[Analogue-commits] r391 - pkg/man

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Fri Dec 13 05:08:51 CET 2013

Author: gsimpson
Date: 2013-12-13 05:08:51 +0100 (Fri, 13 Dec 2013)
New Revision: 391

update the package documentation page

Modified: pkg/man/analogue-package.Rd
--- pkg/man/analogue-package.Rd	2013-12-11 14:22:59 UTC (rev 390)
+++ pkg/man/analogue-package.Rd	2013-12-13 04:08:51 UTC (rev 391)
@@ -3,72 +3,149 @@
-Analogue methods for palaeoecology
+Analogue and weighted averaging methods for palaeoecology
-Fits Modern Analogue Technique transfer function models
-for prediction of environmental data from species data. Also
-performs analogue matching, a related technique used in palaeo
-ecological restoration.
+Fits Modern Analogue Technique and Weighted Averaging transfer 
+  	     function models for prediction of environmental data from species 
+	     data, and related methods used in palaeoecology.
 Package: \tab analogue\cr
 Type: \tab Package\cr
-Version: \tab 0.4-3\cr
-Date: \tab 2007-09-15\cr
-Depends: \tab R (>= 2.5.0), stats, graphics, vegan\cr
-License: \tab GPL Version 2\cr
-Built: \tab R 2.5.1; ; 2007-08-03 13:44:47; unix\cr
+Version: \tab 0.11-6\cr
+Date: \tab $Date: 2013-10-05 15:11:52 -0600 (Sat, 05 Oct 2013) $\cr
+Depends: \tab R (>= 2.15.0), vegan (>= 1.17-12), lattice, rgl\cr
+Imports: \tab mgcv, MASS, stats, graphics, grid, brglm, princurve\cr
+Suggests: \tab testthat\cr
+Authors at R: \tab c(person(given = c("Gavin", "L."), family = "Simpson",
+                    role = c("aut", "cre"),
+                    email = "ucfagls at gmail.com"),
+             person(given = "Jari", family = "Oksanen",
+                    role = "aut"))\cr
+BugReports: \tab 
+NeedsCompilation: \tab yes\cr
+License: \tab GPL-2\cr
+ByteCompile: \tab true\cr
+URL: \tab http://analogue.r-forge.r-project.org\cr
+Packaged: \tab 2013-10-14 20:41:41 UTC; gavin\cr
+Built: \tab R 3.0.2; x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu; 2013-10-14 20:41:48 UTC; unix\cr
+ImbrieKipp              Imbrie and Kipp foraminifera training set
+Pollen                  North American Modern Pollen Database
 RMSEP                   Root mean square error of prediction
+Stratiplot              Palaeoecological stratigraphic diagrams
+abernethy               Abernethy Forest Pollen Sequence
 analog                  Analogue matching
 analogue-package        Analogue methods for palaeoecology
 bayesF                  Bayes factors
 bootstrap               Bootstrap estimation and errors
+bootstrap.wa            Bootstrap estimation and errors for WA models
 bootstrapObject         Bootstrap object description
+caterpillarPlot         Caterpillar plot of species' WA optima and
+                        tolerance range.
+chooseTaxa              Select taxa (variables) on basis of maximum
+                        abundance attained and number of occurrences.
 cma                     Close modern analogues
+crossval                Cross-validation of palaeoecological transfer
+                        function models
+densityplot.residLen    Lattice density plot for residual lengths
+deshrink                Deshrinking techniques for WA transfer
+                        functions
 dissimilarities         Extract dissimilarity coefficients from models
 distance                Flexibly calculate dissimilarity or distance
+fitted.logitreg         Fitted values for the training set from
+                        logistic regression models
+fuse                    Fused dissimilarities
 getK                    Extract and set the number of analogues
+gradientDist            Positions of samples along a unit-length
+                        ordination gradient.
+hist.residLen           Histogram plot for residual lengths
+histogram.residLen      Lattice histogram plot for residual lengths
 join                    Merge species data sets on common columns
+logitreg                Logistic regression models for assessing
+                        analogues/non-analogues
 mat                     Modern Analogue Technique transfer function
 mcarlo                  Monte Carlo simulation of dissimilarities
 minDC                   Extract minimum dissimilarities
-plot.bayesF             Bayes factor plots
+optima                  Weighted averaging optima and tolerance ranges
+panel.Loess             Loess smooths to stratigraphic diagrams
+panel.Stratiplot        Panel function for stratigraphic diagrams
+pcr                     Prinicpal component regression transfer
+                        function models
+performance             Transfer function model performance statistics
 plot.dissimilarities    Plots the distribution of extracted
+plot.logitreg           Produces plots of analogue logistic regression
+                        models
 plot.mat                Plot diagnostics for a mat object
-plot.mcarlo             Plott Monte Carlo simulated dissimilarity
+plot.mcarlo             Plot Monte Carlo simulated dissimilarity
 plot.minDC              Plot of minimum dissimilarity per sample
+plot.prcurve            Plot a fitted principal curve in PCA space
+plot.residLen           Plot method for residual lengths
 plot.roc                Plot ROC curves and associated diagnostics
+plot.wa                 Plot diagnostics for a weighted averaging model
+plot3d.prcurve          Interactive 3D plof of a principal curve in
+                        principal coordinate space
+prcurve                 Fits a principal curve to m-dimensional data
+predict.logitreg        Posterior probability of analogue-ness for
+                        fossil samples
 predict.mat             Predict method for Modern Analogue Technique
+predict.pcr             Predicted values from a principal components
+                        regression
+predict.wa              Predict from a weighted average model
+rankDC                  Rank correlation between environmental and
+                        species dissimilarities.
 reconPlot               Stratigraphic plots of palaeoenvironmental
+residLen                Squared residual length diagnostics
+residuals.prcurve       Residuals of a principal curve fit.
 rlgh                    Round Loch of Glenhead Diatoms
 roc                     ROC curve analysis
+scores.prcurve          'scores' method for principal curve objects of
+                        class '"prcurve"'.
 screeplot.mat           Screeplots of model results
+smoothSpline            Smoother plugin function for use in fitting a
+                        principal curve
+splitSample             Select samples from along an environmental
+                        gradient
+sppResponse             Species responses along gradients.
+stdError                Standard error of MAT fitted and predicted
+                        values
 summary.analog          Summarise analogue matching results
 summary.bootstrap.mat   Summarise bootstrap resampling for MAT models
 summary.cma             Summarise the extraction of close modern
 summary.mat             Summarise Modern Analogue Technique models
 summary.predict.mat     Summarise MAT model predictions
-swapdiat                SWAP sub-fossil diatom training set
-swappH                  SWAP pH training set
+swapdiat                SWAP sub-fossil diatom and pH training set
+swappH                  SWAP sub-fossil diatom and pH training set
+timetrack               Timetracks of change in species composition
+tran                    Common data transformations and
+                        standardizations
+varExpl                 Variance explained by ordination axes
+wa                      Weighted averaging transfer functions
+weightedCor             Weighted correlation test of WA reconstruction
+Further information is available in the following vignettes:
+\code{analogue_methods} \tab Analogue Methods in Palaeoecology (source, pdf)\cr
-Gavin L. Simpson.
+Gavin L. Simpson, Jari Oksanen
-Maintainer: Gavin L. Simpson <gavin.simpson at ucl.ac.uk>
+Maintainer: Gavin L. Simpson <ucfagls at gmail.com>
 \keyword{ package }

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