[Analogue-commits] r241 - in pkg: . R inst man tests/Examples

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Sun Sep 18 22:51:04 CEST 2011

Author: gsimpson
Date: 2011-09-18 22:51:03 +0200 (Sun, 18 Sep 2011)
New Revision: 241

adds Telford and Birks (2011) weighted correlation test of reconstructions.

Modified: pkg/DESCRIPTION
--- pkg/DESCRIPTION	2011-09-11 18:10:14 UTC (rev 240)
+++ pkg/DESCRIPTION	2011-09-18 20:51:03 UTC (rev 241)
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 Package: analogue
 Type: Package
 Title: Analogue and weighted averaging methods for palaeoecology
-Version: 0.7-4
+Version: 0.7-5
 Date: $Date$
 Depends: R (>= 2.10.0), stats, graphics, vegan (>= 1.17-12), lattice, grid, 
          MASS, princurve

Modified: pkg/NAMESPACE
--- pkg/NAMESPACE	2011-09-11 18:10:14 UTC (rev 240)
+++ pkg/NAMESPACE	2011-09-18 20:51:03 UTC (rev 241)
@@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
        performance, prcurve, ##randomWA,
        reconPlot, residLen, RMSEP, roc,
        smoothSpline, Stratiplot, stdError, timetrack, tran, varExpl, wa,
-       "setK<-", Hellinger, ChiSquare)
+       weightedCor, "setK<-", Hellinger, ChiSquare)
 ### S3 Methods
@@ -95,6 +95,7 @@
 S3method(varExpl, prcurve)
 S3method(wa, default)
 S3method(wa, formula)
+S3method(weightedCor, default)
 ## fitted, predict, coef etc
 S3method(coef, pcr)
 S3method(coef, wa)
@@ -124,6 +125,7 @@
 S3method(plot, roc)
 S3method(plot, timetrack)
 S3method(plot, wa)
+S3method(plot, weightedCor)
 S3method(reconPlot, default)
 S3method(reconPlot, predict.mat)
 S3method(reconPlot, predict.wa)
@@ -164,6 +166,7 @@
 S3method(print, timetrack)
 S3method(print, tolerance)
 S3method(print, wa)
+S3method(print, weightedCor)
 ## summary
 S3method(summary, analog)
 S3method(summary, bootstrap.mat)

Added: pkg/R/rdaFit.R
--- pkg/R/rdaFit.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/rdaFit.R	2011-09-18 20:51:03 UTC (rev 241)
@@ -0,0 +1,162 @@
+rdaFit <- function(X, Y, Z, scale = FALSE, ...) {
+    sdFun <- function(m) {
+        sqrt(colSums(sweep(m, 2, colMeans(m), "-")^2) / (nrow(m) - 1))
+    }
+    ZERO <- 1e-04
+    X <- data.matrix(X)
+    NR <- nrow(X) - 1
+    Xbar <- scale(X, center = TRUE, scale = scale)
+    ##SD <- sd(Xbar)
+    SD <- sdFun(Xbar)
+    if(scale)
+        Xbar[is.nan(Xbar)] <- 0
+    ##tot.chi <- sum(svd(Xbar, nu = 0, nv = 0)$d^2) / NR
+    ## partial RDA?
+    if(!missing(Z) && !is.null(Z)) {
+        Z <- data.matrix(Z)
+        Zr <- scale(Z, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
+        Q <- qr(Zr)
+        Z <- qr.fitted(Q, Xbar)
+        if(zrank <- Q$rank)
+            Xbar <- qr.resid(Q, Xbar)
+    } else {
+        Zr <- NULL
+    }
+    ## Do RDA
+    Y <- data.matrix(Y)
+    Yr <- scale(Y, center = TRUE, scale = FALSE)
+    Q <- qr(cbind(Zr, Yr), tol = ZERO)
+    if(is.null(Zr))
+        yrank <- Q$rank
+    else
+        yrank <- Q$rank - zrank
+    Y <- qr.fitted(Q, Xbar)
+    sol <- svd(Y)
+    rank <- min(yrank, sum(sol$d > ZERO))
+    sol$d <- sol$d / sqrt(NR)
+    ax.names <- paste("RDA", 1:length(sol$d), sep = "")
+    colnames(sol$u) <- ax.names
+    colnames(sol$v) <- ax.names
+    names(sol$d) <- ax.names
+    rownames(sol$u) <- rownames(X)
+    rownames(sol$v) <- colnames(X)
+    if(rank) {
+        wa.eig <- (Xbar %*% sol$v[, 1:rank, drop = FALSE]) / sqrt(NR)
+        RDA <- list(lambda = sol$d[1:rank]^2,
+                    u = as.matrix(sol$u)[, 1:rank, drop = FALSE],
+                    v = as.matrix(sol$v)[, 1:rank, drop = FALSE],
+                    wa = sweep(wa.eig, 2, 1/sol$d[1:rank], "*"))
+        oo <- Q$pivot
+        if(!is.null(Zr))
+            oo <- oo[-(seq_len(zrank))] - ncol(Zr)
+        oo <- oo[seq_len(yrank)]
+        if(length(oo) < ncol(Yr))
+            RDA$alias <- colnames(Yr)[-oo]
+        RDA$biplot <- cor(Yr[, oo, drop = FALSE],
+                          sol$u[, 1:rank, drop = FALSE])
+        RDA$rank <- rank
+        RDA$qrank <- Q$rank
+        RDA$tot.chi <- sum(RDA$eig)
+        RDA$QR <- Q
+        RDA$envcentre <- attr(Yr, "scaled:center")
+        RDA$Xbar <- Xbar
+    } else {
+        RDA <- list(eig = 0, rank = rank, qrank = Q$rank, tot.chi = 0,
+                    QR = Q, Xbar = Xbar)
+        u <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(sol$u), ncol=0)
+        v <- matrix(0, nrow=nrow(sol$v), ncol=0)
+        RDA$u <- RDA$u.eig <- RDA$wa <- u
+        RDA$v <- RDA$v.eig <- v
+        RDA$biplot <- matrix(0, 0, 0)
+        RDA$alias <- colnames(Yr)
+    }
+    RDA$colsum <- SD
+    class(RDA) <- "rdaFit"
+    RDA
+`scores.rdaFit` <- function(x, choices = c(1,2),
+                          display = c("sp","wa","cn"), scaling = 2, ...) {
+    display <- match.arg(display, c("sites", "species", "wa",
+                                    "lc", "bp", "cn"),
+                         several.ok = TRUE)
+    if("sites" %in% display)
+        display[display == "sites"] <- "wa"
+    if("species" %in% display)
+        display[display == "species"] <- "sp"
+    tabula <- c("species", "sites", "constraints", "biplot",
+                "centroids")
+    names(tabula) <- c("sp", "wa", "lc", "bp", "cn")
+    take <- tabula[display]
+    slam <- sqrt(x$lambda[choices])
+    rnk <- x$rank
+    sol <- list()
+    if ("species" %in% take) {
+        v <- x$v[, choices, drop = FALSE]
+        if (scaling) {
+            scal <- list(1, slam, sqrt(slam))[[abs(scaling)]]
+            v <- sweep(v, 2, scal, "*")
+            if (scaling < 0) {
+                scal <- sqrt(1/(1 - slam^2))
+                v <- sweep(v, 2, scal, "*")
+            }
+        }
+        sol$species <- v
+    }
+    if ("sites" %in% take) {
+        wa <- x$wa[, choices, drop = FALSE]
+        if (scaling) {
+            scal <- list(slam, 1, sqrt(slam))[[abs(scaling)]]
+            wa <- sweep(wa, 2, scal, "*")
+            if (scaling < 0) {
+                scal <- sqrt(1/(1 - slam^2))
+                wa <- sweep(wa, 2, scal, "*")
+            }
+        }
+        sol$sites <- wa
+    }
+    if ("constraints" %in% take) {
+        u <- x$u[, choices, drop = FALSE]
+        if (scaling) {
+            scal <- list(slam, 1, sqrt(slam))[[abs(scaling)]]
+            u <- sweep(u, 2, scal, "*")
+            if (scaling < 0) {
+                scal <- sqrt(1/(1 - slam^2))
+                u <- sweep(u, 2, scal, "*")
+            }
+        }
+        sol$constraints <- u
+    }
+    if ("biplot" %in% take && !is.null(x$biplot)) {
+        b <- matrix(0, nrow(x$biplot), length(choices))
+        b[, choices <= rnk] <- x$biplot[, choices[choices <=
+            rnk]]
+        colnames(b) <- colnames(x$u)[choices]
+        rownames(b) <- rownames(x$biplot)
+        sol$biplot <- b
+    }
+    if ("centroids" %in% take) {
+        if (is.null(x$centroids))
+            sol$centroids <- NA
+        else {
+            cn <- matrix(0, nrow(x$centroids), length(choices))
+            cn[, choices <= rnk] <- x$centroids[, choices[choices <=
+                 rnk]]
+            colnames(cn) <- colnames(x$u)[choices]
+            rownames(cn) <- rownames(x$centroids)
+            if (scaling) {
+                scal <- list(slam, 1, sqrt(slam))[[abs(scaling)]]
+                cn <- sweep(cn, 2, scal, "*")
+                if (scaling < 0) {
+                    scal <- sqrt(1/(1 - slam^2))
+                    cn <- sweep(cn, 2, scal, "*")
+                }
+            }
+            sol$centroids <- cn
+        }
+    }
+    ## Only one type of scores: return a matrix instead of a list
+    if (length(sol) == 1)
+        sol <- sol[[1]]
+    sol

Added: pkg/R/weightedCor.R
--- pkg/R/weightedCor.R	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/R/weightedCor.R	2011-09-18 20:51:03 UTC (rev 241)
@@ -0,0 +1,183 @@
+`weightedCor` <- function(x, ...) {
+    UseMethod("weightedCor")
+`weightedCor.default` <- function(x, env, fossil, method  = c("rda","cca"),
+                                  test = TRUE, type = c("simulate","permute"),
+                                  sim = 999, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
+    ## convert to data matrices
+    x <- data.matrix(x)
+    fossil <- data.matrix(fossil)
+    ## find the FUN
+    method <- match.arg(method)
+    FUN <- match.fun(method)
+    ## match type
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    ## intersection of species in x and fossil
+    nams <- intersect(colnames(x), colnames(fossil))
+    x <- x[, nams]
+    fossil <- fossil[, nams]
+    ## WA model and optima
+    Args <- head(formals(analogue:::wa.default), -1)
+    dots <- list(x = x, y = env, env = NULL, ...)
+    Args <- modifyList(Args, dots)
+    Args <- lapply(Args, function(x) if(typeof(x) == "language") {eval(x)[1]} else {x})
+    mod <- do.call(analogue:::waFit, Args)
+    opt <- mod$wa.optima
+    ## and predictions for fossil samples
+    if(Args$tol.dw) {
+        pArgs <- list(X = fossil, optima = opt, tol = mod$model.tol,
+                      nr = nrow(fossil), nc = ncol(fossil))
+        pFun <- analogue:::WATpred
+    } else {
+        pArgs <- list(X = fossil, optima = opt)
+        pFun <- analogue:::WApred
+    }
+    pred <- drop(analogue:::deshrinkPred(do.call(pFun, pArgs),
+                                         mod$coefficients,
+                                         Args$deshrink))
+    ## ordination
+    ord <- rdaFit(fossil, pred)
+    ## axis 1 species scores
+    scrs <- drop(scores(ord, display = "species", scaling = 0,
+                        choices = 1))
+    ## mean abundance
+    abund <- colMeans(x)
+    ## weighted correlation
+    wtdCorrel <- abs(cov.wt(X <- cbind(opt, scrs), wt = sqrt(abund),
+                         cor = TRUE)$cor[1,2])
+    Correl <- abs(cor(X)[1,2])
+    ## test, either simulate or permute
+    if(test) {
+        if(type == "permute")
+            warning("`type = \"permute\"` not currently implemented")
+        if(type == "simulate") {
+            if(verbose) {
+                writeLines(paste("Simulating", sim, "Weighted Correlations:"))
+                pb <- txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = sim, style = 3)
+                on.exit(close(pb))
+                on.exit(cat("\n"), add = TRUE)
+            }
+            wtdCorDist <- corDist <- numeric(length = sim)
+            unifs <- matrix(runif(sim * nrow(x)), nrow = sim, byrow = TRUE)
+            for(i in seq_len(sim)) {
+                if(verbose)
+                    setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
+                Args$y <- unifs[i,]
+                rmod <- do.call(analogue:::waFit, Args)
+                ropt <- rmod$wa.optima
+                pArgs$optima <- ropt
+                rpred <- drop(analogue:::deshrinkPred(do.call(pFun, pArgs),
+                                                      rmod$coefficients,
+                                                      Args$deshrink))
+                rord <- rdaFit(fossil, rpred)
+                rscrs <- drop(scores(rord, display = "species",
+                                     scaling = 0,
+                                     choices = 1))
+                wtdCorDist[i] <-
+                    abs(cov.wt(rX <- cbind(ropt, rscrs), wt = sqrt(abund),
+                               cor = TRUE)$cor[1,2])
+                corDist[i] <- abs(cor(rX)[1,2])
+            }
+        }
+        ndist <- list(wtdCorDist = wtdCorDist, corDist = corDist)
+    } else {
+        ndist <- corDist <- wtdCorDist <- NULL
+    }
+    ## function call
+    .call <- match.call()
+    .call[[1]] <- as.name("weightedCor")
+    ## return object
+    retval <- list(wtdCorrel = wtdCorrel, Correl = Correl,
+                   data = data.frame(Optima = opt, SppScores = scrs,
+                   meanAbund = abund),
+                   ord = ord, model = mod, method = class(ord),
+                   ndist = ndist, sim = sim, type = type,
+                   env = deparse(substitute(env)),
+                   call = .call)
+    class(retval) <- "weightedCor"
+    retval
+`plot.weightedCor` <- function(x, type = c("bubble", "null"),
+                               weighted = TRUE,
+                               size = 0.25,
+                               xlab = paste(x$env, "WA Optima"),
+                               ylab = "Axis 1 Score",
+                               xlim,
+                               main = "",
+                               sub = NULL,
+                               border = "gray75",
+                               col = "gray75",
+                               obscol = "red",
+                               fg = "black", ...) {
+    type <- match.arg(type)
+    if(missing(sub))
+        sub <- with(x, bquote(rho[w] == .(round(wtdCorrel, 3)) ~~~~
+                              rho == .(round(Correl, 3))))
+    if(type == "bubble") {
+        with(x$data, symbols(Optima, SppScores, circles = meanAbund,
+                             inches = size,
+                             xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab, fg = fg, sub = sub, ...))
+    }
+    if(type == "null") {
+        if(weighted) {
+            ndist <- x$ndist$wtdCorDist
+            obs <- x$wtdCorrel
+        } else {
+            ndist <- x$ndist$corDist
+            obs <- x$Correl
+        }
+        if(missing(xlim))
+            xlim <- range(0, ndist, obs)
+        Dens <- density(ndist)
+        Hist <- hist(ndist, plot = FALSE, ...)
+        ylim <- range(0, Hist$density, Dens$y)
+        plot(Hist, freq = FALSE, border = border, col = col, xlab = xlab,
+             ylab = "Density", main = main, xlim = xlim, ylim = ylim,
+             sub = sub, ...)
+        abline(h = 0, col = col)
+        lines(Dens)
+        rug(obs, col = obscol, lwd = 2)
+        rug(obs, col = obscol, lwd = 2, side = 3)
+        box()
+    }
+    invisible(x)
+`print.weightedCor` <- function(x, digits = 3, ...) {
+    ## compute things we need
+    wtdMsg <- paste("Weighted Correlation:", round(x$wtdCorrel, digits = digits))
+    corMsg <- paste("Correlation         :", round(x$Correl, digits = digits))
+    if(TEST <- !is.null(x$ndist)) {
+        wtdMsg <- paste(wtdMsg, " (p = ",
+                        format.pval(sum(x$ndist$wtdCorDist >= x$wtdCorrel) /
+                                    (x$sim + 1)),
+                        ")", sep = "")
+        corMsg <- paste(corMsg, " (p = ",
+                        format.pval(sum(x$ndist$CorDist >= x$Correl) / (x$sim +1)),
+                        ")", sep = "")
+        if(x$type == "simulate")
+            type <- "Simulation"
+        else
+            type <- "Permutation"
+        testMsg <- paste("Test Type           :", type)
+    }
+    writeLines(strwrap("Weighted correlation of WA Transfer Function",
+                       prefix = "\n\t"))
+    writeLines("\nCall:")
+    print(x$call)
+    writeLines("")
+    if(TEST) {
+        writeLines(testMsg)
+    }
+    writeLines(wtdMsg)
+    writeLines(corMsg)
+    writeLines("")

Modified: pkg/inst/ChangeLog
--- pkg/inst/ChangeLog	2011-09-11 18:10:14 UTC (rev 240)
+++ pkg/inst/ChangeLog	2011-09-18 20:51:03 UTC (rev 241)
@@ -1,5 +1,19 @@
 analogue Change Log
+Version 0.7-5
+	* weightedCor: implements one of the tests from Telford & Birks
+	(2011, QSR) based on the weighted correlation of WA optima and
+	constrained ordination species scores. Has a plot method.
+	* rdaFit: Non-user (currently) function that implements RDA
+	without all of the overhead of vegan::rda. As such it doesn't
+	compute PCA axes and does not return all the components described
+	by ?cca.object in package vegan. This function is used principally
+	in weightedCor(). Has a scores() method. rdaFit() is not
+	documented as the exact details of the function and its
+	capabilities remain to be determined.
 Version 0.7-4
 	* gradientDist: new function to extract locations along an

Modified: pkg/man/analogue-internal.Rd
--- pkg/man/analogue-internal.Rd	2011-09-11 18:10:14 UTC (rev 240)
+++ pkg/man/analogue-internal.Rd	2011-09-18 20:51:03 UTC (rev 241)
@@ -18,6 +18,8 @@
 \title{Internal analogue Functions}
   Internal analogue functions

Added: pkg/man/weightedCor.Rd
--- pkg/man/weightedCor.Rd	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/man/weightedCor.Rd	2011-09-18 20:51:03 UTC (rev 241)
@@ -0,0 +1,123 @@
+  Weighted correlation test of WA reconstruction
+  Weighted correlation between WA optima from training set and axis 1
+  scores of constrained ordination fitted to fossil data with WA model
+  predictions for fossil samples as constraints.
+\method{weightedCor}{default}(x, env, fossil, method = c("rda", "cca"),
+            test = TRUE, type = c("simulate", "permute"), sim = 999,
+            verbose = TRUE, ...)
+     type = c("bubble", "null"),
+     weighted = TRUE,
+     size = 0.25,
+     xlab = paste(x$env, "WA Optima"),
+     ylab = "Axis 1 Score",
+     xlim,
+     main = "",
+     sub = NULL,
+     border = "gray75",
+     col = "gray75",
+     obscol = "red",
+     fg = "black", ...)
+%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
+  \item{x}{training set covariates, a matrix-like object usually of
+    species/proxy data. For the \code{plot} method, an object of class
+    \code{"weightedCor"}, the result of a call to \code{weightedCor}.}
+  \item{env}{training set response, a vector usually of environmental
+    data.}
+  \item{fossil}{matrix of fossil/core species/proxy data for which a
+    reconstruction is sought.}
+  \item{method}{constrained ordination method. One of \code{"rda"} and
+    \code{"cca"}. Currently only \code{"rda"} is supported.}
+  \item{test}{logical; should the observed correlation be tested?}
+  \item{type}{the type of test to apply. One of \code{"simulate"} or
+    \code{"permute"}. The latter is currently not implemented. For the
+    \code{plot} method, the type of plot to produce.}
+  \item{sim}{numeric; number of simulations or permutations to permform
+    as part of the test}
+  \item{verbose}{logical; should the progress of the test be shown via a
+    progress bar?}
+  \item{\dots}{arguments passed to other methods. In the case of the
+    \code{plot} method, additional graphical parameters can be
+    supplied.}
+  \item{weighted}{logical; should the null distribution plotted be of
+     the weighted or normal correlation.}
+  \item{size}{numeric; the size of the largest bubble in inches. See
+    \code{\link{symbols}} and argument \code{inches} for details.}
+  \item{xlim,xlab,ylab,main,sub}{graphical parameters with their
+    usual meaning.}
+  \item{border, col}{The border and fill colours for the histogram
+    bars.}
+  \item{fg}{The colour of the bubbles drawn on the bubble plot.}
+  \item{obscol}{The colour of the indicator for the observed
+    correlation.}
+%%  ~~ If necessary, more details than the description above ~~
+  The \code{plot} method produces a plot on the current
+  device. \code{weightedCor()} returns a list with the following
+  components:
+  \item{wtdCorrel,Correl}{numeric; the observed weighted and standard
+    correlation.}
+  \item{data}{data frame; containing the training set WA Optima, axis 1
+    species scores, and mean abundance for each species.}
+  \item{ord}{the fitted constrained ordination.}
+  \item{model}{the fitted WA model.}
+  \item{method}{the ordination method used.}
+  \item{ndist}{the null distribution produced. \code{NULL} if argument
+    \code{test} was \code{FALSE}.}
+  \item{sim}{numeric; the number of simulations or permutations used to
+    test the observed correlations.}
+  \item{type}{the type of test performed.}
+  \item{env}{the deparsed version of \code{env} argument. Used for
+    plotting.}
+  \item{call}{the matched function call.}
+  Telford R.J. and Birks, H.J.B. (2011) A novel method for assessing the
+  statistical significance of quantitative reconstructions inferred from
+  biotic assemblages. \emph{Quanternary Science Reviews}
+  \strong{30}:1272-1278.
+  Gavin L. Simpson
+%%  ~~further notes~~
+%% ~Make other sections like Warning with \section{Warning }{....} ~
+  \code{\link{wa}} for details on fitting weighted average models.
+data(ImbrieKipp, SumSST, V12.122)
+Cor <- weightedCor(ImbrieKipp, env = SumSST,
+                   fossil = V12.122, type = "simulate", sim = 49)
+plot(Cor, type = "null")
+% Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the
+% R documentation directory.
+\keyword{ ~kwd1 }
+\keyword{ ~kwd2 }% __ONLY ONE__ keyword per line

Modified: pkg/tests/Examples/analogue-Ex.Rout.save
--- pkg/tests/Examples/analogue-Ex.Rout.save	2011-09-11 18:10:14 UTC (rev 240)
+++ pkg/tests/Examples/analogue-Ex.Rout.save	2011-09-18 20:51:03 UTC (rev 241)
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
-R version 2.13.1 Patched (2011-07-08 r56332)
+R version 2.13.1 Patched (2011-09-13 r57007)
 Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
 ISBN 3-900051-07-0
 Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
@@ -24,12 +24,12 @@
 > library('analogue')
 Loading required package: vegan
 Loading required package: permute
-This is vegan 1.92-1
+This is vegan 2.0-0
 Loading required package: lattice
 Loading required package: grid
 Loading required package: MASS
 Loading required package: princurve
-This is analogue 0.7-4
+This is analogue 0.7-5
 > assign(".oldSearch", search(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')
 > cleanEx()
@@ -2371,7 +2371,7 @@
 > flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
 > ### Name: gradientDist
-> ### Title: Locations of samples along ordination gradients.
+> ### Title: Positions of samples along a unit-length ordination gradient.
 > ### Aliases: gradientDist gradientDist.default gradientDist.cca
 > ###   gradientDist.prcurve
 > ### Keywords: multivariate utility
@@ -6464,10 +6464,149 @@
 > graphics::par(get("par.postscript", pos = 'CheckExEnv'))
+> cleanEx()
+> nameEx("weightedCor")
+> ### * weightedCor
+> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+> ### Name: weightedCor
+> ### Title: Weighted correlation test of WA reconstruction
+> ### Aliases: weightedCor weightedCor.default print.weightedCor
+> ###   plot.weightedCor
+> ### Keywords: ~kwd1 ~kwd2
+> ### ** Examples
+> data(ImbrieKipp, SumSST, V12.122)
+> Cor <- weightedCor(ImbrieKipp, env = SumSST,
++                    fossil = V12.122, type = "simulate", sim = 49)
+Simulating 49 Weighted Correlations:
+  |                                                                            
+  |                                                                      |   0%
+  |                                                                            
+  |=                                                                     |   2%
+  |                                                                            
+  |===                                                                   |   4%
+  |                                                                            
+  |====                                                                  |   6%
+  |                                                                            
+  |======                                                                |   8%
+  |                                                                            
+  |=======                                                               |  10%
+  |                                                                            
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+> Cor
+	Weighted correlation of WA Transfer Function
+weightedCor(x = ImbrieKipp, env = SumSST, fossil = V12.122, type = "simulate", 
+    sim = 49)
+Test Type           : Simulation
+Weighted Correlation: 0.491 (p = 0.56)
+Correlation         : 0.437 (p = < 2.22e-16)
+> plot(Cor)
+> plot(Cor, type = "null")
 > ### * <FOOTER>
 > ###
 > cat("Time elapsed: ", proc.time() - get("ptime", pos = 'CheckExEnv'),"\n")
-Time elapsed:  25.497 1.413 26.934 0 0 
+Time elapsed:  20.463 0.592 21.27 0 0 
 > grDevices::dev.off()
 null device 

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