[Analogue-commits] r221 - in pkg: . tests tests/Examples

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Fri May 27 11:42:57 CEST 2011

Author: gsimpson
Date: 2011-05-27 11:42:57 +0200 (Fri, 27 May 2011)
New Revision: 221

add a tests directory with a saved copy of output from running the examples

Added: pkg/tests/Examples/analogue-Ex.Rout.save
--- pkg/tests/Examples/analogue-Ex.Rout.save	                        (rev 0)
+++ pkg/tests/Examples/analogue-Ex.Rout.save	2011-05-27 09:42:57 UTC (rev 221)
@@ -0,0 +1,7741 @@
+R version 2.13.0 Patched (2011-05-20 r55969)
+Copyright (C) 2011 The R Foundation for Statistical Computing
+ISBN 3-900051-07-0
+Platform: x86_64-unknown-linux-gnu (64-bit)
+R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY.
+You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions.
+Type 'license()' or 'licence()' for distribution details.
+  Natural language support but running in an English locale
+R is a collaborative project with many contributors.
+Type 'contributors()' for more information and
+'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications.
+Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or
+'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help.
+Type 'q()' to quit R.
+> pkgname <- "analogue"
+> source(file.path(R.home("share"), "R", "examples-header.R"))
+> options(warn = 1)
+> library('analogue')
+Loading required package: vegan
+This is vegan 1.17-8
+Loading required package: lattice
+Loading required package: grid
+Loading required package: MASS
+Loading required package: princurve
+This is analogue 0.7-0
+> assign(".oldSearch", search(), pos = 'CheckExEnv')
+> cleanEx()
+> nameEx("ImbrieKipp")
+> ### * ImbrieKipp
+> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+> ### Name: ImbrieKipp
+> ### Title: Imbrie and Kipp foraminifera training set
+> ### Aliases: ImbrieKipp SumSST WinSST Salinity V12.122
+> ### Keywords: datasets
+> ### ** Examples
+> data(ImbrieKipp)
+> head(ImbrieKipp)
+        O.univ G.cglob G.ruber G.tenel G.saccu G.rubes G.pacL G.pacR G.bullo
+V14.61       0       0    0.00       0    0.00    0.00  98.97   0.90    0.00
+V17.196      0       0    0.00       0    0.00    0.00  98.13   0.94    0.47
+V18.110      0       0    0.00       0    0.00    0.00  96.29   1.71    1.00
+V16.227      0       0    0.00       0    0.00    0.00  94.33   4.82    0.85
+V14.47       0       0    0.11       0    0.11    0.11  68.50   2.71   10.95
+V23.22       0       0    0.00       0    0.00    0.00  55.69  16.62   19.90
+        G.falco G.calid G.aequi G.gluti G.duter G.infla G.trnL G.trnR G.crasf
+V14.61        0       0       0    0.00       0    0.00   0.00      0    0.00
+V17.196       0       0       0    0.47       0    0.00   0.00      0    0.00
+V18.110       0       0       0    0.00       0    0.57   0.00      0    0.00
+V16.227       0       0       0    0.00       0    0.00   0.00      0    0.00
+V14.47        0       0       0    1.95       0   14.20   0.11      0    0.43
+V23.22        0       0       0    2.29       0    1.57   0.00      0    0.00
+        G.scitu G.mentu P.obliq C.nitid S.dehis G.digit Other G.quin G.hirsu
+V14.61     0.00    0.00    0.00       0       0       0  0.13   0.00    0.00
+V17.196    0.00    0.00    0.00       0       0       0  0.00   0.00    0.00
+V18.110    0.00    0.00    0.00       0       0       0  0.43   0.00    0.00
+V16.227    0.00    0.00    0.00       0       0       0  0.00   0.00    0.00
+V14.47     0.11    0.11    0.11       0       0       0  0.18   0.32    0.00
+V23.22     0.00    0.00    0.00       0       0       0  0.65   3.14    0.13
+> data(SumSST)
+> data(WinSST)
+> data(Salinity)
+> plot(cbind(SumSST, WinSST, Salinity))
+> data(V12.122)
+> head(V12.122)
+    O.univ G.cglob G.ruber G.tenel G.saccu G.rubes G.pacL  G.pacR G.bullo
+0  0.01792 0.00489 0.43485 0.00814 0.25570 0.00651      0 0.00163 0.00000
+10 0.03203 0.00712 0.37722 0.00356 0.30961 0.00712      0 0.00356 0.00000
+20 0.02564 0.01709 0.47009 0.00855 0.20513 0.01709      0 0.01282 0.00427
+30 0.01124 0.00562 0.47190 0.01124 0.12360 0.02247      0 0.03933 0.00562
+40 0.00671 0.01007 0.43623 0.03020 0.15436 0.01007      0 0.00336 0.00671
+50 0.01149 0.00766 0.52873 0.00766 0.12261 0.00000      0 0.00383 0.02299
+   G.falco G.calid G.aequi G.gluti G.duter G.infla  G.trnL  G.trnR G.crasf
+0  0.00163 0.00326 0.03257 0.08958 0.04560 0.00163 0.00163 0.00000 0.00000
+10 0.00000 0.00000 0.02491 0.08185 0.05694 0.00000 0.00712 0.00356 0.00000
+20 0.00000 0.00855 0.00855 0.09402 0.05556 0.00000 0.00427 0.00855 0.00000
+30 0.00562 0.02247 0.05056 0.07865 0.06742 0.01124 0.00000 0.01685 0.00562
+40 0.00336 0.01678 0.08054 0.09396 0.03691 0.04698 0.00336 0.02349 0.01342
+50 0.00000 0.01916 0.06897 0.07663 0.04981 0.04215 0.00000 0.02682 0.00766
+   G.scitu G.mentu P.obliq C.nitid S.dehis G.digit   Other G.quin G.hirsu
+0  0.00163 0.07492 0.00977 0.00651 0.00163       0 0.00000      0       0
+10 0.00000 0.05694 0.01423 0.00000 0.00356       0 0.01068      0       0
+20 0.00855 0.02991 0.00855 0.00855 0.00000       0 0.00427      0       0
+30 0.00562 0.01124 0.02247 0.00000 0.00000       0 0.01124      0       0
+40 0.00336 0.01007 0.00671 0.00000 0.00000       0 0.00336      0       0
+50 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000       0 0.00383      0       0
+   G.hexag G.cglom cfH.pel
+0        0       0       0
+10       0       0       0
+20       0       0       0
+30       0       0       0
+40       0       0       0
+50       0       0       0
+> cleanEx()
+> nameEx("Pollen")
+> ### * Pollen
+> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+> ### Name: Pollen
+> ### Title: North American Modern Pollen Database
+> ### Aliases: Pollen Biome Climate Location
+> ### Keywords: datasets
+> ### ** Examples
+> data(Pollen)
+> data(Climate)
+> data(Biome)
+> data(Location)
+> cleanEx()
+> nameEx("RMSEP")
+> ### * RMSEP
+> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+> ### Name: RMSEP
+> ### Title: Root mean square error of prediction
+> ### Aliases: RMSEP RMSEP.default RMSEP.mat RMSEP.bootstrap.mat
+> ###   RMSEP.bootstrap.wa
+> ### Keywords: methods utilities
+> ### ** Examples
+> ## Imbrie and Kipp example
+> ## load the example data
+> data(ImbrieKipp)
+> data(SumSST)
+> data(V12.122)
+> ## merge training and test set on columns
+> dat <- join(ImbrieKipp, V12.122, verbose = TRUE)
+            Rows Cols
+Data set 1:   61   27
+Data set 2:  110   30
+Merged:      171   30
+> ## extract the merged data sets and convert to proportions
+> ImbrieKipp <- dat[[1]] / 100
+> V12.122 <- dat[[2]] / 100
+> ## fit the MAT model using the squared chord distance measure
+> (ik.mat <- mat(ImbrieKipp, SumSST, method = "chord"))
+	Modern Analogue Technique
+mat(x = ImbrieKipp, y = SumSST, method = "chord") 
+Percentiles of the dissimilarities for the training set:
+   1%    2%    5%   10%   20% 
+0.220 0.280 0.341 0.414 0.501 
+Inferences based on the mean of k-closest analogues:
+  k RMSEP    R2 Avg Bias Max Bias
+  1 2.501 0.880    0.321    9.000
+  2 1.875 0.931    0.284    6.000
+  3 1.713 0.941    0.133    5.167
+  4 1.796 0.935    0.177    5.125
+  5 1.748 0.939    0.209    5.100
+  6 1.716 0.943    0.284    5.667
+  7 1.763 0.943    0.381    6.429
+  8 1.831 0.941    0.390    6.625
+  9 1.913 0.940    0.449    7.222
+ 10 2.040 0.935    0.577    7.500
+Inferences based on the weighted mean of k-closest analogues:
+  k RMSEP    R2 Avg Bias Max Bias
+  1 2.501 0.880    0.321    9.000
+  2 1.894 0.929    0.263    6.183
+  3 1.733 0.940    0.138    5.470
+  4 1.773 0.937    0.173    5.384
+  5 1.750 0.939    0.187    5.366
+  6 1.709 0.942    0.218    5.493
+  7 1.712 0.942    0.254    5.635
+  8 1.758 0.940    0.253    5.693
+  9 1.777 0.939    0.274    5.838
+ 10 1.857 0.935    0.362    5.927
+> ## Leave-one-out RMSEP for the MAT model
+> RMSEP(ik.mat)
+[1] 1.733353
+> ## bootstrap training set
+> (ik.boot <- bootstrap(ik.mat, n.boot = 100))
+	Bootstrap results for palaeoecological models
+Model type: MAT 
+Weighted mean: FALSE 
+Number of bootstrap cycles: 100 
+Leave-one-out and bootstrap-derived error estimates:
+          k RMSEP     S1    S2 r.squared avg.bias max.bias
+LOO       3 1.713      -     -    0.9409   0.1328    5.167
+Bootstrap 5 1.953 0.9133 1.726    0.9707   0.3017    5.484
+> ## extract the Birks et al (1990) RMSEP
+> RMSEP(ik.boot)
+[1] 1.952979
+> ## Calculate the alternative formulation
+> RMSEP(ik.boot, type = "standard")
+[1] 1.726244
+> cleanEx()
+> nameEx("Stratiplot")
+> ### * Stratiplot
+> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+> ### Name: Stratiplot
+> ### Title: Palaeoecological stratigraphic diagrams
+> ### Aliases: Stratiplot Stratiplot.default Stratiplot.formula
+> ### Keywords: hplot
+> ### ** Examples
+> data(V12.122)
+> Depths <- as.numeric(rownames(V12.122))
+> (plt <- Stratiplot(Depths ~ O.univ + G.ruber + G.tenel + G.pacR,
++                    data = V12.122,  type = c("h","l","g","smooth")))
+> ## Order taxa by WA in depth --- ephasises change over time
+> (plt <- Stratiplot(Depths ~ O.univ + G.ruber + G.tenel + G.pacR,
++                    data = V12.122, type = c("h"), sort = "wa"))
+> ## Using the default interface
+> spp.want <- c("O.univ","G.ruber","G.tenel","G.pacR")
+> (plt <- Stratiplot(V12.122[, spp.want], y = Depths,
++                    type = c("poly", "g")))
+> ## Adding zones to a Stratigraphic plot
+> ## Default labelling and draw zone legend
+> ## Here we choose 4 arbitrary Depths as the zone boundaries
+> set.seed(123)
+> Zones <-sample(Depths, 4)
+> (plt <- Stratiplot(Depths ~ O.univ + G.ruber + G.tenel + G.pacR,
++                    data = V12.122, type = c("poly","g"),
++                    zones = Zones))
+> ## As before, but supplying your own zone labels
+> zone.labs <- c("A","B","C","D","E")
+> (plt <- Stratiplot(Depths ~ O.univ + G.ruber + G.tenel + G.pacR,
++                    data = V12.122, type = c("poly","g"),
++                    zones = Zones, zoneNames = zone.labs))
+> ## Suppress the drawing of the zone legend
+> (plt <- Stratiplot(Depths ~ O.univ + G.ruber + G.tenel + G.pacR,
++                    data = V12.122, type = c("poly","g"),
++                    zones = Zones, drawLegend = FALSE))
+> ## Add zones and draw a legend, but do not label the zones
+> (plt <- Stratiplot(Depths ~ O.univ + G.ruber + G.tenel + G.pacR,
++                    data = V12.122, type = c("poly","g"),
++                    zones = Zones, zoneNames = ""))
+> cleanEx()
+> nameEx("abernethy")
+> ### * abernethy
+> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+> ### Name: abernethy
+> ### Title: Abernethy Forest Pollen Sequence
+> ### Aliases: abernethy
+> ### Keywords: datasets
+> ### ** Examples
+> data(abernethy)
+> head(abernethy)
+  Betula Pinus sylvestris Ulmus Quercus Alnus glutinosa Corylus-Myrica Salix
+1  15.11            51.82  2.68    3.44            5.54           6.88  0.00
+2  21.00            59.48  0.93    1.86            0.93           7.81  0.93
+3   9.26            76.23  0.54    1.09            0.73           7.08  0.00
+4  20.70            74.84  0.80    0.48            0.00           0.96  0.16
+5   6.07            88.06  0.39    1.37            0.20           1.17  0.20
+6  11.32            81.57  1.15    1.34            0.19           2.30  0.58
+  Juniperus communis Calluna vulgaris Empetrum Gramineae Cyperaceae
+1                  0             7.07     0.76      1.34       4.78
+2                  0             3.35     0.74      0.56       2.04
+3                  0             2.36     0.36      0.18       2.18
+4                  0             0.64     0.00      0.32       0.64
+5                  0             0.78     0.59      0.39       0.59
+6                  0             0.38     0.00      0.38       0.58
+  Solidago-type Compositae Artemisia Caryophyllaceae Sagina Silene
+1             0          0         0               0      0      0
+2             0          0         0               0      0      0
+3             0          0         0               0      0      0
+4             0          0         0               0      0      0
+5             0          0         0               0      0      0
+6             0          0         0               0      0      0
+  Chenopodiaceae Epilobium-type Papilionaceae Anthyllis vulneraria
+1              0              0             0                    0
+2              0              0             0                    0
+3              0              0             0                    0
+4              0              0             0                    0
+5              0              0             0                    0
+6              0              0             0                    0
+  Astragalus alpinus Ononis-type Rosaceae Rubiaceae Ranunculaceae Thalictrum
+1                  0           0     0.00         0             0          0
+2                  0           0     0.19         0             0          0
+3                  0           0     0.00         0             0          0
+4                  0           0     0.00         0             0          0
+5                  0           0     0.00         0             0          0
+6                  0           0     0.19         0             0          0
+  Rumex acetosa-type Oxyria-type Parnassia palustris Saxifraga spp1
+1                  0           0                   0              0
+2                  0           0                   0              0
+3                  0           0                   0              0
+4                  0           0                   0              0
+5                  0           0                   0              0
+6                  0           0                   0              0
+  Saxifraga spp2 Sedum Urtica Veronica Depth  Age
+1              0     0      0        0   300 5515
+2              0     0      0        0   305 5632
+3              0     0      0        0   310 5749
+4              0     0      0        0   315 5866
+5              0     0      0        0   320 5983
+6              0     0      0        0   325 6100
+> (plt <- Stratiplot(Age ~ . - Depth,
++                    data = chooseTaxa(abernethy, n.occ = 5,
++                                      max.abun = 10),
++                    type = "poly"))
+> cleanEx()
+> nameEx("analog")
+> ### * analog
+> flush(stderr()); flush(stdout())
+> ### Name: analog
+> ### Title: Analogue matching
+> ### Aliases: analog analog.default print.analog
+> ### Keywords: multivariate
+> ### ** Examples
+> ## Imbrie and Kipp example
+> ## load the example data
+> data(ImbrieKipp)
+> data(SumSST)
+> data(V12.122)
+> ## merge training and test set on columns
+> dat <- join(ImbrieKipp, V12.122, verbose = TRUE)
+            Rows Cols
+Data set 1:   61   27
+Data set 2:  110   30
+Merged:      171   30
+> ## extract the merged data sets and convert to proportions
+> ImbrieKipp <- dat[[1]] / 100
+> V12.122 <- dat[[2]] / 100
+> ## Imbrie and Kipp foraminfera sea-surface temperature
+> ## analog matching between SWAP and RLGH core
+> ik.analog <- analog(ImbrieKipp, V12.122, method = "chord")
+> ik.analog
+	Analogue matching for fossil samples
+Call: analog(x = ImbrieKipp, y = V12.122, method = "chord") 
+Dissimilarity: chord 
+Percentiles of the dissimilarities for the training set:
+   1%    2%    5%   10%   20% 
+0.220 0.280 0.341 0.414 0.501 
+	Minimum dissimilarity per sample
+Dissimilarity: chord 
+    0    10    20    30    40    50    60    70    80    90   100   110   120 
+0.900 0.902 0.903 0.904 0.904 0.907 0.907 0.908 0.908 0.908 0.910 0.908 0.910 
+  130   140   150   160   170   180   190   200   210   220   230   240   250 
+0.909 0.911 0.908 0.908 0.906 0.908 0.909 0.906 0.907 0.906 0.906 0.906 0.906 
+  260   270   280   290   300   310   320   330   340   350   360   370   380 
+0.906 0.909 0.910 0.907 0.907 0.912 0.910 0.911 0.907 0.908 0.908 0.910 0.908 
+  390   400   410   420   430   440   450   460   470   480   490   500   510 
+0.910 0.907 0.911 0.906 0.909 0.905 0.906 0.907 0.906 0.909 0.907 0.906 0.911 
+  520   530   540   550   560   570   580   590   600   610   620   630   640 
+0.907 0.910 0.910 0.910 0.907 0.907 0.906 0.904 0.906 0.910 0.913 0.906 0.907 
+  650   660   670   680   690   700   710   720   730   740   750   760   770 
+0.906 0.910 0.911 0.913 0.907 0.909 0.909 0.912 0.914 0.908 0.907 0.909 0.911 
+  780   790   800   810   820   830   840   850   860   870   880   890   900 
+0.914 0.907 0.907 0.908 0.908 0.906 0.907 0.910 0.910 0.910 0.909 0.913 0.912 
+  910   920   930   940   950   960   970   980   990  1000  1010  1020  1030 
+0.908 0.909 0.909 0.907 0.910 0.909 0.908 0.907 0.911 0.908 0.913 0.910 0.910 
+ 1040  1050  1060  1070  1080  1090 
+0.912 0.906 0.910 0.910 0.908 0.907 
+> summary(ik.analog)
+	Analogue matching for fossil samples
+Call: analog(x = ImbrieKipp, y = V12.122, method = "chord") 
+Dissimilarity: chord 
+k-closest: 10 
+Percentiles of the dissimilarities for the training set:
+   1%    2%    5%   10%   20% 
+0.220 0.280 0.341 0.414 0.501 
+k-closest analogues
+   k         0        10        20        30        40        50        60
+   1  V12.122   V12.122   V12.122   V20.230   V22.172   V22.172   V22.172 
+   2  V14.5     V20.234   V20.234   V14.90    V20.167   V20.167   A153.154
+   3  V20.234   V14.5     V16.21    V22.172   V19.216   V19.216   V10.89  
+   4  V18.21    V18.21    A180.76   V9.31     V10.89    V10.89    A179.13 
+   5  A180.76   A180.76   V14.5     V12.79    V22.204   V16.21    V16.21  
+   6  A180.72   A180.72   V15.164   V19.216   V16.21    V15.164   V20.167 
+   7  V15.164   V20.230   V20.230   A180.72   V20.234   V20.234   V22.219 
+   8  V16.21    V20.167   V14.90    V22.204   V20.230   A153.154  V19.308 
+   9  V20.167   V16.21    A180.72   A180.76   V14.90    V20.230   V12.18  
+  10  V20.230   V20.7     V20.167   V20.167   V15.164   A179.13   V19.216 
+        70        80        90       100       110       120       130
+  V10.89    V22.172   V19.216   V19.216   V9.31     V9.31     V9.31   
+  V22.172   V19.216   V22.172   V22.204   V14.90    V19.216   V14.90  
+  V16.21    V20.167   V22.204   V9.31     V20.230   V22.172   V19.216 
+  V14.90    V16.21    V16.190   V22.172   V19.216   V14.90    V22.172 
+  V19.216   V10.89    A153.154  V20.234   V22.204   V20.230   V20.230 
+  A153.154  V15.164   V14.90    V14.90    V12.79    V20.167   V12.79  
+  V20.167   A179.13   V9.31     V16.21    V22.172   A153.154  V22.204 
+  V20.234   V20.230   V20.167   V10.89    A180.72   V22.204   A153.154
+  V22.204   V20.234   V12.18    A153.154  A180.76   V12.79    V16.190 
+  V9.31     V14.90    V10.89    V15.164   V20.234   V3.128    A180.72 
+       140       150       160       170       180       190       200
+  V9.31     V10.89    V20.167   V20.167   A179.13   V19.216   V20.230 
+  V22.172   V22.172   V20.230   V10.89    V20.167   V20.230   V14.90  
+  V20.230   V20.167   V10.89    V20.230   V14.90    V14.90    V22.172 
+  V20.234   V19.216   V19.216   V16.21    V20.230   V9.31     V9.31   
+  V14.90    V16.21    V9.31     V22.172   V10.89    V22.172   V20.167 
+  V20.167   A153.154  V14.90    A153.154  V16.21    V20.167   V20.234 
+  V12.122   V14.90    A153.154  V14.90    V22.172   V12.79    V12.122 
+  V19.216   V20.234   V16.190   A179.13   V9.31     V12.122   V12.79  
+  A180.72   V15.164   V16.33    V9.31     V15.164   V20.234   V16.21  
+  V16.21    V20.230   V22.172   V22.219   V19.216   V3.128    A180.72 
+       210       220       230       240       250       260       270
+  V14.90    V12.122   V12.122   V3.128    V14.90    V14.90    V14.90  
+  V22.172   V14.90    V18.21    V20.167   V22.204   V20.167   V22.172 
+  V20.167   V20.230   V14.90    V12.122   V22.172   V22.172   A180.72 
+  V3.128    V18.21    V14.5     V14.90    A180.72   V3.128    V12.122 
+  V12.122   V20.167   A180.76   V18.21    V12.79    V12.122   V12.79  
+  V20.230   V20.234   V20.234   V22.172   V12.122   A180.72   V22.204 
+  V20.234   V14.5     V3.128    A180.76   A180.76   V22.204   V3.128  
+  A180.72   V22.172   A180.72   V15.164   V20.167   V12.79    A180.78 
+  V15.164   A180.72   V20.167   A180.72   V10.89    A180.76   V18.21  
+  A180.76   A180.76   V15.164   V14.5     V15.164   V20.230   V20.167 
+       280       290       300       310       320       330       340
+  V22.172   V12.122   V22.172   V19.216   V19.216   V22.172   V19.216 
+  V14.90    V14.90    V20.167   V16.33    V9.31     V19.216   V10.89  
+  V12.122   A180.72   V19.216   V14.90    V22.172   V14.90    V22.172 
+  V22.204   V14.5     V15.164   V22.172   V20.230   V10.89    A153.154
+  V19.216   V20.167   V16.21    V9.31     V20.234   A153.154  V20.167 
+  V15.164   V18.21    V10.89    V10.89    V20.167   V22.204   A179.13 
+  V18.21    A180.76   V14.90    V20.167   V22.204   V9.31     V22.204 
+  V12.79    V20.234   V20.234   V20.230   V14.90    A180.39   V19.308 
+  V14.5     V3.128    V20.230   V16.190   V16.21    V16.190   V16.21  
+  V20.234   V22.172   A179.13   V16.21    V10.89    V22.219   V22.219 
+       350       360       370       380       390       400       410
+  V20.230   V20.167   V19.216   V9.31     V19.216   V9.31     V3.128  
+  V20.167   V22.172   V22.172   V12.122   V22.172   V14.90    V12.122 
+  V9.31     V16.21    V20.167   V20.234   V3.128    V22.204   V20.167 
+  V19.216   V10.89    V3.128    V14.90    V12.122   A180.76   V20.230 
+  V14.90    V14.90    V22.204   V20.230   V14.90    V20.230   V14.90  
+  V16.21    V20.234   V12.122   A180.76   V9.31     A180.72   V9.31   
+  V22.172   V15.164   V20.234   V3.128    V20.234   V22.172   V22.172 
+  V16.33    V12.122   V20.230   A180.72   V16.33    V12.79    V20.7   
+  V10.89    A179.13   V15.164   V22.204   V20.167   V19.216   V20.234 
+  V15.164   V20.230   V16.33    V20.167   V22.204   V20.234   V19.216 
+       420       430       440       450       460       470       480
+  V9.31     V12.122   V9.31     A180.76   V20.167   V20.167   V14.90  
+  V20.234   V9.31     V14.90    V18.21    V3.128    V22.172   A180.76 
+  V14.90    V14.90    V20.234   V20.234   V14.5     V20.234   V22.204 
+  V20.230   V20.234   V20.230   A180.72   V18.21    V3.128    V22.172 
+  V22.172   A180.76   V12.122   V12.122   A180.76   V14.90    A180.72 
+  V12.122   V20.230   A180.72   V14.5     V20.234   V20.230   V12.79  
+  V20.167   V3.128    V22.204   V20.230   V12.122   A180.76   V20.230 
+  V15.164   A180.72   A180.76   V15.164   V20.230   A180.72   V20.234 
+  V3.128    V20.167   V12.79    V3.128    A180.72   V22.204   V3.128  
+  A180.76   V22.172   V19.216   V14.90    V15.164   V19.216   A180.78 
+       490       500       510       520       530       540       550
+  V20.234   V12.122   V9.31     V14.90    V20.167   V10.89    V22.204 
+  V3.128    V20.234   V22.204   V22.204   V19.216   A153.154  V16.190 
+  A180.76   A180.76   V14.90    V9.31     V22.172   V22.219   V19.216 
+  A180.72   V20.230   V20.234   V3.128    V10.89    V19.216   V22.172 
+  V12.122   V18.21    V20.230   V19.216   V16.21    V12.18    V14.90  
+  V22.204   A180.72   V12.122   A180.76   V22.204   V16.190   V20.230 
+  V18.21    V3.128    A180.72   A180.72   V12.122   V22.172   V12.79  
+  V14.90    V14.5     V19.216   A180.78   V15.164   V16.21    V9.31   
+  V14.5     V20.7     A180.76   V12.79    V20.234   V20.167   A180.72 
+  V20.230   V20.167   V22.172   V22.172   V20.230   V22.204   V10.89  
+       560       570       580       590       600       610       620
+  V14.90    V20.230   V22.204   V20.167   V14.90    V20.167   V22.204 
+  V20.230   V9.31     V12.79    V22.172   A180.72   V14.90    V20.167 
+  A180.76   A180.78   V14.90    V15.164   A180.76   V22.204   V19.216 
+  V9.31     V14.90    A180.72   V16.21    V22.204   V12.122   V12.122 
+  A180.72   A180.72   V22.172   V10.89    V12.122   V22.172   V22.172 
+  A180.78   V22.204   V20.230   V19.216   V9.31     V20.230   V3.128  
+  V3.128    A180.76   A180.76   V20.230   V20.234   V19.216   V20.234 
+  V12.79    V3.128    V9.31     V20.234   V22.172   V3.128    V14.90  
+  V22.172   V12.79    V19.216   V3.128    V12.79    V12.79    V20.230 
+  V22.204   V20.234   V20.234   V14.90    V20.230   A180.72   V16.33  
+       630       640       650       660       670       680       690
+  V14.90    V12.122   V22.204   V14.90    V9.31     V3.128    A179.13 
+  V9.31     V14.90    V12.122   V19.216   V20.234   V14.90    V16.21  
+  A180.76   V20.234   V20.234   V22.204   V22.204   V22.172   V10.89  
+  A180.72   V20.167   V14.90    V20.167   V14.90    V20.167   V15.164 
+  V12.122   V14.5     V22.172   V22.172   A180.72   V19.216   V20.167 
+  V22.204   V22.204   A180.72   V9.31     V22.172   V9.31     V22.172 
+  V20.230   A180.72   V20.167   V3.128    V20.230   V22.204   V22.204 
+  V20.234   V3.128    V14.5     V16.33    V12.122   V16.190   V22.219 
+  V22.172   V18.21    A180.76   A180.72   V20.167   V20.230   V12.18  
+  V20.167   V20.230   V15.164   V10.89    V15.164   A180.72   V19.308 
+       700       710       720       730       740       750       760
+  V12.122   V20.167   V22.204   V14.90    V14.90    V22.204   V20.234 
+  V22.204   V3.128    V22.172   V3.128    V22.204   V20.234   V22.204 
+  V20.167   V16.21    V9.31     V9.31     A180.72   V14.90    V14.90  
+  V20.234   V15.164   V20.230   V22.172   V12.122   A180.72   A180.76 
+  V22.172   V10.89    V14.90    V22.204   V22.172   V12.79    A180.72 
+  V19.216   V20.234   V3.128    V20.230   V20.234   V22.172   V3.128  
+  V16.21    V12.122   V10.89    V20.167   V20.230   V20.230   V20.167 
+  V10.89    V20.230   V19.216   V12.122   V12.79    V12.122   V12.122 
+  V15.164   V22.172   V20.167   V19.216   V20.167   V9.31     V20.230 
+  A180.72   V22.204   A180.72   V20.234   V3.128    A180.76   V9.31   
+       770       780       790       800       810       820       830
+  V3.128    V3.128    V18.21    V12.122   V12.122   V14.90    V19.216 
+  V20.167   V18.21    V12.122   V18.21    V14.90    V22.204   V22.172 
+  V15.164   A180.78   V14.5     V14.5     V22.172   V19.216   V20.167 
+  V20.230   V14.90    V20.167   V20.234   V22.204   V12.79    V16.33  
+  V14.90    V12.122   V14.90    V20.167   V15.164   V22.172   V22.204 
+  V16.21    V22.172   A180.72   V15.164   V20.234   V20.230   V14.90  
+  V22.204   V20.167   V3.128    A180.72   V12.79    A180.72   V12.122 
+  A180.76   A180.72   A180.76   V14.90    V14.5     V20.167   V16.190 
+  V9.31     V20.230   V20.234   V12.79    V18.21    V10.89    V12.79  
+  V12.122   V14.5     V15.164   V16.21    A180.72   A180.76   V10.89  
+       840       850       860       870       880       890       900
+  V19.216   V22.204   V22.204   V19.216   V19.216   V19.216   V19.216 
+  V16.33    V20.234   V14.90    V22.172   V9.31     V19.222   V9.31   
+  V22.204   V19.216   V22.172   V20.167   V22.172   V16.190   V12.79  
+  V20.167   V9.31     V20.167   V22.204   V20.230   V10.98    V22.204 
+  V20.234   V14.90    V19.216   V15.164   V12.122   V22.204   V14.90  
+  V10.89    V12.122   V10.89    V14.90    V14.90    A180.39   V22.172 
+  V22.172   V20.167   A179.13   V3.128    V20.234   V14.90    V20.230 
+  A180.72   V20.230   V15.164   V10.89    V12.79    V22.172   V16.190 
+  V9.31     A180.76   V12.18    V20.230   V20.167   V12.79    A180.39 
+  V14.90    A180.72   V9.31     V16.21    A180.72   V9.31     V19.222 
+       910       920       930       940       950       960       970
+  V19.216   V19.216   V9.31     V19.216   V20.167   V20.230   V9.31   
+  V22.204   V9.31     V20.230   V20.230   V14.90    V12.122   V20.234 
+  V16.190   V16.190   V19.216   V9.31     V16.21    V20.234   V20.230 
+  V22.172   V14.90    V22.204   V20.167   V20.230   V12.79    V22.172 
+  V19.222   V22.204   V22.172   V14.90    V12.122   V22.172   A180.76 
+  V12.79    V22.172   V14.90    V22.172   V9.31     V16.21    V19.216 
+  A180.39   V20.230   V20.234   V12.79    V20.234   V19.216   V16.21  
+  V14.90    A180.39   V20.167   V16.21    V15.164   V9.31     V20.167 
+  A153.154  V10.98    V12.79    A180.72   V22.172   V14.90    A180.72 
+  V9.31     V12.79    A180.72   V20.234   A179.13   A180.72   V14.90  
+       980       990      1000      1010      1020      1030      1040
+  V9.31     V9.31     V19.216   V14.90    V19.216   V14.90    V9.31   
+  V20.230   V20.234   V14.90    V9.31     V16.190   V19.216   V14.90  
+  V14.90    V20.230   V22.172   V20.230   V22.204   V22.172   V22.204 
+  V20.234   V14.90    V9.31     V22.172   V22.172   V22.204   V19.216 
+  A180.76   V22.172   V20.230   V12.79    V19.222   V9.31     V20.234 
+  V22.172   V22.204   V12.79    A180.72   V14.90    V12.79    V12.79  
+  A180.72   V12.79    V20.167   V19.216   A180.39   V16.190   V22.172 
+  V12.79    V12.122   A180.72   V22.204   V12.66    A180.72   A180.72 
+  V19.216   V19.216   V22.204   A180.39   V10.98    V20.234   A180.78 
+  V12.122   A180.72   V16.21    V12.122   V12.79    V20.230   A180.76 
+      1050      1060      1070      1080      1090
+  V19.216   V22.204   V16.190   V19.216   V22.172 
+  V22.204   V19.216   V19.216   V12.122   V22.204 
+  V14.90    V14.90    V22.172   V22.172   V14.90  
+  V22.172   V12.122   V22.204   V14.90    V19.216 
+  V12.79    V22.172   V14.90    V22.204   V10.89  
+  V9.31     V12.79    V12.18    V20.167   V20.167 
+  V12.122   A180.72   V10.89    V12.79    V12.79  
+  A180.72   V9.31     V20.167   A180.72   V20.234 
+  V16.33    V20.234   V22.219   V20.230   V9.31   
+  V16.190   A180.78   V9.31     V20.234   A180.72 
+Dissimilarities for k-closest analogues
+   k      0     10     20     30     40     50     60     70     80     90
+   1  0.900  0.902  0.903  0.904  0.904  0.907  0.907  0.908  0.908  0.908
+   2  0.903  0.904  0.904  0.904  0.905  0.908  0.908  0.909  0.908  0.910
+   3  0.903  0.904  0.906  0.904  0.906  0.908  0.909  0.910  0.909  0.913
+   4  0.903  0.906  0.906  0.905  0.906  0.909  0.910  0.910  0.909  0.913
+   5  0.905  0.906  0.906  0.905  0.908  0.909  0.910  0.910  0.909  0.914
+   6  0.905  0.907  0.906  0.905  0.908  0.909  0.910  0.911  0.910  0.914
+   7  0.907  0.907  0.907  0.906  0.908  0.911  0.910  0.911  0.910  0.914
+   8  0.907  0.908  0.907  0.906  0.908  0.911  0.911  0.911  0.910  0.914
+   9  0.907  0.909  0.907  0.906  0.908  0.911  0.911  0.911  0.911  0.915
+  10  0.908  0.910  0.907  0.906  0.908  0.912  0.911  0.911  0.911  0.915
+    100    110    120    130    140    150    160    170    180    190    200
+  0.910  0.908  0.910  0.909  0.911  0.908  0.908  0.906  0.908  0.909  0.906
+  0.911  0.910  0.910  0.909  0.911  0.909  0.910  0.907  0.910  0.910  0.908
+  0.911  0.912  0.911  0.910  0.912  0.909  0.910  0.907  0.910  0.910  0.908
+  0.912  0.913  0.911  0.911  0.912  0.910  0.910  0.907  0.911  0.910  0.908
+  0.913  0.914  0.912  0.911  0.914  0.910  0.910  0.907  0.911  0.912  0.908
+  0.913  0.914  0.914  0.913  0.914  0.910  0.910  0.908  0.911  0.912  0.909
+  0.913  0.914  0.914  0.913  0.915  0.911  0.910  0.908  0.911  0.912  0.909
+  0.913  0.915  0.914  0.914  0.915  0.911  0.910  0.908  0.912  0.913  0.910
+  0.914  0.915  0.915  0.914  0.915  0.911  0.911  0.909  0.913  0.914  0.910
+  0.914  0.915  0.915  0.914  0.915  0.912  0.911  0.910  0.914  0.914  0.910
+    210    220    230    240    250    260    270    280    290    300    310
+  0.907  0.906  0.906  0.906  0.906  0.906  0.909  0.910  0.907  0.907  0.912
+  0.908  0.909  0.908  0.910  0.908  0.908  0.910  0.911  0.908  0.908  0.913
+  0.908  0.909  0.908  0.911  0.909  0.908  0.911  0.911  0.909  0.908  0.913
+  0.908  0.909  0.908  0.911  0.910  0.908  0.912  0.911  0.909  0.909  0.914
+  0.909  0.909  0.909  0.911  0.910  0.908  0.912  0.912  0.910  0.909  0.915
+  0.910  0.909  0.909  0.912  0.911  0.909  0.912  0.912  0.910  0.909  0.916
+  0.910  0.909  0.910  0.912  0.911  0.909  0.913  0.912  0.910  0.909  0.916
+  0.910  0.910  0.910  0.913  0.911  0.910  0.913  0.912  0.911  0.910  0.916
+  0.910  0.910  0.910  0.913  0.911  0.910  0.913  0.913  0.912  0.910  0.916
+  0.910  0.910  0.911  0.913  0.911  0.910  0.914  0.914  0.912  0.910  0.917
+    320    330    340    350    360    370    380    390    400    410    420
+  0.910  0.911  0.907  0.908  0.908  0.910  0.908  0.910  0.907  0.911  0.906
+  0.911  0.911  0.908  0.909  0.909  0.910  0.909  0.910  0.907  0.911  0.907
+  0.911  0.911  0.908  0.909  0.909  0.911  0.909  0.912  0.909  0.912  0.907
+  0.912  0.911  0.909  0.910  0.909  0.912  0.909  0.912  0.910  0.912  0.907
+  0.912  0.912  0.909  0.910  0.909  0.912  0.910  0.912  0.910  0.912  0.908
+  0.912  0.912  0.910  0.910  0.909  0.912  0.911  0.912  0.910  0.912  0.908
+  0.913  0.913  0.911  0.911  0.909  0.913  0.911  0.913  0.910  0.913  0.909
+  0.913  0.913  0.911  0.911  0.909  0.913  0.911  0.913  0.911  0.913  0.909
+  0.913  0.913  0.911  0.912  0.910  0.914  0.911  0.913  0.911  0.913  0.909
+  0.913  0.913  0.911  0.912  0.910  0.914  0.911  0.913  0.911  0.914  0.909
+    430    440    450    460    470    480    490    500    510    520    530
+  0.909  0.905  0.906  0.907  0.906  0.909  0.907  0.906  0.911  0.907  0.910
+  0.911  0.908  0.907  0.907  0.906  0.909  0.907  0.907  0.912  0.910  0.911

To get the complete diff run:
    svnlook diff /svnroot/analogue -r 221

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