label16, row = 10, column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label17, row = 10, column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(lableminsize2, row = 11, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
+		# O Custo -------------------------------------------------
+		Data <- apply( Mktable$Cost, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+		ntreat <- length(Data)
+		statisticsData <- summary(Data, na.rm = TRUE)
+		meanData <- mean(Data)
+		if ( tipo.nodo[position] == "M") {
+			varData <- ( 1 / (ntreat*(ntreat-1)) ) * sum( (Data - meanData)^2)
+		} else {
+			varData <- var(	Data, na.rm = TRUE )
+		}
+		sdData <- sqrt(varData)
+		medianData <- statisticsData[3]
+		minData <- statisticsData[1]
+		maxData <- statisticsData[6]
+		quartil1 <- statisticsData[2]
+		quartil3 <- statisticsData[5] 
+		CovCE <- sum( (DataEff - mean(DataEff) * (Data - meanData)) / ( ntreat * (ntreat - 1) ) , na.rm = TRUE)
+# 		print(CovCE)
+		nlAllt <- dim(Alltreatmentstable)[1]
+		Alltreatmentstable$CovDcDe[ nlAllt ] <- CovCE
+		# Guarda as informações importantes
+		line.data.summary <- data.frame(Treatment = pagelabel, Data = "Cost", Mean = meanData, 
+							Variance = varData, Sd = sdData, Median = medianData, 
+							Min = minData, Max = maxData, 
+							Quartil1 = quartil1, Quartil2 = quartil3,
+							CovDcDe = CovCE, Time = tempo)
+		Alltreatmentstable <- abind(Alltreatmentstable, line.data.summary, along=1)
+# 		print(line.data.summary)
+# 		print(Alltreatmentstable)
+	Alltreatmentstable <- as.data.frame(Alltreatmentstable)
+	Alltreatmentstable$Treatment <- as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Treatment)
+	Alltreatmentstable$Data <- as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Data)
+	Alltreatmentstable$Mean <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Mean))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Variance <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Variance))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Sd <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Sd))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Median <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Median))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Min <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Min))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Max <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Max))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Quartil1 <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Quartil1))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Quartil2 <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Quartil2))
+	Alltreatmentstable$CovDcDe <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$CovDcDe))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Time <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Time))
+		if ( tipo.nodo[position] == "M") {
+			varData <- var(	Data, na.rm = TRUE )
+			sdData <- sqrt(varData)
+		}
+		lableminsize <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text = paste(rep("_",50),collapse="",sep=""))
+		lableminsize2 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text = paste(rep("_",50),collapse="",sep=""))
+# 		label0 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Tempo decorrido (segundos)")
+# 		label1 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(tempo, nsmall = digits) )
+		label2 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Valor Médio")
+		label3 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(meanData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label4 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Variância")
+		label5 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(varData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label6 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Desvio Padrão")
+		label7 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(sdData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label8 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Mediana")
+		label9 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(medianData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label10 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Mínimo")
+		label11 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(minData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label12 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Máximo")
+		label13 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(maxData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label14 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "1st. Quartil")
+		label15 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(quartil1, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label16 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "3rd. Quartil")
+		label17 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(quartil3, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		tkgrid(lableminsize, row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
+# 		tkgrid(label0,  row = 2,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+# 		tkgrid(label1,  row = 2,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label2,  row = 3,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label3,  row = 3,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label4,  row = 4,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label5,  row = 4,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label6,  row = 5,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label7,  row = 5,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label8,  row = 6,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label9,  row = 6,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label10, row = 7,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label11, row = 7,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label12, row = 8,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label13, row = 8,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label14, row = 9,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label15, row = 9,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label16, row = 10, column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label17, row = 10, column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(lableminsize2, row = 11, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
+		tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRight, sticky="ns")
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+		tkpack(frameWindow, expand = 1, fill = "both")
+		tkgrid(PageNoteBook.Window)
+		# The CE -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+		# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+		Data <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE) / apply(Mktable$Effectiveness, 2, sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+		Data <- replace( Data, Data == Inf, NA)
+		statisticsData <- summary(Data, na.rm = TRUE)
+		meanData <- statisticsData[4]
+		varData <- var(Data, na.rm = TRUE)
+		sdData <- sqrt(varData)
+		medianData <- statisticsData[3]
+		minData <- statisticsData[1]
+		maxData <- statisticsData[6]
+		quartil1 <- statisticsData[2]
+		quartil3 <- statisticsData[5]
+		# Guarda as informações importantes
+		line.data.summary <- data.frame(Treatment = pagelabel, Data = "C/E", Mean = meanData, 
+							Variance = varData, Sd = sdData, Median = medianData, 
+							Min = minData, Max = maxData, 
+							Quartil1 = quartil1, Quartil2 = quartil3, 
+							CovDcDe = NA, Time = tempo)
+		Alltreatmentstable <- abind(Alltreatmentstable, line.data.summary, along=1)		
+	}
+	# Uma limpeza na memória...
+	rm(Data, statisticsData, Mktable, CovCE, nlAllt, meanData, varData, sdData, medianData, minData, maxData,
+		quartil1, quartil3)
+	# Ajusta o Alltreatmentstable
+	rownames(Alltreatmentstable) <- NULL
+	Alltreatmentstable <- as.data.frame(Alltreatmentstable)
+	Alltreatmentstable$Treatment <- as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Treatment)
+	Alltreatmentstable$Data <- as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Data)
+	Alltreatmentstable$Mean <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Mean))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Variance <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Variance))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Sd <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Sd))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Median <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Median))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Min <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Min))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Max <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Max))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Quartil1 <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Quartil1))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Quartil2 <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Quartil2))
+	Alltreatmentstable$CovDcDe <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$CovDcDe))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Time <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Time))
+	Alltreatmentstable <- Alltreatmentstable[ order(Alltreatmentstable$Data),]
+# 	print(Alltreatmentstable)
+	assign("Alltreatmentstable", Alltreatmentstable, env = .GlobalEnv)
+	# The data to plot			
+	AllTreatCost <- Alltreatmentstable[Alltreatmentstable$Data == "Cost",]
+	AllTreatEffectiveness <- Alltreatmentstable[Alltreatmentstable$Data == "Effectiveness",]
+	AllTreatCE <- Alltreatmentstable[Alltreatmentstable$Data == "C/E",]
+	# Initial colors to treatments points
+	treatments.colors.plot <- 1:length(AllTreatCost$Treatment)
+	# The treatments names
+	treatments.label.plot <- AllTreatCost$Treatment
+	n.treat <- c(0,length(treatments.sim):1,0,length(treatments.sim))
+	for (i in n.treat) {
+		pagetclname <- paste("Page",i, sep="")
+		tcl(pBar,"raise",pagetclname)
+	}
+	tcl(pBar,"itemconfigure", "Page0", "-state", "disabled") # Set Page0 page to disabled.
+	OnOK <- function()
+	{
+		tkdestroy(summarysimulationWindow)
+		tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	OnGraph <- function(Mktable, Alltreatmentstable) {
+		selectedpage.number <- tclvalue(tcl(pBar,"raise"))	# Retorna a página selecionada
+		selectedpage.number <- as.numeric(substr(selectedpage.number,5,nchar(selectedpage.number)))
+		selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[selectedpage.number]
+		Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+		onGraph.summary.simwindow(Mktable, Alltreatmentstable, selected.treatment)
+	}
+	OnText <- function() {
+		StatsData <- Alltreatmentstable[ order(Alltreatmentstable$Treatment, Alltreatmentstable$Data),]
+		assign("StatsData", StatsData, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		Costdata <- subset(StatsData, Data == "Cost")
+		Effectivenessdata <- subset(StatsData, Data == "Effectiveness")
+		CEdata <- subset(StatsData, Data == "C/E")
+		statsSWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title.window <- "ÁrvoRe - MC Simulação - Estatísticas"
+		tkwm.title(statsSWindow, title.window)
+		frameOverall <- tkwidget(statsSWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		frameButtons <- tkframe(statsSWindow, relief="groove", borderwidth = 0)
+		OnNM <- function() {
+			WTPVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(WTPvar))
+			selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[1]
+			Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+			# The NMB -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+			# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+			DataCost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+			DataEffectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+			Data <- DataEffectiveness * WTPVal - DataCost
+			NMBtable <- data.frame( Cost = DataCost, 
+									Effectiveness = DataEffectiveness, 
+									NMB = Data)
+			namesvariables <- c(".Cost", ".Effectiveness", ".NMB")
+			names(NMBtable) <- paste(selected.treatment,namesvariables,sep="")
+			if (length(treatments.sim) > 1) {					
+				for (i in 2:length(treatments.sim) ) {
+					selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[i]
+					Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+					# The NMB -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+					# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+					DataCost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+					DataEffectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+					Data <- DataEffectiveness * WTPVal - DataCost
+					newNMBtable <- data.frame( Cost = DataCost, 
+											Effectiveness = DataEffectiveness, 
+											NMB = Data)
+					names(newNMBtable) <- paste(selected.treatment,namesvariables,sep="")
+					# Guarda as informações importantes
+					NMBtable <- abind(NMBtable, newNMBtable, along=2)
+				}
+			}
+			Trial <- 1:length(DataCost)
+			NMBtable <- abind(Trial, NMBtable, along=2)
+			names(NMBtable) <- c("Trial", names(NMBtable))
+			tituloNMB <- "Estatísticas - Net Monetary Benefits"
+			NMBtable <- as.matrix(NMBtable)
+			displayInTable(NMBtable, title = tituloNMB, height=min(10,dim(NMBtable)[1]), width= min(10,dim(NMBtable)[2]),
+							nrow=dim(NMBtable)[1],ncol=dim(NMBtable)[2],
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = FALSE)
+		}
+		OnNH <- function() {
+			WTPVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(WTPvar))
+			selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[1]
+			Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+			# The NHB -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+			# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+			DataCost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+			DataEffectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+			Data <- DataEffectiveness - DataCost / WTPVal
+			NHBtable <- data.frame( Cost = DataCost, 
+									Effectiveness = DataEffectiveness, 
+									NHB = Data)
+			namesvariables <- c(".Cost", ".Effectiveness", ".NHB")
+			names(NHBtable) <- paste(selected.treatment,namesvariables,sep="")
+			if (length(treatments.sim) > 1) {					
+				for (i in 2:length(treatments.sim) ) {
+					selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[i]
+					Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+					# The NMB -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+					# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+					DataCost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+					DataEffectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+					Data <- DataEffectiveness - DataCost / WTPVal
+					newNHBtable <- data.frame( Cost = DataCost, 
+											Effectiveness = DataEffectiveness, 
+											NHB = Data)
+					names(newNHBtable) <- paste(selected.treatment,namesvariables,sep="")
+					# Guarda as informações importantes
+					NHBtable <- abind(NHBtable, newNHBtable, along=2)
+				}
+			}
+			Trial <- 1:length(DataCost)
+			NHBtable <- abind(Trial, NHBtable, along=2)
+			names(NHBtable) <- c("Trial", names(NHBtable))
+			tituloNHB <- "Estatísticas - Rede de Benefício Saúde (NHB)"
+			NHBtable <- as.matrix(NHBtable)
+			displayInTable(NHBtable, title = tituloNHB, height=min(10,dim(NHBtable)[1]), width= min(10,dim(NHBtable)[2]),
+							nrow=dim(NHBtable)[1],ncol=dim(NHBtable)[2],
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = FALSE)
+		}
+		OnCE <- function() {
+			selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[1]
+			Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+			# The CE -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+			# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+			DataCost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+			DataEffectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+			CEtable <- data.frame( Cost = DataCost, 
+									Effectiveness = DataEffectiveness, 
+									CE = DataCost / DataEffectiveness)
+			namesvariables <- c(".Cost", ".Effectiveness", ".CE")
+			names(CEtable) <- paste(selected.treatment,namesvariables,sep="")
+			if (length(treatments.sim) > 1) {					
+				for (i in 2:length(treatments.sim) ) {
+					selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[i]
+					Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+					# The CE -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+					# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+					DataCost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+					DataEffectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+					newCEtable <- data.frame( Cost = DataCost, 
+											Effectiveness = DataEffectiveness, 
+											CE = DataCost / DataEffectiveness)
+					names(newCEtable) <- paste(selected.treatment,namesvariables,sep="")
+					# Guarda as informações importantes
+					CEtable <- abind(CEtable, newCEtable, along=2)
+				}
+			}
+			Trial <- 1:length(DataCost)
+			CEtable <- abind(Trial, CEtable, along=2)
+			names(CEtable) <- c("Trial", names(CEtable))
+			tituloCE <- "Estatísticas - Análise de Custo-Efetividade"
+			CEtable <- as.matrix(CEtable)
+			displayInTable(CEtable, title = tituloCE, height=min(10,dim(CEtable)[1]), width= min(10,dim(CEtable)[2]),
+							nrow=dim(CEtable)[1],ncol=dim(CEtable)[2],
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = FALSE)
+		}
+		label1 <- "Rede de Benefício Monetário (NMB)"
+		label2 <- "Rede de Benefício Saúde (NHB)"
+		label3 <- "Custo-Efetividade (CE)"
+		.Width.but <- max(nchar(c(label1, label2, label3))) + 2
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		NM.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text=label1, width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnNM)
+		NH.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text=label2, width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnNH)
+		CE.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text=label3, width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCE)
+		tkgrid(NM.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(NH.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(CE.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		WTPvar <- tclVar(0.1)
+		WTPValue  <- tkentry(frameOverall,width="20",textvariable=WTPvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall,text="Valor do willingness-to-pay (WTP)"),
+				row = 4, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(WTPValue, row = 5, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall,text="                                             "),
+				row = 6, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid( frameOverall, sticky = "n", columnspan = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid( frameButtons, sticky = "s")
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(statsSWindow)
+			tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+		}
+		tkbind(statsSWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(statsSWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameButtons,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+# 		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(framebutton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, sticky = "s", columnspan = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	}
+	OnExport <- function() {
+		filetypeWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar"
+		tkwm.title(filetypeWindow,title)
+	    frameOverall <- tkframe(filetypeWindow)
+	    frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	    frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, borderwidth=2)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Selecione o tipo de arquivo:"))
+		filetypes <- c("CSV (separado por vírgulas)","TXT (texto separado por tabulações)","Todos arquivos")
+		fileextensions <- c(".csv", ".txt", " ")
+		widthcombo <- max( nchar(filetypes) )
+		comboBox <- tkwidget(frameUpper,"ComboBox", width = widthcombo, editable = FALSE, values = filetypes)
+		tkgrid(comboBox)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+    		filetypeChoice <- filetypes[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+    		fileextChoice <- fileextensions[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+    		tkdestroy(filetypeWindow)
+    		filetypes <- paste("{{ ", filetypeChoice, "}", " {", fileextChoice, "}}", sep = "")
+    		fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes=filetypes))
+			if (!nchar(fileName))
+				tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+			else {
+				selectedpage.number <- tclvalue(tcl(pBar,"raise"))	# Retorna a página selecionada
+				selectedpage.number <- as.numeric(substr(selectedpage.number,5,nchar(selectedpage.number)))
+				selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[selectedpage.number]
+				Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+				if (tipo.nodo[selectedpage.number] == "C") {
+					ResumeSim <- data.frame(Cost = apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE), 
+											Effectiveness = apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE))
+					ResumeSim <- data.frame(Trial = 0:(dim(ResumeSim)[1] - 1), ResumeSim)
+					ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+					if ( fileextChoice == ".csv" ) {
+						if (ans == ".csv") {
+							write.csv2(ResumeSim, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+						} else {
+							fileName <- paste(fileName, ".csv", sep = "")
+							write.csv2(ResumeSim, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+						}
+					}
+					if ( fileextChoice == ".txt" ) {
+						if (ans == ".txt") {
+							write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+						} else {
+							fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+							write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+						}
+					}
+					if ( fileextChoice == " " ) {
+						if (ans == ".txt") {
+							write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+						} else {
+							fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+							write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+						}
+					}	
+				} else {
+					if (tipo.nodo[selectedpage.number] == "M") {
+						# Summary Coort
+						ResumeSim <- data.frame(Cost = apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE), 
+												Effectiveness = apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE))
+						ResumeSim <- data.frame(Individual = 1:(dim(ResumeSim)[1]), ResumeSim)
+						ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+						if ( fileextChoice == ".csv" ) {
+							if (ans == ".csv") {
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+							} else {
+								fileName <- paste(fileName, ".csv", sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+							}
+						}
+						if ( fileextChoice == ".txt" ) {
+							if (ans == ".txt") {
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							} else {
+								fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							}
+						}
+						if ( fileextChoice == " " ) {
+							if (ans == ".txt") {
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							} else {
+								fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							}
+						}	
+						# Full detail						
+						Cycle <- 0:(dim(Mktable$Path)[1] - 1)
+						ResumeSim.Cost <- data.frame( Cycle, Mktable$Cost )
+						ResumeSim.Effectiveness <- data.frame( Cycle, Mktable$Effectiveness )
+						ResumeSim.Path <- data.frame( Cycle, Mktable$Path )
+# 						print(fileName)
+						ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+						if ( substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName)-3) == "." ) {
+							ans.root.file.name <- substr(fileName,1,nchar(fileName)-4)
+						} else {
+							ans.root.file.name <- fileName
+						}
+						if ( fileextChoice == ".csv" ) {
+							if (ans == ".csv") {
+# 								print("Estou salvando")
+								fileName <- paste(ans.root.file.name," Cost", ans, sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim.Cost, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+								fileName <- paste(ans.root.file.name," Effectiveness", ans, sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim.Effectiveness, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+								fileName <- paste(ans.root.file.name," Path", ans, sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim.Path, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+							} else {
+# 								print("Estou salvando")
+								fileName <- paste(ans.root.file.name, " Cost", ".csv", sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim.Cost, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+								fileName <- paste(ans.root.file.name, " Effectiveness", ".csv", sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim.Effectiveness, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+								fileName <- paste(ans.root.file.name, " Path", ".csv", sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim.Path, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)	
+							}
+						}
+						if ( fileextChoice == ".txt" ) {
+							if (ans == ".txt") {
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							} else {
+								fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							}
+						}
+						if ( fileextChoice == " " ) {
+							if (ans == ".txt") {
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							} else {
+								fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							}
+						}						
+			 		} else {
+					cat("Aviso: não é possível exportar resultados para nodo Terminal")	
+					}
+				}
+				tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+			}	
+    	}
+    	OnCancel <- function() {
+	    	tkdestroy(filetypeWindow)
+	    	tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+    	}
+    	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkbind(filetypeWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(filetypeWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		tkfocus(filetypeWindow)
+	}
+	OnStatsRep <- function() {
+		StatsData <- Alltreatmentstable[ order(Alltreatmentstable$Treatment, Alltreatmentstable$Data),]
+		assign("StatsData", StatsData, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		Costdata <- subset(StatsData, Data == "Cost")
+		Effectivenessdata <- subset(StatsData, Data == "Effectiveness")
+		CEdata <- subset(StatsData, Data == "C/E")
+# 		print(StatsData)
+		statsSWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title.window <- "ÁrvoRe - MC Simulação - Estatísticas"
+		tkwm.title(statsSWindow, title.window)
+		frameOverall <- tkwidget(statsSWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		frameButtons <- tkframe(statsSWindow, relief="groove", borderwidth = 0)
+		OnNM <- function() {
+			WTPVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(WTPvar))
+			NMBtable <- data.frame(Treatment = array(,0), Mean = array(,0), 
+								Variance = array(,0), Sd = array(,0), Median = array(,0), 
+								Min = array(,0), Max = array(,0), 
+								Quartil1 = array(,0), Quartil2 = array(,0))
+			for (i in 1:length(treatments.sim) ) {
+				selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[i]
+				Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+				# The NMB -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+				# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+				Data <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE) * 
+                        WTPVal - apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+				statisticsData <- summary(Data, na.rm = TRUE)
+				meanData <- statisticsData[4]
+				varData <- var(Data, na.rm = TRUE, use = "complete.obs")
+				sdData <- sqrt(varData)
+				medianData <- statisticsData[3]
+				minData <- statisticsData[1]
+				maxData <- statisticsData[6]
+				quartil1 <- statisticsData[2]
+				quartil3 <- statisticsData[5]
+				# Guarda as informações importantes
+				line.data.summary <- data.frame(Treatment = selected.treatment, Mean = meanData, 
+									Variance = varData, Sd = sdData, Median = medianData, 
+									Min = minData, Max = maxData, 
+									Quartil1 = quartil1, Quartil2 = quartil3)
+				NMBtable <- abind(NMBtable, line.data.summary, along=1)
+			}
+			tituloNMB <- "Estatísticas - Rede de Benefício Monetário (NMB)"
+			NMBtable <- as.matrix(NMBtable)
+			displayInTable(NMBtable, title = tituloNMB, height=min(10,dim(NMBtable)[1]), width= min(10,dim(NMBtable)[2]),
+							nrow=dim(NMBtable)[1],ncol=dim(NMBtable)[2],
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = FALSE)
+		}
+		OnNH <- function() {
+			WTPVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(WTPvar))
+			NMBtable <- data.frame(Treatment = array(,0), Mean = array(,0), 
+								Variance = array(,0), Sd = array(,0), Median = array(,0), 
+								Min = array(,0), Max = array(,0), 
+								Quartil1 = array(,0), Quartil2 = array(,0))
+			for (i in 1:length(treatments.sim) ) {
+				selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[i]
+				Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+				# The NHB -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+				# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+				Data <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE) * 
+                        apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE) / WTPVal
+				statisticsData <- summary(Data, na.rm = TRUE)
+				meanData <- statisticsData[4]
+				varData <- var(Data, na.rm = TRUE, use = "complete.obs")
+				sdData <- sqrt(varData)
+				medianData <- statisticsData[3]
+				minData <- statisticsData[1]
+				maxData <- statisticsData[6]
+				quartil1 <- statisticsData[2]
+				quartil3 <- statisticsData[5]
+				# Guarda as informações importantes
+				line.data.summary <- data.frame(Treatment = selected.treatment, Mean = meanData, 
+									Variance = varData, Sd = sdData, Median = medianData, 
+									Min = minData, Max = maxData, 
+									Quartil1 = quartil1, Quartil2 = quartil3)
+				NMBtable <- abind(NMBtable, line.data.summary, along=1)
+			}
+			tituloNMB <- "Estatísticas - Rede de Benefício Monetário (NMB)"
+			NMBtable <- as.matrix(NMBtable)
+			displayInTable(NMBtable, title = tituloNMB, height=min(10,dim(NMBtable)[1]), width= min(10,dim(NMBtable)[2]),
+							nrow=dim(NMBtable)[1],ncol=dim(NMBtable)[2],
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = FALSE)
+		}
+		OnCE <- function() {
+			tituloCE <- "Estatísticas - Análise de Custo-Efetividade"
+			StatsData <- as.matrix(StatsData)
+			displayInTable(StatsData, title = tituloCE, height=min(10,dim(StatsData)[1]), width= min(10,dim(StatsData)[2]),
+							nrow=dim(StatsData)[1],ncol=dim(StatsData)[2],
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = FALSE)
+		}
+		OnICER <- function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+			icer.sim.window(Alltreatmentstable)
+		}
+		OnINB <- function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+			inb.sim.window(Alltreatmentstable)
+		}
+		.Width.but <- 40
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		NM.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="Rede de Benefício Monetário (NMB)", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnNM)
+		NH.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="Rede de Benefício Saúde (NHB)", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnNH)
+		CE.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="Custo-Efetividade (CE)", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCE)
+		ICER.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="Razão adicional de C-E (ICER)", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, 
+					command= function() OnICER(StatsData))
+		INB.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="Incremento da rede de benefícios (INB)", width=.Width.but, 
+					height=.Height.but, command= function() OnINB(StatsData))
+		tkgrid(NM.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(NH.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(CE.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(ICER.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(INB.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		WTPvar <- tclVar(0.1)
+		WTPValue  <- tkentry(frameOverall,width="20",textvariable=WTPvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall,text="Valor do willingness-to-pay (WTP)"),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(WTPValue, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall,text="                                             "),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid( frameOverall, sticky = "n", columnspan = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid( frameButtons, sticky = "s")
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(statsSWindow)
+			tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+		}
+		tkbind(statsSWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(statsSWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameButtons,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+# 		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(framebutton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, sticky = "s", columnspan = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkfocus(statsSWindow)
+	}
+	.Width.but <- 18
+	.Height.but <- 1
+	OK.but <-tkbutton(framebutton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, 
+							command=OnOK)
+	StatsRep.but <-tkbutton(framePanelButton,text="Estatísticas", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,
+							command=OnStatsRep)
+	Graph.but <-tkbutton(framePanelButton,text="Gráficos", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, 
+							command = function() OnGraph(Mktable, Alltreatmentstable) )
+	TextRep.but <-tkbutton(framePanelButton,text="Relatório Texto", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,
+							command=OnText)
+	Export.but <-tkbutton(framePanelButton,text="Exportar Relatório", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,
+							command=OnExport)
+	tkbind(summarysimulationWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+	tkbind(summarysimulationWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+	tkgrid(StatsRep.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(Graph.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(TextRep.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(OK.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+# 	posiciona.janela.centro(tt, summarysimulationWindow)
+	tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)

Property changes on: pkg/R/summary.simulation.window.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/terminal.markov.coort.table.R
--- pkg/R/terminal.markov.coort.table.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/terminal.markov.coort.table.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+`terminal.markov.coort.table` <-
+function(TheTree, trials = 2) {
+	# cria a tabela de resposta
+	Coorte.Ind <- matrix("1",1,trials)		# Matriz com cada individuo
+	Coorte.Cost <- matrix(TheTree$Payoff1,1,trials)	# Matriz com custo de cada individuo
+	Coorte.Effec <- matrix(TheTree$Payoff2,1,trials)	# Matriz com a efetividade de cada individuo
+	ans <- list(Path = Coorte.Ind, Cost = Coorte.Cost, Effectiveness = Coorte.Effec)
+	return(ans)	# And return the result

Property changes on: pkg/R/terminal.markov.coort.table.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/theTreeTkArvore.R
--- pkg/R/theTreeTkArvore.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/theTreeTkArvore.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+`theTreeTkArvore` <-
+function(TheTree) {
+	num.lin <- dim(TheTree)[1]
+	num.levels <- max(TheTree$Level)
+	for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+		SubDataSet <- subset(TheTree, Level == 1)
+		osnodos <- SubDataSet$Node.N
+		osnodosnomes <- SubDataSet$Node.name
+		osnodostipos <- SubDataSet$Type
+		osnodos <- paste(i,".",osnodos,sep="")
+		icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/", osnodostipos,".png",sep=""))
+		if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+			icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+			tkinsert(treeWidget,"end","root","1.1",text=osnodosnomes, image = icn)
+		} else {
+			tkinsert(treeWidget,"end","root","1.1",text=osnodosnomes)
+		}
+	}
+	if (num.lin > 1) {
+		for (i in 2:num.levels) {
+			SubDataSet <- subset(TheTree, Level == i)
+			osnodos <- SubDataSet$Node.N
+			paisnodos <- SubDataSet$Father
+			osnodosnomes <- SubDataSet$Node.name
+			osnodostipos <- SubDataSet$Type
+# 	  		cat("DEBUG : Criei os nodos \n ", osnodos, " cujos pais são ", paisnodos, "\n")
+			osnodos <- paste(i,".",osnodos,sep="")
+			paisnodos <- paste((i-1),".",paisnodos,sep="")
+			for (j in 1:length(osnodos)) {
+					tipofilename <- osnodostipos[j]
+					for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+						icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/", tipofilename,".png",sep=""))
+						if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+							icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+							tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",paisnodos[j],osnodos[j],text=osnodosnomes[j], image = icn)
+						} else {
+							tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",paisnodos[j],osnodos[j],text=osnodosnomes[j])
+						}
+					}
+			}
+		}
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/theTreeTkArvore.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/typenodewindows.R
--- pkg/R/typenodewindows.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/typenodewindows.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+`typenodewindows` <-
+function() {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		# A janela Tk
+		typenodeWindow <- tktoplevel(height = 200, width = 150)
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Tipo Nodo"
+		tkwm.title(typenodeWindow,title)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(typenodeWindow,text="Selecione o tipo do nodo"), column = 0, row = 0, sticky = "n")
+		Frame1 <- tkframe(typenodeWindow, height = 200, width = 150,
+							borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		Frame2 <- tkframe(typenodeWindow, height = 200, width = 150,
+							borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		tkgrid(Frame1, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Frame2, sticky = "s")
+		# Type Chance
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/C.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rb1 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				rbValue <- tclVar("C")
+				tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="C")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,image=icn), 
+						tklabel(Frame1,text="Chance "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+			} else {
+				rb1 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				rbValue <- tclVar("C")
+				tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="C")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,text="Chance "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+			}
+		}
+		# Type Decision
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/D.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rb2 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="D")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,image=icn), 
+						tklabel(Frame1,text="Decision "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+			} else {
+				rb2 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="D")
+				tkgrid( rb2, column = 0, row = 2, sticky = "nw")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,text="Decision "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+			}
+		}
+		# Type Logic
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/L.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rb3 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="L")
+				rb3text <- tklabel(Frame1,text="Logic ")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,image=icn), rb3text,
+						rb3, sticky = "ne")
+			} else {
+				rb3 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="L")
+				rb3text <- tklabel(Frame1,text="Logic ")
+				tkgrid(	rb3text ,rb3, sticky = "ne")
+			}
+		}
+		tkconfigure(rb3, state = "disabled")
+		tkconfigure(rb3text, state = "disabled")
+		# Type Markov
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/M.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rb4 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb4,variable=rbValue,value="M")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,image=icn), 
+						tklabel(Frame1,text="Markov "),rb4, sticky = "ne")
+			} else {
+				rb4 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb4,variable=rbValue,value="M")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,text="Markov ") ,rb4, sticky = "ne")
+			}
+		}
+		# Type Terminal
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/T.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rb5 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb5,variable=rbValue,value="T")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,image=icn), 
+						tklabel(Frame1,text="Terminal "),rb5, sticky = "ne")
+			} else {
+				rb5 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb5,variable=rbValue,value="T")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,text="Terminal ") ,rb5, sticky = "ne")
+			}
+		}
+		# Type Label
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/X.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rb6 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb6,variable=rbValue,value="X")
+				rb6text <- tklabel(Frame1,text="Label ")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,image=icn), rb6text, rb6, sticky = "ne")
+			} else {
+				rb6 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb6,variable=rbValue,value="X")
+				rb6text <- tklabel(Frame1,text="Label ")
+				tkgrid(	rb6text ,rb6, sticky = "ne")
+			}
+		}
+		tkconfigure(rb6, state = "disabled")
+		tkconfigure(rb6text, state = "disabled")
+		tkfocus(typenodeWindow)
+		OnOK <- function()
+		{
+ 			nodo.type <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+ 			safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+ 			settypenode(TheTree, column = column, node.number = node.number, nodo.type = nodo.type, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			refreshF5()
+			tkdestroy(typenodeWindow)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(typenodeWindow)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(Frame2,text="    OK    ",command=OnOK)
+		tkbind(typenodeWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(Frame2,text=" Cancelar ",command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(typenodeWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(typenodeWindow, 150, 200)
+ 		}

Property changes on: pkg/R/typenodewindows.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/utilitywindows.R
--- pkg/R/utilitywindows.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/utilitywindows.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
+`utilitywindows` <-
+function() {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		utilityWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Payoffs Nodo"
+		tkwm.title(utilityWindow,title)
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		utilityvar <- tclVar(TheTree$Payoff1[position])
+		effectivenessvar <- tclVar(TheTree$Payoff2[position])
+		entry.Value  <- tkentry(utilityWindow,width="20",textvariable=utilityvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(utilityWindow,text="Valor do custo"))
+		tkgrid(entry.Value)
+		entry.Value.effectiveness  <- tkentry(utilityWindow,width="20",textvariable=effectivenessvar)
+		label.entry.Value.effect <- tklabel(utilityWindow,text="Valor da efetividade")
+		tkgrid(label.entry.Value.effect)
+		tkgrid(entry.Value.effectiveness)
+		if (.modeltypeArvore == "SD") {
+			tkconfigure(entry.Value.effectiveness, state = "disabled")
+			tkconfigure(label.entry.Value.effect, state = "disabled")
+		}
+		OnOK <- function()
+		{
+			utilityVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(utilityvar))
+			effectivenessVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(effectivenessvar))
+			if ( (is.numeric(utilityVal)) && (!is.na(utilityVal)) &&
+				 (is.numeric(effectivenessVal)) && (!is.na(effectivenessVal)) ) {
+				tkdestroy(utilityWindow)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+				setutility(TheTree, nodeSec[2], nodeSec[3], utilityVal, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+				seteffectiveness(TheTree, nodeSec[2], nodeSec[3], effectivenessVal, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+				refreshF5()
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			} else {
+				msg <- paste("Este não é um valor de utilidade válido '",utilityVal, "'")
+				tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+				tkfocus(utilityWindow)
+			}
+		}
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(utilityWindow,text="    OK    ",command=OnOK)
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(utilityWindow)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(utilityWindow,text=" Cancelar ",command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(entry.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(entry.Value.effectiveness, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(utilityWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(utilityWindow, 200, 130)
+		tkfocus(utilityWindow)
+	}

Property changes on: pkg/R/utilitywindows.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/windowresolution.R
--- pkg/R/windowresolution.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/windowresolution.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# FUNCTION :: windowresolution				# Criada em July 02, 2008 02:33:36 PM 
+#		This function is the GUI to do something.				
+# Revision : 	xxxx 		- xxx
+# Parameters
+# Esta função faz alguma coisa
+windowresolution <- function() {
+		# Criação da janela
+		win.main.resWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title.window <- "ÁrvoRe - Tamanho da Janela"	# Título da janela
+		tkwm.title(win.main.resWindow, title.window)
+		# Variáveis TclTk
+		qualquercoisa.tclvar <- tclVar( 0000 )
+		# Frames da janela
+		FrameOverAll <- tkframe(win.main.resWindow, height = 200, width = 150, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		FrameButtons <- tkframe(win.main.resWindow, height = 200, width = 150, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		tkpack(FrameOverAll)
+		tkpack(FrameButtons)
+		# Check bottons
+		# List box
+		tkgrid(FrameButtons, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s")
+#------- BOTOES ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+		OnOK <- function() {
+		}
+		OnCancel <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(win.main.resWindow)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+	   	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		rotulo <- "OK"
+		OK.but <- tkbutton(FrameButtons, text = rotulo, width = .Width.but, height = .Height.but, 
+							command = OnOK)
+		rotulo <- "Cancelar"
+		Cancel.but <- tkbutton(FrameButtons, text = rotulo, width = .Width.but, height = .Height.but, 
+							command = OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+#------- TECLAS ATALHO --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+		tkbind(win.main.resWindow, "<Return>", OnOK)
+		tkbind(win.main.resWindow, "<Escape>", OnCancel)
+#------- MONTAGEM FINAL -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+		tkfocus(win.main.resWindow)

Property changes on: pkg/R/windowresolution.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/zoom.in.but.R
--- pkg/R/zoom.in.but.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/zoom.in.but.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+`zoom.in.but` <-
+function(imgHeight) {
+	if (imgHeight < 8000) {
+		imgHeight <- round(imgHeight * 1.1, digits = 0)
+		imgWidth <- round((4/3) * imgHeight, digits = 0)
+	} else {
+		msg <- paste("Este é um tamanho de imagem consideravelmente grande. Deseja realmente ampliar?")
+		ans <- tkmessageBox(message = msg,  icon = "question", type = "yesnocancel", default = "no")
+		ans <- as.character(tclvalue(ans))
+			if ( ans == "yes" ) {
+				imgHeight <- round(imgHeight * 1.1, digits = 0)
+				imgWidth <- round((4/3) * imgHeight, digits = 0)
+			}
+		tkfocus(tt)	
+	}
+	set.zoom.image.tree(imgHeight, imgWidth)
+	refreshF5()

Property changes on: pkg/R/zoom.in.but.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/R/zoom.out.but.R
--- pkg/R/zoom.out.but.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/zoom.out.but.R	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+`zoom.out.but` <-
+function(imgHeight) {
+	if (imgHeight >= 320) {
+		imgHeight <- round(imgHeight / 1.1, digits = 0)
+		imgWidth <- round((4/3) * imgHeight, digits = 0)
+		set.zoom.image.tree(imgHeight, imgWidth)
+	}
+	refreshF5()

Property changes on: pkg/R/zoom.out.but.R
Name: svn:eol-style
   + native

Added: pkg/icons/Arvore.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Arvore.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/ArvoreIco.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/ArvoreIco.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Ball.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Ball.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/C.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/C.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Conf.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Conf.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Copy.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Copy.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Cut.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Cut.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/D.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/D.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Display.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Display.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Display_add.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Display_add.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Display_delete.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Display_delete.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Exit.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Exit.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Export.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Export.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Graph.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Graph.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Graph2.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Graph2.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/GraphBar.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/GraphBar.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/GraphLine.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/GraphLine.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Icon.bmp
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Icon.bmp
Name: svn:mime-type
   + application/octet-stream

Added: pkg/icons/L.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/L.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/M.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/M.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Markov.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Markov.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/New.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/New.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Node.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Node.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Open.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Open.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Paste.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Paste.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Printer.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Printer.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Redo.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Redo.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Redraw.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Redraw.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Run.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Run.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Save.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Save.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/SaveAs.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/SaveAs.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Settings.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Settings.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Simulation.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Simulation.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/T.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/T.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Undo.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Undo.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/Variable.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/Variable.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/World.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/World.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/X.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/X.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/ZoomMinus.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/ZoomMinus.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/icons/ZoomPlus.png
(Binary files differ)

Property changes on: pkg/icons/ZoomPlus.png
Name: svn:mime-type
   + image/png

Added: pkg/man/ArvoRe-package.Rd
--- pkg/man/ArvoRe-package.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/ArvoRe-package.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+What the package does (short line)
+~~ package title ~~
+More about what it does (maybe more than one line)
+~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of the package ~~
+Package: \tab ArvoRe\cr
+Type: \tab Package\cr
+Version: \tab 1.0\cr
+Date: \tab 2008-06-25\cr
+License: \tab What license is it under?\cr
+~~ An overview of how to use the package, including the most important ~~
+~~ functions ~~
+Who wrote it
+Maintainer: Who to complain to <yourfault at somewhere.net>
+~~ The author and/or maintainer of the package ~~
+~~ Literature or other references for background information ~~
+~~ Optionally other standard keywords, one per line, from file KEYWORDS in ~~
+~~ the R documentation directory ~~
+\keyword{ package }
+~~ Optional links to other man pages, e.g. ~~
+~~ \code{\link[<pkg>:<pkg>-package]{<pkg>}} ~~
+~~ simple examples of the most important functions ~~

Added: pkg/man/String2Numeric.Rd
--- pkg/man/String2Numeric.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/String2Numeric.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{s}{ ~~Describe \code{s} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(s) {
+	ans <- exec.text(s)
+	return(ans)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/aceptability.sim.window.Rd
--- pkg/man/aceptability.sim.window.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/aceptability.sim.window.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,512 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{Alltreatmentstable}{ ~~Describe \code{Alltreatmentstable} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+	require(abind)
+		ACsimtableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Curva de Aceitabilidade (INB)"
+		tkwm.title(ACsimtableWindow,title)
+		# Cria o primeiro frame
+		FrameOverAll <- tkframe(ACsimtableWindow, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		Frame1 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		Frame2 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 0, relief = "sunken")
+		# Cria o label
+		textlabellista <- "Selecione o procedimento padrão para ACE. \n Ele será a base de comparação para os demais."
+		rotulolista <- tklabel(Frame1, text = textlabellista)
+		tkgrid(rotulolista, columnspan = 2)
+		# Cria uma barra de rolagem
+		scr <- tkscrollbar(Frame1, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(tl,...))
+		Data.CEA <- Alltreatmentstable
+		Data.CEA.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "Cost")
+		Data.CEA.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "Effectiveness")
+		Data.CEA.CE <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "C/E")
+		n.treat <- 1:length(Data.CEA.Cost$Treatment)
+		Data.CEA.Cost <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.Cost)
+		Data.CEA.Effectiveness <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.Effectiveness)
+		Data.CEA.CE <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.CE)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.Cost)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.Effectiveness)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.CE)
+		# Cria os elementos da lista
+		elementos <- Data.CEA.Cost$Treatment
+		# Determina a altura da listbox
+		heightlistbox <- length(elementos)
+		larguratexto <- max(nchar(elementos)) + 4
+		# Cria uma listbox					
+		tl <- tklistbox(Frame1, height = 5, width = larguratexto, selectmode = "single",
+						yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(scr,...), background="white")
+		# Adiciona os elementos à listbox
+		for (i in (1:heightlistbox)) {
+		    tkinsert(tl, "end", elementos[i])
+		}
+		# Monta a listbox e a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid(tl, scr, sticky="nse")
+# 		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1, text = " "))
+		# Ajusta a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid.configure(scr, rowspan = 5, sticky="nsw")
+		# Define o "Elemento 2" como padrão da listbox.
+		# Para a listbox o índice começa em zero
+		tkselection.set(tl, 0)
+		# The WTP ---------------------------------------------------------------------
+		WTPL1var <- tclVar(0.1)
+		WTPL2var <- tclVar(10000)
+		WTPpointsvar <- tclVar(10)
+		PoinsOriginal <- 10
+		WTPL1Value  <- tkentry(Frame1,width="20",textvariable=WTPL1var)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1,text="Valor do willingness-to-pay (WTP)"),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(WTPL1Value, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1,text="                                             "),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		WTPL2Value  <- tkentry(Frame1,width="20",textvariable=WTPL2var)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1,text="Valor do willingness-to-pay (WTP)"),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(WTPL2Value, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1,text="                                             "),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+	    ### Numeric format settings ###
+		numericSpinBox <- tkwidget(Frame1, "SpinBox", editable=FALSE, range = c(0,100,1), width = 3)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(Frame1,text="Número de intervalor:")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, numericSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(numericSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", PoinsOriginal,sep = ""))
+		# Monta os frames
+		tkgrid(Frame1, sticky = "nwe", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Frame2, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(FrameOverAll, sticky = "nswe", columnspan = 2)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			respostaListbox <- n.treat[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			WTPL1Val <- as.numeric(tclvalue(WTPL1var))
+			WTPL2Val <- as.numeric(tclvalue(WTPL2var))
+			WTPPoints <- as.integer(tclvalue(tcl(numericSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+			WTP <- seq(WTPL1Val, WTPL2Val, (WTPL2Val-WTPL1Val)/WTPPoints )
+			WTPVal <- 0.1
+			if ( WTPL1Val < WTPL2Val ) {
+				Data.alternative.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA.Cost, NT != respostaListbox)			
+				Data.standart.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA.Cost, NT == respostaListbox)
+				Data.alternative.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA.Effectiveness, NT != respostaListbox)			
+				Data.standart.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA.Effectiveness, NT == respostaListbox)
+				Data.alternative.CE <- subset(Data.CEA.CE, NT != respostaListbox)			
+				Data.standart.CE <- subset(Data.CEA.CE, NT == respostaListbox)
+				ans <- data.frame( Standart = rep(0,length(WTP)))
+				names.ans <- c("Standart")
+				for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative.Cost)[1]) {
+					inb <- (Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1]) *
+							WTP - (Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1])
+					var.inb <- ( 	WTP^2
+								) * Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Variance[i] +
+								Data.alternative.Cost$Variance[i] -
+								2 * WTP * ( 00000 )
+					inb.stat.test <- inb/var.inb^0.5
+					Strategy <- Data.alternative.Cost$Treatment[i]
+					p.val.inb <- pnorm(inb.stat.test)
+					ans.line <- data.frame( p.val.inb )
+					names.ans <- c(names.ans, Strategy)	
+					ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 2)
+				}
+				ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+				names(ans) <- names.ans
+# 				print(ans)
+				OnAC <- function(WTP, ACProbabilities) {
+					ACGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+					title.window <- "ÁrvoRe - MC Simulação - Graphics"
+					tkwm.title(ACGraphWindow, title.window)
+					frametext <- "Gráfico"
+					frameOverall <- tkwidget(ACGraphWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+											labelanchor = "n", text = frametext)
+					frameButton <- tkwidget(ACGraphWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+					tkgrid(frameOverall, sticky = "nwe")
+					tkgrid(frameButton, sticky = "swe")
+					# Image setings.
+					g.imgHeight <- 600/2
+					g.imgWidth <- 800/2
+					# Canvas window configurations
+					C.Height <- min(c(g.imgHeight, 768))
+					C.Width <- min(c(g.imgWidth, 1024))
+					Borderwidth <- 2
+					# scrollbar objects
+					fHscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, orient="horiz", command = function(...)tkxview(fCanvas,...) )
+					fVscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, command = function(...)tkyview(fCanvas,...) )
+					fCanvas <- tkcanvas(frameOverall, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = Borderwidth, 
+										width = C.Width, height = C.Height,
+										xscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fHscroll,...), 
+										yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fVscroll,...)
+										)
+					# Pack the scroll bars.
+					tkpack(fHscroll, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
+					tkpack(fVscroll, side = "right", fill = "y")
+					# Pack the canvas
+					tkpack(fCanvas, anchor = "center", side = "right", fill = "both", expand = 1)
+					# Image file name setings.
+					.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "grafico.arvore.png", sep="")
+					# Initial colors to treatments points
+					treatments.colors.plot <- 1:length(names(ACProbabilities))
+					# The treatments names
+					treatments.label.plot <- names(ACProbabilities)
+					# What plot?
+					plot.it.to.image <- function(ACProbabilities, WTP, treatments.colors.plot,
+													treatments.label.plot,
+													.Filename, img.type = "png", img.quality = 90, 
+													img.width = 600, img.height = 600, ...) {
+						if (img.type == "png") {
+							png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+								Graphtitle <- "Curva de Aceitabilidade"
+								xlabel <- "willingness-to-pay"
+								ylabel <- "Pr(INB > 0)"
+								ylim1 <- -0.1
+								ylim2 <- 1.1
+								plot(WTP, ACProbabilities[,1], 
+										col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+										xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+								lines(WTP, ACProbabilities[,1], 
+										col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+										xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+								if (dim(ACProbabilities)[2] > 1) {
+									for (i in 2:dim(ACProbabilities)[2]) {
+										lines(WTP, ACProbabilities[,i], 
+										col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+										xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+										points(WTP, ACProbabilities[,i], 
+										col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+										xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+									}
+								}
+							dev.off()
+						} else {
+							if (img.type == "jpg") {
+								jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+								     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+								     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+										Graphtitle <- "Curva de Aceitabilidade"
+										xlabel <- "willingness-to-pay"
+										ylabel <- "Pr(INB > 0)"
+										ylim1 <- -0.1
+										ylim2 <- 1.1
+										plot(WTP, ACProbabilities[,1], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+										lines(WTP, ACProbabilities[,1], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+										if (dim(ACProbabilities)[2] > 1) {
+											for (i in 2:dim(ACProbabilities)[2]) {
+												lines(WTP, ACProbabilities[,i], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+												points(WTP, ACProbabilities[,i], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+											}
+										}
+								dev.off()
+							} else {
+								bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+							    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+							    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+										Graphtitle <- "Curva de Aceitabilidade"
+										xlabel <- "willingness-to-pay"
+										ylabel <- "Pr(INB > 0)"
+										ylim1 <- -0.1
+										ylim2 <- 1.1
+										plot(WTP, ACProbabilities[,1], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+										lines(WTP, ACProbabilities[,1], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+										if (dim(ACProbabilities)[2] > 1) {
+											for (i in 2:dim(ACProbabilities)[2]) {
+												lines(WTP, ACProbabilities[,i], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+												points(WTP, ACProbabilities[,i], 
+												col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+												xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+											}
+										}
+								dev.off()
+									}
+						}
+					}
+					# Default img type
+					img.type <- "png"
+					plot.it.to.image(ACProbabilities, WTP, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot, 
+										.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = img.type,
+										img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+					image1 <- tclVar()
+					tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+					tkcreate(fCanvas, "image", g.imgWidth/2, g.imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+					tkconfigure(fCanvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,g.imgWidth,g.imgHeight))
+					OnOK <- function() {
+						file.remove(.Filename)
+						tkdestroy(ACGraphWindow)
+						tkwm.deiconify(ACsimtableWindow)
+						tkfocus(ACsimtableWindow)
+					}
+					OnExportGraphic <- function(...) {
+						exportImgGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+						title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar Imagem"
+						tkwm.title(exportImgGraphWindow,title)
+						frameOverall <- tkframe(exportImgGraphWindow)
+						frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+						frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+						frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+						frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+						tkgrid( tklabel(frameUpper,text="Formato de imagem"),sticky="n", columnspan = 2)
+						rbValue <- tclVar("jpg")
+						QualityValue <- tclVar("90")
+						rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+						tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="bmp")
+						tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Bitmap .bmp "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+						rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+						tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="jpg")
+						tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Jpeg .jpg "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+						rb3 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+						tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="png")
+						tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Portable network graphics .png "),rb3, sticky = "ne")
+						SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)) )
+						sliderlabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = "Valor da qualidade de imagem : ")
+						sliderlabel2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = "\%")
+						tkgrid(sliderlabel, SliderValueLabel, sliderlabel2)
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = QualityValue)
+						sliderImg <- tkscale(frameUpperRigth, from = 100, to = 1,
+						                   showvalue = F, variable = QualityValue,
+						                   resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
+						tkgrid(sliderImg,sticky="ew")
+						tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="ns")
+						tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+						tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+						Onformat <- function() {
+							ansVar <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+							if (ansVar != "jpg") {
+								tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+								tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "disabled")
+								tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "disabled")
+								tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+								tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "disabled")
+							} else {
+								tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+								tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "normal")
+								tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "normal")
+								tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+								tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "normal")
+							}
+						}
+						OnOK <- function(...)
+						{
+							ImgFormatselected <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+							ImgQualityselected <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)))
+							if (ImgFormatselected == "png") {
+								.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Portable network graphics Image Files} {.png}} {{All files} *}"))
+								if (!nchar(.Filename))
+									tkfocus(ACGraphWindow)
+								else {
+									ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+									if ( ans != ".png" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".png", sep="")
+									if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+									plot.it.to.image(ACProbabilities, WTP, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+														.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected)
+								}
+							} else {
+								if (ImgFormatselected == "jpg") {
+									.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Jpeg Image Files} {.jpg}} {{All files} *}"))
+									if (!nchar(.Filename))
+										tkfocus(ACGraphWindow)
+									else {
+										ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+										if ( ans != ".jpg" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".jpg", sep="")
+										if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+										plot.it.to.image(ACProbabilities, WTP, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+															.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+															img.quality = ImgQualityselected)
+									}
+								} else {
+									.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Bitmap Image Files} {.bmp}} {{All files} *}"))
+									if (!nchar(.Filename))
+										tkfocus(ACGraphWindow)
+									else {
+										ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+										if ( ans != ".bmp" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".bmp", sep="")
+										if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+										plot.it.to.image(ACProbabilities, WTP, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+															.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected)
+									}
+								}
+							}
+							tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+							tkwm.deiconify(ACGraphWindow)
+							tkfocus(ACGraphWindow)
+						}
+						OnCancel <- function()
+						{
+							tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+							tkwm.deiconify(ACGraphWindow)
+							tkfocus(ACGraphWindow)
+						}
+						.Width.but <- 10
+						.Height.but <- 1
+						OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+						tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+						Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+						tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+						tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s")
+						tkbind(rb1, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+						tkbind(rb2, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+						tkbind(rb3, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+						tkbind(rb1, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+						tkbind(rb2, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+						tkbind(rb3, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+						tkgrid(frameOverall)
+						tkfocus(exportImgGraphWindow)
+		# 				posiciona.janela.no.mouse(exportImgGraphWindow)
+					}
+				    .Width.but <- 10
+					.Height.but <- 1
+					OK.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+					Export.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Exportar...", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnExportGraphic)
+					tkgrid(OK.but, Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		# 			tkconfigure(Export.but, state = "disabled")
+					tkbind(ACGraphWindow, "<Return>", OnOK)
+					tkbind(ACGraphWindow, "<Escape>", OnCancel)
+					tkwm.deiconify(ACGraphWindow)
+					tkfocus(ACGraphWindow)
+				}
+				OnAC(WTP, ans)
+			}
+	    }
+	    OnCancel <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(ACsimtableWindow)
+	# 		tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+	    }
+	  	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(Frame2,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(Frame2,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkbind(ACsimtableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(ACsimtableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(ACsimtableWindow, 250, 310)
+		tkfocus(ACsimtableWindow)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/acewindow.Rd
--- pkg/man/acewindow.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/acewindow.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,166 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree) {
+	require(abind)
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione o nodo de tipo 'Decisão' da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		if (( column != 1) && (node.number != 1)) {
+			msg <- paste("A tabela apresentada a seguir exibe resultados apenas para o nodo raiz.")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+		CEtableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Análise de Custo-Efetividade"
+		tkwm.title(CEtableWindow,title)
+		# Cria o primeiro frame
+		FrameOverAll <- tkframe(CEtableWindow, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		Frame1 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		Frame2 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 0, relief = "sunken")
+		# Cria o label
+		textlabellista <- "Selecione o procedimento padrão para ACE. \n Ele será a base de comparação para os demais."
+		rotulolista <- tklabel(Frame1, text = textlabellista)
+		tkgrid(rotulolista, columnspan = 2)
+		# Cria uma barra de rolagem
+		scr <- tkscrollbar(Frame1, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(tl,...))
+		Data.CEA <- cost.effectiveness.table(TheTree)
+		# Cria os elementos da lista
+		elementos <- Data.CEA$Node.name
+		# Determina a altura da listbox
+		heightlistbox <- length(elementos)
+		larguratexto <- max(nchar(elementos)) + 4
+		# Cria uma listbox					
+		tl <- tklistbox(Frame1, height = 5, width = larguratexto, selectmode = "single",
+						yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(scr,...), background="white")
+		# Adiciona os elementos à listbox
+		for (i in (1:heightlistbox)) {
+		    tkinsert(tl, "end", elementos[i])
+		}
+		# Monta a listbox e a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid(tl, scr, sticky="nse")
+# 		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1, text = " "))
+		# Ajusta a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid.configure(scr, rowspan = 5, sticky="nsw")
+		# Define o "Elemento 2" como padrão da listbox.
+		# Para a listbox o índice começa em zero
+		tkselection.set(tl, 0)
+		# Monta os frames
+		tkgrid(Frame1, Frame2, sticky = "nwe", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(FrameOverAll, sticky = "nswe", columnspan = 2)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			respostaListbox <- Data.CEA$Node.N[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			Data.alternative <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N != respostaListbox,]
+			Data.standart <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N == respostaListbox, ]
+			ans <- data.frame( 	Strategy = Data.standart$Node.name,
+								Cost = Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Incr.Cost = NA, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								Incr.Eff. = NA, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.standart$Mean.Cost / Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								ICER = NA
+								)
+			for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative)[1]) {
+				ans.line <- data.frame( Strategy = Data.alternative$Node.name[i],
+								Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i], 
+								Incr.Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								Incr.Eff. = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] / Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								ICER = ((Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost) /
+											(Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness))
+								)
+				ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 1)
+			}
+			ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+			displayInTable(as.matrix(ans), title="Análise de Custo-Efetividade",
+						height=10,width=8,nrow=dim(ans)[1],ncol=dim(ans)[2], 
+						titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, returntt = FALSE)
+	    }
+	    OnCancel <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(CEtableWindow)
+	# 		tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+	    }
+	  	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(CEtableWindow,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(CEtableWindow,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkbind(CEtableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(CEtableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(CEtableWindow, 300, 180)
+		tkfocus(CEtableWindow)
+		}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/add.node.Rd
--- pkg/man/add.node.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/add.node.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+add.node(TheTree, node.col, node.number, node.name, node.prob, node.type = "C", node.notes = " ", node.destiny = " ", node.utility = 0, node.effectiveness = 0, playnumb = 2)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{node.col}{ ~~Describe \code{node.col} here~~ }
+  \item{node.number}{ ~~Describe \code{node.number} here~~ }
+  \item{node.name}{ ~~Describe \code{node.name} here~~ }
+  \item{node.prob}{ ~~Describe \code{node.prob} here~~ }
+  \item{node.type}{ ~~Describe \code{node.type} here~~ }
+  \item{node.notes}{ ~~Describe \code{node.notes} here~~ }
+  \item{node.destiny}{ ~~Describe \code{node.destiny} here~~ }
+  \item{node.utility}{ ~~Describe \code{node.utility} here~~ }
+  \item{node.effectiveness}{ ~~Describe \code{node.effectiveness} here~~ }
+  \item{playnumb}{ ~~Describe \code{playnumb} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, node.col, node.number, node.name, node.prob, node.type = "C",
+						node.notes = " ", node.destiny = " ", node.utility = 0, node.effectiveness = 0,
+						playnumb = 2) {
+	require(abind)
+	variables <- names(TheTree)
+	num.col <- dim(TheTree)[2]
+	num.lin <- dim(TheTree)[1]
+	Levelmax <- max(TheTree$Level)
+	new.node.level <- node.col + 1
+	Data.father <- subset(TheTree, Level == node.col, select = variables)
+	Data.father <- subset(Data.father, Node.N == node.number, select = variables)
+	father.name <- Data.father$Node.name[1]
+	if(new.node.level <= Levelmax) {
+		Data <- subset(TheTree, Level == new.node.level, select = variables)
+		new.node.number <- max(Data$Node.N) + 1
+	} else {
+		new.node.number <- 1
+	}
+	Payoffs <- matrix(c(0,1), 1, playnumb)
+	colnames(Payoffs) <- paste("Payoff",1:length(Payoffs),sep="")
+	ans <- data.frame(	Level = new.node.level, Node.N = new.node.number, Node.name = node.name,
+						 Father = node.number, Father.Name = father.name,
+						 Prob = node.prob, Type = node.type, Note = node.notes, Destiny = node.destiny,
+						 Payoff1 = node.utility, Payoff2 = node.effectiveness)
+	ans <- abind(TheTree, ans, along=1)
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	ans$Level <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Level))
+	ans$Node.N <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Node.N))
+	ans$Node.name <- as.character(ans$Node.name)
+	ans$Father <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Father))
+	ans$Father.Name <- as.character(ans$Father.Name)
+	ans$Prob <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Prob))
+	ans$Type <- as.character(ans$Type)
+	ans$Note <- as.character(ans$Note)
+	ans$Destiny <- as.character(ans$Destiny)
+	ans$Payoff1 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff1))
+	ans$Payoff2 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff2))
+	ans <- ans[ order(ans$Level,ans$Father, ans$Node.N),]
+	.stopit <- FALSE
+	i <- 1
+	nans <- dim(ans)[1]
+	while ( !.stopit ) {
+		i <- i + 1
+		GTtflag <- 	( as.numeric(ans$Node.N[i]) < as.numeric(ans$Node.N[i-1]) ) &&
+					( as.numeric(ans$Level[i]) == as.numeric(ans$Level[i-1]) )
+			if (GTtflag) {
+				old.value <- ans$Node.N[i-1]
+				ans$Node.N[i-1] <- ans$Node.N[i]
+				ans$Node.N[i] <- old.value
+				usedlevel <- ans$Level[i-1] + 1
+				position <- intersect(which(ans$Level == usedlevel),which(ans$Father == old.value))
+				if ( length(position) > 0) {
+					ans$Father[position] <- old.value
+					ans$Father.Name[position] <- ans$Node.name[i-1]
+				}
+				ans <- ans[ order(ans$Level,ans$Father, ans$Node.N),]
+				i <- 1
+			} else {
+				if (i >= nans) .stopit <- TRUE
+			}
+		}
+	rownames(ans) <- NULL
+	return(ans)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/addnodewindows.Rd
--- pkg/man/addnodewindows.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/addnodewindows.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function() {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		node.col <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == node.col)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		node.type <- TheTree$Type[position]
+		if (node.type == "T") {
+			msg <- paste(" O nodo selecionado é de tipo 'Terminal'.\n Altere o tipo do nodo e tente novamente.")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		} else {
+			# A janela Tk
+			addnodeWindow <- tktoplevel()
+			title <- "ÁrvoRe - Novo Nodo"
+			tkwm.title(addnodeWindow,title)
+			NomeVar <- tclVar("New Node")
+			NomeEntryWidget <- tkentry(addnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=NomeVar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(addnodeWindow,text="Nome do nodo"))
+			tkgrid(NomeEntryWidget)
+			ProbabilidadeVar <- tclVar("0.0")
+			ProbabilityEntryWidget <- tkentry(addnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=ProbabilidadeVar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(addnodeWindow,text="Probabilidade"))
+			tkgrid(ProbabilityEntryWidget)
+			UtilidadeVar <- tclVar("0.0")
+			UtilityEntryWidget <- tkentry(addnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=UtilidadeVar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(addnodeWindow,text="Custo / Payoff"))
+			tkgrid(UtilityEntryWidget)
+			EffectivenessVar <- tclVar("0.0")
+			EffectivenessEntryWidget <- tkentry(addnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=EffectivenessVar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(addnodeWindow,text="Efetividade / Payoff"))
+			tkgrid(EffectivenessEntryWidget)
+			NotasVar <- tclVar(" ")
+			NotesEntryWidget <- tkentry(addnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=NotasVar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(addnodeWindow,text="Notas"))
+			tkgrid(NotesEntryWidget)		
+			tkfocus(addnodeWindow)
+			OnOK <- function()
+			{
+				NameVal <- tclvalue(NomeVar)
+				ProbabilidadeVal <- as.numeric( tclvalue(ProbabilidadeVar) )
+				UtilidadeVal <- as.numeric( tclvalue(UtilidadeVar) )
+				EffectivenessVal <- as.numeric( tclvalue(EffectivenessVar) )
+				NotasVal <- tclvalue(NotasVar)
+				if ( (ProbabilidadeVal < 0) || (ProbabilidadeVal > 1) ) {
+					msg <- paste("Este não é um valor de probabilidade válido '",ProbVal, "'")
+					tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+					tkfocus(addnodeWindow)
+				} else {
+					NewTree <- add.node(TheTree,
+									node.col = node.col,
+									node.number = node.number, 
+									node.name = NameVal, 
+									node.prob = ProbabilidadeVal, 
+									node.type = "C", 
+									node.notes = NotasVal,
+									node.destiny = " ",
+									node.utility = UtilidadeVal,
+									node.effectiveness = EffectivenessVal)
+					safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+					setaddnode(NewTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+					refreshF5()
+					tkdestroy(addnodeWindow)
+					tkfocus(tt)
+				}
+			}
+			OK.but <-tkbutton(addnodeWindow,text="   OK   ",command=OnOK)
+			tkbind(NomeEntryWidget, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			tkbind(ProbabilidadeVar, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			tkbind(UtilityEntryWidget, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			tkbind(EffectivenessEntryWidget, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			tkbind(NotasVar, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			OnCancel <- function()
+			{
+				tkdestroy(addnodeWindow)
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+			Cancel.but <-tkbutton(addnodeWindow,text=" Cancel ",command=OnCancel)
+			tkbind(addnodeWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+			tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+			posiciona.janela.no.mouse(addnodeWindow, 250, 230)
+	 		}
+ 		}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/arvore.Rd
--- pkg/man/arvore.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/arvore.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,560 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	# Se .ArvoReRunning existe, então o ÁrvoRe já está em execução...
+	if (!exists(".ArvoReRunning", envir = globalenv() )) {
+		# ArvoRe Settings
+		library(tcltk)
+		###############################################################################
+		# THE GAME!!
+		###############################################################################
+		# Configuration variables
+		.EnvironmentArvoRe <- globalenv()
+		.EnvironmentArvore.Secure <- new.env(parent = globalenv())
+		.arvore.version <- "Alfa-0.1.4"								# The ArvoRe version
+		.arvore.release.date <- "June 18, 2008 06:43:29 PM "		# The ArvoRe version date
+		.modeltypeArvore <- "CE" 									# Default calculation method "Simple" # "CEA"
+		.workstatus <- "saved"										# File status
+		.opennedfile <- "newfile"									# File name
+		.digits <- 3												# Decimal places
+		.init.objects <- objects(all.names = TRUE, 
+									envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)		# Objetos existentes antes de abrir o ArvoRe
+		.treeangle <- "squared"										# Tipo de ângulos exibidos para a árvore
+		.notesconf <- 0												# Mostrar notas no gráfico { 1 = yes, 0 = no }
+		.probabilityconf <- 1										# Mostrar probabilidades no gráfico { 1 = yes, 0 = no }
+		.payoffsconf <- 1											# Mostrar payoffs no gráfico { 1 = yes, 0 = no }
+		.node.name.font.size <- 12									# Tamanho da fonte para o nome do nodo exibido no gráfico.
+		.payoffs.font.size	<- 8									# Tamanho da fonte para payoffs do nodo exibido no gráfico.
+		.notes.font.size <- 6										# Tamanho da fonte para comentários do nodo exibido no gráfico.
+		.absorventstateconf <- 1									# Estados absorventes da cadeia de Markov são interpretados como MORTE.
+		assign(".EnvironmentArvoRe", .EnvironmentArvoRe, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".EnvironmentArvore.Secure", .EnvironmentArvore.Secure, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".arvore.version", .arvore.version, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".modeltypeArvore", .modeltypeArvore, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".workstatus", .workstatus, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".opennedfile", .opennedfile, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".digits", .digits, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".init.objects", .init.objects, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".treeangle", .treeangle, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".notesconf", .notesconf, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".probabilityconf", .probabilityconf, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".payoffsconf", .payoffsconf, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".node.name.font.size", .node.name.font.size, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".node.name.font.size", .node.name.font.size, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".payoffs.font.size", .payoffs.font.size, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".notes.font.size", .notes.font.size, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		assign(".absorventstateconf", .absorventstateconf, env = .GlobalEnv)
+# 		assign("", x, env = .GlobalEnv)
+		###############################################################################
+		# The Tk things
+		###############################################################################
+		carregaTclpath()	# Carrega extensões da Tcltk
+		tclRequire("Img")
+		tclRequire("BWidget")
+		#---------------------------------------------------------------------- 
+		# tclRequire("Tk") # Used in TckTk 8.5
+		# Create a new decision tree
+		new.tree()
+		# Set Running flag to TRUE
+		.ArvoReRunning <- TRUE
+		# The splashscreen
+		splashscreenArvoRe()
+		# The main window
+		tt <- tktoplevel()
+		# Send tt addres to .EnvironmentArvoRe
+		assign("tt", tt, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		.Windowtitle <- paste("ÁrvoRe - Janela Principal", " - [", .opennedfile, "]", sep = "")
+		.Frametitle1 <- " Representação Gráfica da Árvore "
+		.Frametitle2 <- paste("ÁrvoRe - versão ", .arvore.version, " | ", 
+								" | ", "Rodando no R ", getRversion(), " ",
+								sep="")
+		.Frametitle3 <- " Configuração de Nodo "
+		tkwm.title(tt, .Windowtitle)
+		# Set max and min size to main ArvoRe window
+		tkwm.minsize(tt,640,480)
+		tkwm.maxsize(tt,1024,768)
+		# The Frames
+		frameOverall <- tkframe(tt)
+		frameBottons <- tkframe(frameOverall,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
+		frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
+			frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
+				frameUpperLeftUp <- tkframe(frameUpperLeft,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
+				frameUpperLeftDown <- tkframe(frameUpperLeft,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
+			frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper,relief="groove",borderwidth=2)
+			tkpack(tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = .Frametitle1))
+		frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall,relief="sunken",borderwidth=2)
+		tkpack(tklabel(frameLower,text = .Frametitle2, justify = "left"), fill = "x", expand = 0, side = "left")
+		tkpack(frameBottons, anchor = "nw", expand = 0, side = "top")#, fill = "x")
+		tkpack(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth, side = "left", expand = 1, fill = "both")
+		tkpack(frameUpper, anchor = "n", side = "top", expand = 1, fill = "both")
+		tkpack(tklabel(frameOverall,text=" "))
+		tkpack(frameLower, anchor = "sw", fill = "x", expand = 0, side = "bottom")
+		tkpack(tklabel(frameOverall,text=" "))
+		tkpack(frameOverall, anchor = "center", expand = 1, fill = "both")
+		# The Menu
+		topMenu <- tkmenu(tt)
+		tkconfigure(tt,menu=topMenu)
+		fileMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE)
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Novo           Ctrl+N",command=function() new.file.bot())
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Abrir...       Ctrl+O",command=function() load.file.arv())
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Salvar         Ctrl+S",command=function() save.file.arv())
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Salvar como... Ctrl+Alt+S",command=function() save.as.file.arv())
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Exportar...    Ctrl+E",command=function() export.tree.graph())
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(fileMenu,"command",label="Sair           Esc",command=function() sair())
+		tkadd(topMenu,"cascade",label="Arquivo",menu=fileMenu)
+		editMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE)
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Desfazer",command=function() changedofunction(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure))
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Refazer",command=function() changedofunction(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure))
+			tkadd(editMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Recortar",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Copiar",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Colar",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Excluir",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Recortar sub-árvore",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Copiar sub-árvore",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Colar sub-árvore",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Excluir sub-árvore",command=function() naoimplementado())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Variáveis...",command=function() dialog.variable.window())
+			tkadd(editMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(editMenu,"command",label="Configurações",command=function() properties.tree())
+		tkadd(topMenu,"cascade",label="Editar",menu=editMenu)
+		modelMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE)
+			tkadd(modelMenu,"command",label="Árvore de decisão simples",command=function() set.model.type("SD") )
+			tkadd(modelMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(modelMenu,"command",label="Árvore de decisão Custo-Efetividade",command=function() set.model.type("CE") )
+		tkadd(topMenu,"cascade",label="Modelo",menu=modelMenu)
+		analysisMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE)
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"command",label="Valores esperados (Roll Back)",command=function() show.summary.rollback.window())
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"command",label="Resumo da ACE (ICER)...",command=function() acewindow(TheTree))
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"command",label="Plano Custo-Efetividade",command=function() planoacewindow(TheTree))
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"command",label="Net Benefit (INB)",command=function() inbwindow(TheTree))
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"command",label="Resumo da árvore",command=function() show.summary.tree.window())
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(analysisMenu,"command",label="Verificar probabilidades",command=function() show.prob.check.window(TheTree))
+		tkadd(topMenu,"cascade",label="Análise",menu=analysisMenu)
+		windowMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE)
+			tkadd(windowMenu,"command",label="Zoom +...",command=function() zoom.in.but(imgHeight))
+			tkadd(windowMenu,"command",label="Zoom -...",command=function() zoom.out.but(imgHeight))
+			tkadd(windowMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(windowMenu,"command",label="Resolução da janela...",command=function() naoimplementado())
+		tkadd(topMenu,"cascade",label="Janela",menu=windowMenu)
+		helpMenu <- tkmenu(topMenu,tearoff=FALSE)
+			tkadd(helpMenu,"command",label="Ajuda",command=function() help.start())
+			tkadd(helpMenu,"separator")
+			tkadd(helpMenu,"command",label="Sobre o programa",command=function() sobre(.arvore.version, .arvore.release.date))
+		tkadd(topMenu,"cascade",label="Ajuda",menu=helpMenu)
+		# The top bottons
+		.Height.but <- 3
+		.Width.but <- 7
+		.Height.img.but <- 32
+		.Width.img.but <- 32
+		#	New button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/New.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				new.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, 
+									command=function() new.file.bot())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", new.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Novo trabalho")
+			} else {
+				new.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Novo", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() new.file.bot())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", new.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Novo trabalho")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Open button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Open.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				open.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() load.file.arv())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", open.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Abrir trabalho")
+			} else {
+				open.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Abrir", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() load.file.arv())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", open.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Abrir trabalho")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Save button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Save.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				save.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() save.file.arv())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", save.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Salvar o trabalho atual")
+			} else {
+				save.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Salvar", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() save.file.arv())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", save.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Salvar o trabalho atual")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Save As button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/SaveAs.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				saveas.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() save.as.file.arv())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", saveas.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Salvar como...")
+			} else {
+				saveas.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Salvar \n como...", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() save.as.file.arv())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", saveas.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Salvar como...")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Undo button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Undo.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				undo.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() changedofunction(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", undo.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Desfazer")
+			} else {
+				undo.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="<=", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() changedofunction(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", undo.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Desfazer")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Redo button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Redo.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				redo.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() changedofunction(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", redo.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Refazer")
+			} else {
+				redo.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="=>", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() changedofunction(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", redo.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Refazer")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Markov properties button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Markov.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				markov.prop.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() markov.nodes.properties(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", markov.prop.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Propriedades do estado Markov...")
+			} else {
+				markov.prop.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Markov \n Sim.", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() markov.nodes.properties(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", markov.prop.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Propriedades do estado Markov...")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Variable button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Variable.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				variable.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() dialog.variable.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", variable.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Variáveis...")
+			} else {
+				variable.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Markov \n Sim.", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() dialog.variable.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", variable.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Variáveis...")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Simulation button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Simulation.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				simulation.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() dialog.simulation.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", simulation.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Simular... (MCMC)")
+			} else {
+				simulation.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Markov \n Sim.", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() dialog.simulation.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", simulation.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Simular... (MCMC)")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Roll-Back button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Ball.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rollback.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() show.summary.rollback.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", rollback.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Roll-back")
+			} else {
+				rollback.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Roll-Back", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() show.summary.rollback.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", rollback.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Roll-back")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Sensitivity Analysis button 1-way
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Graph.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				sa.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() sa.1way.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", sa.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Análise de Sensibilidade 1-way")
+			} else {
+				sa.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Análise de Sensibilidade 1-way", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() sa.1way.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", sa.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Análise de Sensibilidade 1-way")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Sensitivity Analysis button 2-way
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Graph2.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				sa2.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() sa.2way.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", sa2.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Análise de Sensibilidade 2-way")
+			} else {
+				sa2.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Análise de Sensibilidade 2-way", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() sa.2way.window())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", sa2.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Análise de Sensibilidade 2-way")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Zoom In button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/ZoomPlus.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				zoom.in <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() zoom.in.but(imgHeight))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", zoom.in, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Aumentar zoom")
+			} else {
+				zoom.in <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Zoom \n +", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() zoom.in.but(imgHeight))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", zoom.in, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Aumentar zoom")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Zoom Out button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/ZoomMinus.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				zoom.out <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() zoom.out.but(imgHeight))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", zoom.out, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Diminuir zoom")
+			} else {
+				zoom.out <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Zoom \n -", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() zoom.out.but(imgHeight))
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", zoom.out, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Diminuir zoom")
+			}
+		}
+		#	Exit button
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Exit.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				exit.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, image=icn, width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() sair())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", exit.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "Sair do programa")
+			} else {
+				exit.but <- tkbutton(frameBottons, text="Sair", width=.Width.img.but, height=.Height.img.but, command=function() sair())
+				tcl("DynamicHelp::add", exit.but, "-type", "balloon", "-text", "\"Sair do programa \"")
+			}
+		}
+		separator1 <- tklabel(frameBottons, text = " ")
+		separator2 <- tklabel(frameBottons, text = " ")
+		separator3 <- tklabel(frameBottons, text = " ")
+		separator4 <- tklabel(frameBottons, text = " ")
+		separator5 <- tklabel(frameBottons, text = " ")
+		separator6 <- tklabel(frameBottons, text = " ")
+		tkgrid(new.but, open.but, save.but, saveas.but, separator1,
+				undo.but, redo.but, separator2,
+				markov.prop.but, variable.but, separator3,
+				simulation.but, rollback.but, separator4,
+				sa.but, sa2.but, separator5,
+				zoom.in, zoom.out, separator6,
+				exit.but, 
+				sticky = "nw")
+		tkconfigure(new.but, activebackground = "white")
+		tkflash(new.but)
+		# The tree structure view
+		xScr       <- tkscrollbar(frameUpperLeftUp,command=function(...)tkxview(treeWidget,...),orient="horizontal")
+		yScr       <- tkscrollbar(frameUpperLeftUp,command=function(...)tkyview(treeWidget,...))
+		treeWidget <- tkwidget(frameUpperLeftUp,"Tree", deltax = 25, deltay = 20,
+										xscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(xScr,...), 
+										yscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(yScr,...),
+										width=30,height=15)
+		tkgrid(treeWidget, yScr)
+		tkgrid.configure(treeWidget,stick="nswe")
+		tkgrid.configure(yScr,stick="nsw")
+		tkgrid(xScr)
+		tkgrid.configure(xScr,stick="nswe")
+		tkgrid(frameUpperLeftUp, sticky = "nwe")
+		# Send treeWidget addres to .EnvironmentArvoRe
+		assign("treeWidget", treeWidget, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		theTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+		# The Tree Bottons
+		.Height.but <- 2
+		.Width.but <- 16
+		node.name.but <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Nome", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() nodenamewindows())
+		node.prob.but <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Probabilidade", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() probwindows())
+		node.playoff.but <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Valores", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() utilitywindows())
+		node.type <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Tipo", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() typenodewindows())
+		node.add <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Adicionar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() addnodewindows())
+		node.remove <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Remover", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() removenodewindows())
+		node.destiny <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Destino", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() destinynodewindows())
+		node.notes <- tkbutton(frameUpperLeftDown, text="Comentários", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() notesnodewindows())
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text = .Frametitle3))
+		tkgrid(node.name.but, row = 0, column = 0, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.prob.but, row = 0, column = 1, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.type, row = 1, column = 0, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.playoff.but, row = 1, column = 1, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.add, row = 2, column = 0, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.remove, row = 2, column = 1, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.destiny, row = 3, column = 0, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(node.notes, row = 3, column = 1, sticky = "nw")
+		tkgrid(frameUpperLeftDown, sticky = "swe") #, side = "bottom", expand = 1, fill = "both")
+		# Image window configurations
+		Height <- 400
+		Width <- 600
+		Borderwidth <- 2
+		# scrollbar objects
+		Hscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameUpperRigth, orient="horiz", command = function(...)tkxview(Canvas,...) )
+		Vscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameUpperRigth, command = function(...)tkyview(Canvas,...) )
+		Canvas <- tkcanvas(frameUpperRigth, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = Borderwidth, 
+							width = Width, height = Height,
+							xscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(Hscroll,...), 
+							yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(Vscroll,...)
+							)
+		assign("Canvas", Canvas, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		# Pack the scroll bars.
+		tkpack(Hscroll, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
+		tkpack(Vscroll, side = "right", fill = "y")
+		# Pack the canvas
+		tkpack(Canvas, anchor = "center", side = "right", fill = "both", expand = 1)
+		# Image setings.
+		imgHeight <- 600
+		imgWidth <- 800
+		assign("imgHeight", imgHeight, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign("imgWidth", imgWidth, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		# Image file name setings.
+		.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "arvore.png", sep="")
+		# unlink(x, recursive = FALSE)
+		png(file=.Filename, width = imgWidth, height = imgHeight, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+			plot.tree(TheTree, line.type = .treeangle, show.probability = .probabilityconf, 
+						show.payoffs = .payoffsconf, show.notes = .notesconf, 
+						node.name.font.size = .node.name.font.size, payoffs.font.size = .payoffs.font.size, 
+						notes.font.size = .notes.font.size)
+		dev.off()
+		image1 <- tclVar()
+		tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+		tkcreate(Canvas, "image", imgWidth/2, imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+		tkconfigure(Canvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,imgWidth,imgHeight))
+		file.remove(.Filename)
+		###############################################################################
+		# The keys
+		###############################################################################
+		tkbind(tt, "<Escape>",sair)
+		tkbind(tt, "<Control_L><n>",new.file.bot)
+		tkbind(tt, "<Control_L><o>",load.file.arv)
+		tkbind(tt, "<Control_L><Alt_L><s>",save.file.arv)
+		tkbind(tt, "<Control_L><s>",save.file.arv)
+		tkbind(tt, "<Control_L><e>",naoimplementado)
+		tkbind(tt, "<F5>",refreshF5)
+		###############################################################################
+		posiciona.janela.tela(tt)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+		tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+	} else {
+		msg <- paste("O programa ÁrvoRe já está sendo executado.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+	}	
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/atualiza.grafico.Rd
--- pkg/man/atualiza.grafico.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/atualiza.grafico.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "arvore.png", sep="")
+	if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+	png(file=.Filename, width = imgWidth, height = imgHeight, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+		plot.tree(TheTree, line.type = .treeangle, show.probability = .probabilityconf, 
+					show.payoffs = .payoffsconf, show.notes = .notesconf, 
+					node.name.font.size = .node.name.font.size, payoffs.font.size = .payoffs.font.size, 
+					notes.font.size = .notes.font.size)
+	dev.off()
+	image1 <- tclVar()
+	tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+	tkcreate(Canvas, "image", imgWidth/2, imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+	tkconfigure(Canvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,imgWidth,imgHeight))
+	file.remove(.Filename)
+	tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/carregaTclpath.Rd
--- pkg/man/carregaTclpath.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/carregaTclpath.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function() {
+	addTclPath("C:/Tcl/lib")
+	addTclPath("C:/Arquivos de programas/Tcl/lib")	
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/changedofunction.Rd
--- pkg/man/changedofunction.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/changedofunction.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+changedofunction(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{.modeltypeArvore}{ ~~Describe \code{.modeltypeArvore} here~~ }
+  \item{.EnvironmentArvore.Secure}{ ~~Describe \code{.EnvironmentArvore.Secure} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure) {
+	TheTree.old <- TheTree
+	.EnvironmentArvoRe.old <- .EnvironmentArvoRe
+	.modeltypeArvore.old <- .modeltypeArvore
+	assign("TheTree", get("TheTree", .EnvironmentArvore.Secure), .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".EnvironmentArvoRe", get(".EnvironmentArvoRe", .EnvironmentArvore.Secure), .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".modeltypeArvore", get(".modeltypeArvore", .EnvironmentArvore.Secure), .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	safedofunction(TheTree.old, .EnvironmentArvoRe.old, .modeltypeArvore.old)
+	refreshF5()
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/clearTreeTkArvore.Rd
--- pkg/man/clearTreeTkArvore.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/clearTreeTkArvore.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree) {
+	i <- TheTree$Level
+	j <- TheTree$Node.N
+	osnodos <- paste(i,".",j,sep="")
+	tkdelete(treeWidget,osnodos[j])
+	tkdelete(treeWidget,"1.1")	
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/convert2matrix.Rd
--- pkg/man/convert2matrix.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/convert2matrix.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree) {
+	n.levels <- max(TheTree$Level)
+	x <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	y <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	probMAT <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	typeMAT <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	effectivenessMAT <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	utilityMAT <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	destinyMAT <- matrix(NA, 0, n.levels)
+	for (i in n.levels:1) {
+		Data.level <- TheTree[TheTree$Level == i,]
+		nodes <- as.numeric(levels(as.factor(Data.level$Node.N)))
+		line.x <- array(NA, n.levels)
+		line.y <- array(NA, n.levels)
+		line.prob <- array(1, n.levels)
+		line.type <- array(NA, n.levels)
+		line.effectiveness <- array(1, n.levels)
+		line.utility <- array(0, n.levels)
+		line.destiny <- array(NA, n.levels)
+		for (j in nodes) {
+			if (sum( x[,i] == j, na.rm = TRUE ) < 1) {
+				Data.Node <- Data.level[ Data.level$Node.N == j,]
+				father.node <- as.numeric(Data.Node$Father[1])
+				label.father <- Data.Node$Father.Name[1]
+				line.x[i] <- j
+				line.y[i] <- Data.Node$Node.name[1]
+				line.prob[i] <- Data.Node$Prob[1]
+				line.type[i] <- Data.Node$Type[1]
+				line.effectiveness[i] <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.Node$Payoff2[1]))
+				line.utility[i] <- as.numeric(as.character(Data.Node$Payoff1[1]))
+				line.destiny[i] <- Data.Node$Destiny[1]
+				if (i > 1) {
+					for (k in (i-1):1) {
+						line.x[k] <- father.node
+						line.y[k] <- label.father
+						Data.node.return <- TheTree[TheTree$Level == k,]
+						Data.node.return <- Data.node.return[Data.node.return$Node.N == as.character(line.x[k]),]
+						father.node <- as.numeric(Data.node.return$Father[1])
+						label.father <- Data.node.return$Father.Name
+						prob.father <- Data.node.return$Prob
+						type.father <- Data.node.return$Type
+						effectiveness.father <- Data.node.return$Payoff2[1]
+						utility.father <- Data.node.return$Payoff1[1]
+						destiny.father <- Data.node.return$Destiny
+						line.prob[k] <- prob.father
+						line.type[k] <- type.father
+						line.effectiveness[k] <- as.numeric(as.character(effectiveness.father))
+						line.utility[k] <- as.numeric(as.character(utility.father))
+						line.destiny[k] <- destiny.father
+					}
+				}
+				x <- rbind(x,line.x)
+				y <- rbind(y,line.y)
+				probMAT <- rbind(probMAT,line.prob)
+				typeMAT <- rbind(typeMAT,line.type)
+				effectivenessMAT <- rbind(effectivenessMAT,line.effectiveness)
+				utilityMAT <- rbind(utilityMAT,line.utility)
+				destinyMAT <- rbind(destinyMAT,line.destiny)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+# ordena as matrizes para nao haver problema com a plot.tree - June 21, 2008 
+	for (i in 1:dim(x)[2]) {
+		if ( sum(is.na(x[,i])) == 0 ) { # whatcolorder <- c(whatcolorder, i)
+			y <- y[order(x[,i]),]
+			probMAT <- probMAT[order(x[,i]),]
+			typeMAT <- typeMAT[order(x[,i]),]
+			effectivenessMAT <- effectivenessMAT[order(x[,i]),]
+			utilityMAT <- utilityMAT[order(x[,i]),]
+			destinyMAT <- destinyMAT[order(x[,i]),]
+			x <- x[order(x[,i]),]
+		}
+	}
+	x <- as.matrix(x)
+	y <- as.matrix(y)
+	probMAT <- as.matrix(probMAT)
+	typeMAT <- as.matrix(typeMAT)
+	effectivenessMAT <- as.matrix(effectivenessMAT)
+	utilityMAT <- as.matrix(utilityMAT)
+	destinyMAT <- as.matrix(destinyMAT)
+	colnames(x) <- NULL
+	rownames(x) <- NULL
+	colnames(y) <- NULL
+	rownames(y) <- NULL
+	colnames(probMAT) <- NULL
+	rownames(probMAT) <- NULL
+	colnames(typeMAT) <- NULL
+	rownames(typeMAT) <- NULL
+	colnames(effectivenessMAT) <- NULL
+	rownames(effectivenessMAT) <- NULL
+	colnames(utilityMAT) <- NULL
+	rownames(utilityMAT) <- NULL
+	colnames(destinyMAT) <- NULL
+	rownames(destinyMAT) <- NULL
+	dl <- dim(destinyMAT)[1]
+	destinyarray <- array(0,dl)
+	for (i in 1:dl) {
+		balde <- destinyMAT[i, !is.na(destinyMAT[i,]) ]
+		destinyarray[i] <- balde[length(balde)]
+	}
+	ans <- list( x = x, y = y, probMAT = probMAT, typeMAT = typeMAT, effectivenessMAT = effectivenessMAT,
+					utilityMAT = utilityMAT, destinyMAT = destinyarray)
+	return(ans)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/cost.effectiveness.table.Rd
--- pkg/man/cost.effectiveness.table.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/cost.effectiveness.table.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree) {
+	Matrixset <- convert2matrix(TheTree)
+	x <- Matrixset$x
+	y <- Matrixset$y
+	probMAT <- Matrixset$probMAT
+	utilityMAT <- Matrixset$utilityMAT
+	effectivenessMAT <- Matrixset$effectivenessMAT
+	typeMAT <- Matrixset$typeMAT
+	rollbackLIST <- rollback(TheTree)
+	num.col <- dim(x)[2]
+	num.lin <- dim(x)[1]
+	levelnode <- array(,0)
+	paispos <- array(,0)
+	nnode <- array(,0)
+	namenode <- array(,0)
+	probnode <- array(,0)
+	utilitynode <- array(,0)
+	effectivenessnode <- array(,0)
+	typenode <- array(,0)
+	paisnodos.n <- array(,0)
+	paisnodos.name <- array(,0)
+	paisnodos <- array(,0)
+	expectedvalue.cost <- array(,0)
+	expectedvalue.effectiveness <- array(,0)
+	expectedvalue.ce <- array(,0)	
+	for (i in 1:num.col) {
+		max.node <- max(x[,i], na.rm = TRUE)
+		pais <- 1:max.node	
+		for (k in pais) {
+			levelnode <- c(levelnode,i)
+			nodepos <- which(x[,i] == k)[1]
+			paispos <- c(paispos, nodepos)
+			if (i == 1) {
+				paisnodos.n <- c(paisnodos.n, 1)
+				paisnodos.name <- c(paisnodos.name, " ")
+			} else {
+				paisnodos.n <- c(paisnodos.n, x[nodepos, i-1])
+				paisnodos.name <- c(paisnodos.name, y[nodepos, i-1])
+			}
+			nnode <- c(nnode, k)
+			namenode <- c(namenode, y[nodepos, i])
+			probnode <- c(probnode, probMAT[nodepos, i])
+			utilitynode <- c(utilitynode, utilityMAT[nodepos, i])
+			effectivenessnode <- c(effectivenessnode, effectivenessMAT[nodepos, i])
+			typenode <- c(typenode, typeMAT[nodepos, i])
+			expectedvalue.cost <- c(expectedvalue.cost, rollbackLIST[["Cost"]][nodepos, i])
+			expectedvalue.effectiveness <- c(expectedvalue.effectiveness, rollbackLIST[["Effectiveness"]][nodepos, i])
+			expectedvalue.ce <- c(expectedvalue.ce, rollbackLIST[["CE"]][nodepos, i])
+		}
+	}
+	tabela <- data.frame(Level = levelnode, Node.N = nnode, Node.name = namenode,
+						 Mean.Cost = expectedvalue.cost,
+						 Mean.Effectiveness = expectedvalue.effectiveness,
+						 Mean.C.E.ratio = expectedvalue.ce
+						 )
+	tabela <- subset(tabela, Level == 2)
+	tabela <- as.data.frame(tabela)
+	tabela$Level <- as.numeric(tabela$Level)
+	tabela$Node.N <- as.numeric(tabela$Node.N)
+	tabela$Node.name <- as.character(tabela$Node.name)
+	tabela$Mean.Cost <- as.numeric(as.numeric(tabela$Mean.Cost))
+	tabela$Mean.Effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.numeric(tabela$Mean.Effectiveness))
+	tabela$Mean.C.E.ratio <- as.numeric(as.numeric(tabela$Mean.C.E.ratio))
+	return(tabela)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/destinynodewindows.Rd
--- pkg/man/destinynodewindows.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/destinynodewindows.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( .modeltypeArvore != "CE") {
+		msg <- paste(" Você não está utilizando um modelo Markov.\n Altere o tipo de modelo para poder definir destino a um nodo.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+			msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		} else {
+			node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+			column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+			position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+			node.type <- TheTree$Type[position]
+			if (node.type == "T") {
+				node.Origins <- select.origins(TheTree, node.col = column, node.number = node.number)
+				position.exist.markov <- which(node.Origins$Type == "M")
+				if (length(position.exist.markov) > 0) {
+					destinyWindow <- tktoplevel()
+					title <- "ÁrvoRe - Destino do Nodo"
+					tkwm.title(destinyWindow,title)
+					position.exist.markov <- max(position.exist.markov)
+					column.markov <- node.Origins$Level[position.exist.markov]
+					number.markov.node <- node.Origins$Node.N[position.exist.markov]
+					k <- subset(TheTree, Level == column.markov + 1)
+					k <- subset(k, Father == number.markov.node)
+					k <- k[union( which(k$Type == "C"), which(k$Type == "T")), ]
+					markov.nodes <- as.character(k$Node.name)
+					markov.nodes.position <- as.numeric(k$Node.N)
+					markov.nodes.col <- as.numeric(k$Level)
+					heightlistbox <- length(markov.nodes)
+					scr <- tkscrollbar(destinyWindow, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(tl,...))
+					tl <- tklistbox(destinyWindow,height=heightlistbox,selectmode="single",
+									yscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(scr,...),background="white")
+					tkgrid(tklabel(destinyWindow,text="Seleciona um nodo de destino"))
+					tkgrid(tl,scr)
+					tkgrid.configure(scr,rowspan=4,sticky="nsw")
+					for (i in (1:heightlistbox)) {
+					    tkinsert(tl,"end",markov.nodes[i])
+					}
+					if(TheTree$Destiny[position[1]] != " ") {
+						selected <- which( markov.nodes.position == as.numeric(TheTree$Destiny[position[1]]))
+						tkselection.set(tl,selected-1)
+					}
+					OnOK <- function()
+					{
+						destinyChoice <- markov.nodes.position[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+						safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+						TheTree$Destiny[position] <- destinyChoice
+						setdestinynode(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+						tkdestroy(destinyWindow)
+						tkfocus(tt)
+					}
+					OnCancel <- function()
+					{
+						tkdestroy(destinyWindow)
+						tkfocus(tt)
+					}
+					OK.but <-tkbutton(destinyWindow,text="   OK   ",command=OnOK)
+					tkbind(destinyWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+					Cancel.but <-tkbutton(destinyWindow,text=" Cancel ",command=OnCancel)
+					tkbind(destinyWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+					tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+					posiciona.janela.no.mouse(destinyWindow, 230, 150)
+					tkfocus(destinyWindow)
+				} else {
+					msg <- paste("O nodo selecionado não é um nodo de transição de um nodo tipo 'Markov'. \n Apenas nodos desse tipo podem seguir um destino.")
+					tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+					tkfocus(tt)
+				}
+			} else {
+				msg <- paste("O nodo selecionado não é um nodo do tipo 'Terminal'. \n Apenas nodos desse tipo podem seguir um destino.")
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/dialog.simulation.window.Rd
--- pkg/man/dialog.simulation.window.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/dialog.simulation.window.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	.begin.sim <- TRUE	# Servirá como flag para se saber se se pode iniciar a simulação.
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		.begin.sim <- FALSE
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		node.type <- TheTree$Type[position]
+	}
+	TestPartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, node.col = column, node.number = node.number, change.row.names = FALSE)$Type
+	position.test <- which(	TestPartialTree == "M" )
+	if (length(position.test) > 0) {
+		if (dim(markov.propertiesMAT)[1] == 0) {
+			msg <- paste("Propriedades dos nodos representantes dos estados Markov não \n",
+						"foram definidos. Use o botão 'M' para ajustar as propriedades \n",
+						"destes nodos.", sep = "")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			.begin.sim <- FALSE
+			tkfocus(tt)			
+		}
+	}
+	if (.begin.sim) {
+		if (node.type == "M") {
+############ MARKOV ############
+			dialogsimulationwindow <- tktoplevel()
+			title <- "ÁrvoRe - Markov Simulation"
+			tkwm.title(dialogsimulationwindow,title)
+			Seedvar <- tclVar(0)
+			Individuosvar <- tclVar(10000)
+			Terminalvar <- tclVar("(.stage >= 10)")
+			Seed.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Seedvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Semente (zero indica semente não determinada)"),
+					row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			tkgrid(Seed.Value, row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			Individuos.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Individuosvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Número de indivíduos na coorte"),
+					row = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			tkgrid(Individuos.Value, row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			Terminal.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Terminalvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Condição de término da simulação"),
+					row = 4, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			tkgrid(Terminal.Value, row = 5, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text=" "), columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+			OnOK <- function()
+			{
+				tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="watch")	# faz com que o cursor mude para busy
+				SeedVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Seedvar))
+				IndividuosVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Individuosvar))
+				TerminalVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Terminalvar))
+				if ( (is.numeric(SeedVal)) && (!is.na(SeedVal)) && (nchar(SeedVal) > 0) ) {
+					if ( (is.numeric(IndividuosVal)) && (!is.na(IndividuosVal)) && (nchar(IndividuosVal) > 0) ) {
+						PartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, node.col = column, node.number = node.number, change.row.names = FALSE)
+						Partialmarkov.propertiesMAT <- select.markov.propertiesMAT(TheTree, PartialTree, markov.propertiesMAT)
+						if (SeedVal == 0) SeedVal <- FALSE
+						tempo1 <- Sys.time() 
+						Mktable <- markov.coort.table(PartialTree, Partialmarkov.propertiesMAT, markov.termination = TerminalVal, 
+														initial.coort = IndividuosVal, seed = SeedVal, absorventstatedeath = .absorventstateconf)
+						tempo2 <- Sys.time()
+# 						assign("Mktable", Mktable, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+						Mktable <- list(Mktable)
+						names(Mktable) <- TheTree$Node.name[position]
+						summary.simulation.window(Mktable, 
+													tempo1 = tempo1, 
+													tempo2 = tempo2, 
+													CicloVal = dim(Mktable)[1], 
+													tipo.nodo = "M",
+													digits = .digits)
+						tkdestroy(dialogsimulationwindow)
+						tkfocus(tt)
+					} else {
+						msg <- paste("Este não é um valor válido para o número de de indivíduos na coorte '",IndividuosVal, "'")
+						tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+						tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="arrow")
+						tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+					}
+				} else {
+					msg <- paste("Este não é um valor válido para o número de ciclos '",CicloVal, "'")
+					tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+					tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="arrow")
+					tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+				}
+			}
+			OK.but <-tkbutton(dialogsimulationwindow,text="   OK   ",command=OnOK)
+			tkbind(Seed.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			tkbind(Individuos.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			tkbind(Terminal.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			OnCancel <- function()
+			{
+				tkdestroy(dialogsimulationwindow)
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+			Cancel.but <-tkbutton(dialogsimulationwindow, text=" Cancel ", command=OnCancel)
+			tkbind(dialogsimulationwindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+			tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+			posiciona.janela.no.mouse(dialogsimulationwindow, 250, 200)
+#	 		tcl("tkwait","window",dialogsimulationwindow)
+			tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+		} else {
+			if (node.type == "D") {
+############ DECISION ############
+				dialogsimulationwindow <- tktoplevel()
+				title <- "ÁrvoRe - Markov Simulation"
+				tkwm.title(dialogsimulationwindow,title)
+				Seedvar <- tclVar(0)
+				Individuosvar <- tclVar(10000)
+				Terminalvar <- tclVar("(.stage >= 10)")
+				Trialssvar <- tclVar(10000)
+				Seed.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Seedvar)
+				tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Semente (zero indica semente não determinada)"),
+						row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				tkgrid(Seed.Value, row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				Individuos.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Individuosvar)
+				tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Número de indivíduos na coorte (Markov) \n Número de repetições (random walk) (Chance/Terminal)"),
+						row = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				tkgrid(Individuos.Value, row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				Terminal.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Terminalvar)
+				tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Condição de término da simulação"),
+						row = 4, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				tkgrid(Terminal.Value, row = 5, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+# 				Trialss.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Trialssvar)
+# 				tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Número de repetições (random walk)"),
+# 						row = 6, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+# 				tkgrid(Trialss.Value, row = 7, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text=" "), columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+				OnOK <- function()
+				{
+					tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="watch")	# faz com que o cursor mude para busy
+					SeedVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Seedvar))
+					IndividuosVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Individuosvar))
+					TerminalVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Terminalvar))
+					TrialssVal <-IndividuosVal
+# 					TrialssVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Trialssvar))
+					if ( (is.numeric(SeedVal)) && (!is.na(SeedVal)) && (nchar(SeedVal) > 0) ) {
+						if ( (is.numeric(IndividuosVal)) && (!is.na(IndividuosVal)) && (nchar(IndividuosVal) > 0) ) {
+							nodestoSim <- subset(TheTree, Level == column + 1)
+							nodestoSim <- subset(nodestoSim, Father == node.number)
+							Times.to.sim.init <- array(,0)
+							Times.to.sim.final <- array(,0)
+							Names.to.sim <- array(,0)
+							Types.to.sim <- array(,0)
+							Sim.list.to.resume <- list()
+							for ( nodeinquestion in 1:length(nodestoSim$Node.N) ) {
+								nodegotosim.Type <- nodestoSim$Type[nodeinquestion]
+								nodegotosim.Name <- nodestoSim$Node.name[nodeinquestion]
+								nodegotosim.Node.N <- nodestoSim$Node.N[nodeinquestion]
+								nodegotosim.Level <- nodestoSim$Level[nodeinquestion]
+								if ( nodegotosim.Type == "M") {
+									PartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, 
+																	node.col = nodegotosim.Level, 
+																	node.number = nodegotosim.Node.N, 
+																	change.row.names = FALSE)
+									Partialmarkov.propertiesMAT <- select.markov.propertiesMAT(TheTree, 
+																	PartialTree, 
+																	markov.propertiesMAT)
+									if (SeedVal == 0) SeedVal <- FALSE
+									tempo1 <- Sys.time()
+									Times.to.sim.init <- c(Times.to.sim.init, Sys.time())
+									Sim.list.to.resume[[nodeinquestion]] <- markov.coort.table(PartialTree, 
+																	markov.propertiesMAT = Partialmarkov.propertiesMAT, 
+																	markov.termination = TerminalVal, 
+																	initial.coort = IndividuosVal, 
+																	seed = SeedVal, 
+																	absorventstatedeath = .absorventstateconf)
+									tempo2 <- Sys.time()
+									Times.to.sim.final <- c(Times.to.sim.final, Sys.time())
+									Names.to.sim <- c(Names.to.sim, nodegotosim.Name)
+									Types.to.sim <- c(Types.to.sim, "M")
+								}
+								if ( nodegotosim.Type == "C") {
+									PartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, 
+																	node.col = nodegotosim.Level, 
+																	node.number = nodegotosim.Node.N, 
+																	change.row.names = FALSE)
+									if (SeedVal == 0) SeedVal <- FALSE
+									tempo1 <- Sys.time()
+									Times.to.sim.init <- c(Times.to.sim.init, Sys.time())
+									Sim.list.to.resume[[nodeinquestion]] <- simple.markov.coort.table(PartialTree, 
+																			trials = TrialssVal, 
+																			seed = SeedVal)
+									tempo2 <- Sys.time()
+									Times.to.sim.final <- c(Times.to.sim.final, Sys.time())
+									Names.to.sim <- c(Names.to.sim, nodegotosim.Name)
+									Types.to.sim <- c(Types.to.sim, "C")
+								}
+								if ( nodegotosim.Type == "T") {
+									PartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, 
+																	node.col = nodegotosim.Level, 
+																	node.number = nodegotosim.Node.N, 
+																	change.row.names = FALSE)
+									Times.to.sim.init <- c(Times.to.sim.init, Sys.time())
+									Sim.list.to.resume[[nodeinquestion]] <- terminal.markov.coort.table(PartialTree, trials = TrialssVal)
+									Times.to.sim.final <- c(Times.to.sim.final, Sys.time())
+									Names.to.sim <- c(Names.to.sim, nodegotosim.Name)
+									Types.to.sim <- c(Types.to.sim, "T")
+# 									cat("NODO Terminal : fazendo nada | dialog.simulation() \n")
+								}
+							}
+							names(Sim.list.to.resume) <- Names.to.sim
+							summary.simulation.window(Sim.list.to.resume, 
+														tempo1 = Times.to.sim.init, 
+														tempo2 = Times.to.sim.final, 
+														CicloVal = 999, 
+														tipo.nodo = Types.to.sim,
+														digits = .digits)
+							tkdestroy(dialogsimulationwindow)
+							tkfocus(tt)
+						} else {
+							msg <- paste("Este não é um valor válido para o número de de indivíduos na coorte '",IndividuosVal, "'")
+							tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+							tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="arrow")
+							tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+						}
+					} else {
+						msg <- paste("Este não é um valor válido para o número de ciclos '",CicloVal, "'")
+						tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+						tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="arrow")
+						tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+					}
+				}
+				OK.but <-tkbutton(dialogsimulationwindow,text="   OK   ",command=OnOK)
+				tkbind(Seed.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+				tkbind(Individuos.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+				tkbind(Terminal.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+				OnCancel <- function()
+				{
+					tkdestroy(dialogsimulationwindow)
+					tkfocus(tt)
+				}
+				Cancel.but <-tkbutton(dialogsimulationwindow, text=" Cancel ", command=OnCancel)
+				tkbind(dialogsimulationwindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+				tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+				posiciona.janela.no.mouse(dialogsimulationwindow, 300, 200)
+	#	 		tcl("tkwait","window",dialogsimulationwindow)
+				tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+			} else {
+				if (node.type == "C") {
+############ CHANCE ############
+					dialogsimulationwindow <- tktoplevel()
+					title <- "ÁrvoRe - Markov Simulation"
+					tkwm.title(dialogsimulationwindow,title)
+					Seedvar <- tclVar(0)
+					Trialssvar <- tclVar(10000)
+# 					Terminalvar <- tclVar("(.stage >= 10)")
+					Seed.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Seedvar)
+					tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Semente (zero indica semente não determinada)"),
+							row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+					tkgrid(Seed.Value, row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+					Trialss.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Trialssvar)
+					tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Número de repetições (random walk)"),
+							row = 2, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+					tkgrid(Trialss.Value, row = 3, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+# 					Terminal.Value  <- tkentry(dialogsimulationwindow,width="20",textvariable=Terminalvar)
+# 					tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text="Número de indivíduos na coorte"), sticky = "n")
+# 					tkgrid(Terminal.Value, sticky = "n")
+					tkgrid(tklabel(dialogsimulationwindow,text=" "), columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+					OnOK <- function()
+					{
+						tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="watch")	# faz com que o cursor mude para busy
+						SeedVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Seedvar))
+						TrialssVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Trialssvar))
+# 						TerminalVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Terminalvar))
+						if ( (is.numeric(SeedVal)) && (!is.na(SeedVal)) && (nchar(SeedVal) > 0) ) {
+							if ( (is.numeric(TrialssVal)) && (!is.na(TrialssVal)) && (nchar(TrialssVal) > 0) ) {
+								PartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, node.col = column, node.number = node.number, change.row.names = FALSE)
+								if (SeedVal == 0) SeedVal <- FALSE
+								tempo1 <- Sys.time() 
+								Mktable <- simple.markov.coort.table(PartialTree, trials = TrialssVal, seed = SeedVal)
+								tempo2 <- Sys.time()
+# 								assign("Mktable", Mktable, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+								Mktable <- list(Mktable)
+								names(Mktable) <- TheTree$Node.name[position]
+								summary.simulation.window(Mktable, 
+															tempo1 = tempo1, 
+															tempo2 = tempo2, 
+															CicloVal = dim(Mktable)[1], 
+															tipo.nodo = "C",
+															digits = .digits)
+								tkdestroy(dialogsimulationwindow)
+								tkfocus(tt)
+							} else {
+								msg <- paste("Este não é um valor válido para o número de de indivíduos na coorte '",TrialssVal, "'")
+								tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+								tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="arrow")
+								tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+							}
+						} else {
+							msg <- paste("Este não é um valor válido para o número de ciclos '",CicloVal, "'")
+							tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+							tkconfigure(dialogsimulationwindow,cursor="arrow")
+							tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+						}
+					}
+					OK.but <-tkbutton(dialogsimulationwindow,text="   OK   ",command=OnOK)
+					tkbind(Seed.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+					tkbind(Trialss.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+# 					tkbind(Terminal.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+					OnCancel <- function()
+					{
+						tkdestroy(dialogsimulationwindow)
+						tkfocus(tt)
+					}
+					Cancel.but <-tkbutton(dialogsimulationwindow, text=" Cancel ", command=OnCancel)
+					tkbind(dialogsimulationwindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+					tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+					posiciona.janela.no.mouse(dialogsimulationwindow, 250, 150)
+		#	 		tcl("tkwait","window",dialogsimulationwindow)
+					tkfocus(dialogsimulationwindow)
+				} else {
+					if (node.type == "T") {
+############ TERMINAL ############
+						msg <- paste("O nodo selecionado é do tipo 'Terminal'. Selecione um outro \n nodo da árvore para executar simulação.")
+						tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+						tkfocus(tt)
+# 						PartialTree <- select.subtree(TheTree, 
+# 														node.col = column, node.number = node.number, 
+# 														change.row.names = FALSE)
+# 						tempo1 <- Sys.time()
+# 						Mktable <- terminal.markov.coort.table(PartialTree)
+# 						print(Mktable)
+# 						tempo2 <- Sys.time()
+# 						summary.simulation.window(Mktable, 
+# 													tempo1 = tempo1, 
+# 													tempo2 = tempo2, 
+# 													CicloVal = dim(Mktable)[1], 
+# 													tipo.nodo = "M",
+# 													digits = .digits)
+					} else {
+						cat("ERROR: Tipo não reconhecido \n")
+						msg <- paste("O nodo selecionado é de tipo não reconhecido. Selecione um outro \n nodo da árvore para executar simulação.")
+						tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+						tkfocus(tt)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/dialog.variable.window.Rd
--- pkg/man/dialog.variable.window.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/dialog.variable.window.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	if (!exists("variableMAT",.EnvironmentArvoRe)) new.variable.list() # se não existe uma tabela de variaveis, então ele cria.
+	variableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	title <- "ÁrvoRe - Variáveis"
+	tkwm.title(variableWindow,title)
+	frameOverall <- tkframe(variableWindow)
+	frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+	frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	scrvar <- tkscrollbar(frameUpperRigth, repeatinterval=5,
+					command=function(...)tkyview(tlvar,...))
+	tlvar <- tklistbox(frameUpperRigth,height=4,selectmode="single",
+					yscrollcommand=function(...)tkset(scrvar,...),background="white")
+	tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text="Variáveis"))
+	tkgrid(tlvar,scrvar)
+	tkgrid.configure(scrvar,rowspan=4,sticky="nsw")
+	tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="nsw")
+	tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+	tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+	variablesnames <- variableMAT[,1]
+	if (length(variablesnames) > 0) {
+		for (i in (1:length(variablesnames))) {
+	    	tkinsert(tlvar,"end",variablesnames[i])
+		}
+	}
+	AddSelection <- function()
+	{
+	    addvariableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	    title <- "ÁrvoRe - Variáveis"
+	    tkwm.title(addvariableWindow,title)
+	    frameOverall <- tkframe(addvariableWindow)
+	    frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	    frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, borderwidth=2)
+	    tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall,text="Nova Variável"))
+	    Namevar <- tclVar("")
+	    Fixvar <- tclVar(0)
+	    Minvar <- tclVar(0)
+	    Maxvar <- tclVar(0)
+	    Notesvar <- tclVar("")
+	    campowidth <- 25
+		Name.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Namevar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Nome da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Name.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Fix.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Fixvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Valor padrão da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Fix.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Min.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Minvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Valor mínimo da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Min.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Max.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Maxvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Valor máximo da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Max.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Notes.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Notesvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Notas"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Notes.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		OnOkAdd <- function() {
+			Allok <- TRUE
+			NameVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Namevar))
+			FixVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Fixvar))
+			MinVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Minvar))
+			MaxVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Maxvar))
+			NotesVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Notesvar))
+			if((nchar(NameVal) <= 0)&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um nome válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((!is.numeric(FixVal))&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um valor fixo válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((!is.numeric(MinVal))&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um valor mínimo válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((!is.numeric(MaxVal))&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um valor máximo válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((MinVal >= MaxVal)&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "O valor mínimo de uma variável deve ser menor que o valor máximo."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if(Allok) {
+				newvariableline <- data.frame(Name = NameVal, Fix.Value = FixVal, Min.Value = MinVal,
+											Max.Value = MaxVal, Notes = NotesVal)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+				setvariablelist(variableMAT = variableMAT, newvariableline = newvariableline, action = "add")
+				tkinsert(tlvar,"end",NameVal)
+				tkdestroy(addvariableWindow)
+				tkfocus(variableWindow)
+			}
+		}
+		OnCanceladd <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(addvariableWindow)
+			tkfocus(variableWindow)
+		}
+		.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOkAdd)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCanceladd)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkbind(addvariableWindow, "<Return>",OnOkAdd)
+		tkbind(addvariableWindow, "<Escape>",OnCanceladd)
+		tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+	}
+	DeleteSelection <- function()
+	{
+	    variableIndex <- as.integer(tkcurselection(tlvar))
+	    variableslist <- variableMAT$Name
+	    variabletodelete <- as.character(variableslist[variableIndex+1])
+	    safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+	    setvariablelist(variableMAT = variableMAT, variable.name = variabletodelete, action = "delete")
+	    tkdelete(tlvar,variableIndex)
+	    tkfocus(variableWindow)
+	}
+	EditSelection <- function()
+	{	
+	    variableIndex <- as.integer(tkcurselection(tlvar))
+	   	variableslist <- variableMAT$Name
+	   	variableselected <- as.character(variableslist[variableIndex+1])
+	   	addvariableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	   	title <- "ÁrvoRe - Variáveis"
+	   	tkwm.title(addvariableWindow,title)
+	   	frameOverall <- tkframe(addvariableWindow)
+	   	frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	   	frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, borderwidth=2)
+	   	tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall,text="Propriedades da Variável"))
+	   	variableMATnames <- names(variableMAT)
+	   	Data <- subset(variableMAT, Name == variableselected, select = variableMATnames)
+	   	Namevar <- tclVar(Data$Name)
+	   	Fixvar <- tclVar(Data$Fix.Value)
+	   	Minvar <- tclVar(Data$Min.Value)
+	   	Maxvar <- tclVar(Data$Max.Value)
+	   	Notesvar <- tclVar(Data$Notes)
+	   	campowidth <- 25
+		Name.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Namevar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Nome da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Name.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Fix.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Fixvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Valor padrão da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Fix.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Min.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Minvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Valor mínimo da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Min.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Max.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Maxvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Valor máximo da variável"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Max.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		Notes.var.Value  <- tkentry(frameUpper, width=campowidth,textvariable=Notesvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Notas"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Notes.var.Value, sticky = "n")
+		OnOkAdd <- function() {
+			Allok <- TRUE
+			NameVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Namevar))
+			FixVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Fixvar))
+			MinVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Minvar))
+			MaxVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(Maxvar))
+			NotesVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Notesvar))
+			if((nchar(NameVal) <= 0)&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um nome válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((!is.numeric(FixVal))&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um valor fixo válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((!is.numeric(MinVal))&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um valor mínimo válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((!is.numeric(MaxVal))&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "Este não é um valor máximo válido para uma variável."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if((MinVal >= MaxVal)&& Allok) {
+				Allok <- FALSE
+				msg <- "O valor mínimo de uma variável deve ser menor que o valor máximo."
+				tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error")
+				tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+			}
+			if(Allok) {
+				oldvariable.name <- Data$Name
+				newvariableline <- data.frame(Name = NameVal, Fix.Value = FixVal, Min.Value = MinVal,
+											Max.Value = MaxVal, Notes = NotesVal)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+				if (length(oldvariable.name) == 0) {
+					setvariablelist(variableMAT = variableMAT, newvariableline = newvariableline, 
+										action = "add")
+					oldvariable.name <- " "
+				} else {
+					setvariablelist(variableMAT = variableMAT, newvariableline = newvariableline, 
+										variable.name = oldvariable.name, action = "edit")
+				}
+			    if (oldvariable.name != NameVal) {
+				    if (oldvariable.name != " ") tkdelete(tlvar,variableIndex)
+				    tkinsert(tlvar,"end",NameVal)
+			    }
+				tkdestroy(addvariableWindow)
+				tkfocus(variableWindow)
+			}
+		}
+		OnCanceladd <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(addvariableWindow)
+			tkfocus(variableWindow)
+		}
+		.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOkAdd)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCanceladd)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkbind(addvariableWindow, "<Return>",OnOkAdd)
+		tkbind(addvariableWindow, "<Escape>",OnCanceladd)
+		tkfocus(addvariableWindow)
+	}
+	OnOK <- function()
+	{
+		tkdestroy(variableWindow)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	.Width.but <- 10
+	.Height.but <- 1
+	OK.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+	Edit.but <-tkbutton(frameUpperLeft,text="Editar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,command=EditSelection)
+	Add.but <-tkbutton(frameUpperLeft,text="Nova", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,command=AddSelection)
+	Delete.but <-tkbutton(frameUpperLeft,text="Apagar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,command=DeleteSelection)
+	tkbind(variableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+	tkbind(variableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+	tkgrid(OK.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(Add.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(Delete.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(Edit.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(frameOverall)
+	posiciona.janela.no.mouse(variableWindow, 250, 160)
+	tkfocus(variableWindow)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/dimensoes.janela.Rd
--- pkg/man/dimensoes.janela.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/dimensoes.janela.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+dimensoes.janela(janela, height, width)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{janela}{ ~~Describe \code{janela} here~~ }
+  \item{height}{ ~~Describe \code{height} here~~ }
+  \item{width}{ ~~Describe \code{width} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(janela, height, width) {
+	MAX.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenheight", janela) ) )
+	MAX.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenwidth", janela) ) )
+	wm.x <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("x", janela) ) )
+	wm.y <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("y", janela) ) )
+	if( height > MAX.height ) height <- MAX.height
+	if( width > MAX.width ) width <- MAX.width
+	limite.sup.x <- round( MAX.width - width )
+	limite.inf.x <- round( width )
+	limite.sup.y <- round( MAX.height - height )
+	limite.sup.y <- round( height )
+	# Limitantes para o tamanho da tela. Quem tem tela virtural... #$\%#$\%
+	if (wm.x > limite.sup.x) wm.x <- limite.sup.x
+	if (wm.x < limite.inf.x) wm.x <- limite.inf.x
+	if (wm.y > limite.sup.y) wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	if (wm.y > limite.sup.y) wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	posicao <- paste(width, "x", height, "+", wm.x,"+", wm.y, sep="")
+	tkwm.geometry(janela,posicao)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/displayInTable.Rd
--- pkg/man/displayInTable.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/displayInTable.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+displayInTable(matrix1, title = "", height = -1, width = -1, nrow = -1, ncol = -1, titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = FALSE, editable = FALSE, returntt = TRUE)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{matrix1}{ ~~Describe \code{matrix1} here~~ }
+  \item{title}{ ~~Describe \code{title} here~~ }
+  \item{height}{ ~~Describe \code{height} here~~ }
+  \item{width}{ ~~Describe \code{width} here~~ }
+  \item{nrow}{ ~~Describe \code{nrow} here~~ }
+  \item{ncol}{ ~~Describe \code{ncol} here~~ }
+  \item{titlerows}{ ~~Describe \code{titlerows} here~~ }
+  \item{titlecols}{ ~~Describe \code{titlecols} here~~ }
+  \item{editable}{ ~~Describe \code{editable} here~~ }
+  \item{returntt}{ ~~Describe \code{returntt} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = FALSE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = TRUE) {
+	require(tcltk)
+	Original.Dada <- matrix1
+	num.lin <- dim(matrix1)[1]
+	num.col <- dim(matrix1)[2]
+	if (titlecols && (!titlerows)) {
+		TitleCols <- colnames(matrix1)
+		if (is.null(colnames(matrix1))) TitleCols <- paste("Col ", 1:num.col, sep="")
+		matrix1 <- rbind(TitleCols, matrix1)
+		nrow <- nrow + 1
+	}
+	if ( titlerows && (!titlecols) ) {
+		TitleRows <- rownames(matrix1)
+		if (is.null(rownames(matrix1))) TitleRows <- paste("Row ", 1:num.lin, sep="")
+		matrix1 <- cbind(TitleRows, matrix1)
+		ncol <- ncol + 1
+	} else {
+		if ( titlerows && titlecols ) {
+			TitleCols <- colnames(matrix1)
+			if (is.null(colnames(matrix1))) TitleCols <- paste("Col ", 1:num.col, sep="")
+			matrix1 <- rbind(TitleCols, matrix1)
+			TitleRows <- rownames(matrix1)
+			if (is.null(rownames(matrix1))) TitleRows <- paste("Row ", 1:num.lin, sep="")
+			TitleRows <- c(" ", TitleRows)
+			matrix1 <- cbind(TitleRows, matrix1)
+			ncol <- ncol + 1
+			nrow <- nrow + 1
+		}
+	}
+	num.lin <- dim(matrix1)[1]
+	num.col <- dim(matrix1)[2]
+# remover se nao funcionar
+	matrix1 <- matrix(as.character(matrix1), num.lin, num.col)
+# 	tamanhocoluna <- max(nchar(matrix1))
+	tclarray <- tclArray()
+	for (i in (1:num.lin))
+	  for (j in (1:num.col))
+	    tclarray[[i-1,j-1]] <- matrix1[i,j]
+	if( editable ) {
+		editable <- "normal"
+	} else {
+		editable <- "disabled"
+	}
+	displayInTableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	tclRequire("Tktable")
+	tkwm.title(displayInTableWindow,title)
+	table1 <- tkwidget(displayInTableWindow,"table",rows=nrow,cols=ncol,
+			titlerows = sum(titlecols), titlecols = sum(titlerows),
+			height=height+1,width=width+1,
+			xscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(xscr,...),yscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(yscr,...),
+			state = editable,
+			colstretchmode = "all")
+# 			colwidth = tamanhocoluna)
+	xscr <-tkscrollbar(displayInTableWindow,orient="horizontal", command=function(...)tkxview(table1,...))
+	yscr <- tkscrollbar(displayInTableWindow,command=function(...)tkyview(table1,...))
+	tkgrid(table1, yscr, columnspan = 2)
+	tkgrid.configure(yscr, sticky="nsw")
+	tkgrid.configure(table1, sticky="nswe")
+	tkgrid(xscr, sticky="new", columnspan = 2)
+	tkconfigure(table1,variable=tclarray,background="white",selectmode="extended")
+	OnExport <- function(Original.Dada) {
+		filetypeWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar"
+		tkwm.title(filetypeWindow,title)
+	    frameOverall <- tkframe(filetypeWindow)
+	    frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	    frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, borderwidth=2)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Selecione o tipo de arquivo:"))
+		filetypes <- c("CSV (separado por vírgulas)","TXT (texto separado por tabulações)","Todos arquivos")
+		fileextensions <- c(".csv", ".txt", " ")
+		widthcombo <- max( nchar(filetypes) )
+		comboBox <- tkwidget(frameUpper,"ComboBox", width = widthcombo, editable = FALSE, values = filetypes)
+		tkgrid(comboBox)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+	   		filetypeChoice <- filetypes[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+	   		fileextChoice <- fileextensions[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+	   		tkdestroy(filetypeWindow)
+	   		filetypes <- paste("{{ ", filetypeChoice, "}", " {", fileextChoice, "}}", sep = "")
+	   		fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes=filetypes))
+			if (!nchar(fileName))
+				tkfocus(filetypeWindow)
+			else {
+				ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+				if ( fileextChoice == ".csv" ) {
+					if (ans == ".csv") {
+						write.csv2(Original.Dada, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+					} else {
+						fileName <- paste(fileName, ".csv", sep = "")
+						write.csv2(Original.Dada, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+					}
+				}
+				if ( fileextChoice == ".txt" ) {
+					if (ans == ".txt") {
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					} else {
+						fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					}
+				}
+				if ( fileextChoice == " " ) {
+					if (ans == ".txt") {
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					} else {
+						fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					}
+				}	
+				tkfocus(displayInTableWindow)
+			}	
+		    	}
+	   	OnCancel <- function() {
+	    	tkdestroy(filetypeWindow)
+	    	tkfocus(displayInTableWindow)
+	   	}
+	   	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkbind(filetypeWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(filetypeWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		tkfocus(filetypeWindow)
+	}	
+	OnOK <- function() {
+		tkdestroy(displayInTableWindow)
+		if (returntt) {
+			tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+    }
+  	.Width.but <- 10
+	.Height.but <- 1
+	OK.but <-tkbutton(displayInTableWindow,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+	Export.but <-tkbutton(displayInTableWindow,text="Exportar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=function() {OnExport(Original.Dada)})
+	tkgrid(OK.but, Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkbind(displayInTableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+	tkbind(displayInTableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+	tkfocus(displayInTableWindow)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/exec.text.Rd
--- pkg/man/exec.text.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/exec.text.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{x}{ ~~Describe \code{x} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(x) {
+	ans <- try( eval(parse(text = x)) )
+	return(ans)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/export.global.Rd
--- pkg/man/export.global.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/export.global.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+export.global(x, nome)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{x}{ ~~Describe \code{x} here~~ }
+  \item{nome}{ ~~Describe \code{nome} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(x, nome) {
+	assign(nome, x, env = .GlobalEnv)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/export.tree.graph.Rd
--- pkg/man/export.tree.graph.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/export.tree.graph.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	exportgraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar Imagem"
+	tkwm.title(exportgraphWindow,title)
+	frameOverall <- tkframe(exportgraphWindow)
+	frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+	frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+	tkgrid( tklabel(frameUpper,text="Formato de imagem"),sticky="n", columnspan = 2)
+	rbValue <- tclVar("jpg")
+	QualityValue <- tclVar("90")
+	rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+	tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="bmp")
+	tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Bitmap .bmp "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+	rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+	tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="jpg")
+	tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Jpeg .jpg "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+	rb3 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+	tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="png")
+	tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Portable network graphics .png "),rb3, sticky = "ne")
+	SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)) )
+	sliderlabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = "Valor da qualidade de imagem : ")
+	sliderlabel2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = "\%")
+	tkgrid(sliderlabel, SliderValueLabel, sliderlabel2)
+	tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = QualityValue)
+	sliderImg <- tkscale(frameUpperRigth, from = 100, to = 1,
+	                   showvalue = F, variable = QualityValue,
+	                   resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
+	tkgrid(sliderImg,sticky="ew")
+	tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="ns")
+	tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+	tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+	Onformat <- function() {
+		ansVar <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+		if (ansVar != "jpg") {
+			tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+			tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "disabled")
+			tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "disabled")
+			tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+			tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "disabled")
+		} else {
+			tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+			tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "normal")
+			tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "normal")
+			tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+			tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "normal")
+		}
+	}
+	OnOK <- function()
+	{
+		ImgFormatselected <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+		ImgQualityselected <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)))
+		if (ImgFormatselected == "png") {
+			.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Portable network graphics Image Files} {.png}} {{All files} *}"))
+			if (!nchar(.Filename))
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			else {
+				ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+				if ( ans != ".png" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".png", sep="")
+				if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+				png(file=.Filename, width = imgWidth, height = imgHeight, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+					plot.tree(TheTree, line.type = .treeangle, show.probability = .probabilityconf, 
+								show.payoffs = .payoffsconf, show.notes = .notesconf, 
+								node.name.font.size = .node.name.font.size, payoffs.font.size = .payoffs.font.size, 
+								notes.font.size = .notes.font.size)
+				dev.off()
+			}
+		} else {
+			if (ImgFormatselected == "jpg") {
+				.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Jpeg Image Files} {.jpg}} {{All files} *}"))
+				if (!nchar(.Filename))
+					tkfocus(tt)
+				else {
+					ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+					if ( ans != ".jpg" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".jpg", sep="")
+					if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+					jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = imgWidth, height = imgHeight,
+					     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = ImgQualityselected, bg = "white",
+					     res = NA, restoreConsole = TRUE)
+					plot.tree(TheTree, line.type = .treeangle, show.probability = .probabilityconf, 
+								show.payoffs = .payoffsconf, show.notes = .notesconf, 
+								node.name.font.size = .node.name.font.size, payoffs.font.size = .payoffs.font.size, 
+								notes.font.size = .notes.font.size)
+					dev.off()
+				}
+			} else {
+				.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Bitmap Image Files} {.bmp}} {{All files} *}"))
+				if (!nchar(.Filename))
+					tkfocus(tt)
+				else {
+					ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+					if ( ans != ".bmp" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".bmp", sep="")
+					if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+					bmp(filename = .Filename, width = imgWidth, height = imgHeight,
+					    units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+					    restoreConsole = TRUE)
+					plot.tree(TheTree, line.type = .treeangle, show.probability = .probabilityconf, 
+								show.payoffs = .payoffsconf, show.notes = .notesconf, 
+								node.name.font.size = .node.name.font.size, payoffs.font.size = .payoffs.font.size, 
+								notes.font.size = .notes.font.size)
+					dev.off()
+				}
+			}
+		}
+		tkdestroy(exportgraphWindow)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	OnCancel <- function()
+	{
+		tkdestroy(exportgraphWindow)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	.Width.but <- 10
+	.Height.but <- 1
+	OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+	tkbind(exportgraphWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+	Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+	tkbind(exportgraphWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+	tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s")
+	tkbind(rb1, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+	tkbind(rb2, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+	tkbind(rb3, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+	tkbind(rb1, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+	tkbind(rb2, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+	tkbind(rb3, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+	tkgrid(frameOverall)
+	tkfocus(exportgraphWindow)
+	posiciona.janela.no.mouse(exportgraphWindow)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/icer.sim.window.Rd
--- pkg/man/icer.sim.window.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/icer.sim.window.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{Alltreatmentstable}{ ~~Describe \code{Alltreatmentstable} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+	require(abind)
+		CEsimtableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Análise de Custo-Efetividade"
+		tkwm.title(CEsimtableWindow,title)
+		# Cria o primeiro frame
+		FrameOverAll <- tkframe(CEsimtableWindow, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		Frame1 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		Frame2 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 0, relief = "sunken")
+		# Cria o label
+		textlabellista <- "Selecione o procedimento padrão para ACE. \n Ele será a base de comparação para os demais."
+		rotulolista <- tklabel(Frame1, text = textlabellista)
+		tkgrid(rotulolista, columnspan = 2)
+		# Cria uma barra de rolagem
+		scr <- tkscrollbar(Frame1, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(tl,...))
+		Data.CEA <- Alltreatmentstable
+		Data.CEA.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "Cost")
+		Data.CEA.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "Effectiveness")
+		Data.CEA.CE <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "C/E")
+		n.treat <- 1:length(Data.CEA.Cost$Treatment)
+		Data.CEA.Cost <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.Cost)
+		Data.CEA.Effectiveness <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.Effectiveness)
+		Data.CEA.CE <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.CE)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.Cost)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.Effectiveness)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.CE)
+		# Cria os elementos da lista
+		elementos <- Data.CEA.Cost$Treatment
+		# Determina a altura da listbox
+		heightlistbox <- length(elementos)
+		larguratexto <- max(nchar(elementos)) + 4
+		# Cria uma listbox					
+		tl <- tklistbox(Frame1, height = 5, width = larguratexto, selectmode = "single",
+						yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(scr,...), background="white")
+		# Adiciona os elementos à listbox
+		for (i in (1:heightlistbox)) {
+		    tkinsert(tl, "end", elementos[i])
+		}
+		# Monta a listbox e a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid(tl, scr, sticky="nse")
+# 		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1, text = " "))
+		# Ajusta a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid.configure(scr, rowspan = 5, sticky="nsw")
+		# Define o "Elemento 2" como padrão da listbox.
+		# Para a listbox o índice começa em zero
+		tkselection.set(tl, 0)
+		# Monta os frames
+		tkgrid(Frame1, Frame2, sticky = "nwe", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(FrameOverAll, sticky = "nswe", columnspan = 2)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			respostaListbox <- n.treat[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			Data.alternative.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA.Cost, NT != respostaListbox)			
+			Data.standart.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA.Cost, NT == respostaListbox)
+			Data.alternative.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA.Effectiveness, NT != respostaListbox)			
+			Data.standart.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA.Effectiveness, NT == respostaListbox)
+			Data.alternative.CE <- subset(Data.CEA.CE, NT != respostaListbox)			
+			Data.standart.CE <- subset(Data.CEA.CE, NT == respostaListbox)
+			ans <- data.frame( 	Strategy = Data.standart.Cost$Treatment[1],
+								Cost = Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1], 
+								Incr.Cost = NA, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1], 
+								Incr.Eff. = NA, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1] / Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1], 
+								ICER = NA,
+								Var.ICER = NA,
+								Sd.ICER = NA,
+								LL_IC95 = NA,
+								UL_IC95 = NA
+								)
+			for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative.Cost)[1]) {
+				icer <- (Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1]) /
+										(Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1])
+				var.icer <- ( 	icer
+							) *
+								(
+									( Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Variance[i] / Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i]^2 ) +
+									( Data.alternative.Cost$Variance[i] / Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i]^2 ) -
+									2 * ( 00000 ) / 
+										( Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i] / Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] )
+							)
+				ans.line <- data.frame( Strategy = Data.alternative.Cost$Treatment[i],
+								Cost = Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i], 
+								Incr.Cost = Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1], 
+								Effectiveness = Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i], 
+								Incr.Eff. = Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1], 
+								CE.ratio = Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] / Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i], 
+								ICER = icer,
+								Var.ICER = var.icer,
+								Sd.ICER = var.icer^0.5,
+								LL_IC95 = icer - qnorm(1 - 0.05/2) * var.icer^0.5,
+								UL_IC95 = icer + qnorm(1 - 0.05/2) * var.icer^0.5
+								)
+				ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 1)
+			}
+			ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+# 			print(ans)
+			displayInTable(as.matrix(ans), title="ICER - Análise de Custo-Efetividade",
+						height=10,width=8,nrow=dim(ans)[1],ncol=dim(ans)[2], 
+						titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, returntt = FALSE)
+	    }
+	    OnCancel <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(CEsimtableWindow)
+	# 		tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+	    }
+	  	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(CEsimtableWindow,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(CEsimtableWindow,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkbind(CEsimtableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(CEsimtableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(CEsimtableWindow, 300, 180)
+		tkfocus(CEsimtableWindow)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/inb.sim.window.Rd
--- pkg/man/inb.sim.window.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/inb.sim.window.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{Alltreatmentstable}{ ~~Describe \code{Alltreatmentstable} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+	require(abind)
+		INBsimtableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - INB"
+		tkwm.title(INBsimtableWindow,title)
+		# Cria o primeiro frame
+		FrameOverAll <- tkframe(INBsimtableWindow, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		Frame1 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		Frame2 <- tkframe(FrameOverAll, borderwidth = 0, relief = "sunken")
+		# Cria o label
+		textlabellista <- "Selecione o procedimento padrão para ACE. \n Ele será a base de comparação para os demais."
+		rotulolista <- tklabel(Frame1, text = textlabellista)
+		tkgrid(rotulolista, columnspan = 2)
+		# Cria uma barra de rolagem
+		scr <- tkscrollbar(Frame1, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(tl,...))
+		Data.CEA <- Alltreatmentstable
+		Data.CEA.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "Cost")
+		Data.CEA.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "Effectiveness")
+		Data.CEA.CE <- subset(Data.CEA, Data == "C/E")
+		n.treat <- 1:length(Data.CEA.Cost$Treatment)
+		Data.CEA.Cost <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.Cost)
+		Data.CEA.Effectiveness <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.Effectiveness)
+		Data.CEA.CE <- data.frame(NT = n.treat, Data.CEA.CE)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.Cost)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.Effectiveness)
+# 		print(Data.CEA.CE)
+		# Cria os elementos da lista
+		elementos <- Data.CEA.Cost$Treatment
+		# Determina a altura da listbox
+		heightlistbox <- length(elementos)
+		larguratexto <- max(nchar(elementos)) + 4
+		# Cria uma listbox					
+		tl <- tklistbox(Frame1, height = 5, width = larguratexto, selectmode = "single",
+						yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(scr,...), background="white")
+		# Adiciona os elementos à listbox
+		for (i in (1:heightlistbox)) {
+		    tkinsert(tl, "end", elementos[i])
+		}
+		# Monta a listbox e a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid(tl, scr, sticky="nse")
+# 		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1, text = " "))
+		# Ajusta a barra de rolagem
+		tkgrid.configure(scr, rowspan = 5, sticky="nsw")
+		# Define o "Elemento 2" como padrão da listbox.
+		# Para a listbox o índice começa em zero
+		tkselection.set(tl, 0)
+		# The WTP
+		WTPvar <- tclVar(0.1)
+		WTPValue  <- tkentry(Frame1,width="20",textvariable=WTPvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1,text="Valor do willingness-to-pay (WTP)"),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(WTPValue, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1,text="                                             "),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		# Monta os frames
+		tkgrid(Frame1, sticky = "nwe", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Frame2, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(FrameOverAll, sticky = "nswe", columnspan = 2)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			respostaListbox <- n.treat[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			WTPVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(WTPvar))
+			Data.alternative.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA.Cost, NT != respostaListbox)			
+			Data.standart.Cost <- subset(Data.CEA.Cost, NT == respostaListbox)
+			Data.alternative.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA.Effectiveness, NT != respostaListbox)			
+			Data.standart.Effectiveness <- subset(Data.CEA.Effectiveness, NT == respostaListbox)
+			Data.alternative.CE <- subset(Data.CEA.CE, NT != respostaListbox)			
+			Data.standart.CE <- subset(Data.CEA.CE, NT == respostaListbox)
+			ans <- data.frame( 	Strategy = Data.standart.Cost$Treatment[1],
+								Cost = Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1], 
+								Incr.Cost = NA, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1], 
+								Incr.Eff. = NA, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1] / Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1], 
+								INB = NA,
+								Var.INB = NA,
+								Sd.INB = NA,
+								LL_IC95_INB = NA,
+								UL_IC95_INB = NA
+								)
+			for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative.Cost)[1]) {
+				inb <- (Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1]) *
+						WTPVal - (Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1])
+				var.inb <- ( 	WTPVal^2
+							) * Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Variance[i] +
+							Data.alternative.Cost$Variance[i] -
+							2 * WTPVal * ( 00000 )
+				alfa <- 0.05 # the significance
+				ans.line <- data.frame( Strategy = Data.alternative.Cost$Treatment[i],
+								Cost = Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i], 
+								Incr.Cost = Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Cost$Mean[1], 
+								Effectiveness = Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i], 
+								Incr.Eff. = Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i] - Data.standart.Effectiveness$Mean[1], 
+								CE.ratio = Data.alternative.Cost$Mean[i] / Data.alternative.Effectiveness$Mean[i], 
+								INB = inb,
+								Var.INB = var.inb,
+								Sd.INB = var.inb^0.5,
+								LL_IC95_INB = inb - qnorm(1 - alfa/2) * var.inb^0.5,
+								UL_IC95_INB = inb + qnorm(1 - alfa/2) * var.inb^0.5
+								)
+				ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 1)
+			}
+			ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+# 			print(ans)
+			displayInTable(as.matrix(ans), title="ICER - Análise de Custo-Efetividade",
+						height=10,width=8,nrow=dim(ans)[1],ncol=dim(ans)[2], 
+						titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, returntt = FALSE)
+	    }
+	    OnCancel <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(INBsimtableWindow)
+	# 		tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+	    }
+	  	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(Frame2,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(Frame2,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkbind(INBsimtableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(INBsimtableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(INBsimtableWindow, 250, 230)
+		tkfocus(INBsimtableWindow)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/inbwindow.Rd
--- pkg/man/inbwindow.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/inbwindow.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,684 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree) {
+	require(abind)
+	plotINBtableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	title <- "ÁrvoRe - INB"
+	tkwm.title(plotINBtableWindow,title)
+	# What plot?
+	frameOverall <- tkwidget(plotINBtableWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove", 
+							labelanchor = "n")
+	frametext <- "Gráfico"
+	framePlot <- tkwidget(frameOverall, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+							labelanchor = "n", text = frametext)
+	frametext <- "Propriedades"
+	frameProp <- tkwidget(frameOverall, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+							labelanchor = "n", text = frametext)
+	frameButton <- tkwidget(plotINBtableWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+	# The data to plot	
+	Data.CEA <- cost.effectiveness.table(TheTree)		
+	AllTreatCost <- Data.CEA$Mean.Cost
+	AllTreatEffectiveness <- Data.CEA$Mean.Effectiveness
+	AllTreatCE <- Data.CEA$Mean.Cost / Data.CEA$Mean.Effectiveness
+	# Initial WTP
+	WTParray <- seq(0, 10000, round( (10000 - 0 ) / 10) )
+	# Initial colors to treatments points
+	treatments.colors.plot <- 1:length(Data.CEA$Node.name)
+	# The treatments names
+	treatments.label.plot <- Data.CEA$Node.name
+	# Default img type
+	img.type <- "png"
+	img.quality <- 90
+	# The frame Properties 
+	LIvar <- tclVar(0)
+	LSvar <- tclVar(10000)
+	NPvar <- tclVar(10)
+	label0 <- tklabel(frameProp,text = "Intervalo para o WTP (threshold)")
+	tkgrid(label0, columnspan = 2, stick = "n")
+	entry.ValueLI  <- tkentry(frameProp,width="20",textvariable=LIvar)
+	label1 <- tklabel(frameProp,text="Limite inferior")
+	tkgrid(label1, entry.ValueLI, sticky = "n")
+	entry.ValueLS  <- tkentry(frameProp,width="20",textvariable=LSvar)
+	label2 <- tklabel(frameProp,text="Limite superior")
+	tkgrid(label2, entry.ValueLS, sticky = "n")
+	entry.ValueNP  <- tkentry(frameProp,width="20",textvariable=NPvar)
+	label3 <- tklabel(frameProp,text="Intervalos")
+	tkgrid(label3, entry.ValueNP, sticky = "n")
+	# Cria o label
+	textlabellista <- "\nSelecione o procedimento padrão para ACE. \n Ele será a base de comparação para os demais.\n"
+	rotulolista <- tklabel(frameProp, text = textlabellista)
+	tkgrid(rotulolista, columnspan = 2)
+	# Cria uma barra de rolagem
+	scr <- tkscrollbar(frameProp, repeatinterval=5, command=function(...)tkyview(tl,...))
+	# Cria os elementos da lista
+	elementos <- Data.CEA$Node.name
+	# Determina a altura da listbox
+	heightlistbox <- length(elementos)
+	larguratexto <- max(nchar(elementos)) + 4
+	# Cria uma listbox					
+	tl <- tklistbox(frameProp, height = 5, width = larguratexto, selectmode = "single",
+					yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(scr,...), background="white")
+	# Adiciona os elementos à listbox
+	for (i in (1:heightlistbox)) {
+	    tkinsert(tl, "end", elementos[i])
+	}
+	# Monta a listbox e a barra de rolagem
+	tkgrid(tl, scr, sticky="nse")
+# 	tkgrid(tklabel(Frame1, text = " "))
+	# Ajusta a barra de rolagem
+	tkgrid.configure(scr, rowspan = 5, sticky="nsw")
+	# Define o "Elemento 2" como padrão da listbox.
+	# Para a listbox o índice começa em zero
+	tkselection.set(tl, 0)
+	# ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+	tkgrid(framePlot, frameProp, sticky = "n")
+	tkgrid(frameOverall, sticky = "nwe")
+	# Image setings.
+	g.imgHeight <- 600/2
+	g.imgWidth <- 800/2
+	# Canvas window configurations
+	C.Height <- min(c(g.imgHeight, 768))
+	C.Width <- min(c(g.imgWidth, 1024))
+	Borderwidth <- 2
+	# scrollbar objects
+	fHscroll <- tkscrollbar(framePlot, orient="horiz", command = function(...)tkxview(fCanvas,...) )
+	fVscroll <- tkscrollbar(framePlot, command = function(...)tkyview(fCanvas,...) )
+	fCanvas <- tkcanvas(framePlot, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = Borderwidth, 
+						width = C.Width, height = C.Height,
+						xscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fHscroll,...), 
+						yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fVscroll,...)
+						)
+	# Pack the scroll bars.
+	tkpack(fHscroll, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
+	tkpack(fVscroll, side = "right", fill = "y")
+	# Pack the canvas
+	tkpack(fCanvas, anchor = "center", side = "right", fill = "both", expand = 1)
+	# Image file name setings.
+	.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "grafico.arvoreCE.png", sep="")
+	plot.it.to.image <- function(wtp, cedata, treatments.colors.plot,
+										treatments.label.plot,
+										.Filename, img.type = "png", img.quality = 90,
+										img.width = 400, img.height = 400, ...) {
+		if (img.type == "png") {
+			png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+				Graphtitle <- "Incremental Net Benefit"
+				xlabel <- "Willingness-to-pay"
+				ylabel <- "INB"
+				inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[1] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[1]
+				for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+					balde.inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[i] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[i]
+					inb <- rbind(inb, balde.inb)
+				}
+				rownames(inb) <- cedata$Strategy
+# 				print(wtp)
+# 				print(inb)
+				xlim1 <- min(wtp)
+				xlim2 <- max(wtp)
+				ylim1 <- min(inb)
+				ylim2 <- max(inb)
+				plot(wtp, inb[1,], 
+						col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+						xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, xlim = c(xlim1,xlim2), ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+				lines(wtp, inb[1,], col = treatments.colors.plot[1])
+				for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+					lines(wtp, inb[i,], col = treatments.colors.plot[i])
+					points(wtp, inb[i,], col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*")
+				}
+			dev.off()
+		} else {
+			if (img.type == "jpg") {
+				jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+				     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+				     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+						Graphtitle <- "Incremental Net Benefit"
+						xlabel <- "Willingness-to-pay"
+						ylabel <- "INB"
+						inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[1] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[1]
+						for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+							balde.inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[i] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[i]
+							inb <- rbind(inb, balde.inb)
+						}
+						rownames(inb) <- cedata$Strategy
+# 						print(wtp)
+# 						print(inb)
+						xlim1 <- min(wtp)
+						xlim2 <- max(wtp)
+						ylim1 <- min(inb)
+						ylim2 <- max(inb)
+						plot(wtp, inb[1,], 
+								col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+								xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, xlim = c(xlim1,xlim2), ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+						lines(wtp, inb[1,], col = treatments.colors.plot[1])
+						for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+							lines(wtp, inb[i,], col = treatments.colors.plot[i])
+							points(wtp, inb[i,], col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*")
+						}
+				dev.off()
+			} else {
+				bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+			    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+			    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+						Graphtitle <- "Incremental Net Benefit"
+						xlabel <- "Willingness-to-pay"
+						ylabel <- "INB"
+						inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[1] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[1]
+						for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+							balde.inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[i] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[i]
+							inb <- rbind(inb, balde.inb)
+						}
+						rownames(inb) <- cedata$Strategy
+# 						print(wtp)
+# 						print(inb)
+						xlim1 <- min(wtp)
+						xlim2 <- max(wtp)
+						ylim1 <- min(inb)
+						ylim2 <- max(inb)
+						plot(wtp, inb[1,], 
+								col = treatments.colors.plot[1], pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+								xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel, xlim = c(xlim1,xlim2), ylim = c(ylim1,ylim2))
+						lines(wtp, inb[1,], col = treatments.colors.plot[1])
+						for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+							lines(wtp, inb[i,], col = treatments.colors.plot[i])
+							points(wtp, inb[i,], col = treatments.colors.plot[i], pch = "*")
+						}
+				dev.off()
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	# The CEDATA
+			respostaListbox <- Data.CEA$Node.N[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			Data.alternative <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N != respostaListbox,]
+			Data.standart <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N == respostaListbox, ]
+			ans <- data.frame( 	Strategy = Data.standart$Node.name,
+								Cost = Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Incr.Cost = 0, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								Incr.Eff = 0, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.standart$Mean.Cost / Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								ICER = NA
+								)
+			for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative)[1]) {
+				ans.line <- data.frame( Strategy = Data.alternative$Node.name[i],
+								Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i], 
+								Incr.Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								Incr.Eff = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] / Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								ICER = ((Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost) /
+											(Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness))
+								)
+				ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 1)
+			}
+			ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+# 			print(ans)
+			ans$Incr.Cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Cost))
+			ans$Incr.Eff <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Eff))
+	# end CEDATA
+	plot.it.to.image(WTParray, ans, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot, 
+								.Filename = .Filename, img.type = img.type,
+								img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+	image1 <- tclVar()
+	tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+	tkcreate(fCanvas, "image", g.imgWidth/2, g.imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+	tkconfigure(fCanvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,g.imgWidth,g.imgHeight))
+	OnExportGraphic <- function(...) {
+		exportImgGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar Imagem"
+		tkwm.title(exportImgGraphWindow,title)
+		framePlot <- tkframe(exportImgGraphWindow)
+		frameUpper <- tkframe(framePlot, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+		frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+		frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+		frameLower <- tkframe(framePlot, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+		tkgrid( tklabel(frameUpper,text="Formato de imagem"),sticky="n", columnspan = 2)
+		rbValue <- tclVar("jpg")
+		QualityValue <- tclVar("90")
+		rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+		tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="bmp")
+		tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Bitmap .bmp "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+		rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+		tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="jpg")
+		tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Jpeg .jpg "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+		rb3 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+		tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="png")
+		tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Portable network graphics .png "),rb3, sticky = "ne")
+		SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)) )
+		sliderlabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = "Valor da qualidade de imagem : ")
+		sliderlabel2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = "\%")
+		tkgrid(sliderlabel, SliderValueLabel, sliderlabel2)
+		tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = QualityValue)
+		sliderImg <- tkscale(frameUpperRigth, from = 100, to = 1,
+		                   showvalue = F, variable = QualityValue,
+		                   resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
+		tkgrid(sliderImg,sticky="ew")
+	    ### Image size settings ###
+		numericSpinBox <- tkwidget(frameUpperRigth, "SpinBox", editable=TRUE, range = c(100,10000,1), width = 5)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text="Altura da imagem")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, numericSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(numericSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", g.imgHeight,sep = ""))
+		numericSpinBox2 <- tkwidget(frameUpperRigth, "SpinBox", editable=TRUE, range = c(100,10000,1), width = 5)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text="Largura da imagem")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, numericSpinBox2, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(numericSpinBox2, "setvalue", paste("@", g.imgWidth,sep = ""))
+		tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="ns")
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+		Onformat <- function() {
+			ansVar <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+			if (ansVar != "jpg") {
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "disabled")
+			} else {
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "normal")
+			}
+		}
+		OnOK <- function(...)
+		{
+			img.height <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(numericSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(img.height) )&&(!is.na(img.height))) g.imgHeight <- img.height
+			img.width <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(numericSpinBox2,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(img.width) )&&(!is.na(img.width))) g.imgWidth <- img.width
+			ImgFormatselected <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+			ImgQualityselected <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)))
+			if (ImgFormatselected == "png") {
+				.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Portable network graphics Image Files} {.png}} {{All files} *}"))
+				if (!nchar(.Filename))
+					tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+				else {
+					ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+					if ( ans != ".png" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".png", sep="")
+					if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+					plot.it.to.image(wtp, cedata, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+										.Filename = .Filename, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+										img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (ImgFormatselected == "jpg") {
+					.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Jpeg Image Files} {.jpg}} {{All files} *}"))
+					if (!nchar(.Filename))
+						tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+					else {
+						ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+						if ( ans != ".jpg" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".jpg", sep="")
+						if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+						plot.it.to.image(wtp, cedata, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+											.Filename = .Filename, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+											img.quality = ImgQualityselected,
+											img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+					}
+				} else {
+					.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Bitmap Image Files} {.bmp}} {{All files} *}"))
+					if (!nchar(.Filename))
+						tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+					else {
+						ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+						if ( ans != ".bmp" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".bmp", sep="")
+						if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+						plot.it.to.image(wtp, cedata, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+											.Filename = .Filename, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+											img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+			tkwm.deiconify(plotINBtableWindow)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+			tkwm.deiconify(plotINBtableWindow)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s")
+		tkbind(rb1, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb2, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb3, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb1, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb2, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb3, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+		tkgrid(framePlot)
+		tkfocus(exportImgGraphWindow)
+# 		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(exportImgGraphWindow)
+	}
+	Build.INB <- function(wtp, cedata, to.export = FALSE) {
+				inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[1] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[1]
+				for (i in 2:dim(cedata)[1]) {
+					balde.inb <- cedata$Incr.Eff[i] * wtp - cedata$Incr.Cost[i]
+					inb <- rbind(inb, balde.inb)
+				}
+				inb <- t(inb)
+				inb <- cbind(wtp, inb)
+				if (to.export) {
+					inb <- as.data.frame(inb)
+# 					print(c("WTP", as.character(cedata$Strategy)))
+					names(inb) <- c("WTP", as.character(cedata$Strategy))
+				} else {
+					colnames(inb) <- c("WTP", cedata$Strategy)
+				}
+# 				print(inb)
+	}
+	OnExportText <- function(Original.Dada) {
+		filetypeWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar"
+		tkwm.title(filetypeWindow,title)
+	    frameOverall <- tkframe(filetypeWindow)
+	    frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	    frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, borderwidth=2)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Selecione o tipo de arquivo:"))
+		filetypes <- c("CSV (separado por vírgulas)","TXT (texto separado por tabulações)","Todos arquivos")
+		fileextensions <- c(".csv", ".txt", " ")
+		widthcombo <- max( nchar(filetypes) )
+		comboBox <- tkwidget(frameUpper,"ComboBox", width = widthcombo, editable = FALSE, values = filetypes)
+		tkgrid(comboBox)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+	   		filetypeChoice <- filetypes[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+	   		fileextChoice <- fileextensions[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+	   		tkdestroy(filetypeWindow)
+	   		filetypes <- paste("{{ ", filetypeChoice, "}", " {", fileextChoice, "}}", sep = "")
+	   		fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes=filetypes))
+			if (!nchar(fileName))
+				tkfocus(filetypeWindow)
+			else {
+				ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+				if ( fileextChoice == ".csv" ) {
+					if (ans == ".csv") {
+						write.csv2(Original.Dada, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+					} else {
+						fileName <- paste(fileName, ".csv", sep = "")
+						write.csv2(Original.Dada, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+					}
+				}
+				if ( fileextChoice == ".txt" ) {
+					if (ans == ".txt") {
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					} else {
+						fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					}
+				}
+				if ( fileextChoice == " " ) {
+					if (ans == ".txt") {
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					} else {
+						fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+						write.table(Original.Dada, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+					}
+				}	
+				tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+			}	
+		    	}
+	   	OnCancel <- function() {
+	    	tkdestroy(filetypeWindow)
+	    	tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+	   	}
+	   	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkbind(filetypeWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(filetypeWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		tkfocus(filetypeWindow)
+	}	
+	OnOKINB <- function() {
+		LIVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(LIvar))
+# 		print(LIVal)
+		LSVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(LSvar))
+# 		print(LSVal)
+		NPVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(NPvar))
+# 		print(NPVal)
+		do.it <- TRUE
+		if ( !(is.numeric(LIVal)) || (is.na(LIVal)) ) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			msg <- paste("O valor fornecido para o limite inferior não é válido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if ( !(is.numeric(LSVal)) || (is.na(LSVal)) ) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			msg <- paste("O valor fornecido para o limite superior não é válido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if ( !do.it && ( LIVal > LSVal )) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			msg <- paste("O limite inferior deve ser menor que o limite superior.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if ( !(is.numeric(NPVal)) || (is.na(NPVal)) || (NPVal < 2) ) {
+			do.it <- FALSE
+			NPVal <- as.integer(NPVal)
+			msg <- paste("O valor fornecido para o número de intervalos não é válido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+			tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+		}
+		if (do.it) {
+			file.remove(.Filename)
+			WTParray <- seq(LIVal, LSVal, round( (LSVal - LIVal ) / NPVal))
+			respostaListbox <- Data.CEA$Node.N[as.numeric(tkcurselection(tl))+1]
+			Data.alternative <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N != respostaListbox,]
+			Data.standart <- Data.CEA[Data.CEA$Node.N == respostaListbox, ]
+			ans <- data.frame( 	Strategy = Data.standart$Node.name,
+								Cost = Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Incr.Cost = 0, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								Incr.Eff = 0, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.standart$Mean.Cost / Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								ICER = NA
+								)
+			for (i in 1:dim(Data.alternative)[1]) {
+				ans.line <- data.frame( Strategy = Data.alternative$Node.name[i],
+								Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i], 
+								Incr.Cost = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost, 
+								Effectiveness = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								Incr.Eff = Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness, 
+								CE.ratio = Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] / Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i], 
+								ICER = ((Data.alternative$Mean.Cost[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Cost) /
+											(Data.alternative$Mean.Effectiveness[i] - Data.standart$Mean.Effectiveness))
+								)
+				ans <- abind(ans, ans.line, along = 1)
+			}
+			ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+# 			print(ans)
+			ans$Incr.Cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Cost))
+			ans$Incr.Eff <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incr.Eff))
+# 			INB <- ans$Incr.Eff * WTParray - Incr.Cost
+			plot.it.to.image(WTParray, ans, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot, 
+										.Filename = .Filename, img.type = img.type,
+										img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+			image1 <- tclVar()
+			tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+			tkcreate(fCanvas, "image", g.imgWidth/2, g.imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+			tkconfigure(fCanvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,g.imgWidth,g.imgHeight))
+		}
+	}
+	OnCancel <- function() {
+		tkdestroy(plotINBtableWindow)
+	#	tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	tkgrid(frameButton, sticky = "swe")
+	.Width.but <- 10
+	.Height.but <- 1
+	OK.WTP.but <- tkbutton(frameProp,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOKINB)
+	tkgrid(OK.WTP.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2)
+	OK.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+	ExportText.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Relatório", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = function() OnExportText(Build.INB(WTParray, ans, to.export = TRUE)) )
+	Export.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Exportar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnExportGraphic)
+	tkgrid(OK.but, ExportText.but, Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkbind(plotINBtableWindow, "<Return>",OnOKINB)
+	tkbind(plotINBtableWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+# 	posiciona.janela.no.mouse(plotINBtableWindow, 300, 180)
+	tkfocus(plotINBtableWindow)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/load.file.arv.Rd
--- pkg/man/load.file.arv.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/load.file.arv.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	if (.workstatus != "saved") {
+		ans <- tkmessageBox(message="Deseja salvar a árvore atual?",icon="question",type="yesnocancel",default="yes")
+		ans <- tclvalue(ans)
+		if (ans == "yes") {
+			save.file.arv()
+		}
+	}
+	fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes="{{ArvoRe Files} {.arv}} {{All files} *}"))
+	if (!nchar(fileName))
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	else {
+		clearTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+		load(fileName, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		load(fileName)
+		theTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+		atualiza.grafico()
+	}	
+	assign(".workstatus", "saved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".opennedfile", fileName, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	titletext <- paste("ÁrvoRe - Janela Principal - [", fileName, "]", sep = "")
+	tkwm.title(tt, titletext)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/markov.coort.table.Rd
--- pkg/man/markov.coort.table.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/markov.coort.table.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,286 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+markov.coort.table(TheTree, markov.propertiesMAT, markov.termination, initial.coort = 10000, seed = FALSE, absorventstatedeath = 1)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{markov.propertiesMAT}{ ~~Describe \code{markov.propertiesMAT} here~~ }
+  \item{markov.termination}{ ~~Describe \code{markov.termination} here~~ }
+  \item{initial.coort}{ ~~Describe \code{initial.coort} here~~ }
+  \item{seed}{ ~~Describe \code{seed} here~~ }
+  \item{absorventstatedeath}{ ~~Describe \code{absorventstatedeath} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, markov.propertiesMAT, markov.termination, initial.coort = 10000, seed = FALSE,
+								absorventstatedeath = 1) {
+	# ajusta a semente escolhida pelo usuário
+	if (seed != FALSE) {
+		set.seed(seed)	
+	}
+	# Convert the tree to matrix format
+	MatrixTheTree <- convert2matrix(TheTree)
+	x <- MatrixTheTree$x								# Structure matrix
+	y <- MatrixTheTree$y								# Node name matrix
+	typeMAT <- MatrixTheTree$typeMAT					# Node type matrix
+	utilityMAT <- MatrixTheTree$utilityMAT				# Node Cost matrix 
+	effectivenessMAT <- MatrixTheTree$effectivenessMAT	# Node effectiveness matrix
+	probMAT <- MatrixTheTree$probMAT					# Node probability matrix
+	destinyMAT <- MatrixTheTree$destinyMAT				# Terminal node destiny matrix
+	num.col.x <- dim(x)[2]
+	num.lin.x <- dim(x)[1]
+	SummaryTreeTable <- subset(TheTree, Level == 2)
+	col.pos <- as.numeric(SummaryTreeTable$Level)
+	MARKOV.states <- as.numeric(SummaryTreeTable$Node.N) # MARKOV.states
+# 	print(MARKOV.states)
+	MARKOV.states.init.prob <- as.numeric(SummaryTreeTable$Prob) # MARKOV.states
+# 	print(MARKOV.states.init.prob)
+	MARKOV.states.init.cost.rwd <- as.numeric(markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.cost) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.incr.cost.rwd <- as.numeric(markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.cost) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.final.cost.rwd <- as.numeric(markov.propertiesMAT$Final.cost) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.init.effectiveness.rwd <- as.numeric(markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.effectiveness) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.incr.effectiveness.rwd <- as.numeric(markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.effectiveness) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.final.effectiveness.rwd <- as.numeric(markov.propertiesMAT$Final.effectiveness) # MARKOV.states
+	MARKOV.states.names <- SummaryTreeTable$Node.name
+# 	print(MARKOV.states.names)
+	# listas para comportar matrizes associadas a cada Markov state
+	MARKOV.states.arvores <- list()
+	MARKOV.states.rotulos <- list()
+	MARKOV.states.destino <- list()
+	MARKOV.states.probs <- list()
+	MARKOV.states.utilities <- list()
+	MARKOV.states.costs <- list()
+	MARKOV.states.effectiveness <- list()
+	# fragmenta a matriz da árvore em sub-árvores associadas a cada Markov state
+	for (i in 1:length(MARKOV.states.names)) {
+		MARKOV.state <- MARKOV.states[i]
+		selected.lines <- which(x[,col.pos[i]] == MARKOV.state)
+		sub.x <- x[selected.lines, col.pos[i]:num.col.x]
+		sub.y <- y[selected.lines, col.pos[i]:num.col.x]
+		sub.probMAT <- probMAT[selected.lines, col.pos[i]:num.col.x]
+		sub.utilityMAT <- utilityMAT[selected.lines, col.pos[i]:num.col.x]
+		sub.effectivenessMAT <- effectivenessMAT[selected.lines, col.pos[i]:num.col.x]
+		sub.typeMAT <- utilityMAT[selected.lines, col.pos[i]:num.col.x]
+		sub.destiny <- destinyMAT[selected.lines]
+		# se a fragmentação resulta em matriz linha, então é preciso definir que isso é
+		# uma matriz... senão vira vetor e não funciona.
+		if(length(selected.lines) == 1)  {
+			sub.x <- sub.x[!is.na(sub.x)]
+			n.mat <- length(sub.x) + 1
+			sub.x <- matrix(c(1, sub.x) , 1, n.mat)
+			sub.y <- matrix(sub.y[1], 1, n.mat)
+			sub.probMAT <- matrix(1.0, 1, n.mat)
+			sub.utilityMAT <- matrix(c(0,sub.utilityMAT), 1, n.mat)
+			sub.effectivenessMAT <- matrix(c(0,sub.effectivenessMAT), 1, n.mat)
+			sub.typeMAT <- matrix(c("D",sub.typeMAT), 1, n.mat)
+		} else {
+			sub.probMAT[,1] <- 1.0	# Agora o nodo raiz recebe prob = 1.
+		}
+		# ajusta custo e efetividade: serão acumulados através dos nodos.
+		sub.utilityMAT <- apply(sub.utilityMAT, 1, sum)
+		sub.effectivenessMAT <- apply(sub.effectivenessMAT, 1, sum)
+		# abaixo se manda cada matriz de sub-árvore para suas listas.
+		MARKOV.states.arvores[[i]] <- sub.x
+		MARKOV.states.rotulos[[i]] <- sub.y
+		MARKOV.states.destino[[i]] <- sub.destiny
+		MARKOV.states.probs[[i]] <- sub.probMAT
+		MARKOV.states.costs[[i]] <- sub.utilityMAT
+		MARKOV.states.effectiveness[[i]] <- sub.effectivenessMAT
+		MARKOV.states.utilities[[i]] <- sub.utilityMAT / sub.effectivenessMAT
+	}
+	# ajusta nomes nas listas.
+	names(MARKOV.states.arvores) <- c(as.array(as.character(MARKOV.states)))
+	names(MARKOV.states.rotulos) <- names(MARKOV.states.arvores)
+	names(MARKOV.states.destino) <- names(MARKOV.states.arvores)
+	names(MARKOV.states.probs) <- names(MARKOV.states.arvores)
+	names(MARKOV.states.costs) <- names(MARKOV.states.arvores)
+	names(MARKOV.states.effectiveness) <- names(MARKOV.states.arvores)
+	names(MARKOV.states.utilities) <- names(MARKOV.states.arvores)
+# 	print(" MOSTRANDO... MARKOV.states.arvores")
+# 	print(MARKOV.states.arvores)
+# 	assign("MARKOV.states.arvores", MARKOV.states.arvores, globalenv())
+# 	print(" MOSTRANDO... MARKOV.states.rotulos")
+# 	print(MARKOV.states.rotulos)
+# 	assign("MARKOV.states.rotulos", MARKOV.states.rotulos, globalenv())
+# 	print(" MOSTRANDO... MARKOV.states.destino")
+# 	print(MARKOV.states.destino)
+# 	assign("MARKOV.states.destino", MARKOV.states.destino, globalenv())
+# 	print(" MOSTRANDO... MARKOV.states.probs")
+# 	print(MARKOV.states.probs)
+# 	assign("MARKOV.states.probs", MARKOV.states.probs, globalenv())
+# 	print(" MOSTRANDO... MARKOV.states.utilities")
+# 	print(MARKOV.states.utilities)
+# 	assign("MARKOV.states.utilities", MARKOV.states.utilities, globalenv())
+# 	print(" MOSTRANDO... MARKOV.states.costs")
+# 	print(MARKOV.states.costs)
+# 	assign("MARKOV.states.costs", MARKOV.states.costs, globalenv())
+# 	print(" MOSTRANDO... MARKOV.states.effectiveness")
+# 	print(MARKOV.states.effectiveness)
+# 	assign("MARKOV.states.effectiveness", MARKOV.states.effectiveness, globalenv())
+	# Busca por estados absorventes
+	if (absorventstatedeath == 1) {
+		nodos.test.absorvent <- names(MARKOV.states.destino)
+		absorventstate <- array(,0)
+		for (i in nodos.test.absorvent) {
+			destinyofthisstate <- MARKOV.states.destino[[i]]	
+# 			print(destinyofthisstate)
+			checkdestiny <- ( destinyofthisstate == i )
+# 			print(checkdestiny)
+			if ( sum(checkdestiny) == length(destinyofthisstate) ) {
+# 				cat("Ele é absorvente '", i, "' chamado '", MARKOV.states.rotulos[[i]][1,1],"'\n")
+				absorventstate <- c(absorventstate, i)
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	# cria a tabela que comportará os individuos
+	num.markov.states <- length(MARKOV.states)
+	Coorte.Ind <- matrix(MARKOV.states[num.markov.states],1,initial.coort)	# Matriz com cada individuo
+	Coorte.Cost <- matrix(0,1,initial.coort)	# Matriz com custo de cada individuo
+	Coorte.Effec <- matrix(0,1,initial.coort)	# Matriz com a efetividade de cada individuo
+	# sorteia a distribuição inicial
+	init.distr.Prob <- cumsum(MARKOV.states.init.prob)
+	sorteados <- runif(initial.coort,0,1)
+	if (num.markov.states > 1) {
+		for (i in (num.markov.states-1):1) {
+			positions <- which( sorteados <= init.distr.Prob[i] )
+			Coorte.Ind[1,positions] <- MARKOV.states[i]
+			Coorte.Cost[1,positions] <- MARKOV.states.init.cost.rwd[i]
+			Coorte.Effec[1,positions] <- MARKOV.states.init.effectiveness.rwd[i]
+		}
+	}
+	# control variables
+	.stop.sim <- TRUE
+	.stage <- 0
+	.stage.reward <- 0
+	.stage.cost <- 0
+	.stage.eff <- 0
+	.total.reward <- 0	# ajusta a soma do ciclo zero para zero.
+	.total.cost <- 0
+	.total.eff <- 0
+	while( ! eval( parse(text = markov.termination) ) ) {
+		.stage <- .stage + 1
+		Coorte.Ind.LINE <- matrix(MARKOV.states[num.markov.states],1,initial.coort)
+		Coorte.Cost.LINE <- matrix(0,1,initial.coort)
+		Coorte.Effec.LINE <- matrix(0,1,initial.coort)
+		for (i in 1:num.markov.states ) {
+			positions <- which(Coorte.Ind[.stage,] == MARKOV.states[i])
+			indvs <- length(positions)
+			if ( indvs != 0 ) {
+				arvore <- MARKOV.states.arvores[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]]
+				rotulos <- MARKOV.states.rotulos[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]]
+				destinos <- MARKOV.states.destino[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]]
+				probabilidades <- MARKOV.states.probs[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]]
+				custos <- MARKOV.states.costs[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]]
+				efetividades <- MARKOV.states.effectiveness[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]]
+				utilidades <- MARKOV.states.utilities[[as.character(MARKOV.states[i])]]
+				sorteado <- runif(indvs,0,1)
+				linprobs <- cumsum(apply(probabilidades, 1, prod)) # observa a probabilidade de cada ramo acontecer numa runif
+				valn <- length(linprobs)
+				linprobs.Matrix <- matrix(linprobs, indvs, valn, byrow = TRUE) # podemos ter problema de memória aqui!!!
+				resultado <- valn - apply(sorteado <= linprobs.Matrix, 1, sum) + 1
+				ans.dest <- destinos[resultado]	# quantos vão para cada categoria
+				ans.cost <- custos[resultado]
+				ans.effectiveness <- efetividades[resultado]
+			}
+			Coorte.Ind.LINE[1,positions] <- ans.dest
+			Coorte.Cost.LINE[1,positions] <- ans.cost
+			Coorte.Effec.LINE[1,positions] <- ans.effectiveness
+		}
+		Coorte.Ind <- rbind(Coorte.Ind, Coorte.Ind.LINE)
+		Coorte.Cost <- rbind(Coorte.Cost, Coorte.Cost.LINE)
+		Coorte.Effec <- rbind(Coorte.Effec, Coorte.Effec.LINE)
+	}
+	# Definições para a soma de valores no final da simulação (the final reward)
+	for (i in num.markov.states:1) {
+		positions <- which( Coorte.Ind[.stage + 1,] <= MARKOV.states[i] )
+		Coorte.Cost[.stage + 1,positions] <- MARKOV.states.final.cost.rwd[i]
+		Coorte.Effec[.stage + 1,positions] <- MARKOV.states.final.effectiveness.rwd[i]
+	}
+# 	print(" MOSTRANDO... Coorte.Ind")
+# 	print(Coorte.Ind)
+# 	print(" MOSTRANDO... Coorte.Cost")
+# 	print(Coorte.Cost)
+# 	print(" MOSTRANDO... Coorte.Effec")
+# 	print(Coorte.Effec)
+	# Aplica NA para individuos dos estados absorventes considerados morte
+	if (absorventstatedeath == 1) {
+		SurvivalCurve <- replace(Coorte.Ind, which( Coorte.Ind == absorventstate), NA)
+# 		Coorte.Ind <- replace(Coorte.Ind, which( Coorte.Ind == absorventstate), NA)
+# 		Coorte.Cost2 <- replace(Coorte.Ind, which( SurvivalCurve == NA), NA)
+# 		Coorte.Effec2 <- replace(Coorte.Ind, which( SurvivalCurve == NA), NA)
+		SurvivalCurve <- apply(!is.na(SurvivalCurve), 1, sum)
+		SurvivalCurve <- as.array(SurvivalCurve)
+		names(SurvivalCurve) <- paste("Cycle ", 0:(length(SurvivalCurve)-1), sep = "")
+# 		print(SurvivalCurve)
+	} else {
+		SurvivalCurve <- rep( dim(Coorte.Ind)[2], dim(Coorte.Ind)[1])
+		names(SurvivalCurve) <- paste("Cycle ", 0:(length(SurvivalCurve)-1), sep = "")
+# 		print(SurvivalCurve)
+	}
+# 	print(" MOSTRANDO... Coorte.Ind")
+# 	print(Coorte.Ind)
+# 	print(" MOSTRANDO... Coorte.Cost")
+# 	print(Coorte.Cost)
+# 	print(" MOSTRANDO... Coorte.Effec")
+# 	print(Coorte.Effec)
+	ans <- list(Path = Coorte.Ind, Cost = Coorte.Cost, Effectiveness = Coorte.Effec, Survival = SurvivalCurve)
+	return(ans)	# And return the result
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/markov.nodes.properties.Rd
--- pkg/man/markov.nodes.properties.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/markov.nodes.properties.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+markov.nodes.properties(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{.EnvironmentArvoRe}{ ~~Describe \code{.EnvironmentArvoRe} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	exist.var <- exists("markov.propertiesMAT", envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe) 
+	if (!exist.var) {
+		markov.propertiesMAT <- data.frame(	"Level" = array(,0),
+											"Node.N" = array(,0),
+											"Node.name" = array(,0),
+											"Father" = array(,0),
+											"Father.Name" = array(,0),
+											"Initial.cost" = array(,0), 
+											"Incremental.cost" = array(,0), 
+											"Final.cost" = array(,0),
+											"Initial.effectiveness" = array(,0), 
+											"Incremental.effectiveness" = array(,0), 
+											"Final.effectiveness" = array(,0))
+	} else {	
+		markov.propertiesMAT <- get("markov.propertiesMAT", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		position.father <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == (column-1))),which(TheTree$Node.N == TheTree$Father[position]))
+		if ( (TheTree$Type[position.father] == "M") &&
+			((TheTree$Type[position] == "T") || (TheTree$Type[position] == "C")) ) {
+			markovnodeWindow <- tktoplevel()
+			title <- "ÁrvoRe - Propriedades"
+			tkwm.title(markovnodeWindow,title)
+			position.markov <- intersect(which((markov.propertiesMAT$Level == column)),
+									which(markov.propertiesMAT$Node.N == node.number))
+			if ( length(position.markov) != 0) {
+				Initial.costvar <- tclVar(markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.cost[position.markov])
+				Incremental.costvar <- tclVar(markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.cost[position.markov])
+				Final.costvar <- tclVar(markov.propertiesMAT$Final.cost[position.markov])
+				Initial.effectivenessvar <- tclVar(markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.effectiveness[position.markov])
+				Incremental.effectivenessvar <- tclVar(markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.effectiveness[position.markov])
+				Final.effectivenessvar <- tclVar(markov.propertiesMAT$Final.effectiveness[position.markov])
+			} else {
+				Initial.costvar <- tclVar(0)
+				Incremental.costvar <- tclVar(0)
+				Final.costvar <- tclVar(0)
+				Initial.effectivenessvar <- tclVar(0)
+				Incremental.effectivenessvar <- tclVar(0)
+				Final.effectivenessvar <- tclVar(0)
+			}
+			entry.Value  <- tkentry(markovnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=Initial.costvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(markovnodeWindow,text="Custo Inicial (ciclo zero)"), sticky = "nw")
+			tkgrid(entry.Value, sticky = "n")
+			entry.Value2  <- tkentry(markovnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=Incremental.costvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(markovnodeWindow,text="Custo Adicional (por ciclo)"), sticky = "nw")
+			tkgrid(entry.Value2, sticky = "n")
+			entry.Value3  <- tkentry(markovnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=Final.costvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(markovnodeWindow,text="Custo Final (após o final)"), sticky = "nw")
+			tkgrid(entry.Value3, sticky = "n")
+			entry.Value4  <- tkentry(markovnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=Initial.effectivenessvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(markovnodeWindow,text="Efetividade Inicial (ciclo zero)"), sticky = "nw")
+			tkgrid(entry.Value4, sticky = "n")
+			entry.Value5  <- tkentry(markovnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=Incremental.effectivenessvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(markovnodeWindow,text="Efetividade Adicional (por ciclo)"), sticky = "nw")
+			tkgrid(entry.Value5, sticky = "n")
+			entry.Value6  <- tkentry(markovnodeWindow,width="20",textvariable=Final.effectivenessvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(markovnodeWindow,text="Efetividade Final (após o final)"), sticky = "nw")
+			tkgrid(entry.Value6, sticky = "n")
+			OnOK <- function()
+			{
+				Initial.costVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Initial.costvar))
+				Incremental.costVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Incremental.costvar))
+				Final.costVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Final.costvar))
+				Initial.effectivenessVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Initial.effectivenessvar))
+				Incremental.effectivenessVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Incremental.effectivenessvar))
+				Final.effectivenessVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Final.effectivenessvar))
+				if ( (!is.na(Initial.costVal)) && (nchar(Initial.costVal) > 0) &&
+					(!is.na(Incremental.costVal)) && (nchar(Incremental.costVal) > 0) &&
+					(!is.na(Final.costVal)) && (nchar(Final.costVal) > 0) &&
+					(!is.na(Initial.effectivenessVal)) && (nchar(Initial.effectivenessVal) > 0) &&
+					(!is.na(Incremental.effectivenessVal)) && (nchar(Incremental.effectivenessVal) > 0) &&
+					(!is.na(Final.effectivenessVal)) && (nchar(Final.effectivenessVal) > 0)
+				 ) {
+					tkdestroy(markovnodeWindow)
+					safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+					set.markov.nodes.properties(TheTree, markov.propertiesMAT, column = column, node.number = node.number, 
+						Initial.rwd.cost = Initial.costVal, 
+						Incremental.rwd.cost = Incremental.costVal, 
+						Final.rwd.cost = Final.costVal,
+						Initial.rwd.effectiveness = Initial.effectivenessVal, 
+						Incremental.rwd.effectiveness = Incremental.effectivenessVal, 
+						Final.rwd.effectiveness = Final.effectivenessVal)
+	 				refreshF5()
+					tkfocus(tt)
+				} else {
+					msg <- paste("Os valores definidos não são válidos.")
+					tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="error", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+					tkfocus(markovnodeWindow)
+				}
+			}
+		  	.Width.but <- 10
+			.Height.but <- 1
+			OK.but <-tkbutton(markovnodeWindow, width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,text="OK",command=OnOK)
+			tkbind(markovnodeWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+			OnCancel <- function()
+			{
+				tkdestroy(markovnodeWindow)
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+			Cancel.but <-tkbutton(markovnodeWindow, width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, text="Cancel", command=OnCancel)
+			tkbind(markovnodeWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+			tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+			tkfocus(markovnodeWindow)
+# 			posiciona.janela.no.mouse(markovnodeWindow, 230, 280)
+		} else {
+			msg <- paste("O nodo selecionado não é ramificação de um nodo Markov \n ou é de tipo inválido.")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/naoimplementado.Rd
--- pkg/man/naoimplementado.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/naoimplementado.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function() {
+	require(tcltk)
+	Mensagem.txt <- "Esta funcionalidade não foi implementada ainda. Desculpe-nos."
+	tkmessageBox(message=Mensagem.txt, icon="warning", type="ok", title = "Markov - Custo Efetividade")
+	tkfocus(tt)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/new.file.bot.Rd
--- pkg/man/new.file.bot.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/new.file.bot.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	ans <- tkmessageBox(message="Deseja salvar a árvore atual?",icon="question",type="yesnocancel",default="yes")
+	ans <- tclvalue(ans)
+	if (ans != "yes") {
+		if (ans == "no") {
+			clearTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+			new.tree()
+			theTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+			atualiza.grafico()
+		} else {
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+	} else {
+		save.file.arv()
+		clearTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+		new.tree()
+		theTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+		atualiza.grafico()		
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/new.tree.Rd
--- pkg/man/new.tree.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/new.tree.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function() {
+	Payoffs <- matrix(0,1,2)
+	colnames(Payoffs) <- paste("Payoff",1:length(Payoffs),sep="")
+	TheTree <- data.frame( Level = 1, Node.N = 1, Node.name = "Decision",
+							 Father = 0, Father.Name = "root",
+							 Prob = 1, Type = "D", Note = " ", Destiny = " ",
+							 Payoffs)
+	TheTree$Level <- as.numeric(TheTree$Level)
+	TheTree$Node.N <- as.numeric(TheTree$Node.N)
+	TheTree$Node.name <- as.character(TheTree$Node.name)
+	TheTree$Father <- as.numeric(TheTree$Father)
+	TheTree$Father.Name <- as.character(TheTree$Father.Name)
+	TheTree$Prob <- as.numeric(TheTree$Prob)
+	TheTree$Type <- as.character(TheTree$Type)
+	TheTree$Note <- as.character(TheTree$Note)
+	TheTree$Destiny <- as.character(TheTree$Destiny)
+	TheTree$Payoff1 <- as.numeric(TheTree$Payoff1)
+	TheTree$Payoff2 <- as.numeric(TheTree$Payoff2)
+	markov.propertiesMAT <- data.frame(	"Level" = array(,0),
+										"Node.N" = array(,0),
+										"Node.name" = array(,0),
+										"Father" = array(,0),
+										"Father.Name" = array(,0),
+										"Initial.cost" = array(,0), 
+										"Incremental.cost" = array(,0), 
+										"Final.cost" = array(,0),
+										"Initial.effectiveness" = array(,0), 
+										"Incremental.effectiveness" = array(,0), 
+										"Final.effectiveness" = array(,0))
+	assign("TheTree", TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign("markov.propertiesMAT", markov.propertiesMAT, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/new.variable.list.Rd
--- pkg/man/new.variable.list.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/new.variable.list.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function() {
+	Variable <- array(" ",0)
+	StdValue <- array(0,0)
+	MinValue <- array(0,0)
+	MaxValue <- array(0,0)
+	Notes <- array(" ",0)
+	ans <- data.frame("Name" = Variable, "Fix.Value" = StdValue, "Min.Value" = MinValue, 
+						"Max.Value" = MaxValue,	"Notes" = Notes)
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	assign("variableMAT", ans, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/nodenamewindows.Rd
--- pkg/man/nodenamewindows.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/nodenamewindows.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function() {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		nodenameWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Nome Nodo"
+		tkwm.title(nodenameWindow,title)
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		Namevar <- tclVar(TheTree$Node.name[position])
+		entry.Value  <- tkentry(nodenameWindow,width="20",textvariable=Namevar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(nodenameWindow,text="Nome do Nodo"), sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(entry.Value, sticky = "n")
+		OnOK <- function()
+		{
+			NameVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Namevar))
+			if ( (is.character(NameVal)) && (!is.na(NameVal)) && (nchar(NameVal) > 0) ) {
+				tkdestroy(nodenameWindow)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+ 				setnodename(TheTree, nodeSec[2], nodeSec[3], NameVal, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+ 				refreshF5()
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			} else {
+				msg <- paste("Este não é um nome de nodo válido '",NameVal, "'")
+				tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+				tkfocus(nodenameWindow)
+			}
+		}
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(nodenameWindow,text="   OK   ",command=OnOK)
+		tkbind(entry.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(nodenameWindow)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(nodenameWindow, text=" Cancel ", command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(nodenameWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkfocus(nodenameWindow)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(nodenameWindow, 200, 100)
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/nodoselecionado.Rd
--- pkg/man/nodoselecionado.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/nodoselecionado.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function() {
+	ans <- tclvalue(tcl(treeWidget,"selection","get"))
+	if ( ans == "") {
+		return(" ")
+	} else {
+		pos <- 1
+		while (pos <= nchar(ans)) {
+			if ( substr(ans, pos, pos) == "." ) {
+				ans.node <- substr(ans,1,pos-1)
+				ans.col <- substr(ans,pos+1,nchar(ans))
+				pos <- nchar(ans) + 1
+			}
+			pos <- pos + 1
+		}	
+		return(c(ans,ans.node,ans.col))	
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/notesnodewindows.Rd
--- pkg/man/notesnodewindows.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/notesnodewindows.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+		if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+			msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		} else {
+			node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+			column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+			notesWindow <- tktoplevel()
+			title <- "ÁrvoRe - Comentários do Nodo"
+			tkwm.title(notesWindow,title)
+			position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+			Notesvar <- tclVar(TheTree$Note[position])
+			entry.Value  <- tkentry(notesWindow, width="20", textvariable=Notesvar)
+			tkgrid(tklabel(notesWindow,text="Nota"))
+			tkgrid(entry.Value)
+			OnOK <- function()
+			{
+				NotesVal <- as.character(tclvalue(Notesvar))
+				tkdestroy(notesWindow)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+				setnotesnode(TheTree, column = column, node.number = node.number, nodo.note = NotesVal, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+				refreshF5()
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+			OK.but <-tkbutton(notesWindow, text="   OK   ", command=OnOK)
+			tkbind(entry.Value, "<Return>", OnOK)
+			OnCancel <- function()
+			{
+				tkdestroy(notesWindow)
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+			Cancel.but <-tkbutton(notesWindow, text=" Cancel ", command=OnCancel)
+			tkbind(notesWindow, "<Escape>", OnCancel)
+			tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+			posiciona.janela.no.mouse(notesWindow, 200, 100)
+			tkfocus(notesWindow)
+		}	
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/planoacewindow.Rd
--- pkg/man/planoacewindow.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/planoacewindow.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,362 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree) {
+	require(abind)
+	require(gplots)
+	plotCEtableWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	title <- "ÁrvoRe - Análise de Custo-Efetividade"
+	tkwm.title(plotCEtableWindow,title)
+	# What plot?
+	frametext <- "Gráfico"
+	frameOverall <- tkwidget(plotCEtableWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+							labelanchor = "n", text = frametext)
+	frameButton <- tkwidget(plotCEtableWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+	tkgrid(frameOverall, sticky = "nwe")
+	tkgrid(frameButton, sticky = "swe")
+	# Image setings.
+	g.imgHeight <- 600/2
+	g.imgWidth <- 800/2
+	# Canvas window configurations
+	C.Height <- min(c(g.imgHeight, 768))
+	C.Width <- min(c(g.imgWidth, 1024))
+	Borderwidth <- 2
+	# scrollbar objects
+	fHscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, orient="horiz", command = function(...)tkxview(fCanvas,...) )
+	fVscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, command = function(...)tkyview(fCanvas,...) )
+	fCanvas <- tkcanvas(frameOverall, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = Borderwidth, 
+						width = C.Width, height = C.Height,
+						xscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fHscroll,...), 
+						yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fVscroll,...)
+						)
+	# Pack the scroll bars.
+	tkpack(fHscroll, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
+	tkpack(fVscroll, side = "right", fill = "y")
+	# Pack the canvas
+	tkpack(fCanvas, anchor = "center", side = "right", fill = "both", expand = 1)
+	# Image file name setings.
+	.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "grafico.arvoreCE.png", sep="")
+	# The data to plot	
+	Data.CEA <- cost.effectiveness.table(TheTree)		
+	AllTreatCost <- Data.CEA$Mean.Cost
+# 	print(AllTreatCost)
+	AllTreatEffectiveness <- Data.CEA$Mean.Effectiveness
+# 	print(AllTreatEffectiveness)
+	AllTreatCE <- Data.CEA$Mean.Cost / Data.CEA$Mean.Effectiveness
+	# Initial colors to treatments points
+	treatments.colors.plot <- 1:length(Data.CEA$Node.name)
+	# The treatments names
+	treatments.label.plot <- Data.CEA$Node.name
+	# Default img type
+	img.type <- "png"
+	img.quality <- 90
+	plot.it.to.image <- function(AllTreatCost, AllTreatEffectiveness, treatments.colors.plot,
+										treatments.label.plot,
+										.Filename, img.type = "png", img.quality = 90,
+										img.width = 400, img.height = 400, ...) {
+		if (img.type == "png") {
+			png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+					Graphtitle <- "Plano Custo-Efetividade"
+					xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+					ylabel <- "Custo"
+					plot(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, 
+							col = treatments.colors.plot, pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+							xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+					smartlegend( x="left", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+					             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+						     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+						     bg = "gray")
+					for (i in length(AllTreatEffectiveness)) {
+						lines(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness[i]), c(0,AllTreatCost[i]), col = treatments.colors.plot[i])
+					}
+			dev.off()
+		} else {
+			if (img.type == "jpg") {
+				jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+				     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+				     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+					Graphtitle <- "Plano Custo-Efetividade"
+					xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+					ylabel <- "Custo"
+					plot(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, 
+							col = treatments.colors.plot, pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+							xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+					smartlegend( x="left", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+					             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+						     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+						     bg = "gray")
+					for (i in length(AllTreatEffectiveness)) {
+						lines(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness[i]), c(0,AllTreatCost[i]), col = treatments.colors.plot[i])
+					}
+				dev.off()
+			} else {
+				bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+			    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+			    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+					Graphtitle <- "Plano Custo-Efetividade"
+					xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+					ylabel <- "Custo"
+					plot(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, 
+							col = treatments.colors.plot, pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+							xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+					smartlegend( x="left", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+					             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+						     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+						     bg = "gray")
+					for (i in length(AllTreatEffectiveness)) {
+						lines(c(0,AllTreatEffectiveness[i]), c(0,AllTreatCost[i]), col = treatments.colors.plot[i])
+					}
+				dev.off()
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot, 
+								.Filename = .Filename, img.type = img.type,
+								img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+	image1 <- tclVar()
+	tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+	tkcreate(fCanvas, "image", g.imgWidth/2, g.imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+	tkconfigure(fCanvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,g.imgWidth,g.imgHeight))
+	OnExportGraphic <- function(...) {
+		exportImgGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar Imagem"
+		tkwm.title(exportImgGraphWindow,title)
+		frameOverall <- tkframe(exportImgGraphWindow)
+		frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+		frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+		frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+		frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+		tkgrid( tklabel(frameUpper,text="Formato de imagem"),sticky="n", columnspan = 2)
+		rbValue <- tclVar("jpg")
+		QualityValue <- tclVar("90")
+		rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+		tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="bmp")
+		tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Bitmap .bmp "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+		rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+		tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="jpg")
+		tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Jpeg .jpg "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+		rb3 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+		tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="png")
+		tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Portable network graphics .png "),rb3, sticky = "ne")
+		SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)) )
+		sliderlabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = "Valor da qualidade de imagem : ")
+		sliderlabel2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = "\%")
+		tkgrid(sliderlabel, SliderValueLabel, sliderlabel2)
+		tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = QualityValue)
+		sliderImg <- tkscale(frameUpperRigth, from = 100, to = 1,
+		                   showvalue = F, variable = QualityValue,
+		                   resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
+		tkgrid(sliderImg,sticky="ew")
+	    ### Image size settings ###
+		numericSpinBox <- tkwidget(frameUpperRigth, "SpinBox", editable=TRUE, range = c(100,10000,1), width = 5)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text="Altura da imagem")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, numericSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(numericSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", g.imgHeight,sep = ""))
+		numericSpinBox2 <- tkwidget(frameUpperRigth, "SpinBox", editable=TRUE, range = c(100,10000,1), width = 5)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text="Largura da imagem")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, numericSpinBox2, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(numericSpinBox2, "setvalue", paste("@", g.imgWidth,sep = ""))
+		tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="ns")
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+		Onformat <- function() {
+			ansVar <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+			if (ansVar != "jpg") {
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+				tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "disabled")
+			} else {
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+				tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "normal")
+			}
+		}
+		OnOK <- function(...)
+		{
+			img.height <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(numericSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(img.height) )&&(!is.na(img.height))) g.imgHeight <- img.height
+			img.width <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(numericSpinBox2,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(img.width) )&&(!is.na(img.width))) g.imgWidth <- img.width
+			ImgFormatselected <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+			ImgQualityselected <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)))
+			if (ImgFormatselected == "png") {
+				.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Portable network graphics Image Files} {.png}} {{All files} *}"))
+				if (!nchar(.Filename))
+					tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+				else {
+					ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+					if ( ans != ".png" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".png", sep="")
+					if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+					plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+										.Filename = .Filename, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+										img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+				}
+			} else {
+				if (ImgFormatselected == "jpg") {
+					.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Jpeg Image Files} {.jpg}} {{All files} *}"))
+					if (!nchar(.Filename))
+						tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+					else {
+						ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+						if ( ans != ".jpg" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".jpg", sep="")
+						if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+						plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+											.Filename = .Filename, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+											img.quality = ImgQualityselected,
+											img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+					}
+				} else {
+					.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Bitmap Image Files} {.bmp}} {{All files} *}"))
+					if (!nchar(.Filename))
+						tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+					else {
+						ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+						if ( ans != ".bmp" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".bmp", sep="")
+						if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+						plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+											.Filename = .Filename, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+											img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+			tkwm.deiconify(plotCEtableWindow)
+			tkfocus(plotCEtableWindow)
+		}
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+			tkwm.deiconify(plotCEtableWindow)
+			tkfocus(plotCEtableWindow)
+		}
+		.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s")
+		tkbind(rb1, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb2, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb3, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb1, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb2, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+		tkbind(rb3, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkfocus(exportImgGraphWindow)
+# 		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(exportImgGraphWindow)
+	}
+	OnOK <- function() {
+		file.remove(.Filename)	
+		tkdestroy(plotCEtableWindow)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	OnCancel <- function() {
+		tkdestroy(plotCEtableWindow)
+		file.remove(.Filename)	
+	#	tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	.Width.but <- 10
+	.Height.but <- 1
+	OK.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+	Cancel.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Cancelar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+	Export.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Exportar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnExportGraphic)
+	tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkbind(plotCEtableWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+	tkbind(plotCEtableWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+# 	posiciona.janela.no.mouse(plotCEtableWindow, 300, 180)
+	tkfocus(plotCEtableWindow)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/plot.tree.Rd
--- pkg/man/plot.tree.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/plot.tree.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,287 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+plot.tree(TheTree, line.type = "squared", show.probability = TRUE, show.payoffs = TRUE, show.notes = FALSE, node.name.font.size = 12, payoffs.font.size = 0, notes.font.size = 0)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{line.type}{ ~~Describe \code{line.type} here~~ }
+  \item{show.probability}{ ~~Describe \code{show.probability} here~~ }
+  \item{show.payoffs}{ ~~Describe \code{show.payoffs} here~~ }
+  \item{show.notes}{ ~~Describe \code{show.notes} here~~ }
+  \item{node.name.font.size}{ ~~Describe \code{node.name.font.size} here~~ }
+  \item{payoffs.font.size}{ ~~Describe \code{payoffs.font.size} here~~ }
+  \item{notes.font.size}{ ~~Describe \code{notes.font.size} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, line.type = "squared", show.probability = TRUE, 
+						show.payoffs = TRUE, show.notes = FALSE, node.name.font.size = 12,
+						payoffs.font.size = 0, notes.font.size = 0) {
+	require(grid)
+	MatrixTheTree <- convert2matrix(TheTree)
+	x <- MatrixTheTree$x
+	rotulos <- MatrixTheTree$y
+	typeMAT <- MatrixTheTree$typeMAT
+	utilityMAT <- MatrixTheTree$utilityMAT
+	effectivenessMAT <- MatrixTheTree$effectivenessMAT
+	probMAT <- MatrixTheTree$probMAT
+	notesMAT <- MatrixTheTree$notesMAT
+	nc <- dim(x)[2]
+	nl <- dim(x)[1]
+	# Objetos
+	colorMAT <- matrix(0,nl,nc)
+	ylabelspace <- .021
+	colortext <- "black"
+	if (payoffs.font.size == 0) payoffs.font.size <- round(node.name.font.size/2,0)
+	if (notes.font.size == 0) notes.font.size <- round(node.name.font.size/2,0)
+	grid.newpage()
+	sizelabels <- matrix(0,nl,nc)
+	for (i in 1:nl) {
+		for (j in 1:nc) {
+			sizelabels[i,j] <- nchar(rotulos[i,j])
+		}
+	}
+	propcolx <- apply(sizelabels, 2, max)
+ 	propcolx <- cumsum(propcolx/2)
+	xpos <- NA*x
+	ypos <- NA*x
+	deltax <- 1 / ( max(propcolx) + 6 )
+	for( i in 1:nc) {
+		nniveis <- nl
+		niveis <- levels(as.factor(x[,i]))
+		deltay <- 1 / (nniveis + 1)
+		for (j in niveis) {
+			positions <- which(x[,i] == j)
+			ypos[positions, i] <- (nl - median(positions, na.rm = TRUE)) * deltay + deltay
+		}
+		xpos[,i] <- rep(1, nl) * deltax * propcolx[i]
+	}
+	if (nc > 1) {
+		if (line.type == "normal") {
+			for( i in 1:nl) {
+				for( j in 1:(nc-1)) {
+					linx <- c( xpos[i,j] , xpos[i,j+1] )
+					liny <- c( ypos[i,j] , ypos[i,j+1] )
+					d <- sum(is.na(c(linx,liny)))
+					if (d == 0) grid.polyline( linx, liny )
+				}	
+			}
+		} else {
+			for( i in 1:(nc-1)) {	# plota as linhas verticais
+				nodos <- as.numeric(names(table(x[,i])))
+				for (j in nodos) {
+					positions <- which(x[,i] == j)
+					if ( (length(positions) >= 2) && (!is.na(x[positions[1],i+1])) ) {
+						linx <- c( xpos[positions[1],i] + (xpos[positions[1],i+1] - xpos[positions[1],i])/2 , xpos[positions[1],i] + (xpos[positions[1],i+1] - xpos[positions[1],i])/2 )
+						linymax <- max(ypos[positions,i+1], na.rm = TRUE)
+						linymin <- min(ypos[positions,i+1], na.rm = TRUE)
+						liny <- c(linymin,linymax)
+						grid.polyline( linx, liny )
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			for( i in 1:nl) {	# plota as linhas horizontais
+				for( j in 1:(nc-1)) {
+					linx <- c( xpos[i,j] , xpos[i,j] + (xpos[i,j+1] - xpos[i,j])/2 )
+					liny <- c( ypos[i,j] , ypos[i,j] )
+					d <- sum(is.na(c(linx,liny)))
+					if (d == 0) grid.polyline( linx, liny )
+				}
+				# plota linhas depois do nome para os nodos do último nível em uma dada "linha da matriz estrutura"
+					linx <- c( xpos[i,nc] , xpos[i,nc] + (xpos[i,nc] - xpos[i,nc-1])/2 )
+					liny <- c( ypos[i,nc] , ypos[i,nc] )
+					d <- sum(is.na(c(linx,liny)))
+					if (d == 0) grid.polyline( linx, liny )
+				for( j in 2:nc) {
+					linx <- c( xpos[i,j-1] + (xpos[i,j] - xpos[i,j-1]) / 2, xpos[i,j] )
+					liny <- c( ypos[i,j] , ypos[i,j] )
+					d <- sum(is.na(c(linx,liny)))
+					if (d == 0) grid.polyline( linx, liny )
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	# computa a matriz de cores
+	for( i in 1:nl) {
+		for (j in 1:nc) {
+				if ( (typeMAT[i,j] == "C")&&(!is.na(x[i,j])) ) colorMAT[i,j] <- "green"
+				else if ( (typeMAT[i,j] == "T")&&(!is.na(x[i,j])) ) colorMAT[i,j] <- "red"
+				else if ( (typeMAT[i,j] == "M")&&(!is.na(x[i,j])) ) colorMAT[i,j] <- "yellow"
+				else if ( (typeMAT[i,j] == "D")&&(!is.na(x[i,j])) ) colorMAT[i,j] <- "blue"
+				else colorMAT[i,j] <- "grey"
+		}
+	}
+	# plota grafico para o primeiro nodo
+	grid.text(rotulos[1,1], x = xpos[1,1],
+		y = ypos[1,1] + ylabelspace,
+		just = "centre",
+		rot = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = node.name.font.size, col = colortext))
+	if (nc > 1) {
+		if ( line.type == "squared") {
+			grid.circle(x = xpos[1,1] + (xpos[1,2]-xpos[1,1])/2, 
+						y = ypos[1,1], 
+						r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+		    			gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[1,1]), 
+		    			draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+	   	} else {
+			grid.circle(x = xpos[1,1], 
+						y = ypos[1,1], 
+						r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+		    			gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[1,1]), 
+		    			draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+	   	}
+		for( i in 1:nl) {
+			for (j in 2:nc) {
+				d <- sum(is.na(c(xpos[i,j],ypos[i,j])))
+				if (d == 0) {
+					grid.text(rotulos[i,j], x = xpos[i,j] ,
+								y = ypos[i,j] + ylabelspace,
+								just = "centre",
+								rot = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = node.name.font.size, col=colortext))
+					minortext <- as.character("")
+					if (show.probability) minortext <- paste("prob. ",probMAT[i,j], sep = "")
+					if (show.payoffs) {
+						minortext <- paste(minortext, "\n cost. ", utilityMAT[i,j], sep = "")
+						if (.modeltypeArvore == "CE") {
+							minortext <- paste(minortext, "\n effect. ", effectivenessMAT[i,j], sep = "")
+						}
+					}
+					grid.text(minortext, 
+								x = xpos[i,j],
+								y = ypos[i,j] - 2 * ylabelspace,
+								just = "centre",
+								rot = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = payoffs.font.size, col=colortext))
+					if (show.notes) {
+						nreptext <- sum(c(show.probability, show.payoffs, (.modeltypeArvore == "CE")))
+						minortext2 <- paste(rep("\n",nreptext), notesMAT[i,j], sep = "")
+						grid.text(minortext2, 
+									x = xpos[i,j],
+									y = ypos[i,j] - 2 * ylabelspace,
+									just = "centre",
+									rot = 0, gp = gpar(fontsize = notes.font.size, col=colortext))
+					}
+					# Desenhos dos nodos - para o caso "normal" e "squared"
+					if ( line.type == "squared") {
+						if ( j != nc) {
+							if (typeMAT[i,j] != "T") {
+								grid.circle(x = xpos[i,j] + (xpos[i,j+1] - xpos[i,j])/2,
+											y = ypos[i,j], 
+											r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	} else {
+				            	triangX <- xpos[i,j] + (xpos[i,j+1] - xpos[i,j])/2
+								grid.polygon(x = c( triangX, triangX + .015, triangX + .015),
+											 y = c( ypos[i,j], ypos[i,j] + .015, ypos[i,j] - .015),
+											default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	}
+		    			} else {
+							if (typeMAT[i,j] != "T") {
+								grid.circle(x = xpos[i,j] + (xpos[i,j] - xpos[i,j-1])/2,
+											y = ypos[i,j], 
+											r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	} else {
+				            	triangX <- xpos[i,j] + (xpos[i,j] - xpos[i,j-1])/2
+								grid.polygon(x = c( triangX, triangX + .015, triangX + .015),
+											 y = c( ypos[i,j], ypos[i,j] + .015, ypos[i,j] - .015),
+											default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	}
+		    			}
+					} else {
+						if ( j != nc) {
+							if (typeMAT[i,j] != "T") {
+								grid.circle(x = xpos[i,j],
+											y = ypos[i,j], 
+											r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	} else {
+				            	triangX <- xpos[i,j] 
+								grid.polygon(x = c( triangX, triangX + .015, triangX + .015),
+											 y = c( ypos[i,j], ypos[i,j] + .015, ypos[i,j] - .015),
+											default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	}
+		    			} else {
+							if (typeMAT[i,j] != "T") {
+								grid.circle(x = xpos[i,j],
+											y = ypos[i,j], 
+											r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	} else {
+				            	triangX <- xpos[i,j]
+								grid.polygon(x = c( triangX, triangX + .015, triangX + .015),
+											 y = c( ypos[i,j], ypos[i,j] + .015, ypos[i,j] - .015),
+											default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+				            				gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[i,j]), 
+				            				draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+			            	}
+		    			}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+		}
+	} else {
+		grid.circle(x = xpos[1,1] + (xpos[1,1])/2, 
+					y = ypos[1,1], 
+					r = .012, default.units="npc", name=NULL,
+	    			gp=gpar(fill=colorMAT[1,1]), 
+	    			draw=TRUE, vp=NULL)
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/posiciona.janela.centro.Rd
--- pkg/man/posiciona.janela.centro.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/posiciona.janela.centro.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+posiciona.janela.centro(janela.principal, janela.nova)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{janela.principal}{ ~~Describe \code{janela.principal} here~~ }
+  \item{janela.nova}{ ~~Describe \code{janela.nova} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(janela.principal, janela.nova) {
+	MAX.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenheight", janela.principal) ) )
+	MAX.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenwidth", janela.principal) ) )
+	wm.main.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("height", janela.principal) ) )
+	wm.main.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("width", janela.principal) ) )
+	wm.child.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("height", janela.nova) ) )
+	wm.child.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("width", janela.nova) ) )
+	wm.x <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("x", janela.principal) ) )
+	wm.y <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("y", janela.principal) ) )
+	new.wm.x <- wm.x + wm.main.width/2 - wm.child.width/2
+	new.wm.y <- wm.y + wm.main.height/2 - wm.child.height/2
+	new.wm.x <- round(new.wm.x)
+	new.wm.y <- round(new.wm.y)
+	limite.sup.x <- round( MAX.width - wm.child.width )
+	limite.inf.x <- round( wm.child.width )
+	limite.sup.y <- round( MAX.height - wm.child.height )
+	limite.sup.y <- round( wm.child.height )
+	# Limitantes para o tamanho da tela. Quem tem tela virtural... #$\%#$\%
+	if (new.wm.x > limite.sup.x) new.wm.x <- limite.sup.x
+	if (new.wm.x < limite.inf.x) new.wm.x <- limite.inf.x
+	if (new.wm.y > limite.sup.y) new.wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	if (new.wm.y > limite.sup.y) new.wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	posicao <- paste(wm.child.width, "x", wm.child.height, "+", new.wm.x,"+", new.wm.y, sep="")
+	tkwm.geometry(janela.nova,posicao)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/posiciona.janela.no.mouse.Rd
--- pkg/man/posiciona.janela.no.mouse.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/posiciona.janela.no.mouse.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+posiciona.janela.no.mouse(janela.nova, wm.width = -1, wm.height = -1)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{janela.nova}{ ~~Describe \code{janela.nova} here~~ }
+  \item{wm.width}{ ~~Describe \code{wm.width} here~~ }
+  \item{wm.height}{ ~~Describe \code{wm.height} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(janela.nova, wm.width = -1, wm.height = -1) {
+	MAX.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenheight", janela.nova) ) )
+	MAX.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenwidth", janela.nova) ) )
+	if (wm.height == -1) wm.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("height", janela.nova) ) )
+	if (wm.width == -1) wm.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("width", janela.nova) ) )
+	mouse.x.pos <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("pointerx", janela.nova) ) )
+	mouse.y.pos <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("pointery", janela.nova) ) )
+	new.wm.x <- round( mouse.x.pos - wm.width/2 )
+	new.wm.y <- round( mouse.y.pos - wm.height/2 )
+	limite.sup.x <- round( MAX.width - wm.width/2 )
+	limite.inf.x <- 0
+	limite.sup.y <- round( MAX.height - wm.height/2 )
+	limite.inf.y <- 0
+	# Limitantes para o tamanho da tela. Quem tem tela virtural... #$\%#$\%
+	if (new.wm.x > limite.sup.x) new.wm.x <- limite.sup.x
+	if (new.wm.x < limite.inf.x) new.wm.x <- limite.inf.x
+	if (new.wm.y > limite.sup.y) new.wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	if (new.wm.y < limite.inf.y) new.wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	posicao <- paste(wm.width, "x", wm.height, "+", new.wm.x,"+", new.wm.y, sep="")
+	tkwm.geometry(janela.nova,posicao)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/posiciona.janela.tela.Rd
--- pkg/man/posiciona.janela.tela.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/posiciona.janela.tela.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{janela.nova}{ ~~Describe \code{janela.nova} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(janela.nova) {
+	MAX.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenheight", janela.nova) ) )
+	MAX.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("screenwidth", janela.nova) ) )
+	wm.height <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("height", janela.nova) ) )
+	wm.width <- as.integer( tclvalue( tkwinfo("width", janela.nova) ) )
+	new.wm.y <- round( MAX.height/2 - wm.height/2 )
+	new.wm.x <- round( MAX.width/2 - wm.width/2 )
+	limite.sup.x <- round( MAX.width - wm.width )
+	limite.inf.x <- 0
+	limite.sup.y <- round( MAX.height - wm.height )
+	limite.inf.y <- 0
+	# Limitantes para o tamanho da tela. Quem tem tela virtural... #$\%#$\%
+	if (new.wm.x > limite.sup.x) new.wm.x <- limite.sup.x
+	if (new.wm.x < limite.inf.x) new.wm.x <- limite.inf.x
+	if (new.wm.y > limite.sup.y) new.wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	if (new.wm.y < limite.inf.y) new.wm.y <- limite.sup.y
+	posicao <- paste(wm.width, "x", wm.height, "+", new.wm.x,"+", new.wm.y, sep="")
+	tkwm.geometry(janela.nova,posicao)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/probString2Numeric.Rd
--- pkg/man/probString2Numeric.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/probString2Numeric.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{probMAT}{ ~~Describe \code{probMAT} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(probMAT) {
+	n.lin <- dim(probMAT)[1]
+	n.col <- dim(probMAT)[2]
+	ans <- matrix(, n.lin, n.col)
+	for (i in 1:n.lin) {
+		for (j in 1:n.col) {
+			ans[i,j] <- exec.text(probMAT[i,j])
+		}
+	}
+	return(ans)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/probability.check.Rd
--- pkg/man/probability.check.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/probability.check.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{k}{ ~~Describe \code{k} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(k) {
+	names(k) <- c("Level", "Node.N", "Node.name", "Father", "Father.Name",
+ 					"Prob", "Type", "Note", "Destiny", "Payoff1", "Payoff2")
+	Levels <- 2:max(k$Level)
+	variables <- names(k)
+	ans <- ""
+	for (i in Levels) {
+		Data <- subset(k, Level == i, select = variables)
+		nodes <- as.numeric(names(table(Data$Father)))
+		for (j in nodes) {
+			Data2 <- subset(Data, Father == j, select = variables)
+			psum <- sum(Data2$Prob)
+			if (psum != 1) {
+				nome.pai <- Data2$Father.Name[1]
+				ans <- paste(ans, 
+				"Há problema em [ NÍVEL = ", i-1, ", NODO = ", nome.pai, " ] \n", sep = "")
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	ans2 <- "1"
+	if (nchar(ans) == 0) {
+		ans <- "As probabilidades somam 1. Tudo ok!"
+		ans2 <- "0"
+	}
+	return(c(ans,ans2))
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/probwindows.Rd
--- pkg/man/probwindows.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/probwindows.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function() {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		probWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Probabilidade Nodo"
+		tkwm.title(probWindow,title)
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		Probvar <- tclVar(TheTree$Prob[position])
+		entry.Value  <- tkentry(probWindow,width="20",textvariable=Probvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(probWindow,text="Probabilidade"))
+		tkgrid(entry.Value)
+		OnOK <- function()
+		{
+			ProbVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(Probvar))
+			if ( (is.numeric(ProbVal)) && (!is.na(ProbVal)) && (ProbVal <= 1) && (ProbVal >= 0) ) {
+				tkdestroy(probWindow)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+				setprob(TheTree, nodeSec[2], nodeSec[3], ProbVal, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			} else {
+				msg <- paste("Este não é um valor de probabilidade válido '",ProbVal, "'")
+				tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+				tkfocus(probWindow)
+			}
+		}
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(probWindow,text="   OK   ",command=OnOK)
+		tkbind(entry.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(probWindow)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(probWindow,text=" Cancel ",command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(probWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(probWindow, 200, 100)
+		tkfocus(probWindow)
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/properties.tree.Rd
--- pkg/man/properties.tree.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/properties.tree.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+		propertiesWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Propriedades"
+		tkwm.title(propertiesWindow,title)
+		tclRequire("BWidget")
+	    frameOverall <- tkframe(propertiesWindow)
+	    frameLeft <- tkframe(frameOverall)
+	    frameRight <- tkframe(frameOverall)
+	    titleframe <- "Método de Cálculo"
+	    frameUpper <- tkwidget(frameLeft, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = titleframe)
+	    titleframe <- "Simulação 1-st order"
+	    frameSimUpper <- tkwidget(frameLeft, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = titleframe)
+	    titleframe <- "Formato Numérico"
+	    frameNumeric <- tkwidget(frameLeft, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = titleframe)
+	    titleframe <- "Formato da árvore"
+	    frameTreePlot <- tkwidget(frameLeft, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = titleframe)
+	    titleframe <- "Exibir na árvore"
+	    frameTreePlotElements <- tkwidget(frameRight, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = titleframe)
+	    frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, borderwidth=2)
+	    titleframe <- "Fontes da árvore"
+	    frameFontPlot <- tkwidget(frameRight, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = titleframe)
+	    ### Method settings ###
+	    metodos <- c("Simple Decision (simple payoff)", "Cost-Effectiveness")
+	    method.arvore <- c("SD", "CE")
+	    methodBox <- tkwidget(frameUpper, "ComboBox", editable=FALSE, values=metodos, width = 30)
+	    labelmethodBox <- tklabel(frameUpper,text="Método")
+	    tkgrid(labelmethodBox, methodBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	    if (.modeltypeArvore == "SD") {
+		    selected.method <- "@0"
+	    } else {
+		    if (.modeltypeArvore == "CE") selected.method <- "@1"
+	    }
+	    tcl(methodBox, "setvalue", selected.method)
+	    ### Numeric format settings ###
+		numericSpinBox <- tkwidget(frameNumeric, "SpinBox", editable=FALSE, range = c(0,10,1), width = 3)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameNumeric,text="Número de casas decimais")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, numericSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(numericSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .digits,sep = ""))
+	    ### Simulation settings ###
+		absorventstatecb <- tkcheckbutton(frameSimUpper)
+		absorventstatecbValue <- tclVar(.absorventstateconf)
+		tkconfigure(absorventstatecb, variable = absorventstatecbValue)
+		tkgrid(absorventstatecb, tklabel(frameSimUpper,text = "Interpretar estado absorvente como morte"))
+		### Tree Plot ###
+# 		("squared", "normal")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameTreePlot,text="Ângulos das linhas das ramificação"), row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "w")
+		rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameTreePlot)
+		tpValue <- tclVar(.treeangle)
+		tkconfigure(rb1, variable = tpValue, value = "squared")
+		tkgrid(rb1, row = 3, column = 0, sticky = "w")
+		tkgrid(tklabel( frameTreePlot,text="Retos"), row = 3, column = 1, sticky = "w")
+		rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameTreePlot)
+		tkconfigure(rb2, variable = tpValue, value = "normal")
+		tkgrid(rb2, row = 4, column = 0, sticky = "w")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameTreePlot,text="Normais"), row = 4, column = 1, sticky = "w")
+		### Tree Plot Elements ###
+# 		tkgrid(tklabel(frameTreePlotElements,text="Exibir na árvore"), row = 0, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
+		notescb <- tkcheckbutton(frameTreePlotElements)
+		notescbValue <- tclVar(.notesconf)
+		tkconfigure(notescb, variable = notescbValue)
+		tkgrid(notescb, tklabel(frameTreePlotElements,text="Comentários"))
+		probabilitycb <- tkcheckbutton(frameTreePlotElements)
+		probabilitycbValue <- tclVar(.probabilityconf)
+		tkconfigure(probabilitycb, variable = probabilitycbValue)
+		tkgrid(probabilitycb, tklabel(frameTreePlotElements,text="Probabilidades"))
+		payoffscb <- tkcheckbutton(frameTreePlotElements)
+		payoffscbValue <- tclVar(.payoffsconf)
+		tkconfigure(payoffscb, variable = payoffscbValue)
+		tkgrid(payoffscb, tklabel(frameTreePlotElements,text="Payoffs"))
+		tkgrid(frameUpper, sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameNumeric, sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameSimUpper, sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameTreePlot, sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameTreePlotElements, sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameFontPlot, sticky="nwe")
+		### Tree Plot Font ###
+		font.nameSpinBox <- tkwidget(frameFontPlot, "SpinBox", editable=FALSE, range = c(0,72,1), width = 3)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameFontPlot,text="Nome do nodo")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, font.nameSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(font.nameSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .node.name.font.size, sep = ""))
+		font.payoffsSpinBox <- tkwidget(frameFontPlot, "SpinBox", editable=FALSE, range = c(0,72,1), width = 3)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameFontPlot,text="Payoffs (custo e efetividade)")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, font.payoffsSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(font.payoffsSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .payoffs.font.size, sep = ""))
+		font.notesSpinBox <- tkwidget(frameFontPlot, "SpinBox", editable=FALSE, range = c(0,72,1), width = 3)
+		labeldigits <- tklabel(frameFontPlot,text="Comentários do nodo")
+		tkgrid(labeldigits, font.notesSpinBox, sticky = "nw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tcl(font.notesSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .notes.font.size, sep = ""))
+		# Configurações para o tamanho dos botões.
+    	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OnDefault.font <- function () {
+			tcl(font.nameSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", 12, sep = ""))
+			tcl(font.payoffsSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", 6, sep = ""))
+			tcl(font.notesSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", 6, sep = ""))
+		}
+		OnRestore.font <- function () {
+			tcl(font.nameSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .node.name.font.size, sep = ""))
+			tcl(font.payoffsSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .payoffs.font.size, sep = ""))
+			tcl(font.notesSpinBox, "setvalue", paste("@", .notes.font.size, sep = ""))
+		}
+		Restore.font <-tkbutton(frameFontPlot,text="Restaurar", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnRestore.font)
+# 		tkgrid(Default.font, sticky = "sw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		Default.font <-tkbutton(frameFontPlot,text="Padrão", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnDefault.font)
+		tkgrid(Restore.font, Default.font, sticky = "sw", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		OnOK <- function()
+		{
+			methodChoice <- method.arvore[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(methodBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+			assign(".modeltypeArvore", methodChoice, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.digits <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(numericSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(.digits) )&&(!is.na(.digits))) assign(".digits", .digits, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.treeangle <- tclvalue(tpValue)
+			assign(".treeangle", .treeangle, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.absorventstateconf <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(absorventstatecbValue)))
+			assign(".absorventstateconf", .absorventstateconf, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.notesconf <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(notescbValue)))
+			assign(".notesconf", .notesconf, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.probabilityconf <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(probabilitycbValue)))
+			assign(".probabilityconf", .probabilityconf, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.payoffsconf <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(payoffscbValue)))
+			assign(".payoffsconf", .payoffsconf, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.node.name.font.size <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(font.nameSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(.node.name.font.size) )&&(!is.na(.node.name.font.size))) assign(".node.name.font.size", .node.name.font.size, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.payoffs.font.size <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(font.payoffsSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(.payoffs.font.size) )&&(!is.na(.payoffs.font.size))) assign(".payoffs.font.size", .payoffs.font.size, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.notes.font.size <- as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(font.notesSpinBox,"getvalue")))
+			if ((is.numeric(.notes.font.size) )&&(!is.na(.notes.font.size))) assign(".notes.font.size", .notes.font.size, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			tkdestroy(propertiesWindow)
+			refreshF5()
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+    	OnCancel <- function() {
+	    	tkdestroy(propertiesWindow)
+	    	tkfocus(tt)
+    	}
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkbind(propertiesWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(propertiesWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+	    tkgrid(frameLeft, frameRight, ipadx = 6, sticky="nwe")
+	    tkgrid(frameLower, sticky="nwe", columnspan = 2)
+	    tkgrid(frameOverall)
+	    tkfocus(propertiesWindow)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/refreshF5.Rd
--- pkg/man/refreshF5.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/refreshF5.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+			clearTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+			theTreeTkArvore(TheTree)
+			atualiza.grafico()
+			tcl(treeWidget,"opentree", "1.1")	# Expande a árvore
+			settreevartype(TheTree) # para ajustar os tipos de variáveis no TheTree.
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/remove.node.Rd
--- pkg/man/remove.node.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/remove.node.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+remove.node(TheTree, node.col, node.number)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{node.col}{ ~~Describe \code{node.col} here~~ }
+  \item{node.number}{ ~~Describe \code{node.number} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, node.col, node.number) {
+	removelines <- select.subtree(TheTree, node.col, node.number, change.row.names = FALSE)
+	removelines <- rownames(removelines)
+	num.lin <- dim(TheTree)[1]
+	whoiwant <- as.numeric(setdiff(as.character(1:num.lin), removelines))
+	ans <- TheTree[whoiwant,]
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	ans$Level <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Level))
+	ans$Node.N <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Node.N))
+	ans$Node.name <- as.character(ans$Node.name)
+	ans$Father <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Father))
+	ans$Father.Name <- as.character(ans$Father.Name)
+	ans$Prob <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Prob))
+	ans$Type <- as.character(ans$Type)
+	ans$Note <- as.character(ans$Note)
+	ans$Destiny <- as.character(ans$Destiny)
+	ans$Payoff1 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff1))
+	ans$Payoff2 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff2))
+	ans <- ans[ order(ans$Level,ans$Father, ans$Node.N),]
+	position <- which(ans$Level == 2)
+if( ( length(position) > 1 ) && ( dim(ans)[1] > 2 )) {
+	#- Correção para o primeiro do nível ---------------------------------------------------------------
+	.stopit <- FALSE
+	i <- 1
+	nans <- dim(ans)[1]
+	while ( !.stopit ) {
+		i <- i + 1
+		GTtflag <- 	( as.numeric(ans$Node.N[i]) != 1 ) &&
+					( as.numeric(ans$Level[i]) > as.numeric(ans$Level[i-1]) )
+			if (GTtflag) {
+				old.value <- ans$Node.N[i]
+				ans$Node.N[i] <- 1
+				usedlevel <- ans$Level[i] + 1
+				position <- intersect(which(ans$Level == usedlevel),which(ans$Father == old.value))
+				if ( length(position) > 0) {
+					ans$Father[position] <- ans$Node.N[i]
+					ans$Father.Name[position] <- ans$Node.name[i]
+				}
+				ans <- ans[ order(ans$Level,ans$Father, ans$Node.N),]
+				i <- 1
+			} else {
+				if (i >= nans) .stopit <- TRUE
+			}
+		}
+	#- Correção para numeracao dos nodos -------------------------------------------------------------
+	.stopit <- FALSE
+	i <- 1
+	nans <- dim(ans)[1]
+	while ( !.stopit ) {
+		i <- i + 1
+		GTtflag <- 	( as.numeric(ans$Node.N[i]) > as.numeric(ans$Node.N[i-1])+1 ) &&
+					( as.numeric(ans$Level[i]) == as.numeric(ans$Level[i-1]) )
+			if (GTtflag) {
+				old.value <- ans$Node.N[i]
+				ans$Node.N[i] <- ans$Node.N[i-1] + 1
+				usedlevel <- ans$Level[i-1] + 1
+				position <- intersect(which(ans$Level == usedlevel),which(ans$Father == old.value))
+				if ( length(position) > 0) {
+					ans$Father[position] <- old.value
+					ans$Father.Name[position] <- ans$Node.name[i-1]
+				}
+				ans <- ans[ order(ans$Level,ans$Father, ans$Node.N),]
+				i <- 1
+			} else {
+				if (i >= nans) .stopit <- TRUE
+			}
+		}
+	#--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+  }		
+	rownames(ans) <- NULL
+	return(ans)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/removenodewindows.Rd
--- pkg/man/removenodewindows.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/removenodewindows.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		node.col <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		if (node.col > 1) {
+			position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == node.col)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+			Removenamevar <- TheTree$Node.name[position]
+			msg <- paste("Deseja realmente excluir o nodo '", Removenamevar, "'?", sep = "")
+			ans <- tkmessageBox(message=msg, icon="question",type="yesnocancel",default="no")
+			ans <- as.character(tclvalue(ans))
+			if (ans == "yes") {
+				NewTheTree <- remove.node(TheTree, node.col, node.number)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+				setremovenode(NewTheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+				refreshF5()
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			}
+		} else {
+			msg <- paste("Não é possível remover o nodo raiz.")
+			tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/rollback.Rd
--- pkg/man/rollback.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/rollback.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree) {
+	Matrixset <- convert2matrix(TheTree)
+	x <- Matrixset$x
+	probMAT <- Matrixset$probMAT
+	utilityMAT <- Matrixset$utilityMAT
+	effectivenessMAT <- Matrixset$effectivenessMAT
+	num.col <- dim(probMAT)[2]
+	num.lin <- dim(probMAT)[1]
+	ans.ce <- matrix(0, num.lin, num.col)
+	ans.cost <- matrix(0, num.lin, num.col)
+	ans.effectiveness <- matrix(0, num.lin, num.col)
+	for (i in 1:(num.col)) {
+		nodes <- as.numeric(names(table(x[,i])))
+		for (j in nodes) {
+			position <- which(x[,i] == j)
+			sub.x <- x[position, i:num.col]
+			lines.sub <- length(position)
+			column.sub <- num.col - i + 1
+			sub.x <- matrix(sub.x, lines.sub, column.sub)
+			sub.prob <- probMAT[position, i:num.col]
+			sub.prob <- matrix(sub.prob, lines.sub, column.sub)
+			sub.util <- utilityMAT[position, i:num.col]
+			sub.util <- matrix(sub.util, lines.sub, column.sub)
+			sub.effectiveness <- effectivenessMAT[position, i:num.col]
+			sub.effectiveness <- matrix(sub.effectiveness, lines.sub, column.sub)
+			if (is.null(sub.prob)) {
+				sub.prob[,1] <- 1
+				sub.util[,1] <- 0
+				sub.effectiveness[,1] <- 1
+				val.expected.ce <- sum ( apply(sub.prob, 1, prod) * apply(sub.util/sub.effectiveness, 1, sum) )
+				val.expected.cost <- sum ( apply(sub.prob, 1, prod) * apply(sub.util, 1, sum) )
+				val.expected.effectiveness <- sum ( apply(sub.prob, 1, prod) * apply(sub.effectiveness, 1, sum) )
+			} else {
+				sub.prob[,1] <- 1
+				val.expected <- sum ( apply(sub.prob,1,prod) * apply(sub.util/sub.effectiveness,1,sum) )
+				val.expected.cost <- sum ( apply(sub.prob, 1, prod) * apply(sub.util, 1, sum) )
+				val.expected.effectiveness <- sum ( apply(sub.prob, 1, prod) * apply(sub.effectiveness, 1, sum) )
+			}
+			ans.ce[position, i] <- val.expected
+			ans.cost[position, i] <- val.expected.cost
+			ans.effectiveness[position, i] <- val.expected.effectiveness
+		}	
+	}
+	ans <- list("CE" = ans.ce, "Cost" = ans.cost, "Effectiveness" = ans.effectiveness)
+	return(ans)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/safedofunction.Rd
--- pkg/man/safedofunction.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/safedofunction.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{.EnvironmentArvoRe}{ ~~Describe \code{.EnvironmentArvoRe} here~~ }
+  \item{.modeltypeArvore}{ ~~Describe \code{.modeltypeArvore} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore) {
+	assign("TheTree", TheTree, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure)
+	assign(".modeltypeArvore", .modeltypeArvore, .EnvironmentArvore.Secure)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/sair.Rd
--- pkg/man/sair.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/sair.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function() {
+	ReturnVal <- tkmessageBox(title = "Sair do Programa",
+	message = "Deseja realmente sair do programa?",
+    icon = "question", type = "yesnocancel", default = "no")
+    if (tclvalue(ReturnVal) == "yes") {
+	    if (.workstatus == "saved") {
+			tkdestroy(tt)
+		} else {
+			ReturnVal <- tkmessageBox(title = "Sair do Programa", message="Deseja salvar a árvore atual?",
+						icon="question", type="yesnocancel", default="yes")
+			if (tclvalue(ReturnVal) == "yes") {
+    			save.file.arv()
+    			tkdestroy(tt)
+			} else {
+				tkdestroy(tt)
+			}
+		}
+		# clear all arvoRe objects
+		.final.objects <- objects(envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe, all.names = TRUE)
+		.init.objects <- get(".init.objects", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		toremove.objects <- setdiff(.final.objects, .init.objects)
+		rm(list = toremove.objects, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}
+	else tkfocus(tt)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/save.as.file.arv.Rd
--- pkg/man/save.as.file.arv.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/save.as.file.arv.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	fileName<-tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{ArvoRe Files} {.arv}} {{All files} *}"))
+	if (!nchar(fileName))
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	else {
+		ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+		if ( ans != ".arv" ) fileName <- paste(fileName, ".arv", sep="")
+		save(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore, markov.propertiesMAT, file = fileName, ascii = TRUE)
+		assign(".workstatus", "saved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".opennedfile", fileName, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		.Windowtitle <- paste("ÁrvoRe - Janela Principal", " - [", .opennedfile, "]", sep = "")
+		tkwm.title(tt, .Windowtitle)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}	
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/save.file.arv.Rd
--- pkg/man/save.file.arv.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/save.file.arv.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	if ( .opennedfile == "newfile") {
+		fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{ArvoRe Files} {.arv}} {{All files} *}"))
+		if (!nchar(fileName))
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		else {
+			ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+			if ( ans != ".arv" ) fileName <- paste(fileName, ".arv", sep="")
+			save(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore, markov.propertiesMAT, file = fileName, ascii = TRUE)
+			assign(".workstatus", "saved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			assign(".opennedfile", fileName, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.Windowtitle <- paste("ÁrvoRe - Janela Principal", " - [", .opennedfile, "]", sep = "")
+			tkwm.title(tt, .Windowtitle)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+	} else {
+			fileName <- .opennedfile
+			save(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore, markov.propertiesMAT, file = fileName, ascii = TRUE)
+			assign(".workstatus", "saved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			assign(".opennedfile", fileName, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			.Windowtitle <- paste("ÁrvoRe - Janela Principal", " - [", .opennedfile, "]", sep = "")
+			tkwm.title(tt, .Windowtitle)
+			tkfocus(tt)		
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/select.markov.propertiesMAT.Rd
--- pkg/man/select.markov.propertiesMAT.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/select.markov.propertiesMAT.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,106 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+select.markov.propertiesMAT(TheTree, SubTree, markov.propertiesMAT)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{SubTree}{ ~~Describe \code{SubTree} here~~ }
+  \item{markov.propertiesMAT}{ ~~Describe \code{markov.propertiesMAT} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, SubTree, markov.propertiesMAT) {
+	require(abind)
+	selected.lines <- rownames(SubTree)
+	check.tree <- TheTree[selected.lines,]
+	wanted.level <- check.tree$Level[1]+1
+	check.tree <- check.tree[check.tree$Level == wanted.level,]
+	ans <- data.frame(	"Level" = array(,0),
+						"Node.N" = array(,0),
+						"Node.name" = array(,0),
+						"Father" = array(,0),
+						"Father.Name" = array(,0),
+						"Initial.cost" = array(,0), 
+						"Incremental.cost" = array(,0), 
+						"Final.cost" = array(,0),
+						"Initial.effectiveness" = array(,0), 
+						"Incremental.effectiveness" = array(,0), 
+						"Final.effectiveness" = array(,0))
+	for (i in 1:length(check.tree$Node.N) ) {
+		balde <- subset(markov.propertiesMAT, Node.N == check.tree$Node.N[i])
+		n.lin.balde <- dim(balde)[1]
+		if (n.lin.balde > 0) {
+			ans <- abind(ans, balde, along = 1)
+		} else {
+			balde <- data.frame(	"Level" = check.tree$Level[i],
+									"Node.N" = check.tree$Node.N[i],
+									"Node.name" = check.tree$Node.name[i],
+									"Father" = check.tree$Father[i],
+									"Father.Name" = check.tree$Father.Name[i],
+									"Initial.cost" = 0, 
+									"Incremental.cost" = check.tree$Payoff1[i], 
+									"Final.cost" = 0,
+									"Initial.effectiveness" = 0, 
+									"Incremental.effectiveness" = check.tree$Payoff2[i], 
+									"Final.effectiveness" = 0)
+			ans <- abind(ans, balde, along = 1)
+		}
+	}
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	wanted.level.sub <- SubTree$Level[1]+1
+	subSubTree <- subset(SubTree, Level == wanted.level.sub)
+	ans$Level <- subSubTree$Level
+	ans$Node.N <- subSubTree$Node.N
+	ans$Father <- subSubTree$Father
+	ans$Father.Name <- subSubTree$Father.Name
+	rownames(ans) <- rownames(subSubTree)
+	ans$Level <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Level))
+	ans$Node.N <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Node.N))
+	ans$Node.name <- (as.character(ans$Node.name))
+	ans$Father <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Father))
+	ans$Father.Name <- (as.character(ans$Father.Name))
+	ans$Initial.cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Initial.cost))
+	ans$Incremental.cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incremental.cost))
+	ans$Final.cost <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Final.cost))
+	ans$Initial.effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Initial.effectiveness))
+	ans$Incremental.effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Incremental.effectiveness))
+	ans$Final.effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Final.effectiveness))
+	return(ans)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/select.origins.Rd
--- pkg/man/select.origins.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/select.origins.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+select.origins(TheTree, node.col, node.number)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{node.col}{ ~~Describe \code{node.col} here~~ }
+  \item{node.number}{ ~~Describe \code{node.number} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, node.col, node.number) {
+	require(abind)
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == node.col)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	ans <- TheTree[position,]
+	levelnodevalue <- node.col - 1
+	nodenumbervalue <- ans$Father[1] #[position]
+	while ( levelnodevalue > 0) {
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == levelnodevalue)),which(TheTree$Node.N == nodenumbervalue))
+		subData <- TheTree[position,]
+		ans <- abind(subData, ans, along=1)
+		nodenumbervalue <- subData$Father[1]
+		levelnodevalue <- levelnodevalue - 1
+	}
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	ans$Level <- as.numeric(ans$Level)
+	ans$Node.N <- as.numeric(ans$Node.N)
+	ans$Node.name <- as.character(ans$Node.name)
+	ans$Father <- as.numeric(ans$Father)
+	ans$Father.Name <- as.character(ans$Father.Name)
+	ans$Prob <- as.numeric(ans$Prob)
+	ans$Type <- as.character(ans$Type)
+	ans$Note <- as.character(ans$Note)
+	ans$Destiny <- as.character(ans$Destiny)
+	ans$Payoff1 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff1))
+	ans$Payoff2 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff2))
+	return(ans)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/select.subtree.Rd
--- pkg/man/select.subtree.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/select.subtree.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,116 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+select.subtree(TheTree, node.col, node.number, change.row.names = FALSE)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{node.col}{ ~~Describe \code{node.col} here~~ }
+  \item{node.number}{ ~~Describe \code{node.number} here~~ }
+  \item{change.row.names}{ ~~Describe \code{change.row.names} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, node.col, node.number, change.row.names = FALSE) {
+	require(abind)
+	levelmax <- max(TheTree$Level)
+	variables <- names(TheTree)
+	ans <- subset(TheTree, Level == node.col, select = variables)
+	ans <- subset(ans, Node.N == node.number, select = variables)
+# 	print(ans)
+	if (node.col != levelmax) {
+		i <- (node.col+1)
+		pais <- node.number
+		while (i != 0) {
+			Datatmp <- subset(TheTree, Level == i, select = variables)
+			novos.pais <- array(,0)
+			for (j in pais) {
+				DatatmpP <- subset(Datatmp, Father == j, select = variables)
+				if (dim(DatatmpP)[1] != 0) {
+					ans <- abind(ans, DatatmpP, along=1)
+# 					print(ans)
+					novos.pais <- c(novos.pais, DatatmpP$Node.N)
+				}
+			}
+			pais <- novos.pais
+			if (i == levelmax) {
+				i <- 0
+			} else {
+				i <- i + 1
+			}
+			if( length(pais) == 0) i <- 0
+		}
+	}
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	ans$Level <- as.numeric(ans$Level)
+	ans$Node.N <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Node.N))
+	ans$Node.name <- as.character(ans$Node.name)
+	ans$Father <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Father))
+	ans$Father.Name <- as.character(ans$Father.Name)
+	ans$Prob <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Prob))
+	ans$Type <- as.character(ans$Type)
+	ans$Note <- as.character(ans$Note)
+	ans$Destiny <- as.character(ans$Destiny)
+	ans$Payoff1 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff1))
+	ans$Payoff2 <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Payoff2))
+# 	# Ajusta a numeração dos nodos
+# 	levelmax <- max(ans$Level)
+# 	for (i in 1:levelmax) {
+# 		positions <- which(ans$Level == i)
+# 		n.node <- as.numeric(names(table(ans$Node.N[positions])))
+# 		size.n.node <- length(n.node)
+# 		for (j in 1:size.n.node) {
+# 			positions.node.replace <- which(ans$Node.N == n.node[j])
+# 			positions.node.replace <- intersect(positions, positions.node.replace)
+# 			ans$Node.N[positions.node.replace] <- j
+# 			if (i != levelmax) {
+# 				positions.next.level <- which(ans$Level == (i+1))
+# 				positions.node.as.father <- which(ans$Father == n.node[j])
+# 				positions.node.as.father <- intersect(positions.next.level, positions.node.as.father)
+# 				ans$Father[positions] <- j
+# 			}
+# 		}
+# 	}
+	ans <- ans[ order(ans$Level,ans$Node.N),]
+ 	if (change.row.names) rownames(ans) <- NULL
+	return(ans)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/set.markov.nodes.properties.Rd
--- pkg/man/set.markov.nodes.properties.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/set.markov.nodes.properties.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,114 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+set.markov.nodes.properties(TheTree, markov.propertiesMAT, column, node.number, Initial.rwd.cost = 0, Incremental.rwd.cost = 0, Final.rwd.cost = 0, Initial.rwd.effectiveness = 1, Incremental.rwd.effectiveness = 1, Final.rwd.effectiveness = 1)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{markov.propertiesMAT}{ ~~Describe \code{markov.propertiesMAT} here~~ }
+  \item{column}{ ~~Describe \code{column} here~~ }
+  \item{node.number}{ ~~Describe \code{node.number} here~~ }
+  \item{Initial.rwd.cost}{ ~~Describe \code{Initial.rwd.cost} here~~ }
+  \item{Incremental.rwd.cost}{ ~~Describe \code{Incremental.rwd.cost} here~~ }
+  \item{Final.rwd.cost}{ ~~Describe \code{Final.rwd.cost} here~~ }
+  \item{Initial.rwd.effectiveness}{ ~~Describe \code{Initial.rwd.effectiveness} here~~ }
+  \item{Incremental.rwd.effectiveness}{ ~~Describe \code{Incremental.rwd.effectiveness} here~~ }
+  \item{Final.rwd.effectiveness}{ ~~Describe \code{Final.rwd.effectiveness} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, markov.propertiesMAT, column, node.number, 
+					Initial.rwd.cost = 0, 
+					Incremental.rwd.cost = 0, 
+					Final.rwd.cost = 0,
+					Initial.rwd.effectiveness = 1, 
+					Incremental.rwd.effectiveness = 1, 
+					Final.rwd.effectiveness = 1	) {
+	require(abind)
+	if (!is.numeric(node.number)) node.number <- as.numeric(node.number)
+	if (!is.numeric(column)) column <- as.numeric(column)
+	position.markov <- intersect(which((markov.propertiesMAT$Level == column)),
+									which(markov.propertiesMAT$Node.N == node.number))
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position.markov) != 0) {
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Node.name[position.markov] <- TheTree$Node.name[position]
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Father[position.markov] <- TheTree$Father[position]
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Father.Name[position.markov] <- TheTree$Father.Name[position]		
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.cost[position.markov] <- Initial.rwd.cost
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.cost[position.markov] <- Incremental.rwd.cost
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Final.cost[position.markov] <- Final.rwd.cost
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.effectiveness[position.markov] <- Initial.rwd.effectiveness
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.effectiveness[position.markov] <- Incremental.rwd.effectiveness
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Final.effectiveness[position.markov] <- Final.rwd.effectiveness
+	} else {
+		markov.propertiesLINE <- data.frame("Level" = column,
+											"Node.N" = node.number,
+											"Node.name" = TheTree$Node.name[position],
+											"Father" = TheTree$Father[position],
+											"Father.Name" = TheTree$Father.Name[position],
+											"Initial.cost" = Initial.rwd.cost, 
+											"Incremental.cost" = Incremental.rwd.cost, 
+											"Final.cost" = Final.rwd.cost,
+											"Initial.effectiveness" = Initial.rwd.effectiveness, 
+											"Incremental.effectiveness" = Incremental.rwd.effectiveness, 
+											"Final.effectiveness" = Final.rwd.effectiveness)
+		markov.propertiesMAT <- abind(markov.propertiesMAT, markov.propertiesLINE, along=1)
+		markov.propertiesMAT <- as.data.frame(markov.propertiesMAT)
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Level <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Level))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Node.N <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Node.N))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Node.name <- (as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Node.name))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Father <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Father))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Father.Name <- (as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Father.Name))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.cost <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.cost))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.cost <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.cost))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Final.cost <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Final.cost))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Initial.effectiveness))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Incremental.effectiveness))
+		markov.propertiesMAT$Final.effectiveness <- as.numeric(as.character(markov.propertiesMAT$Final.effectiveness))
+	}
+	setutility(TheTree, column, node.number, Incremental.rwd.cost, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	TheTree <- get("TheTree", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	seteffectiveness(TheTree, column, node.number, Incremental.rwd.effectiveness, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign("markov.propertiesMAT", markov.propertiesMAT, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/set.model.type.Rd
--- pkg/man/set.model.type.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/set.model.type.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{typemodel}{ ~~Describe \code{typemodel} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(typemodel) {
+	safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+	if (( typemodel == "CE")||( typemodel == "SD")) {
+		assign(".modeltypeArvore", typemodel, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	} else {
+		cat("Error!! \n")	
+	}
+	assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/set.value.Rd
--- pkg/man/set.value.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/set.value.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,184 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree) {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		node.type <- TheTree$Type[position]
+		node.name <- TheTree$Node.name[position]
+		setvalueWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Propriedades"
+		tkwm.title(setvalueWindow,title)
+		# Create frames
+		FrameOverall <- tkframe(setvalueWindow, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		FrameLeft <- tkframe(FrameOverall, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		FrameRight <- tkframe(FrameOverall, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		FrameButton <- tkframe(FrameRight, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		FrameMenuButton <- tkframe(FrameLeft, borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		FrameLower <- tkframe(FrameOverall, borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		# Node label
+		text.to.label <- paste("Nodo : ", node.name, sep = "")
+		node.tk.label <- tklabel(FrameLeft, text = text.to.label)
+		if (node.type == "C") node.type.label <- "Chance"
+		else if (node.type == "T") node.type.label <- "Terminal"
+		else if (node.type == "M") node.type.label <- "Markov"
+		else if (node.type == "D") node.type.label <- "Decision"
+		else node.type.label <- "Unknow"
+		text.to.label <- paste("Tipo : ", node.type.label, sep = "")
+		node.tk.type <- tklabel(FrameLeft, text = text.to.label)
+		tkgrid(node.tk.label, sticky = "nw", columnspan = 2)
+		tkgrid(node.tk.type, sticky = "nw", columnspan = 2)
+		# The menubutton width
+		menubutton.width <- 15
+######### O menubutton
+		Operators <- tkmenubutton(FrameMenuButton, text = "Operadores", direction = "below", 
+							borderwidth = 1, relief = "raised", indicatoron = TRUE,
+							width = menubutton.width)	
+######### O menu associado ao menubutton
+		menuOperatorsChild <- tkmenu(Operators, tearoff=FALSE)
+			# Os ítens do ítem "Botão de menu"
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label=">",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="<",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label=">=",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="<=",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="==",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"separator")
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="&&",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="||",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"separator")
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="(",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label=")",command=function() {})			
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"separator")
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"separator")
+			tkadd(menuOperatorsChild,"command",label="Sair",command=function() tkdestroy(setvalueWindow))
+		# Ajusta que o menu associado ao menubutton é menufilho
+		tkconfigure(Operators, menu = menuOperatorsChild)
+		# Monta o rótulo e o checkbutton
+######### O menubutton
+		Functions <- tkmenubutton(FrameMenuButton, text = "Funções", direction = "below", 
+							borderwidth = 1, relief = "raised", indicatoron = TRUE,
+							width = menubutton.width)
+######### O menu associado ao menubutton
+		menuFunctionsChild <- tkmenu(Functions, tearoff = FALSE)
+			# Os ítens do ítem "Botão de menu"
+			tkadd(menuFunctionsChild,"command",label="X",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuFunctionsChild,"command",label="XX",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuFunctionsChild,"separator")
+			tkadd(menuFunctionsChild,"command",label="XXX",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuFunctionsChild,"command",label="XXXX",command=function() {})
+		# Ajusta que o menu associado ao menubutton é menufilho
+		tkconfigure(Functions, menu = menuFunctionsChild)
+######### O menubutton
+		Keywords <- tkmenubutton(FrameMenuButton, text = "Palavra chave", direction = "below", 
+							borderwidth = 1, relief = "raised", indicatoron = TRUE,
+							width = menubutton.width)
+######### O menu associado ao menubutton
+		menuKeywordsChild <- tkmenu(Keywords, tearoff = FALSE)
+			# Os ítens do ítem "Botão de menu"
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".stage",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".stage.cost",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".stage.eff",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".stage.reward",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"separator")
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".total.cost",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".total.eff",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label=".total.reward",command=function() {})
+			tkadd(menuKeywordsChild,"command",label="NONE",command=function() {})
+		# Ajusta que o menu associado ao menubutton é menufilho
+		tkconfigure(Keywords, menu = menuKeywordsChild)
+		# Monta os menubuttons
+		tkgrid(Operators, Functions, Keywords, sticky = "n", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		Text.space <- tktext(FrameLeft, borderwidth = 2, relief = "sunken",
+								height = 5, width = 30, wrap = "word")
+		OnOK <- function()
+		{
+		}
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(setvalueWindow)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+    	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(FrameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(FrameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(setvalueWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(FrameButton, sticky = "nwe")
+		tkgrid(FrameMenuButton, sticky = "nwe")
+		tkgrid(Text.space, sticky = "swe", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(FrameLeft, FrameRight, sticky = "nwe")
+		tkgrid(FrameLower, sticky = "swe")
+		tkgrid(FrameOverall)
+		tkfocus(setvalueWindow)
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/set.zoom.image.tree.Rd
--- pkg/man/set.zoom.image.tree.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/set.zoom.image.tree.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+set.zoom.image.tree(imgHeight, imgWidth, scalarfac = 1)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{imgHeight}{ ~~Describe \code{imgHeight} here~~ }
+  \item{imgWidth}{ ~~Describe \code{imgWidth} here~~ }
+  \item{scalarfac}{ ~~Describe \code{scalarfac} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(imgHeight, imgWidth, scalarfac = 1) {
+	imgHeight <- imgHeight * scalarfac
+	imgWidth <- imgWidth * scalarfac
+	assign("imgHeight", imgHeight, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign("imgWidth", imgWidth, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/setaddnode.Rd
--- pkg/man/setaddnode.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/setaddnode.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+setaddnode(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{.EnvironmentArvoRe}{ ~~Describe \code{.EnvironmentArvoRe} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/setdestinynode.Rd
--- pkg/man/setdestinynode.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/setdestinynode.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+setdestinynode(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{.EnvironmentArvoRe}{ ~~Describe \code{.EnvironmentArvoRe} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/seteffectiveness.Rd
--- pkg/man/seteffectiveness.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/seteffectiveness.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+seteffectiveness(TheTree, column, node.number, pvalue, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{column}{ ~~Describe \code{column} here~~ }
+  \item{node.number}{ ~~Describe \code{node.number} here~~ }
+  \item{pvalue}{ ~~Describe \code{pvalue} here~~ }
+  \item{.EnvironmentArvoRe}{ ~~Describe \code{.EnvironmentArvoRe} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, column, node.number, pvalue, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	if (!is.numeric(node.number)) node.number <- as.numeric(node.number)
+	if (!is.numeric(column)) column <- as.numeric(column)
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position) >= 1) {
+		TheTree$Payoff2[position] <- pvalue
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/setnodename.Rd
--- pkg/man/setnodename.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/setnodename.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+setnodename(TheTree, column, node.number, nodename, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{column}{ ~~Describe \code{column} here~~ }
+  \item{node.number}{ ~~Describe \code{node.number} here~~ }
+  \item{nodename}{ ~~Describe \code{nodename} here~~ }
+  \item{.EnvironmentArvoRe}{ ~~Describe \code{.EnvironmentArvoRe} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, column, node.number, nodename, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	if (!is.numeric(node.number)) node.number <- as.numeric(node.number)
+	if (!is.numeric(column)) column <- as.numeric(column)
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position) >= 1) {
+# 		old.father.name <- TheTree$Node.name[position]
+		TheTree$Node.name[position] <- nodename
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == (column+1) )),which(TheTree$Father == node.number))
+		if (length(position) >= 1) {
+			TheTree$Father.Name[position] <- nodename
+		}
+	assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/setnotesnode.Rd
--- pkg/man/setnotesnode.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/setnotesnode.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+setnotesnode(TheTree, column, node.number, nodo.note, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{column}{ ~~Describe \code{column} here~~ }
+  \item{node.number}{ ~~Describe \code{node.number} here~~ }
+  \item{nodo.note}{ ~~Describe \code{nodo.note} here~~ }
+  \item{.EnvironmentArvoRe}{ ~~Describe \code{.EnvironmentArvoRe} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, column, node.number, nodo.note, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position) >= 1) {
+		TheTree$Note[position] <- nodo.note
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/setprob.Rd
--- pkg/man/setprob.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/setprob.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+setprob(TheTree, column, node.number, pvalue, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{column}{ ~~Describe \code{column} here~~ }
+  \item{node.number}{ ~~Describe \code{node.number} here~~ }
+  \item{pvalue}{ ~~Describe \code{pvalue} here~~ }
+  \item{.EnvironmentArvoRe}{ ~~Describe \code{.EnvironmentArvoRe} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, column, node.number, pvalue, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	if (!is.numeric(node.number)) node.number <- as.numeric(node.number)
+	if (!is.numeric(column)) column <- as.numeric(column)
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position) >= 1) {
+		TheTree$Prob[position] <- pvalue
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}
+	refreshF5()
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/setremovenode.Rd
--- pkg/man/setremovenode.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/setremovenode.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+setremovenode(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{.EnvironmentArvoRe}{ ~~Describe \code{.EnvironmentArvoRe} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/settreevartype.Rd
--- pkg/man/settreevartype.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/settreevartype.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree) {
+	TheTree$Level <- as.numeric(TheTree$Level)
+	TheTree$Node.N <- as.numeric(TheTree$Node.N)
+	TheTree$Node.name <- as.character(TheTree$Node.name)
+	TheTree$Father <- as.numeric(TheTree$Father)
+	TheTree$Father.Name <- as.character(TheTree$Father.Name)
+	TheTree$Prob <- as.numeric(TheTree$Prob)
+	TheTree$Type <- as.character(TheTree$Type)
+	TheTree$Note <- as.character(TheTree$Note)
+	TheTree$Destiny <- as.character(TheTree$Destiny)
+	TheTree$Payoff1 <- as.numeric(as.character(TheTree$Payoff1))
+	TheTree$Payoff2 <- as.numeric(as.character(TheTree$Payoff2))
+	assign("TheTree", TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/settypenode.Rd
--- pkg/man/settypenode.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/settypenode.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+settypenode(TheTree, column, node.number, nodo.type, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{column}{ ~~Describe \code{column} here~~ }
+  \item{node.number}{ ~~Describe \code{node.number} here~~ }
+  \item{nodo.type}{ ~~Describe \code{nodo.type} here~~ }
+  \item{.EnvironmentArvoRe}{ ~~Describe \code{.EnvironmentArvoRe} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, column, node.number, nodo.type, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position) >= 1) {
+		TheTree$Type[position] <- nodo.type
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/setutility.Rd
--- pkg/man/setutility.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/setutility.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+setutility(TheTree, column, node.number, pvalue, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{column}{ ~~Describe \code{column} here~~ }
+  \item{node.number}{ ~~Describe \code{node.number} here~~ }
+  \item{pvalue}{ ~~Describe \code{pvalue} here~~ }
+  \item{.EnvironmentArvoRe}{ ~~Describe \code{.EnvironmentArvoRe} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, column, node.number, pvalue, .EnvironmentArvoRe) {
+	if (!is.numeric(node.number)) node.number <- as.numeric(node.number)
+	if (!is.numeric(column)) column <- as.numeric(column)
+	position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+	if (length(position) >= 1) {
+		TheTree$Payoff1[position] <- pvalue
+		assign("TheTree", TheTree, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/setvariablelist.Rd
--- pkg/man/setvariablelist.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/setvariablelist.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+setvariablelist(variableMAT, newvariableline = " ", variable.name = " ", action = "edit")
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{variableMAT}{ ~~Describe \code{variableMAT} here~~ }
+  \item{newvariableline}{ ~~Describe \code{newvariableline} here~~ }
+  \item{variable.name}{ ~~Describe \code{variable.name} here~~ }
+  \item{action}{ ~~Describe \code{action} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(variableMAT, newvariableline = " ", variable.name = " ", action = "edit") {
+	if (action == "delete") {
+		variables <- names(variableMAT)
+		ans <- subset(variableMAT, Name != variable.name, select = variables)
+	}
+	if (action == "add") {
+		require(abind)
+		ans <- abind(variableMAT, newvariableline, along=1)
+	}
+	if (action == "edit") {
+		variables <- names(variableMAT)
+		ans <- subset(variableMAT, Name != variable.name, select = variables)
+		require(abind)
+		ans <- abind(ans, newvariableline, along=1)
+	}
+	ans <- as.data.frame(ans)
+	ans$Name <- as.character(ans$Name)
+	ans$Fix.Value <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Fix.Value))
+	ans$Min.Value <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Min.Value))
+	ans$Max.Value <- as.numeric(as.character(ans$Max.Value))
+	ans$Notes <- as.character(ans$Notes)
+	assign("variableMAT", ans, envir = .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+	assign(".workstatus", "unsaved", .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/show.prob.check.window.Rd
--- pkg/man/show.prob.check.window.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/show.prob.check.window.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree) {
+		msg <- probability.check(TheTree)
+		icon="error"
+		if (msg[2] == "0") {
+			icon="warning"
+		}
+		tkmessageBox(title = "ÁrvoRe - Verificação das Probabilidades", message=msg[1], icon = icon, type = "ok")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/show.summary.rollback.window.Rd
--- pkg/man/show.summary.rollback.window.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/show.summary.rollback.window.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	k <- summary.rollback.table(TheTree)
+	names(k) <- c("Nível", "Nodo N", "Nome do nodo", 
+					"Custo Esperado", "Efetividade Esperada", "Razão C-E Esperada", 
+					"Nome Nodo Pai", "Probabilidade",
+					"Custo", "Efetividade", "Tipo")
+	displayInTable(as.matrix(k), title="Valores Esperados (Roll-back)",
+					height=10,width=8,nrow=dim(k)[1],ncol=dim(k)[2], 
+					titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/show.summary.tree.window.Rd
--- pkg/man/show.summary.tree.window.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/show.summary.tree.window.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{\dots}{ ~~Describe \code{\dots} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(...) {
+	k <- TheTree
+	displayInTable(as.matrix(k), title="Informação da árvore",
+					height=10,width=8,nrow=dim(k)[1],ncol=dim(k)[2], 
+					titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/simple.markov.coort.table.Rd
--- pkg/man/simple.markov.coort.table.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/simple.markov.coort.table.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+simple.markov.coort.table(TheTree, trials = 10000, seed = FALSE)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{trials}{ ~~Describe \code{trials} here~~ }
+  \item{seed}{ ~~Describe \code{seed} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, trials = 10000, seed = FALSE) {
+	# ajusta a semente escolhida pelo usuário
+	if (seed != FALSE) {
+		set.seed(seed)	
+	}
+	# Convert the tree to matrix format
+	MatrixTheTree <- convert2matrix(TheTree)
+# 	print(MatrixTheTree)
+	x <- MatrixTheTree$x								# Structure matrix
+	y <- MatrixTheTree$y								# Node name matrix
+	typeMAT <- MatrixTheTree$typeMAT					# Node type matrix
+	utilityMAT <- MatrixTheTree$utilityMAT				# Node Cost matrix 
+	effectivenessMAT <- MatrixTheTree$effectivenessMAT	# Node effectiveness matrix
+	probMAT <- MatrixTheTree$probMAT					# Node probability matrix
+	num.col.x <- dim(x)[2]
+	num.lin.x <- dim(x)[1]
+	probMAT[,1] <- 1.0	# Agora o nodo raiz recebe prob = 1.
+	typeMAT[,1] <- "D"	# Agora o nodo raiz recebe "D".
+	# ajusta elementos para matriz... pois com vetor não funciona
+# 	utilityMAT <- matrix(utilityMAT, num.lin.x, num.col.x)
+# 	effectivenessMAT <- matrix(utilityMAT, num.lin.x, num.col.x)
+# 	probMAT <- matrix(utilityMAT, num.lin.x, num.col.x)
+	# ajusta custo e efetividade: serão acumulados através dos nodos.
+	if (num.lin.x > 1) {
+		utilityMAT <- apply(utilityMAT, 1, sum)
+		effectivenessMAT <- apply(effectivenessMAT, 1, sum)
+	} else {
+		utilityMAT <- sum(utilityMAT)
+		effectivenessMAT <- sum(effectivenessMAT)
+	}
+	# cria a tabela que comportará os individuos
+# 	Coorte.Ind <- matrix(0, 1, trials)	# Matriz com cada individuo
+# 	Coorte.Cost <- matrix(0, 1, trials)	# Matriz com custo de cada individuo
+# 	Coorte.Effec <- matrix(0, 1, trials)	# Matriz com a efetividade de cada individuo
+	# A simulação em si. Choose your destiny!
+	sorteado <- runif(trials,0,1)
+	linprobs <- cumsum(apply(probMAT, 1, prod)) # observa a probabilidade de cada ramo acontecer numa runif
+	valn <- length(linprobs)
+	linprobs.Matrix <- matrix(linprobs, trials, valn, byrow = TRUE) # podemos ter problema de memória aqui!!!
+	resultado <- valn - apply(sorteado <= linprobs.Matrix, 1, sum) + 1
+#  	ans.dest <- destinos[resultado]	# quantos vão para cada categoria
+	ans.cost <- utilityMAT[resultado]
+	ans.effectiveness <- effectivenessMAT[resultado]
+ 	Coorte.Ind <- matrix(resultado, 1, trials)				# Matriz com cada individuo
+	Coorte.Cost <- matrix(ans.cost, 1, trials)				# Matriz com custo de cada individuo
+	Coorte.Effec <- matrix(ans.effectiveness, 1, trials)	# Matriz com a efetividade de cada individuo
+	ans <- list(Path = Coorte.Ind, Cost = Coorte.Cost, Effectiveness = Coorte.Effec)
+	return(ans)	# And return the result
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/sobre.Rd
--- pkg/man/sobre.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/sobre.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+sobre(versionarvore, versiondate)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{versionarvore}{ ~~Describe \code{versionarvore} here~~ }
+  \item{versiondate}{ ~~Describe \code{versiondate} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(versionarvore, versiondate) {
+	.Mensagem <- paste(
+" ________________________________________ \n\n",
+" ArvoRe - Análise de Custo Efetividade no R              \n",
+" (Simulação de primeira ordem MCMC)                      \n\n",
+paste("Versão : ", versionarvore, "                                     \n", sep=""),
+paste("Versão : ", versiondate, "                                     \n", sep=""),
+" ________________________________________ \n\n",
+" Autor:                                                  \n",
+" Isaías V. Prestes                                       \n",
+" IM - Departamento de Estatística                        \n",
+" Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul,              \n",
+" Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, Porto Alegre, Brasil         \n",
+" E-mail: isaias.prestes at ufrgs.br                         \n",
+" URL: http://www.mat.ufrgs.br/~camey/                    \n",
+" ________________________________________ \n",
+" \n", sep = "")
+	sobre.wm.title <- "Sobre o Programa"
+	ReturnVal <- tkmessageBox(title = sobre.wm.title,
+    message = .Mensagem, icon = "info", type = "ok")
+    tkfocus(tt)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/splashscreenArvoRe.Rd
--- pkg/man/splashscreenArvoRe.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/splashscreenArvoRe.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,56 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function() {
+	splashArvoRe <- tktoplevel()
+	Width <- 640
+	Height <- 480
+	tkwm.title(splashArvoRe, paste("ÁrvoRe - ", .arvore.version, sep=""))
+	for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+		icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/Arvore.png",sep=""))
+		if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+			icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+			new.but <- tkbutton(splashArvoRe, image=icn, width=Width, height=Height, 
+							command=function() tkdestroy(splashArvoRe))
+	 		tkgrid(new.but)
+		} 
+	}
+	posiciona.janela.tela(splashArvoRe)
+	tcl("tkwait","window",splashArvoRe)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/summary.rollback.table.Rd
--- pkg/man/summary.rollback.table.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/summary.rollback.table.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree) {
+	Matrixset <- convert2matrix(TheTree)
+	x <- Matrixset$x
+	y <- Matrixset$y
+	probMAT <- Matrixset$probMAT
+	utilityMAT <- Matrixset$utilityMAT
+	effectivenessMAT <- Matrixset$effectivenessMAT
+	typeMAT <- Matrixset$typeMAT
+	rollbackLIST <- rollback(TheTree)
+	num.col <- dim(x)[2]
+	num.lin <- dim(x)[1]
+	levelnode <- array(,0)
+	paispos <- array(,0)
+	nnode <- array(,0)
+	namenode <- array(,0)
+	probnode <- array(,0)
+	utilitynode <- array(,0)
+	effectivenessnode <- array(,0)
+	typenode <- array(,0)
+	paisnodos.n <- array(,0)
+	paisnodos.name <- array(,0)
+	paisnodos <- array(,0)
+	expectedvalue.cost <- array(,0)
+	expectedvalue.effectiveness <- array(,0)
+	expectedvalue.ce <- array(,0)	
+	for (i in 1:num.col) {
+		max.node <- max(x[,i], na.rm = TRUE)
+		pais <- 1:max.node	
+		for (k in pais) {
+			levelnode <- c(levelnode,i)
+			nodepos <- which(x[,i] == k)[1]
+			paispos <- c(paispos, nodepos)
+			if (i == 1) {
+				paisnodos.n <- c(paisnodos.n, 1)
+				paisnodos.name <- c(paisnodos.name, " ")
+			} else {
+				paisnodos.n <- c(paisnodos.n, x[nodepos, i-1])
+				paisnodos.name <- c(paisnodos.name, y[nodepos, i-1])
+			}
+			nnode <- c(nnode, k)
+			namenode <- c(namenode, y[nodepos, i])
+			probnode <- c(probnode, probMAT[nodepos, i])
+			utilitynode <- c(utilitynode, utilityMAT[nodepos, i])
+			effectivenessnode <- c(effectivenessnode, effectivenessMAT[nodepos, i])
+			typenode <- c(typenode, typeMAT[nodepos, i])
+			expectedvalue.cost <- c(expectedvalue.cost, rollbackLIST[["Cost"]][nodepos, i])
+			expectedvalue.effectiveness <- c(expectedvalue.effectiveness, rollbackLIST[["Effectiveness"]][nodepos, i])
+			expectedvalue.ce <- c(expectedvalue.ce, rollbackLIST[["CE"]][nodepos, i])
+		}
+	}
+	tabela <- data.frame(Level = levelnode, Node.N = nnode, Node.name = namenode,
+						 "Mean Cost" = expectedvalue.cost,
+						 "Mean Effectiveness" = expectedvalue.effectiveness,
+						 "Mean C-E ratio" = expectedvalue.ce,
+# 						 Father = paisnodos.n, 
+						 Father.Name = paisnodos.name,
+						 Prob = probnode, Cost = utilitynode, Effectiveness = effectivenessnode,
+						 Type = typenode						 
+						 )
+	return(tabela)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/summary.simulation.window.Rd
--- pkg/man/summary.simulation.window.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/summary.simulation.window.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,1700 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+summary.simulation.window(Simlist, tempo1 = Sys.time(), tempo2 = Sys.time(), CicloVal, tipo.nodo = " ", digits = 3)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{Simlist}{ ~~Describe \code{Simlist} here~~ }
+  \item{tempo1}{ ~~Describe \code{tempo1} here~~ }
+  \item{tempo2}{ ~~Describe \code{tempo2} here~~ }
+  \item{CicloVal}{ ~~Describe \code{CicloVal} here~~ }
+  \item{tipo.nodo}{ ~~Describe \code{tipo.nodo} here~~ }
+  \item{digits}{ ~~Describe \code{digits} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(Simlist, tempo1 = Sys.time(), tempo2 = Sys.time(), CicloVal, tipo.nodo = " ", digits = 3) {
+	require(abind)
+	require(gplots)
+	treatments.sim <- names(Simlist)
+	windheight <- 300
+	windwidth <- 750
+	summarysimulationWindow <- tktoplevel()
+	title <- "ÁrvoRe - Simulação Monte Carlo"
+	tkwm.title(summarysimulationWindow,title)
+	frameOverall <- tkwidget(summarysimulationWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+	frameResume <- tkwidget(frameOverall, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+	framePanelButton <- tkwidget(frameResume, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+	framebutton <- tkwidget(summarysimulationWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+	pBar <- tkwidget(frameResume, "NoteBook", height = windheight, width = windwidth)
+	tkpack(frameOverall, expand = 1, fill = "both") #, side = "left")
+	tkpack(frameResume, expand = 1, fill = "both", side = "top", anchor = "ne")
+	tkpack(framebutton, expand = 1, fill = "x", side = "bottom")
+	tkpack(pBar, expand = 1, fill = "both", side = "left")
+	tkpack(framePanelButton, fill = "both", side = "right") # , anchor = "ne"
+	PageNoteBook <- tcl(pBar, "insert", "end", "Page0", "-text", "Nodos")
+	timecounter <- 1
+	Alltreatmentstable <- data.frame(Treatment = array(,0), Data = array(,0), Mean = array(,0), 
+							Variance = array(,0), Sd = array(,0), Median = array(,0), 
+							Min = array(,0),Max = array(,0), 
+							Quartil1 = array(,0), Quartil2 = array(,0), Time = array(,0))
+	for (i in treatments.sim) {
+		tempo <- tempo2[timecounter] - tempo1[timecounter]
+		timecounter <- timecounter + 1
+		# Cria uma página para este tratamento -------------------------------------------------
+		position <- which( treatments.sim == i)
+		pagetclname <- paste("Page",position, sep = "")
+		pagelabel <- i
+		PageNoteBook <- tcl(pBar, "insert", "end", pagetclname, "-text", pagelabel)
+		object.page.name <- paste("PageNoteBook", position, sep = "")
+		assign(object.page.name, PageNoteBook)
+		PageNoteBook.Window <- .Tk.newwin(PageNoteBook)
+		object.page.window.name <- paste("PageNoteBook.Window", position, sep = "")
+		assign(object.page.window.name, PageNoteBook.Window)
+		frameWindow <- tkwidget(PageNoteBook.Window, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = "Relatório")
+		# -------------------------------------------------
+		frameUpper <- tkframe(frameWindow, relief="groove", borderwidth = 0)
+		frameUpperLeft <- tkwidget(frameUpper, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = "Custo")
+		frameUpperRight <- tkwidget(frameUpper, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = "Efetividade")
+		frameLower <- tkframe(frameWindow, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+		# The node root name
+		node.root.name <- paste("Nodo : ", i, sep = "")
+		node.root.name.label <- tklabel(frameUpper, text = node.root.name)
+		tkgrid(node.root.name.label, sticky = "nw", columnspan = 1)
+		# The time of simulation
+		time.text <- paste("Tempo decorrido (segundos) : ", format(round(tempo, digits = digits), nsmall = digits), sep = "")
+		time.sim <- tklabel(frameUpper, text = time.text)
+		tkgrid(time.sim, sticky = "nw", columnspan = 1)
+		# A Efetividade -------------------------------------------------
+		Mktable <- Simlist[[i]]
+		Data <- Mktable$Effectiveness
+		# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+		Data <- apply(Data,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+		ntreat <- length(Data)
+		statisticsData <- summary(Data)
+		meanData <- mean(Data, na.rm = TRUE)
+		varData <- ( 1 / (ntreat*(ntreat-1)) ) * sum( (Data - meanData)^2)
+		sdData <- sqrt(varData)
+		medianData <- statisticsData[3]
+		minData <- statisticsData[1]
+		maxData <- statisticsData[6]
+		quartil1 <- statisticsData[2]
+		quartil3 <- statisticsData[5]
+		EvarData <- varData
+		# Guarda as informações importantes
+		line.data.summary <- data.frame(Treatment = pagelabel, Data = "Effectiveness", Mean = meanData, 
+							Variance = varData, Sd = sdData, Median = medianData, 
+							Min = minData, Max = maxData, 
+							Quartil1 = quartil1, Quartil2 = quartil3, Time = tempo)
+		Alltreatmentstable <- abind(Alltreatmentstable, line.data.summary, along=1)
+		lableminsize <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text = paste(rep("_",50),collapse="",sep=""))
+		lableminsize2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text = paste(rep("_",50),collapse="",sep=""))
+# 		label0 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Tempo decorrido (segundos)")
+# 		label1 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(tempo, nsmall = digits) )
+		label2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Valor Médio")
+		label3 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(meanData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label4 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Variância")
+		label5 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(varData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label6 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Desvio Padrão")
+		label7 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(sdData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label8 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Mediana")
+		label9 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(medianData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label10 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Mínimo")
+		label11 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(minData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label12 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "Máximo")
+		label13 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(maxData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label14 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "1st. Quartil")
+		label15 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(quartil1, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label16 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= "3rd. Quartil")
+		label17 <- tklabel(frameUpperRight,text= format(round(quartil3, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		tkgrid(lableminsize, row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
+# 		tkgrid(label0,  row = 2,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+# 		tkgrid(label1,  row = 2,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label2,  row = 3,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label3,  row = 3,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label4,  row = 4,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label5,  row = 4,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label6,  row = 5,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label7,  row = 5,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label8,  row = 6,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label9,  row = 6,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label10, row = 7,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label11, row = 7,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label12, row = 8,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label13, row = 8,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label14, row = 9,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label15, row = 9,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label16, row = 10, column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label17, row = 10, column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(lableminsize2, row = 11, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
+		# O Custo -------------------------------------------------
+		Data <- Mktable$Cost
+		# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+		Data <- apply(Data,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+		ntreat <- length(Data)
+		statisticsData <- summary(Data)
+		meanData <- mean(Data, na.rm = TRUE)
+		varData <- ( 1 / (ntreat*(ntreat-1)) ) * sum( (Data - meanData)^2)
+		sdData <- sqrt(varData)
+		medianData <- statisticsData[3]
+		minData <- statisticsData[1]
+		maxData <- statisticsData[6]
+		quartil1 <- statisticsData[2]
+		quartil3 <- statisticsData[5]
+		CvarData <- varData
+		# Guarda as informações importantes
+		line.data.summary <- data.frame(Treatment = pagelabel, Data = "Cost", Mean = meanData, 
+							Variance = varData, Sd = sdData, Median = medianData, 
+							Min = minData, Max = maxData, 
+							Quartil1 = quartil1, Quartil2 = quartil3, Time = tempo)
+		Alltreatmentstable <- abind(Alltreatmentstable, line.data.summary, along=1)
+		lableminsize <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text = paste(rep("_",50),collapse="",sep=""))
+		lableminsize2 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text = paste(rep("_",50),collapse="",sep=""))
+# 		label0 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Tempo decorrido (segundos)")
+# 		label1 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(tempo, nsmall = digits) )
+		label2 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Valor Médio")
+		label3 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(meanData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label4 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Variância")
+		label5 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(varData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label6 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Desvio Padrão")
+		label7 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(sdData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label8 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Mediana")
+		label9 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(medianData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label10 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Mínimo")
+		label11 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(minData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label12 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "Máximo")
+		label13 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(maxData, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label14 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "1st. Quartil")
+		label15 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(quartil1, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		label16 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= "3rd. Quartil")
+		label17 <- tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text= format(round(quartil3, digits = digits), nsmall = digits) )
+		tkgrid(lableminsize, row = 1, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
+# 		tkgrid(label0,  row = 2,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+# 		tkgrid(label1,  row = 2,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label2,  row = 3,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label3,  row = 3,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label4,  row = 4,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label5,  row = 4,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label6,  row = 5,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label7,  row = 5,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label8,  row = 6,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label9,  row = 6,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label10, row = 7,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label11, row = 7,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label12, row = 8,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label13, row = 8,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label14, row = 9,  column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label15, row = 9,  column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(label16, row = 10, column = 0,sticky="w")
+		tkgrid(label17, row = 10, column = 1,sticky="e")
+		tkgrid(lableminsize2, row = 11, column = 0, columnspan = 2)
+# 		eval( parse(text = markov.termination) )
+# 		eval( parse(text = markov.termination) )
+		tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRight, sticky="ns")
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+		tkpack(frameWindow, expand = 1, fill = "both")
+		tkgrid(PageNoteBook.Window)
+		# The CE -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+		# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+		Data <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum) / apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum, na.rm = TRUE)
+		statisticsData <- summary(Data)
+		meanData <- statisticsData[4]
+		varData <- var(Data, na.rm = TRUE, use = "complete.obs")
+		sdData <- sqrt(varData)
+		medianData <- statisticsData[3]
+		minData <- statisticsData[1]
+		maxData <- statisticsData[6]
+		quartil1 <- statisticsData[2]
+		quartil3 <- statisticsData[5]
+		# Guarda as informações importantes
+		line.data.summary <- data.frame(Treatment = pagelabel, Data = "C/E", Mean = meanData, 
+							Variance = varData, Sd = sdData, Median = medianData, 
+							Min = minData, Max = maxData, 
+							Quartil1 = quartil1, Quartil2 = quartil3, Time = tempo)
+		Alltreatmentstable <- abind(Alltreatmentstable, line.data.summary, along=1)
+	}
+	rm(Data, statisticsData, Mktable)
+	# Ajusta o Alltreatmentstable
+	rownames(Alltreatmentstable) <- NULL
+	Alltreatmentstable <- as.data.frame(Alltreatmentstable)
+	Alltreatmentstable$Treatment <- as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Treatment)
+	Alltreatmentstable$Data <- as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Data)
+	Alltreatmentstable$Mean <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Mean))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Variance <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Variance))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Sd <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Sd))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Median <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Median))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Min <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Min))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Max <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Max))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Quartil1 <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Quartil1))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Quartil2 <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Quartil2))
+	Alltreatmentstable$Time <- as.numeric(as.character(Alltreatmentstable$Time))
+	Alltreatmentstable <- Alltreatmentstable[ order(Alltreatmentstable$Data),]
+# 	print(Alltreatmentstable)
+	assign("Alltreatmentstable", Alltreatmentstable, env = .GlobalEnv)
+	# The data to plot			
+	AllTreatCost <- Alltreatmentstable[Alltreatmentstable$Data == "Cost",]
+	AllTreatEffectiveness <- Alltreatmentstable[Alltreatmentstable$Data == "Effectiveness",]
+	AllTreatCE <- Alltreatmentstable[Alltreatmentstable$Data == "C/E",]
+	# Initial colors to treatments points
+	treatments.colors.plot <- 1:length(AllTreatCost$Treatment)
+	# The treatments names
+	treatments.label.plot <- AllTreatCost$Treatment
+	n.treat <- c(0,length(treatments.sim):1,0,length(treatments.sim))
+	for (i in n.treat) {
+		pagetclname <- paste("Page",i, sep="")
+		tcl(pBar,"raise",pagetclname)
+	}
+	tcl(pBar,"itemconfigure", "Page0", "-state", "disabled") # Set Page0 page to disabled.
+	OnOK <- function()
+	{
+		tkdestroy(summarysimulationWindow)
+		tkwm.deiconify(tt)
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	}
+	OnGraph <- function() {
+		selectedpage.number <- tclvalue(tcl(pBar,"raise"))	# Retorna a página selecionada
+		selectedpage.number <- as.numeric(substr(selectedpage.number,5,nchar(selectedpage.number)))
+		selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[selectedpage.number]
+		Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+		Cost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum)
+		Effectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum)
+# OnGraph ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------		tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+		graphsimulationWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title.window <- "ÁrvoRe - MC Simulação - Gráficos"
+		tkwm.title(graphsimulationWindow, title.window)
+		frameOverall <- tkwidget(graphsimulationWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		frameResume <- tkwidget(frameOverall, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", text = "Tipos de Gráficos")
+		frameDistribution <- tkwidget(frameOverall, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+										text = "Distribuição")
+		frameOtherGraphs <- tkwidget(frameOverall, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+										text = "Custo-Efetividade")
+		frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth = 0)
+		OnShowIt <- function(type = "Other", SurvivalData = Mktable$Survival,...) {
+			aGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+			title.window <- "ÁrvoRe - MC Simulação - Graphics"
+			tkwm.title(aGraphWindow, title.window)
+			frametext <- "Gráfico"
+			frameOverall <- tkwidget(aGraphWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+									labelanchor = "n", text = frametext)
+			frameButton <- tkwidget(aGraphWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+			tkgrid(frameOverall, sticky = "nwe")
+			tkgrid(frameButton, sticky = "swe")
+			# Image setings.
+			g.imgHeight <- 600/2
+			g.imgWidth <- 800/2
+			# Canvas window configurations
+			C.Height <- min(c(g.imgHeight, 768))
+			C.Width <- min(c(g.imgWidth, 1024))
+			Borderwidth <- 2
+			# scrollbar objects
+			fHscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, orient="horiz", command = function(...)tkxview(fCanvas,...) )
+			fVscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, command = function(...)tkyview(fCanvas,...) )
+			fCanvas <- tkcanvas(frameOverall, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = Borderwidth, 
+								width = C.Width, height = C.Height,
+								xscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fHscroll,...), 
+								yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fVscroll,...)
+								)
+			# Pack the scroll bars.
+			tkpack(fHscroll, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
+			tkpack(fVscroll, side = "right", fill = "y")
+			# Pack the canvas
+			tkpack(fCanvas, anchor = "center", side = "right", fill = "both", expand = 1)
+			# Image file name setings.
+			.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "grafico.arvore.png", sep="")
+			# What plot?
+			plot.it.to.image <- function(.Filename, img.type = "png", img.quality = 90,
+											img.width = 600, img.height = 600, SurvivalData = Mktable$Survival, 
+											...) {
+# 				print(.Filename)
+# 				print(type)
+# 				print(img.type)
+				if( type == "Distrib.cost") {
+					if (img.type == "png") {
+						png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+							Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+							xlabel <- "Cost"
+							hist(Cost, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+						dev.off()
+					} else {
+						if (img.type == "jpg") {
+							jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+							     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+							     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+					     		Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Cost"
+								hist(Cost, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						} else {
+							bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+						    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+						    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+					     		Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Cost"
+								hist(Cost, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if( type == "Distrib.effectiveness") {
+					if (img.type == "png") {
+						png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+						Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+						xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+						hist(Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+						dev.off()
+					} else {
+						if (img.type == "jpg") {
+							jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+							     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+							     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+								Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+								hist(Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						} else {
+							bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+						    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+						    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+								Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+								hist(Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if( type == "CE.scatterplot") {
+					if (img.type == "png") {
+						png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+							Graphtitle <- "CE Scatterplot"
+							xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+							ylabel <- "Custo"
+							plot(Effectiveness,Cost, col = "red", pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+									xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+						dev.off()
+					} else {
+						if (img.type == "jpg") {
+							jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+							     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+							     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+								Graphtitle <- "CE Scatterplot"
+								xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+								ylabel <- "Custo"
+								plot(Effectiveness,Cost, col = "red", pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+										xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+							dev.off()
+						} else {
+							bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+						    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+						    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+								Graphtitle <- "CE Scatterplot"
+								xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+								ylabel <- "Custo"
+								plot(Effectiveness,Cost, col = "red", pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+										xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+							dev.off()
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if( type == "Distrib.CER") {
+					if (img.type == "png") {
+						png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+							Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+							xlabel <- "Razão Custo-Efetividade ($)"
+							hist(Cost/Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+						dev.off()
+					} else {
+						if (img.type == "jpg") {
+							jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+							     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+							     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+								Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Razão Custo-Efetividade ($)"
+								hist(Cost/Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						} else {
+							bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+						    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+						    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+								Graphtitle <- paste("Histograma de ", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Razão Custo-Efetividade ($)"
+								hist(Cost/Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						}
+					}
+				}
+				if( type == "Survival.Curve") {
+					if (img.type == "png") {
+						png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+							Graphtitle <- paste("Número de Sobreviventes \n", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+							xlabel <- "Ciclos"
+# 							hist(SurvivalData, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+							barplot(SurvivalData, main = Graphtitle, col = "red", space = c(0,0),
+									xlab = xlabel)
+						dev.off()
+# 						print(SurvivalData)
+					} else {
+						if (img.type == "jpg") {
+							jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+							     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+							     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+								Graphtitle <- paste("Número de Sobreviventes \n", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Ciclos"
+	# 							hist(Cost/Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+								barplot(SurvivalData, main = Graphtitle, col = "red", space = c(0,0),
+										xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						} else {
+							bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+						    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+						    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+								Graphtitle <- paste("Número de Sobreviventes \n", selected.treatment, sep = "")
+								xlabel <- "Ciclos"
+	# 							hist(Cost/Effectiveness, main = Graphtitle, xlab = xlabel)
+								barplot(SurvivalData, main = Graphtitle, col = "red", space = c(0,0),
+										xlab = xlabel)
+							dev.off()
+						}
+					}
+				}
+			}
+			# Default img type
+			img.type <- "png"
+			plot.it.to.image(.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = img.type,
+								img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+			image1 <- tclVar()
+			tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+			tkcreate(fCanvas, "image", g.imgWidth/2, g.imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+			tkconfigure(fCanvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,g.imgWidth,g.imgHeight))
+			OnOK <- function() {
+				file.remove(.Filename)
+				tkdestroy(aGraphWindow)
+				tkwm.deiconify(graphsimulationWindow)
+				tkfocus(graphsimulationWindow)
+			}
+			OnExportGraphic <- function(...) {
+				exportImgGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+				title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar Imagem"
+				tkwm.title(exportImgGraphWindow,title)
+				frameOverall <- tkframe(exportImgGraphWindow)
+				frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+				frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+				frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+				frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+				tkgrid( tklabel(frameUpper,text="Formato de imagem"),sticky="n", columnspan = 2)
+				rbValue <- tclVar("jpg")
+				QualityValue <- tclVar("90")
+				rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+				tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="bmp")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Bitmap .bmp "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+				rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+				tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="jpg")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Jpeg .jpg "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+				rb3 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+				tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="png")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Portable network graphics .png "),rb3, sticky = "ne")
+				SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)) )
+				sliderlabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = "Valor da qualidade de imagem : ")
+				sliderlabel2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = "\%")
+				tkgrid(sliderlabel, SliderValueLabel, sliderlabel2)
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = QualityValue)
+				sliderImg <- tkscale(frameUpperRigth, from = 100, to = 1,
+				                   showvalue = F, variable = QualityValue,
+				                   resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
+				tkgrid(sliderImg,sticky="ew")
+				tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="ns")
+				tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+				tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+				Onformat <- function() {
+					ansVar <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+					if (ansVar != "jpg") {
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+						tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "disabled")
+						tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "disabled")
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+						tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "disabled")
+					} else {
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+						tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "normal")
+						tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "normal")
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+						tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "normal")
+					}
+				}
+				OnOK <- function(...)
+				{
+					ImgFormatselected <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+					ImgQualityselected <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)))
+					if (ImgFormatselected == "png") {
+						.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Portable network graphics Image Files} {.png}} {{All files} *}"))
+						if (!nchar(.Filename))
+							tkfocus(aGraphWindow)
+						else {
+							ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+							if ( ans != ".png" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".png", sep="")
+							if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+							plot.it.to.image(.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected, img.width = 600, img.height = 600)
+						}
+					} else {
+						if (ImgFormatselected == "jpg") {
+							.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Jpeg Image Files} {.jpg}} {{All files} *}"))
+							if (!nchar(.Filename))
+								tkfocus(aGraphWindow)
+							else {
+								ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+								if ( ans != ".jpg" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".jpg", sep="")
+								if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+								plot.it.to.image(.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected, img.width = 600, img.height = 600,
+													img.quality = ImgQualityselected)
+							}
+						} else {
+							.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Bitmap Image Files} {.bmp}} {{All files} *}"))
+							if (!nchar(.Filename))
+								tkfocus(aGraphWindow)
+							else {
+								ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+								if ( ans != ".bmp" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".bmp", sep="")
+								if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+								plot.it.to.image(.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected, img.width = 600, img.height = 600)
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+					tkwm.deiconify(aGraphWindow)
+					tkfocus(aGraphWindow)
+				}
+				OnCancel <- function()
+				{
+					tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+					tkwm.deiconify(aGraphWindow)
+					tkfocus(aGraphWindow)
+				}
+				.Width.but <- 10
+				.Height.but <- 1
+				OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+				tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+				Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+				tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+				tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s")
+				tkbind(rb1, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb2, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb3, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb1, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb2, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb3, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+				tkgrid(frameOverall)
+				tkfocus(exportImgGraphWindow)
+# 				posiciona.janela.no.mouse(exportImgGraphWindow)
+			}
+		    .Width.but <- 10
+			.Height.but <- 1
+			OK.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+			Export.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Exportar...", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnExportGraphic)
+			tkgrid(OK.but, Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+# 			tkconfigure(Export.but, state = "disabled")
+			tkbind(aGraphWindow, "<Return>", OnOK)
+			tkbind(aGraphWindow, "<Escape>", OnCancel)
+			tkwm.deiconify(aGraphWindow)
+			tkfocus(aGraphWindow)
+		}
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(graphsimulationWindow)
+			tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+		}
+		OnCancel <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(graphsimulationWindow)
+			tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+		}
+		OnDistrib.cost <- function() {
+			OnShowIt(type = "Distrib.cost")		
+		}
+		OnDistrib.effectiveness <- function() {
+			OnShowIt(type = "Distrib.effectiveness")
+		}
+		OnDistrib.CER <- function() {
+			OnShowIt(type = "Distrib.CER")
+		}
+		OnDistrib.incrementals <- function() {
+			OnShowIt(type = "Distrib.incrementals")
+		}
+		OnCE <- function() {
+			CEGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+			title.window <- "ÁrvoRe - MC Simulação - Graphics"
+			tkwm.title(CEGraphWindow, title.window)
+			frametext <- "Gráfico"
+			frameOverall <- tkwidget(CEGraphWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove", 
+									labelanchor = "n", text = frametext)
+			frameButton <- tkwidget(CEGraphWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+			tkgrid(frameOverall, sticky = "nwe")
+			tkgrid(frameButton, sticky = "swe")
+			# Image setings.
+			g.imgHeight <- 600/2
+			g.imgWidth <- 800/2
+			# Canvas window configurations
+			C.Height <- min(c(g.imgHeight, 768))
+			C.Width <- min(c(g.imgWidth, 1024))
+			Borderwidth <- 2
+			# scrollbar objects
+			fHscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, orient="horiz", command = function(...)tkxview(fCanvas,...) )
+			fVscroll <- tkscrollbar(frameOverall, command = function(...)tkyview(fCanvas,...) )
+			fCanvas <- tkcanvas(frameOverall, relief = "sunken", borderwidth = Borderwidth, 
+								width = C.Width, height = C.Height,
+								xscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fHscroll,...), 
+								yscrollcommand = function(...)tkset(fVscroll,...)
+								)
+			# Pack the scroll bars.
+			tkpack(fHscroll, side = "bottom", fill = "x")
+			tkpack(fVscroll, side = "right", fill = "y")
+			# Pack the canvas
+			tkpack(fCanvas, anchor = "center", side = "right", fill = "both", expand = 1)
+			# Image file name setings.
+			.Filename <- paste(tempdir(),"\\", "grafico.arvore.png", sep="")
+			# The data to plot			
+			AllTreatCost <- Alltreatmentstable[Alltreatmentstable$Data == "Cost",]
+			AllTreatEffectiveness <- Alltreatmentstable[Alltreatmentstable$Data == "Effectiveness",]
+			# Initial colors to treatments points
+			treatments.colors.plot <- 1:length(AllTreatCost$Treatment)
+			# The treatments names
+			treatments.label.plot <- AllTreatCost$Treatment
+			# What plot?
+			plot.it.to.image <- function(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot,
+											treatments.label.plot,
+											.Filename, img.type = "png", img.quality = 90, 
+											img.width = 600, img.height = 600, ...) {
+				if (img.type == "png") {
+					png(file=.Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height, bg = "white", restoreConsole = FALSE)
+						Graphtitle <- "Plano Custo-Efetividade"
+						xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+						ylabel <- "Custo"
+						plot(AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean, AllTreatCost$Mean, 
+								col = treatments.colors.plot, pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+								xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+						smartlegend( x="left", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+						             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+							     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+							     bg = "gray")								
+					dev.off()
+				} else {
+					if (img.type == "jpg") {
+						jpeg(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+						     units = "px", pointsize = 12, quality = img.quality, bg = "white",
+						     res = NA, restoreConsole = FALSE)								
+							Graphtitle <- "Plano Custo-Efetividade"
+							xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+							ylabel <- "Custo"
+							plot(AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean, AllTreatCost$Mean, 
+									col = treatments.colors.plot, pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+									xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+							smartlegend( x="left", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+							             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+								     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+								     bg = "gray")								
+						dev.off()
+					} else {
+						bmp(filename = .Filename, width = img.width, height = img.height,
+					    	units = "px", pointsize = 12, bg = "white", res = NA,
+					    	restoreConsole = FALSE)
+							Graphtitle <- "Plano Custo-Efetividade"
+							xlabel <- "Efetividade"
+							ylabel <- "Custo"
+							plot(AllTreatEffectiveness$Mean, AllTreatCost$Mean, 
+									col = treatments.colors.plot, pch = "*", main = Graphtitle,
+									xlab = xlabel, ylab = ylabel)
+							smartlegend( x="left", y= "top", inset=0,                             #smartlegend parameters
+							             legend = c(treatments.label.plot), #legend parameters
+								     fill=c(treatments.colors.plot),                        #legend parameters
+								     bg = "gray")								
+						dev.off()
+							}
+				}
+			}
+			# Default img type
+			img.type <- "png"
+			plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot, 
+								.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = img.type,
+								img.width = g.imgWidth, img.height = g.imgHeight)
+			image1 <- tclVar()
+			tcl("image","create","photo",image1,file=.Filename)
+			tkcreate(fCanvas, "image", g.imgWidth/2, g.imgHeight/2, image = image1, anchor = "center")
+			tkconfigure(fCanvas, scrollregion = c(0,0,g.imgWidth,g.imgHeight))
+			OnOK <- function() {
+				file.remove(.Filename)
+				tkdestroy(CEGraphWindow)
+				tkwm.deiconify(graphsimulationWindow)
+				tkfocus(graphsimulationWindow)
+			}
+			OnExportGraphic <- function(...) {
+				exportImgGraphWindow <- tktoplevel()
+				title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar Imagem"
+				tkwm.title(exportImgGraphWindow,title)
+				frameOverall <- tkframe(exportImgGraphWindow)
+				frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+				frameUpperLeft <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+				frameUpperRigth <- tkframe(frameUpper, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+				frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=0)
+				tkgrid( tklabel(frameUpper,text="Formato de imagem"),sticky="n", columnspan = 2)
+				rbValue <- tclVar("jpg")
+				QualityValue <- tclVar("90")
+				rb1 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+				tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="bmp")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Bitmap .bmp "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+				rb2 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+				tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="jpg")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Jpeg .jpg "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+				rb3 <- tkradiobutton(frameUpper)
+				tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="png")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(frameUpperLeft,text="Portable network graphics .png "),rb3, sticky = "ne")
+				SliderValueLabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)) )
+				sliderlabel <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth, text = "Valor da qualidade de imagem : ")
+				sliderlabel2 <- tklabel(frameUpperRigth,text = "\%")
+				tkgrid(sliderlabel, SliderValueLabel, sliderlabel2)
+				tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, textvariable = QualityValue)
+				sliderImg <- tkscale(frameUpperRigth, from = 100, to = 1,
+				                   showvalue = F, variable = QualityValue,
+				                   resolution = 1, orient = "horizontal")
+				tkgrid(sliderImg,sticky="ew")
+				tkgrid(frameUpperLeft, frameUpperRigth,sticky="ns")
+				tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="ns")
+				tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="ns")
+				Onformat <- function() {
+					ansVar <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+					if (ansVar != "jpg") {
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+						tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "disabled")
+						tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "disabled")
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "disabled")
+						tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "disabled")
+					} else {
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+						tkconfigure(sliderlabel, state = "normal")
+						tkconfigure(sliderlabel2, state = "normal")
+						tkconfigure(SliderValueLabel, state = "normal")
+						tkconfigure(sliderImg, state = "normal")
+					}
+				}
+				OnOK <- function(...)
+				{
+					ImgFormatselected <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+					ImgQualityselected <- as.numeric(as.character(tclvalue(QualityValue)))
+					if (ImgFormatselected == "png") {
+						.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Portable network graphics Image Files} {.png}} {{All files} *}"))
+						if (!nchar(.Filename))
+							tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+						else {
+							ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+							if ( ans != ".png" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".png", sep="")
+							if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+							plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+												.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected)
+						}
+					} else {
+						if (ImgFormatselected == "jpg") {
+							.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Jpeg Image Files} {.jpg}} {{All files} *}"))
+							if (!nchar(.Filename))
+								tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+							else {
+								ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+								if ( ans != ".jpg" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".jpg", sep="")
+								if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+								plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+													.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected,
+													img.quality = ImgQualityselected)
+							}
+						} else {
+							.Filename <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes="{{Bitmap Image Files} {.bmp}} {{All files} *}"))
+							if (!nchar(.Filename))
+								tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+							else {
+								ans <- substr(.Filename,nchar(.Filename)-3,nchar(.Filename))
+								if ( ans != ".bmp" ) .Filename <- paste(.Filename, ".bmp", sep="")
+								if (!file.exists(.Filename)) file.remove(.Filename)
+								plot.it.to.image(AllTreatEffectiveness, AllTreatCost, treatments.colors.plot, treatments.label.plot,
+													.Filename = .Filename, type = type, img.type = ImgFormatselected)
+							}
+						}
+					}
+					tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+					tkwm.deiconify(CEGraphWindow)
+					tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+				}
+				OnCancel <- function()
+				{
+					tkdestroy(exportImgGraphWindow)
+					tkwm.deiconify(CEGraphWindow)
+					tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+				}
+				.Width.but <- 10
+				.Height.but <- 1
+				OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+				tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+				Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+				tkbind(exportImgGraphWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+				tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5, columnspan = 2, sticky = "s")
+				tkbind(rb1, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb2, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb3, "<Enter>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb1, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb2, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+				tkbind(rb3, "<Leave>",Onformat)
+				tkgrid(frameOverall)
+				tkfocus(exportImgGraphWindow)
+# 				posiciona.janela.no.mouse(exportImgGraphWindow)
+			}
+		    .Width.but <- 10
+			.Height.but <- 1
+			OK.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+			Export.but <- tkbutton(frameButton,text="Exportar...", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnExportGraphic)
+			tkgrid(OK.but, Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+# 			tkconfigure(Export.but, state = "disabled")
+			tkbind(CEGraphWindow, "<Return>", OnOK)
+			tkbind(CEGraphWindow, "<Escape>", OnCancel)
+			tkwm.deiconify(CEGraphWindow)
+			tkfocus(CEGraphWindow)
+		}
+		OnCE.scatterplot <- function() {
+			OnShowIt(type = "CE.scatterplot")
+		}
+		OnAccept.Curve <- function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+			aceptability.sim.window(Alltreatmentstable)
+		}
+		OnSurvival.Curve <- function() {
+			SurvivalData <- Mktable$Survival
+			OnShowIt(type = "Survival.Curve", SurvivalData = SurvivalData)
+		}
+		# Button label
+		label.but1 <- "Custo"
+		label.but2 <- "Efetividade"
+		label.but3 <- "Razão Custo-Efetividade"
+		label.but4 <- "Incrementals"
+		label.but5 <- "Custo-Efetividade"
+		label.but6 <- "Scatterplot C-E"
+		label.but7 <- "Curva de aceitabilidade"
+		label.but8 <- "Curva de sobrevivência"
+	    .Width.but <- max( c( nchar(label.but1), nchar(label.but2), nchar(label.but3), nchar(label.but4), 
+	    					nchar(label.but5), nchar(label.but6), nchar(label.but7)) )
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		# The buttons
+		Distrib.cost.but <- tkbutton(frameDistribution, text = label.but1, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = OnDistrib.cost)
+		Distrib.effectiveness.but <- tkbutton(frameDistribution,text = label.but2, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = OnDistrib.effectiveness)
+		Distrib.CER.but <- tkbutton(frameDistribution,text = label.but3, 
+			width =.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = OnDistrib.CER)
+		Distrib.incrementals.but <- tkbutton(frameDistribution, text = label.but4, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = OnDistrib.incrementals)
+		CE.but <- tkbutton(frameOtherGraphs, text = label.but5, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = OnCE)
+		CE.scatterplot.but <- tkbutton(frameOtherGraphs,text=label.but6, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = OnCE.scatterplot)
+		Accept.Curve.but <- tkbutton(frameOtherGraphs,text=label.but7, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = function() OnAccept.Curve(Alltreatmentstable))
+		Survival.Curve.but <- tkbutton(frameOtherGraphs,text=label.but8, 
+			width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command = OnSurvival.Curve)
+		tkgrid(Distrib.cost.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Distrib.effectiveness.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Distrib.CER.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Distrib.incrementals.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(CE.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(CE.scatterplot.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Accept.Curve.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(Survival.Curve.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		OK.but <- tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <- tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(frameDistribution,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameOtherGraphs,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameResume,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameLower, sticky = "s")
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkbind(graphsimulationWindow, "<Return>", OnOK)
+		tkbind(graphsimulationWindow, "<Escape>", OnCancel)
+		tkfocus(graphsimulationWindow)
+# OnGraph ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------		tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+	}
+	OnText <- function() {
+		StatsData <- Alltreatmentstable[ order(Alltreatmentstable$Treatment, Alltreatmentstable$Data),]
+		assign("StatsData", StatsData, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		Costdata <- subset(StatsData, Data == "Cost")
+		Effectivenessdata <- subset(StatsData, Data == "Effectiveness")
+		CEdata <- subset(StatsData, Data == "C/E")
+		statsSWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title.window <- "ÁrvoRe - MC Simulação - Estatísticas"
+		tkwm.title(statsSWindow, title.window)
+		frameOverall <- tkwidget(statsSWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		frameButtons <- tkframe(statsSWindow, relief="groove", borderwidth = 0)
+		OnNM <- function() {
+			WTPVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(WTPvar))
+			selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[1]
+			Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+			# The NMB -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+			# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+			DataCost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum)
+			DataEffectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum)
+			Data <- DataEffectiveness * WTPVal - DataCost
+			NMBtable <- data.frame( Cost = DataCost, 
+									Effectiveness = DataEffectiveness, 
+									NMB = Data)
+			namesvariables <- c(".Cost", ".Effectiveness", ".NMB")
+			names(NMBtable) <- paste(selected.treatment,namesvariables,sep="")
+			if (length(treatments.sim) > 1) {					
+				for (i in 2:length(treatments.sim) ) {
+					selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[i]
+					Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+					# The NMB -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+					# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+					DataCost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum)
+					DataEffectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum)
+					Data <- DataEffectiveness * WTPVal - DataCost
+					newNMBtable <- data.frame( Cost = DataCost, 
+											Effectiveness = DataEffectiveness, 
+											NMB = Data)
+					names(newNMBtable) <- paste(selected.treatment,namesvariables,sep="")
+					# Guarda as informações importantes
+					NMBtable <- abind(NMBtable, newNMBtable, along=2)
+				}
+			}
+			Trial <- 1:length(DataCost)
+			NMBtable <- abind(Trial, NMBtable, along=2)
+			names(NMBtable) <- c("Trial", names(NMBtable))
+			tituloNMB <- "Estatísticas - Net Monetary Benefits"
+			NMBtable <- as.matrix(NMBtable)
+			displayInTable(NMBtable, title = tituloNMB, height=min(10,dim(NMBtable)[1]), width= min(10,dim(NMBtable)[2]),
+							nrow=dim(NMBtable)[1],ncol=dim(NMBtable)[2],
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = FALSE)
+		}
+		OnNH <- function() {
+			WTPVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(WTPvar))
+			selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[1]
+			Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+			# The NMB -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+			# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+			DataCost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum)
+			DataEffectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum)
+			Data <- DataEffectiveness * WTPVal - DataCost
+			NMBtable <- data.frame( Cost = DataCost, 
+									Effectiveness = DataEffectiveness, 
+									NMB = Data)
+			namesvariables <- c(".Cost", ".Effectiveness", ".NMB")
+			names(NMBtable) <- paste(selected.treatment,namesvariables,sep="")
+			if (length(treatments.sim) > 1) {					
+				for (i in 2:length(treatments.sim) ) {
+					selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[i]
+					Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+					# The NMB -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+					# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+					DataCost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum)
+					DataEffectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum)
+					Data <- DataEffectiveness * WTPVal - DataCost
+					newNMBtable <- data.frame( Cost = DataCost, 
+											Effectiveness = DataEffectiveness, 
+											NMB = Data)
+					names(newNMBtable) <- paste(selected.treatment,namesvariables,sep="")
+					# Guarda as informações importantes
+					NMBtable <- abind(NMBtable, newNMBtable, along=2)
+				}
+			}
+			Trial <- 1:length(DataCost)
+			NMBtable <- abind(Trial, NMBtable, along=2)
+			names(NMBtable) <- c("Trial", names(NMBtable))
+			tituloNMB <- "Estatísticas - Net Health Benefits"
+			NMBtable <- as.matrix(NMBtable)
+			displayInTable(NMBtable, title = tituloNMB, height=min(10,dim(NMBtable)[1]), width= min(10,dim(NMBtable)[2]),
+							nrow=dim(NMBtable)[1],ncol=dim(NMBtable)[2],
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = FALSE)
+		}
+		OnCE <- function() {
+			selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[1]
+			Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+			# The CE -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+			# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+			DataCost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum)
+			DataEffectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum)
+			CEtable <- data.frame( Cost = DataCost, 
+									Effectiveness = DataEffectiveness, 
+									CE = DataCost / DataEffectiveness)
+			namesvariables <- c(".Cost", ".Effectiveness", ".CE")
+			names(CEtable) <- paste(selected.treatment,namesvariables,sep="")
+			if (length(treatments.sim) > 1) {					
+				for (i in 2:length(treatments.sim) ) {
+					selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[i]
+					Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+					# The CE -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+					# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+					DataCost <- apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum)
+					DataEffectiveness <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum)
+					newCEtable <- data.frame( Cost = DataCost, 
+											Effectiveness = DataEffectiveness, 
+											CE = DataCost / DataEffectiveness)
+					names(newCEtable) <- paste(selected.treatment,namesvariables,sep="")
+					# Guarda as informações importantes
+					CEtable <- abind(CEtable, newCEtable, along=2)
+				}
+			}
+			Trial <- 1:length(DataCost)
+			CEtable <- abind(Trial, CEtable, along=2)
+			names(CEtable) <- c("Trial", names(CEtable))
+			tituloCE <- "Estatísticas - Análise de Custo-Efetividade"
+			CEtable <- as.matrix(CEtable)
+			displayInTable(CEtable, title = tituloCE, height=min(10,dim(CEtable)[1]), width= min(10,dim(CEtable)[2]),
+							nrow=dim(CEtable)[1],ncol=dim(CEtable)[2],
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = FALSE)
+		}
+		.Width.but <- 18
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		NM.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="Net monetary benefit", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnNM)
+		NH.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="Net health benefit", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnNH)
+		CE.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="Custo-Efetividade", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCE)
+		tkgrid(NM.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(NH.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(CE.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		WTPvar <- tclVar(0.1)
+		WTPValue  <- tkentry(frameOverall,width="20",textvariable=WTPvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall,text="Valor do willingness-to-pay (WTP)"),
+				row = 4, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(WTPValue, row = 5, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall,text="                                             "),
+				row = 6, column = 0, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid( frameOverall, sticky = "n", columnspan = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid( frameButtons, sticky = "s")
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(statsSWindow)
+			tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+		}
+		tkbind(statsSWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(statsSWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameButtons,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+# 		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(framebutton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, sticky = "s", columnspan = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	}
+	OnExport <- function() {
+		filetypeWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Exportar"
+		tkwm.title(filetypeWindow,title)
+	    frameOverall <- tkframe(filetypeWindow)
+	    frameUpper <- tkframe(frameOverall, relief="groove", borderwidth=2)
+	    frameLower <- tkframe(frameOverall, borderwidth=2)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameUpper,text="Selecione o tipo de arquivo:"))
+		filetypes <- c("CSV (separado por vírgulas)","TXT (texto separado por tabulações)","Todos arquivos")
+		fileextensions <- c(".csv", ".txt", " ")
+		widthcombo <- max( nchar(filetypes) )
+		comboBox <- tkwidget(frameUpper,"ComboBox", width = widthcombo, editable = FALSE, values = filetypes)
+		tkgrid(comboBox)
+		OnOK <- function() {
+    		filetypeChoice <- filetypes[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+    		fileextChoice <- fileextensions[as.numeric(tclvalue(tcl(comboBox,"getvalue")))+1]
+    		tkdestroy(filetypeWindow)
+    		filetypes <- paste("{{ ", filetypeChoice, "}", " {", fileextChoice, "}}", sep = "")
+    		fileName <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes=filetypes))
+			if (!nchar(fileName))
+				tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+			else {
+				selectedpage.number <- tclvalue(tcl(pBar,"raise"))	# Retorna a página selecionada
+				selectedpage.number <- as.numeric(substr(selectedpage.number,5,nchar(selectedpage.number)))
+				selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[selectedpage.number]
+				Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+				if (tipo.nodo[selectedpage.number] == "C") {
+					ResumeSim <- data.frame(Cost = apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum), 
+											Effectiveness = apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum))
+					ResumeSim <- data.frame(Trial = 0:(dim(ResumeSim)[1] - 1), ResumeSim)
+					ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+					if ( fileextChoice == ".csv" ) {
+						if (ans == ".csv") {
+							write.csv2(ResumeSim, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+						} else {
+							fileName <- paste(fileName, ".csv", sep = "")
+							write.csv2(ResumeSim, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+						}
+					}
+					if ( fileextChoice == ".txt" ) {
+						if (ans == ".txt") {
+							write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+						} else {
+							fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+							write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+						}
+					}
+					if ( fileextChoice == " " ) {
+						if (ans == ".txt") {
+							write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+						} else {
+							fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+							write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+						}
+					}	
+				} else {
+					if (tipo.nodo[selectedpage.number] == "M") {
+						# Summary Coort
+						ResumeSim <- data.frame(Cost = apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum), 
+												Effectiveness = apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum))
+						ResumeSim <- data.frame(Individual = 1:(dim(ResumeSim)[1]), ResumeSim)
+						ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+						if ( fileextChoice == ".csv" ) {
+							if (ans == ".csv") {
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+							} else {
+								fileName <- paste(fileName, ".csv", sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+							}
+						}
+						if ( fileextChoice == ".txt" ) {
+							if (ans == ".txt") {
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							} else {
+								fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							}
+						}
+						if ( fileextChoice == " " ) {
+							if (ans == ".txt") {
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							} else {
+								fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							}
+						}	
+						# Full detail						
+						Cycle <- 0:(dim(Mktable$Path)[1] - 1)
+						ResumeSim.Cost <- data.frame( Cycle, Mktable$Cost )
+						ResumeSim.Effectiveness <- data.frame( Cycle, Mktable$Effectiveness )
+						ResumeSim.Path <- data.frame( Cycle, Mktable$Path )
+# 						print(fileName)
+						ans <- substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName))
+						if ( substr(fileName,nchar(fileName)-3,nchar(fileName)-3) == "." ) {
+							ans.root.file.name <- substr(fileName,1,nchar(fileName)-4)
+						} else {
+							ans.root.file.name <- fileName
+						}
+						if ( fileextChoice == ".csv" ) {
+							if (ans == ".csv") {
+# 								print("Estou salvando")
+								fileName <- paste(ans.root.file.name," Cost", ans, sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim.Cost, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+								fileName <- paste(ans.root.file.name," Effectiveness", ans, sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim.Effectiveness, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+								fileName <- paste(ans.root.file.name," Path", ans, sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim.Path, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+							} else {
+# 								print("Estou salvando")
+								fileName <- paste(ans.root.file.name, " Cost", ".csv", sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim.Cost, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+								fileName <- paste(ans.root.file.name, " Effectiveness", ".csv", sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim.Effectiveness, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)
+								fileName <- paste(ans.root.file.name, " Path", ".csv", sep = "")
+								write.csv2(ResumeSim.Path, file = fileName, row.names = FALSE)	
+							}
+						}
+						if ( fileextChoice == ".txt" ) {
+							if (ans == ".txt") {
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							} else {
+								fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							}
+						}
+						if ( fileextChoice == " " ) {
+							if (ans == ".txt") {
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							} else {
+								fileName <- paste(fileName, ".txt", sep = "")
+								write.table(ResumeSim, file = fileName, sep = "\t")
+							}
+						}						
+			 		} else {
+					cat("Aviso: não é possível exportar resultados para nodo Terminal")	
+					}
+				}
+				tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+			}	
+    	}
+    	OnCancel <- function() {
+	    	tkdestroy(filetypeWindow)
+	    	tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+    	}
+    	.Width.but <- 10
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(frameLower,text="Cancel", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(frameUpper,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameLower,sticky="nwe")
+		tkgrid(frameOverall)
+		tkbind(filetypeWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(filetypeWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		tkfocus(filetypeWindow)
+	}
+	OnStatsRep <- function() {
+		StatsData <- Alltreatmentstable[ order(Alltreatmentstable$Treatment, Alltreatmentstable$Data),]
+		assign("StatsData", StatsData, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+		Costdata <- subset(StatsData, Data == "Cost")
+		Effectivenessdata <- subset(StatsData, Data == "Effectiveness")
+		CEdata <- subset(StatsData, Data == "C/E")
+# 		print(StatsData)
+		statsSWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title.window <- "ÁrvoRe - MC Simulação - Estatísticas"
+		tkwm.title(statsSWindow, title.window)
+		frameOverall <- tkwidget(statsSWindow, "labelframe", borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		frameButtons <- tkframe(statsSWindow, relief="groove", borderwidth = 0)
+		OnNM <- function() {
+			WTPVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(WTPvar))
+			NMBtable <- data.frame(Treatment = array(,0), Mean = array(,0), 
+								Variance = array(,0), Sd = array(,0), Median = array(,0), 
+								Min = array(,0), Max = array(,0), 
+								Quartil1 = array(,0), Quartil2 = array(,0))
+			for (i in 1:length(treatments.sim) ) {
+				selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[i]
+				Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+				# The NMB -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+				# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+				Data <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum) * WTPVal - apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum)
+				statisticsData <- summary(Data)
+				meanData <- statisticsData[4]
+				varData <- var(Data, na.rm = TRUE, use = "complete.obs")
+				sdData <- sqrt(varData)
+				medianData <- statisticsData[3]
+				minData <- statisticsData[1]
+				maxData <- statisticsData[6]
+				quartil1 <- statisticsData[2]
+				quartil3 <- statisticsData[5]
+				# Guarda as informações importantes
+				line.data.summary <- data.frame(Treatment = selected.treatment, Mean = meanData, 
+									Variance = varData, Sd = sdData, Median = medianData, 
+									Min = minData, Max = maxData, 
+									Quartil1 = quartil1, Quartil2 = quartil3)
+				NMBtable <- abind(NMBtable, line.data.summary, along=1)
+			}
+			tituloNMB <- "Estatísticas - Net Monetary Benefits"
+			NMBtable <- as.matrix(NMBtable)
+			displayInTable(NMBtable, title = tituloNMB, height=min(10,dim(NMBtable)[1]), width= min(10,dim(NMBtable)[2]),
+							nrow=dim(NMBtable)[1],ncol=dim(NMBtable)[2],
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = FALSE)
+		}
+		OnNH <- function() {
+			WTPVal <- as.integer(tclvalue(WTPvar))
+			NMBtable <- data.frame(Treatment = array(,0), Mean = array(,0), 
+								Variance = array(,0), Sd = array(,0), Median = array(,0), 
+								Min = array(,0), Max = array(,0), 
+								Quartil1 = array(,0), Quartil2 = array(,0))
+			for (i in 1:length(treatments.sim) ) {
+				selected.treatment <- treatments.sim[i]
+				Mktable <- Simlist[[selected.treatment]]
+				# The NHB -----------------------------------------------------------------------
+				# Remover esta linha se sumarizar saídas de funções de simulação
+				Data <- apply(Mktable$Effectiveness,2,sum) * WTPVal - apply(Mktable$Cost,2,sum)
+				statisticsData <- summary(Data)
+				meanData <- statisticsData[4]
+				varData <- var(Data, na.rm = TRUE, use = "complete.obs")
+				sdData <- sqrt(varData)
+				medianData <- statisticsData[3]
+				minData <- statisticsData[1]
+				maxData <- statisticsData[6]
+				quartil1 <- statisticsData[2]
+				quartil3 <- statisticsData[5]
+				# Guarda as informações importantes
+				line.data.summary <- data.frame(Treatment = selected.treatment, Mean = meanData, 
+									Variance = varData, Sd = sdData, Median = medianData, 
+									Min = minData, Max = maxData, 
+									Quartil1 = quartil1, Quartil2 = quartil3)
+				NMBtable <- abind(NMBtable, line.data.summary, along=1)
+			}
+			tituloNMB <- "Estatísticas - Net Monetary Benefits"
+			NMBtable <- as.matrix(NMBtable)
+			displayInTable(NMBtable, title = tituloNMB, height=min(10,dim(NMBtable)[1]), width= min(10,dim(NMBtable)[2]),
+							nrow=dim(NMBtable)[1],ncol=dim(NMBtable)[2],
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = FALSE)
+		}
+		OnCE <- function() {
+# 			ResumeData <- as.data.frame( t(StatsData[,2:dim(StatsData)[2]]) )
+# 			names(ResumeData) <- StatsData[,1]
+# 			ResumeData <- as.matrix(ResumeData)
+			tituloCE <- "Estatísticas - Análise de Custo-Efetividade"
+			StatsData <- as.matrix(StatsData)
+			displayInTable(StatsData, title = tituloCE, height=min(10,dim(StatsData)[1]), width= min(10,dim(StatsData)[2]),
+							nrow=dim(StatsData)[1],ncol=dim(StatsData)[2],
+							titlerows = FALSE, titlecols = TRUE, editable = FALSE,
+							returntt = FALSE)
+		}
+		OnICER <- function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+			icer.sim.window(Alltreatmentstable)
+		}
+		OnINB <- function(Alltreatmentstable) {
+			inb.sim.window(Alltreatmentstable)
+		}
+		.Width.but <- 40
+		.Height.but <- 1
+		NM.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="Net monetary benefit", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnNM)
+		NH.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="Net health benefit", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnNH)
+		CE.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="Custo-Efetividade", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnCE)
+		ICER.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="Razão adicional de C-E (ICER)", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, 
+					command= function() OnICER(StatsData))
+		INB.but <-tkbutton(frameOverall,text="Incremento da rede de benfícios (INB)", width=.Width.but, 
+					height=.Height.but, command= function() OnINB(StatsData))
+		tkgrid(NM.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(NH.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(CE.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(ICER.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid(INB.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		WTPvar <- tclVar(0.1)
+		WTPValue  <- tkentry(frameOverall,width="20",textvariable=WTPvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall,text="Valor do willingness-to-pay (WTP)"),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(WTPValue, columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(tklabel(frameOverall,text="                                             "),
+				columnspan = 2, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid( frameOverall, sticky = "n", columnspan = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		tkgrid( frameButtons, sticky = "s")
+		OnOK <- function() {
+			tkdestroy(statsSWindow)
+			tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+		}
+		tkbind(statsSWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(statsSWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(frameButtons,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+# 		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(framebutton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, sticky = "s", columnspan = 2, padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	}
+	.Width.but <- 18
+	.Height.but <- 1
+	OK.but <-tkbutton(framebutton,text="OK", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but, command=OnOK)
+	StatsRep.but <-tkbutton(framePanelButton,text="Estatísticas", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,command=OnStatsRep)
+	Graph.but <-tkbutton(framePanelButton,text="Gráficos", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,command=OnGraph)
+	TextRep.but <-tkbutton(framePanelButton,text="Relatório Texto", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,command=OnText)
+	Export.but <-tkbutton(framePanelButton,text="Exportar Relatório", width=.Width.but, height=.Height.but,command=OnExport)
+	tkbind(summarysimulationWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+	tkbind(summarysimulationWindow, "<Escape>",OnOK)
+	tkgrid(StatsRep.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(Graph.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(TextRep.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(Export.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+	tkgrid(OK.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+# 	posiciona.janela.centro(tt, summarysimulationWindow)
+	tkfocus(summarysimulationWindow)
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/terminal.markov.coort.table.Rd
--- pkg/man/terminal.markov.coort.table.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/terminal.markov.coort.table.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+terminal.markov.coort.table(TheTree, trials = 2)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  \item{trials}{ ~~Describe \code{trials} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree, trials = 2) {
+	# cria a tabela de resposta
+	Coorte.Ind <- matrix("1",1,trials)		# Matriz com cada individuo
+	Coorte.Cost <- matrix(TheTree$Payoff1,1,trials)	# Matriz com custo de cada individuo
+	Coorte.Effec <- matrix(TheTree$Payoff2,1,trials)	# Matriz com a efetividade de cada individuo
+	ans <- list(Path = Coorte.Ind, Cost = Coorte.Cost, Effectiveness = Coorte.Effec)
+	return(ans)	# And return the result
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/theTreeTkArvore.Rd
--- pkg/man/theTreeTkArvore.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/theTreeTkArvore.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{TheTree}{ ~~Describe \code{TheTree} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(TheTree) {
+	num.lin <- dim(TheTree)[1]
+	num.levels <- max(TheTree$Level)
+	for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+		SubDataSet <- subset(TheTree, Level == 1)
+		osnodos <- SubDataSet$Node.N
+		osnodosnomes <- SubDataSet$Node.name
+		osnodostipos <- SubDataSet$Type
+		osnodos <- paste(i,".",osnodos,sep="")
+		icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/", osnodostipos,".png",sep=""))
+		if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+			icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+			tkinsert(treeWidget,"end","root","1.1",text=osnodosnomes, image = icn)
+		} else {
+			tkinsert(treeWidget,"end","root","1.1",text=osnodosnomes)
+		}
+	}
+	if (num.lin > 1) {
+		for (i in 2:num.levels) {
+			SubDataSet <- subset(TheTree, Level == i)
+			osnodos <- SubDataSet$Node.N
+			paisnodos <- SubDataSet$Father
+			osnodosnomes <- SubDataSet$Node.name
+			osnodostipos <- SubDataSet$Type
+# 	  		cat("DEBUG : Criei os nodos \n ", osnodos, " cujos pais são ", paisnodos, "\n")
+			osnodos <- paste(i,".",osnodos,sep="")
+			paisnodos <- paste((i-1),".",paisnodos,sep="")
+			for (j in 1:length(osnodos)) {
+					tipofilename <- osnodostipos[j]
+					for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+						icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/", tipofilename,".png",sep=""))
+						if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+							icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+							tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",paisnodos[j],osnodos[j],text=osnodosnomes[j], image = icn)
+						} else {
+							tkinsert(treeWidget,"end",paisnodos[j],osnodos[j],text=osnodosnomes[j])
+						}
+					}
+			}
+		}
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/typenodewindows.Rd
--- pkg/man/typenodewindows.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/typenodewindows.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function() {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		# A janela Tk
+		typenodeWindow <- tktoplevel(height = 200, width = 150)
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Tipo Nodo"
+		tkwm.title(typenodeWindow,title)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(typenodeWindow,text="Selecione o tipo do nodo"), column = 0, row = 0, sticky = "n")
+		Frame1 <- tkframe(typenodeWindow, height = 200, width = 150,
+							borderwidth = 2, relief = "groove")
+		Frame2 <- tkframe(typenodeWindow, height = 200, width = 150,
+							borderwidth = 0, relief = "groove")
+		tkgrid(Frame1, sticky = "n")
+		tkgrid(Frame2, sticky = "s")
+		# Type Chance
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/C.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rb1 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				rbValue <- tclVar("C")
+				tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="C")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,image=icn), 
+						tklabel(Frame1,text="Chance "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+			} else {
+				rb1 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				rbValue <- tclVar("C")
+				tkconfigure(rb1,variable=rbValue,value="C")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,text="Chance "),rb1, sticky = "ne")
+			}
+		}
+		# Type Decision
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/D.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rb2 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb2, variable=rbValue, value="D")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,image=icn), 
+						tklabel(Frame1,text="Decision "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+			} else {
+				rb2 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb2,variable=rbValue,value="D")
+				tkgrid( rb2, column = 0, row = 2, sticky = "nw")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,text="Decision "),rb2, sticky = "ne")
+			}
+		}
+		# Type Logic
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/L.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rb3 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="L")
+				rb3text <- tklabel(Frame1,text="Logic ")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,image=icn), rb3text,
+						rb3, sticky = "ne")
+			} else {
+				rb3 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb3,variable=rbValue,value="L")
+				rb3text <- tklabel(Frame1,text="Logic ")
+				tkgrid(	rb3text ,rb3, sticky = "ne")
+			}
+		}
+		tkconfigure(rb3, state = "disabled")
+		tkconfigure(rb3text, state = "disabled")
+		# Type Markov
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/M.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rb4 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb4,variable=rbValue,value="M")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,image=icn), 
+						tklabel(Frame1,text="Markov "),rb4, sticky = "ne")
+			} else {
+				rb4 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb4,variable=rbValue,value="M")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,text="Markov ") ,rb4, sticky = "ne")
+			}
+		}
+		# Type Terminal
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/T.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rb5 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb5,variable=rbValue,value="T")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,image=icn), 
+						tklabel(Frame1,text="Terminal "),rb5, sticky = "ne")
+			} else {
+				rb5 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb5,variable=rbValue,value="T")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,text="Terminal ") ,rb5, sticky = "ne")
+			}
+		}
+		# Type Label
+		for (i in 1:length(.libPaths())) {
+			icon.but <- file.path(paste(.libPaths()[i],"/arvoRe/icons/X.png",sep=""))
+			if (file.exists(icon.but)) {
+				icn <- tkimage.create("photo", file=icon.but)
+				rb6 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb6,variable=rbValue,value="X")
+				rb6text <- tklabel(Frame1,text="Label ")
+				tkgrid(	tklabel(Frame1,image=icn), rb6text, rb6, sticky = "ne")
+			} else {
+				rb6 <- tkradiobutton(Frame1)
+				tkconfigure(rb6,variable=rbValue,value="X")
+				rb6text <- tklabel(Frame1,text="Label ")
+				tkgrid(	rb6text ,rb6, sticky = "ne")
+			}
+		}
+		tkconfigure(rb6, state = "disabled")
+		tkconfigure(rb6text, state = "disabled")
+		tkfocus(typenodeWindow)
+		OnOK <- function()
+		{
+ 			nodo.type <- as.character(tclvalue(rbValue))
+ 			safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+ 			settypenode(TheTree, column = column, node.number = node.number, nodo.type = nodo.type, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+			refreshF5()
+			tkdestroy(typenodeWindow)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(typenodeWindow)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(Frame2,text="   OK   ",command=OnOK)
+		tkbind(typenodeWindow, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(Frame2,text=" Cancel ",command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(typenodeWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(typenodeWindow, 150, 200)
+ 		}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/utilitywindows.Rd
--- pkg/man/utilitywindows.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/utilitywindows.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function() {
+	nodeSec <- nodoselecionado()
+	if ( nodeSec[1] == " ") {
+		msg <- paste("Nenhum nodo selecionado. Selecione um nodo da árvore e tente novamente.")
+		tkmessageBox(message = msg, icon="warning", title = "ÁrvoRe - AVISO")
+		tkfocus(tt)
+	} else {
+		utilityWindow <- tktoplevel()
+		title <- "ÁrvoRe - Payoffs Nodo"
+		tkwm.title(utilityWindow,title)
+		node.number <- as.numeric(nodeSec[3])
+		column <- as.numeric(nodeSec[2])
+		position <- intersect(which((TheTree$Level == column)),which(TheTree$Node.N == node.number))
+		utilityvar <- tclVar(TheTree$Payoff1[position])
+		effectivenessvar <- tclVar(TheTree$Payoff2[position])
+		entry.Value  <- tkentry(utilityWindow,width="20",textvariable=utilityvar)
+		tkgrid(tklabel(utilityWindow,text="Valor do custo"))
+		tkgrid(entry.Value)
+		entry.Value.effectiveness  <- tkentry(utilityWindow,width="20",textvariable=effectivenessvar)
+		label.entry.Value.effect <- tklabel(utilityWindow,text="Valor da efetividade")
+		tkgrid(label.entry.Value.effect)
+		tkgrid(entry.Value.effectiveness)
+		if (.modeltypeArvore == "SD") {
+			tkconfigure(entry.Value.effectiveness, state = "disabled")
+			tkconfigure(label.entry.Value.effect, state = "disabled")
+		}
+		OnOK <- function()
+		{
+			utilityVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(utilityvar))
+			effectivenessVal <- as.numeric(tclvalue(effectivenessvar))
+			if ( (is.numeric(utilityVal)) && (!is.na(utilityVal)) &&
+				 (is.numeric(effectivenessVal)) && (!is.na(effectivenessVal)) ) {
+				tkdestroy(utilityWindow)
+				safedofunction(TheTree, .EnvironmentArvoRe, .modeltypeArvore)
+				setutility(TheTree, nodeSec[2], nodeSec[3], utilityVal, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+				seteffectiveness(TheTree, nodeSec[2], nodeSec[3], effectivenessVal, .EnvironmentArvoRe)
+				refreshF5()
+				tkfocus(tt)
+			} else {
+				msg <- paste("Este não é um valor de utilidade válido '",utilityVal, "'")
+				tkmessageBox(message=msg)
+				tkfocus(utilityWindow)
+			}
+		}
+		OK.but <-tkbutton(utilityWindow,text="   OK   ",command=OnOK)
+		OnCancel <- function()
+		{
+			tkdestroy(utilityWindow)
+			tkfocus(tt)
+		}
+		Cancel.but <-tkbutton(utilityWindow,text=" Cancel ",command=OnCancel)
+		tkbind(entry.Value, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(entry.Value.effectiveness, "<Return>",OnOK)
+		tkbind(utilityWindow, "<Escape>",OnCancel)
+		tkgrid(OK.but, Cancel.but, sticky = "s", padx = 5, pady = 5)
+		posiciona.janela.no.mouse(utilityWindow, 200, 130)
+		tkfocus(utilityWindow)
+	}
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/zoom.in.but.Rd
--- pkg/man/zoom.in.but.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/zoom.in.but.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{imgHeight}{ ~~Describe \code{imgHeight} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(imgHeight) {
+	if (imgHeight < 8000) {
+		imgHeight <- round(imgHeight * 1.1, digits = 0)
+		imgWidth <- round((4/3) * imgHeight, digits = 0)
+	} else {
+		msg <- paste("Este é um tamanho de imagem consideravelmente grande. Deseja realmente ampliar?")
+		ans <- tkmessageBox(message = msg,  icon = "question", type = "yesnocancel", default = "no")
+		ans <- as.character(tclvalue(ans))
+			if ( ans == "yes" ) {
+				imgHeight <- round(imgHeight * 1.1, digits = 0)
+				imgWidth <- round((4/3) * imgHeight, digits = 0)
+			}
+		tkfocus(tt)	
+	}
+	set.zoom.image.tree(imgHeight, imgWidth)
+	refreshF5()
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Added: pkg/man/zoom.out.but.Rd
--- pkg/man/zoom.out.but.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/zoom.out.but.Rd	2008-08-08 04:36:00 UTC (rev 2)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
+\title{ ~~function to do ... ~~ }
+  ~~ A concise (1-5 lines) description of what the function does. ~~
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{imgHeight}{ ~~Describe \code{imgHeight} here~~ }
+  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  ~Describe the value returned
+  If it is a LIST, use
+  \item{comp1 }{Description of 'comp1'}
+  \item{comp2 }{Description of 'comp2'}
+  ...
+\references{ ~put references to the literature/web site here ~ }
+\author{ ~~who you are~~ }
+\note{ ~~further notes~~ 
+ ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+\seealso{ ~~objects to See Also as \code{\link{help}}, ~~~ }
+##---- Should be DIRECTLY executable !! ----
+##-- ==>  Define data, use random,
+##--	or do  help(data=index)  for the standard data sets.
+## The function is currently defined as
+function(imgHeight) {
+	if (imgHeight >= 320) {
+		imgHeight <- round(imgHeight / 1.1, digits = 0)
+		imgWidth <- round((4/3) * imgHeight, digits = 0)
+		set.zoom.image.tree(imgHeight, imgWidth)
+	}
+	refreshF5()
+  }
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

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